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synced 2025-03-22 14:39:24 -05:00
A swathe of new FAQ questions, along the general theme of `will you
sign something for us / give us assurances / give us indemnity'. [originally from svn r6365]
This commit is contained in:
@ -1223,6 +1223,172 @@ particular environment. If your users mail us directly, we won't be
able to give them very much help about things specific to your own
\S{faq-indemnity}{Question} Can you sign an agreement indemnifying
us against security problems in PuTTY?
A vendor of physical security products (e.g. locks) might plausibly
be willing to accept financial liability for a product that failed
to perform as advertised and resulted in damage (e.g. valuables
being stolen). The reason they can afford to do this is because they
sell a \e{lot} of units, and only a small proportion of them will
fail; so they can meet their financial liability out of the income
from all the rest of their sales, and still have enough left over to
make a profit. Financial liability is intrinsically linked to
selling your product for money.
There are two reasons why PuTTY is not analogous to a physical lock
in this context. One is that software products don't exhibit random
variation: \e{if} PuTTY has a security hole (which does happen,
although we do our utmost to prevent it and to respond quickly when
it does), every copy of PuTTY will have the same hole, so it's
likely to affect all the users at the same time. So even if our
users were all paying us to use PuTTY, we wouldn't be able to
\e{simultaneously} pay every affected user compensation in excess of
the amount they had paid us in the first place. It just wouldn't
The second, much more important, reason is that PuTTY users
\e{don't} pay us. The PuTTY team does not have an income; it's a
volunteer effort composed of people spending their spare time to try
to write useful software. We aren't even a company or any kind of
legally recognised organisation. We're just a bunch of people who
happen to do some stuff in our spare time.
Therefore, to ask us to assume financial liability is to ask us to
assume a risk of having to pay it out of our own \e{personal}
pockets: out of the same budget from which we buy food and clothes
and pay our rent. That's more than we're willing to give. We're
already giving a lot of our spare \e{time} to developing software
for free; if we had to pay our own \e{money} to do it as well, we'd
start to wonder why we were bothering.
Free software fundamentally does not work on the basis of financial
guarantees. Your guarantee of the software functioning correctly is
simply that you have the source code and can check it before you use
it. If you want to be sure there aren't any security holes, do a
security audit of the PuTTY code, or hire a security engineer if you
don't have the necessary skills yourself: instead of trying to
ensure you can get compensation in the event of a disaster, try to
ensure there isn't a disaster in the first place.
If you \e{really} want financial security, see if you can find a
security engineer who will take financial responsibility for the
correctness of their review. (This might be less likely to suffer
from the everything-failing-at-once problem mentioned above, because
such an engineer would probably be reviewing a lot of \e{different}
products which would tend to fail independently.) Failing that, see
if you can persuade an insurance company to insure you against
security incidents, and if the insurer demands it as a condition
then get our code reviewed by a security engineer they're happy
\S{faq-permission-form}{Question} Can you sign this form granting us
permission to use/distribute PuTTY?
If your form contains any clause along the lines of \q{the
undersigned represents and warrants}, we're not going to sign it.
This is particularly true if it asks us to warrant that PuTTY is
secure; see \k{faq-indemnity} for more discussion of this. But it
doesn't really matter what we're supposed to be warranting: even if
it's something we already believe is true, such as that we don't
infringe any third-party copyright, we will not sign a document
accepting any legal or financial liability. This is simply because
the PuTTY development project has no income out of which to satisfy
that liability, or pay legal costs, should it become necessary. We
cannot afford to be sued. We are assuring you that \e{we have done
our best}; if that isn't good enough for you, tough.
The existing PuTTY licence document already gives you permission to
use or distribute PuTTY in pretty much any way which does not
involve pretending you wrote it or suing us if it goes wrong. We
think that really ought to be enough for anybody.
See also \k{faq-permission-general} for another reason why we don't
want to do this sort of thing.
\S{faq-permission-future}{Question} Can you write us a formal notice
of permission to use PuTTY?
We could, in principle, but it isn't clear what use it would be. If
you think there's a serious chance of one of the PuTTY copyright
holders suing you (which we don't!), you would presumably want a
signed notice from \e{all} of them; and we couldn't provide that
even if we wanted to, because many of the copyright holders are
people who contributed some code in the past and with whom we
subsequently lost contact. Therefore the best we would be able to do
\e{even in theory} would be to have the core development team sign
the document, which wouldn't guarantee you that some other copyright
holder might not sue.
See also \k{faq-permission-general} for another reason why we don't
want to do this sort of thing.
\S{faq-permission-general}{Question} Can you sign \e{anything} for
Not unless there's an incredibly good reason.
We are generally unwilling to set a precedent that involves us
having to enter into individual agreements with PuTTY users. We
estimate that we have literally \e{millions} of users, and we
absolutely would not have time to go round signing specific
agreements with every one of them. So if you want us to sign
something specific for you, you might usefully stop to consider
whether there's anything special that distinguishes you from 999,999
other users, and therefore any reason we should be willing to sign
something for you without it setting such a precedent.
If your company policy requires you to have an individual agreement
with the supplier of any software you use, then your company policy
is simply not well suited to using popular free software, and we
urge you to consider this as a flaw in your policy.
\S{faq-permission-assurance}{Question} If you won't sign anything,
can you give us some sort of assurance that you won't make PuTTY
closed-source in future?
Yes and no.
If what you want is an assurance that some \e{current version} of
PuTTY which you've already downloaded will remain free, then you
already have that assurance: it's called the PuTTY Licence. It
grants you permission to use, distribute and copy the software to
which it applies; once we've granted that permission (which we
have), we can't just revoke it.
On the other hand, if you want an assurance that \e{future} versions
of PuTTY won't be closed-source, that's more difficult. We could in
principle sign a document stating that we would never release a
closed-source PuTTY, but that wouldn't assure you that we \e{would}
keep releasing \e{open}-source PuTTYs: we would still have the
option of ceasing to develop PuTTY at all, which would surely be
even worse for you than making it closed-source! (And we almost
certainly wouldn't \e{want} to sign a document guaranteeing that we
would actually continue to do development work on PuTTY; we
certainly wouldn't sign it for free. Documents like that are called
contracts of employment, and are generally not signed except in
return for a sizeable salary.)
If we \e{were} to stop developing PuTTY, or to decide to make all
future releases closed-source, then you would still be free to copy
the last open release in accordance with the current licence, and in
particular you could start your own fork of the project from that
release. If this happened, I confidently predict that \e{somebody}
would do that, and that some kind of a free PuTTY would continue to
be developed. There's already precedent for that sort of thing
happening in free software. We can't guarantee that somebody
\e{other than you} would do it, of course; you might have to do it
yourself. But we can assure you that there would be nothing
\e{preventing} anyone from continuing free development if we
(Finally, we can also confidently predict that if we made PuTTY
closed-source and someone made an open-source fork, most people
would switch to the latter. Therefore, it would be pretty stupid of
us to try it.)
\H{faq-misc} Miscellaneous questions
\S{faq-openssh}{Question} Is PuTTY a port of \i{OpenSSH}, or based on
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