can do it by hand, I've converted the man page set from Unix PuTTY
into Halibut format, and enhanced the Makefile so it will build
them. At some future point this will also allow me to include the
man pages as an appendix in the main manual (once I _have_ a main
manual for Unix PuTTY).
[originally from svn r3966]
which is only included if you explicitly tell the docs Makefile to
do so. Also make it a relative reference, while we're at it.
[originally from svn r3524]
to give feedback. (I think the latter has suddenly become worthwhile
now we have the ability to distribute a help file; so people won't
have to come to the website for the feedback information.)
[originally from svn r1502]
between `Getting Started' (things we can barely believe you don't
know) and the Configuration reference chapter (things you already
knew and had just forgotten). Only half-written at the moment.
[originally from svn r1423]