diff --git a/windows/putty.iss b/windows/putty.iss index 6479023d..37b0ecdc 100644 --- a/windows/putty.iss +++ b/windows/putty.iss @@ -98,3 +98,7 @@ FinishedRestartLabel=One or more [name] programs are still running. Setup will n FinishedRestartMessage=One or more [name] programs are still running.%nSetup will not replace these program files until you restart your computer.%n%nWould you like to restart now? ; ...and this comes up if you try to uninstall. UninstalledAndNeedsRestart=One or more %1 programs are still running.%nThe program files will not be removed until your computer is restarted.%n%nWould you like to restart now? +; Old versions of this installer used to prompt to remove saved settings +; and the like after the point this message was printed, so it seems +; polite to warn people that that no longer happens. +ConfirmUninstall=Are you sure you want to completely remove %1 and all of its components?%n%nNote that this will not remove any saved sessions or random seed file that %1 has created. These are harmless to leave on your system, but if you want to remove them, you should answer No here and run 'putty.exe -cleanup' before you uninstall.