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synced 2025-03-22 14:39:24 -05:00
GTK3 prep: refactor the layout calculation in Columns.
Previously, columns_size_request and columns_size_allocate would each loop over all the widgets doing computations for both width and height. Now I've separated out the width parts from the height parts, and moved both out into four new functions, so that the top-level columns_size_request and columns_size_allocate are just wrappers that call the new functions and plumb size and position information between them and GTK. Actual functionality should be unchanged by this patch.
This commit is contained in:
@ -520,6 +520,286 @@ static gint columns_focus(GtkContainer *container, GtkDirectionType dir)
* Underlying parts of the layout algorithm, to compute the Columns
* container's width or height given the widths or heights of its
* children. These will be called in various ways with different
* notions of width and height in use, so we abstract them out and
* pass them a 'get width' or 'get height' function pointer.
typedef gint (*widget_dim_fn_t)(ColumnsChild *child);
static gint columns_compute_width(Columns *cols, widget_dim_fn_t get_width)
ColumnsChild *child;
GList *children;
gint i, ncols, colspan, retwidth, childwidth;
const gint *percentages;
static const gint onecol[] = { 100 };
retwidth = 0;
ncols = 1;
percentages = onecol;
for (children = cols->children;
children && (child = children->data);
children = children->next) {
if (!child->widget) {
/* Column reconfiguration. */
ncols = child->ncols;
percentages = child->percentages;
/* Only take visible widgets into account. */
if (!gtk_widget_get_visible(child->widget))
childwidth = get_width(child);
colspan = child->colspan ? child->colspan : ncols-child->colstart;
* To compute width: we know that childwidth + cols->spacing
* needs to equal a certain percentage of the full width of
* the container. So we work this value out, figure out how
* wide the container will need to be to make that percentage
* of it equal to that width, and ensure our returned width is
* at least that much. Very simple really.
int percent, thiswid, fullwid;
percent = 0;
for (i = 0; i < colspan; i++)
percent += percentages[child->colstart+i];
thiswid = childwidth + cols->spacing;
* Since childwidth is (at least sometimes) the _minimum_
* size the child needs, we must ensure that it gets _at
* least_ that size. Hence, when scaling thiswid up to
* fullwid, we must round up, which means adding percent-1
* before dividing by percent.
fullwid = (thiswid * 100 + percent - 1) / percent;
* The above calculation assumes every widget gets
* cols->spacing on the right. So we subtract
* cols->spacing here to account for the extra load of
* spacing on the right.
if (retwidth < fullwid - cols->spacing)
retwidth = fullwid - cols->spacing;
retwidth += 2*gtk_container_get_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(cols));
return retwidth;
static void columns_alloc_horiz(Columns *cols, gint ourwidth,
widget_dim_fn_t get_width)
ColumnsChild *child;
GList *children;
gint i, ncols, colspan, border, *colxpos, childwidth;
const gint *percentages;
static const gint onecol[] = { 100 };
border = gtk_container_get_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(cols));
ncols = 1;
percentages = onecol;
/* colxpos gives the starting x position of each column.
* We supply n+1 of them, so that we can find the RH edge easily.
* All ending x positions are expected to be adjusted afterwards by
* subtracting the spacing. */
colxpos = g_new(gint, 2);
colxpos[0] = 0;
colxpos[1] = ourwidth - 2*border + cols->spacing;
for (children = cols->children;
children && (child = children->data);
children = children->next) {
if (!child->widget) {
gint percent;
/* Column reconfiguration. */
ncols = child->ncols;
percentages = child->percentages;
colxpos = g_renew(gint, colxpos, ncols + 1);
colxpos[0] = 0;
percent = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ncols; i++) {
percent += percentages[i];
colxpos[i+1] = (((ourwidth - 2*border) + cols->spacing)
* percent / 100);
/* Only take visible widgets into account. */
if (!gtk_widget_get_visible(child->widget))
childwidth = get_width(child);
colspan = child->colspan ? child->colspan : ncols-child->colstart;
* Starting x position is cols[colstart].
* Ending x position is cols[colstart+colspan] - spacing.
* Unless we're forcing left, in which case the width is
* exactly the requisition width.
child->x = colxpos[child->colstart];
if (child->force_left)
child->w = childwidth;
child->w = (colxpos[child->colstart+colspan] -
colxpos[child->colstart] - cols->spacing);
static gint columns_compute_height(Columns *cols, widget_dim_fn_t get_height)
ColumnsChild *child;
GList *children;
gint i, ncols, colspan, *colypos, retheight, childheight;
retheight = cols->spacing;
ncols = 1;
colypos = g_new(gint, 1);
colypos[0] = 0;
for (children = cols->children;
children && (child = children->data);
children = children->next) {
if (!child->widget) {
/* Column reconfiguration. */
for (i = 1; i < ncols; i++) {
if (colypos[0] < colypos[i])
colypos[0] = colypos[i];
ncols = child->ncols;
colypos = g_renew(gint, colypos, ncols);
for (i = 1; i < ncols; i++)
colypos[i] = colypos[0];
/* Only take visible widgets into account. */
if (!gtk_widget_get_visible(child->widget))
childheight = get_height(child);
colspan = child->colspan ? child->colspan : ncols-child->colstart;
* To compute height: the widget's top will be positioned at
* the largest y value so far reached in any of the columns it
* crosses. Then it will go down by childheight plus padding;
* and the point it reaches at the bottom is the new y value
* in all those columns, and minus the padding it is also a
* lower bound on our own height.
int topy, boty;
topy = 0;
for (i = 0; i < colspan; i++) {
if (topy < colypos[child->colstart+i])
topy = colypos[child->colstart+i];
boty = topy + childheight + cols->spacing;
for (i = 0; i < colspan; i++) {
colypos[child->colstart+i] = boty;
if (retheight < boty - cols->spacing)
retheight = boty - cols->spacing;
retheight += 2*gtk_container_get_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(cols));
return retheight;
static void columns_alloc_vert(Columns *cols, gint ourheight,
widget_dim_fn_t get_height)
ColumnsChild *child;
GList *children;
gint i, ncols, colspan, *colypos, childheight;
ncols = 1;
/* As in size_request, colypos is the lowest y reached in each column. */
colypos = g_new(gint, 1);
colypos[0] = 0;
for (children = cols->children;
children && (child = children->data);
children = children->next) {
if (!child->widget) {
/* Column reconfiguration. */
for (i = 1; i < ncols; i++) {
if (colypos[0] < colypos[i])
colypos[0] = colypos[i];
ncols = child->ncols;
colypos = g_renew(gint, colypos, ncols);
for (i = 1; i < ncols; i++)
colypos[i] = colypos[0];
/* Only take visible widgets into account. */
if (!gtk_widget_get_visible(child->widget))
childheight = get_height(child);
colspan = child->colspan ? child->colspan : ncols-child->colstart;
* To compute height: the widget's top will be positioned
* at the largest y value so far reached in any of the
* columns it crosses. Then it will go down by creq.height
* plus padding; and the point it reaches at the bottom is
* the new y value in all those columns.
int topy, boty;
topy = 0;
for (i = 0; i < colspan; i++) {
if (topy < colypos[child->colstart+i])
topy = colypos[child->colstart+i];
child->y = topy;
child->h = childheight;
boty = topy + childheight + cols->spacing;
for (i = 0; i < colspan; i++) {
colypos[child->colstart+i] = boty;
* Now here comes the interesting bit. The actual layout part is
* done in the following two functions:
@ -535,14 +815,23 @@ static gint columns_focus(GtkContainer *container, GtkDirectionType dir)
* container.
static gint columns_gtk2_get_width(ColumnsChild *child)
GtkRequisition creq;
gtk_widget_size_request(child->widget, &creq);
return creq.width;
static gint columns_gtk2_get_height(ColumnsChild *child)
GtkRequisition creq;
gtk_widget_size_request(child->widget, &creq);
return creq.height;
static void columns_size_request(GtkWidget *widget, GtkRequisition *req)
Columns *cols;
ColumnsChild *child;
GList *children;
gint i, ncols, colspan, *colypos;
const gint *percentages;
static const gint onecol[] = { 100 };
g_return_if_fail(widget != NULL);
@ -550,107 +839,8 @@ static void columns_size_request(GtkWidget *widget, GtkRequisition *req)
cols = COLUMNS(widget);
req->width = 0;
req->height = cols->spacing;
ncols = 1;
colypos = g_new(gint, 1);
colypos[0] = 0;
percentages = onecol;
for (children = cols->children;
children && (child = children->data);
children = children->next) {
GtkRequisition creq;
if (!child->widget) {
/* Column reconfiguration. */
for (i = 1; i < ncols; i++) {
if (colypos[0] < colypos[i])
colypos[0] = colypos[i];
ncols = child->ncols;
percentages = child->percentages;
colypos = g_renew(gint, colypos, ncols);
for (i = 1; i < ncols; i++)
colypos[i] = colypos[0];
/* Only take visible widgets into account. */
if (!gtk_widget_get_visible(child->widget))
gtk_widget_size_request(child->widget, &creq);
colspan = child->colspan ? child->colspan : ncols-child->colstart;
* To compute width: we know that creq.width plus
* cols->spacing needs to equal a certain percentage of the
* full width of the container. So we work this value out,
* figure out how wide the container will need to be to
* make that percentage of it equal to that width, and
* ensure our returned width is at least that much. Very
* simple really.
int percent, thiswid, fullwid;
percent = 0;
for (i = 0; i < colspan; i++)
percent += percentages[child->colstart+i];
thiswid = creq.width + cols->spacing;
* Since creq is the _minimum_ size the child needs, we
* must ensure that it gets _at least_ that size.
* Hence, when scaling thiswid up to fullwid, we must
* round up, which means adding percent-1 before
* dividing by percent.
fullwid = (thiswid * 100 + percent - 1) / percent;
* The above calculation assumes every widget gets
* cols->spacing on the right. So we subtract
* cols->spacing here to account for the extra load of
* spacing on the right.
if (req->width < fullwid - cols->spacing)
req->width = fullwid - cols->spacing;
* To compute height: the widget's top will be positioned
* at the largest y value so far reached in any of the
* columns it crosses. Then it will go down by creq.height
* plus padding; and the point it reaches at the bottom is
* the new y value in all those columns, and minus the
* padding it is also a lower bound on our own size
* request.
int topy, boty;
topy = 0;
for (i = 0; i < colspan; i++) {
if (topy < colypos[child->colstart+i])
topy = colypos[child->colstart+i];
boty = topy + creq.height + cols->spacing;
for (i = 0; i < colspan; i++) {
colypos[child->colstart+i] = boty;
if (req->height < boty - cols->spacing)
req->height = boty - cols->spacing;
req->width += 2*gtk_container_get_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(cols));
req->height += 2*gtk_container_get_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(cols));
req->width = columns_compute_width(cols, columns_gtk2_get_width);
req->height = columns_compute_height(cols, columns_gtk2_get_height);
@ -676,9 +866,7 @@ static void columns_size_allocate(GtkWidget *widget, GtkAllocation *alloc)
Columns *cols;
ColumnsChild *child;
GList *children;
gint i, ncols, colspan, border, *colxpos, *colypos;
const gint *percentages;
static const gint onecol[] = { 100 };
gint border;
g_return_if_fail(widget != NULL);
@ -686,98 +874,22 @@ static void columns_size_allocate(GtkWidget *widget, GtkAllocation *alloc)
cols = COLUMNS(widget);
gtk_widget_set_allocation(widget, alloc);
border = gtk_container_get_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(cols));
ncols = 1;
percentages = onecol;
/* colxpos gives the starting x position of each column.
* We supply n+1 of them, so that we can find the RH edge easily.
* All ending x positions are expected to be adjusted afterwards by
* subtracting the spacing. */
colxpos = g_new(gint, 2);
colxpos[0] = 0;
colxpos[1] = alloc->width - 2*border + cols->spacing;
/* As in size_request, colypos is the lowest y reached in each column. */
colypos = g_new(gint, 1);
colypos[0] = 0;
columns_alloc_horiz(cols, alloc->width, columns_gtk2_get_width);
columns_alloc_vert(cols, alloc->height, columns_gtk2_get_height);
for (children = cols->children;
children && (child = children->data);
children = children->next) {
GtkRequisition creq;
if (child->widget && gtk_widget_get_visible(child->widget)) {
GtkAllocation call;
if (!child->widget) {
gint percent;
/* Column reconfiguration. */
for (i = 1; i < ncols; i++) {
if (colypos[0] < colypos[i])
colypos[0] = colypos[i];
ncols = child->ncols;
percentages = child->percentages;
colypos = g_renew(gint, colypos, ncols);
for (i = 1; i < ncols; i++)
colypos[i] = colypos[0];
colxpos = g_renew(gint, colxpos, ncols + 1);
colxpos[0] = 0;
percent = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ncols; i++) {
percent += percentages[i];
colxpos[i+1] = (((alloc->width - 2*border) + cols->spacing)
* percent / 100);
/* Only take visible widgets into account. */
if (!gtk_widget_get_visible(child->widget))
gtk_widget_get_child_requisition(child->widget, &creq);
colspan = child->colspan ? child->colspan : ncols-child->colstart;
* Starting x position is cols[colstart].
* Ending x position is cols[colstart+colspan] - spacing.
* Unless we're forcing left, in which case the width is
* exactly the requisition width.
call.x = alloc->x + border + colxpos[child->colstart];
if (child->force_left)
call.width = creq.width;
call.width = (colxpos[child->colstart+colspan] -
colxpos[child->colstart] - cols->spacing);
* To compute height: the widget's top will be positioned
* at the largest y value so far reached in any of the
* columns it crosses. Then it will go down by creq.height
* plus padding; and the point it reaches at the bottom is
* the new y value in all those columns.
int topy, boty;
topy = 0;
for (i = 0; i < colspan; i++) {
if (topy < colypos[child->colstart+i])
topy = colypos[child->colstart+i];
call.y = alloc->y + border + topy;
call.height = creq.height;
boty = topy + creq.height + cols->spacing;
for (i = 0; i < colspan; i++) {
colypos[child->colstart+i] = boty;
call.x = alloc->x + border + child->x;
call.y = alloc->y + border + child->y;
call.width = child->w;
call.height = child->h;
gtk_widget_size_allocate(child->widget, &call);
@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ struct ColumnsChild_tag {
/* Otherwise, this entry represents a change in the column setup. */
gint ncols;
gint *percentages;
gint x, y, w, h; /* used during an individual size computation */
GType columns_get_type(void);
Reference in New Issue
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