/* * uxstore.c: Unix-specific implementation of the interface defined * in storage.h. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include <errno.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <limits.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <pwd.h> #include "putty.h" #include "storage.h" #include "tree234.h" #ifdef PATH_MAX #define FNLEN PATH_MAX #else #define FNLEN 1024 /* XXX */ #endif enum { INDEX_DIR, INDEX_HOSTKEYS, INDEX_HOSTKEYS_TMP, INDEX_RANDSEED, INDEX_SESSIONDIR, INDEX_SESSION, }; static const char hex[16] = "0123456789ABCDEF"; static char *mungestr(const char *in) { char *out, *ret; if (!in || !*in) in = "Default Settings"; ret = out = snewn(3*strlen(in)+1, char); while (*in) { /* * There are remarkably few punctuation characters that * aren't shell-special in some way or likely to be used as * separators in some file format or another! Hence we use * opt-in for safe characters rather than opt-out for * specific unsafe ones... */ if (*in!='+' && *in!='-' && *in!='.' && *in!='@' && *in!='_' && !(*in >= '0' && *in <= '9') && !(*in >= 'A' && *in <= 'Z') && !(*in >= 'a' && *in <= 'z')) { *out++ = '%'; *out++ = hex[((unsigned char) *in) >> 4]; *out++ = hex[((unsigned char) *in) & 15]; } else *out++ = *in; in++; } *out = '\0'; return ret; } static char *unmungestr(const char *in) { char *out, *ret; out = ret = snewn(strlen(in)+1, char); while (*in) { if (*in == '%' && in[1] && in[2]) { int i, j; i = in[1] - '0'; i -= (i > 9 ? 7 : 0); j = in[2] - '0'; j -= (j > 9 ? 7 : 0); *out++ = (i << 4) + j; in += 3; } else { *out++ = *in++; } } *out = '\0'; return ret; } static char *make_filename(int index, const char *subname) { char *env, *tmp, *ret; /* * Allow override of the PuTTY configuration location, and of * specific subparts of it, by means of environment variables. */ if (index == INDEX_DIR) { struct passwd *pwd; env = getenv("PUTTYDIR"); if (env) return dupstr(env); env = getenv("HOME"); if (env) return dupprintf("%s/.putty", env); pwd = getpwuid(getuid()); if (pwd && pwd->pw_dir) return dupprintf("%s/.putty", pwd->pw_dir); return dupstr("/.putty"); } if (index == INDEX_SESSIONDIR) { env = getenv("PUTTYSESSIONS"); if (env) return dupstr(env); tmp = make_filename(INDEX_DIR, NULL); ret = dupprintf("%s/sessions", tmp); sfree(tmp); return ret; } if (index == INDEX_SESSION) { char *munged = mungestr(subname); tmp = make_filename(INDEX_SESSIONDIR, NULL); ret = dupprintf("%s/%s", tmp, munged); sfree(tmp); sfree(munged); return ret; } if (index == INDEX_HOSTKEYS) { env = getenv("PUTTYSSHHOSTKEYS"); if (env) return dupstr(env); tmp = make_filename(INDEX_DIR, NULL); ret = dupprintf("%s/sshhostkeys", tmp); sfree(tmp); return ret; } if (index == INDEX_HOSTKEYS_TMP) { tmp = make_filename(INDEX_HOSTKEYS, NULL); ret = dupprintf("%s.tmp", tmp); sfree(tmp); return ret; } if (index == INDEX_RANDSEED) { env = getenv("PUTTYRANDOMSEED"); if (env) return dupstr(env); tmp = make_filename(INDEX_DIR, NULL); ret = dupprintf("%s/randomseed", tmp); sfree(tmp); return ret; } tmp = make_filename(INDEX_DIR, NULL); ret = dupprintf("%s/ERROR", tmp); sfree(tmp); return ret; } void *open_settings_w(const char *sessionname, char **errmsg) { char *filename; FILE *fp; *errmsg = NULL; /* * Start by making sure the .putty directory and its sessions * subdir actually exist. Ignore error returns from mkdir since * they're perfectly likely to be `already exists', and any * other error will trip us up later on so there's no real need * to catch it now. */ filename = make_filename(INDEX_SESSIONDIR, NULL); if (mkdir(filename, 0700) != 0) { char *filename2 = make_filename(INDEX_DIR, NULL); mkdir(filename2, 0700); sfree(filename2); mkdir(filename, 0700); } sfree(filename); filename = make_filename(INDEX_SESSION, sessionname); fp = fopen(filename, "w"); if (!fp) { *errmsg = dupprintf("Unable to create %s: %s", filename, strerror(errno)); sfree(filename); return NULL; /* can't open */ } sfree(filename); return fp; } void write_setting_s(void *handle, const char *key, const char *value) { FILE *fp = (FILE *)handle; fprintf(fp, "%s=%s\n", key, value); } void write_setting_i(void *handle, const char *key, int value) { FILE *fp = (FILE *)handle; fprintf(fp, "%s=%d\n", key, value); } void close_settings_w(void *handle) { FILE *fp = (FILE *)handle; fclose(fp); } /* * Reading settings, for the moment, is done by retrieving X * resources from the X display. When we introduce disk files, I * think what will happen is that the X resources will override * PuTTY's inbuilt defaults, but that the disk files will then * override those. This isn't optimal, but it's the best I can * immediately work out. * FIXME: the above comment is a bit out of date. Did it happen? */ struct skeyval { const char *key; const char *value; }; static tree234 *xrmtree = NULL; int keycmp(void *av, void *bv) { struct skeyval *a = (struct skeyval *)av; struct skeyval *b = (struct skeyval *)bv; return strcmp(a->key, b->key); } void provide_xrm_string(char *string) { char *p, *q, *key; struct skeyval *xrms, *ret; p = q = strchr(string, ':'); if (!q) { fprintf(stderr, "pterm: expected a colon in resource string" " \"%s\"\n", string); return; } q++; while (p > string && p[-1] != '.' && p[-1] != '*') p--; xrms = snew(struct skeyval); key = snewn(q-p, char); memcpy(key, p, q-p); key[q-p-1] = '\0'; xrms->key = key; while (*q && isspace((unsigned char)*q)) q++; xrms->value = dupstr(q); if (!xrmtree) xrmtree = newtree234(keycmp); ret = add234(xrmtree, xrms); if (ret) { /* Override an existing string. */ del234(xrmtree, ret); add234(xrmtree, xrms); } } const char *get_setting(const char *key) { struct skeyval tmp, *ret; tmp.key = key; if (xrmtree) { ret = find234(xrmtree, &tmp, NULL); if (ret) return ret->value; } return x_get_default(key); } void *open_settings_r(const char *sessionname) { char *filename; FILE *fp; char *line; tree234 *ret; filename = make_filename(INDEX_SESSION, sessionname); fp = fopen(filename, "r"); sfree(filename); if (!fp) return NULL; /* can't open */ ret = newtree234(keycmp); while ( (line = fgetline(fp)) ) { char *value = strchr(line, '='); struct skeyval *kv; if (!value) continue; *value++ = '\0'; value[strcspn(value, "\r\n")] = '\0'; /* trim trailing NL */ kv = snew(struct skeyval); kv->key = dupstr(line); kv->value = dupstr(value); add234(ret, kv); sfree(line); } fclose(fp); return ret; } char *read_setting_s(void *handle, const char *key) { tree234 *tree = (tree234 *)handle; const char *val; struct skeyval tmp, *kv; tmp.key = key; if (tree != NULL && (kv = find234(tree, &tmp, NULL)) != NULL) { val = kv->value; assert(val != NULL); } else val = get_setting(key); if (!val) return NULL; else return dupstr(val); } int read_setting_i(void *handle, const char *key, int defvalue) { tree234 *tree = (tree234 *)handle; const char *val; struct skeyval tmp, *kv; tmp.key = key; if (tree != NULL && (kv = find234(tree, &tmp, NULL)) != NULL) { val = kv->value; assert(val != NULL); } else val = get_setting(key); if (!val) return defvalue; else return atoi(val); } FontSpec *read_setting_fontspec(void *handle, const char *name) { /* * In GTK1-only PuTTY, we used to store font names simply as a * valid X font description string (logical or alias), under a * bare key such as "Font". * * In GTK2 PuTTY, we have a prefix system where "client:" * indicates a Pango font and "server:" an X one; existing * configuration needs to be reinterpreted as having the * "server:" prefix, so we change the storage key from the * provided name string (e.g. "Font") to a suffixed one * ("FontName"). */ char *suffname = dupcat(name, "Name", NULL); char *tmp; if ((tmp = read_setting_s(handle, suffname)) != NULL) { FontSpec *fs = fontspec_new(tmp); sfree(suffname); sfree(tmp); return fs; /* got new-style name */ } sfree(suffname); /* Fall back to old-style name. */ tmp = read_setting_s(handle, name); if (tmp && *tmp) { char *tmp2 = dupcat("server:", tmp, NULL); FontSpec *fs = fontspec_new(tmp2); sfree(tmp2); sfree(tmp); return fs; } else { sfree(tmp); return NULL; } } Filename *read_setting_filename(void *handle, const char *name) { char *tmp = read_setting_s(handle, name); if (tmp) { Filename *ret = filename_from_str(tmp); sfree(tmp); return ret; } else return NULL; } void write_setting_fontspec(void *handle, const char *name, FontSpec *fs) { /* * read_setting_fontspec had to handle two cases, but when * writing our settings back out we simply always generate the * new-style name. */ char *suffname = dupcat(name, "Name", NULL); write_setting_s(handle, suffname, fs->name); sfree(suffname); } void write_setting_filename(void *handle, const char *name, Filename *result) { write_setting_s(handle, name, result->path); } void close_settings_r(void *handle) { tree234 *tree = (tree234 *)handle; struct skeyval *kv; if (!tree) return; while ( (kv = index234(tree, 0)) != NULL) { del234(tree, kv); sfree((char *)kv->key); sfree((char *)kv->value); sfree(kv); } freetree234(tree); } void del_settings(const char *sessionname) { char *filename; filename = make_filename(INDEX_SESSION, sessionname); unlink(filename); sfree(filename); } void *enum_settings_start(void) { DIR *dp; char *filename; filename = make_filename(INDEX_SESSIONDIR, NULL); dp = opendir(filename); sfree(filename); return dp; } char *enum_settings_next(void *handle, char *buffer, int buflen) { DIR *dp = (DIR *)handle; struct dirent *de; struct stat st; char *fullpath; int maxlen, thislen, len; char *unmunged; fullpath = make_filename(INDEX_SESSIONDIR, NULL); maxlen = len = strlen(fullpath); while ( (de = readdir(dp)) != NULL ) { thislen = len + 1 + strlen(de->d_name); if (maxlen < thislen) { maxlen = thislen; fullpath = sresize(fullpath, maxlen+1, char); } fullpath[len] = '/'; strncpy(fullpath+len+1, de->d_name, thislen - (len+1)); fullpath[thislen] = '\0'; if (stat(fullpath, &st) < 0 || !S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) continue; /* try another one */ unmunged = unmungestr(de->d_name); strncpy(buffer, unmunged, buflen); buffer[buflen-1] = '\0'; sfree(unmunged); sfree(fullpath); return buffer; } sfree(fullpath); return NULL; } void enum_settings_finish(void *handle) { DIR *dp = (DIR *)handle; closedir(dp); } /* * Lines in the host keys file are of the form * * type@port:hostname keydata * * e.g. * * rsa@22:foovax.example.org 0x23,0x293487364395345345....2343 */ int verify_host_key(const char *hostname, int port, const char *keytype, const char *key) { FILE *fp; char *filename; char *line; int ret; filename = make_filename(INDEX_HOSTKEYS, NULL); fp = fopen(filename, "r"); sfree(filename); if (!fp) return 1; /* key does not exist */ ret = 1; while ( (line = fgetline(fp)) ) { int i; char *p = line; char porttext[20]; line[strcspn(line, "\n")] = '\0'; /* strip trailing newline */ i = strlen(keytype); if (strncmp(p, keytype, i)) goto done; p += i; if (*p != '@') goto done; p++; sprintf(porttext, "%d", port); i = strlen(porttext); if (strncmp(p, porttext, i)) goto done; p += i; if (*p != ':') goto done; p++; i = strlen(hostname); if (strncmp(p, hostname, i)) goto done; p += i; if (*p != ' ') goto done; p++; /* * Found the key. Now just work out whether it's the right * one or not. */ if (!strcmp(p, key)) ret = 0; /* key matched OK */ else ret = 2; /* key mismatch */ done: sfree(line); if (ret != 1) break; } fclose(fp); return ret; } void store_host_key(const char *hostname, int port, const char *keytype, const char *key) { FILE *rfp, *wfp; char *newtext, *line; int headerlen; char *filename, *tmpfilename; newtext = dupprintf("%s@%d:%s %s\n", keytype, port, hostname, key); headerlen = 1 + strcspn(newtext, " "); /* count the space too */ /* * Open both the old file and a new file. */ tmpfilename = make_filename(INDEX_HOSTKEYS_TMP, NULL); wfp = fopen(tmpfilename, "w"); if (!wfp) { char *dir; dir = make_filename(INDEX_DIR, NULL); mkdir(dir, 0700); sfree(dir); wfp = fopen(tmpfilename, "w"); } if (!wfp) { sfree(tmpfilename); return; } filename = make_filename(INDEX_HOSTKEYS, NULL); rfp = fopen(filename, "r"); /* * Copy all lines from the old file to the new one that _don't_ * involve the same host key identifier as the one we're adding. */ if (rfp) { while ( (line = fgetline(rfp)) ) { if (strncmp(line, newtext, headerlen)) fputs(line, wfp); } fclose(rfp); } /* * Now add the new line at the end. */ fputs(newtext, wfp); fclose(wfp); rename(tmpfilename, filename); sfree(tmpfilename); sfree(filename); sfree(newtext); } void read_random_seed(noise_consumer_t consumer) { int fd; char *fname; fname = make_filename(INDEX_RANDSEED, NULL); fd = open(fname, O_RDONLY); sfree(fname); if (fd >= 0) { char buf[512]; int ret; while ( (ret = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) consumer(buf, ret); close(fd); } } void write_random_seed(void *data, int len) { int fd; char *fname; fname = make_filename(INDEX_RANDSEED, NULL); /* * Don't truncate the random seed file if it already exists; if * something goes wrong half way through writing it, it would * be better to leave the old data there than to leave it empty. */ fd = open(fname, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, 0600); if (fd < 0) { char *dir; dir = make_filename(INDEX_DIR, NULL); mkdir(dir, 0700); sfree(dir); fd = open(fname, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, 0600); } while (len > 0) { int ret = write(fd, data, len); if (ret <= 0) break; len -= ret; data = (char *)data + len; } close(fd); sfree(fname); } void cleanup_all(void) { }