#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <assert.h> #include "ssh.h" #define GET_32BIT(cp) \ (((unsigned long)(unsigned char)(cp)[0] << 24) | \ ((unsigned long)(unsigned char)(cp)[1] << 16) | \ ((unsigned long)(unsigned char)(cp)[2] << 8) | \ ((unsigned long)(unsigned char)(cp)[3])) #define PUT_32BIT(cp, value) { \ (cp)[0] = (unsigned char)((value) >> 24); \ (cp)[1] = (unsigned char)((value) >> 16); \ (cp)[2] = (unsigned char)((value) >> 8); \ (cp)[3] = (unsigned char)(value); } #if 0 #define DEBUG_DSS #else #define diagbn(x,y) #endif static void getstring(char **data, int *datalen, char **p, int *length) { *p = NULL; if (*datalen < 4) return; *length = GET_32BIT(*data); *datalen -= 4; *data += 4; if (*datalen < *length) return; *p = *data; *data += *length; *datalen -= *length; } static Bignum getmp(char **data, int *datalen) { char *p; int length; Bignum b; getstring(data, datalen, &p, &length); if (!p) return NULL; if (p[0] & 0x80) return NULL; /* negative mp */ b = bignum_from_bytes(p, length); return b; } static Bignum get160(char **data, int *datalen) { Bignum b; b = bignum_from_bytes(*data, 20); *data += 20; *datalen -= 20; return b; } struct dss_key { Bignum p, q, g, y; }; static void *dss_newkey(char *data, int len) { char *p; int slen; struct dss_key *dss; dss = smalloc(sizeof(struct dss_key)); if (!dss) return NULL; getstring(&data, &len, &p, &slen); #ifdef DEBUG_DSS { int i; printf("key:"); for (i=0;i<len;i++) printf(" %02x", (unsigned char)(data[i])); printf("\n"); } #endif if (!p || memcmp(p, "ssh-dss", 7)) { sfree(dss); return NULL; } dss->p = getmp(&data, &len); dss->q = getmp(&data, &len); dss->g = getmp(&data, &len); dss->y = getmp(&data, &len); return dss; } static void dss_freekey(void *key) { struct dss_key *dss = (struct dss_key *)key; freebn(dss->p); freebn(dss->q); freebn(dss->g); freebn(dss->y); sfree(dss); } static char *dss_fmtkey(void *key) { struct dss_key *dss = (struct dss_key *)key; char *p; int len, i, pos, nibbles; static const char hex[] = "0123456789abcdef"; if (!dss->p) return NULL; len = 8 + 4 + 1; /* 4 x "0x", punctuation, \0 */ len += 4 * (ssh1_bignum_bitcount(dss->p)+15)/16; len += 4 * (ssh1_bignum_bitcount(dss->q)+15)/16; len += 4 * (ssh1_bignum_bitcount(dss->g)+15)/16; len += 4 * (ssh1_bignum_bitcount(dss->y)+15)/16; p = smalloc(len); if (!p) return NULL; pos = 0; pos += sprintf(p+pos, "0x"); nibbles = (3 + ssh1_bignum_bitcount(dss->p))/4; if (nibbles<1) nibbles=1; for (i=nibbles; i-- ;) p[pos++] = hex[(bignum_byte(dss->p, i/2) >> (4*(i%2))) & 0xF]; pos += sprintf(p+pos, ",0x"); nibbles = (3 + ssh1_bignum_bitcount(dss->q))/4; if (nibbles<1) nibbles=1; for (i=nibbles; i-- ;) p[pos++] = hex[(bignum_byte(dss->q, i/2) >> (4*(i%2))) & 0xF]; pos += sprintf(p+pos, ",0x"); nibbles = (3 + ssh1_bignum_bitcount(dss->g))/4; if (nibbles<1) nibbles=1; for (i=nibbles; i-- ;) p[pos++] = hex[(bignum_byte(dss->g, i/2) >> (4*(i%2))) & 0xF]; pos += sprintf(p+pos, ",0x"); nibbles = (3 + ssh1_bignum_bitcount(dss->y))/4; if (nibbles<1) nibbles=1; for (i=nibbles; i-- ;) p[pos++] = hex[(bignum_byte(dss->y, i/2) >> (4*(i%2))) & 0xF]; p[pos] = '\0'; return p; } static char *dss_fingerprint(void *key) { struct dss_key *dss = (struct dss_key *)key; struct MD5Context md5c; unsigned char digest[16], lenbuf[4]; char buffer[16*3+40]; char *ret; int numlen, i; MD5Init(&md5c); MD5Update(&md5c, "\0\0\0\7ssh-dss", 11); #define ADD_BIGNUM(bignum) \ numlen = (ssh1_bignum_bitcount(bignum)+8)/8; \ PUT_32BIT(lenbuf, numlen); MD5Update(&md5c, lenbuf, 4); \ for (i = numlen; i-- ;) { \ unsigned char c = bignum_byte(bignum, i); \ MD5Update(&md5c, &c, 1); \ } ADD_BIGNUM(dss->p); ADD_BIGNUM(dss->q); ADD_BIGNUM(dss->g); ADD_BIGNUM(dss->y); #undef ADD_BIGNUM MD5Final(digest, &md5c); sprintf(buffer, "ssh-dss %d ", ssh1_bignum_bitcount(dss->p)); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) sprintf(buffer+strlen(buffer), "%s%02x", i?":":"", digest[i]); ret = smalloc(strlen(buffer)+1); if (ret) strcpy(ret, buffer); return ret; } static int dss_verifysig(void *key, char *sig, int siglen, char *data, int datalen) { struct dss_key *dss = (struct dss_key *)key; char *p; int slen; char hash[20]; Bignum r, s, w, gu1p, yu2p, gu1yu2p, u1, u2, sha, v; int ret; if (!dss->p) return 0; #ifdef DEBUG_DSS { int i; printf("sig:"); for (i=0;i<siglen;i++) printf(" %02x", (unsigned char)(sig[i])); printf("\n"); } #endif /* * Commercial SSH (2.0.13) and OpenSSH disagree over the format * of a DSA signature. OpenSSH is in line with the IETF drafts: * it uses a string "ssh-dss", followed by a 40-byte string * containing two 160-bit integers end-to-end. Commercial SSH * can't be bothered with the header bit, and considers a DSA * signature blob to be _just_ the 40-byte string containing * the two 160-bit integers. We tell them apart by measuring * the length: length 40 means the commercial-SSH bug, anything * else is assumed to be IETF-compliant. */ if (siglen != 40) { /* bug not present; read admin fields */ getstring(&sig, &siglen, &p, &slen); if (!p || slen != 7 || memcmp(p, "ssh-dss", 7)) { return 0; } sig += 4, siglen -= 4; /* skip yet another length field */ } diagbn("p=", dss->p); diagbn("q=", dss->q); diagbn("g=", dss->g); diagbn("y=", dss->y); r = get160(&sig, &siglen); diagbn("r=", r); s = get160(&sig, &siglen); diagbn("s=", s); if (!r || !s) return 0; /* * Step 1. w <- s^-1 mod q. */ w = modinv(s, dss->q); diagbn("w=", w); /* * Step 2. u1 <- SHA(message) * w mod q. */ SHA_Simple(data, datalen, hash); p = hash; slen = 20; sha = get160(&p, &slen); diagbn("sha=", sha); u1 = modmul(sha, w, dss->q); diagbn("u1=", u1); /* * Step 3. u2 <- r * w mod q. */ u2 = modmul(r, w, dss->q); diagbn("u2=", u2); /* * Step 4. v <- (g^u1 * y^u2 mod p) mod q. */ gu1p = modpow(dss->g, u1, dss->p); diagbn("gu1p=", gu1p); yu2p = modpow(dss->y, u2, dss->p); diagbn("yu2p=", yu2p); gu1yu2p = modmul(gu1p, yu2p, dss->p); diagbn("gu1yu2p=", gu1yu2p); v = modmul(gu1yu2p, One, dss->q); diagbn("gu1yu2q=v=", v); diagbn("r=", r); /* * Step 5. v should now be equal to r. */ ret = !bignum_cmp(v, r); freebn(w); freebn(sha); freebn(gu1p); freebn(yu2p); freebn(gu1yu2p); freebn(v); freebn(r); freebn(s); return ret; } static unsigned char *dss_public_blob(void *key, int *len) { struct dss_key *dss = (struct dss_key *)key; int plen, qlen, glen, ylen, bloblen; int i; unsigned char *blob, *p; plen = (ssh1_bignum_bitcount(dss->p)+8)/8; qlen = (ssh1_bignum_bitcount(dss->q)+8)/8; glen = (ssh1_bignum_bitcount(dss->g)+8)/8; ylen = (ssh1_bignum_bitcount(dss->y)+8)/8; /* * string "ssh-dss", mpint p, mpint q, mpint g, mpint y. Total * 27 + sum of lengths. (five length fields, 20+7=27). */ bloblen = 27+plen+qlen+glen+ylen; blob = smalloc(bloblen); p = blob; PUT_32BIT(p, 7); p += 4; memcpy(p, "ssh-dss", 7); p += 7; PUT_32BIT(p, plen); p += 4; for (i = plen; i-- ;) *p++ = bignum_byte(dss->p, i); PUT_32BIT(p, qlen); p += 4; for (i = qlen; i-- ;) *p++ = bignum_byte(dss->q, i); PUT_32BIT(p, glen); p += 4; for (i = glen; i-- ;) *p++ = bignum_byte(dss->g, i); PUT_32BIT(p, ylen); p += 4; for (i = ylen; i-- ;) *p++ = bignum_byte(dss->y, i); assert(p == blob + bloblen); *len = bloblen; return blob; } static unsigned char *dss_private_blob(void *key, int *len) { return NULL; /* can't handle DSS private keys */ } static void *dss_createkey(unsigned char *pub_blob, int pub_len, unsigned char *priv_blob, int priv_len) { return NULL; /* can't handle DSS private keys */ } static void *dss_openssh_createkey(unsigned char **blob, int *len) { return NULL; /* can't handle DSS private keys */ } unsigned char *dss_sign(void *key, char *data, int datalen, int *siglen) { return NULL; /* can't handle DSS private keys */ } const struct ssh_signkey ssh_dss = { dss_newkey, dss_freekey, dss_fmtkey, dss_public_blob, dss_private_blob, dss_createkey, dss_openssh_createkey, dss_fingerprint, dss_verifysig, dss_sign, "ssh-dss", "dss" };