/* * Hardware-accelerated implementation of AES using x86 AES-NI. */ #include "ssh.h" #include "aes.h" #include <wmmintrin.h> #include <smmintrin.h> #if defined(__clang__) || defined(__GNUC__) #include <cpuid.h> #define GET_CPU_ID(out) __cpuid(1, (out)[0], (out)[1], (out)[2], (out)[3]) #else #define GET_CPU_ID(out) __cpuid(out, 1) #endif static bool aes_ni_available(void) { /* * Determine if AES is available on this CPU, by checking that * both AES itself and SSE4.1 are supported. */ unsigned int CPUInfo[4]; GET_CPU_ID(CPUInfo); return (CPUInfo[2] & (1 << 25)) && (CPUInfo[2] & (1 << 19)); } /* * Core AES-NI encrypt/decrypt functions, one per length and direction. */ #define NI_CIPHER(len, dir, dirlong, repmacro) \ static inline __m128i aes_ni_##len##_##dir( \ __m128i v, const __m128i *keysched) \ { \ v = _mm_xor_si128(v, *keysched++); \ repmacro(v = _mm_aes##dirlong##_si128(v, *keysched++);); \ return _mm_aes##dirlong##last_si128(v, *keysched); \ } NI_CIPHER(128, e, enc, REP9) NI_CIPHER(128, d, dec, REP9) NI_CIPHER(192, e, enc, REP11) NI_CIPHER(192, d, dec, REP11) NI_CIPHER(256, e, enc, REP13) NI_CIPHER(256, d, dec, REP13) /* * The main key expansion. */ static void aes_ni_key_expand( const unsigned char *key, size_t key_words, __m128i *keysched_e, __m128i *keysched_d) { size_t rounds = key_words + 6; size_t sched_words = (rounds + 1) * 4; /* * Store the key schedule as 32-bit integers during expansion, so * that it's easy to refer back to individual previous words. We * collect them into the final __m128i form at the end. */ uint32_t sched[MAXROUNDKEYS * 4]; unsigned rconpos = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < sched_words; i++) { if (i < key_words) { sched[i] = GET_32BIT_LSB_FIRST(key + 4 * i); } else { uint32_t temp = sched[i - 1]; bool rotate_and_round_constant = (i % key_words == 0); bool only_sub = (key_words == 8 && i % 8 == 4); if (rotate_and_round_constant) { __m128i v = _mm_setr_epi32(0,temp,0,0); v = _mm_aeskeygenassist_si128(v, 0); temp = _mm_extract_epi32(v, 1); assert(rconpos < lenof(aes_key_setup_round_constants)); temp ^= aes_key_setup_round_constants[rconpos++]; } else if (only_sub) { __m128i v = _mm_setr_epi32(0,temp,0,0); v = _mm_aeskeygenassist_si128(v, 0); temp = _mm_extract_epi32(v, 0); } sched[i] = sched[i - key_words] ^ temp; } } /* * Combine the key schedule words into __m128i vectors and store * them in the output context. */ for (size_t round = 0; round <= rounds; round++) keysched_e[round] = _mm_setr_epi32( sched[4*round ], sched[4*round+1], sched[4*round+2], sched[4*round+3]); smemclr(sched, sizeof(sched)); /* * Now prepare the modified keys for the inverse cipher. */ for (size_t eround = 0; eround <= rounds; eround++) { size_t dround = rounds - eround; __m128i rkey = keysched_e[eround]; if (eround && dround) /* neither first nor last */ rkey = _mm_aesimc_si128(rkey); keysched_d[dround] = rkey; } } /* * Auxiliary routine to increment the 128-bit counter used in SDCTR * mode. */ static inline __m128i aes_ni_sdctr_increment(__m128i v) { const __m128i ONE = _mm_setr_epi32(1,0,0,0); const __m128i ZERO = _mm_setzero_si128(); /* Increment the low-order 64 bits of v */ v = _mm_add_epi64(v, ONE); /* Check if they've become zero */ __m128i cmp = _mm_cmpeq_epi64(v, ZERO); /* If so, the low half of cmp is all 1s. Pack that into the high * half of addend with zero in the low half. */ __m128i addend = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(ZERO, cmp); /* And subtract that from v, which increments the high 64 bits iff * the low 64 wrapped round. */ v = _mm_sub_epi64(v, addend); return v; } /* * Much simpler auxiliary routine to increment the counter for GCM * mode. This only has to increment the low word. */ static inline __m128i aes_ni_gcm_increment(__m128i v) { const __m128i ONE = _mm_setr_epi32(1,0,0,0); return _mm_add_epi32(v, ONE); } /* * Auxiliary routine to reverse the byte order of a vector, so that * the SDCTR IV can be made big-endian for feeding to the cipher. */ static inline __m128i aes_ni_sdctr_reverse(__m128i v) { v = _mm_shuffle_epi8( v, _mm_setr_epi8(15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0)); return v; } /* * The SSH interface and the cipher modes. */ typedef struct aes_ni_context aes_ni_context; struct aes_ni_context { __m128i keysched_e[MAXROUNDKEYS], keysched_d[MAXROUNDKEYS], iv; void *pointer_to_free; ssh_cipher ciph; }; static ssh_cipher *aes_ni_new(const ssh_cipheralg *alg) { const struct aes_extra *extra = (const struct aes_extra *)alg->extra; if (!check_availability(extra)) return NULL; /* * The __m128i variables in the context structure need to be * 16-byte aligned, but not all malloc implementations that this * code has to work with will guarantee to return a 16-byte * aligned pointer. So we over-allocate, manually realign the * pointer ourselves, and store the original one inside the * context so we know how to free it later. */ void *allocation = smalloc(sizeof(aes_ni_context) + 15); uintptr_t alloc_address = (uintptr_t)allocation; uintptr_t aligned_address = (alloc_address + 15) & ~15; aes_ni_context *ctx = (aes_ni_context *)aligned_address; ctx->ciph.vt = alg; ctx->pointer_to_free = allocation; return &ctx->ciph; } static void aes_ni_free(ssh_cipher *ciph) { aes_ni_context *ctx = container_of(ciph, aes_ni_context, ciph); void *allocation = ctx->pointer_to_free; smemclr(ctx, sizeof(*ctx)); sfree(allocation); } static void aes_ni_setkey(ssh_cipher *ciph, const void *vkey) { aes_ni_context *ctx = container_of(ciph, aes_ni_context, ciph); const unsigned char *key = (const unsigned char *)vkey; aes_ni_key_expand(key, ctx->ciph.vt->real_keybits / 32, ctx->keysched_e, ctx->keysched_d); } static void aes_ni_setiv_cbc(ssh_cipher *ciph, const void *iv) { aes_ni_context *ctx = container_of(ciph, aes_ni_context, ciph); ctx->iv = _mm_loadu_si128(iv); } static void aes_ni_setiv_sdctr(ssh_cipher *ciph, const void *iv) { aes_ni_context *ctx = container_of(ciph, aes_ni_context, ciph); __m128i counter = _mm_loadu_si128(iv); ctx->iv = aes_ni_sdctr_reverse(counter); } static void aes_ni_setiv_gcm(ssh_cipher *ciph, const void *iv) { aes_ni_context *ctx = container_of(ciph, aes_ni_context, ciph); __m128i counter = _mm_loadu_si128(iv); ctx->iv = aes_ni_sdctr_reverse(counter); ctx->iv = _mm_insert_epi32(ctx->iv, 1, 0); } static void aes_ni_next_message_gcm(ssh_cipher *ciph) { aes_ni_context *ctx = container_of(ciph, aes_ni_context, ciph); uint32_t fixed = _mm_extract_epi32(ctx->iv, 3); uint64_t msg_counter = _mm_extract_epi32(ctx->iv, 2); msg_counter <<= 32; msg_counter |= (uint32_t)_mm_extract_epi32(ctx->iv, 1); msg_counter++; ctx->iv = _mm_set_epi32(fixed, msg_counter >> 32, msg_counter, 1); } typedef __m128i (*aes_ni_fn)(__m128i v, const __m128i *keysched); static inline void aes_cbc_ni_encrypt( ssh_cipher *ciph, void *vblk, int blklen, aes_ni_fn encrypt) { aes_ni_context *ctx = container_of(ciph, aes_ni_context, ciph); for (uint8_t *blk = (uint8_t *)vblk, *finish = blk + blklen; blk < finish; blk += 16) { __m128i plaintext = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)blk); __m128i cipher_input = _mm_xor_si128(plaintext, ctx->iv); __m128i ciphertext = encrypt(cipher_input, ctx->keysched_e); _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)blk, ciphertext); ctx->iv = ciphertext; } } static inline void aes_cbc_ni_decrypt( ssh_cipher *ciph, void *vblk, int blklen, aes_ni_fn decrypt) { aes_ni_context *ctx = container_of(ciph, aes_ni_context, ciph); for (uint8_t *blk = (uint8_t *)vblk, *finish = blk + blklen; blk < finish; blk += 16) { __m128i ciphertext = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)blk); __m128i decrypted = decrypt(ciphertext, ctx->keysched_d); __m128i plaintext = _mm_xor_si128(decrypted, ctx->iv); _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)blk, plaintext); ctx->iv = ciphertext; } } static inline void aes_sdctr_ni( ssh_cipher *ciph, void *vblk, int blklen, aes_ni_fn encrypt) { aes_ni_context *ctx = container_of(ciph, aes_ni_context, ciph); for (uint8_t *blk = (uint8_t *)vblk, *finish = blk + blklen; blk < finish; blk += 16) { __m128i counter = aes_ni_sdctr_reverse(ctx->iv); __m128i keystream = encrypt(counter, ctx->keysched_e); __m128i input = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)blk); __m128i output = _mm_xor_si128(input, keystream); _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)blk, output); ctx->iv = aes_ni_sdctr_increment(ctx->iv); } } static inline void aes_encrypt_ecb_block_ni( ssh_cipher *ciph, void *blk, aes_ni_fn encrypt) { aes_ni_context *ctx = container_of(ciph, aes_ni_context, ciph); __m128i plaintext = _mm_loadu_si128(blk); __m128i ciphertext = encrypt(plaintext, ctx->keysched_e); _mm_storeu_si128(blk, ciphertext); } static inline void aes_gcm_ni( ssh_cipher *ciph, void *vblk, int blklen, aes_ni_fn encrypt) { aes_ni_context *ctx = container_of(ciph, aes_ni_context, ciph); for (uint8_t *blk = (uint8_t *)vblk, *finish = blk + blklen; blk < finish; blk += 16) { __m128i counter = aes_ni_sdctr_reverse(ctx->iv); __m128i keystream = encrypt(counter, ctx->keysched_e); __m128i input = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)blk); __m128i output = _mm_xor_si128(input, keystream); _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)blk, output); ctx->iv = aes_ni_gcm_increment(ctx->iv); } } #define NI_ENC_DEC(len) \ static void aes##len##_ni_cbc_encrypt( \ ssh_cipher *ciph, void *vblk, int blklen) \ { aes_cbc_ni_encrypt(ciph, vblk, blklen, aes_ni_##len##_e); } \ static void aes##len##_ni_cbc_decrypt( \ ssh_cipher *ciph, void *vblk, int blklen) \ { aes_cbc_ni_decrypt(ciph, vblk, blklen, aes_ni_##len##_d); } \ static void aes##len##_ni_sdctr( \ ssh_cipher *ciph, void *vblk, int blklen) \ { aes_sdctr_ni(ciph, vblk, blklen, aes_ni_##len##_e); } \ static void aes##len##_ni_gcm( \ ssh_cipher *ciph, void *vblk, int blklen) \ { aes_gcm_ni(ciph, vblk, blklen, aes_ni_##len##_e); } \ static void aes##len##_ni_encrypt_ecb_block( \ ssh_cipher *ciph, void *vblk) \ { aes_encrypt_ecb_block_ni(ciph, vblk, aes_ni_##len##_e); } NI_ENC_DEC(128) NI_ENC_DEC(192) NI_ENC_DEC(256) AES_EXTRA(_ni); AES_ALL_VTABLES(_ni, "AES-NI accelerated");