# -*- makefile -*- # # This file describes which PuTTY programs are made up from which # object and resource files. It is processed into the various # Makefiles by means of a Perl script. Makefile changes should # really be made by editing this file and/or the Perl script, not # by editing the actual Makefiles. # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Top-level configuration. # Overall project name. !name putty # Locations and types of output Makefiles. !makefile clangcl windows/Makefile.clangcl !makefile vc windows/Makefile.vc !makefile vcproj windows/MSVC !makefile cygwin windows/Makefile.mgw !makefile lcc windows/Makefile.lcc !makefile gtk unix/Makefile.gtk !makefile unix unix/Makefile.ux !makefile am Makefile.am !makefile devcppproj windows/DEVCPP !makefile vstudio10 windows/VS2010 !makefile vstudio12 windows/VS2012 # Source directories. !srcdir charset/ !srcdir windows/ !srcdir unix/ # Help text added to the top of each Makefile, with /D converted # into -D as appropriate for the particular Makefile. !begin help # # Extra options you can set: # # - COMPAT=/DAUTO_WINSOCK (Windows only) # Causes PuTTY to assume that <windows.h> includes its own WinSock # header file, so that it won't try to include <winsock.h>. # # - COMPAT=/DWINSOCK_TWO (Windows only) # Causes the PuTTY utilities to include <winsock2.h> instead of # <winsock.h>, except Plink which _needs_ WinSock 2 so it already # does this. # # - COMPAT=/DNO_SECURITY (Windows only) # Disables use of <aclapi.h>, which is not available with some # development environments (such as very old versions of the # mingw/Cygwin GNU toolchain). This has the following effects: # - Pageant won't care about the local user ID of processes # accessing it; a version of Pageant built with this option # will therefore refuse to run under NT-series OSes on # security grounds (although it will run fine on Win95-series # OSes where there is no access control anyway). # - SSH connection sharing is disabled. # - There is no support for restriction of the process ACLs. # # - COMPAT=/DNO_MULTIMON (Windows only) # Disables PuTTY's use of <multimon.h>, which is not available # with some development environments. This means that PuTTY's # full-screen mode (configurable to work on Alt-Enter) will # not behave usefully in a multi-monitor environment. # # - COMPAT=/DNO_HTMLHELP (Windows only) # Disables PuTTY's use of <htmlhelp.h>, which is not available # with some development environments. # # If you don't have this header, you may be able to use the copy # supplied with HTML Help Workshop. # # - RCFL=/DNO_MANIFESTS (Windows only) # Disables inclusion of XML application manifests in the PuTTY # binaries. This may be necessary to build for 64-bit Windows; # the manifests are only included to use the XP GUI style on # Windows XP, and the architecture tags are a lie on 64-bit. # # - COMPAT=/DNO_IPV6 # Disables PuTTY's ability to make IPv6 connections, enabling # it to compile under development environments which do not # support IPv6 in their header files. # # - COMPAT=/DNO_GSSAPI # Disables PuTTY's ability to use GSSAPI functions for # authentication and key exchange. # # - COMPAT=/DSTATIC_GSSAPI # Causes PuTTY to try to link statically against the GSSAPI # library instead of the default of doing it at run time. # # - COMPAT=/DMSVC4 (Windows only) # - RCFL=/DMSVC4 # Makes a couple of minor changes so that PuTTY compiles using # MSVC 4. You will also need /DNO_SECURITY and /DNO_MULTIMON. # # - COMPAT=/DNO_SECUREZEROMEMORY (Windows only) # Disables PuTTY's use of SecureZeroMemory(), which is missing # from some environments' header files. # # - XFLAGS=/DTELNET_DEFAULT # Causes PuTTY to default to the Telnet protocol (in the absence # of Default Settings and so on to the contrary). Normally PuTTY # will default to SSH. # # - XFLAGS=/DDEBUG # Causes PuTTY to enable internal debugging. # # - XFLAGS=/DMALLOC_LOG # Causes PuTTY to emit a file called putty_mem.log, logging every # memory allocation and free, so you can track memory leaks. # # - XFLAGS=/DMINEFIELD (Windows only) # Causes PuTTY to use a custom memory allocator, similar in # concept to Electric Fence, in place of regular malloc(). Wastes # huge amounts of RAM, but should cause heap-corruption bugs to # show up as GPFs at the point of failure rather than appearing # later on as second-level damage. # # - XFLAGS=/DFUZZING # Builds a version of PuTTY with some tweaks to make fuzz testing # easier: the SSH random number generator is replaced by one that # always returns the same thing. Note that this makes SSH # completely insecure -- a FUZZING build should never be used to # connect to a real server. !end # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Additional text added verbatim to each individual Makefile. !cflags am version !begin am if AUTO_GIT_COMMIT BUILT_SOURCES = empty.h CLEANFILES = empty.h libversion_a_CFLAGS += -DSOURCE_COMMIT=\"`git --git-dir=$(srcdir)/.git rev-parse HEAD 2>/dev/null`\" empty.h: $(allsources) echo '/* Empty file touched by automake makefile to force rebuild of version.o */' >$@ endif # Run the cryptsuite tests as part of 'make check'. Override # PUTTY_TESTCRYPT so that cryptsuite will take the testcrypt binary # from the build directory instead of the source directory, in case # this is an out-of-tree build. check-local: testcrypt PUTTY_TESTCRYPT=./testcrypt $(srcdir)/test/cryptsuite.py !end !begin >empty.h /* Empty file touched by automake makefile to force rebuild of version.o */ !end !begin vc vars CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) /DHAS_GSSAPI !end !begin clangcl vars CFLAGS += /DHAS_GSSAPI !end # `make install' target for Unix. !begin gtk install: mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(bindir) $(DESTDIR)$(man1dir) $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) -m 755 pageant $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/pageant $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) -m 755 plink $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/plink $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) -m 755 pscp $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/pscp $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) -m 755 psftp $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/psftp $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) -m 755 pterm $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/pterm if test -n "$(UTMP_GROUP)"; then \ chgrp $(UTMP_GROUP) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/pterm && \ chmod 2755 $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/pterm; \ elif test -n "$(UTMP_USER)"; then \ chown $(UTMP_USER) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/pterm && \ chmod 4755 $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/pterm; \ fi $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) -m 755 putty $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/putty $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) -m 755 puttygen $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/puttygen $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) -m 755 puttytel $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/puttytel $(INSTALL_DATA) -m 644 ../doc/pageant.1 $(DESTDIR)$(man1dir)/pageant.1 $(INSTALL_DATA) -m 644 ../doc/plink.1 $(DESTDIR)$(man1dir)/plink.1 $(INSTALL_DATA) -m 644 ../doc/pscp.1 $(DESTDIR)$(man1dir)/pscp.1 $(INSTALL_DATA) -m 644 ../doc/psftp.1 $(DESTDIR)$(man1dir)/psftp.1 $(INSTALL_DATA) -m 644 ../doc/pterm.1 $(DESTDIR)$(man1dir)/pterm.1 $(INSTALL_DATA) -m 644 ../doc/putty.1 $(DESTDIR)$(man1dir)/putty.1 $(INSTALL_DATA) -m 644 ../doc/puttygen.1 $(DESTDIR)$(man1dir)/puttygen.1 $(INSTALL_DATA) -m 644 ../doc/puttytel.1 $(DESTDIR)$(man1dir)/puttytel.1 install-strip: $(MAKE) install INSTALL_PROGRAM="$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) -s" !end # List the man pages for the automake makefile. !begin am if HAVE_GTK man1_MANS = doc/plink.1 doc/pscp.1 doc/psftp.1 doc/puttygen.1 \ doc/pageant.1 doc/pterm.1 doc/putty.1 doc/puttytel.1 else man1_MANS = doc/plink.1 doc/pscp.1 doc/psftp.1 doc/puttygen.1 endif !end # In automake, chgrp/chmod pterm after installation, if configured to. !begin am if HAVE_SETID_CMD install-exec-local: @SETID_CMD@ $(bindir)/pterm chmod @SETID_MODE@ $(bindir)/pterm endif !end # In automake makefile, build the OS X app bundle, if configured in # Quartz mode. !begin am if HAVE_QUARTZ noinst_SCRIPTS = unix/PuTTY.app unix/Pterm.app unix/PuTTY.app: unix/putty.bundle puttyapp osxlaunch rm -rf $@ && PUTTY_GTK_PREFIX_FROM_MAKEFILE=$$(pkg-config --variable=prefix gtk+-3.0) gtk-mac-bundler $< unix/Pterm.app: unix/pterm.bundle ptermapp osxlaunch rm -rf $@ && PUTTY_GTK_PREFIX_FROM_MAKEFILE=$$(pkg-config --variable=prefix gtk+-3.0) gtk-mac-bundler $< endif !end # Random symbols. !begin cygwin vars # _WIN32_IE is required to expose identifiers that only make sense on # systems with IE5+ installed, such as some arguments to SHGetFolderPath(). # WINVER etc perform a similar function for FlashWindowEx(). CFLAGS += -D_WIN32_IE=0x0500 CFLAGS += -DWINVER=0x0500 -D_WIN32_WINDOWS=0x0410 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0500 !end # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Definitions of object groups. A group name, followed by an =, # followed by any number of objects or other already-defined group # names. A line beginning `+' is assumed to continue the previous # line. # conf.c and its dependencies. CONF = conf marshal # Terminal emulator and its (platform-independent) dependencies. TERMINAL = terminal stripctrl wcwidth logging tree234 minibidi + config dialog CONF # GUI front end and terminal emulator (putty, puttytel). GUITERM = TERMINAL window windlg winctrls sizetip winprint winutils + wincfg sercfg winhelp winjump sessprep # Same thing on Unix. UXTERM = TERMINAL uxcfg sercfg uxucs uxprint timing callback miscucs GTKTERM = UXTERM gtkwin gtkcfg gtkdlg gtkfont gtkcols gtkmisc xkeysym + x11misc gtkcomm sessprep GTKMAIN = gtkmain cmdline # Non-SSH back ends (putty, puttytel, plink). NONSSH = telnet raw rlogin ldisc pinger # SSH back end (putty, plink, pscp, psftp). ARITH = mpint ecc SSHCRYPTO = ARITH sshmd5 sshsha sshsh256 sshsh512 + sshrsa sshdss sshecc + sshdes sshblowf sshaes sshccp ssharcf + sshdh sshcrc sshcrcda sshauxcrypt + sshhmac SSHCOMMON = sshcommon sshprng sshrand SSHCRYPTO + sshverstring + sshpubk sshzlib + sshmac marshal nullplug + sshgssc pgssapi wildcard ssh1censor ssh2censor ssh2bpp + ssh2transport ssh2transhk ssh2connection portfwd x11fwd + ssh1connection ssh1bpp SSH = SSHCOMMON ssh ssh2bpp-bare + ssh1login ssh2userauth + pinger + sshshare aqsync agentf + mainchan ssh2kex-client ssh2connection-client ssh1connection-client WINSSH = SSH winnoise wincapi winpgntc wingss winshare winnps winnpc + winhsock errsock UXSSH = SSH uxnoise uxagentc uxgss uxshare # SFTP implementation (pscp, psftp). SFTP = psftpcommon sftp sftpcommon logging cmdline # Miscellaneous objects appearing in all the utilities, or all the # network ones, or the Unix or Windows subsets of those in turn. MISC = misc utils marshal memory stripctrl wcwidth MISCNETCOMMON = timing callback MISC version tree234 CONF MISCNET = MISCNETCOMMON be_misc settings proxy WINMISC = MISCNET winstore winnet winhandl cmdline windefs winmisc winproxy + wintime winhsock errsock winsecur winucs miscucs winmiscs UXMISCCOMMON = MISCNETCOMMON uxstore uxsel uxpoll uxnet uxpeer uxmisc time + uxfdsock errsock UXMISC = MISCNET UXMISCCOMMON uxproxy uxutils # SSH server. SSHSERVER = SSHCOMMON sshserver settings be_none logging ssh2kex-server + ssh2userauth-server sshrsag sshprime ssh2connection-server + sesschan sftpcommon sftpserver proxy cproxy ssh1login-server + ssh1connection-server scpserver # import.c and dependencies, for PuTTYgen-like utilities that have to # load foreign key files. IMPORT = import sshbcrypt sshblowf marshal # Character set library, for use in pterm. CHARSET = sbcsdat slookup sbcs utf8 toucs fromucs xenc mimeenc macenc localenc # Standard libraries. LIBS = advapi32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib + shell32.lib imm32.lib ole32.lib # Network backend sets. This also brings in the relevant attachment # to proxy.c depending on whether we're crypto-avoidant or not. BE_ALL = be_all cproxy BE_NOSSH = be_nossh nocproxy BE_SSH = be_ssh cproxy BE_NONE = be_none nocproxy # More backend sets, with the additional Windows serial-port module. W_BE_ALL = be_all_s winser cproxy W_BE_NOSSH = be_nos_s winser nocproxy # And with the Unix serial-port module. U_BE_ALL = be_all_s uxser cproxy U_BE_NOSSH = be_nos_s uxser nocproxy # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Definitions of actual programs. The program name, followed by a # colon, followed by a list of objects. Also in the list may be the # keywords [G] for Windows GUI app, [C] for Console app, [X] for # X/GTK Unix app, [U] for command-line Unix app. putty : [G] GUITERM NONSSH WINSSH W_BE_ALL WINMISC winx11 putty.res LIBS puttytel : [G] GUITERM NONSSH W_BE_NOSSH WINMISC puttytel.res nogss LIBS plink : [C] winplink wincons NONSSH WINSSH W_BE_ALL logging WINMISC + winx11 plink.res winnojmp sessprep noterm winnohlp LIBS pscp : [C] pscp winsftp wincons WINSSH BE_SSH SFTP wildcard WINMISC + pscp.res winnojmp winnohlp LIBS psftp : [C] psftp winsftp wincons WINSSH BE_SSH SFTP wildcard WINMISC + psftp.res winnojmp winnohlp LIBS pageant : [G] winpgnt pageant sshrsa sshpubk sshdes ARITH sshmd5 version + tree234 MISC sshaes sshsha winsecur winpgntc aqsync sshdss sshsh256 + sshsh512 winutils sshecc winmisc winmiscs winhelp conf pageant.res + sshauxcrypt sshhmac LIBS puttygen : [G] winpgen sshrsag sshdssg sshprime sshdes ARITH sshmd5 version + sshrand winnoise sshsha winstore MISC winctrls sshrsa sshdss winmisc + sshpubk sshaes sshsh256 sshsh512 IMPORT winutils puttygen.res + tree234 notiming winhelp winnojmp CONF LIBS wintime sshecc sshprng + sshecdsag sshauxcrypt sshhmac winsecur winmiscs pterm : [X] GTKTERM uxmisc misc ldisc settings uxpty uxsel BE_NONE uxstore + uxsignal CHARSET cmdline uxpterm version time xpmpterm xpmptcfg + nogss utils memory GTKMAIN putty : [X] GTKTERM uxmisc misc ldisc settings uxsel U_BE_ALL uxstore + uxsignal CHARSET uxputty NONSSH UXSSH UXMISC ux_x11 xpmputty + xpmpucfg utils memory GTKMAIN puttytel : [X] GTKTERM uxmisc misc ldisc settings uxsel U_BE_NOSSH + uxstore uxsignal CHARSET uxputty NONSSH UXMISC xpmputty xpmpucfg + nogss utils memory GTKMAIN plink : [U] uxplink uxcons NONSSH UXSSH U_BE_ALL logging UXMISC uxsignal + ux_x11 noterm uxnogtk sessprep cmdline PUTTYGEN_UNIX = sshrsag sshdssg sshprime sshdes ARITH sshmd5 version sshprng + sshrand uxnoise sshsha MISC sshrsa sshdss uxcons uxstore uxmisc + sshpubk sshaes sshsh256 sshsh512 IMPORT puttygen.res time tree234 + uxgen notiming CONF sshecc sshecdsag uxnogtk sshauxcrypt sshhmac + uxpoll uxutils puttygen : [U] cmdgen PUTTYGEN_UNIX cgtest : [UT] cgtest PUTTYGEN_UNIX pscp : [U] pscp uxsftp uxcons UXSSH BE_SSH SFTP wildcard UXMISC uxnogtk psftp : [U] psftp uxsftp uxcons UXSSH BE_SSH SFTP wildcard UXMISC uxnogtk pageant : [X] uxpgnt uxagentc aqsync pageant sshrsa sshpubk sshdes ARITH + sshmd5 version tree234 misc sshaes sshsha sshdss sshsh256 sshsh512 + sshecc CONF uxsignal nocproxy nogss be_none x11fwd ux_x11 uxcons + gtkask gtkmisc nullplug logging UXMISC uxagentsock utils memory + sshauxcrypt sshhmac sshprng uxnoise ptermapp : [XT] GTKTERM uxmisc misc ldisc settings uxpty uxsel BE_NONE uxstore + uxsignal CHARSET uxpterm version time xpmpterm xpmptcfg + nogss gtkapp nocmdline utils memory puttyapp : [XT] GTKTERM uxmisc misc ldisc settings uxsel U_BE_ALL uxstore + uxsignal CHARSET uxputty NONSSH UXSSH UXMISC ux_x11 xpmputty + xpmpucfg gtkapp nocmdline utils memory osxlaunch : [UT] osxlaunch fuzzterm : [UT] UXTERM CHARSET MISC version uxmisc uxucs fuzzterm time settings + uxstore be_none uxnogtk memory testcrypt : [UT] testcrypt SSHCRYPTO sshprng sshprime marshal utils + memory tree234 uxutils testcrypt : [C] testcrypt SSHCRYPTO sshprng sshprime marshal utils + memory tree234 winmiscs testsc : [UT] testsc SSHCRYPTO marshal utils memory tree234 wildcard + sshmac uxutils testzlib : [UT] testzlib sshzlib utils marshal memory uppity : [UT] uxserver SSHSERVER UXMISC uxsignal uxnoise uxgss uxnogtk + uxpty uxsftpserver ux_x11 uxagentsock procnet # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # On Windows, provide a means of removing local test binaries that we # aren't going to actually ship. (I prefer this to not building them # in the first place, so that we find out about build breakage early.) !begin vc cleantestprogs: -del $(BUILDDIR)testcrypt.exe !end !begin clangcl cleantestprogs: -rm -f $(BUILDDIR)testcrypt.exe !end