/* * * Commands ... * * INIT(...) : Set configs. (rowstep, totwidth, stdheight, stdwidth) * SPOS(V,H) : Set current position. * * SCOL : Standard column, for a single column, increment position * NEXT(V,H) : increment postion by standard + (V,H) * COL(K,N) : X,Y position for col K of N (default 1of [same as last]) * SS : Standard size of last COL (using number of cols). * ADJ(V,H) : Adjust next COL or SCOL by (V,H) * * CURX(H) : Current Xpos+H * CURY(V) : Current Ypos+V * */ #include <stdio.h> FILE * ifd; FILE * ofd; char wordbuf[256]; #define T_INIT 100 /* Init the style of the values */ #define T_SPOS 101 /* Set the current position */ #define T_SCOL 102 /* Standard column COL(1,1), SS NEXT */ #define T_NEXT 103 /* Next line */ #define T_COL 104 /* Multi-column */ #define T_SS 105 /* Standard Size */ #define T_ADJ 106 /* Adjust next COL/SCOL */ #define T_GRID 107 /* */ #define T_GAP 108 /* */ #define T_CURX 120 /* Current X + offset */ #define T_CURY 121 /* Current Y + offset */ #define T_SAVEPOSN 122 /* Save current status */ #define T_RESTOREPOSN 123 /* Restore current status */ struct keys { char * name; int token; } keywords[] = { {"INIT", T_INIT, }, {"SPOS", T_SPOS, }, {"SCOL", T_SCOL, }, {"NEXT", T_NEXT, }, {"COL", T_COL, }, {"SS", T_SS, }, {"ADJ", T_ADJ, }, {"GRID", T_GRID, }, {"GAP", T_GAP, }, {"CURX", T_CURX, }, {"CURY", T_CURY, }, {"SAVEPOSN", T_SAVEPOSN, }, {"RESTOREPOSN", T_RESTOREPOSN, }, {0,0} }; struct statbuf { int token; int curx; int cury; int cols; int con_width; int con_height; int row_step; int tot_width; int gutter; int vadjust; int hadjust; } status, saved_status; int ar_count, ar_val[10]; main(argc, argv) int argc; char ** argv; { int ch; ifd = stdin; ofd = stdout; while(!feof(ifd)) { if (ferror(ifd)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error reading input file\n"); exit(1); } if (readword() < 0) break; if (check_keys() < 0) { fprintf(ofd, "%s", wordbuf); continue; } /* To get here we have found one of our keywords, some words will * be followed by an argument. */ ar_count = 0; while((ch = getc(ifd)) != EOF && isspace(ch) && ch != '\n') putc(ch, ofd); if (ch == '(' ) { for(;;) { ar_val[ar_count++] = get_number(); while((ch=getc(ifd)) != EOF && isspace(ch)) ; if (ch != ',') break; } if (ch == EOF) break; } else ungetc(ch, ifd); /* Ok got args, now doit */ execute_command(); } exit(0); } /* This is the lexer - not using lex(1) because this will have to * compile under windows. */ int readword() { int ch; char *wp; try_again:; /* This is for "too big" words and strings. */ wp=wordbuf; /* Find a word ... */ while((ch=getc(ifd)) != EOF && !isalpha(ch) && ch != '"') putc(ch, ofd); if (ch == '"') { putc(ch, ofd); while((ch=getc(ifd)) != EOF && ch != '"') putc(ch, ofd); if (ch != EOF) putc(ch, ofd); goto try_again; } if (ch == EOF) return -1; do { if (wp>=wordbuf+sizeof(wordbuf)-2) { *wp = 0; fprintf(ofd, "%s", wordbuf); while(ch!=EOF && isalpha(ch)) { putc(ch, ofd); ch=getc(ifd); } ungetc(ch, ifd); goto try_again; } *wp++ = ch; ch = getc(ifd); } while(ch != EOF && (isalnum(ch) || ch == '_')); *wp = 0; ungetc(ch, ifd); return wp-wordbuf; } int get_number() { int ch; int sign = 0; int value = 0; while((ch=getc(ifd)) != EOF && isspace(ch)) ; if( ch == '+' ) { sign=1; ch=getc(ifd); } else if( ch == '-' ) { sign=-1; ch=getc(ifd); } while(ch>='0' && ch<='9') { value = value * 10 + ch - '0'; ch = getc(ifd); } ungetc(ch, ifd); if (sign < 0) value = -value; return value; } check_keys() { struct keys *p; for(p=keywords; p->name; p++) { if (strcmp(wordbuf, p->name) == 0 ) { status.token = p->token; return p->token; } } return -1; } execute_command() { if (status.cols < 1) status.cols = 1; switch(status.token) { case T_INIT: if (ar_count > 0) status.row_step = ar_val[0]; if (ar_count > 1) status.tot_width = ar_val[1]; if (ar_count > 2) status.con_height = ar_val[2]; else status.con_height = status.row_step; if (ar_count > 3) status.con_width = ar_val[3]; else status.con_width = status.tot_width; status.gutter = ( status.tot_width - status.con_width ) /2; break; case T_SPOS: status.cury = status.curx = 0; if (ar_count > 0) status.cury = ar_val[0]; if (ar_count > 1) status.curx = ar_val[1]; break; case T_SCOL: fprintf(ofd, "%d, %d", status.curx + status.hadjust, status.cury + status.vadjust); status.hadjust = status.vadjust = 0; fprintf(ofd, ", %d, %d", status.con_width, status.con_height); status.cury += status.row_step; if (ar_count > 0) status.cury += ar_val[0]; if (ar_count > 1) status.curx += ar_val[1]; break; case T_NEXT: status.cury += status.row_step; if (ar_count > 0) status.cury += ar_val[0]; if (ar_count > 1) status.curx += ar_val[1]; break; case T_COL: { int curcol; int col_pos; if (ar_count > 0) curcol = ar_val[0]; else curcol = 1; if (ar_count > 1) status.cols = ar_val[1]; col_pos = (status.con_width+status.gutter) *(curcol-1) /status.cols; fprintf(ofd, "%d, %d", status.curx + status.hadjust + col_pos, status.cury + status.vadjust); status.hadjust = status.vadjust = 0; } break; case T_SS: { int wm = 1, hm=1; int width; if (ar_count > 0) wm = ar_val[0]; if (ar_count > 1) hm = ar_val[1]; width = (status.con_width+status.gutter) / status.cols; width *= wm; width -= status.gutter; fprintf(ofd, "%d, %d", width, hm*status.con_height); } break; case T_ADJ: if (ar_count > 0) status.vadjust = ar_val[0]; if (ar_count > 1) status.hadjust = ar_val[0]; break; case T_GRID: if (ar_count > 0) status.cols = ar_val[0]; else status.cols = 1; if (ar_count > 1) status.con_height = ar_val[1]; if (ar_count > 2) status.row_step = ar_val[2]; break; case T_GAP: if (ar_count > 0) status.cury += ar_val[0]; else status.cury += 2; break; case T_CURX: if (ar_count>0) fprintf(ofd, "%d", status.curx+ar_val[0]); else fprintf(ofd, "%d", status.curx); break; case T_CURY: if (ar_count>0) fprintf(ofd, "%d", status.cury+ar_val[0]); else fprintf(ofd, "%d", status.cury); break; case T_SAVEPOSN: saved_status = status; break; case T_RESTOREPOSN: status = saved_status; break; } }