As standardised by NIST in FIPS 203, this is a lattice-based
post-quantum KEM.
Very vaguely, the idea of it is that your public key is a matrix A and
vector t, and the private key is the knowledge of how to decompose t
into two vectors with all their coefficients small, one transformed by
A relative to the other. Encryption of a binary secret starts by
turning each bit into one of two maximally separated residues mod a
prime q, and then adding 'noise' based on the public key in the form
of small increments and decrements mod q, again with some of the noise
transformed by A relative to the rest. Decryption uses the knowledge
of t's decomposition to align the two sets of noise so that the
_large_ changes (which masked the secret from an eavesdropper) cancel
out, leaving only a collection of small changes to the original secret
vector. Then the vector of input bits can be recovered by assuming
that those accumulated small pieces of noise haven't concentrated in
any particular residue enough to push it more than half way to the
other of its possible starting values.
A weird feature of it is that decryption is not a true mathematical
inverse of encryption. The assumption that the noise doesn't get large
enough to flip any bit of the secret is only probabilistically valid,
not a hard guarantee. In other words, key agreement can fail, simply
by getting particularly unlucky with the distribution of your random
noise! However, the probability of a failure is very low - less than
2^-138 even for ML-KEM-512, and gets even smaller with the larger
An awkward feature for our purposes is that the matrix A, containing a
large number of residues mod the prime q=3329, is required to be
constructed by a process of rejection sampling, i.e. generating random
12-bit values and throwing away the out-of-range ones. That would be a
real pain for our side-channel testing system, which generally handles
rejection sampling badly (since it necessarily involves data-dependent
control flow and timing variation). Fortunately, the matrix and the
random seed it was made from are both public: the matrix seed is
transmitted as part of the public key, so it's not necessary to try to
hide it. Accordingly, I was able to get the implementation to pass
testsc by means of not varying the matrix seed between runs, which is
justified by the principle of testsc that you vary the _secrets_ to
ensure timing is independent of them - and the matrix seed isn't a
secret, so you're allowed to keep it the same.
The three hybrid algorithms, defined by the current Internet-Draft
draft-kampanakis-curdle-ssh-pq-ke, include one hybrid of ML-KEM-768
with Curve25519 in exactly the same way we were already hybridising
NTRU Prime with Curve25519, and two more hybrids of ML-KEM with ECDH
over a NIST curve. The former hybrid interoperates with the
implementation in OpenSSH 9.9; all three interoperate with the fork
'openssh-oqs' at, and also with
the Python library AsyncSSH.
This adds a ssh_hashalg defining SHAKE256 with a 32-byte output, in
addition to the 114-byte output we already have.
Also, it defines a new API for using SHAKE128 and SHAKE256 in the more
general form of an extendable output function, which is to say that
you still have to put in all the input before reading any output, but
once you start reading output you can just keep going until you have
Both of these will be needed in an upcoming commit implementing ML-KEM.
This fixes a vulnerability that compromises NIST P521 ECDSA keys when
they are used with PuTTY's existing DSA nonce generation code. The
vulnerability has been assigned the identifier CVE-2024-31497.
PuTTY has been doing its DSA signing deterministically for literally
as long as it's been doing it at all, because I didn't trust Windows's
entropy generation. Deterministic nonce generation was introduced in
commit d345ebc2a5a0b59, as part of the initial version of our DSA
signing routine. At the time, there was no standard for how to do it,
so we had to think up the details of our system ourselves, with some
help from the Cambridge University computer security group.
More than ten years later, RFC 6979 was published, recommending a
similar system for general use, naturally with all the details
different. We didn't switch over to doing it that way, because we had
a scheme in place already, and as far as I could see, the differences
were not security-critical - just the normal sort of variation you
expect when any two people design a protocol component of this kind
As far as I know, the _structure_ of our scheme is still perfectly
fine, in terms of what data gets hashed, how many times, and how the
hash output is converted into a nonce. But the weak spot is the choice
of hash function: inside our dsa_gen_k() function, we generate 512
bits of random data using SHA-512, and then reduce that to the output
range by modular reduction, regardless of what signature algorithm
we're generating a nonce for.
In the original use case, this introduced a theoretical bias (the
output size is an odd prime, which doesn't evenly divide the space of
2^512 possible inputs to the reduction), but the theory was that since
integer DSA uses a modulus prime only 160 bits long (being based on
SHA-1, at least in the form that SSH uses it), the bias would be too
small to be detectable, let alone exploitable.
Then we reused the same function for NIST-style ECDSA, when it
arrived. This is fine for the P256 curve, and even P384. But in P521,
the order of the base point is _greater_ than 2^512, so when we
generate a 512-bit number and reduce it, the reduction never makes any
difference, and our output nonces are all in the first 2^512 elements
of the range of about 2^521. So this _does_ introduce a significant
bias in the nonces, compared to the ideal of uniformly random
distribution over the whole range. And it's been recently discovered
that a bias of this kind is sufficient to expose private keys, given a
manageably small number of signatures to work from.
(Incidentally, none of this affects Ed25519. The spec for that system
includes its own idea of how you should do deterministic nonce
generation - completely different again, naturally - and we did it
that way rather than our way, so that we could use the existing test
The simplest fix would be to patch our existing nonce generator to use
a longer hash, or concatenate a couple of SHA-512 hashes, or something
similar. But I think a more robust approach is to switch it out
completely for what is now the standard system. The main reason why I
prefer that is that the standard system comes with test vectors, which
adds a lot of confidence that I haven't made some other mistake in
following my own design.
So here's a commit that adds an implementation of RFC 6979, and
removes the old dsa_gen_k() function. Tests are added based on the
RFC's appendix of test vectors (as many as are compatible with the
more limited API of PuTTY's crypto code, e.g. we lack support for the
NIST P192 curve, or for doing integer DSA with many different hash
functions). One existing test changes its expected outputs, namely the
one that has a sample key pair and signature for every key algorithm
we support.
This can now happen if, for instance, the CLMUL implementation of
aesgcm is compiled in, but not available at runtime because we're on
an old Intel CPU.
In this situation, testcrypt would segfault when driven by
test/, and test/ would erroneously claim the
CLMUL implementation was available when it wasn't.
I only recently found out that OpenSSH defined their own protocol IDs
for AES-GCM, defined to work the same as the standard ones except that
they fixed the semantics for how you select the linked cipher+MAC pair
during key exchange.
(RFC 5647 defines protocol ids for AES-GCM in both the cipher and MAC
namespaces, and requires that you MUST select both or neither - but
this contradicts the selection policy set out in the base SSH RFCs,
and there's no discussion of how you resolve a conflict between them!
OpenSSH's answer is to do it the same way ChaCha20-Poly1305 works,
because that will ensure the two suites don't fight.)
People do occasionally ask us for this linked cipher/MAC pair, and now
I know it's actually feasible, I've implemented it, including a pair
of vector implementations for x86 and Arm using their respective
architecture extensions for multiplying polynomials over GF(2).
Unlike ChaCha20-Poly1305, I've kept the cipher and MAC implementations
in separate objects, with an arm's-length link between them that the
MAC uses when it needs to encrypt single cipher blocks to use as the
inputs to the MAC algorithm. That enables the cipher and the MAC to be
independently selected from their hardware-accelerated versions, just
in case someone runs on a system that has polynomial multiplication
instructions but not AES acceleration, or vice versa.
There's a fourth implementation of the GCM MAC, which is a pure
software implementation of the same algorithm used in the vectorised
versions. It's too slow to use live, but I've kept it in the code for
future testing needs, and because it's a convenient place to dump my
design comments.
The vectorised implementations are fairly crude as far as optimisation
goes. I'm sure serious x86 _or_ Arm optimisation engineers would look
at them and laugh. But GCM is a fast MAC compared to HMAC-SHA-256
(indeed compared to HMAC-anything-at-all), so it should at least be
good enough to use. And we've got a working version with some tests
now, so if someone else wants to improve them, they can.
This provides a convenient hook to be called between SSH messages, for
the crypto components to do any per-message processing like
incrementing a sequence number.
As distinct from the type of signature generated by the SSH server
itself from the host key, this lets you exclude (and by default does
exclude) the old "ssh-rsa" SHA-1 signature type from the signature of
the CA on the certificate.
Certificate keys don't work the same as normal keys, so the rest of
the code is going to have to pay attention to whether a key is a
certificate, and if so, treat it differently and do cert-specific
stuff to it. So here's a collection of methods for that purpose.
With one exception, these methods of ssh_key are not expected to be
implemented at all in non-certificate key types: they should only ever
be called once you already know you're dealing with a certificate. So
most of the new method pointers can be left out of the ssh_keyalg
The exception is the base_key method, which retrieves the base key of
a certificate - the underlying one with the certificate stripped off.
It's convenient for non-certificate keys to implement this too, and
just return a pointer to themselves. So I've added an implementation
in nullkey.c doing that. (The returned pointer doesn't transfer
ownership; you have to use the new ssh_key_clone() if you want to keep
the base key after freeing the certificate key.)
The methods _only_ implemented in certificates:
Query methods to return the public key of the CA (for looking up in a
list of trusted ones), and to return the key id string (which exists
to be written into log files).
Obviously, we need a check_cert() method which will verify the CA's
actual signature, not to mention checking all the other details like
the principal and the validity period.
And there's another fiddly method for dealing with the RSA upgrade
system, called 'related_alg'. This is quite like alternate_ssh_id, in
that its job is to upgrade one key algorithm to a related one with
more modern RSA signing flags (or any other similar thing that might
later reuse the same mechanism). But where alternate_ssh_id took the
actual signing flags as an argument, this takes a pointer to the
upgraded base algorithm. So it answers the question "What is to this
key algorithm as you are to its base?" - if you call it on
opensshcert_ssh_rsa and give it ssh_rsa_sha512, it'll give you back
(It's awkward to have to have another of these fiddly methods, and in
the longer term I'd like to try to clean up their proliferation a bit.
But I even more dislike the alternative of just going through
all_keyalgs looking for a cert algorithm with, say, ssh_rsa_sha512 as
the base: that approach would work fine now but it would be a lurking
time bomb for when all the -cert-v02@ methods appear one day. This
way, each certificate type can upgrade itself to the appropriately
related version. And at least related_alg is only needed if you _are_
a certificate key type - it's not adding yet another piece of
null-method boilerplate to the rest.)
Having recently pulled it out into its own file, I think it could also
do with a bit of tidying. In this rework:
- the substructure for a single component now has a globally visible
struct tag, so you can make a variable pointing at it, saving
verbiage in every piece of code looping over a key_components
- the 'is_mp_int' flag has been replaced with a type enum, so that
more types can be added without further upheaval
- the printing loop in cmdgen.c for puttygen --dump has factored out
the initial 'name=' prefix on each line so that it isn't repeated
per component type
- the storage format for text components is now a strbuf rather than
a plain char *, which I think is generally more useful.
This consists of DJB's 'Streamlined NTRU Prime' quantum-resistant
cryptosystem, currently in round 3 of the NIST post-quantum key
exchange competition; it's run in parallel with ordinary Curve25519,
and generates a shared secret combining the output of both systems.
(Hence, even if you don't trust this newfangled NTRU Prime thing at
all, it's at least no _less_ secure than the kex you were using
As the OpenSSH developers point out, key exchange is the most urgent
thing to make quantum-resistant, even before working quantum computers
big enough to break crypto become available, because a break of the
kex algorithm can be applied retroactively to recordings of your past
sessions. By contrast, authentication is a real-time protocol, and can
only be broken by a quantum computer if there's one available to
attack you _already_.
I've implemented both sides of the mechanism, so that PuTTY and Uppity
both support it. In my initial testing, the two sides can both
interoperate with the appropriate half of OpenSSH, and also (of
course, but it would be embarrassing to mess it up) with each other.
This is already slightly nice because it lets me separate the
Weierstrass and Montgomery code more completely, without having to
have a vtable tucked into dh->extra. But more to the point, it will
allow completely different kex methods to fit into the same framework
To that end, I've moved more of the descriptive message generation
into the vtable, and also provided the constructor with a flag that
will let it do different things in client and server.
Also, following on from a previous commit, I've arranged that the new
API returns arbitrary binary data for the exchange hash, rather than
an mp_int. An upcoming implementation of this interface will want to
return an encoded string instead of an encoded mp_int.
I happened to notice in passing that this function doesn't have any
tests (although it will have been at least somewhat tested by the
cmdgen interop test system).
This involved writing a wrapper that passes the passphrase and salt as
ptrlens, and I decided it made more sense to make the same change to
the original function too and adjust the call sites appropriately.
I derived a test case by getting OpenSSH itself to make an encrypted
key file, and then using the inputs and output from the password hash
operation that decrypted it again.
I recently encountered a paper [1] which catalogues all kinds of
things that can go wrong when one party in a discrete-log system
invents a prime and the other party chooses an exponent. In
particular, some choices of prime make it reasonable to use a short
exponent to save time, but others make that strategy very bad.
That paper is about the ElGamal encryption scheme used in OpenPGP,
which is basically integer Diffie-Hellman with one side's key being
persistent: a shared-secret integer is derived exactly as in DH, and
then it's used to communicate a message integer by simply multiplying
the shared secret by the message, mod p.
I don't _know_ that any problem of this kind arises in the SSH usage
of Diffie-Hellman: the standard integer DH groups in SSH are safe
primes, and as far as I know, the usual generation of prime moduli for
DH group exchange also picks safe primes. So the short exponents PuTTY
has been using _should_ be OK.
However, the range of imaginative other possibilities shown in that
paper make me nervous, even so! So I think I'm going to retire the
short exponent strategy, on general principles of overcaution.
This slows down 4096-bit integer DH by about a factor of 3-4 (which
would be worse if it weren't for the modpow speedup in the previous
commit). I think that's OK, because, firstly, computers are a lot
faster these days than when I originally chose to use short exponents,
and secondly, more and more implementations are now switching to
elliptic-curve DH, which is unaffected by this change (and with which
we've always been using maximum-length exponents).
[1] On the (in)security of ElGamal in OpenPGP. Luca De Feo, Bertram
Poettering, Alessandro Sorniotti.
They were there to work around that annoying feature of VS's
preprocessor when it expands __VA_ARGS__ into the argument list of
another macro. But I've just thought of a workaround that I can apply
in testcrypt.c itself, so that those parens don't have to appear in
every function definition in the header file.
The trick is, instead of writing
you instead write
JUXTAPOSE(destination_macro, (__VA_ARGS__))
where JUXTAPOSE is defined to be a macro that simply expands its two
arguments next to each other:
#define JUXTAPOSE(first, second) first second
This works because the arguments to JUXTAPOSE get macro-expanded
_before_ passing them to JUXTAPOSE itself - the same reason that the
standard tricks with STR_INNER and CAT_INNER work (as seen in defs.h
here). So this defuses the magic behaviour of commas expanded from
__VA_ARGS__, and causes the destination macro to get all its arguments
in the expected places again.
Now testcrypt has _two_ header files, that's more files than I want at
the top level, so I decided to move it.
It has a good claim to live in either 'test' or 'crypto', but in the
end I decided it wasn't quite specific enough to crypto (it already
also tests things in keygen and proxy), and also, the Python half of
the mechanism already lives in 'test', so it can live alongside that.
Having done that, it seemed silly to leave testsc and testzlib at the
top level: those have 'test' in the names as well, so they can go in
the test subdir as well.
While I'm renaming, also renamed testcrypt.h to testcrypt-func.h to
distinguish it from the new testcrypt-enum.h.