#include #include #ifndef AUTO_WINSOCK #ifdef WINSOCK_TWO #include #else #include #endif #endif #include #include #include #define PUTTY_DO_GLOBALS /* actually _define_ globals */ #include "putty.h" #include "win_res.h" #define IDM_SHOWLOG 0x0010 #define IDM_NEWSESS 0x0020 #define IDM_DUPSESS 0x0030 #define IDM_RECONF 0x0040 #define IDM_CLRSB 0x0050 #define IDM_RESET 0x0060 #define IDM_TEL_AYT 0x0070 #define IDM_TEL_BRK 0x0080 #define IDM_TEL_SYNCH 0x0090 #define IDM_TEL_EC 0x00a0 #define IDM_TEL_EL 0x00b0 #define IDM_TEL_GA 0x00c0 #define IDM_TEL_NOP 0x00d0 #define IDM_TEL_ABORT 0x00e0 #define IDM_TEL_AO 0x00f0 #define IDM_TEL_IP 0x0100 #define IDM_TEL_SUSP 0x0110 #define IDM_TEL_EOR 0x0120 #define IDM_TEL_EOF 0x0130 #define IDM_ABOUT 0x0140 #define IDM_SAVEDSESS 0x0150 #define IDM_SAVED_MIN 0x1000 #define IDM_SAVED_MAX 0x2000 #define WM_IGNORE_SIZE (WM_XUSER + 1) #define WM_IGNORE_CLIP (WM_XUSER + 2) #define WM_IGNORE_KEYMENU (WM_XUSER + 3) static LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc (HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); static int TranslateKey(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, unsigned char *output); static void cfgtopalette(void); static void init_palette(void); static void init_fonts(int); static int extra_width, extra_height; static int pending_netevent = 0; static WPARAM pend_netevent_wParam = 0; static LPARAM pend_netevent_lParam = 0; static void enact_pending_netevent(void); #define FONT_NORMAL 0 #define FONT_BOLD 1 #define FONT_UNDERLINE 2 #define FONT_BOLDUND 3 #define FONT_OEM 4 #define FONT_OEMBOLD 5 #define FONT_OEMBOLDUND 6 #define FONT_OEMUND 7 static HFONT fonts[8]; static int font_needs_hand_underlining; static enum { BOLD_COLOURS, BOLD_SHADOW, BOLD_FONT } bold_mode; static enum { UND_LINE, UND_FONT } und_mode; static int descent; #define NCOLOURS 24 static COLORREF colours[NCOLOURS]; static HPALETTE pal; static LPLOGPALETTE logpal; static RGBTRIPLE defpal[NCOLOURS]; static HWND hwnd; static int dbltime, lasttime, lastact; static Mouse_Button lastbtn; static char *window_name, *icon_name; static Ldisc *real_ldisc; void begin_session(void) { ldisc = real_ldisc; } int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE inst, HINSTANCE prev, LPSTR cmdline, int show) { static char appname[] = "PuTTY"; WORD winsock_ver; WSADATA wsadata; WNDCLASS wndclass; MSG msg; int guess_width, guess_height; putty_inst = inst; flags = FLAG_VERBOSE | FLAG_INTERACTIVE; winsock_ver = MAKEWORD(1, 1); if (WSAStartup(winsock_ver, &wsadata)) { MessageBox(NULL, "Unable to initialise WinSock", "WinSock Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); return 1; } if (LOBYTE(wsadata.wVersion) != 1 || HIBYTE(wsadata.wVersion) != 1) { MessageBox(NULL, "WinSock version is incompatible with 1.1", "WinSock Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); WSACleanup(); return 1; } /* WISHLIST: maybe allow config tweaking even if winsock not present? */ InitCommonControls(); /* * Process the command line. */ { char *p; default_protocol = DEFAULT_PROTOCOL; default_port = DEFAULT_PORT; do_defaults(NULL); p = cmdline; while (*p && isspace(*p)) p++; /* * Process command line options first. Yes, this can be * done better, and it will be as soon as I have the * energy... */ while (*p == '-') { char *q = p + strcspn(p, " \t"); p++; if (q == p + 3 && tolower(p[0]) == 's' && tolower(p[1]) == 's' && tolower(p[2]) == 'h') { default_protocol = cfg.protocol = PROT_SSH; default_port = cfg.port = 22; } else if (q == p + 3 && tolower(p[0]) == 'l' && tolower(p[1]) == 'o' && tolower(p[2]) == 'g') { logfile = "putty.log"; } p = q + strspn(q, " \t"); } /* * An initial @ means to activate a saved session. */ if (*p == '@') { do_defaults (p+1); if (!*cfg.host && !do_config()) { WSACleanup(); return 0; } } else if (*p == '&') { /* * An initial & means we've been given a command line * containing the hex value of a HANDLE for a file * mapping object, which we must then extract as a * config. */ HANDLE filemap; Config *cp; if (sscanf(p+1, "%p", &filemap) == 1 && (cp = MapViewOfFile(filemap, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, sizeof(Config))) != NULL) { cfg = *cp; UnmapViewOfFile(cp); CloseHandle(filemap); } else if (!do_config()) { WSACleanup(); return 0; } } else if (*p) { char *q = p; /* * If the hostname starts with "telnet:", set the * protocol to Telnet and process the string as a * Telnet URL. */ if (!strncmp(q, "telnet:", 7)) { char c; q += 7; if (q[0] == '/' && q[1] == '/') q += 2; cfg.protocol = PROT_TELNET; p = q; while (*p && *p != ':' && *p != '/') p++; c = *p; if (*p) *p++ = '\0'; if (c == ':') cfg.port = atoi(p); else cfg.port = -1; strncpy (cfg.host, q, sizeof(cfg.host)-1); cfg.host[sizeof(cfg.host)-1] = '\0'; } else { while (*p && !isspace(*p)) p++; if (*p) *p++ = '\0'; strncpy (cfg.host, q, sizeof(cfg.host)-1); cfg.host[sizeof(cfg.host)-1] = '\0'; while (*p && isspace(*p)) p++; if (*p) cfg.port = atoi(p); else cfg.port = -1; } } else { if (!do_config()) { WSACleanup(); return 0; } } /* See if host is of the form user@host */ if (cfg.host[0] != '\0') { char *atsign = strchr(cfg.host, '@'); /* Make sure we're not overflowing the user field */ if (atsign) { if (atsign-cfg.host < sizeof cfg.username) { strncpy (cfg.username, cfg.host, atsign-cfg.host); cfg.username[atsign-cfg.host] = '\0'; } memmove(cfg.host, atsign+1, 1+strlen(atsign+1)); } } } /* * Select protocol. This is farmed out into a table in a * separate file to enable an ssh-free variant. */ { int i; back = NULL; for (i = 0; backends[i].backend != NULL; i++) if (backends[i].protocol == cfg.protocol) { back = backends[i].backend; break; } if (back == NULL) { MessageBox(NULL, "Unsupported protocol number found", "PuTTY Internal Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); WSACleanup(); return 1; } } real_ldisc = (cfg.ldisc_term ? &ldisc_term : &ldisc_simple); /* To start with, we use the simple line discipline, so we can * type passwords etc without fear of them being echoed... */ ldisc = &ldisc_simple; if (!prev) { wndclass.style = 0; wndclass.lpfnWndProc = WndProc; wndclass.cbClsExtra = 0; wndclass.cbWndExtra = 0; wndclass.hInstance = inst; wndclass.hIcon = LoadIcon (inst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_MAINICON)); wndclass.hCursor = LoadCursor (NULL, IDC_IBEAM); wndclass.hbrBackground = GetStockObject (BLACK_BRUSH); wndclass.lpszMenuName = NULL; wndclass.lpszClassName = appname; RegisterClass (&wndclass); } hwnd = NULL; savelines = cfg.savelines; term_init(); cfgtopalette(); /* * Guess some defaults for the window size. This all gets * updated later, so we don't really care too much. However, we * do want the font width/height guesses to correspond to a * large font rather than a small one... */ font_width = 10; font_height = 20; extra_width = 25; extra_height = 28; term_size (cfg.height, cfg.width, cfg.savelines); guess_width = extra_width + font_width * cols; guess_height = extra_height + font_height * rows; { RECT r; HWND w = GetDesktopWindow(); GetWindowRect (w, &r); if (guess_width > r.right - r.left) guess_width = r.right - r.left; if (guess_height > r.bottom - r.top) guess_height = r.bottom - r.top; } { int winmode = WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW|WS_VSCROLL; if (!cfg.scrollbar) winmode &= ~(WS_VSCROLL); if (cfg.locksize) winmode &= ~(WS_THICKFRAME|WS_MAXIMIZEBOX); hwnd = CreateWindow (appname, appname, winmode, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, guess_width, guess_height, NULL, NULL, inst, NULL); } /* * Initialise the fonts, simultaneously correcting the guesses * for font_{width,height}. */ bold_mode = cfg.bold_colour ? BOLD_COLOURS : BOLD_FONT; und_mode = UND_FONT; init_fonts(0); /* * Correct the guesses for extra_{width,height}. */ { RECT cr, wr; GetWindowRect (hwnd, &wr); GetClientRect (hwnd, &cr); extra_width = wr.right - wr.left - cr.right + cr.left; extra_height = wr.bottom - wr.top - cr.bottom + cr.top; } /* * Resize the window, now we know what size we _really_ want it * to be. */ guess_width = extra_width + font_width * cols; guess_height = extra_height + font_height * rows; SendMessage (hwnd, WM_IGNORE_SIZE, 0, 0); SetWindowPos (hwnd, NULL, 0, 0, guess_width, guess_height, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOREDRAW | SWP_NOZORDER); /* * Initialise the scroll bar. */ { SCROLLINFO si; si.cbSize = sizeof(si); si.fMask = SIF_ALL | SIF_DISABLENOSCROLL; si.nMin = 0; si.nMax = rows-1; si.nPage = rows; si.nPos = 0; SetScrollInfo (hwnd, SB_VERT, &si, FALSE); } /* * Start up the telnet connection. */ { char *error; char msg[1024]; char *realhost; error = back->init (hwnd, cfg.host, cfg.port, &realhost); if (error) { sprintf(msg, "Unable to open connection:\n%s", error); MessageBox(NULL, msg, "PuTTY Error", MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK); return 0; } window_name = icon_name = NULL; sprintf(msg, "%s - PuTTY", realhost); set_title (msg); set_icon (msg); } session_closed = FALSE; /* * Set up the input and output buffers. */ inbuf_head = 0; outbuf_reap = outbuf_head = 0; /* * Prepare the mouse handler. */ lastact = MA_NOTHING; lastbtn = MB_NOTHING; dbltime = GetDoubleClickTime(); /* * Set up the session-control options on the system menu. */ { HMENU m = GetSystemMenu (hwnd, FALSE); HMENU p,s; int i; AppendMenu (m, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0); if (cfg.protocol == PROT_TELNET) { p = CreateMenu(); AppendMenu (p, MF_ENABLED, IDM_TEL_AYT, "Are You There"); AppendMenu (p, MF_ENABLED, IDM_TEL_BRK, "Break"); AppendMenu (p, MF_ENABLED, IDM_TEL_SYNCH, "Synch"); AppendMenu (p, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0); AppendMenu (p, MF_ENABLED, IDM_TEL_EC, "Erase Character"); AppendMenu (p, MF_ENABLED, IDM_TEL_EL, "Erase Line"); AppendMenu (p, MF_ENABLED, IDM_TEL_GA, "Go Ahead"); AppendMenu (p, MF_ENABLED, IDM_TEL_NOP, "No Operation"); AppendMenu (p, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0); AppendMenu (p, MF_ENABLED, IDM_TEL_ABORT, "Abort Process"); AppendMenu (p, MF_ENABLED, IDM_TEL_AO, "Abort Output"); AppendMenu (p, MF_ENABLED, IDM_TEL_IP, "Interrupt Process"); AppendMenu (p, MF_ENABLED, IDM_TEL_SUSP, "Suspend Process"); AppendMenu (p, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0); AppendMenu (p, MF_ENABLED, IDM_TEL_EOR, "End Of Record"); AppendMenu (p, MF_ENABLED, IDM_TEL_EOF, "End Of File"); AppendMenu (m, MF_POPUP | MF_ENABLED, (UINT) p, "Telnet Command"); AppendMenu (m, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0); } AppendMenu (m, MF_ENABLED, IDM_SHOWLOG, "&Event Log"); AppendMenu (m, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0); AppendMenu (m, MF_ENABLED, IDM_NEWSESS, "Ne&w Session"); AppendMenu (m, MF_ENABLED, IDM_DUPSESS, "&Duplicate Session"); s = CreateMenu(); get_sesslist(TRUE); for (i = 1 ; i < ((nsessions < 256) ? nsessions : 256) ; i++) AppendMenu (s, MF_ENABLED, IDM_SAVED_MIN + (16 * i) , sessions[i]); AppendMenu (m, MF_POPUP | MF_ENABLED, (UINT) s, "Sa&ved Sessions"); AppendMenu (m, MF_ENABLED, IDM_RECONF, "Chan&ge Settings"); AppendMenu (m, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0); AppendMenu (m, MF_ENABLED, IDM_CLRSB, "C&lear Scrollback"); AppendMenu (m, MF_ENABLED, IDM_RESET, "Rese&t Terminal"); AppendMenu (m, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0); AppendMenu (m, MF_ENABLED, IDM_ABOUT, "&About PuTTY"); } /* * Finally show the window! */ ShowWindow (hwnd, show); /* * Set the palette up. */ pal = NULL; logpal = NULL; init_palette(); has_focus = (GetForegroundWindow() == hwnd); UpdateWindow (hwnd); { int timer_id = 0, long_timer = 0; while (GetMessage (&msg, NULL, 0, 0) == 1) { /* Sometimes DispatchMessage calls routines that use their own * GetMessage loop, setup this timer so we get some control back. * * Also call term_update() from the timer so that if the host * is sending data flat out we still do redraws. */ if(timer_id && long_timer) { KillTimer(hwnd, timer_id); long_timer = timer_id = 0; } if(!timer_id) timer_id = SetTimer(hwnd, 1, 20, NULL); DispatchMessage (&msg); /* This is too fast, but I'll leave it for now 'cause it shows * how often term_update is called (far too often at times!) */ term_blink(0); /* Send the paste buffer if there's anything to send */ term_paste(); /* If there's nothing new in the queue then we can do everything * we've delayed, reading the socket, writing, and repainting * the window. */ if (!PeekMessage (&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE)) { if (pending_netevent) { enact_pending_netevent(); term_blink(1); } } else continue; if (!PeekMessage (&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE)) { if (timer_id) { KillTimer(hwnd, timer_id); timer_id = 0; } if (inbuf_head) term_out(); term_update(); if (!has_focus) timer_id = SetTimer(hwnd, 1, 2000, NULL); else if (cfg.blinktext) timer_id = SetTimer(hwnd, 1, 250, NULL); else timer_id = SetTimer(hwnd, 1, 500, NULL); long_timer = 1; } } } /* * Clean up. */ { int i; for (i=0; i<8; i++) if (fonts[i]) DeleteObject(fonts[i]); } sfree(logpal); if (pal) DeleteObject(pal); WSACleanup(); if (cfg.protocol == PROT_SSH) { random_save_seed(); #ifdef MSCRYPTOAPI crypto_wrapup(); #endif } return msg.wParam; } /* * Print a message box and close the connection. */ void connection_fatal(char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; char stuff[200]; va_start(ap, fmt); vsprintf(stuff, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); MessageBox(hwnd, stuff, "PuTTY Fatal Error", MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK); if (cfg.close_on_exit) PostQuitMessage(1); else { session_closed = TRUE; SetWindowText (hwnd, "PuTTY (inactive)"); } } /* * Actually do the job requested by a WM_NETEVENT */ static void enact_pending_netevent(void) { int i; static int reentering = 0; if (reentering) return; /* don't unpend the pending */ pending_netevent = FALSE; reentering = 1; i = back->msg (pend_netevent_wParam, pend_netevent_lParam); reentering = 0; if (i < 0) { char buf[1024]; switch (WSABASEERR + (-i) % 10000) { case WSAECONNRESET: sprintf(buf, "Connection reset by peer"); break; default: sprintf(buf, "Unexpected network error %d", -i); break; } connection_fatal(buf); } if (i <= 0) { if (cfg.close_on_exit) PostQuitMessage(0); else { session_closed = TRUE; MessageBox(hwnd, "Connection closed by remote host", "PuTTY", MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION); SetWindowText (hwnd, "PuTTY (inactive)"); } } } /* * Copy the colour palette from the configuration data into defpal. * This is non-trivial because the colour indices are different. */ static void cfgtopalette(void) { int i; static const int ww[] = { 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5 }; for (i=0; i<24; i++) { int w = ww[i]; defpal[i].rgbtRed = cfg.colours[w][0]; defpal[i].rgbtGreen = cfg.colours[w][1]; defpal[i].rgbtBlue = cfg.colours[w][2]; } } /* * Set up the colour palette. */ static void init_palette(void) { int i; HDC hdc = GetDC (hwnd); if (hdc) { if (cfg.try_palette && GetDeviceCaps (hdc, RASTERCAPS) & RC_PALETTE) { logpal = smalloc(sizeof(*logpal) - sizeof(logpal->palPalEntry) + NCOLOURS * sizeof(PALETTEENTRY)); logpal->palVersion = 0x300; logpal->palNumEntries = NCOLOURS; for (i = 0; i < NCOLOURS; i++) { logpal->palPalEntry[i].peRed = defpal[i].rgbtRed; logpal->palPalEntry[i].peGreen = defpal[i].rgbtGreen; logpal->palPalEntry[i].peBlue = defpal[i].rgbtBlue; logpal->palPalEntry[i].peFlags = PC_NOCOLLAPSE; } pal = CreatePalette (logpal); if (pal) { SelectPalette (hdc, pal, FALSE); RealizePalette (hdc); SelectPalette (hdc, GetStockObject (DEFAULT_PALETTE), FALSE); } } ReleaseDC (hwnd, hdc); } if (pal) for (i=0; i= font_height) descent = font_height - 1; firstchar = tm.tmFirstChar; for (i=0; i<8; i++) { if (fonts[i]) { if (SelectObject (hdc, fonts[i]) && GetTextMetrics(hdc, &tm) ) fsize[i] = tm.tmAveCharWidth + 256 * tm.tmHeight; else fsize[i] = -i; } else fsize[i] = -i; } ReleaseDC (hwnd, hdc); /* ... This is wrong in OEM only mode */ if (fsize[FONT_UNDERLINE] != fsize[FONT_NORMAL] || (bold_mode == BOLD_FONT && fsize[FONT_BOLDUND] != fsize[FONT_BOLD])) { und_mode = UND_LINE; DeleteObject (fonts[FONT_UNDERLINE]); if (bold_mode == BOLD_FONT) DeleteObject (fonts[FONT_BOLDUND]); } if (bold_mode == BOLD_FONT && fsize[FONT_BOLD] != fsize[FONT_NORMAL]) { bold_mode = BOLD_SHADOW; DeleteObject (fonts[FONT_BOLD]); if (und_mode == UND_FONT) DeleteObject (fonts[FONT_BOLDUND]); } #ifdef CHECKOEMFONT /* With the fascist font painting it doesn't matter if the linedraw font * isn't exactly the right size anymore so we don't have to check this. */ if (cfg.vtmode == VT_OEMANSI && fsize[FONT_OEM] != fsize[FONT_NORMAL] ) { if( cfg.fontcharset == OEM_CHARSET ) { MessageBox(NULL, "The OEM and ANSI versions of this font are\n" "different sizes. Using OEM-only mode instead", "Font Size Mismatch", MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_OK); cfg.vtmode = VT_OEMONLY; } else if( firstchar < ' ' ) { MessageBox(NULL, "The OEM and ANSI versions of this font are\n" "different sizes. Using XTerm mode instead", "Font Size Mismatch", MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_OK); cfg.vtmode = VT_XWINDOWS; } else { MessageBox(NULL, "The OEM and ANSI versions of this font are\n" "different sizes. Using ISO8859-1 mode instead", "Font Size Mismatch", MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_OK); cfg.vtmode = VT_POORMAN; } for (i=0; i<8; i++) if (fonts[i]) DeleteObject (fonts[i]); goto font_messup; } #endif } void request_resize (int w, int h, int refont) { int width, height; /* If the window is maximized supress resizing attempts */ if(IsZoomed(hwnd)) return; #ifdef CHECKOEMFONT /* Don't do this in OEMANSI, you may get disable messages */ if (refont && w != cols && (cols==80 || cols==132) && cfg.vtmode != VT_OEMANSI) #else if (refont && w != cols && (cols==80 || cols==132)) #endif { /* If font width too big for screen should we shrink the font more ? */ if (w==132) font_width = ((font_width*cols+w/2)/w); else font_width = 0; { int i; for (i=0; i<8; i++) if (fonts[i]) DeleteObject(fonts[i]); } bold_mode = cfg.bold_colour ? BOLD_COLOURS : BOLD_FONT; und_mode = UND_FONT; init_fonts(font_width); } else { static int first_time = 1; static RECT ss; switch(first_time) { case 1: /* Get the size of the screen */ if (GetClientRect(GetDesktopWindow(),&ss)) /* first_time = 0 */; else { first_time = 2; break; } case 0: /* Make sure the values are sane */ width = (ss.right-ss.left-extra_width ) / font_width; height = (ss.bottom-ss.top-extra_height ) / font_height; if (w>width) w=width; if (h>height) h=height; if (w<15) w = 15; if (h<1) w = 1; } } width = extra_width + font_width * w; height = extra_height + font_height * h; SetWindowPos (hwnd, NULL, 0, 0, width, height, SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOCOPYBITS | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER); } static void click (Mouse_Button b, int x, int y) { int thistime = GetMessageTime(); if (lastbtn == b && thistime - lasttime < dbltime) { lastact = (lastact == MA_CLICK ? MA_2CLK : lastact == MA_2CLK ? MA_3CLK : lastact == MA_3CLK ? MA_CLICK : MA_NOTHING); } else { lastbtn = b; lastact = MA_CLICK; } if (lastact != MA_NOTHING) term_mouse (b, lastact, x, y); lasttime = thistime; } static LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc (HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HDC hdc; static int ignore_size = FALSE; static int ignore_clip = FALSE; static int ignore_keymenu = TRUE; static int just_reconfigged = FALSE; static int resizing = FALSE; switch (message) { case WM_TIMER: if (pending_netevent) enact_pending_netevent(); if (inbuf_head) term_out(); term_update(); return 0; case WM_CREATE: break; case WM_CLOSE: if (!cfg.warn_on_close || session_closed || MessageBox(hwnd, "Are you sure you want to close this session?", "PuTTY Exit Confirmation", MB_ICONWARNING | MB_OKCANCEL) == IDOK) DestroyWindow(hwnd); return 0; case WM_DESTROY: PostQuitMessage (0); return 0; case WM_SYSCOMMAND: switch (wParam & ~0xF) { /* low 4 bits reserved to Windows */ case SC_KEYMENU: if (ignore_keymenu) return 0; /* don't put up system menu on Alt */ break; case IDM_SHOWLOG: showeventlog(hwnd); break; case IDM_NEWSESS: case IDM_DUPSESS: case IDM_SAVEDSESS: { char b[2048]; char c[30], *cl; int freecl = FALSE; STARTUPINFO si; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; HANDLE filemap = NULL; if (wParam == IDM_DUPSESS) { /* * Allocate a file-mapping memory chunk for the * config structure. */ SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa; Config *p; sa.nLength = sizeof(sa); sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; sa.bInheritHandle = TRUE; filemap = CreateFileMapping((HANDLE)0xFFFFFFFF, &sa, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, sizeof(Config), NULL); if (filemap) { p = (Config *)MapViewOfFile(filemap, FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, sizeof(Config)); if (p) { *p = cfg; /* structure copy */ UnmapViewOfFile(p); } } sprintf(c, "putty &%p", filemap); cl = c; } else if (wParam == IDM_SAVEDSESS) { char *session = sessions[(lParam - IDM_SAVED_MIN) / 16]; cl = malloc(16 + strlen(session)); /* 8, but play safe */ if (!cl) cl = NULL; /* not a very important failure mode */ else { sprintf(cl, "putty @%s", session); freecl = TRUE; } } else cl = NULL; GetModuleFileName (NULL, b, sizeof(b)-1); si.cb = sizeof(si); si.lpReserved = NULL; si.lpDesktop = NULL; si.lpTitle = NULL; si.dwFlags = 0; si.cbReserved2 = 0; si.lpReserved2 = NULL; CreateProcess (b, cl, NULL, NULL, TRUE, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi); if (filemap) CloseHandle(filemap); if (freecl) free(cl); } break; case IDM_RECONF: if (!do_reconfig(hwnd)) break; just_reconfigged = TRUE; { int i; for (i=0; i<8; i++) if (fonts[i]) DeleteObject(fonts[i]); } bold_mode = cfg.bold_colour ? BOLD_COLOURS : BOLD_FONT; und_mode = UND_FONT; init_fonts(0); sfree(logpal); /* Telnet will change local echo -> remote if the remote asks */ if (cfg.protocol != PROT_TELNET) ldisc = (cfg.ldisc_term ? &ldisc_term : &ldisc_simple); if (pal) DeleteObject(pal); logpal = NULL; pal = NULL; cfgtopalette(); init_palette(); /* Enable or disable the scroll bar, etc */ { LONG nflg, flag = GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE); nflg = flag; if (cfg.scrollbar) nflg |= WS_VSCROLL; else nflg &= ~WS_VSCROLL; if (cfg.locksize) nflg &= ~(WS_THICKFRAME|WS_MAXIMIZEBOX); else nflg |= (WS_THICKFRAME|WS_MAXIMIZEBOX); if (nflg != flag) { RECT cr, wr; SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE, nflg); SendMessage (hwnd, WM_IGNORE_SIZE, 0, 0); SetWindowPos(hwnd, NULL, 0,0,0,0, SWP_NOACTIVATE|SWP_NOCOPYBITS| SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOSIZE| SWP_NOZORDER| SWP_FRAMECHANGED); GetWindowRect (hwnd, &wr); GetClientRect (hwnd, &cr); extra_width = wr.right - wr.left - cr.right + cr.left; extra_height = wr.bottom - wr.top - cr.bottom + cr.top; } } term_size(cfg.height, cfg.width, cfg.savelines); InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, TRUE); SetWindowPos (hwnd, NULL, 0, 0, extra_width + font_width * cfg.width, extra_height + font_height * cfg.height, SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOCOPYBITS | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER); if (IsIconic(hwnd)) { SetWindowText (hwnd, cfg.win_name_always ? window_name : icon_name); } break; case IDM_CLRSB: term_clrsb(); break; case IDM_RESET: term_pwron(); break; case IDM_TEL_AYT: back->special (TS_AYT); break; case IDM_TEL_BRK: back->special (TS_BRK); break; case IDM_TEL_SYNCH: back->special (TS_SYNCH); break; case IDM_TEL_EC: back->special (TS_EC); break; case IDM_TEL_EL: back->special (TS_EL); break; case IDM_TEL_GA: back->special (TS_GA); break; case IDM_TEL_NOP: back->special (TS_NOP); break; case IDM_TEL_ABORT: back->special (TS_ABORT); break; case IDM_TEL_AO: back->special (TS_AO); break; case IDM_TEL_IP: back->special (TS_IP); break; case IDM_TEL_SUSP: back->special (TS_SUSP); break; case IDM_TEL_EOR: back->special (TS_EOR); break; case IDM_TEL_EOF: back->special (TS_EOF); break; case IDM_ABOUT: showabout (hwnd); break; default: if (wParam >= IDM_SAVED_MIN && wParam <= IDM_SAVED_MAX) { SendMessage(hwnd, WM_SYSCOMMAND, IDM_SAVEDSESS, wParam); } } break; #define X_POS(l) ((int)(short)LOWORD(l)) #define Y_POS(l) ((int)(short)HIWORD(l)) #define TO_CHR_X(x) (((x)<0 ? (x)-font_width+1 : (x)) / font_width) #define TO_CHR_Y(y) (((y)<0 ? (y)-font_height+1: (y)) / font_height) case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: click (MB_SELECT, TO_CHR_X(X_POS(lParam)), TO_CHR_Y(Y_POS(lParam))); SetCapture(hwnd); return 0; case WM_LBUTTONUP: term_mouse (MB_SELECT, MA_RELEASE, TO_CHR_X(X_POS(lParam)), TO_CHR_Y(Y_POS(lParam))); ReleaseCapture(); return 0; case WM_MBUTTONDOWN: SetCapture(hwnd); click (cfg.mouse_is_xterm ? MB_PASTE : MB_EXTEND, TO_CHR_X(X_POS(lParam)), TO_CHR_Y(Y_POS(lParam))); return 0; case WM_MBUTTONUP: term_mouse (cfg.mouse_is_xterm ? MB_PASTE : MB_EXTEND, MA_RELEASE, TO_CHR_X(X_POS(lParam)), TO_CHR_Y(Y_POS(lParam))); ReleaseCapture(); return 0; case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: SetCapture(hwnd); click (cfg.mouse_is_xterm ? MB_EXTEND : MB_PASTE, TO_CHR_X(X_POS(lParam)), TO_CHR_Y(Y_POS(lParam))); return 0; case WM_RBUTTONUP: term_mouse (cfg.mouse_is_xterm ? MB_EXTEND : MB_PASTE, MA_RELEASE, TO_CHR_X(X_POS(lParam)), TO_CHR_Y(Y_POS(lParam))); ReleaseCapture(); return 0; case WM_MOUSEMOVE: /* * Add the mouse position and message time to the random * number noise, if we're using ssh. */ if (cfg.protocol == PROT_SSH) noise_ultralight(lParam); if (wParam & (MK_LBUTTON | MK_MBUTTON | MK_RBUTTON)) { Mouse_Button b; if (wParam & MK_LBUTTON) b = MB_SELECT; else if (wParam & MK_MBUTTON) b = cfg.mouse_is_xterm ? MB_PASTE : MB_EXTEND; else b = cfg.mouse_is_xterm ? MB_EXTEND : MB_PASTE; term_mouse (b, MA_DRAG, TO_CHR_X(X_POS(lParam)), TO_CHR_Y(Y_POS(lParam))); } return 0; case WM_IGNORE_CLIP: ignore_clip = wParam; /* don't panic on DESTROYCLIPBOARD */ break; case WM_IGNORE_KEYMENU: ignore_keymenu = wParam; /* do or don't ignore SC_KEYMENU */ break; case WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD: if (!ignore_clip) term_deselect(); ignore_clip = FALSE; return 0; case WM_PAINT: { PAINTSTRUCT p; hdc = BeginPaint (hwnd, &p); if (pal) { SelectPalette (hdc, pal, TRUE); RealizePalette (hdc); } term_paint (hdc, p.rcPaint.left, p.rcPaint.top, p.rcPaint.right, p.rcPaint.bottom); SelectObject (hdc, GetStockObject(SYSTEM_FONT)); SelectObject (hdc, GetStockObject(WHITE_PEN)); EndPaint (hwnd, &p); } return 0; case WM_NETEVENT: /* Notice we can get multiple netevents, FD_READ, FD_WRITE etc * but the only one that's likely to try to overload us is FD_READ. * This means buffering just one is fine. */ if (pending_netevent) enact_pending_netevent(); pending_netevent = TRUE; pend_netevent_wParam=wParam; pend_netevent_lParam=lParam; return 0; case WM_SETFOCUS: has_focus = TRUE; term_out(); term_update(); break; case WM_KILLFOCUS: has_focus = FALSE; term_out(); term_update(); break; case WM_IGNORE_SIZE: ignore_size = TRUE; /* don't panic on next WM_SIZE msg */ break; case WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE: EnableSizeTip(1); resizing = TRUE; break; case WM_EXITSIZEMOVE: EnableSizeTip(0); resizing = FALSE; back->size(); break; case WM_SIZING: { int width, height, w, h, ew, eh; LPRECT r = (LPRECT)lParam; width = r->right - r->left - extra_width; height = r->bottom - r->top - extra_height; w = (width + font_width/2) / font_width; if (w < 1) w = 1; h = (height + font_height/2) / font_height; if (h < 1) h = 1; UpdateSizeTip(hwnd, w, h); ew = width - w * font_width; eh = height - h * font_height; if (ew != 0) { if (wParam == WMSZ_LEFT || wParam == WMSZ_BOTTOMLEFT || wParam == WMSZ_TOPLEFT) r->left += ew; else r->right -= ew; } if (eh != 0) { if (wParam == WMSZ_TOP || wParam == WMSZ_TOPRIGHT || wParam == WMSZ_TOPLEFT) r->top += eh; else r->bottom -= eh; } if (ew || eh) return 1; else return 0; } /* break; (never reached) */ case WM_SIZE: if (wParam == SIZE_MINIMIZED) { SetWindowText (hwnd, cfg.win_name_always ? window_name : icon_name); break; } if (wParam == SIZE_RESTORED || wParam == SIZE_MAXIMIZED) SetWindowText (hwnd, window_name); if (!ignore_size) { int width, height, w, h; #if 0 /* we have fixed this using WM_SIZING now */ int ew, eh; #endif width = LOWORD(lParam); height = HIWORD(lParam); w = width / font_width; if (w < 1) w = 1; h = height / font_height; if (h < 1) h = 1; #if 0 /* we have fixed this using WM_SIZING now */ ew = width - w * font_width; eh = height - h * font_height; if (ew != 0 || eh != 0) { RECT r; GetWindowRect (hwnd, &r); SendMessage (hwnd, WM_IGNORE_SIZE, 0, 0); SetWindowPos (hwnd, NULL, 0, 0, r.right - r.left - ew, r.bottom - r.top - eh, SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER); } #endif if (w != cols || h != rows || just_reconfigged) { term_invalidate(); term_size (h, w, cfg.savelines); /* * Don't call back->size in mid-resize. (To prevent * massive numbers of resize events getting sent * down the connection during an NT opaque drag.) */ if (!resizing) back->size(); just_reconfigged = FALSE; } } ignore_size = FALSE; return 0; case WM_VSCROLL: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case SB_BOTTOM: term_scroll(-1, 0); break; case SB_TOP: term_scroll(+1, 0); break; case SB_LINEDOWN: term_scroll (0, +1); break; case SB_LINEUP: term_scroll (0, -1); break; case SB_PAGEDOWN: term_scroll (0, +rows/2); break; case SB_PAGEUP: term_scroll (0, -rows/2); break; case SB_THUMBPOSITION: case SB_THUMBTRACK: term_scroll (1, HIWORD(wParam)); break; } break; case WM_PALETTECHANGED: if ((HWND) wParam != hwnd && pal != NULL) { HDC hdc = get_ctx(); if (hdc) { if (RealizePalette (hdc) > 0) UpdateColors (hdc); free_ctx (hdc); } } break; case WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE: if (pal != NULL) { HDC hdc = get_ctx(); if (hdc) { if (RealizePalette (hdc) > 0) UpdateColors (hdc); free_ctx (hdc); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; case WM_KEYDOWN: case WM_SYSKEYDOWN: case WM_KEYUP: case WM_SYSKEYUP: /* * Add the scan code and keypress timing to the random * number noise, if we're using ssh. */ if (cfg.protocol == PROT_SSH) noise_ultralight(lParam); /* * We don't do TranslateMessage since it disassociates the * resulting CHAR message from the KEYDOWN that sparked it, * which we occasionally don't want. Instead, we process * KEYDOWN, and call the Win32 translator functions so that * we get the translations under _our_ control. */ { unsigned char buf[20]; int len; len = TranslateKey (message, wParam, lParam, buf); if (len == -1) return DefWindowProc (hwnd, message, wParam, lParam); ldisc->send (buf, len); } return 0; case WM_CHAR: case WM_SYSCHAR: /* * Nevertheless, we are prepared to deal with WM_CHAR * messages, should they crop up. So if someone wants to * post the things to us as part of a macro manoeuvre, * we're ready to cope. */ { char c = xlat_kbd2tty((unsigned char)wParam); ldisc->send (&c, 1); } return 0; } return DefWindowProc (hwnd, message, wParam, lParam); } /* * Draw a line of text in the window, at given character * coordinates, in given attributes. * * We are allowed to fiddle with the contents of `text'. */ void do_text (Context ctx, int x, int y, char *text, int len, unsigned long attr, int lattr) { COLORREF fg, bg, t; int nfg, nbg, nfont; HDC hdc = ctx; RECT line_box; int force_manual_underline = 0; int fnt_width = font_width*(1+(lattr!=LATTR_NORM)); static int *IpDx = 0, IpDxLEN = 0;; if (len>IpDxLEN || IpDx[0] != fnt_width) { int i; if (len>IpDxLEN) { sfree(IpDx); IpDx = smalloc((len+16)*sizeof(int)); IpDxLEN = (len+16); } for(i=0; i= '\xA0' && text[i] <= '\xFF') { #if 0 /* This is CP850 ... perfect translation */ static const char oemhighhalf[] = "\x20\xAD\xBD\x9C\xCF\xBE\xDD\xF5" /* A0-A7 */ "\xF9\xB8\xA6\xAE\xAA\xF0\xA9\xEE" /* A8-AF */ "\xF8\xF1\xFD\xFC\xEF\xE6\xF4\xFA" /* B0-B7 */ "\xF7\xFB\xA7\xAF\xAC\xAB\xF3\xA8" /* B8-BF */ "\xB7\xB5\xB6\xC7\x8E\x8F\x92\x80" /* C0-C7 */ "\xD4\x90\xD2\xD3\xDE\xD6\xD7\xD8" /* C8-CF */ "\xD1\xA5\xE3\xE0\xE2\xE5\x99\x9E" /* D0-D7 */ "\x9D\xEB\xE9\xEA\x9A\xED\xE8\xE1" /* D8-DF */ "\x85\xA0\x83\xC6\x84\x86\x91\x87" /* E0-E7 */ "\x8A\x82\x88\x89\x8D\xA1\x8C\x8B" /* E8-EF */ "\xD0\xA4\x95\xA2\x93\xE4\x94\xF6" /* F0-F7 */ "\x9B\x97\xA3\x96\x81\xEC\xE7\x98" /* F8-FF */ ; #endif /* This is CP437 ... junk translation */ static const unsigned char oemhighhalf[] = { 0xff, 0xad, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x6f, 0x9d, 0x7c, 0x15, 0x22, 0x43, 0xa6, 0xae, 0xaa, 0x2d, 0x52, 0xc4, 0xf8, 0xf1, 0xfd, 0x33, 0x27, 0xe6, 0x14, 0xfa, 0x2c, 0x31, 0xa7, 0xaf, 0xac, 0xab, 0x2f, 0xa8, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41, 0x8e, 0x8f, 0x92, 0x80, 0x45, 0x90, 0x45, 0x45, 0x49, 0x49, 0x49, 0x49, 0x44, 0xa5, 0x4f, 0x4f, 0x4f, 0x4f, 0x99, 0x78, 0xed, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x9a, 0x59, 0x50, 0xe1, 0x85, 0xa0, 0x83, 0x61, 0x84, 0x86, 0x91, 0x87, 0x8a, 0x82, 0x88, 0x89, 0x8d, 0xa1, 0x8c, 0x8b, 0x0b, 0xa4, 0x95, 0xa2, 0x93, 0x6f, 0x94, 0xf6, 0xed, 0x97, 0xa3, 0x96, 0x81, 0x79, 0x70, 0x98 }; text[i] = oemhighhalf[(unsigned char)text[i] - 0xA0]; } } if (attr & ATTR_GBCHR) { int i; /* * GB mapping: map # to pound, and everything else stays * normal. */ for (i=0; i= '\x60' && text[i] <= '\x7E') text[i] += '\x01' - '\x60'; break; case VT_OEMANSI: /* Make sure we actually have an OEM font */ if (fonts[nfont|FONT_OEM]) { case VT_OEMONLY: nfont |= FONT_OEM; for (i=0; i= '\x60' && text[i] <= '\x7E') text[i] = oemmap[(unsigned char)text[i] - 0x60]; break; } case VT_POORMAN: for (i=0; i= '\x60' && text[i] <= '\x7E') text[i] = poorman[(unsigned char)text[i] - 0x60]; break; } } nfg = 2 * ((attr & ATTR_FGMASK) >> ATTR_FGSHIFT); nbg = 2 * ((attr & ATTR_BGMASK) >> ATTR_BGSHIFT); if (bold_mode == BOLD_FONT && (attr & ATTR_BOLD)) nfont |= FONT_BOLD; if (und_mode == UND_FONT && (attr & ATTR_UNDER)) nfont |= FONT_UNDERLINE; if (!fonts[nfont]) { if (nfont&FONT_UNDERLINE) force_manual_underline = 1; /* Don't do the same for manual bold, it could be bad news. */ nfont &= ~(FONT_BOLD|FONT_UNDERLINE); } if (font_needs_hand_underlining && (attr & ATTR_UNDER)) force_manual_underline = 1; if (attr & ATTR_REVERSE) { t = nfg; nfg = nbg; nbg = t; } if (bold_mode == BOLD_COLOURS && (attr & ATTR_BOLD)) nfg++; if (bold_mode == BOLD_COLOURS && (attr & ATTR_BLINK)) nbg++; fg = colours[nfg]; bg = colours[nbg]; SelectObject (hdc, fonts[nfont]); SetTextColor (hdc, fg); SetBkColor (hdc, bg); SetBkMode (hdc, OPAQUE); line_box.left = x; line_box.top = y; line_box.right = x+fnt_width*len; line_box.bottom = y+font_height; ExtTextOut (hdc, x, y, ETO_CLIPPED|ETO_OPAQUE, &line_box, text, len, IpDx); if (bold_mode == BOLD_SHADOW && (attr & ATTR_BOLD)) { SetBkMode (hdc, TRANSPARENT); /* GRR: This draws the character outside it's box and can leave * 'droppings' even with the clip box! I suppose I could loop it * one character at a time ... yuk. * * Or ... I could do a test print with "W", and use +1 or -1 for this * shift depending on if the leftmost column is blank... */ ExtTextOut (hdc, x-1, y, ETO_CLIPPED, &line_box, text, len, IpDx); } if (force_manual_underline || (und_mode == UND_LINE && (attr & ATTR_UNDER))) { HPEN oldpen; oldpen = SelectObject (hdc, CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 0, fg)); MoveToEx (hdc, x, y+descent, NULL); LineTo (hdc, x+len*fnt_width, y+descent); oldpen = SelectObject (hdc, oldpen); DeleteObject (oldpen); } if (attr & ATTR_PASCURS) { POINT pts[5]; HPEN oldpen; pts[0].x = pts[1].x = pts[4].x = x; pts[2].x = pts[3].x = x+fnt_width-1; pts[0].y = pts[3].y = pts[4].y = y; pts[1].y = pts[2].y = y+font_height-1; oldpen = SelectObject (hdc, CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 0, colours[23])); Polyline (hdc, pts, 5); oldpen = SelectObject (hdc, oldpen); DeleteObject (oldpen); } } static int check_compose(int first, int second) { static char * composetbl[] = { "++#", "AA@", "(([", "//\\", "))]", "(-{", "-)}", "/^|", "!!¡", "C/¢", "C|¢", "L-£", "L=£", "XO¤", "X0¤", "Y-¥", "Y=¥", "||¦", "SO§", "S!§", "S0§", "\"\"¨", "CO©", "C0©", "A_ª", "<<«", ",-¬", "--­", "RO®", "-^¯", "0^°", "+-±", "2^²", "3^³", "''´", "/Uµ", "P!¶", ".^·", ",,¸", "1^¹", "O_º", ">>»", "14¼", "12½", "34¾", "??¿", "`AÀ", "'AÁ", "^AÂ", "~AÃ", "\"AÄ", "*AÅ", "AEÆ", ",CÇ", "`EÈ", "'EÉ", "^EÊ", "\"EË", "`IÌ", "'IÍ", "^IÎ", "\"IÏ", "-DÐ", "~NÑ", "`OÒ", "'OÓ", "^OÔ", "~OÕ", "\"OÖ", "XX×", "/OØ", "`UÙ", "'UÚ", "^UÛ", "\"UÜ", "'YÝ", "HTÞ", "ssß", "`aà", "'aá", "^aâ", "~aã", "\"aä", "*aå", "aeæ", ",cç", "`eè", "'eé", "^eê", "\"eë", "`iì", "'ií", "^iî", "\"iï", "-dð", "~nñ", "`oò", "'oó", "^oô", "~oõ", "\"oö", ":-÷", "o/ø", "`uù", "'uú", "^uû", "\"uü", "'yý", "htþ", "\"yÿ", 0}; char ** c; static int recurse = 0; int nc = -1; if(0) { char buf[256]; char * p; sprintf(buf, "cc(%d,%d)", first, second); for(p=buf; *p; p++) c_write1(*p); } for(c=composetbl; *c; c++) { if( (*c)[0] == first && (*c)[1] == second) { return (*c)[2] & 0xFF; } } if(recurse==0) { recurse=1; nc = check_compose(second, first); if(nc == -1) nc = check_compose(toupper(first), toupper(second)); if(nc == -1) nc = check_compose(toupper(second), toupper(first)); recurse=0; } return nc; } /* * Translate a WM_(SYS)?KEY(UP|DOWN) message into a string of ASCII * codes. Returns number of bytes used or zero to drop the message * or -1 to forward the message to windows. */ static int TranslateKey(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, unsigned char *output) { BYTE keystate[256]; int scan, left_alt = 0, key_down, shift_state; int r, i, code; unsigned char * p = output; static WORD keys[3]; static int compose_state = 0; static int compose_char = 0; static WPARAM compose_key = 0; r = GetKeyboardState(keystate); if (!r) memset(keystate, 0, sizeof(keystate)); else { /* Note if AltGr was pressed and if it was used as a compose key */ if (wParam == VK_MENU && (HIWORD(lParam)&KF_EXTENDED)) { keystate[VK_RMENU] = keystate[VK_MENU]; if (!compose_state) compose_key = wParam; } if (wParam == VK_APPS && !compose_state) compose_key = wParam; if (wParam == compose_key) { if (compose_state == 0 && (HIWORD(lParam)&(KF_UP|KF_REPEAT))==0) compose_state = 1; else if (compose_state == 1 && (HIWORD(lParam)&KF_UP)) compose_state = 2; else compose_state = 0; } else if (compose_state==1 && wParam != VK_CONTROL) compose_state = 0; /* Nastyness with NUMLock - Shift-NUMLock is left alone though */ if ( (cfg.funky_type == 0 || (cfg.funky_type == 1 && app_keypad_keys)) && wParam==VK_NUMLOCK && !(keystate[VK_SHIFT]&0x80)) { wParam = VK_EXECUTE; /* UnToggle NUMLock */ if ((HIWORD(lParam)&(KF_UP|KF_REPEAT))==0) keystate[VK_NUMLOCK] ^= 1; } /* And write back the 'adjusted' state */ SetKeyboardState (keystate); } /* Disable Auto repeat if required */ if (repeat_off && (HIWORD(lParam)&(KF_UP|KF_REPEAT))==KF_REPEAT) return 0; if ((HIWORD(lParam)&KF_ALTDOWN) && (keystate[VK_RMENU]&0x80) == 0) left_alt = 1; key_down = ((HIWORD(lParam)&KF_UP)==0); /* Make sure Ctrl-ALT is not the same as AltGr for ToAscii */ if (left_alt && (keystate[VK_CONTROL]&0x80)) keystate[VK_MENU] = 0; scan = (HIWORD(lParam) & (KF_UP | KF_EXTENDED | 0xFF)); shift_state = ((keystate[VK_SHIFT]&0x80)!=0) + ((keystate[VK_CONTROL]&0x80)!=0)*2; /* * Record that we pressed key so the scroll window can be reset, but * be careful to avoid Shift-UP/Down */ if( wParam != VK_SHIFT && wParam != VK_PRIOR && wParam != VK_NEXT ) { seen_key_event = 1; } /* Make sure we're not pasting */ if (key_down) term_nopaste(); if (compose_state>1 && left_alt) compose_state = 0; /* Sanitize the number pad if not using a PC NumPad */ if( left_alt || (app_keypad_keys && cfg.funky_type != 2) || cfg.nethack_keypad || compose_state ) { if ((HIWORD(lParam)&KF_EXTENDED) == 0) { int nParam = 0; switch(wParam) { case VK_INSERT: nParam = VK_NUMPAD0; break; case VK_END: nParam = VK_NUMPAD1; break; case VK_DOWN: nParam = VK_NUMPAD2; break; case VK_NEXT: nParam = VK_NUMPAD3; break; case VK_LEFT: nParam = VK_NUMPAD4; break; case VK_CLEAR: nParam = VK_NUMPAD5; break; case VK_RIGHT: nParam = VK_NUMPAD6; break; case VK_HOME: nParam = VK_NUMPAD7; break; case VK_UP: nParam = VK_NUMPAD8; break; case VK_PRIOR: nParam = VK_NUMPAD9; break; case VK_DELETE: nParam = VK_DECIMAL; break; } if (nParam) { if (keystate[VK_NUMLOCK]&1) shift_state |= 1; wParam = nParam; } } } /* If a key is pressed and AltGr is not active */ if (key_down && (keystate[VK_RMENU]&0x80) == 0 && !compose_state) { /* Okay, prepare for most alts then ...*/ if (left_alt) *p++ = '\033'; /* Lets see if it's a pattern we know all about ... */ if (wParam == VK_PRIOR && shift_state == 1) { SendMessage (hwnd, WM_VSCROLL, SB_PAGEUP, 0); return 0; } if (wParam == VK_NEXT && shift_state == 1) { SendMessage (hwnd, WM_VSCROLL, SB_PAGEDOWN, 0); return 0; } if (wParam == VK_INSERT && shift_state == 1) { term_mouse (MB_PASTE, MA_CLICK, 0, 0); term_mouse (MB_PASTE, MA_RELEASE, 0, 0); return 0; } if (left_alt && wParam == VK_F4 && cfg.alt_f4) { return -1; } if (left_alt && wParam == VK_SPACE && cfg.alt_space) { SendMessage (hwnd, WM_IGNORE_KEYMENU, FALSE, 0); SendMessage (hwnd, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_KEYMENU, 0); SendMessage (hwnd, WM_IGNORE_KEYMENU, TRUE, 0); return -1; } /* Nethack keypad */ if (cfg.nethack_keypad && !left_alt) { switch(wParam) { case VK_NUMPAD1: *p++ = shift_state ? 'B': 'b'; return p-output; case VK_NUMPAD2: *p++ = shift_state ? 'J': 'j'; return p-output; case VK_NUMPAD3: *p++ = shift_state ? 'N': 'n'; return p-output; case VK_NUMPAD4: *p++ = shift_state ? 'H': 'h'; return p-output; case VK_NUMPAD5: *p++ = shift_state ? '.': '.'; return p-output; case VK_NUMPAD6: *p++ = shift_state ? 'L': 'l'; return p-output; case VK_NUMPAD7: *p++ = shift_state ? 'Y': 'y'; return p-output; case VK_NUMPAD8: *p++ = shift_state ? 'K': 'k'; return p-output; case VK_NUMPAD9: *p++ = shift_state ? 'U': 'u'; return p-output; } } /* Application Keypad */ if (!left_alt) { int xkey = 0; if ( cfg.funky_type == 0 || ( cfg.funky_type == 1 && app_keypad_keys)) switch(wParam) { case VK_EXECUTE: if (app_keypad_keys) xkey = 'P'; break; case VK_DIVIDE: xkey = 'Q'; break; case VK_MULTIPLY:xkey = 'R'; break; case VK_SUBTRACT:xkey = 'S'; break; } if(app_keypad_keys) switch(wParam) { case VK_NUMPAD0: xkey = 'p'; break; case VK_NUMPAD1: xkey = 'q'; break; case VK_NUMPAD2: xkey = 'r'; break; case VK_NUMPAD3: xkey = 's'; break; case VK_NUMPAD4: xkey = 't'; break; case VK_NUMPAD5: xkey = 'u'; break; case VK_NUMPAD6: xkey = 'v'; break; case VK_NUMPAD7: xkey = 'w'; break; case VK_NUMPAD8: xkey = 'x'; break; case VK_NUMPAD9: xkey = 'y'; break; case VK_DECIMAL: xkey = 'n'; break; case VK_ADD: if(shift_state) xkey = 'm'; else xkey = 'l'; break; case VK_RETURN: if (HIWORD(lParam)&KF_EXTENDED) xkey = 'M'; break; } if(xkey) { if (vt52_mode) { if (xkey>='P' && xkey<='S') p += sprintf((char *)p, "\x1B%c", xkey); else p += sprintf((char *)p, "\x1B?%c", xkey); } else p += sprintf((char *)p, "\x1BO%c", xkey); return p - output; } } if (wParam == VK_BACK && shift_state == 0 ) /* Backspace */ { *p++ = (cfg.bksp_is_delete ? 0x7F : 0x08); return p-output; } if (wParam == VK_TAB && shift_state == 1 ) /* Shift tab */ { *p++ = 0x1B; *p++ = '['; *p++ = 'Z'; return p - output; } if (wParam == VK_SPACE && shift_state == 2 ) /* Ctrl-Space */ { *p++ = 0; return p - output; } if (wParam == VK_SPACE && shift_state == 3 ) /* Ctrl-Shift-Space */ { *p++ = 160; return p - output; } if (wParam == VK_CANCEL && shift_state == 2 ) /* Ctrl-Break */ { *p++ = 3; return p - output; } /* Control-2 to Control-8 are special */ if (shift_state == 2 && wParam >= '2' && wParam <= '8') { *p++ = "\000\033\034\035\036\037\177"[wParam-'2']; return p - output; } if (shift_state == 2 && wParam == 0xBD) { *p++ = 0x1F; return p - output; } if (shift_state == 2 && wParam == 0xDF) { *p++ = 0x1C; return p - output; } if (shift_state == 0 && wParam == VK_RETURN && cr_lf_return) { *p++ = '\r'; *p++ = '\n'; return p - output; } /* * Next, all the keys that do tilde codes. (ESC '[' nn '~', * for integer decimal nn.) * * We also deal with the weird ones here. Linux VCs replace F1 * to F5 by ESC [ [ A to ESC [ [ E. rxvt doesn't do _that_, but * does replace Home and End (1~ and 4~) by ESC [ H and ESC O w * respectively. */ code = 0; switch (wParam) { case VK_F1: code = (keystate[VK_SHIFT] & 0x80 ? 23 : 11); break; case VK_F2: code = (keystate[VK_SHIFT] & 0x80 ? 24 : 12); break; case VK_F3: code = (keystate[VK_SHIFT] & 0x80 ? 25 : 13); break; case VK_F4: code = (keystate[VK_SHIFT] & 0x80 ? 26 : 14); break; case VK_F5: code = (keystate[VK_SHIFT] & 0x80 ? 28 : 15); break; case VK_F6: code = (keystate[VK_SHIFT] & 0x80 ? 29 : 17); break; case VK_F7: code = (keystate[VK_SHIFT] & 0x80 ? 31 : 18); break; case VK_F8: code = (keystate[VK_SHIFT] & 0x80 ? 32 : 19); break; case VK_F9: code = (keystate[VK_SHIFT] & 0x80 ? 33 : 20); break; case VK_F10: code = (keystate[VK_SHIFT] & 0x80 ? 34 : 21); break; case VK_F11: code = 23; break; case VK_F12: code = 24; break; case VK_F13: code = 25; break; case VK_F14: code = 26; break; case VK_F15: code = 28; break; case VK_F16: code = 29; break; case VK_F17: code = 31; break; case VK_F18: code = 32; break; case VK_F19: code = 33; break; case VK_F20: code = 34; break; case VK_HOME: code = 1; break; case VK_INSERT: code = 2; break; case VK_DELETE: code = 3; break; case VK_END: code = 4; break; case VK_PRIOR: code = 5; break; case VK_NEXT: code = 6; break; } if (cfg.funky_type == 1 && code >= 11 && code <= 15) { p += sprintf((char *)p, "\x1B[[%c", code + 'A' - 11); return p - output; } if (cfg.funky_type == 2 && code >= 11 && code <= 14) { p += sprintf((char *)p, "\x1BO%c", code + 'P' - 11); return p - output; } if (cfg.rxvt_homeend && (code == 1 || code == 4)) { p += sprintf((char *)p, code == 1 ? "\x1B[H" : "\x1BOw"); return p - output; } if (code) { p += sprintf((char *)p, "\x1B[%d~", code); return p - output; } /* * Now the remaining keys (arrows and Keypad 5. Keypad 5 for * some reason seems to send VK_CLEAR to Windows...). */ { char xkey = 0; switch (wParam) { case VK_UP: xkey = 'A'; break; case VK_DOWN: xkey = 'B'; break; case VK_RIGHT: xkey = 'C'; break; case VK_LEFT: xkey = 'D'; break; case VK_CLEAR: xkey = 'G'; break; } if (xkey) { if (vt52_mode) p += sprintf((char *)p, "\x1B%c", xkey); else if (app_cursor_keys) p += sprintf((char *)p, "\x1BO%c", xkey); else p += sprintf((char *)p, "\x1B[%c", xkey); return p - output; } } } /* Okay we've done everything interesting; let windows deal with * the boring stuff */ { BOOL capsOn=keystate[VK_CAPITAL] !=0; /* helg: clear CAPS LOCK state if caps lock switches to cyrillic */ if(cfg.xlat_capslockcyr) keystate[VK_CAPITAL] = 0; r = ToAscii (wParam, scan, keystate, keys, 0); if(r>0) { p = output; for(i=0; i' ') { compose_char = ch; compose_state ++; continue; } if (compose_state==3 && (ch&0x80) == 0 && ch>' ') { int nc; compose_state = 0; if ((nc=check_compose(compose_char,ch)) == -1) { c_write1('\007'); return 0; } *p++ = xlat_kbd2tty((unsigned char)nc); return p-output; } compose_state = 0; if( left_alt && key_down ) *p++ = '\033'; if (!key_down) *p++ = ch; else { if(capsOn) ch = xlat_latkbd2win(ch); *p++ = xlat_kbd2tty(ch); } } /* This is so the ALT-Numpad and dead keys work correctly. */ keys[0] = 0; return p-output; } } /* This stops ALT press-release doing a 'COMMAND MENU' function */ #if 0 if (message == WM_SYSKEYUP && wParam == VK_MENU) { keystate[VK_MENU] = 0; return 0; } #endif return -1; } void set_title (char *title) { sfree (window_name); window_name = smalloc(1+strlen(title)); strcpy (window_name, title); if (cfg.win_name_always || !IsIconic(hwnd)) SetWindowText (hwnd, title); } void set_icon (char *title) { sfree (icon_name); icon_name = smalloc(1+strlen(title)); strcpy (icon_name, title); if (!cfg.win_name_always && IsIconic(hwnd)) SetWindowText (hwnd, title); } void set_sbar (int total, int start, int page) { SCROLLINFO si; if (!cfg.scrollbar) return; si.cbSize = sizeof(si); si.fMask = SIF_ALL | SIF_DISABLENOSCROLL; si.nMin = 0; si.nMax = total - 1; si.nPage = page; si.nPos = start; if (hwnd) SetScrollInfo (hwnd, SB_VERT, &si, TRUE); } Context get_ctx(void) { HDC hdc; if (hwnd) { hdc = GetDC (hwnd); if (hdc && pal) SelectPalette (hdc, pal, FALSE); return hdc; } else return NULL; } void free_ctx (Context ctx) { SelectPalette (ctx, GetStockObject (DEFAULT_PALETTE), FALSE); ReleaseDC (hwnd, ctx); } static void real_palette_set (int n, int r, int g, int b) { if (pal) { logpal->palPalEntry[n].peRed = r; logpal->palPalEntry[n].peGreen = g; logpal->palPalEntry[n].peBlue = b; logpal->palPalEntry[n].peFlags = PC_NOCOLLAPSE; colours[n] = PALETTERGB(r, g, b); SetPaletteEntries (pal, 0, NCOLOURS, logpal->palPalEntry); } else colours[n] = RGB(r, g, b); } void palette_set (int n, int r, int g, int b) { static const int first[21] = { 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22 }; real_palette_set (first[n], r, g, b); if (first[n] >= 18) real_palette_set (first[n]+1, r, g, b); if (pal) { HDC hdc = get_ctx(); UnrealizeObject (pal); RealizePalette (hdc); free_ctx (hdc); } } void palette_reset (void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < NCOLOURS; i++) { if (pal) { logpal->palPalEntry[i].peRed = defpal[i].rgbtRed; logpal->palPalEntry[i].peGreen = defpal[i].rgbtGreen; logpal->palPalEntry[i].peBlue = defpal[i].rgbtBlue; logpal->palPalEntry[i].peFlags = 0; colours[i] = PALETTERGB(defpal[i].rgbtRed, defpal[i].rgbtGreen, defpal[i].rgbtBlue); } else colours[i] = RGB(defpal[i].rgbtRed, defpal[i].rgbtGreen, defpal[i].rgbtBlue); } if (pal) { HDC hdc; SetPaletteEntries (pal, 0, NCOLOURS, logpal->palPalEntry); hdc = get_ctx(); RealizePalette (hdc); free_ctx (hdc); } } void write_clip (void *data, int len) { HGLOBAL clipdata; void *lock; clipdata = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_DDESHARE | GMEM_MOVEABLE, len + 1); if (!clipdata) return; lock = GlobalLock (clipdata); if (!lock) return; memcpy (lock, data, len); ((unsigned char *) lock) [len] = 0; GlobalUnlock (clipdata); SendMessage (hwnd, WM_IGNORE_CLIP, TRUE, 0); if (OpenClipboard (hwnd)) { EmptyClipboard(); SetClipboardData (CF_TEXT, clipdata); CloseClipboard(); } else GlobalFree (clipdata); SendMessage (hwnd, WM_IGNORE_CLIP, FALSE, 0); } void get_clip (void **p, int *len) { static HGLOBAL clipdata = NULL; if (!p) { if (clipdata) GlobalUnlock (clipdata); clipdata = NULL; return; } else { if (OpenClipboard (NULL)) { clipdata = GetClipboardData (CF_TEXT); CloseClipboard(); if (clipdata) { *p = GlobalLock (clipdata); if (*p) { *len = strlen(*p); return; } } } } *p = NULL; *len = 0; } /* * Move `lines' lines from position `from' to position `to' in the * window. */ void optimised_move (int to, int from, int lines) { RECT r; int min, max; min = (to < from ? to : from); max = to + from - min; r.left = 0; r.right = cols * font_width; r.top = min * font_height; r.bottom = (max+lines) * font_height; ScrollWindow (hwnd, 0, (to - from) * font_height, &r, &r); } /* * Print a message box and perform a fatal exit. */ void fatalbox(char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; char stuff[200]; va_start(ap, fmt); vsprintf(stuff, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); MessageBox(hwnd, stuff, "PuTTY Fatal Error", MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK); exit(1); } /* * Beep. */ void beep(int errorbeep) { static long last_beep = 0; long now, beep_diff; now = GetTickCount(); beep_diff = now-last_beep; /* Make sure we only respond to one beep per packet or so */ if (beep_diff>=0 && beep_diff<50) return; if(errorbeep) MessageBeep(MB_ICONHAND); else MessageBeep(MB_OK); last_beep = GetTickCount(); }