uses to manipulate the window (minimise, maximise, front, back,
move, resize) and report things about the window (is it minimised or
maximised, how big is it, what's its title). Missing are ESC[4;X;Yt
(resize to a specified pixel size; our resize code doesn't like it)
and ESC[19;X;Yt (report size of _screen_ in _characters_, which it
isn't even obvious how to do when you've got a variable font size).
[originally from svn r1414]
isn't configured to do it: we now have a sysmenu option for it. In
addition, there's a special case such that clicking the top left
pixel on the screen in full-screen mode brings up the sysmenu (so
you can still get at the sysmenu in FS mode without Alt-anything
configured to bring it up and without ghastly fiddling with the
Windows key). Also Change Settings while in full-screen mode now
adds/removes the scrollbar in response to scrollbar_in_fullscreen
rather than scrollbar (oops).
[originally from svn r1410]
you enable it text will paste into Word et al in the same font as
PuTTY itself is displaying in. In particular, this will be a fixed-
pitch font, so tables and `ls' and the like will naturally line up.
[originally from svn r1373]
fullscreen/maximised confusions, by treating fullscreen as a special
case of maximised (fair enough). Removes dependency on multimon.h,
but Wez thinks (though he was unable to test) that this version
should naturally do the Right Thing on multi-monitor systems anyway.
[originally from svn r1365]
multi-monitor aware and make the scrollbar separately configurable
in and out of full-screen mode. Also (not Wez's patch, this bit) fix
the case where the user reconfigures _while_ the window is
full-screen, and disables full-screening. (In this case the window
should return gracefully to normal, rather than losing all its title
bars and getting confused.)
[originally from svn r1310]
rather than four. Should fix all sorts of bugs, since the fourth
(and default!) state was behaving weirdly and nobody liked it.
[originally from svn r1307]
apart from the debatable semantic sanity of abandoning mid-paste,
this was breaking Shift-paste (theoretically valid in any case,
actually necessary with xterm mouse reporting enabled) because when
you hold down Shift the window receives a steady stream of KEYDOWN
messages as the key auto-repeats. One of those is likely to show up
in mid-paste and scupper you. For the moment, this has been changed
so that only a key press that actually _generates session data_
aborts a paste. In future I plan to review just why we're doing this
anyway (it may be that paste-little-by-little was a response to
rubbish socket buffering, in which case we can dispense with it
completely now).
[originally from svn r1279]
term_out() can in turn call ldisc_send() which calls back to
from_backend() when local echo is enabled. This was giving rise to
crazy re-entrancy stuff and stack overflows. Instead from_backend()
deposits its data in a bufchain which term_out() empties the next
time it's called.
[originally from svn r1276]
kicked out by the Unicode patch. It's not very good - only works
sanely on US keyboards - but it's no worse than it was in 0.51.
After 0.52 maybe I should fix it properly.
[originally from svn r1273]
fiddle with the widths of characters in DBCS screen fonts, and (the
big one) one to enable a mode in which resizing the window locks the
terminal size and lets the font change, instead of vice versa. That
should shut up a few feature requests!
[originally from svn r1269]
Alt-Space, Alt-only and the System menu. It lets Windows do more of
the work, and also saves a static variable, so it must be good :-)
[originally from svn r1237]
mouse tracking is enabled. (This can be turned off if your app
really wants Shift+mouse, but it defaults to on for general
[originally from svn r1235]
by ceasing to listen on input channels if the corresponding output
channel isn't accepting data. Has had basic check-I-didn't-actually-
break-anything-too-badly testing, but hasn't been genuinely tested
in stress conditions (because concocting stress conditions is non-
[originally from svn r1198]
Only currently works on SSH1; SSH2 should be doable but it's late
and I have other things to do tonight. The Cool Guy award for this
one goes to Nicolas Barry, for doing most of the work and actually
understanding the code he was adding to.
[originally from svn r1176]
to improve window behaviour. Also make the About box a subdialog of
the config box instead of a separate child of the root.
[originally from svn r1139]
possible and we have a single unified means of trying to display any
Unicode code point. Instead of the various ad-hoc translation modes
we had before, we now have a single `codepage' option which allows
us to treat the incoming (and outgoing) text as any given character
set, and locally we map that to Unicode and back.
[originally from svn r1110]
send Telnet special sequences (Interrupt Process, Suspend, Erase
Char, End Of Line) instead of their ASCII equivalents. In particular
Return -> Telnet End Of Line is _always_ enabled irrespective of the
configuration, while the others are optional. Also in this patch, an
entertainingly ghastly use of `switch' to allow literal ^M^J to do
the same thing as magic-^M (the Return key) when in Raw protocol.
[originally from svn r1109]
never be enabled when app keypad is disabled. Also CTRL+arrows flips
the application-ness to make it easy to generate the other sequences
if required.
[originally from svn r1105]