Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
* Implementation of OpenSSH 9.x's hybrid key exchange protocol
* .
* This consists of the 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
* cryptosystem, run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519 to generate
* a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
* (Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
* all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
* already.)
* References for the NTRU Prime cryptosystem, up to and including
* binary encodings of public and private keys and the exact preimages
* of the hashes used in key exchange:
* The SSH protocol layer is not documented anywhere I could find (as
* of 2022-04-15, not even in OpenSSH's PROTOCOL.* files). I had to
* read OpenSSH's source code to find out how it worked, and the
* answer is as follows:
* This hybrid kex method is treated for SSH purposes as a form of
* elliptic-curve Diffie-Hellman, and shares the same SSH message
* sequence: client sends SSH2_MSG_KEX_ECDH_INIT containing its public
* half, server responds with SSH2_MSG_KEX_ECDH_REPLY containing _its_
* public half plus the host key and signature on the shared secret.
* (This is a bit of a fudge, because unlike actual ECDH, this kex
* method is asymmetric: one side sends a public key, and the other
* side encrypts something with it and sends the ciphertext back. So
* while the normal ECDH implementations can compute the two sides
* independently in parallel, this system reusing the same messages
* has to be serial. But the order of the messages _is_ firmly
* specified in SSH ECDH, so it works anyway.)
* For this kex method, SSH2_MSG_KEX_ECDH_INIT still contains a single
* SSH 'string', which consists of the concatenation of a Streamlined
* NTRU Prime public key with the Curve25519 public value. (Both of
* these have fixed length in bytes, so there's no ambiguity in the
* concatenation.)
* SSH2_MSG_KEX_ECDH_REPLY is mostly the same as usual. The only
* string in the packet that varies is the second one, which would
* normally contain the server's public elliptic curve point. Instead,
* it now contains the concatenation of
* - a Streamlined NTRU Prime ciphertext
* - the 'confirmation hash' specified in ntruprime-20201007.pdf,
* hashing the plaintext of that ciphertext together with the
* public key
* - the Curve25519 public point as usual.
* Again, all three of those elements have fixed lengths.
* The client decrypts the ciphertext, checks the confirmation hash,
* and if successful, generates the 'session hash' specified in
* ntruprime-20201007.pdf, which is 32 bytes long and is the ultimate
* output of the Streamlined NTRU Prime key exchange.
* The output of the hybrid kex method as a whole is an SSH 'string'
* of length 64 containing the SHA-512 hash of the concatenatio of
* - the Streamlined NTRU Prime session hash (32 bytes)
* - the Curve25519 shared secret (32 bytes).
* That string is included directly into the SSH exchange hash and key
* derivation hashes, in place of the mpint that comes out of most
* other kex methods.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "putty.h"
#include "ssh.h"
#include "mpint.h"
#include "ntru.h"
2024-12-01 09:55:39 +00:00
#include "smallmoduli.h"
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
/* Invert x mod q, assuming it's nonzero. (For time-safety, no check
2024-12-01 09:55:39 +00:00
* is made for zero; it just returns 0.)
* Expects qrecip == reciprocal_for_reduction(q). (But it's passed in
* as a parameter to save recomputing it, on the theory that the
* caller will have had it lying around already in most cases.) */
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
static uint16_t invert(uint16_t x, uint16_t q, uint64_t qrecip)
/* Fermat inversion: compute x^(q-2), since x^(q-1) == 1. */
uint32_t sq = x, bit = 1, acc = 1, exp = q-2;
while (1) {
if (exp & bit) {
acc = reduce(acc * sq, q, qrecip);
exp &= ~bit;
if (!exp)
return acc;
sq = reduce(sq * sq, q, qrecip);
bit <<= 1;
/* Check whether x == 0, time-safely, and return 1 if it is or 0 otherwise. */
static unsigned iszero(uint16_t x)
return 1 & ~((x + 0xFFFF) >> 16);
* Handy macros to cut down on all those extra function parameters. In
* the common case where a function is working mod the same modulus
* throughout (and has called it q), you can just write 'SETUP;' at
* the top and then call REDUCE(...) and INVERT(...) without having to
* write out q and qrecip every time.
#define SETUP uint64_t qrecip = reciprocal_for_reduction(q)
#define REDUCE(x) reduce(x, q, qrecip)
#define INVERT(x) invert(x, q, qrecip)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Quotient-ring functions.
* NTRU Prime works with two similar but different quotient rings:
* Z_q[x] / <x^p-x-1> where p,q are the prime parameters of the system
* Z_3[x] / <x^p-x-1> with the same p, but coefficients mod 3.
* The former is a field (every nonzero element is invertible),
* because the system parameters are chosen such that x^p-x-1 is
* invertible over Z_q. The latter is not a field (or not necessarily,
* and in particular, not for the value of p we use here).
* In these core functions, you pass in the modulus you want as the
* parameter q, which is either the 'real' q specified in the system
* parameters, or 3 if you're doing one of the mod-3 parts of the
* algorithm.
* Multiply two elements of a quotient ring.
* 'a' and 'b' are arrays of exactly p coefficients, with constant
* term first. 'out' is an array the same size to write the inverse
* into.
void ntru_ring_multiply(uint16_t *out, const uint16_t *a, const uint16_t *b,
unsigned p, unsigned q)
* Strategy: just compute the full product with 2p coefficients,
* and then reduce it mod x^p-x-1 by working downwards from the
* top coefficient replacing x^{p+k} with (x+1)x^k for k = ...,1,0.
* Possibly some speed could be gained here by doing the recursive
* Karatsuba optimisation for the initial multiplication? But I
* haven't tried it.
uint32_t *unreduced = snewn(2*p, uint32_t);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 2*p; i++)
unreduced[i] = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < p; i++)
for (unsigned j = 0; j < p; j++)
unreduced[i+j] = REDUCE(unreduced[i+j] + a[i] * b[j]);
for (unsigned i = 2*p - 1; i >= p; i--) {
unreduced[i-p] += unreduced[i];
unreduced[i-p+1] += unreduced[i];
unreduced[i] = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < p; i++)
out[i] = REDUCE(unreduced[i]);
smemclr(unreduced, 2*p * sizeof(*unreduced));
* Invert an element of the quotient ring.
* 'in' is an array of exactly p coefficients, with constant term
* first. 'out' is an array the same size to write the inverse into.
* Method: essentially Stein's gcd algorithm, taking the gcd of the
* input (regarded as an element of Z_q[x] proper) and x^p-x-1. Given
* two polynomials over a field which are not both divisible by x, you
* can find their gcd by iterating the following procedure:
* - if one is divisible by x, divide off x
* - otherwise, subtract from the higher-degree one whatever scalar
* multiple of the lower-degree one will make it divisible by x,
* and _then_ divide off x
* Neither of these types of step changes the gcd of the two
* polynomials.
* Each step reduces the sum of the two polynomials' degree by at
* least one, as long as at least one of the degrees is positive.
* (Maybe more than one if all the stars align in the second case, if
* the subtraction cancels the leading term as well as the constant
* term.) So in at most deg A + deg B steps, we must have reached the
NTRU: speed up the polynomial inversion.
I wasn't really satisfied with the previous version, but it was
easiest to get Stein's algorithm working on polynomials by doing it
exactly how I already knew to do it for integers. But now I've
improved it in two ways.
The first improvement I got from another implementation: instead of
transforming A into A - kB for some k that makes the constant term
zero, you can scale _both_ inputs, replacing A with mA - kB for some
k,m. The advantage is that you can calculate m and k very easily, by
making each one the constant term of the other polynomial, which means
you don't need to invert something mod q in every step. (Rather like
the projective-coordinates optimisations in elliptic curves, where
instead of inverting in every step you accumulate the product of all
the factors that need to be inverted, and invert the whole product
once at the very end.)
The second improvement is to abandon my cumbersome unwinding loop that
builds up the output coefficients by reversing the steps in the
original gcd-finding loop. Instead, I do the thing you do in normal
Euclid's algorithm: keep track of the coefficients as you go through
the original loop. I had wanted to do this before, but hadn't figured
out how you could deal with dividing a coefficient by x when (unlike
the associated real value) the coefficient isn't a multiple of x. But
the answer is very simple: x is invertible in the ring we're working
in (its inverse mod x^p-x-1 is just x^{p-1}-1), so you _can_ just
divide your coefficient by x, and moreover, very easily!
Together, these changes speed up the NTRU key generation by about a
factor of 1.5. And they remove lots of complicated code as well, so
everybody wins.
2022-04-20 20:14:25 +01:00
* situation where both polys are constants; in one more step after
* that, one of them will be zero; and in one step after _that_, the
* zero one will reliably be the one we're dividing by x. Or rather,
* that's what happens in the case where A,B are coprime; if not, then
* one hits zero while the other is still nonzero.
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
NTRU: speed up the polynomial inversion.
I wasn't really satisfied with the previous version, but it was
easiest to get Stein's algorithm working on polynomials by doing it
exactly how I already knew to do it for integers. But now I've
improved it in two ways.
The first improvement I got from another implementation: instead of
transforming A into A - kB for some k that makes the constant term
zero, you can scale _both_ inputs, replacing A with mA - kB for some
k,m. The advantage is that you can calculate m and k very easily, by
making each one the constant term of the other polynomial, which means
you don't need to invert something mod q in every step. (Rather like
the projective-coordinates optimisations in elliptic curves, where
instead of inverting in every step you accumulate the product of all
the factors that need to be inverted, and invert the whole product
once at the very end.)
The second improvement is to abandon my cumbersome unwinding loop that
builds up the output coefficients by reversing the steps in the
original gcd-finding loop. Instead, I do the thing you do in normal
Euclid's algorithm: keep track of the coefficients as you go through
the original loop. I had wanted to do this before, but hadn't figured
out how you could deal with dividing a coefficient by x when (unlike
the associated real value) the coefficient isn't a multiple of x. But
the answer is very simple: x is invertible in the ring we're working
in (its inverse mod x^p-x-1 is just x^{p-1}-1), so you _can_ just
divide your coefficient by x, and moreover, very easily!
Together, these changes speed up the NTRU key generation by about a
factor of 1.5. And they remove lots of complicated code as well, so
everybody wins.
2022-04-20 20:14:25 +01:00
* In a normal gcd algorithm, you'd track a linear combination of the
* two original polynomials that yields each working value, and end up
* with a linear combination of the inputs that yields the gcd. In
* this algorithm, the 'divide off x' step makes that awkward - but we
* can solve that by instead multiplying by the inverse of x in the
* ring that we want our answer to be valid in! And since the modulus
* polynomial of the ring is x^p-x-1, the inverse of x is easy to
* calculate, because it's always just x^{p-1} - 1, which is also very
* easy to multiply by.
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
unsigned ntru_ring_invert(uint16_t *out, const uint16_t *in,
unsigned p, unsigned q)
/* Size of the polynomial arrays we'll work with */
const size_t SIZE = p+1;
/* Number of steps of the algorithm is the max possible value of
NTRU: speed up the polynomial inversion.
I wasn't really satisfied with the previous version, but it was
easiest to get Stein's algorithm working on polynomials by doing it
exactly how I already knew to do it for integers. But now I've
improved it in two ways.
The first improvement I got from another implementation: instead of
transforming A into A - kB for some k that makes the constant term
zero, you can scale _both_ inputs, replacing A with mA - kB for some
k,m. The advantage is that you can calculate m and k very easily, by
making each one the constant term of the other polynomial, which means
you don't need to invert something mod q in every step. (Rather like
the projective-coordinates optimisations in elliptic curves, where
instead of inverting in every step you accumulate the product of all
the factors that need to be inverted, and invert the whole product
once at the very end.)
The second improvement is to abandon my cumbersome unwinding loop that
builds up the output coefficients by reversing the steps in the
original gcd-finding loop. Instead, I do the thing you do in normal
Euclid's algorithm: keep track of the coefficients as you go through
the original loop. I had wanted to do this before, but hadn't figured
out how you could deal with dividing a coefficient by x when (unlike
the associated real value) the coefficient isn't a multiple of x. But
the answer is very simple: x is invertible in the ring we're working
in (its inverse mod x^p-x-1 is just x^{p-1}-1), so you _can_ just
divide your coefficient by x, and moreover, very easily!
Together, these changes speed up the NTRU key generation by about a
factor of 1.5. And they remove lots of complicated code as well, so
everybody wins.
2022-04-20 20:14:25 +01:00
* deg A + deg B + 2, where deg A <= p-1 and deg B = p */
const size_t STEPS = 2*p + 1;
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
/* Our two working polynomials */
uint16_t *A = snewn(SIZE, uint16_t);
uint16_t *B = snewn(SIZE, uint16_t);
NTRU: speed up the polynomial inversion.
I wasn't really satisfied with the previous version, but it was
easiest to get Stein's algorithm working on polynomials by doing it
exactly how I already knew to do it for integers. But now I've
improved it in two ways.
The first improvement I got from another implementation: instead of
transforming A into A - kB for some k that makes the constant term
zero, you can scale _both_ inputs, replacing A with mA - kB for some
k,m. The advantage is that you can calculate m and k very easily, by
making each one the constant term of the other polynomial, which means
you don't need to invert something mod q in every step. (Rather like
the projective-coordinates optimisations in elliptic curves, where
instead of inverting in every step you accumulate the product of all
the factors that need to be inverted, and invert the whole product
once at the very end.)
The second improvement is to abandon my cumbersome unwinding loop that
builds up the output coefficients by reversing the steps in the
original gcd-finding loop. Instead, I do the thing you do in normal
Euclid's algorithm: keep track of the coefficients as you go through
the original loop. I had wanted to do this before, but hadn't figured
out how you could deal with dividing a coefficient by x when (unlike
the associated real value) the coefficient isn't a multiple of x. But
the answer is very simple: x is invertible in the ring we're working
in (its inverse mod x^p-x-1 is just x^{p-1}-1), so you _can_ just
divide your coefficient by x, and moreover, very easily!
Together, these changes speed up the NTRU key generation by about a
factor of 1.5. And they remove lots of complicated code as well, so
everybody wins.
2022-04-20 20:14:25 +01:00
/* Coefficient of the input value in each one */
uint16_t *Ac = snewn(SIZE, uint16_t);
uint16_t *Bc = snewn(SIZE, uint16_t);
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
NTRU: speed up the polynomial inversion.
I wasn't really satisfied with the previous version, but it was
easiest to get Stein's algorithm working on polynomials by doing it
exactly how I already knew to do it for integers. But now I've
improved it in two ways.
The first improvement I got from another implementation: instead of
transforming A into A - kB for some k that makes the constant term
zero, you can scale _both_ inputs, replacing A with mA - kB for some
k,m. The advantage is that you can calculate m and k very easily, by
making each one the constant term of the other polynomial, which means
you don't need to invert something mod q in every step. (Rather like
the projective-coordinates optimisations in elliptic curves, where
instead of inverting in every step you accumulate the product of all
the factors that need to be inverted, and invert the whole product
once at the very end.)
The second improvement is to abandon my cumbersome unwinding loop that
builds up the output coefficients by reversing the steps in the
original gcd-finding loop. Instead, I do the thing you do in normal
Euclid's algorithm: keep track of the coefficients as you go through
the original loop. I had wanted to do this before, but hadn't figured
out how you could deal with dividing a coefficient by x when (unlike
the associated real value) the coefficient isn't a multiple of x. But
the answer is very simple: x is invertible in the ring we're working
in (its inverse mod x^p-x-1 is just x^{p-1}-1), so you _can_ just
divide your coefficient by x, and moreover, very easily!
Together, these changes speed up the NTRU key generation by about a
factor of 1.5. And they remove lots of complicated code as well, so
everybody wins.
2022-04-20 20:14:25 +01:00
/* Initialise A to the input, and Ac correspondingly to 1 */
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
memcpy(A, in, p*sizeof(uint16_t));
A[p] = 0;
NTRU: speed up the polynomial inversion.
I wasn't really satisfied with the previous version, but it was
easiest to get Stein's algorithm working on polynomials by doing it
exactly how I already knew to do it for integers. But now I've
improved it in two ways.
The first improvement I got from another implementation: instead of
transforming A into A - kB for some k that makes the constant term
zero, you can scale _both_ inputs, replacing A with mA - kB for some
k,m. The advantage is that you can calculate m and k very easily, by
making each one the constant term of the other polynomial, which means
you don't need to invert something mod q in every step. (Rather like
the projective-coordinates optimisations in elliptic curves, where
instead of inverting in every step you accumulate the product of all
the factors that need to be inverted, and invert the whole product
once at the very end.)
The second improvement is to abandon my cumbersome unwinding loop that
builds up the output coefficients by reversing the steps in the
original gcd-finding loop. Instead, I do the thing you do in normal
Euclid's algorithm: keep track of the coefficients as you go through
the original loop. I had wanted to do this before, but hadn't figured
out how you could deal with dividing a coefficient by x when (unlike
the associated real value) the coefficient isn't a multiple of x. But
the answer is very simple: x is invertible in the ring we're working
in (its inverse mod x^p-x-1 is just x^{p-1}-1), so you _can_ just
divide your coefficient by x, and moreover, very easily!
Together, these changes speed up the NTRU key generation by about a
factor of 1.5. And they remove lots of complicated code as well, so
everybody wins.
2022-04-20 20:14:25 +01:00
Ac[0] = 1;
for (size_t i = 1; i < SIZE; i++)
Ac[i] = 0;
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
NTRU: speed up the polynomial inversion.
I wasn't really satisfied with the previous version, but it was
easiest to get Stein's algorithm working on polynomials by doing it
exactly how I already knew to do it for integers. But now I've
improved it in two ways.
The first improvement I got from another implementation: instead of
transforming A into A - kB for some k that makes the constant term
zero, you can scale _both_ inputs, replacing A with mA - kB for some
k,m. The advantage is that you can calculate m and k very easily, by
making each one the constant term of the other polynomial, which means
you don't need to invert something mod q in every step. (Rather like
the projective-coordinates optimisations in elliptic curves, where
instead of inverting in every step you accumulate the product of all
the factors that need to be inverted, and invert the whole product
once at the very end.)
The second improvement is to abandon my cumbersome unwinding loop that
builds up the output coefficients by reversing the steps in the
original gcd-finding loop. Instead, I do the thing you do in normal
Euclid's algorithm: keep track of the coefficients as you go through
the original loop. I had wanted to do this before, but hadn't figured
out how you could deal with dividing a coefficient by x when (unlike
the associated real value) the coefficient isn't a multiple of x. But
the answer is very simple: x is invertible in the ring we're working
in (its inverse mod x^p-x-1 is just x^{p-1}-1), so you _can_ just
divide your coefficient by x, and moreover, very easily!
Together, these changes speed up the NTRU key generation by about a
factor of 1.5. And they remove lots of complicated code as well, so
everybody wins.
2022-04-20 20:14:25 +01:00
/* Initialise B to the quotient polynomial of the ring, x^p-x-1
* And Bc = 0 */
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
B[0] = B[1] = q-1;
for (size_t i = 2; i < p; i++)
B[i] = 0;
B[p] = 1;
NTRU: speed up the polynomial inversion.
I wasn't really satisfied with the previous version, but it was
easiest to get Stein's algorithm working on polynomials by doing it
exactly how I already knew to do it for integers. But now I've
improved it in two ways.
The first improvement I got from another implementation: instead of
transforming A into A - kB for some k that makes the constant term
zero, you can scale _both_ inputs, replacing A with mA - kB for some
k,m. The advantage is that you can calculate m and k very easily, by
making each one the constant term of the other polynomial, which means
you don't need to invert something mod q in every step. (Rather like
the projective-coordinates optimisations in elliptic curves, where
instead of inverting in every step you accumulate the product of all
the factors that need to be inverted, and invert the whole product
once at the very end.)
The second improvement is to abandon my cumbersome unwinding loop that
builds up the output coefficients by reversing the steps in the
original gcd-finding loop. Instead, I do the thing you do in normal
Euclid's algorithm: keep track of the coefficients as you go through
the original loop. I had wanted to do this before, but hadn't figured
out how you could deal with dividing a coefficient by x when (unlike
the associated real value) the coefficient isn't a multiple of x. But
the answer is very simple: x is invertible in the ring we're working
in (its inverse mod x^p-x-1 is just x^{p-1}-1), so you _can_ just
divide your coefficient by x, and moreover, very easily!
Together, these changes speed up the NTRU key generation by about a
factor of 1.5. And they remove lots of complicated code as well, so
everybody wins.
2022-04-20 20:14:25 +01:00
for (size_t i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
Bc[i] = 0;
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
/* Run the gcd-finding algorithm. */
for (size_t i = 0; i < STEPS; i++) {
2022-06-11 13:12:33 +01:00
* First swap round so that A is the one we'll be dividing by x.
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
* In the case where one of the two polys has a zero constant
* term, it's that one. In the other case, it's the one of
* smaller degree. We must compute both, and choose between
* them in a side-channel-safe way.
unsigned x_divides_A = iszero(A[0]);
unsigned x_divides_B = iszero(B[0]);
unsigned B_is_bigger = 0;
unsigned not_seen_top_term_of_A = 1, not_seen_top_term_of_B = 1;
for (size_t j = SIZE; j-- > 0 ;) {
not_seen_top_term_of_A &= iszero(A[j]);
not_seen_top_term_of_B &= iszero(B[j]);
B_is_bigger |= (~not_seen_top_term_of_B &
unsigned need_swap = x_divides_B | (~x_divides_A & B_is_bigger);
uint16_t swap_mask = -need_swap;
for (size_t j = 0; j < SIZE; j++) {
uint16_t diff = (A[j] ^ B[j]) & swap_mask;
A[j] ^= diff;
B[j] ^= diff;
NTRU: speed up the polynomial inversion.
I wasn't really satisfied with the previous version, but it was
easiest to get Stein's algorithm working on polynomials by doing it
exactly how I already knew to do it for integers. But now I've
improved it in two ways.
The first improvement I got from another implementation: instead of
transforming A into A - kB for some k that makes the constant term
zero, you can scale _both_ inputs, replacing A with mA - kB for some
k,m. The advantage is that you can calculate m and k very easily, by
making each one the constant term of the other polynomial, which means
you don't need to invert something mod q in every step. (Rather like
the projective-coordinates optimisations in elliptic curves, where
instead of inverting in every step you accumulate the product of all
the factors that need to be inverted, and invert the whole product
once at the very end.)
The second improvement is to abandon my cumbersome unwinding loop that
builds up the output coefficients by reversing the steps in the
original gcd-finding loop. Instead, I do the thing you do in normal
Euclid's algorithm: keep track of the coefficients as you go through
the original loop. I had wanted to do this before, but hadn't figured
out how you could deal with dividing a coefficient by x when (unlike
the associated real value) the coefficient isn't a multiple of x. But
the answer is very simple: x is invertible in the ring we're working
in (its inverse mod x^p-x-1 is just x^{p-1}-1), so you _can_ just
divide your coefficient by x, and moreover, very easily!
Together, these changes speed up the NTRU key generation by about a
factor of 1.5. And they remove lots of complicated code as well, so
everybody wins.
2022-04-20 20:14:25 +01:00
for (size_t j = 0; j < SIZE; j++) {
uint16_t diff = (Ac[j] ^ Bc[j]) & swap_mask;
Ac[j] ^= diff;
Bc[j] ^= diff;
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
NTRU: speed up the polynomial inversion.
I wasn't really satisfied with the previous version, but it was
easiest to get Stein's algorithm working on polynomials by doing it
exactly how I already knew to do it for integers. But now I've
improved it in two ways.
The first improvement I got from another implementation: instead of
transforming A into A - kB for some k that makes the constant term
zero, you can scale _both_ inputs, replacing A with mA - kB for some
k,m. The advantage is that you can calculate m and k very easily, by
making each one the constant term of the other polynomial, which means
you don't need to invert something mod q in every step. (Rather like
the projective-coordinates optimisations in elliptic curves, where
instead of inverting in every step you accumulate the product of all
the factors that need to be inverted, and invert the whole product
once at the very end.)
The second improvement is to abandon my cumbersome unwinding loop that
builds up the output coefficients by reversing the steps in the
original gcd-finding loop. Instead, I do the thing you do in normal
Euclid's algorithm: keep track of the coefficients as you go through
the original loop. I had wanted to do this before, but hadn't figured
out how you could deal with dividing a coefficient by x when (unlike
the associated real value) the coefficient isn't a multiple of x. But
the answer is very simple: x is invertible in the ring we're working
in (its inverse mod x^p-x-1 is just x^{p-1}-1), so you _can_ just
divide your coefficient by x, and moreover, very easily!
Together, these changes speed up the NTRU key generation by about a
factor of 1.5. And they remove lots of complicated code as well, so
everybody wins.
2022-04-20 20:14:25 +01:00
* Replace A with a linear combination of both A and B that
* has constant term zero, which we do by calculating
* (constant term of B) * A - (constant term of A) * B
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
NTRU: speed up the polynomial inversion.
I wasn't really satisfied with the previous version, but it was
easiest to get Stein's algorithm working on polynomials by doing it
exactly how I already knew to do it for integers. But now I've
improved it in two ways.
The first improvement I got from another implementation: instead of
transforming A into A - kB for some k that makes the constant term
zero, you can scale _both_ inputs, replacing A with mA - kB for some
k,m. The advantage is that you can calculate m and k very easily, by
making each one the constant term of the other polynomial, which means
you don't need to invert something mod q in every step. (Rather like
the projective-coordinates optimisations in elliptic curves, where
instead of inverting in every step you accumulate the product of all
the factors that need to be inverted, and invert the whole product
once at the very end.)
The second improvement is to abandon my cumbersome unwinding loop that
builds up the output coefficients by reversing the steps in the
original gcd-finding loop. Instead, I do the thing you do in normal
Euclid's algorithm: keep track of the coefficients as you go through
the original loop. I had wanted to do this before, but hadn't figured
out how you could deal with dividing a coefficient by x when (unlike
the associated real value) the coefficient isn't a multiple of x. But
the answer is very simple: x is invertible in the ring we're working
in (its inverse mod x^p-x-1 is just x^{p-1}-1), so you _can_ just
divide your coefficient by x, and moreover, very easily!
Together, these changes speed up the NTRU key generation by about a
factor of 1.5. And they remove lots of complicated code as well, so
everybody wins.
2022-04-20 20:14:25 +01:00
* In one of the two cases, A's constant term is already zero,
* so the coefficient of B will be zero too; hence, this will
* do nothing useful (it will merely scale A by some scalar
* value), but it will take the same length of time as doing
* something, which is just what we want.
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
NTRU: speed up the polynomial inversion.
I wasn't really satisfied with the previous version, but it was
easiest to get Stein's algorithm working on polynomials by doing it
exactly how I already knew to do it for integers. But now I've
improved it in two ways.
The first improvement I got from another implementation: instead of
transforming A into A - kB for some k that makes the constant term
zero, you can scale _both_ inputs, replacing A with mA - kB for some
k,m. The advantage is that you can calculate m and k very easily, by
making each one the constant term of the other polynomial, which means
you don't need to invert something mod q in every step. (Rather like
the projective-coordinates optimisations in elliptic curves, where
instead of inverting in every step you accumulate the product of all
the factors that need to be inverted, and invert the whole product
once at the very end.)
The second improvement is to abandon my cumbersome unwinding loop that
builds up the output coefficients by reversing the steps in the
original gcd-finding loop. Instead, I do the thing you do in normal
Euclid's algorithm: keep track of the coefficients as you go through
the original loop. I had wanted to do this before, but hadn't figured
out how you could deal with dividing a coefficient by x when (unlike
the associated real value) the coefficient isn't a multiple of x. But
the answer is very simple: x is invertible in the ring we're working
in (its inverse mod x^p-x-1 is just x^{p-1}-1), so you _can_ just
divide your coefficient by x, and moreover, very easily!
Together, these changes speed up the NTRU key generation by about a
factor of 1.5. And they remove lots of complicated code as well, so
everybody wins.
2022-04-20 20:14:25 +01:00
uint16_t Amult = B[0], Bmult = q - A[0];
for (size_t j = 0; j < SIZE; j++)
A[j] = REDUCE(Amult * A[j] + Bmult * B[j]);
/* And do the same transformation to Ac */
for (size_t j = 0; j < SIZE; j++)
Ac[j] = REDUCE(Amult * Ac[j] + Bmult * Bc[j]);
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
NTRU: speed up the polynomial inversion.
I wasn't really satisfied with the previous version, but it was
easiest to get Stein's algorithm working on polynomials by doing it
exactly how I already knew to do it for integers. But now I've
improved it in two ways.
The first improvement I got from another implementation: instead of
transforming A into A - kB for some k that makes the constant term
zero, you can scale _both_ inputs, replacing A with mA - kB for some
k,m. The advantage is that you can calculate m and k very easily, by
making each one the constant term of the other polynomial, which means
you don't need to invert something mod q in every step. (Rather like
the projective-coordinates optimisations in elliptic curves, where
instead of inverting in every step you accumulate the product of all
the factors that need to be inverted, and invert the whole product
once at the very end.)
The second improvement is to abandon my cumbersome unwinding loop that
builds up the output coefficients by reversing the steps in the
original gcd-finding loop. Instead, I do the thing you do in normal
Euclid's algorithm: keep track of the coefficients as you go through
the original loop. I had wanted to do this before, but hadn't figured
out how you could deal with dividing a coefficient by x when (unlike
the associated real value) the coefficient isn't a multiple of x. But
the answer is very simple: x is invertible in the ring we're working
in (its inverse mod x^p-x-1 is just x^{p-1}-1), so you _can_ just
divide your coefficient by x, and moreover, very easily!
Together, these changes speed up the NTRU key generation by about a
factor of 1.5. And they remove lots of complicated code as well, so
everybody wins.
2022-04-20 20:14:25 +01:00
* Now divide A by x, and compensate by multiplying Ac by
* x^{p-1}-1 mod x^p-x-1.
* That multiplication is particularly easy, precisely because
* x^{p-1}-1 is the multiplicative inverse of x! Each x^n term
* for n>0 just moves down to the x^{n-1} term, and only the
* constant term has to be dealt with in an interesting way.
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
NTRU: speed up the polynomial inversion.
I wasn't really satisfied with the previous version, but it was
easiest to get Stein's algorithm working on polynomials by doing it
exactly how I already knew to do it for integers. But now I've
improved it in two ways.
The first improvement I got from another implementation: instead of
transforming A into A - kB for some k that makes the constant term
zero, you can scale _both_ inputs, replacing A with mA - kB for some
k,m. The advantage is that you can calculate m and k very easily, by
making each one the constant term of the other polynomial, which means
you don't need to invert something mod q in every step. (Rather like
the projective-coordinates optimisations in elliptic curves, where
instead of inverting in every step you accumulate the product of all
the factors that need to be inverted, and invert the whole product
once at the very end.)
The second improvement is to abandon my cumbersome unwinding loop that
builds up the output coefficients by reversing the steps in the
original gcd-finding loop. Instead, I do the thing you do in normal
Euclid's algorithm: keep track of the coefficients as you go through
the original loop. I had wanted to do this before, but hadn't figured
out how you could deal with dividing a coefficient by x when (unlike
the associated real value) the coefficient isn't a multiple of x. But
the answer is very simple: x is invertible in the ring we're working
in (its inverse mod x^p-x-1 is just x^{p-1}-1), so you _can_ just
divide your coefficient by x, and moreover, very easily!
Together, these changes speed up the NTRU key generation by about a
factor of 1.5. And they remove lots of complicated code as well, so
everybody wins.
2022-04-20 20:14:25 +01:00
for (size_t j = 1; j < SIZE; j++)
A[j-1] = A[j];
A[SIZE-1] = 0;
uint16_t Ac0 = Ac[0];
for (size_t j = 1; j < p; j++)
Ac[j-1] = Ac[j];
Ac[p-1] = Ac0;
Ac[0] = REDUCE(Ac[0] + q - Ac0);
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
NTRU: speed up the polynomial inversion.
I wasn't really satisfied with the previous version, but it was
easiest to get Stein's algorithm working on polynomials by doing it
exactly how I already knew to do it for integers. But now I've
improved it in two ways.
The first improvement I got from another implementation: instead of
transforming A into A - kB for some k that makes the constant term
zero, you can scale _both_ inputs, replacing A with mA - kB for some
k,m. The advantage is that you can calculate m and k very easily, by
making each one the constant term of the other polynomial, which means
you don't need to invert something mod q in every step. (Rather like
the projective-coordinates optimisations in elliptic curves, where
instead of inverting in every step you accumulate the product of all
the factors that need to be inverted, and invert the whole product
once at the very end.)
The second improvement is to abandon my cumbersome unwinding loop that
builds up the output coefficients by reversing the steps in the
original gcd-finding loop. Instead, I do the thing you do in normal
Euclid's algorithm: keep track of the coefficients as you go through
the original loop. I had wanted to do this before, but hadn't figured
out how you could deal with dividing a coefficient by x when (unlike
the associated real value) the coefficient isn't a multiple of x. But
the answer is very simple: x is invertible in the ring we're working
in (its inverse mod x^p-x-1 is just x^{p-1}-1), so you _can_ just
divide your coefficient by x, and moreover, very easily!
Together, these changes speed up the NTRU key generation by about a
factor of 1.5. And they remove lots of complicated code as well, so
everybody wins.
2022-04-20 20:14:25 +01:00
* Now we expect that A is 0, and B is a constant. If so, then
* they are coprime, and we're going to return success. If not,
* they have a common factor.
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
NTRU: speed up the polynomial inversion.
I wasn't really satisfied with the previous version, but it was
easiest to get Stein's algorithm working on polynomials by doing it
exactly how I already knew to do it for integers. But now I've
improved it in two ways.
The first improvement I got from another implementation: instead of
transforming A into A - kB for some k that makes the constant term
zero, you can scale _both_ inputs, replacing A with mA - kB for some
k,m. The advantage is that you can calculate m and k very easily, by
making each one the constant term of the other polynomial, which means
you don't need to invert something mod q in every step. (Rather like
the projective-coordinates optimisations in elliptic curves, where
instead of inverting in every step you accumulate the product of all
the factors that need to be inverted, and invert the whole product
once at the very end.)
The second improvement is to abandon my cumbersome unwinding loop that
builds up the output coefficients by reversing the steps in the
original gcd-finding loop. Instead, I do the thing you do in normal
Euclid's algorithm: keep track of the coefficients as you go through
the original loop. I had wanted to do this before, but hadn't figured
out how you could deal with dividing a coefficient by x when (unlike
the associated real value) the coefficient isn't a multiple of x. But
the answer is very simple: x is invertible in the ring we're working
in (its inverse mod x^p-x-1 is just x^{p-1}-1), so you _can_ just
divide your coefficient by x, and moreover, very easily!
Together, these changes speed up the NTRU key generation by about a
factor of 1.5. And they remove lots of complicated code as well, so
everybody wins.
2022-04-20 20:14:25 +01:00
unsigned success = iszero(A[0]) & (1 ^ iszero(B[0]));
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
for (size_t j = 1; j < SIZE; j++)
success &= iszero(A[j]) & iszero(B[j]);
NTRU: speed up the polynomial inversion.
I wasn't really satisfied with the previous version, but it was
easiest to get Stein's algorithm working on polynomials by doing it
exactly how I already knew to do it for integers. But now I've
improved it in two ways.
The first improvement I got from another implementation: instead of
transforming A into A - kB for some k that makes the constant term
zero, you can scale _both_ inputs, replacing A with mA - kB for some
k,m. The advantage is that you can calculate m and k very easily, by
making each one the constant term of the other polynomial, which means
you don't need to invert something mod q in every step. (Rather like
the projective-coordinates optimisations in elliptic curves, where
instead of inverting in every step you accumulate the product of all
the factors that need to be inverted, and invert the whole product
once at the very end.)
The second improvement is to abandon my cumbersome unwinding loop that
builds up the output coefficients by reversing the steps in the
original gcd-finding loop. Instead, I do the thing you do in normal
Euclid's algorithm: keep track of the coefficients as you go through
the original loop. I had wanted to do this before, but hadn't figured
out how you could deal with dividing a coefficient by x when (unlike
the associated real value) the coefficient isn't a multiple of x. But
the answer is very simple: x is invertible in the ring we're working
in (its inverse mod x^p-x-1 is just x^{p-1}-1), so you _can_ just
divide your coefficient by x, and moreover, very easily!
Together, these changes speed up the NTRU key generation by about a
factor of 1.5. And they remove lots of complicated code as well, so
everybody wins.
2022-04-20 20:14:25 +01:00
* So we're going to return Bc, but first, scale it by the
* multiplicative inverse of the constant we ended up with in
* B[0].
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
NTRU: speed up the polynomial inversion.
I wasn't really satisfied with the previous version, but it was
easiest to get Stein's algorithm working on polynomials by doing it
exactly how I already knew to do it for integers. But now I've
improved it in two ways.
The first improvement I got from another implementation: instead of
transforming A into A - kB for some k that makes the constant term
zero, you can scale _both_ inputs, replacing A with mA - kB for some
k,m. The advantage is that you can calculate m and k very easily, by
making each one the constant term of the other polynomial, which means
you don't need to invert something mod q in every step. (Rather like
the projective-coordinates optimisations in elliptic curves, where
instead of inverting in every step you accumulate the product of all
the factors that need to be inverted, and invert the whole product
once at the very end.)
The second improvement is to abandon my cumbersome unwinding loop that
builds up the output coefficients by reversing the steps in the
original gcd-finding loop. Instead, I do the thing you do in normal
Euclid's algorithm: keep track of the coefficients as you go through
the original loop. I had wanted to do this before, but hadn't figured
out how you could deal with dividing a coefficient by x when (unlike
the associated real value) the coefficient isn't a multiple of x. But
the answer is very simple: x is invertible in the ring we're working
in (its inverse mod x^p-x-1 is just x^{p-1}-1), so you _can_ just
divide your coefficient by x, and moreover, very easily!
Together, these changes speed up the NTRU key generation by about a
factor of 1.5. And they remove lots of complicated code as well, so
everybody wins.
2022-04-20 20:14:25 +01:00
uint16_t scale = INVERT(B[0]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < p; i++)
out[i] = REDUCE(scale * Bc[i]);
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
smemclr(A, SIZE * sizeof(*A));
smemclr(B, SIZE * sizeof(*B));
2022-04-22 22:20:36 +01:00
smemclr(Ac, SIZE * sizeof(*Ac));
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
2022-04-22 22:20:36 +01:00
smemclr(Bc, SIZE * sizeof(*Bc));
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
return success;
* Given an array of values mod q, convert each one to its
* minimum-absolute-value representative, and then reduce mod 3.
* Output values are 0, 1 and 0xFFFF, representing -1.
* (Normally our arrays of uint16_t are in 'minimal non-negative
* residue' form, so the output of this function is unusual. But it's
* useful to have it in this form so that it can be reused by
* ntru_round3. You can put it back to the usual representation using
* ntru_normalise, below.)
void ntru_mod3(uint16_t *out, const uint16_t *in, unsigned p, unsigned q)
uint64_t qrecip = reciprocal_for_reduction(q);
uint64_t recip3 = reciprocal_for_reduction(3);
unsigned bias = q/2;
uint16_t adjust = 3 - reduce(bias-1, 3, recip3);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < p; i++) {
uint16_t val = reduce(in[i] + bias, q, qrecip);
uint16_t residue = reduce(val + adjust, 3, recip3);
out[i] = residue - 1;
* Given an array of values mod q, round each one to the nearest
* multiple of 3 to its minimum-absolute-value representative.
* Output values are signed integers coerced to uint16_t, so again,
* use ntru_normalise afterwards to put them back to normal.
void ntru_round3(uint16_t *out, const uint16_t *in, unsigned p, unsigned q)
unsigned bias = q/2;
ntru_mod3(out, in, p, q);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < p; i++)
out[i] = REDUCE(in[i] + bias) - bias - out[i];
* Given an array of signed integers coerced to uint16_t in the range
* [-q/2,+q/2], normalise them back to mod q values.
static void ntru_normalise(uint16_t *out, const uint16_t *in,
unsigned p, unsigned q)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < p; i++)
out[i] = in[i] + q * (in[i] >> 15);
* Given an array of values mod q, add a constant to each one.
void ntru_bias(uint16_t *out, const uint16_t *in, unsigned bias,
unsigned p, unsigned q)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < p; i++)
out[i] = REDUCE(in[i] + bias);
* Given an array of values mod q, multiply each one by a constant.
void ntru_scale(uint16_t *out, const uint16_t *in, uint16_t scale,
2022-08-03 20:48:46 +01:00
unsigned p, unsigned q)
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
for (unsigned i = 0; i < p; i++)
out[i] = REDUCE(in[i] * scale);
* Given an array of values mod 3, convert them to values mod q in a
* way that maps -1,0,+1 to -1,0,+1.
2022-09-03 12:02:48 +01:00
static void ntru_expand(
uint16_t *out, const uint16_t *in, unsigned p, unsigned q)
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
for (size_t i = 0; i < p; i++) {
uint16_t v = in[i];
/* Map 2 to q-1, and leave 0 and 1 unchanged */
v += (v >> 1) * (q-3);
out[i] = v;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Implement the binary encoding from ntruprime-20201007.pdf, which is
* used to encode public keys and ciphertexts (though not plaintexts,
* which are done in a much simpler way).
* The general idea is that your encoder takes as input a list of
* small non-negative integers (r_i), and a sequence of limits (m_i)
* such that 0 <= r_i < m_i, and emits a sequence of bytes that encode
* all of these as tightly as reasonably possible.
* That's more general than is really needed, because in both the
* actual uses of this encoding, the input m_i are all the same! But
* the array of (r_i,m_i) pairs evolves during encoding, so they don't
* _stay_ all the same, so you still have to have all the generality.
* The encoding process makes a number of passes along the list of
* inputs. In each step, pairs of adjacent numbers are combined into
* one larger one by turning (r_i,m_i) and (r_{i+1},m_{i+1}) into the
* pair (r_i + m_i r_{i+1}, m_i m_{i+1}), i.e. so that the original
* numbers could be recovered by taking the quotient and remaiinder of
* the new r value by m_i. Then, if the new m_i is at least 2^14, we
* emit the low 8 bits of r_i to the output stream and reduce r_i and
* its limit correspondingly. So at the end of the pass, we've got
* half as many numbers still to encode, they're all still not too
* big, and we've emitted some amount of data into the output. Then do
* another pass, keep going until there's only one number left, and
* emit it little-endian.
* That's all very well, but how do you decode it again? DJB exhibits
* a pair of recursive functions that are supposed to be mutually
* inverse, but I didn't have any confidence that I'd be able to debug
* them sensibly if they turned out not to be (or rather, if I
* implemented one of them wrong). So I came up with my own strategy
* instead.
* In my strategy, we start by processing just the (m_i) into an
* 'encoding schedule' consisting of a sequence of simple
* instructions. The instructions operate on a FIFO queue of numbers,
* initialised to the original (r_i). The three instruction types are:
* - 'COMBINE': consume two numbers a,b from the head of the queue,
* combine them by calculating a + m*b for some specified m, and
* push the result on the tail of the queue.
* - 'BYTE': divide the tail element of the queue by 2^8 and emit the
* low bits into the output stream.
* - 'COPY': pop a number from the head of the queue and push it
* straight back on the tail. (Used for handling the leftover
* element at the end of a pass if the input to the pass was a list
* of odd length.)
* So we effectively implement DJB's encoding process in simulation,
* and instead of actually processing a set of (r_i), we 'compile' the
* process into a sequence of instructions that can be handed just the
* (r_i) later and encode them in the right way. At the end of the
* instructions, the queue is expected to have been reduced to length
* 1 and contain the single integer 0.
* The nice thing about this system is that each of those three
* instructions is easy to reverse. So you can also use the same
* instructions for decoding: start with a queue containing 0, and
* process the instructions in reverse order and reverse sense. So
* BYTE means to _consume_ a byte from the encoded data (starting from
* the rightmost end) and use it to make a queue element bigger; and
* COMBINE run in reverse pops a single element from one end of the
* queue, divides it by m, and pushes the quotient and remainder on
* the other end.
* (So it's easy to debug, because the queue passes through the exact
* same sequence of states during decoding that it did during
* encoding, just in reverse order.)
* Also, the encoding schedule comes with information about the
* expected size of the encoded data, because you can find that out
* easily by just counting the BYTE commands.
enum {
* Command values appearing in the 'ops' array. ENC_COPY and
* ENC_BYTE are single values; values of the form
* (ENC_COMBINE_BASE + m) represent a COMBINE command with
* parameter m.
struct NTRUEncodeSchedule {
* Object representing a compiled set of encoding instructions.
* 'nvals' is the number of r_i we expect to encode. 'nops' is the
* number of encoding commands in the 'ops' list; 'opsize' is the
* physical size of the array, used during construction.
* 'endpos' is used to avoid a last-minute faff during decoding.
* We implement our FIFO of integers as a ring buffer of size
* 'nvals'. Encoding cycles round it some number of times, and the
* final 0 element ends up at some random location in the array.
* If we know _where_ the 0 ends up during encoding, we can put
* the initial 0 there at the start of decoding, and then when we
* finish reversing all the instructions, we'll end up with the
* output numbers already arranged at their correct positions, so
* that there's no need to rotate the array at the last minute.
size_t nvals, endpos, nops, opsize;
uint32_t *ops;
static inline void sched_append(NTRUEncodeSchedule *sched, uint16_t op)
/* Helper function to append an operation to the schedule, and
* update endpos. */
sgrowarray(sched->ops, sched->opsize, sched->nops);
sched->ops[sched->nops++] = op;
if (op != ENC_BYTE)
sched->endpos = (sched->endpos + 1) % sched->nvals;
* Take in the list of limit values (m_i) and compute the encoding
* schedule.
NTRUEncodeSchedule *ntru_encode_schedule(const uint16_t *ms_in, size_t n)
NTRUEncodeSchedule *sched = snew(NTRUEncodeSchedule);
sched->nvals = n;
sched->endpos = n-1;
sched->nops = sched->opsize = 0;
sched->ops = NULL;
assert(n != 0);
* 'ms' is the list of (m_i) on input to the current pass.
* 'ms_new' is the list output from the current pass. After each
* pass we swap the arrays round.
uint32_t *ms = snewn(n, uint32_t);
uint32_t *msnew = snewn(n, uint32_t);
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
ms[i] = ms_in[i];
while (n > 1) {
size_t nnew = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i += 2) {
if (i+1 == n) {
* Odd element at the end of the input list: just copy
* it unchanged to the output.
sched_append(sched, ENC_COPY);
msnew[nnew++] = ms[i];
* Normal case: consume two elements from the input list
* and combine them.
uint32_t m1 = ms[i], m2 = ms[i+1], m = m1*m2;
sched_append(sched, ENC_COMBINE_BASE + m1);
* And then, as long as the combined limit is big enough,
* emit an output byte from the bottom of it.
while (m >= (1<<14)) {
sched_append(sched, ENC_BYTE);
m = (m + 0xFF) >> 8;
* Whatever is left after that, we emit into the output
* list and append to the fifo.
msnew[nnew++] = m;
* End of pass. The output list of (m_i) now becomes the input
* list.
uint32_t *tmp = ms;
ms = msnew;
n = nnew;
msnew = tmp;
* When that loop terminates, it's because there's exactly one
* number left to encode. (Or, technically, _at most_ one - but we
* don't support encoding a completely empty list in this
* implementation, because what would be the point?) That number
* is just emitted little-endian until its limit is 1 (meaning its
* only possible actual value is 0).
assert(n == 1);
uint32_t m = ms[0];
while (m > 1) {
sched_append(sched, ENC_BYTE);
m = (m + 0xFF) >> 8;
return sched;
void ntru_encode_schedule_free(NTRUEncodeSchedule *sched)
* Calculate the output length of the encoded data in bytes.
size_t ntru_encode_schedule_length(NTRUEncodeSchedule *sched)
size_t len = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < sched->nops; i++)
if (sched->ops[i] == ENC_BYTE)
return len;
* Retrieve the number of items encoded. (Used by testcrypt.)
size_t ntru_encode_schedule_nvals(NTRUEncodeSchedule *sched)
return sched->nvals;
* Actually encode a sequence of (r_i), emitting the output bytes to
* an arbitrary BinarySink.
void ntru_encode(NTRUEncodeSchedule *sched, const uint16_t *rs_in,
BinarySink *bs)
size_t n = sched->nvals;
uint32_t *rs = snewn(n, uint32_t);
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
rs[i] = rs_in[i];
* The head and tail pointers of the queue are both 'full'. That
* is, rs[head] is the first element actually in the queue, and
* rs[tail] is the last element.
* So you append to the queue by first advancing 'tail' and then
* writing to rs[tail], whereas you consume from the queue by
* first reading rs[head] and _then_ advancing 'head'.
* The more normal thing would be to make 'tail' point to the
* first empty slot instead of the last full one. But then you'd
* have to faff about with modular arithmetic to find the last
* full slot for the BYTE command, so in this case, it's easier to
* do it the less usual way.
size_t head = 0, tail = n-1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < sched->nops; i++) {
uint16_t op = sched->ops[i];
switch (op) {
case ENC_BYTE:
put_byte(bs, rs[tail] & 0xFF);
rs[tail] >>= 8;
case ENC_COPY: {
uint32_t r = rs[head];
head = (head + 1) % n;
tail = (tail + 1) % n;
rs[tail] = r;
default: {
uint32_t r1 = rs[head];
head = (head + 1) % n;
uint32_t r2 = rs[head];
head = (head + 1) % n;
tail = (tail + 1) % n;
rs[tail] = r1 + (op - ENC_COMBINE_BASE) * r2;
* Expect that we've ended up with a single zero in the queue, at
* exactly the position that the setup-time analysis predicted it.
assert(head == sched->endpos);
assert(tail == sched->endpos);
assert(rs[head] == 0);
smemclr(rs, n * sizeof(*rs));
* Decode a ptrlen of binary data into a sequence of (r_i). The data
* is expected to be of exactly the right length (on pain of assertion
* failure).
void ntru_decode(NTRUEncodeSchedule *sched, uint16_t *rs_out, ptrlen data)
size_t n = sched->nvals;
const uint8_t *base = (const uint8_t *)data.ptr;
const uint8_t *pos = base + data.len;
* Initialise the queue to a single zero, at the 'endpos' position
* that will mean the final output is correctly aligned.
* 'head' and 'tail' have the same meanings as in encoding. So
* 'tail' is the location that BYTE modifies and COPY and COMBINE
* consume from, and 'head' is the location that COPY and COMBINE
* push on to. As in encoding, they both point at the extremal
* full slots in the array.
uint32_t *rs = snewn(n, uint32_t);
size_t head = sched->endpos, tail = head;
rs[tail] = 0;
for (size_t i = sched->nops; i-- > 0 ;) {
uint16_t op = sched->ops[i];
switch (op) {
case ENC_BYTE: {
assert(pos > base);
uint8_t byte = *--pos;
rs[tail] = (rs[tail] << 8) | byte;
case ENC_COPY: {
uint32_t r = rs[tail];
tail = (tail + n - 1) % n;
head = (head + n - 1) % n;
rs[head] = r;
default: {
uint32_t r = rs[tail];
tail = (tail + n - 1) % n;
uint32_t m = op - ENC_COMBINE_BASE;
uint64_t mrecip = reciprocal_for_reduction(m);
uint32_t r1, r2;
r1 = reduce_with_quot(r, &r2, m, mrecip);
head = (head + n - 1) % n;
rs[head] = r2;
head = (head + n - 1) % n;
rs[head] = r1;
assert(pos == base);
assert(head == 0);
assert(tail == n-1);
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
rs_out[i] = rs[i];
smemclr(rs, n * sizeof(*rs));
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* The actual public-key cryptosystem.
struct NTRUKeyPair {
unsigned p, q, w;
uint16_t *h; /* public key */
uint16_t *f3, *ginv; /* private key */
uint16_t *rho; /* for implicit rejection */
/* Helper function to free an array of uint16_t containing a ring
* element, clearing it on the way since some of them are sensitive. */
static void ring_free(uint16_t *val, unsigned p)
smemclr(val, p*sizeof(*val));
void ntru_keypair_free(NTRUKeyPair *keypair)
ring_free(keypair->h, keypair->p);
ring_free(keypair->f3, keypair->p);
ring_free(keypair->ginv, keypair->p);
ring_free(keypair->rho, keypair->p);
/* Trivial accessors used by test programs. */
unsigned ntru_keypair_p(NTRUKeyPair *keypair) { return keypair->p; }
const uint16_t *ntru_pubkey(NTRUKeyPair *keypair) { return keypair->h; }
* Generate a value of the class DJB describes as 'Short': it consists
* of p terms that are all either 0 or +1 or -1, and exactly w of them
* are not zero.
* Values of this kind are used for several purposes: part of the
* private key, a plaintext, and the 'rho' fake-plaintext value used
* for deliberately returning a duff but non-revealing session hash if
* things go wrong.
ntru_gen_short: remove quadratic-time shuffle.
This function has to make an array containing a specific number of
random values that are +1 or -1, and all the rest zero. The simplest
way I could think of to do it at first was to make the array with all
the zeroes at the end and then shuffle the array.
But I couldn't think of a time-safe algorithm to shuffle an array in
such a way that all orders come out equiprobable, that was better than
quadratic time. In fact I still can't think of one. (Making a random
Benes network is the best idea I've come up with: it arranges that
every output order is _possible_, and runs in O(N log N) time, but it
skews the probabilities, which makes it unacceptable.)
However, there's no need to shuffle an array in this application
anyway: we're not actually trying to generate a random _permutation_,
only a random element of (n choose w). So we can just walk linearly
along the array remembering how many nonzero elements we have yet to
output, and using an appropriately chosen random number at each step
to decide whether this will be one of them.
This isn't a significant improvement in the performance of NTRU
overall, but it satisfies my sense of rightness a little, and at least
means I don't have to have a comment in the code apologising for the
terrible algorithm any more.
2022-05-06 17:51:13 +01:00
* -1 is represented as 2 in the output array. So if you want these
* numbers mod 3, then they come out already in the right form.
* Otherwise, use ntru_expand.
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
void ntru_gen_short(uint16_t *v, unsigned p, unsigned w)
* Get enough random data to generate a polynomial all of whose p
* terms are in {0,+1,-1}, and exactly w of them are nonzero.
ntru_gen_short: remove quadratic-time shuffle.
This function has to make an array containing a specific number of
random values that are +1 or -1, and all the rest zero. The simplest
way I could think of to do it at first was to make the array with all
the zeroes at the end and then shuffle the array.
But I couldn't think of a time-safe algorithm to shuffle an array in
such a way that all orders come out equiprobable, that was better than
quadratic time. In fact I still can't think of one. (Making a random
Benes network is the best idea I've come up with: it arranges that
every output order is _possible_, and runs in O(N log N) time, but it
skews the probabilities, which makes it unacceptable.)
However, there's no need to shuffle an array in this application
anyway: we're not actually trying to generate a random _permutation_,
only a random element of (n choose w). So we can just walk linearly
along the array remembering how many nonzero elements we have yet to
output, and using an appropriately chosen random number at each step
to decide whether this will be one of them.
This isn't a significant improvement in the performance of NTRU
overall, but it satisfies my sense of rightness a little, and at least
means I don't have to have a comment in the code apologising for the
terrible algorithm any more.
2022-05-06 17:51:13 +01:00
* We'll do this by making up a completely random sequence of
* {+1,-1} and then setting a random subset of them to 0.
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
ntru_gen_short: remove quadratic-time shuffle.
This function has to make an array containing a specific number of
random values that are +1 or -1, and all the rest zero. The simplest
way I could think of to do it at first was to make the array with all
the zeroes at the end and then shuffle the array.
But I couldn't think of a time-safe algorithm to shuffle an array in
such a way that all orders come out equiprobable, that was better than
quadratic time. In fact I still can't think of one. (Making a random
Benes network is the best idea I've come up with: it arranges that
every output order is _possible_, and runs in O(N log N) time, but it
skews the probabilities, which makes it unacceptable.)
However, there's no need to shuffle an array in this application
anyway: we're not actually trying to generate a random _permutation_,
only a random element of (n choose w). So we can just walk linearly
along the array remembering how many nonzero elements we have yet to
output, and using an appropriately chosen random number at each step
to decide whether this will be one of them.
This isn't a significant improvement in the performance of NTRU
overall, but it satisfies my sense of rightness a little, and at least
means I don't have to have a comment in the code apologising for the
terrible algorithm any more.
2022-05-06 17:51:13 +01:00
* So we'll need p random bits to choose the nonzero values, and
* then (doing it the simplest way) log2(p!) bits to shuffle them,
* plus say 128 bits to ensure any fluctuations in uniformity are
* negligible.
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
* log2(p!) is a pain to calculate, so we'll bound it above by
* p*log2(p), which we bound in turn by p*16.
ntru_gen_short: remove quadratic-time shuffle.
This function has to make an array containing a specific number of
random values that are +1 or -1, and all the rest zero. The simplest
way I could think of to do it at first was to make the array with all
the zeroes at the end and then shuffle the array.
But I couldn't think of a time-safe algorithm to shuffle an array in
such a way that all orders come out equiprobable, that was better than
quadratic time. In fact I still can't think of one. (Making a random
Benes network is the best idea I've come up with: it arranges that
every output order is _possible_, and runs in O(N log N) time, but it
skews the probabilities, which makes it unacceptable.)
However, there's no need to shuffle an array in this application
anyway: we're not actually trying to generate a random _permutation_,
only a random element of (n choose w). So we can just walk linearly
along the array remembering how many nonzero elements we have yet to
output, and using an appropriately chosen random number at each step
to decide whether this will be one of them.
This isn't a significant improvement in the performance of NTRU
overall, but it satisfies my sense of rightness a little, and at least
means I don't have to have a comment in the code apologising for the
terrible algorithm any more.
2022-05-06 17:51:13 +01:00
size_t randbitpos = 17 * p + 128;
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
mp_int *randdata = mp_resize(mp_random_bits(randbitpos), randbitpos + 32);
ntru_gen_short: remove quadratic-time shuffle.
This function has to make an array containing a specific number of
random values that are +1 or -1, and all the rest zero. The simplest
way I could think of to do it at first was to make the array with all
the zeroes at the end and then shuffle the array.
But I couldn't think of a time-safe algorithm to shuffle an array in
such a way that all orders come out equiprobable, that was better than
quadratic time. In fact I still can't think of one. (Making a random
Benes network is the best idea I've come up with: it arranges that
every output order is _possible_, and runs in O(N log N) time, but it
skews the probabilities, which makes it unacceptable.)
However, there's no need to shuffle an array in this application
anyway: we're not actually trying to generate a random _permutation_,
only a random element of (n choose w). So we can just walk linearly
along the array remembering how many nonzero elements we have yet to
output, and using an appropriately chosen random number at each step
to decide whether this will be one of them.
This isn't a significant improvement in the performance of NTRU
overall, but it satisfies my sense of rightness a little, and at least
means I don't have to have a comment in the code apologising for the
terrible algorithm any more.
2022-05-06 17:51:13 +01:00
* Initial value before zeroing out some terms: p randomly chosen
* values in {1,2}.
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
ntru_gen_short: remove quadratic-time shuffle.
This function has to make an array containing a specific number of
random values that are +1 or -1, and all the rest zero. The simplest
way I could think of to do it at first was to make the array with all
the zeroes at the end and then shuffle the array.
But I couldn't think of a time-safe algorithm to shuffle an array in
such a way that all orders come out equiprobable, that was better than
quadratic time. In fact I still can't think of one. (Making a random
Benes network is the best idea I've come up with: it arranges that
every output order is _possible_, and runs in O(N log N) time, but it
skews the probabilities, which makes it unacceptable.)
However, there's no need to shuffle an array in this application
anyway: we're not actually trying to generate a random _permutation_,
only a random element of (n choose w). So we can just walk linearly
along the array remembering how many nonzero elements we have yet to
output, and using an appropriately chosen random number at each step
to decide whether this will be one of them.
This isn't a significant improvement in the performance of NTRU
overall, but it satisfies my sense of rightness a little, and at least
means I don't have to have a comment in the code apologising for the
terrible algorithm any more.
2022-05-06 17:51:13 +01:00
for (size_t i = 0; i < p; i++)
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
v[i] = 1 + mp_get_bit(randdata, --randbitpos);
* Hereafter we're going to extract random bits by multiplication,
* treating randdata as a large fixed-point number.
mp_reduce_mod_2to(randdata, randbitpos);
ntru_gen_short: remove quadratic-time shuffle.
This function has to make an array containing a specific number of
random values that are +1 or -1, and all the rest zero. The simplest
way I could think of to do it at first was to make the array with all
the zeroes at the end and then shuffle the array.
But I couldn't think of a time-safe algorithm to shuffle an array in
such a way that all orders come out equiprobable, that was better than
quadratic time. In fact I still can't think of one. (Making a random
Benes network is the best idea I've come up with: it arranges that
every output order is _possible_, and runs in O(N log N) time, but it
skews the probabilities, which makes it unacceptable.)
However, there's no need to shuffle an array in this application
anyway: we're not actually trying to generate a random _permutation_,
only a random element of (n choose w). So we can just walk linearly
along the array remembering how many nonzero elements we have yet to
output, and using an appropriately chosen random number at each step
to decide whether this will be one of them.
This isn't a significant improvement in the performance of NTRU
overall, but it satisfies my sense of rightness a little, and at least
means I don't have to have a comment in the code apologising for the
terrible algorithm any more.
2022-05-06 17:51:13 +01:00
* Zero out some terms, leaving a randomly selected w of them
* nonzero.
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
ntru_gen_short: remove quadratic-time shuffle.
This function has to make an array containing a specific number of
random values that are +1 or -1, and all the rest zero. The simplest
way I could think of to do it at first was to make the array with all
the zeroes at the end and then shuffle the array.
But I couldn't think of a time-safe algorithm to shuffle an array in
such a way that all orders come out equiprobable, that was better than
quadratic time. In fact I still can't think of one. (Making a random
Benes network is the best idea I've come up with: it arranges that
every output order is _possible_, and runs in O(N log N) time, but it
skews the probabilities, which makes it unacceptable.)
However, there's no need to shuffle an array in this application
anyway: we're not actually trying to generate a random _permutation_,
only a random element of (n choose w). So we can just walk linearly
along the array remembering how many nonzero elements we have yet to
output, and using an appropriately chosen random number at each step
to decide whether this will be one of them.
This isn't a significant improvement in the performance of NTRU
overall, but it satisfies my sense of rightness a little, and at least
means I don't have to have a comment in the code apologising for the
terrible algorithm any more.
2022-05-06 17:51:13 +01:00
uint32_t nonzeros_left = w;
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
mp_int *x = mp_new(64);
ntru_gen_short: remove quadratic-time shuffle.
This function has to make an array containing a specific number of
random values that are +1 or -1, and all the rest zero. The simplest
way I could think of to do it at first was to make the array with all
the zeroes at the end and then shuffle the array.
But I couldn't think of a time-safe algorithm to shuffle an array in
such a way that all orders come out equiprobable, that was better than
quadratic time. In fact I still can't think of one. (Making a random
Benes network is the best idea I've come up with: it arranges that
every output order is _possible_, and runs in O(N log N) time, but it
skews the probabilities, which makes it unacceptable.)
However, there's no need to shuffle an array in this application
anyway: we're not actually trying to generate a random _permutation_,
only a random element of (n choose w). So we can just walk linearly
along the array remembering how many nonzero elements we have yet to
output, and using an appropriately chosen random number at each step
to decide whether this will be one of them.
This isn't a significant improvement in the performance of NTRU
overall, but it satisfies my sense of rightness a little, and at least
means I don't have to have a comment in the code apologising for the
terrible algorithm any more.
2022-05-06 17:51:13 +01:00
for (size_t i = p; i-- > 0 ;) {
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
ntru_gen_short: remove quadratic-time shuffle.
This function has to make an array containing a specific number of
random values that are +1 or -1, and all the rest zero. The simplest
way I could think of to do it at first was to make the array with all
the zeroes at the end and then shuffle the array.
But I couldn't think of a time-safe algorithm to shuffle an array in
such a way that all orders come out equiprobable, that was better than
quadratic time. In fact I still can't think of one. (Making a random
Benes network is the best idea I've come up with: it arranges that
every output order is _possible_, and runs in O(N log N) time, but it
skews the probabilities, which makes it unacceptable.)
However, there's no need to shuffle an array in this application
anyway: we're not actually trying to generate a random _permutation_,
only a random element of (n choose w). So we can just walk linearly
along the array remembering how many nonzero elements we have yet to
output, and using an appropriately chosen random number at each step
to decide whether this will be one of them.
This isn't a significant improvement in the performance of NTRU
overall, but it satisfies my sense of rightness a little, and at least
means I don't have to have a comment in the code apologising for the
terrible algorithm any more.
2022-05-06 17:51:13 +01:00
* Pick a random number out of the number of terms remaning.
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
mp_mul_integer_into(randdata, randdata, i+1);
mp_rshift_fixed_into(x, randdata, randbitpos);
mp_reduce_mod_2to(randdata, randbitpos);
size_t j = mp_get_integer(x);
ntru_gen_short: remove quadratic-time shuffle.
This function has to make an array containing a specific number of
random values that are +1 or -1, and all the rest zero. The simplest
way I could think of to do it at first was to make the array with all
the zeroes at the end and then shuffle the array.
But I couldn't think of a time-safe algorithm to shuffle an array in
such a way that all orders come out equiprobable, that was better than
quadratic time. In fact I still can't think of one. (Making a random
Benes network is the best idea I've come up with: it arranges that
every output order is _possible_, and runs in O(N log N) time, but it
skews the probabilities, which makes it unacceptable.)
However, there's no need to shuffle an array in this application
anyway: we're not actually trying to generate a random _permutation_,
only a random element of (n choose w). So we can just walk linearly
along the array remembering how many nonzero elements we have yet to
output, and using an appropriately chosen random number at each step
to decide whether this will be one of them.
This isn't a significant improvement in the performance of NTRU
overall, but it satisfies my sense of rightness a little, and at least
means I don't have to have a comment in the code apologising for the
terrible algorithm any more.
2022-05-06 17:51:13 +01:00
* If that's less than nonzeros_left, then we're leaving this
* number nonzero. Otherwise we're zeroing it out.
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
ntru_gen_short: remove quadratic-time shuffle.
This function has to make an array containing a specific number of
random values that are +1 or -1, and all the rest zero. The simplest
way I could think of to do it at first was to make the array with all
the zeroes at the end and then shuffle the array.
But I couldn't think of a time-safe algorithm to shuffle an array in
such a way that all orders come out equiprobable, that was better than
quadratic time. In fact I still can't think of one. (Making a random
Benes network is the best idea I've come up with: it arranges that
every output order is _possible_, and runs in O(N log N) time, but it
skews the probabilities, which makes it unacceptable.)
However, there's no need to shuffle an array in this application
anyway: we're not actually trying to generate a random _permutation_,
only a random element of (n choose w). So we can just walk linearly
along the array remembering how many nonzero elements we have yet to
output, and using an appropriately chosen random number at each step
to decide whether this will be one of them.
This isn't a significant improvement in the performance of NTRU
overall, but it satisfies my sense of rightness a little, and at least
means I don't have to have a comment in the code apologising for the
terrible algorithm any more.
2022-05-06 17:51:13 +01:00
uint32_t keep = (uint32_t)(j - nonzeros_left) >> 31;
v[i] &= -keep; /* clear this field if keep == 0 */
nonzeros_left -= keep; /* decrement counter if keep == 1 */
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
* Make a single attempt at generating a key pair. This involves
* inventing random elements of both our quotient rings and hoping
* they're both invertible.
* They may not be, if you're unlucky. The element of Z_q/<x^p-x-1>
* will _almost_ certainly be invertible, because that is a field, so
* invertibility can only fail if you were so unlucky as to choose the
* all-0s element. But the element of Z_3/<x^p-x-1> may fail to be
* invertible because it has a common factor with x^p-x-1 (which, over
* Z_3, is not irreducible).
* So we can't guarantee to generate a key pair in constant time,
* because there's no predicting how many retries we'll need. However,
* this isn't a failure of side-channel safety, because we completely
* discard all the random numbers and state from each failed attempt.
* So if there were a side-channel leakage from a failure, the only
* thing it would give away would be a bunch of random numbers that
* turned out not to be used anyway.
* But a _successful_ call to this function should execute in a
* secret-independent manner, and this 'make a single attempt'
* function is exposed in the API so that 'testsc' can check that.
NTRUKeyPair *ntru_keygen_attempt(unsigned p, unsigned q, unsigned w)
* First invent g, which is the one more likely to fail to invert.
* This is simply a uniformly random polynomial with p terms over
* Z_3. So we need p*log2(3) random bits for it, plus 128 for
* uniformity. It's easiest to bound log2(3) above by 2.
size_t randbitpos = 2 * p + 128;
mp_int *randdata = mp_resize(mp_random_bits(randbitpos), randbitpos + 32);
* Select p random values from {0,1,2}.
uint16_t *g = snewn(p, uint16_t);
mp_int *x = mp_new(64);
for (size_t i = 0; i < p; i++) {
mp_mul_integer_into(randdata, randdata, 3);
mp_rshift_fixed_into(x, randdata, randbitpos);
mp_reduce_mod_2to(randdata, randbitpos);
g[i] = mp_get_integer(x);
* Try to invert g over Z_3, and fail if it isn't invertible.
uint16_t *ginv = snewn(p, uint16_t);
if (!ntru_ring_invert(ginv, g, p, 3)) {
ring_free(g, p);
ring_free(ginv, p);
return NULL;
* Fine; we have g. Now make up an f, and convert it to a
* polynomial over q.
uint16_t *f = snewn(p, uint16_t);
ntru_gen_short(f, p, w);
ntru_expand(f, f, p, q);
* Multiply f by 3.
uint16_t *f3 = snewn(p, uint16_t);
ntru_scale(f3, f, 3, p, q);
2023-05-28 09:59:41 +01:00
* Invert 3*f over Z_q. This is guaranteed to succeed, since
* Z_q/<x^p-x-1> is a field, so the only non-invertible value is
* 0. And f is nonzero because it came from ntru_gen_short (hence,
* w of its components are nonzero), hence so is 3*f.
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
uint16_t *f3inv = snewn(p, uint16_t);
2023-05-28 09:59:41 +01:00
bool expect_always_success = ntru_ring_invert(f3inv, f3, p, q);
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
* Make the public key, by converting g to a polynomial over q and
* then multiplying by f3inv.
uint16_t *g_q = snewn(p, uint16_t);
ntru_expand(g_q, g, p, q);
uint16_t *h = snewn(p, uint16_t);
ntru_ring_multiply(h, g_q, f3inv, p, q);
* Make up rho, used to substitute for the plaintext in the
* session hash in case of confirmation failure.
uint16_t *rho = snewn(p, uint16_t);
ntru_gen_short(rho, p, w);
* And we're done! Free everything except the pieces we're
* returning.
NTRUKeyPair *keypair = snew(NTRUKeyPair);
keypair->p = p;
keypair->q = q;
keypair->w = w;
keypair->h = h;
keypair->f3 = f3;
keypair->ginv = ginv;
keypair->rho = rho;
ring_free(f, p);
ring_free(f3inv, p);
ring_free(g, p);
ring_free(g_q, p);
return keypair;
* The top-level key generation function for real use (as opposed to
* testsc): keep trying to make a key until you succeed.
NTRUKeyPair *ntru_keygen(unsigned p, unsigned q, unsigned w)
while (1) {
NTRUKeyPair *keypair = ntru_keygen_attempt(p, q, w);
if (keypair)
return keypair;
* Public-key encryption.
void ntru_encrypt(uint16_t *ciphertext, const uint16_t *plaintext,
uint16_t *pubkey, unsigned p, unsigned q)
uint16_t *r_q = snewn(p, uint16_t);
ntru_expand(r_q, plaintext, p, q);
uint16_t *unrounded = snewn(p, uint16_t);
ntru_ring_multiply(unrounded, r_q, pubkey, p, q);
ntru_round3(ciphertext, unrounded, p, q);
ntru_normalise(ciphertext, ciphertext, p, q);
ring_free(r_q, p);
ring_free(unrounded, p);
* Public-key decryption.
void ntru_decrypt(uint16_t *plaintext, const uint16_t *ciphertext,
NTRUKeyPair *keypair)
unsigned p = keypair->p, q = keypair->q, w = keypair->w;
uint16_t *tmp = snewn(p, uint16_t);
ntru_ring_multiply(tmp, ciphertext, keypair->f3, p, q);
ntru_mod3(tmp, tmp, p, q);
ntru_normalise(tmp, tmp, p, 3);
ntru_ring_multiply(plaintext, tmp, keypair->ginv, p, 3);
ring_free(tmp, p);
* With luck, this should have recovered exactly the original
* plaintext. But, as per the spec, we check whether it has
* exactly w nonzero coefficients, and if not, then something has
* gone wrong - and in that situation we time-safely substitute a
* different output.
* (I don't know exactly why we do this, but I assume it's because
* otherwise the mis-decoded output could be made to disgorge a
* secret about the private key in some way.)
unsigned weight = p;
for (size_t i = 0; i < p; i++)
weight -= iszero(plaintext[i]);
unsigned ok = iszero(weight ^ w);
* The default failure return value consists of w 1s followed by
* 0s.
unsigned mask = ok - 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < w; i++) {
uint16_t diff = (1 ^ plaintext[i]) & mask;
plaintext[i] ^= diff;
for (size_t i = w; i < p; i++) {
uint16_t diff = (0 ^ plaintext[i]) & mask;
plaintext[i] ^= diff;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Encode and decode public keys, ciphertexts and plaintexts.
* Public keys and ciphertexts use the complicated binary encoding
* system implemented above. In both cases, the inputs are regarded as
* symmetric about zero, and are first biased to map their most
* negative permitted value to 0, so that they become non-negative and
* hence suitable as inputs to the encoding system. In the case of a
* ciphertext, where the input coefficients have also been coerced to
* be multiples of 3, we divide by 3 as well, saving space by reducing
* the upper bounds (m_i) on all the encoded numbers.
* Compute the encoding schedule for a public key.
static NTRUEncodeSchedule *ntru_encode_pubkey_schedule(unsigned p, unsigned q)
uint16_t *ms = snewn(p, uint16_t);
for (size_t i = 0; i < p; i++)
ms[i] = q;
NTRUEncodeSchedule *sched = ntru_encode_schedule(ms, p);
return sched;
* Encode a public key.
void ntru_encode_pubkey(const uint16_t *pubkey, unsigned p, unsigned q,
BinarySink *bs)
/* Compute the biased version for encoding */
uint16_t *biased_pubkey = snewn(p, uint16_t);
ntru_bias(biased_pubkey, pubkey, q / 2, p, q);
/* Encode it */
NTRUEncodeSchedule *sched = ntru_encode_pubkey_schedule(p, q);
ntru_encode(sched, biased_pubkey, bs);
ring_free(biased_pubkey, p);
* Decode a public key and write it into 'pubkey'. We also return a
* ptrlen pointing at the chunk of data we removed from the
* BinarySource.
ptrlen ntru_decode_pubkey(uint16_t *pubkey, unsigned p, unsigned q,
BinarySource *src)
NTRUEncodeSchedule *sched = ntru_encode_pubkey_schedule(p, q);
/* Retrieve the right number of bytes from the source */
size_t len = ntru_encode_schedule_length(sched);
ptrlen encoded = get_data(src, len);
if (get_err(src)) {
/* If there wasn't enough data, give up and return all-zeroes
* purely for determinism. But that value should never be
* used, because the caller will also check get_err(src). */
memset(pubkey, 0, p*sizeof(*pubkey));
} else {
/* Do the decoding */
ntru_decode(sched, pubkey, encoded);
/* Unbias the coefficients */
ntru_bias(pubkey, pubkey, q-q/2, p, q);
2022-09-07 13:52:58 +01:00
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
return encoded;
* For ciphertext biasing: work out the largest absolute value a
* ciphertext element can take, which is given by taking q/2 and
* rounding it to the nearest multiple of 3.
static inline unsigned ciphertext_bias(unsigned q)
return (q/2+1) / 3;
* The number of possible values of a ciphertext coefficient (for use
* as the m_i in encoding) ranges from +ciphertext_bias(q) to
* -ciphertext_bias(q) inclusive.
static inline unsigned ciphertext_m(unsigned q)
return 1 + 2 * ciphertext_bias(q);
* Compute the encoding schedule for a ciphertext.
static NTRUEncodeSchedule *ntru_encode_ciphertext_schedule(
unsigned p, unsigned q)
unsigned m = ciphertext_m(q);
uint16_t *ms = snewn(p, uint16_t);
for (size_t i = 0; i < p; i++)
ms[i] = m;
NTRUEncodeSchedule *sched = ntru_encode_schedule(ms, p);
return sched;
* Encode a ciphertext.
void ntru_encode_ciphertext(const uint16_t *ciphertext, unsigned p, unsigned q,
BinarySink *bs)
* Bias the ciphertext, and scale down by 1/3, which we do by
* modular multiplication by the inverse of 3 mod q. (That only
* works if we know the inputs are all _exact_ multiples of 3
* - but we do!)
uint16_t *biased_ciphertext = snewn(p, uint16_t);
ntru_bias(biased_ciphertext, ciphertext, 3 * ciphertext_bias(q), p, q);
ntru_scale(biased_ciphertext, biased_ciphertext, INVERT(3), p, q);
/* Encode. */
NTRUEncodeSchedule *sched = ntru_encode_ciphertext_schedule(p, q);
ntru_encode(sched, biased_ciphertext, bs);
ring_free(biased_ciphertext, p);
ptrlen ntru_decode_ciphertext(uint16_t *ct, NTRUKeyPair *keypair,
BinarySource *src)
unsigned p = keypair->p, q = keypair->q;
NTRUEncodeSchedule *sched = ntru_encode_ciphertext_schedule(p, q);
/* Retrieve the right number of bytes from the source */
size_t len = ntru_encode_schedule_length(sched);
ptrlen encoded = get_data(src, len);
if (get_err(src)) {
/* As above, return deterministic nonsense on failure */
memset(ct, 0, p*sizeof(*ct));
} else {
/* Do the decoding */
ntru_decode(sched, ct, encoded);
/* Undo the scaling and bias */
ntru_scale(ct, ct, 3, p, q);
ntru_bias(ct, ct, q - 3 * ciphertext_bias(q), p, q);
2022-09-07 13:52:58 +01:00
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
return encoded; /* also useful to the caller, optionally */
* Encode a plaintext.
* This is a much simpler encoding than the NTRUEncodeSchedule system:
* since elements of a plaintext are mod 3, we just encode each one in
* 2 bits, applying the usual bias so that {-1,0,+1} map to {0,1,2}
* respectively.
* There's no corresponding decode function, because plaintexts are
* never transmitted on the wire (the whole point is that they're too
* secret!). Plaintexts are only encoded in order to put them into
* hash preimages.
void ntru_encode_plaintext(const uint16_t *plaintext, unsigned p,
BinarySink *bs)
unsigned byte = 0, bitpos = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < p; i++) {
unsigned encoding = (plaintext[i] + 1) * iszero(plaintext[i] >> 1);
byte |= encoding << bitpos;
bitpos += 2;
if (bitpos == 8 || i+1 == p) {
put_byte(bs, byte);
byte = 0;
bitpos = 0;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Compute the hashes required by the key exchange layer of NTRU Prime.
* There are two of these. The 'confirmation hash' is sent by the
* server along with the ciphertext, and the client can recalculate it
* to check whether the ciphertext was decrypted correctly. Then, the
* 'session hash' is the actual output of key exchange, and if the
* confirmation hash doesn't match, it gets deliberately corrupted.
* Make the confirmation hash, whose inputs are the plaintext and the
* public key.
* This is defined as H(2 || H(3 || r) || H(4 || K)), where r is the
* plaintext and K is the public key (as encoded by the above
* functions), and the constants 2,3,4 are single bytes. The choice of
* hash function (H itself) is SHA-512 truncated to 256 bits.
* (To be clear: that is _not_ the thing that FIPS 180-4 6.7 defines
* as "SHA-512/256", which varies the initialisation vector of the
* SHA-512 algorithm as well as truncating the output. _This_
* algorithm uses the standard SHA-512 IV, and _just_ truncates the
* output, in the manner suggested by FIPS 180-4 section 7.)
* 'out' should therefore expect to receive 32 bytes of data.
2022-09-03 12:02:48 +01:00
static void ntru_confirmation_hash(
uint8_t *out, const uint16_t *plaintext,
const uint16_t *pubkey, unsigned p, unsigned q)
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
/* The outer hash object */
ssh_hash *hconfirm = ssh_hash_new(&ssh_sha512);
put_byte(hconfirm, 2); /* initial byte 2 */
uint8_t hashdata[64];
/* Compute H(3 || r) and add it to the main hash */
ssh_hash *h3r = ssh_hash_new(&ssh_sha512);
put_byte(h3r, 3);
ntru_encode_plaintext(plaintext, p, BinarySink_UPCAST(h3r));
ssh_hash_final(h3r, hashdata);
put_data(hconfirm, hashdata, 32);
/* Compute H(4 || K) and add it to the main hash */
ssh_hash *h4K = ssh_hash_new(&ssh_sha512);
put_byte(h4K, 4);
ntru_encode_pubkey(pubkey, p, q, BinarySink_UPCAST(h4K));
ssh_hash_final(h4K, hashdata);
put_data(hconfirm, hashdata, 32);
/* Compute the full output of the main SHA-512 hash */
ssh_hash_final(hconfirm, hashdata);
/* And copy the first 32 bytes into the caller's output array */
memcpy(out, hashdata, 32);
smemclr(hashdata, sizeof(hashdata));
* Make the session hash, whose inputs are the plaintext, the
* ciphertext, and the confirmation hash (hence, transitively, a
* dependence on the public key as well).
* As computed by the server, and by the client if the confirmation
* hash matched, this is defined as
* H(1 || H(3 || r) || ciphertext || confirmation hash)
* but if the confirmation hash _didn't_ match, then the plaintext r
* is replaced with the dummy plaintext-shaped value 'rho' we invented
* during key generation (presumably to avoid leaking any information
* about our secrets), and the initial byte 1 is replaced with 0 (to
* ensure that the resulting hash preimage can't match any legitimate
* preimage). So in that case, you instead get
* H(0 || H(3 || rho) || ciphertext || confirmation hash)
* The inputs to this function include 'ok', which is the value to use
* as the initial byte (1 on success, 0 on failure), and 'plaintext'
* which should already have been substituted with rho in case of
* failure.
* The ciphertext is provided in already-encoded form.
2022-09-03 12:02:48 +01:00
static void ntru_session_hash(
uint8_t *out, unsigned ok, const uint16_t *plaintext,
unsigned p, ptrlen ciphertext, ptrlen confirmation_hash)
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
/* The outer hash object */
ssh_hash *hsession = ssh_hash_new(&ssh_sha512);
put_byte(hsession, ok); /* initial byte 1 or 0 */
uint8_t hashdata[64];
/* Compute H(3 || r), or maybe H(3 || rho), and add it to the main hash */
ssh_hash *h3r = ssh_hash_new(&ssh_sha512);
put_byte(h3r, 3);
ntru_encode_plaintext(plaintext, p, BinarySink_UPCAST(h3r));
ssh_hash_final(h3r, hashdata);
put_data(hsession, hashdata, 32);
/* Put the ciphertext and confirmation hash in */
put_datapl(hsession, ciphertext);
put_datapl(hsession, confirmation_hash);
/* Compute the full output of the main SHA-512 hash */
ssh_hash_final(hsession, hashdata);
/* And copy the first 32 bytes into the caller's output array */
memcpy(out, hashdata, 32);
smemclr(hashdata, sizeof(hashdata));
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2024-12-07 19:21:57 +00:00
* Top-level KEM functions.
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
* The parameters p,q,w for the system. There are other choices of
* these, but OpenSSH only specifies this set. (If that ever changes,
* we'll need to turn these into elements of the state structures.)
#define p_LIVE 761
#define q_LIVE 4591
#define w_LIVE 286
2024-12-07 19:21:57 +00:00
struct ntru_dk {
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
NTRUKeyPair *keypair;
2024-12-07 19:21:57 +00:00
strbuf *encoded;
pq_kem_dk dk;
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
2024-12-07 19:21:57 +00:00
static pq_kem_dk *ntru_vt_keygen(const pq_kemalg *alg, BinarySink *ek)
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
2024-12-07 19:21:57 +00:00
struct ntru_dk *ndk = snew(struct ntru_dk);
ndk->dk.vt = alg;
ndk->encoded = strbuf_new_nm();
ndk->keypair = ntru_keygen(p_LIVE, q_LIVE, w_LIVE);
ntru_encode_pubkey(ndk->keypair->h, p_LIVE, q_LIVE, ek);
return &ndk->dk;
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
2024-12-07 19:21:57 +00:00
static bool ntru_vt_encaps(const pq_kemalg *alg, BinarySink *c, BinarySink *k,
ptrlen ek)
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
BinarySource src[1];
2024-12-07 19:21:57 +00:00
BinarySource_BARE_INIT_PL(src, ek);
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
2024-12-07 19:21:57 +00:00
uint16_t *pubkey = snewn(p_LIVE, uint16_t);
ntru_decode_pubkey(pubkey, p_LIVE, q_LIVE, src);
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
if (get_err(src) || get_avail(src)) {
2024-12-07 19:21:57 +00:00
/* Hard-fail if the input wasn't exactly the right length */
ring_free(pubkey, p_LIVE);
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
return false;
2024-12-07 19:21:57 +00:00
/* Invent a valid NTRU plaintext. */
uint16_t *plaintext = snewn(p_LIVE, uint16_t);
ntru_gen_short(plaintext, p_LIVE, w_LIVE);
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
2024-12-07 19:21:57 +00:00
/* Encrypt the plaintext, and encode the ciphertext into a strbuf,
* so we can reuse it for both the session hash and sending to the
* client. */
uint16_t *ciphertext = snewn(p_LIVE, uint16_t);
ntru_encrypt(ciphertext, plaintext, pubkey, p_LIVE, q_LIVE);
strbuf *ciphertext_encoded = strbuf_new_nm();
ntru_encode_ciphertext(ciphertext, p_LIVE, q_LIVE,
put_datapl(c, ptrlen_from_strbuf(ciphertext_encoded));
/* Compute the confirmation hash, and append that to the data sent
* to the other side. */
uint8_t confhash[32];
ntru_confirmation_hash(confhash, plaintext, pubkey, p_LIVE, q_LIVE);
put_data(c, confhash, 32);
/* Compute the session hash, i.e. the output shared secret. */
uint8_t sesshash[32];
ntru_session_hash(sesshash, 1, plaintext, p_LIVE,
make_ptrlen(confhash, 32));
put_data(k, sesshash, 32);
ring_free(pubkey, p_LIVE);
ring_free(plaintext, p_LIVE);
ring_free(ciphertext, p_LIVE);
smemclr(confhash, sizeof(confhash));
smemclr(sesshash, sizeof(sesshash));
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
return true;
2024-12-07 19:21:57 +00:00
static bool ntru_vt_decaps(pq_kem_dk *dk, BinarySink *k, ptrlen c)
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
2024-12-07 19:21:57 +00:00
struct ntru_dk *ndk = container_of(dk, struct ntru_dk, dk);
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
2024-12-07 19:21:57 +00:00
/* Expect a string containing a ciphertext and a confirmation hash. */
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
BinarySource src[1];
2024-12-07 19:21:57 +00:00
BinarySource_BARE_INIT_PL(src, c);
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
2024-12-07 19:21:57 +00:00
uint16_t *ciphertext = snewn(p_LIVE, uint16_t);
ptrlen ciphertext_encoded = ntru_decode_ciphertext(
ciphertext, ndk->keypair, src);
ptrlen confirmation_hash = get_data(src, 32);
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
if (get_err(src) || get_avail(src)) {
2024-12-07 19:21:57 +00:00
/* Hard-fail if the input wasn't exactly the right length */
ring_free(ciphertext, p_LIVE);
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
return false;
2024-12-07 19:21:57 +00:00
/* Decrypt the ciphertext to recover the sender's plaintext */
uint16_t *plaintext = snewn(p_LIVE, uint16_t);
ntru_decrypt(plaintext, ciphertext, ndk->keypair);
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
2024-12-07 19:21:57 +00:00
/* Make the confirmation hash */
uint8_t confhash[32];
ntru_confirmation_hash(confhash, plaintext, ndk->keypair->h,
p_LIVE, q_LIVE);
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
2024-12-07 19:21:57 +00:00
/* Check it matches the one the server sent */
unsigned ok = smemeq(confhash, confirmation_hash.ptr, 32);
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
2024-12-07 19:21:57 +00:00
/* If not, substitute in rho for the plaintext in the session hash */
unsigned mask = ok-1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < p_LIVE; i++)
plaintext[i] ^= mask & (plaintext[i] ^ ndk->keypair->rho[i]);
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
2024-12-07 19:21:57 +00:00
/* Compute the session hash, whether or not we did that */
uint8_t sesshash[32];
ntru_session_hash(sesshash, ok, plaintext, p_LIVE, ciphertext_encoded,
put_data(k, sesshash, 32);
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
2024-12-07 19:21:57 +00:00
ring_free(plaintext, p_LIVE);
ring_free(ciphertext, p_LIVE);
smemclr(confhash, sizeof(confhash));
smemclr(sesshash, sizeof(sesshash));
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
return true;
2024-12-07 19:21:57 +00:00
static void ntru_vt_free_dk(pq_kem_dk *dk)
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
2024-12-07 19:21:57 +00:00
struct ntru_dk *ndk = container_of(dk, struct ntru_dk, dk);
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00
2024-12-07 19:21:57 +00:00
const pq_kemalg ssh_ntru = {
.keygen = ntru_vt_keygen,
.encaps = ntru_vt_encaps,
.decaps = ntru_vt_decaps,
.free_dk = ntru_vt_free_dk,
.description = "NTRU Prime",
.ek_len = 1158,
.c_len = 1039,
Implement OpenSSH 9.x's NTRU Prime / Curve25519 kex.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
2022-04-15 17:19:47 +01:00