/* * cmdline.c - command-line parsing shared between many of the * PuTTY applications */ #include <stdio.h> #include <assert.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "putty.h" /* * Some command-line parameters need to be saved up until after * we've loaded the saved session which will form the basis of our * eventual running configuration. For this we use the macro * SAVEABLE, which notices if the `need_save' parameter is set and * saves the parameter and value on a list. * * We also assign priorities to saved parameters, just to slightly * ameliorate silly ordering problems. For example, if you specify * a saved session to load, it will be loaded _before_ all your * local modifications such as -L are evaluated; and if you specify * a protocol and a port, the protocol is set up first so that the * port can override its choice of port number. * * (In fact -load is not saved at all, since in at least Plink the * processing of further command-line options depends on whether or * not the loaded session contained a hostname. So it must be * executed immediately.) */ #define NPRIORITIES 2 struct cmdline_saved_param { char *p, *value; }; struct cmdline_saved_param_set { struct cmdline_saved_param *params; int nsaved, savesize; }; /* * C guarantees this structure will be initialised to all zero at * program start, which is exactly what we want. */ static struct cmdline_saved_param_set saves[NPRIORITIES]; static void cmdline_save_param(const char *p, const char *value, int pri) { if (saves[pri].nsaved >= saves[pri].savesize) { saves[pri].savesize = saves[pri].nsaved + 32; saves[pri].params = sresize(saves[pri].params, saves[pri].savesize, struct cmdline_saved_param); } saves[pri].params[saves[pri].nsaved].p = dupstr(p); saves[pri].params[saves[pri].nsaved].value = dupstr(value); saves[pri].nsaved++; } static char *cmdline_password = NULL; void cmdline_cleanup(void) { int pri; if (cmdline_password) { smemclr(cmdline_password, strlen(cmdline_password)); sfree(cmdline_password); cmdline_password = NULL; } for (pri = 0; pri < NPRIORITIES; pri++) { sfree(saves[pri].params); saves[pri].params = NULL; saves[pri].savesize = 0; saves[pri].nsaved = 0; } } #define SAVEABLE(pri) do { \ if (need_save) { cmdline_save_param(p, value, pri); return ret; } \ } while (0) /* * Similar interface to get_userpass_input(), except that here a -1 * return means that we aren't capable of processing the prompt and * someone else should do it. */ int cmdline_get_passwd_input(prompts_t *p, const unsigned char *in, int inlen) { static int tried_once = 0; /* * We only handle prompts which don't echo (which we assume to be * passwords), and (currently) we only cope with a password prompt * that comes in a prompt-set on its own. */ if (!cmdline_password || in || p->n_prompts != 1 || p->prompts[0]->echo) { return -1; } /* * If we've tried once, return utter failure (no more passwords left * to try). */ if (tried_once) return 0; prompt_set_result(p->prompts[0], cmdline_password); smemclr(cmdline_password, strlen(cmdline_password)); sfree(cmdline_password); cmdline_password = NULL; tried_once = 1; return 1; } /* * Here we have a flags word which describes the capabilities of * the particular tool on whose behalf we're running. We will * refuse certain command-line options if a particular tool * inherently can't do anything sensible. For example, the file * transfer tools (psftp, pscp) can't do a great deal with protocol * selections (ever tried running scp over telnet?) or with port * forwarding (even if it wasn't a hideously bad idea, they don't * have the select() infrastructure to make them work). */ int cmdline_tooltype = 0; static int cmdline_check_unavailable(int flag, const char *p) { if (cmdline_tooltype & flag) { cmdline_error("option \"%s\" not available in this tool", p); return 1; } return 0; } #define UNAVAILABLE_IN(flag) do { \ if (cmdline_check_unavailable(flag, p)) return ret; \ } while (0) /* * Process a standard command-line parameter. `p' is the parameter * in question; `value' is the subsequent element of argv, which * may or may not be required as an operand to the parameter. * If `need_save' is 1, arguments which need to be saved as * described at this top of this file are, for later execution; * if 0, they are processed normally. (-1 is a special value used * by pterm to count arguments for a preliminary pass through the * argument list; it causes immediate return with an appropriate * value with no action taken.) * Return value is 2 if both arguments were used; 1 if only p was * used; 0 if the parameter wasn't one we recognised; -2 if it * should have been 2 but value was NULL. */ #define RETURN(x) do { \ if ((x) == 2 && !value) return -2; \ ret = x; \ if (need_save < 0) return x; \ } while (0) int cmdline_process_param(const char *p, char *value, int need_save, Conf *conf) { int ret = 0; if (!strcmp(p, "-load")) { RETURN(2); /* This parameter must be processed immediately rather than being * saved. */ do_defaults(value, conf); loaded_session = TRUE; cmdline_session_name = dupstr(value); return 2; } if (!strcmp(p, "-ssh")) { RETURN(1); UNAVAILABLE_IN(TOOLTYPE_FILETRANSFER | TOOLTYPE_NONNETWORK); SAVEABLE(0); default_protocol = PROT_SSH; default_port = 22; conf_set_int(conf, CONF_protocol, default_protocol); conf_set_int(conf, CONF_port, default_port); return 1; } if (!strcmp(p, "-telnet")) { RETURN(1); UNAVAILABLE_IN(TOOLTYPE_FILETRANSFER | TOOLTYPE_NONNETWORK); SAVEABLE(0); default_protocol = PROT_TELNET; default_port = 23; conf_set_int(conf, CONF_protocol, default_protocol); conf_set_int(conf, CONF_port, default_port); return 1; } if (!strcmp(p, "-rlogin")) { RETURN(1); UNAVAILABLE_IN(TOOLTYPE_FILETRANSFER | TOOLTYPE_NONNETWORK); SAVEABLE(0); default_protocol = PROT_RLOGIN; default_port = 513; conf_set_int(conf, CONF_protocol, default_protocol); conf_set_int(conf, CONF_port, default_port); return 1; } if (!strcmp(p, "-raw")) { RETURN(1); UNAVAILABLE_IN(TOOLTYPE_FILETRANSFER | TOOLTYPE_NONNETWORK); SAVEABLE(0); default_protocol = PROT_RAW; conf_set_int(conf, CONF_protocol, default_protocol); } if (!strcmp(p, "-serial")) { RETURN(1); /* Serial is not NONNETWORK in an odd sense of the word */ UNAVAILABLE_IN(TOOLTYPE_FILETRANSFER | TOOLTYPE_NONNETWORK); SAVEABLE(0); default_protocol = PROT_SERIAL; conf_set_int(conf, CONF_protocol, default_protocol); /* The host parameter will already be loaded into CONF_host, * so copy it across */ conf_set_str(conf, CONF_serline, conf_get_str(conf, CONF_host)); } if (!strcmp(p, "-v")) { RETURN(1); flags |= FLAG_VERBOSE; } if (!strcmp(p, "-l")) { RETURN(2); UNAVAILABLE_IN(TOOLTYPE_NONNETWORK); SAVEABLE(0); conf_set_str(conf, CONF_username, value); } if (!strcmp(p, "-loghost")) { RETURN(2); UNAVAILABLE_IN(TOOLTYPE_NONNETWORK); SAVEABLE(0); conf_set_str(conf, CONF_loghost, value); } if (!strcmp(p, "-hostkey")) { char *dup; RETURN(2); UNAVAILABLE_IN(TOOLTYPE_NONNETWORK); SAVEABLE(0); dup = dupstr(value); if (!validate_manual_hostkey(dup)) { cmdline_error("'%s' is not a valid format for a manual host " "key specification", value); sfree(dup); return ret; } conf_set_str_str(conf, CONF_ssh_manual_hostkeys, dup, ""); sfree(dup); } if ((!strcmp(p, "-L") || !strcmp(p, "-R") || !strcmp(p, "-D"))) { char type, *q, *qq, *key, *val; RETURN(2); UNAVAILABLE_IN(TOOLTYPE_FILETRANSFER | TOOLTYPE_NONNETWORK); SAVEABLE(0); if (strcmp(p, "-D")) { /* * For -L or -R forwarding types: * * We expect _at least_ two colons in this string. The * possible formats are `sourceport:desthost:destport', * or `sourceip:sourceport:desthost:destport' if you're * specifying a particular loopback address. We need to * replace the one between source and dest with a \t; * this means we must find the second-to-last colon in * the string. * * (This looks like a foolish way of doing it given the * existence of strrchr, but it's more efficient than * two strrchrs - not to mention that the second strrchr * would require us to modify the input string!) */ type = p[1]; /* 'L' or 'R' */ q = qq = host_strchr(value, ':'); while (qq) { char *qqq = host_strchr(qq+1, ':'); if (qqq) q = qq; qq = qqq; } if (!q) { cmdline_error("-%c expects at least two colons in its" " argument", type); return ret; } key = dupprintf("%c%.*s", type, (int)(q - value), value); val = dupstr(q+1); } else { /* * Dynamic port forwardings are entered under the same key * as if they were local (because they occupy the same * port space - a local and a dynamic forwarding on the * same local port are mutually exclusive), with the * special value "D" (which can be distinguished from * anything in the ordinary -L case by containing no * colon). */ key = dupprintf("L%s", value); val = dupstr("D"); } conf_set_str_str(conf, CONF_portfwd, key, val); sfree(key); sfree(val); } if ((!strcmp(p, "-nc"))) { char *host, *portp; RETURN(2); UNAVAILABLE_IN(TOOLTYPE_FILETRANSFER | TOOLTYPE_NONNETWORK); SAVEABLE(0); portp = host_strchr(value, ':'); if (!portp) { cmdline_error("-nc expects argument of form 'host:port'"); return ret; } host = dupprintf("%.*s", (int)(portp - value), value); conf_set_str(conf, CONF_ssh_nc_host, host); conf_set_int(conf, CONF_ssh_nc_port, atoi(portp + 1)); sfree(host); } if (!strcmp(p, "-m")) { const char *filename; char *command; int cmdlen, cmdsize; FILE *fp; int c, d; RETURN(2); UNAVAILABLE_IN(TOOLTYPE_FILETRANSFER | TOOLTYPE_NONNETWORK); SAVEABLE(0); filename = value; cmdlen = cmdsize = 0; command = NULL; fp = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!fp) { cmdline_error("unable to open command file \"%s\"", filename); return ret; } do { c = fgetc(fp); d = c; if (c == EOF) d = 0; if (cmdlen >= cmdsize) { cmdsize = cmdlen + 512; command = sresize(command, cmdsize, char); } command[cmdlen++] = d; } while (c != EOF); fclose(fp); conf_set_str(conf, CONF_remote_cmd, command); conf_set_str(conf, CONF_remote_cmd2, ""); conf_set_int(conf, CONF_nopty, TRUE); /* command => no terminal */ sfree(command); } if (!strcmp(p, "-P")) { RETURN(2); UNAVAILABLE_IN(TOOLTYPE_NONNETWORK); SAVEABLE(1); /* lower priority than -ssh,-telnet */ conf_set_int(conf, CONF_port, atoi(value)); } if (!strcmp(p, "-pw")) { RETURN(2); UNAVAILABLE_IN(TOOLTYPE_NONNETWORK); SAVEABLE(1); /* We delay evaluating this until after the protocol is decided, * so that we can warn if it's of no use with the selected protocol */ if (conf_get_int(conf, CONF_protocol) != PROT_SSH) cmdline_error("the -pw option can only be used with the " "SSH protocol"); else { cmdline_password = dupstr(value); /* Assuming that `value' is directly from argv, make a good faith * attempt to trample it, to stop it showing up in `ps' output * on Unix-like systems. Not guaranteed, of course. */ smemclr(value, strlen(value)); } } if (!strcmp(p, "-agent") || !strcmp(p, "-pagent") || !strcmp(p, "-pageant")) { RETURN(1); UNAVAILABLE_IN(TOOLTYPE_NONNETWORK); SAVEABLE(0); conf_set_int(conf, CONF_tryagent, TRUE); } if (!strcmp(p, "-noagent") || !strcmp(p, "-nopagent") || !strcmp(p, "-nopageant")) { RETURN(1); UNAVAILABLE_IN(TOOLTYPE_NONNETWORK); SAVEABLE(0); conf_set_int(conf, CONF_tryagent, FALSE); } if (!strcmp(p, "-A")) { RETURN(1); UNAVAILABLE_IN(TOOLTYPE_FILETRANSFER | TOOLTYPE_NONNETWORK); SAVEABLE(0); conf_set_int(conf, CONF_agentfwd, 1); } if (!strcmp(p, "-a")) { RETURN(1); UNAVAILABLE_IN(TOOLTYPE_FILETRANSFER | TOOLTYPE_NONNETWORK); SAVEABLE(0); conf_set_int(conf, CONF_agentfwd, 0); } if (!strcmp(p, "-X")) { RETURN(1); UNAVAILABLE_IN(TOOLTYPE_FILETRANSFER | TOOLTYPE_NONNETWORK); SAVEABLE(0); conf_set_int(conf, CONF_x11_forward, 1); } if (!strcmp(p, "-x")) { RETURN(1); UNAVAILABLE_IN(TOOLTYPE_FILETRANSFER | TOOLTYPE_NONNETWORK); SAVEABLE(0); conf_set_int(conf, CONF_x11_forward, 0); } if (!strcmp(p, "-t")) { RETURN(1); UNAVAILABLE_IN(TOOLTYPE_FILETRANSFER | TOOLTYPE_NONNETWORK); SAVEABLE(1); /* lower priority than -m */ conf_set_int(conf, CONF_nopty, 0); } if (!strcmp(p, "-T")) { RETURN(1); UNAVAILABLE_IN(TOOLTYPE_FILETRANSFER | TOOLTYPE_NONNETWORK); SAVEABLE(1); conf_set_int(conf, CONF_nopty, 1); } if (!strcmp(p, "-N")) { RETURN(1); UNAVAILABLE_IN(TOOLTYPE_FILETRANSFER | TOOLTYPE_NONNETWORK); SAVEABLE(0); conf_set_int(conf, CONF_ssh_no_shell, 1); } if (!strcmp(p, "-C")) { RETURN(1); UNAVAILABLE_IN(TOOLTYPE_NONNETWORK); SAVEABLE(0); conf_set_int(conf, CONF_compression, 1); } if (!strcmp(p, "-1")) { RETURN(1); UNAVAILABLE_IN(TOOLTYPE_NONNETWORK); SAVEABLE(0); conf_set_int(conf, CONF_sshprot, 0); /* ssh protocol 1 only */ } if (!strcmp(p, "-2")) { RETURN(1); UNAVAILABLE_IN(TOOLTYPE_NONNETWORK); SAVEABLE(0); conf_set_int(conf, CONF_sshprot, 3); /* ssh protocol 2 only */ } if (!strcmp(p, "-i")) { Filename *fn; RETURN(2); UNAVAILABLE_IN(TOOLTYPE_NONNETWORK); SAVEABLE(0); fn = filename_from_str(value); conf_set_filename(conf, CONF_keyfile, fn); filename_free(fn); } if (!strcmp(p, "-4") || !strcmp(p, "-ipv4")) { RETURN(1); SAVEABLE(1); conf_set_int(conf, CONF_addressfamily, ADDRTYPE_IPV4); } if (!strcmp(p, "-6") || !strcmp(p, "-ipv6")) { RETURN(1); SAVEABLE(1); conf_set_int(conf, CONF_addressfamily, ADDRTYPE_IPV6); } if (!strcmp(p, "-sercfg")) { char* nextitem; RETURN(2); UNAVAILABLE_IN(TOOLTYPE_FILETRANSFER | TOOLTYPE_NONNETWORK); SAVEABLE(1); if (conf_get_int(conf, CONF_protocol) != PROT_SERIAL) cmdline_error("the -sercfg option can only be used with the " "serial protocol"); /* Value[0] contains one or more , separated values, like 19200,8,n,1,X */ nextitem = value; while (nextitem[0] != '\0') { int length, skip; char *end = strchr(nextitem, ','); if (!end) { length = strlen(nextitem); skip = 0; } else { length = end - nextitem; nextitem[length] = '\0'; skip = 1; } if (length == 1) { switch (*nextitem) { case '1': case '2': conf_set_int(conf, CONF_serstopbits, 2 * (*nextitem-'0')); break; case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': conf_set_int(conf, CONF_serdatabits, *nextitem-'0'); break; case 'n': conf_set_int(conf, CONF_serparity, SER_PAR_NONE); break; case 'o': conf_set_int(conf, CONF_serparity, SER_PAR_ODD); break; case 'e': conf_set_int(conf, CONF_serparity, SER_PAR_EVEN); break; case 'm': conf_set_int(conf, CONF_serparity, SER_PAR_MARK); break; case 's': conf_set_int(conf, CONF_serparity, SER_PAR_SPACE); break; case 'N': conf_set_int(conf, CONF_serflow, SER_FLOW_NONE); break; case 'X': conf_set_int(conf, CONF_serflow, SER_FLOW_XONXOFF); break; case 'R': conf_set_int(conf, CONF_serflow, SER_FLOW_RTSCTS); break; case 'D': conf_set_int(conf, CONF_serflow, SER_FLOW_DSRDTR); break; default: cmdline_error("Unrecognised suboption \"-sercfg %c\"", *nextitem); } } else if (length == 3 && !strncmp(nextitem,"1.5",3)) { /* Messy special case */ conf_set_int(conf, CONF_serstopbits, 3); } else { int serspeed = atoi(nextitem); if (serspeed != 0) { conf_set_int(conf, CONF_serspeed, serspeed); } else { cmdline_error("Unrecognised suboption \"-sercfg %s\"", nextitem); } } nextitem += length + skip; } } if (!strcmp(p, "-sessionlog")) { Filename *fn; RETURN(2); UNAVAILABLE_IN(TOOLTYPE_FILETRANSFER); /* but available even in TOOLTYPE_NONNETWORK, cf pterm "-log" */ SAVEABLE(0); fn = filename_from_str(value); conf_set_filename(conf, CONF_logfilename, fn); conf_set_int(conf, CONF_logtype, LGTYP_DEBUG); filename_free(fn); } if (!strcmp(p, "-sshlog") || !strcmp(p, "-sshrawlog")) { Filename *fn; RETURN(2); UNAVAILABLE_IN(TOOLTYPE_NONNETWORK); SAVEABLE(0); fn = filename_from_str(value); conf_set_filename(conf, CONF_logfilename, fn); conf_set_int(conf, CONF_logtype, !strcmp(p, "-sshlog") ? LGTYP_PACKETS : /* !strcmp(p, "-sshrawlog") ? */ LGTYP_SSHRAW); filename_free(fn); } return ret; /* unrecognised */ } void cmdline_run_saved(Conf *conf) { int pri, i; for (pri = 0; pri < NPRIORITIES; pri++) { for (i = 0; i < saves[pri].nsaved; i++) { cmdline_process_param(saves[pri].params[i].p, saves[pri].params[i].value, 0, conf); sfree(saves[pri].params[i].p); sfree(saves[pri].params[i].value); } saves[pri].nsaved = 0; } }