import numbers import itertools def invert(a, b): "Multiplicative inverse of a mod b. a,b must be coprime." A = (a, 1, 0) B = (b, 0, 1) while B[0]: q = A[0] // B[0] A, B = B, tuple(Ai - q*Bi for Ai, Bi in zip(A, B)) assert abs(A[0]) == 1 return A[1]*A[0] % b def jacobi(n,m): """Compute the Jacobi symbol. The special case of this when m is prime is the Legendre symbol, which is 0 if n is congruent to 0 mod m; 1 if n is congruent to a non-zero square number mod m; -1 if n is not congruent to any square mod m. """ assert m & 1 acc = 1 while True: n %= m if n == 0: return 0 while not (n & 1): n >>= 1 if (m & 7) not in {1,7}: acc *= -1 if n == 1: return acc if (n & 3) == 3 and (m & 3) == 3: acc *= -1 n, m = m, n class SqrtModP(object): """Class for finding square roots of numbers mod p. p must be an odd prime (but its primality is not checked).""" def __init__(self, p): p = abs(p) assert p & 1 self.p = p # Decompose p as 2^e k + 1 for odd k. self.k = p-1 self.e = 0 while not (self.k & 1): self.k >>= 1 self.e += 1 # Find a non-square mod p. for self.z in itertools.count(1): if jacobi(self.z, self.p) == -1: break self.zinv = ModP(self.p, self.z).invert() def sqrt_recurse(self, a): ak = pow(a, self.k, self.p) for i in range(self.e, -1, -1): if ak == 1: break ak = ak*ak % self.p assert i > 0 if i == self.e: return pow(a, (self.k+1) // 2, self.p) r_prime = self.sqrt_recurse(a * pow(self.z, 2**i, self.p)) return r_prime * pow(self.zinv, 2**(i-1), self.p) % self.p def sqrt(self, a): j = jacobi(a, self.p) if j == 0: return 0 if j < 0: raise ValueError("{} has no square root mod {}".format(a, self.p)) a %= self.p r = self.sqrt_recurse(a) assert r*r % self.p == a # Normalise to the smaller (or 'positive') one of the two roots. return min(r, self.p - r) def __str__(self): return "{}({})".format(type(self).__name__, self.p) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() class ModP(object): """Class that represents integers mod p as a field. All the usual arithmetic operations are supported directly, including division, so you can write formulas in a natural way without having to keep saying '% p' everywhere or call a cumbersome modular_inverse() function. """ def __init__(self, p, n=0): self.p = p if isinstance(n, type(self)): self.check(n) n = n.n self.n = n % p def check(self, other): assert isinstance(other, type(self)) assert isinstance(self, type(other)) assert self.p == other.p def coerce_to(self, other): if not isinstance(other, type(self)): other = type(self)(self.p, other) else: self.check(other) return other def __int__(self): return self.n def __add__(self, rhs): rhs = self.coerce_to(rhs) return type(self)(self.p, (self.n + rhs.n) % self.p) def __neg__(self): return type(self)(self.p, -self.n % self.p) def __radd__(self, rhs): rhs = self.coerce_to(rhs) return type(self)(self.p, (self.n + rhs.n) % self.p) def __sub__(self, rhs): rhs = self.coerce_to(rhs) return type(self)(self.p, (self.n - rhs.n) % self.p) def __rsub__(self, rhs): rhs = self.coerce_to(rhs) return type(self)(self.p, (rhs.n - self.n) % self.p) def __mul__(self, rhs): rhs = self.coerce_to(rhs) return type(self)(self.p, (self.n * rhs.n) % self.p) def __rmul__(self, rhs): rhs = self.coerce_to(rhs) return type(self)(self.p, (self.n * rhs.n) % self.p) def __div__(self, rhs): rhs = self.coerce_to(rhs) return type(self)(self.p, (self.n * invert(rhs.n, self.p)) % self.p) def __rdiv__(self, rhs): rhs = self.coerce_to(rhs) return type(self)(self.p, (rhs.n * invert(self.n, self.p)) % self.p) def __truediv__(self, rhs): return self.__div__(rhs) def __rtruediv__(self, rhs): return self.__rdiv__(rhs) def __pow__(self, exponent): assert exponent >= 0 n, b_to_n = 1, self total = type(self)(self.p, 1) while True: if exponent & n: exponent -= n total *= b_to_n n *= 2 if n > exponent: break b_to_n *= b_to_n return total def __cmp__(self, rhs): rhs = self.coerce_to(rhs) return cmp(self.n, rhs.n) def __eq__(self, rhs): rhs = self.coerce_to(rhs) return self.n == rhs.n def __ne__(self, rhs): rhs = self.coerce_to(rhs) return self.n != rhs.n def __lt__(self, rhs): raise ValueError("Elements of a modular ring have no ordering") def __le__(self, rhs): raise ValueError("Elements of a modular ring have no ordering") def __gt__(self, rhs): raise ValueError("Elements of a modular ring have no ordering") def __ge__(self, rhs): raise ValueError("Elements of a modular ring have no ordering") def __str__(self): return "0x{:x}".format(self.n) def __repr__(self): return "{}(0x{:x},0x{:x})".format(type(self).__name__, self.p, self.n)