/* * List of functions exported by the 'testcrypt' system to provide a * Python API for running unit tests and auxiliary programs. * * Each function definition in this file has the form * * FUNC(return-type, function-name, (arguments)) * * where 'arguments' in turn is either VOID, or a comma-separated list * of argument specifications of the form * * ARG(argument-type, argument-name) * * Type names are always single identifiers, and they have some * standard prefixes: * * 'val_' means that the type refers to something dynamically * allocated, so that it has a persistent identity, needs to be freed * when finished with (though this is done automatically by the * testcrypt.py system via Python's reference counting), and may also * be mutable. The argument type in C will be a pointer; in Python the * corresponding argument will be an instance of a 'Value' object * defined in testcrypt.py. * * 'opt_val_' is a modification of 'val_' to indicate that the pointer * may be NULL. In Python this is translated by accepting (or * returning) None as an alternative to a Value. * * 'out_' on an argument type indicates an additional output * parameter. The argument type in C has an extra layer of * indirection, e.g. an 'out_val_mpint' is an 'mpint **' instead of an * 'mpint *', identifying a pointer variable where the returned * pointer value will be written. In the Python API, these arguments * do not appear in the argument list of the Python function; instead * they cause the return value to become a tuple, with additional * types appended. For example, a declaration like * * FUNC(val_foo, example, (ARG(out_val_bar, bar), ARG(val_baz, baz))) * * would identify a function in C with the following prototype, which * returns a 'foo *' directly and a 'bar *' by writing it through the * provided 'bar **' pointer argument: * * foo *example(bar **extra_output, baz *input); * * and in Python this would become a function taking one argument of * type 'baz' and returning a tuple of the form (foo, bar). * * 'out_' and 'opt_' can go together, if a function returns a second * output value but it may in some cases be NULL. * * 'consumed_' on an argument type indicates that the C function * receiving that argument frees it as a side effect. * * Any argument type which does not start 'val_' is plain old data * with no dynamic allocation requirements. Ordinary C integers are * sometimes handled this way (e.g. 'uint'). Other plain-data types * are represented in Python as a string that must be one of a * recognised set of keywords; in C these variously translate into * enumeration types (e.g. argon2flavour, rsaorder) or pointers to * const vtables of one kind or another (e.g. keyalg, hashalg, * primegenpolicy). * * If a function definition begins with FUNC_WRAPPED rather than FUNC, * it means that the underlying C function has a suffix "_wrapper", * e.g. ssh_cipher_setiv_wrapper(). Those wrappers are defined in * testcrypt.c itself, and change the API or semantics in a way that * makes the function more Python-friendly. */ /* * mpint.h functions. */ FUNC(val_mpint, mp_new, (ARG(uint, maxbits))) FUNC(void, mp_clear, (ARG(val_mpint, x))) FUNC(val_mpint, mp_from_bytes_le, (ARG(val_string_ptrlen, bytes))) FUNC(val_mpint, mp_from_bytes_be, (ARG(val_string_ptrlen, bytes))) FUNC(val_mpint, mp_from_integer, (ARG(uint, n))) FUNC(val_mpint, mp_from_decimal_pl, (ARG(val_string_ptrlen, decimal))) FUNC(val_mpint, mp_from_decimal, (ARG(val_string_asciz, decimal))) FUNC(val_mpint, mp_from_hex_pl, (ARG(val_string_ptrlen, hex))) FUNC(val_mpint, mp_from_hex, (ARG(val_string_asciz, hex))) FUNC(val_mpint, mp_copy, (ARG(val_mpint, x))) FUNC(val_mpint, mp_power_2, (ARG(uint, power))) FUNC(uint, mp_get_byte, (ARG(val_mpint, x), ARG(uint, byte))) FUNC(uint, mp_get_bit, (ARG(val_mpint, x), ARG(uint, bit))) FUNC(void, mp_set_bit, (ARG(val_mpint, x), ARG(uint, bit), ARG(uint, val))) FUNC(uint, mp_max_bytes, (ARG(val_mpint, x))) FUNC(uint, mp_max_bits, (ARG(val_mpint, x))) FUNC(uint, mp_get_nbits, (ARG(val_mpint, x))) FUNC(val_string_asciz, mp_get_decimal, (ARG(val_mpint, x))) FUNC(val_string_asciz, mp_get_hex, (ARG(val_mpint, x))) FUNC(val_string_asciz, mp_get_hex_uppercase, (ARG(val_mpint, x))) FUNC(uint, mp_cmp_hs, (ARG(val_mpint, a), ARG(val_mpint, b))) FUNC(uint, mp_cmp_eq, (ARG(val_mpint, a), ARG(val_mpint, b))) FUNC(uint, mp_hs_integer, (ARG(val_mpint, x), ARG(uint, n))) FUNC(uint, mp_eq_integer, (ARG(val_mpint, x), ARG(uint, n))) FUNC(void, mp_min_into, (ARG(val_mpint, r), ARG(val_mpint, x), ARG(val_mpint, y))) FUNC(void, mp_max_into, (ARG(val_mpint, r), ARG(val_mpint, x), ARG(val_mpint, y))) FUNC(val_mpint, mp_min, (ARG(val_mpint, x), ARG(val_mpint, y))) FUNC(val_mpint, mp_max, (ARG(val_mpint, x), ARG(val_mpint, y))) FUNC(void, mp_copy_into, (ARG(val_mpint, dest), ARG(val_mpint, src))) FUNC(void, mp_select_into, (ARG(val_mpint, dest), ARG(val_mpint, src0), ARG(val_mpint, src1), ARG(uint, choose_src1))) FUNC(void, mp_add_into, (ARG(val_mpint, r), ARG(val_mpint, a), ARG(val_mpint, b))) FUNC(void, mp_sub_into, (ARG(val_mpint, r), ARG(val_mpint, a), ARG(val_mpint, b))) FUNC(void, mp_mul_into, (ARG(val_mpint, r), ARG(val_mpint, a), ARG(val_mpint, b))) FUNC(val_mpint, mp_add, (ARG(val_mpint, x), ARG(val_mpint, y))) FUNC(val_mpint, mp_sub, (ARG(val_mpint, x), ARG(val_mpint, y))) FUNC(val_mpint, mp_mul, (ARG(val_mpint, x), ARG(val_mpint, y))) FUNC(void, mp_and_into, (ARG(val_mpint, r), ARG(val_mpint, a), ARG(val_mpint, b))) FUNC(void, mp_or_into, (ARG(val_mpint, r), ARG(val_mpint, a), ARG(val_mpint, b))) FUNC(void, mp_xor_into, (ARG(val_mpint, r), ARG(val_mpint, a), ARG(val_mpint, b))) FUNC(void, mp_bic_into, (ARG(val_mpint, r), ARG(val_mpint, a), ARG(val_mpint, b))) FUNC(void, mp_copy_integer_into, (ARG(val_mpint, dest), ARG(uint, n))) FUNC(void, mp_add_integer_into, (ARG(val_mpint, r), ARG(val_mpint, a), ARG(uint, n))) FUNC(void, mp_sub_integer_into, (ARG(val_mpint, r), ARG(val_mpint, a), ARG(uint, n))) FUNC(void, mp_mul_integer_into, (ARG(val_mpint, r), ARG(val_mpint, a), ARG(uint, n))) FUNC(void, mp_cond_add_into, (ARG(val_mpint, r), ARG(val_mpint, a), ARG(val_mpint, b), ARG(uint, yes))) FUNC(void, mp_cond_sub_into, (ARG(val_mpint, r), ARG(val_mpint, a), ARG(val_mpint, b), ARG(uint, yes))) FUNC(void, mp_cond_swap, (ARG(val_mpint, x0), ARG(val_mpint, x1), ARG(uint, swap))) FUNC(void, mp_cond_clear, (ARG(val_mpint, x), ARG(uint, clear))) FUNC(void, mp_divmod_into, (ARG(val_mpint, n), ARG(val_mpint, d), ARG(opt_val_mpint, q), ARG(opt_val_mpint, r))) FUNC(val_mpint, mp_div, (ARG(val_mpint, n), ARG(val_mpint, d))) FUNC(val_mpint, mp_mod, (ARG(val_mpint, x), ARG(val_mpint, modulus))) FUNC(val_mpint, mp_nthroot, (ARG(val_mpint, y), ARG(uint, n), ARG(opt_val_mpint, remainder))) FUNC(void, mp_reduce_mod_2to, (ARG(val_mpint, x), ARG(uint, p))) FUNC(val_mpint, mp_invert_mod_2to, (ARG(val_mpint, x), ARG(uint, p))) FUNC(val_mpint, mp_invert, (ARG(val_mpint, x), ARG(val_mpint, modulus))) FUNC(void, mp_gcd_into, (ARG(val_mpint, a), ARG(val_mpint, b), ARG(opt_val_mpint, gcd_out), ARG(opt_val_mpint, A_out), ARG(opt_val_mpint, B_out))) FUNC(val_mpint, mp_gcd, (ARG(val_mpint, a), ARG(val_mpint, b))) FUNC(uint, mp_coprime, (ARG(val_mpint, a), ARG(val_mpint, b))) FUNC(val_modsqrt, modsqrt_new, (ARG(val_mpint, p), ARG(val_mpint, any_nonsquare_mod_p))) /* The modsqrt functions' 'success' pointer becomes a second return value */ FUNC(val_mpint, mp_modsqrt, (ARG(val_modsqrt, sc), ARG(val_mpint, x), ARG(out_uint, success))) FUNC(val_monty, monty_new, (ARG(val_mpint, modulus))) FUNC_WRAPPED(val_mpint, monty_modulus, (ARG(val_monty, mc))) FUNC_WRAPPED(val_mpint, monty_identity, (ARG(val_monty, mc))) FUNC(void, monty_import_into, (ARG(val_monty, mc), ARG(val_mpint, r), ARG(val_mpint, x))) FUNC(val_mpint, monty_import, (ARG(val_monty, mc), ARG(val_mpint, x))) FUNC(void, monty_export_into, (ARG(val_monty, mc), ARG(val_mpint, r), ARG(val_mpint, x))) FUNC(val_mpint, monty_export, (ARG(val_monty, mc), ARG(val_mpint, x))) FUNC(void, monty_mul_into, (ARG(val_monty, mc), ARG(val_mpint, r), ARG(val_mpint, x), ARG(val_mpint, y))) FUNC(val_mpint, monty_add, (ARG(val_monty, mc), ARG(val_mpint, x), ARG(val_mpint, y))) FUNC(val_mpint, monty_sub, (ARG(val_monty, mc), ARG(val_mpint, x), ARG(val_mpint, y))) FUNC(val_mpint, monty_mul, (ARG(val_monty, mc), ARG(val_mpint, x), ARG(val_mpint, y))) FUNC(val_mpint, monty_pow, (ARG(val_monty, mc), ARG(val_mpint, base), ARG(val_mpint, exponent))) FUNC(val_mpint, monty_invert, (ARG(val_monty, mc), ARG(val_mpint, x))) FUNC(val_mpint, monty_modsqrt, (ARG(val_modsqrt, sc), ARG(val_mpint, mx), ARG(out_uint, success))) FUNC(val_mpint, mp_modpow, (ARG(val_mpint, base), ARG(val_mpint, exponent), ARG(val_mpint, modulus))) FUNC(val_mpint, mp_modmul, (ARG(val_mpint, x), ARG(val_mpint, y), ARG(val_mpint, modulus))) FUNC(val_mpint, mp_modadd, (ARG(val_mpint, x), ARG(val_mpint, y), ARG(val_mpint, modulus))) FUNC(val_mpint, mp_modsub, (ARG(val_mpint, x), ARG(val_mpint, y), ARG(val_mpint, modulus))) FUNC(void, mp_lshift_safe_into, (ARG(val_mpint, r), ARG(val_mpint, x), ARG(uint, shift))) FUNC(void, mp_rshift_safe_into, (ARG(val_mpint, r), ARG(val_mpint, x), ARG(uint, shift))) FUNC(val_mpint, mp_rshift_safe, (ARG(val_mpint, x), ARG(uint, shift))) FUNC(void, mp_lshift_fixed_into, (ARG(val_mpint, r), ARG(val_mpint, a), ARG(uint, shift))) FUNC(void, mp_rshift_fixed_into, (ARG(val_mpint, r), ARG(val_mpint, x), ARG(uint, shift))) FUNC(val_mpint, mp_rshift_fixed, (ARG(val_mpint, x), ARG(uint, shift))) FUNC(val_mpint, mp_random_bits, (ARG(uint, bits))) FUNC(val_mpint, mp_random_in_range, (ARG(val_mpint, lo), ARG(val_mpint, hi))) /* * ecc.h functions. */ FUNC(val_wcurve, ecc_weierstrass_curve, (ARG(val_mpint, p), ARG(val_mpint, a), ARG(val_mpint, b), ARG(opt_val_mpint, nonsquare_mod_p))) FUNC(val_wpoint, ecc_weierstrass_point_new_identity, (ARG(val_wcurve, curve))) FUNC(val_wpoint, ecc_weierstrass_point_new, (ARG(val_wcurve, curve), ARG(val_mpint, x), ARG(val_mpint, y))) FUNC(val_wpoint, ecc_weierstrass_point_new_from_x, (ARG(val_wcurve, curve), ARG(val_mpint, x), ARG(uint, desired_y_parity))) FUNC(val_wpoint, ecc_weierstrass_point_copy, (ARG(val_wpoint, wc))) FUNC(uint, ecc_weierstrass_point_valid, (ARG(val_wpoint, P))) FUNC(val_wpoint, ecc_weierstrass_add_general, (ARG(val_wpoint, P), ARG(val_wpoint, Q))) FUNC(val_wpoint, ecc_weierstrass_add, (ARG(val_wpoint, P), ARG(val_wpoint, Q))) FUNC(val_wpoint, ecc_weierstrass_double, (ARG(val_wpoint, P))) FUNC(val_wpoint, ecc_weierstrass_multiply, (ARG(val_wpoint, B), ARG(val_mpint, n))) FUNC(uint, ecc_weierstrass_is_identity, (ARG(val_wpoint, wp))) /* The output pointers in get_affine all become extra output values */ FUNC(void, ecc_weierstrass_get_affine, (ARG(val_wpoint, wp), ARG(out_val_mpint, x), ARG(out_val_mpint, y))) FUNC(val_mcurve, ecc_montgomery_curve, (ARG(val_mpint, p), ARG(val_mpint, a), ARG(val_mpint, b))) FUNC(val_mpoint, ecc_montgomery_point_new, (ARG(val_mcurve, mc), ARG(val_mpint, x))) FUNC(val_mpoint, ecc_montgomery_point_copy, (ARG(val_mpoint, orig))) FUNC(val_mpoint, ecc_montgomery_diff_add, (ARG(val_mpoint, P), ARG(val_mpoint, Q), ARG(val_mpoint, PminusQ))) FUNC(val_mpoint, ecc_montgomery_double, (ARG(val_mpoint, P))) FUNC(val_mpoint, ecc_montgomery_multiply, (ARG(val_mpoint, B), ARG(val_mpint, n))) FUNC(void, ecc_montgomery_get_affine, (ARG(val_mpoint, mp), ARG(out_val_mpint, x))) FUNC(boolean, ecc_montgomery_is_identity, (ARG(val_mpoint, mp))) FUNC(val_ecurve, ecc_edwards_curve, (ARG(val_mpint, p), ARG(val_mpint, d), ARG(val_mpint, a), ARG(opt_val_mpint, nonsquare_mod_p))) FUNC(val_epoint, ecc_edwards_point_new, (ARG(val_ecurve, curve), ARG(val_mpint, x), ARG(val_mpint, y))) FUNC(val_epoint, ecc_edwards_point_new_from_y, (ARG(val_ecurve, curve), ARG(val_mpint, y), ARG(uint, desired_x_parity))) FUNC(val_epoint, ecc_edwards_point_copy, (ARG(val_epoint, ec))) FUNC(val_epoint, ecc_edwards_add, (ARG(val_epoint, P), ARG(val_epoint, Q))) FUNC(val_epoint, ecc_edwards_multiply, (ARG(val_epoint, B), ARG(val_mpint, n))) FUNC(uint, ecc_edwards_eq, (ARG(val_epoint, P), ARG(val_epoint, Q))) FUNC(void, ecc_edwards_get_affine, (ARG(val_epoint, wp), ARG(out_val_mpint, x), ARG(out_val_mpint, y))) /* * The ssh_hash abstraction. Note the 'consumed', indicating that * ssh_hash_final puts its input ssh_hash beyond use. * * ssh_hash_update is an invention of testcrypt, handled in the real C * API by the hash object also functioning as a BinarySink. */ FUNC(opt_val_hash, ssh_hash_new, (ARG(hashalg, alg))) FUNC(void, ssh_hash_reset, (ARG(val_hash, h))) FUNC(val_hash, ssh_hash_copy, (ARG(val_hash, orig))) FUNC_WRAPPED(val_string, ssh_hash_digest, (ARG(val_hash, h))) FUNC_WRAPPED(val_string, ssh_hash_final, (ARG(consumed_val_hash, h))) FUNC(void, ssh_hash_update, (ARG(val_hash, h), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, pl))) FUNC(opt_val_hash, blake2b_new_general, (ARG(uint, hashlen))) /* * The ssh2_mac abstraction. Note the optional ssh_cipher parameter * to ssh2_mac_new. Also, again, I've invented an ssh2_mac_update so * you can put data into the MAC. */ FUNC(val_mac, ssh2_mac_new, (ARG(macalg, alg), ARG(opt_val_cipher, cipher))) FUNC(void, ssh2_mac_setkey, (ARG(val_mac, m), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, key))) FUNC(void, ssh2_mac_start, (ARG(val_mac, m))) FUNC(void, ssh2_mac_update, (ARG(val_mac, m), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, pl))) FUNC_WRAPPED(val_string, ssh2_mac_genresult, (ARG(val_mac, m))) FUNC(val_string_asciz_const, ssh2_mac_text_name, (ARG(val_mac, m))) /* * The ssh_key abstraction. All the uses of BinarySink and * BinarySource in parameters are replaced with ordinary strings for * the testing API: new_priv_openssh just takes a string input, and * all the functions that output key and signature blobs do it by * returning a string. */ FUNC(val_key, ssh_key_new_pub, (ARG(keyalg, self), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, pub))) FUNC(opt_val_key, ssh_key_new_priv, (ARG(keyalg, self), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, pub), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, priv))) FUNC(opt_val_key, ssh_key_new_priv_openssh, (ARG(keyalg, self), ARG(val_string_binarysource, src))) FUNC(opt_val_string_asciz, ssh_key_invalid, (ARG(val_key, key), ARG(uint, flags))) FUNC(void, ssh_key_sign, (ARG(val_key, key), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, data), ARG(uint, flags), ARG(out_val_string_binarysink, bs))) FUNC(boolean, ssh_key_verify, (ARG(val_key, key), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, sig), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, data))) FUNC(void, ssh_key_public_blob, (ARG(val_key, key), ARG(out_val_string_binarysink, bs))) FUNC(void, ssh_key_private_blob, (ARG(val_key, key), ARG(out_val_string_binarysink, bs))) FUNC(void, ssh_key_openssh_blob, (ARG(val_key, key), ARG(out_val_string_binarysink, bs))) FUNC(val_string_asciz, ssh_key_cache_str, (ARG(val_key, key))) FUNC(val_keycomponents, ssh_key_components, (ARG(val_key, key))) FUNC(uint, ssh_key_public_bits, (ARG(keyalg, self), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, blob))) /* * Accessors to retrieve the innards of a 'key_components'. */ FUNC(uint, key_components_count, (ARG(val_keycomponents, kc))) FUNC(opt_val_string_asciz_const, key_components_nth_name, (ARG(val_keycomponents, kc), ARG(uint, n))) FUNC(opt_val_string_asciz_const, key_components_nth_str, (ARG(val_keycomponents, kc), ARG(uint, n))) FUNC(opt_val_mpint, key_components_nth_mp, (ARG(val_keycomponents, kc), ARG(uint, n))) /* * The ssh_cipher abstraction. The in-place encrypt and decrypt * functions are wrapped to replace them with versions that take one * string and return a separate string. */ FUNC(opt_val_cipher, ssh_cipher_new, (ARG(cipheralg, alg))) FUNC_WRAPPED(void, ssh_cipher_setiv, (ARG(val_cipher, c), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, iv))) FUNC_WRAPPED(void, ssh_cipher_setkey, (ARG(val_cipher, c), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, key))) FUNC_WRAPPED(val_string, ssh_cipher_encrypt, (ARG(val_cipher, c), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, blk))) FUNC_WRAPPED(val_string, ssh_cipher_decrypt, (ARG(val_cipher, c), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, blk))) FUNC_WRAPPED(val_string, ssh_cipher_encrypt_length, (ARG(val_cipher, c), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, blk), ARG(uint, seq))) FUNC_WRAPPED(val_string, ssh_cipher_decrypt_length, (ARG(val_cipher, c), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, blk), ARG(uint, seq))) /* * Integer Diffie-Hellman. */ FUNC(val_dh, dh_setup_group, (ARG(dh_group, kex))) FUNC(val_dh, dh_setup_gex, (ARG(val_mpint, pval), ARG(val_mpint, gval))) FUNC(uint, dh_modulus_bit_size, (ARG(val_dh, ctx))) FUNC(val_mpint, dh_create_e, (ARG(val_dh, ctx), ARG(uint, nbits))) FUNC_WRAPPED(boolean, dh_validate_f, (ARG(val_dh, ctx), ARG(val_mpint, f))) FUNC(val_mpint, dh_find_K, (ARG(val_dh, ctx), ARG(val_mpint, f))) /* * Elliptic-curve Diffie-Hellman. */ FUNC(val_ecdh, ssh_ecdhkex_newkey, (ARG(ecdh_alg, kex))) FUNC(void, ssh_ecdhkex_getpublic, (ARG(val_ecdh, key), ARG(out_val_string_binarysink, bs))) FUNC(opt_val_mpint, ssh_ecdhkex_getkey, (ARG(val_ecdh, key), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, remoteKey))) /* * RSA key exchange, and also the BinarySource get function * get_ssh1_rsa_priv_agent, which is a convenient way to make an * RSAKey for RSA kex testing purposes. */ FUNC(val_rsakex, ssh_rsakex_newkey, (ARG(val_string_ptrlen, data))) FUNC(uint, ssh_rsakex_klen, (ARG(val_rsakex, key))) FUNC(val_string, ssh_rsakex_encrypt, (ARG(val_rsakex, key), ARG(hashalg, h), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, plaintext))) FUNC(opt_val_mpint, ssh_rsakex_decrypt, (ARG(val_rsakex, key), ARG(hashalg, h), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, ciphertext))) FUNC(val_rsakex, get_rsa_ssh1_priv_agent, (ARG(val_string_binarysource, src))) /* * Bare RSA keys as used in SSH-1. The construction API functions * write into an existing RSAKey object, so I've invented an 'rsa_new' * function to make one in the first place. */ FUNC(val_rsa, rsa_new, (VOID)) FUNC(void, get_rsa_ssh1_pub, (ARG(val_string_binarysource, src), ARG(val_rsa, key), ARG(rsaorder, order))) FUNC(void, get_rsa_ssh1_priv, (ARG(val_string_binarysource, src), ARG(val_rsa, key))) FUNC_WRAPPED(opt_val_string, rsa_ssh1_encrypt, (ARG(val_string_ptrlen, data), ARG(val_rsa, key))) FUNC(val_mpint, rsa_ssh1_decrypt, (ARG(val_mpint, input), ARG(val_rsa, key))) FUNC_WRAPPED(val_string, rsa_ssh1_decrypt_pkcs1, (ARG(val_mpint, input), ARG(val_rsa, key))) FUNC(val_string_asciz, rsastr_fmt, (ARG(val_rsa, key))) FUNC(val_string_asciz, rsa_ssh1_fingerprint, (ARG(val_rsa, key))) FUNC(void, rsa_ssh1_public_blob, (ARG(out_val_string_binarysink, bs), ARG(val_rsa, key), ARG(rsaorder, order))) FUNC(int, rsa_ssh1_public_blob_len, (ARG(val_string_ptrlen, data))) FUNC(void, rsa_ssh1_private_blob_agent, (ARG(out_val_string_binarysink, bs), ARG(val_rsa, key))) /* * The PRNG type. Similarly to hashes and MACs, I've invented an extra * function prng_seed_update for putting seed data into the PRNG's * exposed BinarySink. */ FUNC(val_prng, prng_new, (ARG(hashalg, hashalg))) FUNC(void, prng_seed_begin, (ARG(val_prng, p))) FUNC(void, prng_seed_update, (ARG(val_prng, pr), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, data))) FUNC(void, prng_seed_finish, (ARG(val_prng, p))) FUNC_WRAPPED(val_string, prng_read, (ARG(val_prng, p), ARG(uint, size))) FUNC(void, prng_add_entropy, (ARG(val_prng, p), ARG(uint, source_id), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, data))) /* * Key load/save functions, or rather, the BinarySource / strbuf API * that sits just inside the file I/O versions. */ FUNC(boolean, ppk_encrypted_s, (ARG(val_string_binarysource, src), ARG(out_opt_val_string_asciz, comment))) FUNC(boolean, rsa1_encrypted_s, (ARG(val_string_binarysource, src), ARG(out_opt_val_string_asciz, comment))) FUNC(boolean, ppk_loadpub_s, (ARG(val_string_binarysource, src), ARG(out_opt_val_string_asciz, algorithm), ARG(out_val_string_binarysink, bs), ARG(out_opt_val_string_asciz, commentptr), ARG(out_opt_val_string_asciz_const, errorstr))) FUNC(int, rsa1_loadpub_s, (ARG(val_string_binarysource, src), ARG(out_val_string_binarysink, bs), ARG(out_opt_val_string_asciz, commentptr), ARG(out_opt_val_string_asciz_const, errorstr))) FUNC_WRAPPED(opt_val_key, ppk_load_s, (ARG(val_string_binarysource, src), ARG(out_opt_val_string_asciz, comment), ARG(opt_val_string_asciz, passphrase), ARG(out_opt_val_string_asciz_const, errorstr))) FUNC_WRAPPED(int, rsa1_load_s, (ARG(val_string_binarysource, src), ARG(val_rsa, key), ARG(out_opt_val_string_asciz, comment), ARG(opt_val_string_asciz, passphrase), ARG(out_opt_val_string_asciz_const, errorstr))) FUNC_WRAPPED(val_string, ppk_save_sb, (ARG(val_key, key), ARG(opt_val_string_asciz, comment), ARG(opt_val_string_asciz, passphrase), ARG(uint, fmt_version), ARG(argon2flavour, flavour), ARG(uint, mem), ARG(uint, passes), ARG(uint, parallel))) FUNC_WRAPPED(val_string, rsa1_save_sb, (ARG(val_rsa, key), ARG(opt_val_string_asciz, comment), ARG(opt_val_string_asciz, passphrase))) FUNC(val_string_asciz, ssh2_fingerprint_blob, (ARG(val_string_ptrlen, blob), ARG(fptype, fptype))) /* * Password hashing. */ FUNC_WRAPPED(val_string, argon2, (ARG(argon2flavour, flavour), ARG(uint, mem), ARG(uint, passes), ARG(uint, parallel), ARG(uint, taglen), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, P), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, S), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, K), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, X))) FUNC(val_string, argon2_long_hash, (ARG(uint, length), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, data))) /* * Key generation functions. */ FUNC_WRAPPED(val_key, rsa_generate, (ARG(uint, bits), ARG(boolean, strong), ARG(val_pgc, pgc))) FUNC_WRAPPED(val_key, dsa_generate, (ARG(uint, bits), ARG(val_pgc, pgc))) FUNC_WRAPPED(opt_val_key, ecdsa_generate, (ARG(uint, bits))) FUNC_WRAPPED(opt_val_key, eddsa_generate, (ARG(uint, bits))) FUNC(val_rsa, rsa1_generate, (ARG(uint, bits), ARG(boolean, strong), ARG(val_pgc, pgc))) FUNC(val_pgc, primegen_new_context, (ARG(primegenpolicy, policy))) FUNC_WRAPPED(opt_val_mpint, primegen_generate, (ARG(val_pgc, ctx), ARG(consumed_val_pcs, pcs))) FUNC(val_string, primegen_mpu_certificate, (ARG(val_pgc, ctx), ARG(val_mpint, p))) FUNC(val_pcs, pcs_new, (ARG(uint, bits))) FUNC(val_pcs, pcs_new_with_firstbits, (ARG(uint, bits), ARG(uint, first), ARG(uint, nfirst))) FUNC(void, pcs_require_residue, (ARG(val_pcs, s), ARG(val_mpint, mod), ARG(val_mpint, res))) FUNC(void, pcs_require_residue_1, (ARG(val_pcs, s), ARG(val_mpint, mod))) FUNC(void, pcs_require_residue_1_mod_prime, (ARG(val_pcs, s), ARG(val_mpint, mod))) FUNC(void, pcs_avoid_residue_small, (ARG(val_pcs, s), ARG(uint, mod), ARG(uint, res))) FUNC(void, pcs_try_sophie_germain, (ARG(val_pcs, s))) FUNC(void, pcs_set_oneshot, (ARG(val_pcs, s))) FUNC(void, pcs_ready, (ARG(val_pcs, s))) FUNC(void, pcs_inspect, (ARG(val_pcs, pcs), ARG(out_val_mpint, limit_out), ARG(out_val_mpint, factor_out), ARG(out_val_mpint, addend_out))) FUNC(val_mpint, pcs_generate, (ARG(val_pcs, s))) FUNC(val_pockle, pockle_new, (VOID)) FUNC(uint, pockle_mark, (ARG(val_pockle, pockle))) FUNC(void, pockle_release, (ARG(val_pockle, pockle), ARG(uint, mark))) FUNC(pocklestatus, pockle_add_small_prime, (ARG(val_pockle, pockle), ARG(val_mpint, p))) FUNC_WRAPPED(pocklestatus, pockle_add_prime, (ARG(val_pockle, pockle), ARG(val_mpint, p), ARG(mpint_list, factors), ARG(val_mpint, witness))) FUNC(val_string, pockle_mpu, (ARG(val_pockle, pockle), ARG(val_mpint, p))) FUNC(val_millerrabin, miller_rabin_new, (ARG(val_mpint, p))) FUNC(mr_result, miller_rabin_test, (ARG(val_millerrabin, mr), ARG(val_mpint, w))) /* * Miscellaneous. */ FUNC(val_wpoint, ecdsa_public, (ARG(val_mpint, private_key), ARG(keyalg, alg))) FUNC(val_epoint, eddsa_public, (ARG(val_mpint, private_key), ARG(keyalg, alg))) FUNC_WRAPPED(val_string, des_encrypt_xdmauth, (ARG(val_string_ptrlen, key), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, blk))) FUNC_WRAPPED(val_string, des_decrypt_xdmauth, (ARG(val_string_ptrlen, key), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, blk))) FUNC_WRAPPED(val_string, des3_encrypt_pubkey, (ARG(val_string_ptrlen, key), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, blk))) FUNC_WRAPPED(val_string, des3_decrypt_pubkey, (ARG(val_string_ptrlen, key), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, blk))) FUNC_WRAPPED(val_string, des3_encrypt_pubkey_ossh, (ARG(val_string_ptrlen, key), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, iv), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, blk))) FUNC_WRAPPED(val_string, des3_decrypt_pubkey_ossh, (ARG(val_string_ptrlen, key), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, iv), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, blk))) FUNC_WRAPPED(val_string, aes256_encrypt_pubkey, (ARG(val_string_ptrlen, key), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, iv), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, blk))) FUNC_WRAPPED(val_string, aes256_decrypt_pubkey, (ARG(val_string_ptrlen, key), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, iv), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, blk))) FUNC(uint, crc32_rfc1662, (ARG(val_string_ptrlen, data))) FUNC(uint, crc32_ssh1, (ARG(val_string_ptrlen, data))) FUNC(uint, crc32_update, (ARG(uint, crc_input), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, data))) FUNC(boolean, crcda_detect, (ARG(val_string_ptrlen, packet), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, iv))) FUNC(val_string, get_implementations_commasep, (ARG(val_string_ptrlen, alg))) FUNC(void, http_digest_response, (ARG(out_val_string_binarysink, bs), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, username), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, password), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, realm), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, method), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, uri), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, qop), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, nonce), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, opaque), ARG(uint, nonce_count), ARG(httpdigesthash, hash), ARG(boolean, hash_username))) /* * These functions aren't part of PuTTY's own API, but are additions * by testcrypt itself for administrative purposes. */ FUNC(void, random_queue, (ARG(val_string_ptrlen, pl))) FUNC(uint, random_queue_len, (VOID)) FUNC(void, random_make_prng, (ARG(hashalg, hashalg), ARG(val_string_ptrlen, seed))) FUNC(void, random_clear, (VOID))