2007-02-04 11:17:45 +00:00
# -*- sh -*-
# Build script to construct a full distribution directory of PuTTY.
2007-02-05 12:49:24 +00:00
module putty
2014-09-24 10:33:13 +00:00
# Start by figuring out what our version information looks like.
# There are four classes of PuTTY build:
# - a release, which just has an X.YY version number
# - a prerelease, which has an X.YY version number, plus a date and
# version control commit id (and is considered to be 'almost'
# version X.YY)
# - a development snapshot, which just has a date and commit id
# - a custom build, which also has a date and commit id (but is
# labelled differently, to stress that development snapshots are
# built from the checked-in code by the automated nightly script
# whereas custom builds are made manually, perhaps from uncommitted
# changes, e.g. to send to a user for diagnostic or testing
# purposes).
# The four classes of build are triggered by invoking bob with
# different command-line variable definitions:
# - RELEASE=X.YY makes a release build
# - PRERELEASE=X.YY makes a prerelease build (combined with the build
# date and VCS info)
# - setting SNAPSHOT to any non-empty string makes a development
# snapshot
# - setting none of these makes a custom build.
2007-02-04 11:17:45 +00:00
2014-09-24 10:33:13 +00:00
# If we need a date for our build, start by computing it in the
# various forms we need. $(Ndate) is the date in purely numeric form
# (YYYYMMDD); $(Date) is separated as YYYY-MM-DD; $(Days) is the
# number of days since the epoch.
ifeq "$(RELEASE)" "" set Ndate $(!builddate)
ifneq "$(Ndate)" "" in . do echo $(Ndate) | perl -pe 's/(....)(..)(..)/$$1-$$2-$$3/' > date
ifneq "$(Ndate)" "" read Date date
2019-03-16 12:26:06 +00:00
set Epoch 16971 # update this at every release
2014-09-24 10:33:13 +00:00
ifneq "$(Ndate)" "" in . do echo $(Ndate) | perl -ne 'use Time::Local; /(....)(..)(..)/ and print timegm(0,0,0,$$3,$$2-1,$$1) / 86400 - $(Epoch)' > days
ifneq "$(Ndate)" "" read Days days
# For any non-release, we're going to need the number of the prior
# release, for putting in various places so as to get monotonic
# comparisons with the surrounding actual releases.
ifeq "$(RELEASE)" "" read Lastver putty/LATEST.VER
2019-03-18 21:22:59 +00:00
# Set up the textual version strings for the docs build and installers.
2014-09-24 10:33:13 +00:00
# We have one of these including the word 'PuTTY', and one without,
# which are inconveniently capitalised differently.
ifneq "$(RELEASE)" "" set Puttytextver PuTTY release $(RELEASE)
ifneq "$(RELEASE)" "" set Textver Release $(RELEASE)
ifneq "$(PRERELEASE)" "" set Puttytextver PuTTY pre-release $(PRERELEASE):$(Date).$(vcsid)
ifneq "$(PRERELEASE)" "" set Textver Pre-release $(PRERELEASE):$(Date).$(vcsid)
ifneq "$(SNAPSHOT)" "" set Puttytextver PuTTY development snapshot $(Date).$(vcsid)
ifneq "$(SNAPSHOT)" "" set Textver Development snapshot $(Date).$(vcsid)
ifeq "$(RELEASE)$(PRERELEASE)$(SNAPSHOT)" "" set Puttytextver PuTTY custom build $(Date).$(vcsid)
ifeq "$(RELEASE)$(PRERELEASE)$(SNAPSHOT)" "" set Textver Custom build $(Date).$(vcsid)
set Docmakever VERSION="$(Puttytextver)"
# Set up the version string for use in the SSH connection greeting.
# We use $(Ndate) rather than $(Date) in the pre-release string to
# make sure it's under 40 characters, which is a hard limit in the SSH
# protocol spec (and enforced by a compile-time assertion in
# version.c).
2018-10-21 09:29:17 +01:00
ifneq "$(RELEASE)" "" set Sshver -Release-$(RELEASE)
ifneq "$(PRERELEASE)" "" set Sshver -Prerelease-$(PRERELEASE):$(Ndate).$(vcsid)
ifneq "$(SNAPSHOT)" "" set Sshver -Snapshot-$(Date).$(vcsid)
ifeq "$(RELEASE)$(PRERELEASE)$(SNAPSHOT)" "" set Sshver -Custom-$(Date).$(vcsid)
2014-09-24 10:33:13 +00:00
# Set up the filename suffix for the Unix source archive.
ifneq "$(RELEASE)" "" set Uxarcsuffix -$(RELEASE)
ifneq "$(PRERELEASE)" "" set Uxarcsuffix -$(PRERELEASE)~pre$(Ndate).$(vcsid)
ifneq "$(SNAPSHOT)" "" set Uxarcsuffix -$(Lastver)-$(Date).$(vcsid)
ifeq "$(RELEASE)$(PRERELEASE)$(SNAPSHOT)" "" set Uxarcsuffix -custom-$(Date).$(vcsid)
# Set up the version number for the autoconf system.
ifneq "$(RELEASE)" "" set Autoconfver $(RELEASE)
ifneq "$(PRERELEASE)" "" set Autoconfver $(PRERELEASE)~pre$(Ndate).$(vcsid)
ifneq "$(SNAPSHOT)" "" set Autoconfver $(Lastver)-$(Date).$(vcsid)
ifeq "$(RELEASE)$(PRERELEASE)$(SNAPSHOT)" "" set Autoconfver Custom.$(Date).$(vcsid)
2019-03-18 21:22:59 +00:00
# Set up the filenames for the Windows installers (minus extension,
New Windows installer system, using WiX to build an MSI.
Mostly this is a reaction to the reports of Inno Setup having a DLL
hijacking vulnerability. But also, the new installer has several other
nice features that our Inno Setup one didn't provide: it can put the
PuTTY install directory on PATH automatically, and it supports
completely automatic and silent install/uninstall via 'msiexec /q'
which should make it easier for sysadmins to roll out installation in
large organisations. Also, it just seems like good sense to be using
Windows's own native packaging system (or closest equivalent) rather
than going it alone.
(And on the developer side, I have to say I like the fact that WiX
lets me pass in the version number as a set of command-line #define-
equivalents, whereas for Inno Setup I had to have Buildscr apply Perl
rewriting to the source file.)
For the moment, I'm still building the old Inno Setup installer
alongside this one, but I expect to retire it once the WiX one has
survived in the wild for a while and proven itself more or less
I've found both MSI and WiX to be confusing and difficult
technologies, so this installer has some noticeable pieces missing
(e.g. retrospective reconfiguration of the installed feature set, and
per-user vs systemwide installation) simply because I couldn't get
them to work. I've commented the new installer source code heavily, in
the hope that a passing WiX expert can give me a hand!
2016-03-09 20:44:19 +00:00
# which goes on later).
2017-01-21 14:55:52 +00:00
ifneq "$(RELEASE)" "" set Isuffix $(RELEASE)-installer
ifneq "$(PRERELEASE)" "" set Isuffix $(PRERELEASE)-pre$(Ndate)-installer
ifneq "$(SNAPSHOT)" "" set Isuffix $(Date)-installer
ifeq "$(RELEASE)$(PRERELEASE)$(SNAPSHOT)" "" set Isuffix custom-$(Date)-installer
set Ifilename32 putty-$(Isuffix)
set Ifilename64 putty-64bit-$(Isuffix)
2018-05-31 19:31:20 +01:00
set Ifilenamea32 putty-arm32-$(Isuffix)
set Ifilenamea64 putty-arm64-$(Isuffix)
2014-09-24 10:33:13 +00:00
2019-03-18 21:22:59 +00:00
# Set up the Windows version resource info, for both the installers and
2014-09-24 10:33:13 +00:00
# the individual programs. This must be a sequence of four 16-bit
# integers compared lexicographically, and we define it as follows:
# For release X.YY: X.YY.0.0
# For a prerelease before the X.YY release: (X.YY-1).(DDDDD + 0x8000).0
# For a devel snapshot after the X.YY release: X.YY.DDDDD.0
# For a custom build: X.YY.DDDDD.1
# where DDDDD is a representation of the build date, in the form of a
# number of days since an epoch date. The epoch is reset at every
# release (which, with 15 bits, gives us a comfortable 80-odd years
# before it becomes vital to make another release to reset the count
# :-).
ifneq "$(RELEASE)" "" in . do echo $(RELEASE).0.0 > winver
ifneq "$(PRERELEASE)" "" in . do perl -e 'printf "%s.%d.0", $$ARGV[0], 0x8000+$$ARGV[1]' $(Lastver) $(Days) > winver
ifneq "$(SNAPSHOT)" "" in . do perl -e 'printf "%s.%d.0", $$ARGV[0], $$ARGV[1]' $(Lastver) $(Days) > winver
ifeq "$(RELEASE)$(PRERELEASE)$(SNAPSHOT)" "" in . do perl -e 'printf "%s.%d.1", $$ARGV[0], $$ARGV[1]' $(Lastver) $(Days) > winver
in . do perl -pe 'y!.!,!' winver > winvercommas
read Winver winver
read Winvercommas winvercommas
# Write out a version.h that contains the real version number.
in putty do echo '/* Generated by automated build script */' > version.h
ifneq "$(RELEASE)" "" in putty do echo '$#define RELEASE $(RELEASE)' >> version.h
ifneq "$(PRERELEASE)" "" in putty do echo '$#define PRERELEASE $(PRERELEASE)' >> version.h
ifneq "$(SNAPSHOT)" "" in putty do echo '$#define SNAPSHOT' >> version.h
in putty do echo '$#define TEXTVER "$(Textver)"' >> version.h
in putty do echo '$#define SSHVER "$(Sshver)"' >> version.h
in putty do echo '$#define BINARY_VERSION $(Winvercommas)' >> version.h
2017-01-21 14:55:53 +00:00
in putty do echo '$#define SOURCE_COMMIT "$(vcsfullid)"' >> version.h
2014-09-24 10:33:13 +00:00
# Set up the extra arguments for the main Windows nmake command. The
# user can define XFLAGS and MAKEARGS on the bob command line, to pass
# in extra compile and make options respectively (e.g. to do a
# debugging or Minefield build).
set Makeargs
ifneq "$(XFLAGS)" "" set Makeargs $(Makeargs) XFLAGS="$(XFLAGS)"
ifneq "$(MAKEARGS)" "" set Makeargs $(Makeargs) $(MAKEARGS)
2007-02-04 11:17:45 +00:00
in putty do ./mksrcarc.sh
2014-09-24 10:33:13 +00:00
in putty do ./mkunxarc.sh '$(Autoconfver)' '$(Uxarcsuffix)' $(Docmakever)
2007-02-04 11:17:45 +00:00
in putty do perl mkfiles.pl
2019-03-15 22:56:37 +00:00
in putty/doc do make $(Docmakever) putty.chm -j$(nproc)
2007-02-04 12:30:39 +00:00
Test suite for mpint.c and ecc.c.
This is a reasonably comprehensive test that exercises basically all
the functions I rewrote at the end of last year, and it's how I found
a lot of the bugs in them that I fixed earlier today.
It's written in Python, using the unittest framework, which is
convenient because that way I can cross-check Python's own large
integers against PuTTY's.
While I'm here, I've also added a few tests of higher-level crypto
primitives such as Ed25519, AES and HMAC, when I could find official
test vectors for them. I hope to add to that collection at some point,
and also add unit tests of some of the other primitives like ECDH and
The test suite is run automatically by my top-level build script, so
that I won't be able to accidentally ship anything which regresses it.
When it's run at build time, the testcrypt binary is built using both
Address and Leak Sanitiser, so anything they don't like will also
cause a test failure.
2019-01-03 16:04:58 +00:00
delegate -
# Run the test suite, under self-delegation so that we don't leave any
# cruft lying around. This involves doing a build of the Unix tools
# (which is a useful double-check anyway to pick up any build failures)
in putty do ./mkauto.sh
in putty do ./configure CC=clang CFLAGS="-fsanitize=address -fsanitize=leak"
in putty do make -j$(nproc)
in putty do python test/cryptsuite.py
2019-03-18 21:22:59 +00:00
# Windowsify LICENCE, since it's going in the Windows installers.
2007-02-15 23:27:29 +00:00
in putty do perl -i~ -pe 'y/\015//d;s/$$/\015/' LICENCE
New Windows installer system, using WiX to build an MSI.
Mostly this is a reaction to the reports of Inno Setup having a DLL
hijacking vulnerability. But also, the new installer has several other
nice features that our Inno Setup one didn't provide: it can put the
PuTTY install directory on PATH automatically, and it supports
completely automatic and silent install/uninstall via 'msiexec /q'
which should make it easier for sysadmins to roll out installation in
large organisations. Also, it just seems like good sense to be using
Windows's own native packaging system (or closest equivalent) rather
than going it alone.
(And on the developer side, I have to say I like the fact that WiX
lets me pass in the version number as a set of command-line #define-
equivalents, whereas for Inno Setup I had to have Buildscr apply Perl
rewriting to the source file.)
For the moment, I'm still building the old Inno Setup installer
alongside this one, but I expect to retire it once the WiX one has
survived in the wild for a while and proven itself more or less
I've found both MSI and WiX to be confusing and difficult
technologies, so this installer has some noticeable pieces missing
(e.g. retrospective reconfiguration of the installed feature set, and
per-user vs systemwide installation) simply because I couldn't get
them to work. I've commented the new installer source code heavily, in
the hope that a passing WiX expert can give me a hand!
2016-03-09 20:44:19 +00:00
# Some gratuitous theming for the MSI installer UI.
2018-06-01 06:54:13 +01:00
in putty/icons do make -j$(nproc)
New Windows installer system, using WiX to build an MSI.
Mostly this is a reaction to the reports of Inno Setup having a DLL
hijacking vulnerability. But also, the new installer has several other
nice features that our Inno Setup one didn't provide: it can put the
PuTTY install directory on PATH automatically, and it supports
completely automatic and silent install/uninstall via 'msiexec /q'
which should make it easier for sysadmins to roll out installation in
large organisations. Also, it just seems like good sense to be using
Windows's own native packaging system (or closest equivalent) rather
than going it alone.
(And on the developer side, I have to say I like the fact that WiX
lets me pass in the version number as a set of command-line #define-
equivalents, whereas for Inno Setup I had to have Buildscr apply Perl
rewriting to the source file.)
For the moment, I'm still building the old Inno Setup installer
alongside this one, but I expect to retire it once the WiX one has
survived in the wild for a while and proven itself more or less
I've found both MSI and WiX to be confusing and difficult
technologies, so this installer has some noticeable pieces missing
(e.g. retrospective reconfiguration of the installed feature set, and
per-user vs systemwide installation) simply because I couldn't get
them to work. I've commented the new installer source code heavily, in
the hope that a passing WiX expert can give me a hand!
2016-03-09 20:44:19 +00:00
in putty do convert -size 164x312 'gradient:blue-white' -distort SRT -90 -swirl 180 \( -size 329x312 canvas:white \) +append \( icons/putty-48.png -geometry +28+24 \) -composite \( icons/pscp-48.png -geometry +88+96 \) -composite \( icons/puttygen-48.png -geometry +28+168 \) -composite \( icons/pageant-48.png -geometry +88+240 \) -composite windows/msidialog.bmp
in putty do convert -size 493x58 canvas:white \( icons/putty-48.png -geometry +440+5 \) -composite windows/msibanner.bmp
2019-01-26 20:26:09 +00:00
mkdir putty/windows/build32
mkdir putty/windows/build64
mkdir putty/windows/buildold
mkdir putty/windows/abuild32
mkdir putty/windows/abuild64
2019-03-18 21:22:59 +00:00
# Build the binaries to go in the installers, in both 32- and 64-bit
2019-01-26 20:26:09 +00:00
# flavours.
2017-05-27 20:06:11 +01:00
# For the 32-bit ones, we set a subsystem version of 5.01, which
# allows the resulting files to still run on Windows XP.
2019-01-26 20:26:09 +00:00
in putty/windows with clangcl32 do Platform=x86 make -f Makefile.clangcl BUILDDIR=build32/ SUBSYSVER=,5.01 $(Makeargs) all -j$(nproc)
in putty/windows with clangcl64 do Platform=x64 make -f Makefile.clangcl BUILDDIR=build64/ $(Makeargs) all -j$(nproc)
2017-05-27 20:06:11 +01:00
2018-05-31 18:19:23 +01:00
# Build experimental Arm Windows binaries.
2019-01-26 20:26:09 +00:00
in putty/windows with clangcl_a32 do Platform=arm make -f Makefile.clangcl BUILDDIR=abuild32/ SUBSYSVER=,5.01 $(Makeargs) all -j$(nproc)
in putty/windows with clangcl_a64 do Platform=arm64 make -f Makefile.clangcl BUILDDIR=abuild64/ $(Makeargs) all -j$(nproc)
2018-06-01 19:35:15 +01:00
# Remove Windows binaries for the test programs we don't want to ship,
2019-01-26 20:26:09 +00:00
# like testcrypt.exe. (But we still _built_ them, to ensure the build
2018-06-01 19:35:15 +01:00
# worked.)
in putty/windows do make -f Makefile.clangcl BUILDDIR=build32/ cleantestprogs
in putty/windows do make -f Makefile.clangcl BUILDDIR=build64/ cleantestprogs
in putty/windows do make -f Makefile.clangcl BUILDDIR=abuild32/ cleantestprogs
in putty/windows do make -f Makefile.clangcl BUILDDIR=abuild64/ cleantestprogs
2017-05-27 20:06:11 +01:00
# Code-sign the Windows binaries, if the local bob config provides a
# script to do so in a cross-compiling way. We assume here that the
# script accepts an -i option to provide a 'more info' URL, an
# optional -n option to provide a program name, and an -N option to
# take the program name from an .exe's version resource, and that it
# can accept multiple .exe or .msi filename arguments and sign them
# all in place.
2018-05-31 18:19:23 +01:00
ifneq "$(cross_winsigncode)" "" in putty/windows do $(cross_winsigncode) -N -i https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ build*/*.exe abuild*/*.exe
New Windows installer system, using WiX to build an MSI.
Mostly this is a reaction to the reports of Inno Setup having a DLL
hijacking vulnerability. But also, the new installer has several other
nice features that our Inno Setup one didn't provide: it can put the
PuTTY install directory on PATH automatically, and it supports
completely automatic and silent install/uninstall via 'msiexec /q'
which should make it easier for sysadmins to roll out installation in
large organisations. Also, it just seems like good sense to be using
Windows's own native packaging system (or closest equivalent) rather
than going it alone.
(And on the developer side, I have to say I like the fact that WiX
lets me pass in the version number as a set of command-line #define-
equivalents, whereas for Inno Setup I had to have Buildscr apply Perl
rewriting to the source file.)
For the moment, I'm still building the old Inno Setup installer
alongside this one, but I expect to retire it once the WiX one has
survived in the wild for a while and proven itself more or less
I've found both MSI and WiX to be confusing and difficult
technologies, so this installer has some noticeable pieces missing
(e.g. retrospective reconfiguration of the installed feature set, and
per-user vs systemwide installation) simply because I couldn't get
them to work. I've commented the new installer source code heavily, in
the hope that a passing WiX expert can give me a hand!
2016-03-09 20:44:19 +00:00
2019-03-16 12:13:49 +00:00
# Make a preliminary set of cryptographic checksums giving the hashes
# of these versions of the binaries. We'll make the rest below.
in putty do for hash in md5 sha1 sha256 sha512; do for dir_plat in "build32 w32" "build64 w64" "abuild32 wa32" "abuild64 wa64"; do set -- $$dir_plat; (cd windows/$$1 && $${hash}sum *.exe | sed 's!\( \+\)!\1'$$2'/!;s!$$! (installer version)!') >> $${hash}sums.installer; done; done
2019-03-18 21:22:59 +00:00
# Build a WiX MSI installer, for each build flavour.
2018-05-31 19:31:20 +01:00
in putty/windows with wixonlinux do candle -arch x86 -dRealPlatform=x86 -dDllOk=yes -dBuilddir=build32/ -dWinver="$(Winver)" -dPuttytextver="$(Puttytextver)" installer.wxs && light -ext WixUIExtension -ext WixUtilExtension -sval installer.wixobj -o installer32.msi -spdb
in putty/windows with wixonlinux do candle -arch x64 -dRealPlatform=x64 -dDllOk=yes -dBuilddir=build64/ -dWinver="$(Winver)" -dPuttytextver="$(Puttytextver)" installer.wxs && light -ext WixUIExtension -ext WixUtilExtension -sval installer.wixobj -o installer64.msi -spdb
2018-08-16 19:01:36 +01:00
in putty/windows with wixonlinux do candle -arch x64 -dRealPlatform=Arm -dDllOk=no -dBuilddir=abuild32/ -dWinver="$(Winver)" -dPuttytextver="$(Puttytextver)" installer.wxs && light -ext WixUIExtension -ext WixUtilExtension -sval installer.wixobj -o installera32.msi -spdb
in putty/windows with wixonlinux do candle -arch x64 -dRealPlatform=Arm64 -dDllOk=no -dBuilddir=abuild64/ -dWinver="$(Winver)" -dPuttytextver="$(Puttytextver)" installer.wxs && light -ext WixUIExtension -ext WixUtilExtension -sval installer.wixobj -o installera64.msi -spdb
# Bodge the platform fields for the Windows on Arm installers, since
# WiX 3 doesn't understand Arm platform names itself.
in putty/windows do ./msiplatform.py installera32.msi Arm
in putty/windows do ./msiplatform.py installera64.msi Arm64
2017-05-27 20:07:00 +01:00
# Sign the Windows installers.
2018-05-31 19:31:20 +01:00
ifneq "$(cross_winsigncode)" "" in putty/windows do $(cross_winsigncode) -i https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ -n "PuTTY Installer" installer32.msi installer64.msi installera32.msi installera64.msi
2017-05-27 20:07:00 +01:00
2019-01-26 20:26:09 +00:00
# Delete the binaries and resource files from the build directories,
# so that we can rebuild them differently.
in putty/windows/build32 do rm -f *.exe *.res *.rcpp
in putty/windows/build64 do rm -f *.exe *.res *.rcpp
in putty/windows/abuild32 do rm -f *.exe *.res *.rcpp
in putty/windows/abuild64 do rm -f *.exe *.res *.rcpp
# Build the standalone binaries, in both 32- and 64-bit flavours.
# These differ from the previous set in that they embed the help file.
in putty/windows with clangcl32 do Platform=x86 make -f Makefile.clangcl BUILDDIR=build32/ RCFL=-DEMBED_CHM SUBSYSVER=,5.01 $(Makeargs) all -j$(nproc)
in putty/windows with clangcl64 do Platform=x64 make -f Makefile.clangcl BUILDDIR=build64/ RCFL=-DEMBED_CHM $(Makeargs) all -j$(nproc)
in putty/windows with clangcl_a32 do Platform=arm make -f Makefile.clangcl BUILDDIR=abuild32/ RCFL=-DEMBED_CHM SUBSYSVER=,5.01 $(Makeargs) all -j$(nproc)
in putty/windows with clangcl_a64 do Platform=arm64 make -f Makefile.clangcl BUILDDIR=abuild64/ RCFL=-DEMBED_CHM $(Makeargs) all -j$(nproc)
# Build the 'old' binaries, which should still run on all 32-bit
# versions of Windows back to Win95 (but not Win32s). These link
# against Visual Studio 2003 libraries (the more modern versions
# assume excessively modern Win32 API calls to be available), specify
# a subsystem version of 4.0, and compile with /arch:IA32 to prevent
# the use of modern CPU features like MMX which older machines also
# might not have.
# There's no installer to go with these, so they must also embed the
# help file.
in putty/windows with clangcl32_2003 do Platform=x86 make -f Makefile.clangcl BUILDDIR=buildold/ RCFL=-DEMBED_CHM $(Makeargs) CCTARGET=i386-pc-windows-msvc13.0.0 SUBSYSVER=,4.0 EXTRA_windows=wincrt0.obj EXTRA_console=crt0.obj EXTRA_libs=libcpmt.lib XFLAGS=/arch:IA32 all -j$(nproc)
# Remove test programs again.
in putty/windows do make -f Makefile.clangcl BUILDDIR=build32/ cleantestprogs
in putty/windows do make -f Makefile.clangcl BUILDDIR=build64/ cleantestprogs
in putty/windows do make -f Makefile.clangcl BUILDDIR=abuild32/ cleantestprogs
in putty/windows do make -f Makefile.clangcl BUILDDIR=abuild64/ cleantestprogs
in putty/windows do make -f Makefile.clangcl BUILDDIR=buildold/ cleantestprogs
# Code-sign the standalone versions of the binaries.
ifneq "$(cross_winsigncode)" "" in putty/windows do $(cross_winsigncode) -N -i https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ build*/*.exe abuild*/*.exe
2007-02-04 11:17:45 +00:00
in putty/doc do make mostlyclean
2018-05-31 18:11:16 +01:00
in putty/doc do make $(Docmakever) -j$(nproc)
2019-03-15 22:56:37 +00:00
in putty/windows/buildold do zip -k -j putty.zip `ls *.exe | grep -v puttytel` ../../doc/putty.chm
in putty/windows/build32 do zip -k -j putty.zip `ls *.exe | grep -v puttytel` ../../doc/putty.chm
in putty/windows/build64 do zip -k -j putty.zip `ls *.exe | grep -v puttytel` ../../doc/putty.chm
in putty/windows/abuild32 do zip -k -j putty.zip `ls *.exe | grep -v puttytel` ../../doc/putty.chm
in putty/windows/abuild64 do zip -k -j putty.zip `ls *.exe | grep -v puttytel` ../../doc/putty.chm
2007-02-04 11:17:45 +00:00
in putty/doc do zip puttydoc.zip *.html
2007-02-08 18:53:11 +00:00
# Deliver the actual PuTTY release directory into a subdir `putty'.
2017-01-21 14:55:52 +00:00
deliver putty/windows/buildold/*.exe putty/w32old/$@
deliver putty/windows/buildold/putty.zip putty/w32old/$@
2017-01-21 14:55:48 +00:00
deliver putty/windows/build32/*.exe putty/w32/$@
deliver putty/windows/build32/putty.zip putty/w32/$@
2017-01-21 14:55:52 +00:00
deliver putty/windows/build64/*.exe putty/w64/$@
deliver putty/windows/build64/putty.zip putty/w64/$@
2017-01-21 14:55:52 +00:00
deliver putty/windows/installer32.msi putty/w32/$(Ifilename32).msi
deliver putty/windows/installer64.msi putty/w64/$(Ifilename64).msi
2018-05-31 19:31:20 +01:00
deliver putty/windows/installera32.msi putty/wa32/$(Ifilenamea32).msi
deliver putty/windows/installera64.msi putty/wa64/$(Ifilenamea64).msi
2018-05-31 18:19:23 +01:00
deliver putty/windows/abuild32/*.exe putty/wa32/$@
deliver putty/windows/abuild32/putty.zip putty/wa32/$@
deliver putty/windows/abuild64/*.exe putty/wa64/$@
deliver putty/windows/abuild64/putty.zip putty/wa64/$@
2007-02-08 18:53:11 +00:00
deliver putty/doc/puttydoc.zip putty/$@
deliver putty/doc/putty.chm putty/$@
deliver putty/doc/puttydoc.txt putty/$@
deliver putty/doc/*.html putty/htmldoc/$@
deliver putty/putty-src.zip putty/$@
deliver putty/*.tar.gz putty/$@
# Deliver the map files alongside the `proper' release deliverables.
2017-01-21 14:55:52 +00:00
deliver putty/windows/buildold/*.map maps/w32old/$@
2017-01-21 14:55:48 +00:00
deliver putty/windows/build32/*.map maps/w32/$@
2017-01-21 14:55:52 +00:00
deliver putty/windows/build64/*.map maps/w64/$@
2018-05-31 18:19:23 +01:00
deliver putty/windows/abuild32/*.map maps/wa32/$@
deliver putty/windows/abuild64/*.map maps/wa64/$@
2007-02-08 18:53:11 +00:00
# Deliver sign.sh, so that whoever has just built PuTTY (the
# snapshot scripts or me, depending) can conveniently sign it with
# whatever key they want.
deliver putty/sign.sh $@
2007-02-04 11:17:45 +00:00
2011-07-10 11:45:52 +00:00
# Create files of cryptographic checksums, which will be signed along
# with the files they verify. We've provided MD5 checksums for a
# while, but now MD5 is looking iffy, we're expanding our selection.
# Creating these files is most easily done in the destination
# directory, where all the files we're delivering are already in their
# final relative layout.
2019-03-16 12:13:49 +00:00
in . do pwd > builddir
read Builddir builddir
in-dest putty do a=`\find * -type f -print`; for hash in md5 sha1 sha256 sha512; do ($${hash}sum $$a; echo; cat $(Builddir)/putty/$${hash}sums.installer) > $${hash}sums; done
2007-02-05 12:49:24 +00:00
# And construct .htaccess files. One in the top-level directory,
# setting the MIME types for Windows help files and providing an
# appropriate link to the source archive:
2007-02-08 18:53:11 +00:00
in-dest putty do echo "AddType application/octet-stream .chm" >> .htaccess
2015-09-03 19:04:54 +01:00
in-dest putty do set -- putty*.tar.gz; for k in '' .gpg; do echo RedirectMatch temp '(.*/)'putty.tar.gz$$k\$$ '$$1'"$$1$$k" >> .htaccess; done
2017-01-21 14:55:52 +00:00
# And one in each binary directory, providing links for the installers.
2018-06-04 19:13:13 +01:00
in-dest putty do for params in "w32 putty-installer" "w64 putty-64bit-installer" "wa32 putty-arm32-installer" "wa64 putty-arm64-installer"; do (set -- $$params; subdir=$$1; installername=$$2; cd $$subdir && for ext in msi exe; do set -- putty*installer.$$ext; if test -f $$1; then for k in '' .gpg; do echo RedirectMatch temp '(.*/)'$${installername}.$$ext$$k\$$ '$$1'"$$1$$k" >> .htaccess; done; fi; done); done