Ben Harris
Don't bother with CFM checks on non-CFM machines.
[originally from svn r210]
1999-09-01 22:13:52 +00:00
Ben Harris
Open Transport stuff now actually compiles.
Various stuff caught up to latest versions.
[originally from svn r192]
1999-08-02 22:32:39 +00:00
Ben Harris
Various changes for Open Transport.
[originally from svn r188]
1999-08-02 08:04:31 +00:00
Ben Harris
Lots of MacTCP networking stuff. I think all the code's written, but it
doesn't actually work yet. Also the telnet backend is still single-session,
and I haven't even touched the ssh one. Oh, and the "Main" segment just
overflowed 32k, so we have extra linker incantations. I'm off to the pub
[originally from svn r156]
1999-04-04 18:23:35 +00:00
Ben Harris
The "about" box now behaves approximately as it should (though we still don't
have a licence box).
[originally from svn r154]
1999-04-02 12:58:03 +00:00
Ben Harris
Minor code clean-up
[originally from svn r150]
1999-04-01 21:26:44 +00:00
Ben Harris
We now only link weakly with AppearanceLib, which should let us run on PowerPCs
without the Appearance Manager. Not that I've tested this, of course.
[originally from svn r140]
1999-03-29 23:55:06 +00:00
Ben Harris
First attempt at multiple-session support. This has broken meta handling,
since mac.c needs to know whether to grab Cmd-keys or not.
[originally from svn r138]
1999-03-29 19:50:24 +00:00
Ben Harris
Meta key support, mostly.
[originally from svn r131]
1999-03-28 02:06:11 +00:00
Ben Harris
General cleanup because MrC is rather pickier than SC. Not that the PPC build
actually links, you understand, but it does most of the rest of the things it
[originally from svn r130]
1999-03-27 15:39:46 +00:00
Ben Harris
Pointer-shape canging added -- we now have an I-beam cursor in the terminal
Pasting works!
[originally from svn r123]
1999-03-21 23:23:43 +00:00
Ben Harris
The edit menu is now mostly functional. I'm not sure about paste, since I
haven't got a working backend at the moment, but it all looks OK.
[originally from svn r118]
1999-03-16 20:27:31 +00:00
Ben Harris
Drag-select now autoscrolls more sensibly.
Selected text now ends up in the clipboard.
[originally from svn r98]
1999-03-14 13:08:44 +00:00
Ben Harris
Menu items now turn on and off in a vaguely useful way.
Dragging to select now works.
[originally from svn r90]
1999-03-11 21:40:32 +00:00
Ben Harris
Beginnings of support for selecting text -- clicking mostly does the right
thing, but dragging doesn't work at all.
[originally from svn r81]
1999-03-09 00:09:50 +00:00
Ben Harris
Pass keyboard events to the terminal front-end.
[originally from svn r75]
1999-03-07 23:20:20 +00:00
Ben Harris
Resizing of terminal windows added. Seems to work, but term_size might benefit
from calling scroll_display. This is where my scroll-optimisations look less
useful than Simon's.
[originally from svn r72]
1999-03-03 22:03:54 +00:00
Ben Harris
Right, so that's a hook for scroll optimisations (when Simon gets round to
them) and a vaguely-working scrollbar. Next stop: faster and more sensible
redraw in 1-bit modes at least. Waiting five minutes for the test case
to scroll past is _tedious_.
[originally from svn r64]
1999-03-01 22:26:50 +00:00
Ben Harris
Erm, major change at the moment is a new test case. You need a file called
'fragment' to build it, but its licence prevents me distributing it at present.
Now, about those scrolling optimisations...
[originally from svn r63]
1999-02-28 17:05:11 +00:00
Ben Harris
Right, we now have:
* The ability to load the configuration from the current resource file (ie the
application for now).
* A scroll bar and size box that look right, even if they don't actually _do_
anything yet.
* A load of other minor tweaks.
[originally from svn r62]
1999-02-28 02:38:41 +00:00
Ben Harris
Now uses the Palette Manager for everything. Unfortunately this seems to
have killed colour entirely. It was working earlier today. Really!
[originally from svn r60]
1999-02-24 01:29:10 +00:00
Ben Harris
Bloody Hell! It just managed to say "Hello, world" in a terminal window!
I'd better check this lot in before something bad happens to it.
[originally from svn r56]
1999-02-21 18:09:41 +00:00
Ben Harris
End of a night's work. Not a very useful state, but this is my branch and
I'll do what I want with it.
Anyway, made a start on a Mac display for the terminal emulator, and the
enumeration of the global variables that will have to die.
Oh, and the licence is now in a TEXT resource -- I just have to work out
how to display it...
[originally from svn r53]
1999-02-20 23:55:55 +00:00
Ben Harris
We now have a fairly minimal Mac application.
I'm about to try lashing in the terminal emulator...
[originally from svn r52]
1999-02-20 22:10:34 +00:00
Ben Harris
We now have an event loop, albeit one which ignores everything going on
around it, then proclaims itself to be bored and leaves in a huff. I
suspect this coulbe be turned into a satirical comment on someone, but I
can't be bothered right now.
[originally from svn r50]
1999-02-19 23:51:21 +00:00
Ben Harris
Now with added menus
[originally from svn r48]
1999-02-19 23:03:29 +00:00
Ben Harris
Now initialises enough to be able to generate fatal errors.
[originally from svn r43]
1999-02-19 21:35:12 +00:00