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* Source file that is rebuilt per application, and provides the list
* of backends, the default protocol, and the application name.
* This file expects the build system to provide some per-application
* definitions on the compiler command line. So you don't just add it
* directly to the sources list for an application. Instead you call
* the be_list() function defined in setup.cmake, e.g.
* be_list(target-name AppName [SSH] [SERIAL] [OTHERBACKENDS])
* This translates into the following command-line macro definitions
* used by the code below:
* - APPNAME should be defined to the name of the program, in
* user-facing capitalisation (e.g. PuTTY rather than putty).
* Unquoted: it's easier to stringify it in the preprocessor than
* to persuade cmake to put the right quotes on the command line on
* all build platforms.
* - The following macros should each be defined to 1 if a given set
* of backends should be added to the backends[] list, or 0 if they
* should not be:
* * SSH: the two SSH backends (SSH proper, and bare-ssh-connection)
* * SERIAL: the serial port backend
* * OTHERBACKENDS: the non-cryptographic network protocol backends
* (Telnet, Rlogin, SUPDUP, Raw)
#include <stdio.h>
#include "putty.h"
const char *const appname = STR(APPNAME);
* Define the default protocol for the application. This is always a
* network backend (serial ports come second behind network, in every
* case). Applications that don't have either (such as pterm) don't
* need this variable anyway, so just set it to -1.
#if SSH
const int be_default_protocol = PROT_SSH;
const int be_default_protocol = PROT_TELNET;
const int be_default_protocol = -1;
* List all the configured backends, in the order they should appear
* in the config box.
const struct BackendVtable *const backends[] = {
* Start with the most-preferred network-remote-login protocol.
* That's SSH if present, otherwise Telnet if present.
#if SSH
&telnet_backend, /* Telnet at the top if SSH is absent */
* Second on the list is the serial-port backend, if available.
* After that come the remaining network protocols: Telnet if it
* hasn't already appeared above, and Rlogin, SUPDUP and Raw.
&telnet_backend, /* only if SSH displaced it at the top */
* Bare ssh-connection / PSUSAN is a niche protocol and goes well
* down the list.
#if SSH
* Done. Null pointer to mark the end of the list.
* Number of backends at the start of the above list that should have
* radio buttons in the config UI.
* The rule is: the most-preferred network backend, and Serial, each
* get a radio button if present.
* The rest will be relegated to a dropdown list.
const size_t n_ui_backends =
+ 1
+ 1