#include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <time.h> #include <assert.h> #include "putty.h" #include "tree234.h" #define VT52_PLUS #define CL_ANSIMIN 0x0001 /* Codes in all ANSI like terminals. */ #define CL_VT100 0x0002 /* VT100 */ #define CL_VT100AVO 0x0004 /* VT100 +AVO; 132x24 (not 132x14) & attrs */ #define CL_VT102 0x0008 /* VT102 */ #define CL_VT220 0x0010 /* VT220 */ #define CL_VT320 0x0020 /* VT320 */ #define CL_VT420 0x0040 /* VT420 */ #define CL_VT510 0x0080 /* VT510, NB VT510 includes ANSI */ #define CL_VT340TEXT 0x0100 /* VT340 extensions that appear in the VT420 */ #define CL_SCOANSI 0x1000 /* SCOANSI not in ANSIMIN. */ #define CL_ANSI 0x2000 /* ANSI ECMA-48 not in the VT100..VT420 */ #define CL_OTHER 0x4000 /* Others, Xterm, linux, putty, dunno, etc */ #define TM_VT100 (CL_ANSIMIN|CL_VT100) #define TM_VT100AVO (TM_VT100|CL_VT100AVO) #define TM_VT102 (TM_VT100AVO|CL_VT102) #define TM_VT220 (TM_VT102|CL_VT220) #define TM_VTXXX (TM_VT220|CL_VT340TEXT|CL_VT510|CL_VT420|CL_VT320) #define TM_SCOANSI (CL_ANSIMIN|CL_SCOANSI) #define TM_PUTTY (0xFFFF) #define compatibility(x) \ if ( ((CL_##x)&compatibility_level) == 0 ) { \ termstate=TOPLEVEL; \ break; \ } #define compatibility2(x,y) \ if ( ((CL_##x|CL_##y)&compatibility_level) == 0 ) { \ termstate=TOPLEVEL; \ break; \ } #define has_compat(x) ( ((CL_##x)&compatibility_level) != 0 ) static int compatibility_level = TM_PUTTY; static tree234 *scrollback; /* lines scrolled off top of screen */ static tree234 *screen; /* lines on primary screen */ static tree234 *alt_screen; /* lines on alternate screen */ static int disptop; /* distance scrolled back (0 or -ve) */ static unsigned long *cpos; /* cursor position (convenience) */ static unsigned long *disptext; /* buffer of text on real screen */ static unsigned long *dispcurs; /* location of cursor on real screen */ static unsigned long curstype; /* type of cursor on real screen */ #define VBELL_TIMEOUT 100 /* millisecond len of visual bell */ struct beeptime { struct beeptime *next; unsigned long ticks; }; static struct beeptime *beephead, *beeptail; int nbeeps; int beep_overloaded; long lastbeep; #define TSIZE (sizeof(unsigned long)) #define fix_cpos do { cpos = lineptr(curs.y) + curs.x; } while(0) static unsigned long curr_attr, save_attr; static unsigned long erase_char = ERASE_CHAR; typedef struct { int y, x; } pos; #define poslt(p1,p2) ( (p1).y < (p2).y || ( (p1).y == (p2).y && (p1).x < (p2).x ) ) #define posle(p1,p2) ( (p1).y < (p2).y || ( (p1).y == (p2).y && (p1).x <= (p2).x ) ) #define poseq(p1,p2) ( (p1).y == (p2).y && (p1).x == (p2).x ) #define posdiff(p1,p2) ( ((p1).y - (p2).y) * (cols+1) + (p1).x - (p2).x ) #define incpos(p) ( (p).x == cols ? ((p).x = 0, (p).y++, 1) : ((p).x++, 0) ) #define decpos(p) ( (p).x == 0 ? ((p).x = cols, (p).y--, 1) : ((p).x--, 0) ) /* Product-order comparisons for rectangular block selection. */ #define posPlt(p1,p2) ( (p1).y <= (p2).y && (p1).x < (p2).x ) #define posPle(p1,p2) ( (p1).y <= (p2).y && (p1).x <= (p2).x ) static bufchain inbuf; /* terminal input buffer */ static pos curs; /* cursor */ static pos savecurs; /* saved cursor position */ static int marg_t, marg_b; /* scroll margins */ static int dec_om; /* DEC origin mode flag */ static int wrap, wrapnext; /* wrap flags */ static int insert; /* insert-mode flag */ static int cset; /* 0 or 1: which char set */ static int save_cset, save_csattr; /* saved with cursor position */ static int save_utf; /* saved with cursor position */ static int rvideo; /* global reverse video flag */ static unsigned long rvbell_startpoint;/* for ESC[?5hESC[?5l vbell */ static int cursor_on; /* cursor enabled flag */ static int reset_132; /* Flag ESC c resets to 80 cols */ static int use_bce; /* Use Background coloured erase */ static int blinker; /* When blinking is the cursor on ? */ static int tblinker; /* When the blinking text is on */ static int blink_is_real; /* Actually blink blinking text */ static int term_echoing; /* Does terminal want local echo? */ static int term_editing; /* Does terminal want local edit? */ static int sco_acs, save_sco_acs; /* CSI 10,11,12m -> OEM charset */ static int vt52_bold; /* Force bold on non-bold colours */ static int utf_state; /* Is there a pending UTF-8 character */ static int utf_char; /* and what is it so far. */ static int utf_size; /* The size of the UTF character. */ static int xterm_mouse; /* send mouse messages to app */ static unsigned long cset_attr[2]; /* * Saved settings on the alternate screen. */ static int alt_x, alt_y, alt_om, alt_wrap, alt_wnext, alt_ins, alt_cset, alt_sco_acs, alt_utf; static int alt_t, alt_b; static int alt_which; #define ARGS_MAX 32 /* max # of esc sequence arguments */ #define ARG_DEFAULT 0 /* if an arg isn't specified */ #define def(a,d) ( (a) == ARG_DEFAULT ? (d) : (a) ) static int esc_args[ARGS_MAX]; static int esc_nargs; static int esc_query; #define ANSI(x,y) ((x)+((y)<<8)) #define ANSI_QUE(x) ANSI(x,TRUE) #define OSC_STR_MAX 2048 static int osc_strlen; static char osc_string[OSC_STR_MAX + 1]; static int osc_w; static char id_string[1024] = "\033[?6c"; static unsigned char *tabs; static enum { TOPLEVEL, SEEN_ESC, SEEN_CSI, SEEN_OSC, SEEN_OSC_W, DO_CTRLS, SEEN_OSC_P, OSC_STRING, OSC_MAYBE_ST, VT52_ESC, VT52_Y1, VT52_Y2, VT52_FG, VT52_BG } termstate; static enum { NO_SELECTION, ABOUT_TO, DRAGGING, SELECTED } selstate; static enum { LEXICOGRAPHIC, RECTANGULAR } seltype; static enum { SM_CHAR, SM_WORD, SM_LINE } selmode; static pos selstart, selend, selanchor; static short wordness[256] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* 01 */ 0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, /* 23 */ 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, /* 45 */ 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, /* 67 */ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, /* 89 */ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, /* AB */ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, /* CD */ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, /* EF */ }; #define sel_nl_sz (sizeof(sel_nl)/sizeof(wchar_t)) static wchar_t sel_nl[] = SEL_NL; static wchar_t *paste_buffer = 0; static int paste_len, paste_pos, paste_hold; /* * Internal prototypes. */ static void do_paint(Context, int); static void erase_lots(int, int, int); static void swap_screen(int); static void update_sbar(void); static void deselect(void); /* * Resize a line to make it `cols' columns wide. */ unsigned long *resizeline(unsigned long *line, int cols) { int i, oldlen; unsigned long lineattrs; if (line[0] != (unsigned long)cols) { /* * This line is the wrong length, which probably means it * hasn't been accessed since a resize. Resize it now. */ oldlen = line[0]; lineattrs = line[oldlen + 1]; line = srealloc(line, TSIZE * (2 + cols)); line[0] = cols; for (i = oldlen; i < cols; i++) line[i + 1] = ERASE_CHAR; line[cols + 1] = lineattrs & LATTR_MODE; } return line; } /* * Retrieve a line of the screen or of the scrollback, according to * whether the y coordinate is non-negative or negative * (respectively). */ unsigned long *lineptr(int y, int lineno) { unsigned long *line, *newline; tree234 *whichtree; int treeindex; if (y >= 0) { whichtree = screen; treeindex = y; } else { whichtree = scrollback; treeindex = y + count234(scrollback); } line = index234(whichtree, treeindex); /* We assume that we don't screw up and retrieve something out of range. */ assert(line != NULL); newline = resizeline(line, cols); if (newline != line) { delpos234(whichtree, treeindex); addpos234(whichtree, newline, treeindex); line = newline; } return line + 1; } #define lineptr(x) lineptr(x,__LINE__) /* * Set up power-on settings for the terminal. */ static void power_on(void) { curs.x = curs.y = alt_x = alt_y = savecurs.x = savecurs.y = 0; alt_t = marg_t = 0; if (rows != -1) alt_b = marg_b = rows - 1; else alt_b = marg_b = 0; if (cols != -1) { int i; for (i = 0; i < cols; i++) tabs[i] = (i % 8 == 0 ? TRUE : FALSE); } alt_om = dec_om = cfg.dec_om; alt_wnext = wrapnext = alt_ins = insert = FALSE; alt_wrap = wrap = cfg.wrap_mode; alt_cset = cset = 0; alt_utf = utf = 0; alt_sco_acs = sco_acs = 0; cset_attr[0] = cset_attr[1] = ATTR_ASCII; rvideo = 0; in_vbell = FALSE; cursor_on = 1; big_cursor = 0; save_attr = curr_attr = ATTR_DEFAULT; term_editing = term_echoing = FALSE; ldisc_send(NULL, 0, 0); /* cause ldisc to notice changes */ app_cursor_keys = cfg.app_cursor; app_keypad_keys = cfg.app_keypad; use_bce = cfg.bce; blink_is_real = cfg.blinktext; erase_char = ERASE_CHAR; alt_which = 0; { int i; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) wordness[i] = cfg.wordness[i]; } if (screen) { swap_screen(1); erase_lots(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE); swap_screen(0); erase_lots(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE); } } /* * Force a screen update. */ void term_update(void) { Context ctx; ctx = get_ctx(); if (ctx) { int need_sbar_update = seen_disp_event; if ((seen_key_event && (cfg.scroll_on_key)) || (seen_disp_event && (cfg.scroll_on_disp))) { disptop = 0; /* return to main screen */ seen_disp_event = seen_key_event = 0; need_sbar_update = TRUE; } if (need_sbar_update) update_sbar(); do_paint(ctx, TRUE); sys_cursor(curs.x, curs.y - disptop); free_ctx(ctx); } } /* * Same as power_on(), but an external function. */ void term_pwron(void) { power_on(); fix_cpos; disptop = 0; deselect(); term_update(); } /* * Clear the scrollback. */ void term_clrsb(void) { unsigned long *line; disptop = 0; while ((line = delpos234(scrollback, 0)) != NULL) { sfree(line); } update_sbar(); } /* * Initialise the terminal. */ void term_init(void) { screen = alt_screen = scrollback = NULL; disptop = 0; disptext = dispcurs = NULL; tabs = NULL; deselect(); rows = cols = -1; power_on(); beephead = beeptail = NULL; nbeeps = 0; lastbeep = FALSE; beep_overloaded = FALSE; } /* * Set up the terminal for a given size. */ void term_size(int newrows, int newcols, int newsavelines) { tree234 *newalt; unsigned long *newdisp, *line; int i, j; int sblen; int save_alt_which = alt_which; if (newrows == rows && newcols == cols && newsavelines == savelines) return; /* nothing to do */ deselect(); swap_screen(0); alt_t = marg_t = 0; alt_b = marg_b = newrows - 1; if (rows == -1) { scrollback = newtree234(NULL); screen = newtree234(NULL); rows = 0; } /* * Resize the screen and scrollback. We only need to shift * lines around within our data structures, because lineptr() * will take care of resizing each individual line if * necessary. So: * * - If the new screen and the old screen differ in length, we * must shunt some lines in from the scrollback or out to * the scrollback. * * - If doing that fails to provide us with enough material to * fill the new screen (i.e. the number of rows needed in * the new screen exceeds the total number in the previous * screen+scrollback), we must invent some blank lines to * cover the gap. * * - Then, if the new scrollback length is less than the * amount of scrollback we actually have, we must throw some * away. */ sblen = count234(scrollback); /* Do this loop to expand the screen if newrows > rows */ for (i = rows; i < newrows; i++) { if (sblen > 0) { line = delpos234(scrollback, --sblen); } else { line = smalloc(TSIZE * (newcols + 2)); line[0] = newcols; for (j = 0; j <= newcols; j++) line[j + 1] = ERASE_CHAR; } addpos234(screen, line, 0); } /* Do this loop to shrink the screen if newrows < rows */ for (i = newrows; i < rows; i++) { line = delpos234(screen, 0); addpos234(scrollback, line, sblen++); } assert(count234(screen) == newrows); while (sblen > newsavelines) { line = delpos234(scrollback, 0); sfree(line); sblen--; } assert(count234(scrollback) <= newsavelines); disptop = 0; newdisp = smalloc(newrows * (newcols + 1) * TSIZE); for (i = 0; i < newrows * (newcols + 1); i++) newdisp[i] = ATTR_INVALID; sfree(disptext); disptext = newdisp; dispcurs = NULL; newalt = newtree234(NULL); for (i = 0; i < newrows; i++) { line = smalloc(TSIZE * (newcols + 2)); line[0] = newcols; for (j = 0; j <= newcols; j++) line[j + 1] = erase_char; addpos234(newalt, line, i); } if (alt_screen) { while (NULL != (line = delpos234(alt_screen, 0))) sfree(line); freetree234(alt_screen); } alt_screen = newalt; tabs = srealloc(tabs, newcols * sizeof(*tabs)); { int i; for (i = (cols > 0 ? cols : 0); i < newcols; i++) tabs[i] = (i % 8 == 0 ? TRUE : FALSE); } if (rows > 0) curs.y += newrows - rows; if (curs.y < 0) curs.y = 0; if (curs.y >= newrows) curs.y = newrows - 1; if (curs.x >= newcols) curs.x = newcols - 1; alt_x = alt_y = 0; wrapnext = alt_wnext = FALSE; rows = newrows; cols = newcols; savelines = newsavelines; fix_cpos; swap_screen(save_alt_which); update_sbar(); term_update(); back->size(); } /* * Swap screens. */ static void swap_screen(int which) { int t; tree234 *ttr; if (which == alt_which) return; alt_which = which; ttr = alt_screen; alt_screen = screen; screen = ttr; t = curs.x; curs.x = alt_x; alt_x = t; t = curs.y; curs.y = alt_y; alt_y = t; t = marg_t; marg_t = alt_t; alt_t = t; t = marg_b; marg_b = alt_b; alt_b = t; t = dec_om; dec_om = alt_om; alt_om = t; t = wrap; wrap = alt_wrap; alt_wrap = t; t = wrapnext; wrapnext = alt_wnext; alt_wnext = t; t = insert; insert = alt_ins; alt_ins = t; t = cset; cset = alt_cset; alt_cset = t; t = utf; utf = alt_utf; alt_utf = t; t = sco_acs; sco_acs = alt_sco_acs; alt_sco_acs = t; fix_cpos; } /* * Update the scroll bar. */ static void update_sbar(void) { int nscroll; nscroll = count234(scrollback); set_sbar(nscroll + rows, nscroll + disptop, rows); } /* * Check whether the region bounded by the two pointers intersects * the scroll region, and de-select the on-screen selection if so. */ static void check_selection(pos from, pos to) { if (poslt(from, selend) && poslt(selstart, to)) deselect(); } /* * Scroll the screen. (`lines' is +ve for scrolling forward, -ve * for backward.) `sb' is TRUE if the scrolling is permitted to * affect the scrollback buffer. * * NB this function invalidates all pointers into lines of the * screen data structures. In particular, you MUST call fix_cpos * after calling scroll() and before doing anything else that * uses the cpos shortcut pointer. */ static void scroll(int topline, int botline, int lines, int sb) { unsigned long *line, *line2; int i, seltop; if (topline != 0 || alt_which != 0) sb = FALSE; if (lines < 0) { while (lines < 0) { line = delpos234(screen, botline); line = resizeline(line, cols); for (i = 0; i < cols; i++) line[i + 1] = erase_char; line[cols + 1] = 0; addpos234(screen, line, topline); if (selstart.y >= topline && selstart.y <= botline) { selstart.y++; if (selstart.y > botline) { selstart.y = botline; selstart.x = 0; } } if (selend.y >= topline && selend.y <= botline) { selend.y++; if (selend.y > botline) { selend.y = botline; selend.x = 0; } } lines++; } } else { while (lines > 0) { line = delpos234(screen, topline); if (sb && savelines > 0) { int sblen = count234(scrollback); /* * We must add this line to the scrollback. We'll * remove a line from the top of the scrollback to * replace it, or allocate a new one if the * scrollback isn't full. */ if (sblen == savelines) { sblen--, line2 = delpos234(scrollback, 0); } else { line2 = smalloc(TSIZE * (cols + 2)); line2[0] = cols; } addpos234(scrollback, line, sblen); line = line2; /* * If the user is currently looking at part of the * scrollback, and they haven't enabled any options * that are going to reset the scrollback as a * result of this movement, then the chances are * they'd like to keep looking at the same line. So * we move their viewpoint at the same rate as the * scroll, at least until their viewpoint hits the * top end of the scrollback buffer, at which point * we don't have the choice any more. * * Thanks to Jan Holmen Holsten for the idea and * initial implementation. */ if (disptop > -savelines && disptop < 0) disptop--; } line = resizeline(line, cols); for (i = 0; i < cols; i++) line[i + 1] = erase_char; line[cols + 1] = 0; addpos234(screen, line, botline); /* * If the selection endpoints move into the scrollback, * we keep them moving until they hit the top. However, * of course, if the line _hasn't_ moved into the * scrollback then we don't do this, and cut them off * at the top of the scroll region. * * This applies to selstart and selend (for an existing * selection), and also selanchor (for one being * selected as we speak). */ seltop = sb ? -savelines : topline; if (selstart.y >= seltop && selstart.y <= botline) { selstart.y--; if (selstart.y < seltop) { selstart.y = seltop; selstart.x = 0; } } if (selend.y >= seltop && selend.y <= botline) { selend.y--; if (selend.y < seltop) { selend.y = seltop; selend.x = 0; } } if (selanchor.y >= seltop && selanchor.y <= botline) { selanchor.y--; if (selanchor.y < seltop) { selanchor.y = seltop; selanchor.x = 0; } } lines--; } } } /* * Move the cursor to a given position, clipping at boundaries. We * may or may not want to clip at the scroll margin: marg_clip is 0 * not to, 1 to disallow _passing_ the margins, and 2 to disallow * even _being_ outside the margins. */ static void move(int x, int y, int marg_clip) { if (x < 0) x = 0; if (x >= cols) x = cols - 1; if (marg_clip) { if ((curs.y >= marg_t || marg_clip == 2) && y < marg_t) y = marg_t; if ((curs.y <= marg_b || marg_clip == 2) && y > marg_b) y = marg_b; } if (y < 0) y = 0; if (y >= rows) y = rows - 1; curs.x = x; curs.y = y; fix_cpos; wrapnext = FALSE; } /* * Save or restore the cursor and SGR mode. */ static void save_cursor(int save) { if (save) { savecurs = curs; save_attr = curr_attr; save_cset = cset; save_utf = utf; save_csattr = cset_attr[cset]; save_sco_acs = sco_acs; } else { curs = savecurs; /* Make sure the window hasn't shrunk since the save */ if (curs.x >= cols) curs.x = cols - 1; if (curs.y >= rows) curs.y = rows - 1; curr_attr = save_attr; cset = save_cset; utf = save_utf; cset_attr[cset] = save_csattr; sco_acs = save_sco_acs; fix_cpos; if (use_bce) erase_char = (' ' | ATTR_ASCII | (curr_attr & (ATTR_FGMASK | ATTR_BGMASK))); } } /* * Erase a large portion of the screen: the whole screen, or the * whole line, or parts thereof. */ static void erase_lots(int line_only, int from_begin, int to_end) { pos start, end; int erase_lattr; unsigned long *ldata; if (line_only) { start.y = curs.y; start.x = 0; end.y = curs.y + 1; end.x = 0; erase_lattr = FALSE; } else { start.y = 0; start.x = 0; end.y = rows; end.x = 0; erase_lattr = TRUE; } if (!from_begin) { start = curs; } if (!to_end) { end = curs; incpos(end); } check_selection(start, end); /* Clear screen also forces a full window redraw, just in case. */ if (start.y == 0 && start.x == 0 && end.y == rows) term_invalidate(); ldata = lineptr(start.y); while (poslt(start, end)) { if (start.x == cols && !erase_lattr) ldata[start.x] &= ~LATTR_WRAPPED; else ldata[start.x] = erase_char; if (incpos(start) && start.y < rows) ldata = lineptr(start.y); } } /* * Insert or delete characters within the current line. n is +ve if * insertion is desired, and -ve for deletion. */ static void insch(int n) { int dir = (n < 0 ? -1 : +1); int m; pos cursplus; unsigned long *ldata; n = (n < 0 ? -n : n); if (n > cols - curs.x) n = cols - curs.x; m = cols - curs.x - n; cursplus.y = curs.y; cursplus.x = curs.x + n; check_selection(curs, cursplus); ldata = lineptr(curs.y); if (dir < 0) { memmove(ldata + curs.x, ldata + curs.x + n, m * TSIZE); while (n--) ldata[curs.x + m++] = erase_char; } else { memmove(ldata + curs.x + n, ldata + curs.x, m * TSIZE); while (n--) ldata[curs.x + n] = erase_char; } } /* * Toggle terminal mode `mode' to state `state'. (`query' indicates * whether the mode is a DEC private one or a normal one.) */ static void toggle_mode(int mode, int query, int state) { unsigned long ticks; if (query) switch (mode) { case 1: /* application cursor keys */ app_cursor_keys = state; break; case 2: /* VT52 mode */ vt52_mode = !state; if (vt52_mode) { blink_is_real = FALSE; vt52_bold = FALSE; } else { blink_is_real = cfg.blinktext; } break; case 3: /* 80/132 columns */ deselect(); request_resize(state ? 132 : 80, rows); reset_132 = state; break; case 5: /* reverse video */ /* * Toggle reverse video. If we receive an OFF within the * visual bell timeout period after an ON, we trigger an * effective visual bell, so that ESC[?5hESC[?5l will * always be an actually _visible_ visual bell. */ ticks = GetTickCount(); /* turn off a previous vbell to avoid inconsistencies */ if (ticks - vbell_startpoint >= VBELL_TIMEOUT) in_vbell = FALSE; if (rvideo && !state && /* we're turning it off... */ (ticks - rvbell_startpoint) < VBELL_TIMEOUT) { /* ...soon */ /* If there's no vbell timeout already, or this one lasts * longer, replace vbell_timeout with ours. */ if (!in_vbell || (rvbell_startpoint - vbell_startpoint < VBELL_TIMEOUT)) vbell_startpoint = rvbell_startpoint; in_vbell = TRUE; /* we may clear rvideo but we set in_vbell */ } else if (!rvideo && state) { /* This is an ON, so we notice the time and save it. */ rvbell_startpoint = ticks; } rvideo = state; seen_disp_event = TRUE; if (state) term_update(); break; case 6: /* DEC origin mode */ dec_om = state; break; case 7: /* auto wrap */ wrap = state; break; case 8: /* auto key repeat */ repeat_off = !state; break; case 10: /* set local edit mode */ term_editing = state; ldisc_send(NULL, 0, 0); /* cause ldisc to notice changes */ break; case 25: /* enable/disable cursor */ compatibility2(OTHER, VT220); cursor_on = state; seen_disp_event = TRUE; break; case 47: /* alternate screen */ compatibility(OTHER); deselect(); swap_screen(state); disptop = 0; break; case 1000: /* xterm mouse 1 */ xterm_mouse = state ? 1 : 0; set_raw_mouse_mode(state); break; case 1002: /* xterm mouse 2 */ xterm_mouse = state ? 2 : 0; set_raw_mouse_mode(state); break; } else switch (mode) { case 4: /* set insert mode */ compatibility(VT102); insert = state; break; case 12: /* set echo mode */ term_echoing = !state; ldisc_send(NULL, 0, 0); /* cause ldisc to notice changes */ break; case 20: /* Return sends ... */ cr_lf_return = state; break; case 34: /* Make cursor BIG */ compatibility2(OTHER, VT220); big_cursor = !state; } } /* * Process an OSC sequence: set window title or icon name. */ static void do_osc(void) { if (osc_w) { while (osc_strlen--) wordness[(unsigned char) osc_string[osc_strlen]] = esc_args[0]; } else { osc_string[osc_strlen] = '\0'; switch (esc_args[0]) { case 0: case 1: set_icon(osc_string); if (esc_args[0] == 1) break; /* fall through: parameter 0 means set both */ case 2: case 21: set_title(osc_string); break; } } } /* * Remove everything currently in `inbuf' and stick it up on the * in-memory display. There's a big state machine in here to * process escape sequences... */ void term_out(void) { int c, unget; unsigned char localbuf[256], *chars; int nchars = 0; unget = -1; while (nchars > 0 || bufchain_size(&inbuf) > 0) { if (unget == -1) { if (nchars == 0) { void *ret; bufchain_prefix(&inbuf, &ret, &nchars); if (nchars > sizeof(localbuf)) nchars = sizeof(localbuf); memcpy(localbuf, ret, nchars); bufchain_consume(&inbuf, nchars); chars = localbuf; assert(chars != NULL); } c = *chars++; nchars--; /* * Optionally log the session traffic to a file. Useful for * debugging and possibly also useful for actual logging. */ if (cfg.logtype == LGTYP_DEBUG) logtraffic((unsigned char) c, LGTYP_DEBUG); } else { c = unget; unget = -1; } /* Note only VT220+ are 8-bit VT102 is seven bit, it shouldn't even * be able to display 8-bit characters, but I'll let that go 'cause * of i18n. */ /* First see about all those translations. */ if (termstate == TOPLEVEL) { if (in_utf) switch (utf_state) { case 0: if (c < 0x80) { /* UTF-8 must be stateless so we ignore iso2022. */ if (unitab_ctrl[c] != 0xFF) c = unitab_ctrl[c]; else c = ((unsigned char)c) | ATTR_ASCII; break; } else if ((c & 0xe0) == 0xc0) { utf_size = utf_state = 1; utf_char = (c & 0x1f); } else if ((c & 0xf0) == 0xe0) { utf_size = utf_state = 2; utf_char = (c & 0x0f); } else if ((c & 0xf8) == 0xf0) { utf_size = utf_state = 3; utf_char = (c & 0x07); } else if ((c & 0xfc) == 0xf8) { utf_size = utf_state = 4; utf_char = (c & 0x03); } else if ((c & 0xfe) == 0xfc) { utf_size = utf_state = 5; utf_char = (c & 0x01); } else { c = UCSERR; break; } continue; case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: if ((c & 0xC0) != 0x80) { unget = c; c = UCSERR; utf_state = 0; break; } utf_char = (utf_char << 6) | (c & 0x3f); if (--utf_state) continue; c = utf_char; /* Is somebody trying to be evil! */ if (c < 0x80 || (c < 0x800 && utf_size >= 2) || (c < 0x10000 && utf_size >= 3) || (c < 0x200000 && utf_size >= 4) || (c < 0x4000000 && utf_size >= 5)) c = UCSERR; /* Unicode line separator and paragraph separator are CR-LF */ if (c == 0x2028 || c == 0x2029) c = 0x85; /* High controls are probably a Baaad idea too. */ if (c < 0xA0) c = 0xFFFD; /* The UTF-16 surrogates are not nice either. */ /* The standard give the option of decoding these: * I don't want to! */ if (c >= 0xD800 && c < 0xE000) c = UCSERR; /* ISO 10646 characters now limited to UTF-16 range. */ if (c > 0x10FFFF) c = UCSERR; /* This is currently a TagPhobic application.. */ if (c >= 0xE0000 && c <= 0xE007F) continue; /* U+FEFF is best seen as a null. */ if (c == 0xFEFF) continue; /* But U+FFFE is an error. */ if (c == 0xFFFE || c == 0xFFFF) c = UCSERR; /* Oops this is a 16bit implementation */ if (c >= 0x10000) c = 0xFFFD; break; } /* Are we in the nasty ACS mode? Note: no sco in utf mode. */ else if(sco_acs && (c!='\033' && c!='\n' && c!='\r' && c!='\b')) { if (sco_acs == 2) c ^= 0x80; c |= ATTR_SCOACS; } else { switch (cset_attr[cset]) { /* * Linedraw characters are different from 'ESC ( B' * only for a small range. For ones outside that * range, make sure we use the same font as well as * the same encoding. */ case ATTR_LINEDRW: if (unitab_ctrl[c] != 0xFF) c = unitab_ctrl[c]; else c = ((unsigned char) c) | ATTR_LINEDRW; break; case ATTR_GBCHR: /* If UK-ASCII, make the '#' a LineDraw Pound */ if (c == '#') { c = '}' | ATTR_LINEDRW; break; } /*FALLTHROUGH*/ case ATTR_ASCII: if (unitab_ctrl[c] != 0xFF) c = unitab_ctrl[c]; else c = ((unsigned char) c) | ATTR_ASCII; break; case ATTR_SCOACS: if (c>=' ') c = ((unsigned char)c) | ATTR_SCOACS; break; } } } /* How about C1 controls ? */ if ((c & -32) == 0x80 && termstate < DO_CTRLS && !vt52_mode && has_compat(VT220)) { termstate = SEEN_ESC; esc_query = FALSE; c = '@' + (c & 0x1F); } /* Or the GL control. */ if (c == '\177' && termstate < DO_CTRLS && has_compat(OTHER)) { if (curs.x && !wrapnext) curs.x--; wrapnext = FALSE; fix_cpos; *cpos = (' ' | curr_attr | ATTR_ASCII); } else /* Or normal C0 controls. */ if ((c & -32) == 0 && termstate < DO_CTRLS) { switch (c) { case '\005': /* terminal type query */ /* Strictly speaking this is VT100 but a VT100 defaults to * no response. Other terminals respond at their option. * * Don't put a CR in the default string as this tends to * upset some weird software. * * An xterm returns "xterm" (5 characters) */ compatibility(ANSIMIN); { char abuf[256], *s, *d; int state = 0; for (s = cfg.answerback, d = abuf; *s; s++) { if (state) { if (*s >= 'a' && *s <= 'z') *d++ = (*s - ('a' - 1)); else if ((*s >= '@' && *s <= '_') || *s == '?' || (*s & 0x80)) *d++ = ('@' ^ *s); else if (*s == '~') *d++ = '^'; state = 0; } else if (*s == '^') { state = 1; } else *d++ = *s; } lpage_send(CP_ACP, abuf, d - abuf, 0); } break; case '\007': { struct beeptime *newbeep; unsigned long ticks; ticks = GetTickCount(); if (!beep_overloaded) { newbeep = smalloc(sizeof(struct beeptime)); newbeep->ticks = ticks; newbeep->next = NULL; if (!beephead) beephead = newbeep; else beeptail->next = newbeep; beeptail = newbeep; nbeeps++; } /* * Throw out any beeps that happened more than * t seconds ago. */ while (beephead && beephead->ticks < ticks - cfg.bellovl_t) { struct beeptime *tmp = beephead; beephead = tmp->next; sfree(tmp); if (!beephead) beeptail = NULL; nbeeps--; } if (cfg.bellovl && beep_overloaded && ticks - lastbeep >= (unsigned)cfg.bellovl_s) { /* * If we're currently overloaded and the * last beep was more than s seconds ago, * leave overload mode. */ beep_overloaded = FALSE; } else if (cfg.bellovl && !beep_overloaded && nbeeps >= cfg.bellovl_n) { /* * Now, if we have n or more beeps * remaining in the queue, go into overload * mode. */ beep_overloaded = TRUE; } lastbeep = ticks; /* * Perform an actual beep if we're not overloaded. */ if (!cfg.bellovl || !beep_overloaded) { beep(cfg.beep); if (cfg.beep == BELL_VISUAL) { in_vbell = TRUE; vbell_startpoint = ticks; term_update(); } } disptop = 0; } break; case '\b': if (curs.x == 0 && (curs.y == 0 || wrap == 0)); else if (curs.x == 0 && curs.y > 0) curs.x = cols - 1, curs.y--; else if (wrapnext) wrapnext = FALSE; else curs.x--; fix_cpos; seen_disp_event = TRUE; break; case '\016': compatibility(VT100); cset = 1; break; case '\017': compatibility(VT100); cset = 0; break; case '\033': if (vt52_mode) termstate = VT52_ESC; else { compatibility(ANSIMIN); termstate = SEEN_ESC; esc_query = FALSE; } break; case '\r': curs.x = 0; wrapnext = FALSE; fix_cpos; seen_disp_event = TRUE; paste_hold = 0; logtraffic((unsigned char) c, LGTYP_ASCII); break; case '\014': if (has_compat(SCOANSI)) { move(0, 0, 0); erase_lots(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE); disptop = 0; wrapnext = FALSE; seen_disp_event = 1; break; } case '\013': compatibility(VT100); case '\n': if (curs.y == marg_b) scroll(marg_t, marg_b, 1, TRUE); else if (curs.y < rows - 1) curs.y++; if (cfg.lfhascr) curs.x = 0; fix_cpos; wrapnext = FALSE; seen_disp_event = 1; paste_hold = 0; logtraffic((unsigned char) c, LGTYP_ASCII); break; case '\t': { pos old_curs = curs; unsigned long *ldata = lineptr(curs.y); do { curs.x++; } while (curs.x < cols - 1 && !tabs[curs.x]); if ((ldata[cols] & LATTR_MODE) != LATTR_NORM) { if (curs.x >= cols / 2) curs.x = cols / 2 - 1; } else { if (curs.x >= cols) curs.x = cols - 1; } fix_cpos; check_selection(old_curs, curs); } seen_disp_event = TRUE; break; } } else switch (termstate) { case TOPLEVEL: /* Only graphic characters get this far, ctrls are stripped above */ if (wrapnext && wrap) { cpos[1] |= LATTR_WRAPPED; if (curs.y == marg_b) scroll(marg_t, marg_b, 1, TRUE); else if (curs.y < rows - 1) curs.y++; curs.x = 0; fix_cpos; wrapnext = FALSE; } if (insert) insch(1); if (selstate != NO_SELECTION) { pos cursplus = curs; incpos(cursplus); check_selection(curs, cursplus); } if ((c & CSET_MASK) == ATTR_ASCII || (c & CSET_MASK) == 0) logtraffic((unsigned char) c, LGTYP_ASCII); { extern int wcwidth(wchar_t ucs); int width = 0; if (DIRECT_CHAR(c)) width = 1; if (!width) width = wcwidth((wchar_t) c); switch (width) { case 2: *cpos++ = c | curr_attr; if (++curs.x == cols) { *cpos |= LATTR_WRAPPED; if (curs.y == marg_b) scroll(marg_t, marg_b, 1, TRUE); else if (curs.y < rows - 1) curs.y++; curs.x = 0; fix_cpos; } *cpos++ = UCSWIDE | curr_attr; break; case 1: *cpos++ = c | curr_attr; break; default: continue; } } curs.x++; if (curs.x == cols) { cpos--; curs.x--; wrapnext = TRUE; if (wrap && vt52_mode) { cpos[1] |= LATTR_WRAPPED; if (curs.y == marg_b) scroll(marg_t, marg_b, 1, TRUE); else if (curs.y < rows - 1) curs.y++; curs.x = 0; fix_cpos; wrapnext = FALSE; } } seen_disp_event = 1; break; case OSC_MAYBE_ST: /* * This state is virtually identical to SEEN_ESC, with the * exception that we have an OSC sequence in the pipeline, * and _if_ we see a backslash, we process it. */ if (c == '\\') { do_osc(); termstate = TOPLEVEL; break; } /* else fall through */ case SEEN_ESC: if (c >= ' ' && c <= '/') { if (esc_query) esc_query = -1; else esc_query = c; break; } termstate = TOPLEVEL; switch (ANSI(c, esc_query)) { case '[': /* enter CSI mode */ termstate = SEEN_CSI; esc_nargs = 1; esc_args[0] = ARG_DEFAULT; esc_query = FALSE; break; case ']': /* xterm escape sequences */ /* Compatibility is nasty here, xterm, linux, decterm yuk! */ compatibility(OTHER); termstate = SEEN_OSC; esc_args[0] = 0; break; case '7': /* save cursor */ compatibility(VT100); save_cursor(TRUE); break; case '8': /* restore cursor */ compatibility(VT100); save_cursor(FALSE); seen_disp_event = TRUE; break; case '=': compatibility(VT100); app_keypad_keys = TRUE; break; case '>': compatibility(VT100); app_keypad_keys = FALSE; break; case 'D': /* exactly equivalent to LF */ compatibility(VT100); if (curs.y == marg_b) scroll(marg_t, marg_b, 1, TRUE); else if (curs.y < rows - 1) curs.y++; fix_cpos; wrapnext = FALSE; seen_disp_event = TRUE; break; case 'E': /* exactly equivalent to CR-LF */ compatibility(VT100); curs.x = 0; if (curs.y == marg_b) scroll(marg_t, marg_b, 1, TRUE); else if (curs.y < rows - 1) curs.y++; fix_cpos; wrapnext = FALSE; seen_disp_event = TRUE; break; case 'M': /* reverse index - backwards LF */ compatibility(VT100); if (curs.y == marg_t) scroll(marg_t, marg_b, -1, TRUE); else if (curs.y > 0) curs.y--; fix_cpos; wrapnext = FALSE; seen_disp_event = TRUE; break; case 'Z': /* terminal type query */ compatibility(VT100); ldisc_send(id_string, strlen(id_string), 0); break; case 'c': /* restore power-on settings */ compatibility(VT100); power_on(); if (reset_132) { request_resize(80, rows); reset_132 = 0; } fix_cpos; disptop = 0; seen_disp_event = TRUE; break; case 'H': /* set a tab */ compatibility(VT100); tabs[curs.x] = TRUE; break; case ANSI('8', '#'): /* ESC # 8 fills screen with Es :-) */ compatibility(VT100); { unsigned long *ldata; int i, j; pos scrtop, scrbot; for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) { ldata = lineptr(i); for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) ldata[j] = ATTR_DEFAULT | 'E'; ldata[cols] = 0; } disptop = 0; seen_disp_event = TRUE; scrtop.x = scrtop.y = 0; scrbot.x = 0; scrbot.y = rows; check_selection(scrtop, scrbot); } break; case ANSI('3', '#'): case ANSI('4', '#'): case ANSI('5', '#'): case ANSI('6', '#'): compatibility(VT100); { unsigned long nlattr; unsigned long *ldata; switch (ANSI(c, esc_query)) { case ANSI('3', '#'): nlattr = LATTR_TOP; break; case ANSI('4', '#'): nlattr = LATTR_BOT; break; case ANSI('5', '#'): nlattr = LATTR_NORM; break; default: /* spiritually case ANSI('6', '#'): */ nlattr = LATTR_WIDE; break; } ldata = lineptr(curs.y); ldata[cols] &= ~LATTR_MODE; ldata[cols] |= nlattr; } break; case ANSI('A', '('): compatibility(VT100); cset_attr[0] = ATTR_GBCHR; break; case ANSI('B', '('): compatibility(VT100); cset_attr[0] = ATTR_ASCII; break; case ANSI('0', '('): compatibility(VT100); cset_attr[0] = ATTR_LINEDRW; break; case ANSI('U', '('): compatibility(OTHER); cset_attr[0] = ATTR_SCOACS; break; case ANSI('A', ')'): compatibility(VT100); cset_attr[1] = ATTR_GBCHR; break; case ANSI('B', ')'): compatibility(VT100); cset_attr[1] = ATTR_ASCII; break; case ANSI('0', ')'): compatibility(VT100); cset_attr[1] = ATTR_LINEDRW; break; case ANSI('U', ')'): compatibility(OTHER); cset_attr[1] = ATTR_SCOACS; break; case ANSI('8', '%'): /* Old Linux code */ case ANSI('G', '%'): compatibility(OTHER); utf = 1; break; case ANSI('@', '%'): compatibility(OTHER); utf = 0; break; } break; case SEEN_CSI: termstate = TOPLEVEL; /* default */ if (isdigit(c)) { if (esc_nargs <= ARGS_MAX) { if (esc_args[esc_nargs - 1] == ARG_DEFAULT) esc_args[esc_nargs - 1] = 0; esc_args[esc_nargs - 1] = 10 * esc_args[esc_nargs - 1] + c - '0'; } termstate = SEEN_CSI; } else if (c == ';') { if (++esc_nargs <= ARGS_MAX) esc_args[esc_nargs - 1] = ARG_DEFAULT; termstate = SEEN_CSI; } else if (c < '@') { if (esc_query) esc_query = -1; else if (c == '?') esc_query = TRUE; else esc_query = c; termstate = SEEN_CSI; } else switch (ANSI(c, esc_query)) { case 'A': /* move up N lines */ move(curs.x, curs.y - def(esc_args[0], 1), 1); seen_disp_event = TRUE; break; case 'e': /* move down N lines */ compatibility(ANSI); /* FALLTHROUGH */ case 'B': move(curs.x, curs.y + def(esc_args[0], 1), 1); seen_disp_event = TRUE; break; case ANSI('c', '>'): /* report xterm version */ compatibility(OTHER); /* this reports xterm version 136 so that VIM can use the drag messages from the mouse reporting */ ldisc_send("\033[>0;136;0c", 11, 0); break; case 'a': /* move right N cols */ compatibility(ANSI); /* FALLTHROUGH */ case 'C': move(curs.x + def(esc_args[0], 1), curs.y, 1); seen_disp_event = TRUE; break; case 'D': /* move left N cols */ move(curs.x - def(esc_args[0], 1), curs.y, 1); seen_disp_event = TRUE; break; case 'E': /* move down N lines and CR */ compatibility(ANSI); move(0, curs.y + def(esc_args[0], 1), 1); seen_disp_event = TRUE; break; case 'F': /* move up N lines and CR */ compatibility(ANSI); move(0, curs.y - def(esc_args[0], 1), 1); seen_disp_event = TRUE; break; case 'G': case '`': /* set horizontal posn */ compatibility(ANSI); move(def(esc_args[0], 1) - 1, curs.y, 0); seen_disp_event = TRUE; break; case 'd': /* set vertical posn */ compatibility(ANSI); move(curs.x, (dec_om ? marg_t : 0) + def(esc_args[0], 1) - 1, (dec_om ? 2 : 0)); seen_disp_event = TRUE; break; case 'H': case 'f': /* set horz and vert posns at once */ if (esc_nargs < 2) esc_args[1] = ARG_DEFAULT; move(def(esc_args[1], 1) - 1, (dec_om ? marg_t : 0) + def(esc_args[0], 1) - 1, (dec_om ? 2 : 0)); seen_disp_event = TRUE; break; case 'J': /* erase screen or parts of it */ { unsigned int i = def(esc_args[0], 0) + 1; if (i > 3) i = 0; erase_lots(FALSE, !!(i & 2), !!(i & 1)); } disptop = 0; seen_disp_event = TRUE; break; case 'K': /* erase line or parts of it */ { unsigned int i = def(esc_args[0], 0) + 1; if (i > 3) i = 0; erase_lots(TRUE, !!(i & 2), !!(i & 1)); } seen_disp_event = TRUE; break; case 'L': /* insert lines */ compatibility(VT102); if (curs.y <= marg_b) scroll(curs.y, marg_b, -def(esc_args[0], 1), FALSE); fix_cpos; seen_disp_event = TRUE; break; case 'M': /* delete lines */ compatibility(VT102); if (curs.y <= marg_b) scroll(curs.y, marg_b, def(esc_args[0], 1), TRUE); fix_cpos; seen_disp_event = TRUE; break; case '@': /* insert chars */ /* XXX VTTEST says this is vt220, vt510 manual says vt102 */ compatibility(VT102); insch(def(esc_args[0], 1)); seen_disp_event = TRUE; break; case 'P': /* delete chars */ compatibility(VT102); insch(-def(esc_args[0], 1)); seen_disp_event = TRUE; break; case 'c': /* terminal type query */ compatibility(VT100); /* This is the response for a VT102 */ ldisc_send(id_string, strlen(id_string), 0); break; case 'n': /* cursor position query */ if (esc_args[0] == 6) { char buf[32]; sprintf(buf, "\033[%d;%dR", curs.y + 1, curs.x + 1); ldisc_send(buf, strlen(buf), 0); } else if (esc_args[0] == 5) { ldisc_send("\033[0n", 4, 0); } break; case 'h': /* toggle modes to high */ case ANSI_QUE('h'): compatibility(VT100); { int i; for (i = 0; i < esc_nargs; i++) toggle_mode(esc_args[i], esc_query, TRUE); } break; case 'l': /* toggle modes to low */ case ANSI_QUE('l'): compatibility(VT100); { int i; for (i = 0; i < esc_nargs; i++) toggle_mode(esc_args[i], esc_query, FALSE); } break; case 'g': /* clear tabs */ compatibility(VT100); if (esc_nargs == 1) { if (esc_args[0] == 0) { tabs[curs.x] = FALSE; } else if (esc_args[0] == 3) { int i; for (i = 0; i < cols; i++) tabs[i] = FALSE; } } break; case 'r': /* set scroll margins */ compatibility(VT100); if (esc_nargs <= 2) { int top, bot; top = def(esc_args[0], 1) - 1; bot = (esc_nargs <= 1 || esc_args[1] == 0 ? rows : def(esc_args[1], rows)) - 1; if (bot >= rows) bot = rows - 1; /* VTTEST Bug 9 - if region is less than 2 lines * don't change region. */ if (bot - top > 0) { marg_t = top; marg_b = bot; curs.x = 0; /* * I used to think the cursor should be * placed at the top of the newly marginned * area. Apparently not: VMS TPU falls over * if so. * * Well actually it should for Origin mode - RDB */ curs.y = (dec_om ? marg_t : 0); fix_cpos; seen_disp_event = TRUE; } } break; case 'm': /* set graphics rendition */ { /* * A VT100 without the AVO only had one attribute, either * underline or reverse video depending on the cursor type, * this was selected by CSI 7m. * * case 2: * This is sometimes DIM, eg on the GIGI and Linux * case 8: * This is sometimes INVIS various ANSI. * case 21: * This like 22 disables BOLD, DIM and INVIS * * The ANSI colours appear on any terminal that has colour * (obviously) but the interaction between sgr0 and the * colours varies but is usually related to the background * colour erase item. * The interaction between colour attributes and the mono * ones is also very implementation dependent. * * The 39 and 49 attributes are likely to be unimplemented. */ int i; for (i = 0; i < esc_nargs; i++) { switch (def(esc_args[i], 0)) { case 0: /* restore defaults */ curr_attr = ATTR_DEFAULT; break; case 1: /* enable bold */ compatibility(VT100AVO); curr_attr |= ATTR_BOLD; break; case 21: /* (enable double underline) */ compatibility(OTHER); case 4: /* enable underline */ compatibility(VT100AVO); curr_attr |= ATTR_UNDER; break; case 5: /* enable blink */ compatibility(VT100AVO); curr_attr |= ATTR_BLINK; break; case 7: /* enable reverse video */ curr_attr |= ATTR_REVERSE; break; case 10: /* SCO acs off */ compatibility(SCOANSI); sco_acs = 0; break; case 11: /* SCO acs on */ compatibility(SCOANSI); sco_acs = 1; break; case 12: /* SCO acs on flipped */ compatibility(SCOANSI); sco_acs = 2; break; case 22: /* disable bold */ compatibility2(OTHER, VT220); curr_attr &= ~ATTR_BOLD; break; case 24: /* disable underline */ compatibility2(OTHER, VT220); curr_attr &= ~ATTR_UNDER; break; case 25: /* disable blink */ compatibility2(OTHER, VT220); curr_attr &= ~ATTR_BLINK; break; case 27: /* disable reverse video */ compatibility2(OTHER, VT220); curr_attr &= ~ATTR_REVERSE; break; case 30: case 31: case 32: case 33: case 34: case 35: case 36: case 37: /* foreground */ curr_attr &= ~ATTR_FGMASK; curr_attr |= (esc_args[i] - 30) << ATTR_FGSHIFT; break; case 39: /* default-foreground */ curr_attr &= ~ATTR_FGMASK; curr_attr |= ATTR_DEFFG; break; case 40: case 41: case 42: case 43: case 44: case 45: case 46: case 47: /* background */ curr_attr &= ~ATTR_BGMASK; curr_attr |= (esc_args[i] - 40) << ATTR_BGSHIFT; break; case 49: /* default-background */ curr_attr &= ~ATTR_BGMASK; curr_attr |= ATTR_DEFBG; break; } } if (use_bce) erase_char = (' ' | ATTR_ASCII | (curr_attr & (ATTR_FGMASK | ATTR_BGMASK))); } break; case 's': /* save cursor */ save_cursor(TRUE); break; case 'u': /* restore cursor */ save_cursor(FALSE); seen_disp_event = TRUE; break; case 't': /* set page size - ie window height */ /* * VT340/VT420 sequence DECSLPP, DEC only allows values * 24/25/36/48/72/144 other emulators (eg dtterm) use * illegal values (eg first arg 1..9) for window changing * and reports. */ if (esc_nargs <= 1 && (esc_args[0] < 1 || esc_args[0] >= 24)) { compatibility(VT340TEXT); request_resize(cols, def(esc_args[0], 24)); deselect(); } else if (esc_nargs >= 1 && esc_args[0] >= 1 && esc_args[0] < 24) { compatibility(OTHER); switch (esc_args[0]) { int x, y, len; char buf[80], *p; case 1: set_iconic(FALSE); break; case 2: set_iconic(TRUE); break; case 3: if (esc_nargs >= 3) { move_window(def(esc_args[1], 0), def(esc_args[2], 0)); } break; case 4: /* We should resize the window to a given * size in pixels here, but currently our * resizing code isn't healthy enough to * manage it. */ break; case 5: set_zorder(TRUE); /* move to top */ break; case 6: set_zorder(FALSE); /* move to bottom */ break; case 7: refresh_window(); break; case 8: if (esc_nargs >= 3) { request_resize(def(esc_args[1], cfg.width), def(esc_args[2], cfg.height)); } break; case 9: if (esc_nargs >= 2) set_zoomed(esc_args[1] ? TRUE : FALSE); break; case 11: ldisc_send(is_iconic() ? "\033[1t" : "\033[2t", 4, 0); break; case 13: get_window_pos(&x, &y); len = sprintf(buf, "\033[3;%d;%dt", x, y); ldisc_send(buf, len, 0); break; case 14: get_window_pixels(&x, &y); len = sprintf(buf, "\033[4;%d;%dt", x, y); ldisc_send(buf, len, 0); break; case 18: len = sprintf(buf, "\033[8;%d;%dt", cols, rows); ldisc_send(buf, len, 0); break; case 19: /* * Hmmm. Strictly speaking we * should return `the size of the * screen in characters', but * that's not easy: (a) window * furniture being what it is it's * hard to compute, and (b) in * resize-font mode maximising the * window wouldn't change the * number of characters. *shrug*. I * think we'll ignore it for the * moment and see if anyone * complains, and then ask them * what they would like it to do. */ break; case 20: p = get_window_title(TRUE); len = strlen(p); ldisc_send("\033]L", 3, 0); ldisc_send(p, len, 0); ldisc_send("\033\\", 2, 0); break; case 21: p = get_window_title(FALSE); len = strlen(p); ldisc_send("\033]l", 3, 0); ldisc_send(p, len, 0); ldisc_send("\033\\", 2, 0); break; } } break; case 'S': compatibility(SCOANSI); scroll(marg_t, marg_b, def(esc_args[0], 1), TRUE); fix_cpos; wrapnext = FALSE; seen_disp_event = TRUE; break; case 'T': compatibility(SCOANSI); scroll(marg_t, marg_b, -def(esc_args[0], 1), TRUE); fix_cpos; wrapnext = FALSE; seen_disp_event = TRUE; break; case ANSI('|', '*'): /* VT420 sequence DECSNLS * Set number of lines on screen * VT420 uses VGA like hardware and can support any size in * reasonable range (24..49 AIUI) with no default specified. */ compatibility(VT420); if (esc_nargs == 1 && esc_args[0] > 0) { request_resize(cols, def(esc_args[0], cfg.height)); deselect(); } break; case ANSI('|', '$'): /* VT340/VT420 sequence DECSCPP * Set number of columns per page * Docs imply range is only 80 or 132, but I'll allow any. */ compatibility(VT340TEXT); if (esc_nargs <= 1) { request_resize(def(esc_args[0], cfg.width), rows); deselect(); } break; case 'X': /* write N spaces w/o moving cursor */ /* XXX VTTEST says this is vt220, vt510 manual says vt100 */ compatibility(ANSIMIN); { int n = def(esc_args[0], 1); pos cursplus; unsigned long *p = cpos; if (n > cols - curs.x) n = cols - curs.x; cursplus = curs; cursplus.x += n; check_selection(curs, cursplus); while (n--) *p++ = erase_char; seen_disp_event = TRUE; } break; case 'x': /* report terminal characteristics */ compatibility(VT100); { char buf[32]; int i = def(esc_args[0], 0); if (i == 0 || i == 1) { strcpy(buf, "\033[2;1;1;112;112;1;0x"); buf[2] += i; ldisc_send(buf, 20, 0); } } break; case 'Z': /* BackTab for xterm */ compatibility(OTHER); { int i = def(esc_args[0], 1); pos old_curs = curs; for(;i>0 && curs.x>0; i--) { do { curs.x--; } while (curs.x >0 && !tabs[curs.x]); } fix_cpos; check_selection(old_curs, curs); } break; case ANSI('L', '='): compatibility(OTHER); use_bce = (esc_args[0] <= 0); erase_char = ERASE_CHAR; if (use_bce) erase_char = (' ' | ATTR_ASCII | (curr_attr & (ATTR_FGMASK | ATTR_BGMASK))); break; case ANSI('E', '='): compatibility(OTHER); blink_is_real = (esc_args[0] >= 1); break; case ANSI('p', '"'): /* Allow the host to make this emulator a 'perfect' VT102. * This first appeared in the VT220, but we do need to get * back to PuTTY mode so I won't check it. * * The arg in 40..42,50 are a PuTTY extension. * The 2nd arg, 8bit vs 7bit is not checked. * * Setting VT102 mode should also change the Fkeys to * generate PF* codes as a real VT102 has no Fkeys. * The VT220 does this, F11..F13 become ESC,BS,LF other Fkeys * send nothing. * * Note ESC c will NOT change this! */ switch (esc_args[0]) { case 61: compatibility_level &= ~TM_VTXXX; compatibility_level |= TM_VT102; break; case 62: compatibility_level &= ~TM_VTXXX; compatibility_level |= TM_VT220; break; default: if (esc_args[0] > 60 && esc_args[0] < 70) compatibility_level |= TM_VTXXX; break; case 40: compatibility_level &= TM_VTXXX; break; case 41: compatibility_level = TM_PUTTY; break; case 42: compatibility_level = TM_SCOANSI; break; case ARG_DEFAULT: compatibility_level = TM_PUTTY; break; case 50: break; } /* Change the response to CSI c */ if (esc_args[0] == 50) { int i; char lbuf[64]; strcpy(id_string, "\033[?"); for (i = 1; i < esc_nargs; i++) { if (i != 1) strcat(id_string, ";"); sprintf(lbuf, "%d", esc_args[i]); strcat(id_string, lbuf); } strcat(id_string, "c"); } #if 0 /* Is this a good idea ? * Well we should do a soft reset at this point ... */ if (!has_compat(VT420) && has_compat(VT100)) { if (reset_132) request_resize(132, 24); else request_resize(80, 24); } #endif break; } break; case SEEN_OSC: osc_w = FALSE; switch (c) { case 'P': /* Linux palette sequence */ termstate = SEEN_OSC_P; osc_strlen = 0; break; case 'R': /* Linux palette reset */ palette_reset(); term_invalidate(); termstate = TOPLEVEL; break; case 'W': /* word-set */ termstate = SEEN_OSC_W; osc_w = TRUE; break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': esc_args[0] = 10 * esc_args[0] + c - '0'; break; case 'L': /* * Grotty hack to support xterm and DECterm title * sequences concurrently. */ if (esc_args[0] == 2) { esc_args[0] = 1; break; } /* else fall through */ default: termstate = OSC_STRING; osc_strlen = 0; } break; case OSC_STRING: /* * This OSC stuff is EVIL. It takes just one character to get into * sysline mode and it's not initially obvious how to get out. * So I've added CR and LF as string aborts. * This shouldn't effect compatibility as I believe embedded * control characters are supposed to be interpreted (maybe?) * and they don't display anything useful anyway. * * -- RDB */ if (c == '\n' || c == '\r') { termstate = TOPLEVEL; } else if (c == 0234 || c == '\007') { /* * These characters terminate the string; ST and BEL * terminate the sequence and trigger instant * processing of it, whereas ESC goes back to SEEN_ESC * mode unless it is followed by \, in which case it is * synonymous with ST in the first place. */ do_osc(); termstate = TOPLEVEL; } else if (c == '\033') termstate = OSC_MAYBE_ST; else if (osc_strlen < OSC_STR_MAX) osc_string[osc_strlen++] = c; break; case SEEN_OSC_P: { int max = (osc_strlen == 0 ? 21 : 16); int val; if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') val = c - '0'; else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'A' + max - 10) val = c - 'A' + 10; else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'a' + max - 10) val = c - 'a' + 10; else { termstate = TOPLEVEL; break; } osc_string[osc_strlen++] = val; if (osc_strlen >= 7) { palette_set(osc_string[0], osc_string[1] * 16 + osc_string[2], osc_string[3] * 16 + osc_string[4], osc_string[5] * 16 + osc_string[6]); term_invalidate(); termstate = TOPLEVEL; } } break; case SEEN_OSC_W: switch (c) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': esc_args[0] = 10 * esc_args[0] + c - '0'; break; default: termstate = OSC_STRING; osc_strlen = 0; } break; case VT52_ESC: termstate = TOPLEVEL; seen_disp_event = TRUE; switch (c) { case 'A': move(curs.x, curs.y - 1, 1); break; case 'B': move(curs.x, curs.y + 1, 1); break; case 'C': move(curs.x + 1, curs.y, 1); break; case 'D': move(curs.x - 1, curs.y, 1); break; /* * From the VT100 Manual * NOTE: The special graphics characters in the VT100 * are different from those in the VT52 * * From VT102 manual: * 137 _ Blank - Same * 140 ` Reserved - Humm. * 141 a Solid rectangle - Similar * 142 b 1/ - Top half of fraction for the * 143 c 3/ - subscript numbers below. * 144 d 5/ * 145 e 7/ * 146 f Degrees - Same * 147 g Plus or minus - Same * 150 h Right arrow * 151 i Ellipsis (dots) * 152 j Divide by * 153 k Down arrow * 154 l Bar at scan 0 * 155 m Bar at scan 1 * 156 n Bar at scan 2 * 157 o Bar at scan 3 - Similar * 160 p Bar at scan 4 - Similar * 161 q Bar at scan 5 - Similar * 162 r Bar at scan 6 - Same * 163 s Bar at scan 7 - Similar * 164 t Subscript 0 * 165 u Subscript 1 * 166 v Subscript 2 * 167 w Subscript 3 * 170 x Subscript 4 * 171 y Subscript 5 * 172 z Subscript 6 * 173 { Subscript 7 * 174 | Subscript 8 * 175 } Subscript 9 * 176 ~ Paragraph * */ case 'F': cset_attr[cset = 0] = ATTR_LINEDRW; break; case 'G': cset_attr[cset = 0] = ATTR_ASCII; break; case 'H': move(0, 0, 0); break; case 'I': if (curs.y == 0) scroll(0, rows - 1, -1, TRUE); else if (curs.y > 0) curs.y--; fix_cpos; wrapnext = FALSE; break; case 'J': erase_lots(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE); disptop = 0; break; case 'K': erase_lots(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE); break; #if 0 case 'V': /* XXX Print cursor line */ break; case 'W': /* XXX Start controller mode */ break; case 'X': /* XXX Stop controller mode */ break; #endif case 'Y': termstate = VT52_Y1; break; case 'Z': ldisc_send("\033/Z", 3, 0); break; case '=': app_keypad_keys = TRUE; break; case '>': app_keypad_keys = FALSE; break; case '<': /* XXX This should switch to VT100 mode not current or default * VT mode. But this will only have effect in a VT220+ * emulation. */ vt52_mode = FALSE; blink_is_real = cfg.blinktext; break; #if 0 case '^': /* XXX Enter auto print mode */ break; case '_': /* XXX Exit auto print mode */ break; case ']': /* XXX Print screen */ break; #endif #ifdef VT52_PLUS case 'E': /* compatibility(ATARI) */ move(0, 0, 0); erase_lots(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE); disptop = 0; break; case 'L': /* compatibility(ATARI) */ if (curs.y <= marg_b) scroll(curs.y, marg_b, -1, FALSE); break; case 'M': /* compatibility(ATARI) */ if (curs.y <= marg_b) scroll(curs.y, marg_b, 1, TRUE); break; case 'b': /* compatibility(ATARI) */ termstate = VT52_FG; break; case 'c': /* compatibility(ATARI) */ termstate = VT52_BG; break; case 'd': /* compatibility(ATARI) */ erase_lots(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE); disptop = 0; break; case 'e': /* compatibility(ATARI) */ cursor_on = TRUE; break; case 'f': /* compatibility(ATARI) */ cursor_on = FALSE; break; /* case 'j': Save cursor position - broken on ST */ /* case 'k': Restore cursor position */ case 'l': /* compatibility(ATARI) */ erase_lots(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE); curs.x = 0; wrapnext = FALSE; fix_cpos; break; case 'o': /* compatibility(ATARI) */ erase_lots(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE); break; case 'p': /* compatibility(ATARI) */ curr_attr |= ATTR_REVERSE; break; case 'q': /* compatibility(ATARI) */ curr_attr &= ~ATTR_REVERSE; break; case 'v': /* wrap Autowrap on - Wyse style */ /* compatibility(ATARI) */ wrap = 1; break; case 'w': /* Autowrap off */ /* compatibility(ATARI) */ wrap = 0; break; case 'R': /* compatibility(OTHER) */ vt52_bold = FALSE; curr_attr = ATTR_DEFAULT; if (use_bce) erase_char = (' ' | ATTR_ASCII | (curr_attr & (ATTR_FGMASK | ATTR_BGMASK))); break; case 'S': /* compatibility(VI50) */ curr_attr |= ATTR_UNDER; break; case 'W': /* compatibility(VI50) */ curr_attr &= ~ATTR_UNDER; break; case 'U': /* compatibility(VI50) */ vt52_bold = TRUE; curr_attr |= ATTR_BOLD; break; case 'T': /* compatibility(VI50) */ vt52_bold = FALSE; curr_attr &= ~ATTR_BOLD; break; #endif } break; case VT52_Y1: termstate = VT52_Y2; move(curs.x, c - ' ', 0); break; case VT52_Y2: termstate = TOPLEVEL; move(c - ' ', curs.y, 0); break; #ifdef VT52_PLUS case VT52_FG: termstate = TOPLEVEL; curr_attr &= ~ATTR_FGMASK; curr_attr &= ~ATTR_BOLD; curr_attr |= (c & 0x7) << ATTR_FGSHIFT; if ((c & 0x8) || vt52_bold) curr_attr |= ATTR_BOLD; if (use_bce) erase_char = (' ' | ATTR_ASCII | (curr_attr & (ATTR_FGMASK | ATTR_BGMASK))); break; case VT52_BG: termstate = TOPLEVEL; curr_attr &= ~ATTR_BGMASK; curr_attr &= ~ATTR_BLINK; curr_attr |= (c & 0x7) << ATTR_BGSHIFT; /* Note: bold background */ if (c & 0x8) curr_attr |= ATTR_BLINK; if (use_bce) erase_char = (' ' | ATTR_ASCII | (curr_attr & (ATTR_FGMASK | ATTR_BGMASK))); break; #endif default: break; /* placate gcc warning about enum use */ } if (selstate != NO_SELECTION) { pos cursplus = curs; incpos(cursplus); check_selection(curs, cursplus); } } } #if 0 /* * Compare two lines to determine whether they are sufficiently * alike to scroll-optimise one to the other. Return the degree of * similarity. */ static int linecmp(unsigned long *a, unsigned long *b) { int i, n; for (i = n = 0; i < cols; i++) n += (*a++ == *b++); return n; } #endif /* * Given a context, update the window. Out of paranoia, we don't * allow WM_PAINT responses to do scrolling optimisations. */ static void do_paint(Context ctx, int may_optimise) { int i, j, our_curs_y; unsigned long rv, cursor; pos scrpos; char ch[1024]; long cursor_background = ERASE_CHAR; unsigned long ticks; /* * Check the visual bell state. */ if (in_vbell) { ticks = GetTickCount(); if (ticks - vbell_startpoint >= VBELL_TIMEOUT) in_vbell = FALSE; } rv = (!rvideo ^ !in_vbell ? ATTR_REVERSE : 0); /* Depends on: * screen array, disptop, scrtop, * selection, rv, * cfg.blinkpc, blink_is_real, tblinker, * curs.y, curs.x, blinker, cfg.blink_cur, cursor_on, has_focus, wrapnext */ /* Has the cursor position or type changed ? */ if (cursor_on) { if (has_focus) { if (blinker || !cfg.blink_cur) cursor = TATTR_ACTCURS; else cursor = 0; } else cursor = TATTR_PASCURS; if (wrapnext) cursor |= TATTR_RIGHTCURS; } else cursor = 0; our_curs_y = curs.y - disptop; if (dispcurs && (curstype != cursor || dispcurs != disptext + our_curs_y * (cols + 1) + curs.x)) { if (dispcurs > disptext && (*dispcurs & (CHAR_MASK | CSET_MASK)) == UCSWIDE) dispcurs[-1] |= ATTR_INVALID; if ( (dispcurs[1] & (CHAR_MASK | CSET_MASK)) == UCSWIDE) dispcurs[1] |= ATTR_INVALID; *dispcurs |= ATTR_INVALID; curstype = 0; } dispcurs = NULL; /* The normal screen data */ for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) { unsigned long *ldata; int lattr; int idx, dirty_line, dirty_run, selected; unsigned long attr = 0; int updated_line = 0; int start = 0; int ccount = 0; int last_run_dirty = 0; scrpos.y = i + disptop; ldata = lineptr(scrpos.y); lattr = (ldata[cols] & LATTR_MODE); idx = i * (cols + 1); dirty_run = dirty_line = (ldata[cols] != disptext[idx + cols]); disptext[idx + cols] = ldata[cols]; for (j = 0; j < cols; j++, idx++) { unsigned long tattr, tchar; unsigned long *d = ldata + j; int break_run; scrpos.x = j; tchar = (*d & (CHAR_MASK | CSET_MASK)); tattr = (*d & (ATTR_MASK ^ CSET_MASK)); switch (tchar & CSET_MASK) { case ATTR_ASCII: tchar = unitab_line[tchar & 0xFF]; break; case ATTR_LINEDRW: tchar = unitab_xterm[tchar & 0xFF]; break; case ATTR_SCOACS: tchar = unitab_scoacs[tchar&0xFF]; break; } tattr |= (tchar & CSET_MASK); tchar &= CHAR_MASK; if ((d[1] & (CHAR_MASK | CSET_MASK)) == UCSWIDE) tattr |= ATTR_WIDE; /* Video reversing things */ if (seltype == LEXICOGRAPHIC) selected = posle(selstart, scrpos) && poslt(scrpos, selend); else selected = posPle(selstart, scrpos) && posPlt(scrpos, selend); tattr = (tattr ^ rv ^ (selected ? ATTR_REVERSE : 0)); /* 'Real' blinking ? */ if (blink_is_real && (tattr & ATTR_BLINK)) { if (has_focus && tblinker) { tchar = ' '; tattr &= ~CSET_MASK; tattr |= ATTR_ACP; } tattr &= ~ATTR_BLINK; } /* * Check the font we'll _probably_ be using to see if * the character is wide when we don't want it to be. */ if ((tchar | tattr) != (disptext[idx]& ~ATTR_NARROW)) { if ((tattr & ATTR_WIDE) == 0 && CharWidth(ctx, (tchar | tattr) & 0xFFFF) == 2) tattr |= ATTR_NARROW; } else if (disptext[idx]&ATTR_NARROW) tattr |= ATTR_NARROW; /* Cursor here ? Save the 'background' */ if (i == our_curs_y && j == curs.x) { cursor_background = tattr | tchar; dispcurs = disptext + idx; } if ((disptext[idx] ^ tattr) & ATTR_WIDE) dirty_line = TRUE; break_run = (tattr != attr || j - start >= sizeof(ch)); /* Special hack for VT100 Linedraw glyphs */ if ((attr & CSET_MASK) == 0x2300 && tchar >= 0xBA && tchar <= 0xBD) break_run = TRUE; if (!dbcs_screenfont && !dirty_line) { if ((tchar | tattr) == disptext[idx]) break_run = TRUE; else if (!dirty_run && ccount == 1) break_run = TRUE; } if (break_run) { if ((dirty_run || last_run_dirty) && ccount > 0) { do_text(ctx, start, i, ch, ccount, attr, lattr); updated_line = 1; } start = j; ccount = 0; attr = tattr; if (dbcs_screenfont) last_run_dirty = dirty_run; dirty_run = dirty_line; } if ((tchar | tattr) != disptext[idx]) dirty_run = TRUE; ch[ccount++] = (char) tchar; disptext[idx] = tchar | tattr; /* If it's a wide char step along to the next one. */ if (tattr & ATTR_WIDE) { if (++j < cols) { idx++; d++; /* Cursor is here ? Ouch! */ if (i == our_curs_y && j == curs.x) { cursor_background = *d; dispcurs = disptext + idx; } if (disptext[idx] != *d) dirty_run = TRUE; disptext[idx] = *d; } } } if (dirty_run && ccount > 0) { do_text(ctx, start, i, ch, ccount, attr, lattr); updated_line = 1; } /* Cursor on this line ? (and changed) */ if (i == our_curs_y && (curstype != cursor || updated_line)) { ch[0] = (char) (cursor_background & CHAR_MASK); attr = (cursor_background & ATTR_MASK) | cursor; do_cursor(ctx, curs.x, i, ch, 1, attr, lattr); curstype = cursor; } } } /* * Flick the switch that says if blinking things should be shown or hidden. */ void term_blink(int flg) { static long last_blink = 0; static long last_tblink = 0; long now, blink_diff; now = GetTickCount(); blink_diff = now - last_tblink; /* Make sure the text blinks no more than 2Hz */ if (blink_diff < 0 || blink_diff > 450) { last_tblink = now; tblinker = !tblinker; } if (flg) { blinker = 1; last_blink = now; return; } blink_diff = now - last_blink; /* Make sure the cursor blinks no faster than GetCaretBlinkTime() */ if (blink_diff >= 0 && blink_diff < (long) GetCaretBlinkTime()) return; last_blink = now; blinker = !blinker; } /* * Invalidate the whole screen so it will be repainted in full. */ void term_invalidate(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < rows * (cols + 1); i++) disptext[i] = ATTR_INVALID; } /* * Paint the window in response to a WM_PAINT message. */ void term_paint(Context ctx, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { int i, j; if (left < 0) left = 0; if (top < 0) top = 0; if (right >= cols) right = cols-1; if (bottom >= rows) bottom = rows-1; for (i = top; i <= bottom && i < rows; i++) { if ((disptext[i * (cols + 1) + cols] & LATTR_MODE) == LATTR_NORM) for (j = left; j <= right && j < cols; j++) disptext[i * (cols + 1) + j] = ATTR_INVALID; else for (j = left / 2; j <= right / 2 + 1 && j < cols; j++) disptext[i * (cols + 1) + j] = ATTR_INVALID; } /* This should happen soon enough, also for some reason it sometimes * fails to actually do anything when re-sizing ... painting the wrong * window perhaps ? */ if (alt_pressed) do_paint (ctx, FALSE); } /* * Attempt to scroll the scrollback. The second parameter gives the * position we want to scroll to; the first is +1 to denote that * this position is relative to the beginning of the scrollback, -1 * to denote it is relative to the end, and 0 to denote that it is * relative to the current position. */ void term_scroll(int rel, int where) { int sbtop = -count234(scrollback); disptop = (rel < 0 ? 0 : rel > 0 ? sbtop : disptop) + where; if (disptop < sbtop) disptop = sbtop; if (disptop > 0) disptop = 0; update_sbar(); term_update(); } static void clipme(pos top, pos bottom, int rect) { wchar_t *workbuf; wchar_t *wbptr; /* where next char goes within workbuf */ int old_top_x; int wblen = 0; /* workbuf len */ int buflen; /* amount of memory allocated to workbuf */ buflen = 5120; /* Default size */ workbuf = smalloc(buflen * sizeof(wchar_t)); wbptr = workbuf; /* start filling here */ old_top_x = top.x; /* needed for rect==1 */ while (poslt(top, bottom)) { int nl = FALSE; unsigned long *ldata = lineptr(top.y); pos nlpos; /* * nlpos will point at the maximum position on this line we * should copy up to. So we start it at the end of the * line... */ nlpos.y = top.y; nlpos.x = cols; /* * ... move it backwards if there's unused space at the end * of the line (and also set `nl' if this is the case, * because in normal selection mode this means we need a * newline at the end)... */ if (!(ldata[cols] & LATTR_WRAPPED)) { while (((ldata[nlpos.x - 1] & 0xFF) == 0x20 || (DIRECT_CHAR(ldata[nlpos.x - 1]) && (ldata[nlpos.x - 1] & CHAR_MASK) == 0x20)) && poslt(top, nlpos)) decpos(nlpos); if (poslt(nlpos, bottom)) nl = TRUE; } /* * ... and then clip it to the terminal x coordinate if * we're doing rectangular selection. (In this case we * still did the above, so that copying e.g. the right-hand * column from a table doesn't fill with spaces on the * right.) */ if (rect) { if (nlpos.x > bottom.x) nlpos.x = bottom.x; nl = (top.y < bottom.y); } while (poslt(top, bottom) && poslt(top, nlpos)) { #if 0 char cbuf[16], *p; sprintf(cbuf, "<U+%04x>", (ldata[top.x] & 0xFFFF)); #else wchar_t cbuf[16], *p; int uc = (ldata[top.x] & 0xFFFF); int set, c; if (uc == UCSWIDE) { top.x++; continue; } switch (uc & CSET_MASK) { case ATTR_LINEDRW: if (!cfg.rawcnp) { uc = unitab_xterm[uc & 0xFF]; break; } case ATTR_ASCII: uc = unitab_line[uc & 0xFF]; break; case ATTR_SCOACS: uc = unitab_scoacs[uc&0xFF]; break; } switch (uc & CSET_MASK) { case ATTR_ACP: uc = unitab_font[uc & 0xFF]; break; case ATTR_OEMCP: uc = unitab_oemcp[uc & 0xFF]; break; } set = (uc & CSET_MASK); c = (uc & CHAR_MASK); cbuf[0] = uc; cbuf[1] = 0; if (DIRECT_FONT(uc)) { if (c >= ' ' && c != 0x7F) { unsigned char buf[4]; WCHAR wbuf[4]; int rv; if (IsDBCSLeadByteEx(font_codepage, (BYTE) c)) { buf[0] = c; buf[1] = (unsigned char) ldata[top.x + 1]; rv = MultiByteToWideChar(font_codepage, 0, buf, 2, wbuf, 4); top.x++; } else { buf[0] = c; rv = MultiByteToWideChar(font_codepage, 0, buf, 1, wbuf, 4); } if (rv > 0) { memcpy(cbuf, wbuf, rv * sizeof(wchar_t)); cbuf[rv] = 0; } } } #endif for (p = cbuf; *p; p++) { /* Enough overhead for trailing NL and nul */ if (wblen >= buflen - 16) { workbuf = srealloc(workbuf, sizeof(wchar_t) * (buflen += 100)); wbptr = workbuf + wblen; } wblen++; *wbptr++ = *p; } top.x++; } if (nl) { int i; for (i = 0; i < sel_nl_sz; i++) { wblen++; *wbptr++ = sel_nl[i]; } } top.y++; top.x = rect ? old_top_x : 0; } wblen++; *wbptr++ = 0; write_clip(workbuf, wblen, FALSE); /* transfer to clipboard */ if (buflen > 0) /* indicates we allocated this buffer */ sfree(workbuf); } void term_copyall(void) { pos top; top.y = -count234(scrollback); top.x = 0; clipme(top, curs, 0); } /* * The wordness array is mainly for deciding the disposition of the US-ASCII * characters. */ static int wordtype(int uc) { static struct { int start, end, ctype; } *wptr, ucs_words[] = { { 128, 160, 0}, { 161, 191, 1}, { 215, 215, 1}, { 247, 247, 1}, { 0x037e, 0x037e, 1}, /* Greek question mark */ { 0x0387, 0x0387, 1}, /* Greek ano teleia */ { 0x055a, 0x055f, 1}, /* Armenian punctuation */ { 0x0589, 0x0589, 1}, /* Armenian full stop */ { 0x0700, 0x070d, 1}, /* Syriac punctuation */ { 0x104a, 0x104f, 1}, /* Myanmar punctuation */ { 0x10fb, 0x10fb, 1}, /* Georgian punctuation */ { 0x1361, 0x1368, 1}, /* Ethiopic punctuation */ { 0x166d, 0x166e, 1}, /* Canadian Syl. punctuation */ { 0x17d4, 0x17dc, 1}, /* Khmer punctuation */ { 0x1800, 0x180a, 1}, /* Mongolian punctuation */ { 0x2000, 0x200a, 0}, /* Various spaces */ { 0x2070, 0x207f, 2}, /* superscript */ { 0x2080, 0x208f, 2}, /* subscript */ { 0x200b, 0x27ff, 1}, /* punctuation and symbols */ { 0x3000, 0x3000, 0}, /* ideographic space */ { 0x3001, 0x3020, 1}, /* ideographic punctuation */ { 0x303f, 0x309f, 3}, /* Hiragana */ { 0x30a0, 0x30ff, 3}, /* Katakana */ { 0x3300, 0x9fff, 3}, /* CJK Ideographs */ { 0xac00, 0xd7a3, 3}, /* Hangul Syllables */ { 0xf900, 0xfaff, 3}, /* CJK Ideographs */ { 0xfe30, 0xfe6b, 1}, /* punctuation forms */ { 0xff00, 0xff0f, 1}, /* half/fullwidth ASCII */ { 0xff1a, 0xff20, 1}, /* half/fullwidth ASCII */ { 0xff3b, 0xff40, 1}, /* half/fullwidth ASCII */ { 0xff5b, 0xff64, 1}, /* half/fullwidth ASCII */ { 0xfff0, 0xffff, 0}, /* half/fullwidth ASCII */ { 0, 0, 0} }; uc &= (CSET_MASK | CHAR_MASK); switch (uc & CSET_MASK) { case ATTR_LINEDRW: uc = unitab_xterm[uc & 0xFF]; break; case ATTR_ASCII: uc = unitab_line[uc & 0xFF]; break; case ATTR_SCOACS: uc = unitab_scoacs[uc&0xFF]; break; } switch (uc & CSET_MASK) { case ATTR_ACP: uc = unitab_font[uc & 0xFF]; break; case ATTR_OEMCP: uc = unitab_oemcp[uc & 0xFF]; break; } /* For DBCS font's I can't do anything usefull. Even this will sometimes * fail as there's such a thing as a double width space. :-( */ if (dbcs_screenfont && font_codepage == line_codepage) return (uc != ' '); if (uc < 0x80) return wordness[uc]; for (wptr = ucs_words; wptr->start; wptr++) { if (uc >= wptr->start && uc <= wptr->end) return wptr->ctype; } return 2; } /* * Spread the selection outwards according to the selection mode. */ static pos sel_spread_half(pos p, int dir) { unsigned long *ldata; short wvalue; int topy = -count234(scrollback); ldata = lineptr(p.y); switch (selmode) { case SM_CHAR: /* * In this mode, every character is a separate unit, except * for runs of spaces at the end of a non-wrapping line. */ if (!(ldata[cols] & LATTR_WRAPPED)) { unsigned long *q = ldata + cols; while (q > ldata && (q[-1] & CHAR_MASK) == 0x20) q--; if (q == ldata + cols) q--; if (p.x >= q - ldata) p.x = (dir == -1 ? q - ldata : cols - 1); } break; case SM_WORD: /* * In this mode, the units are maximal runs of characters * whose `wordness' has the same value. */ wvalue = wordtype(ldata[p.x]); if (dir == +1) { while (1) { if (p.x < cols-1) { if (wordtype(ldata[p.x + 1]) == wvalue) p.x++; else break; } else { if (ldata[cols] & LATTR_WRAPPED) { unsigned long *ldata2; ldata2 = lineptr(p.y+1); if (wordtype(ldata2[0]) == wvalue) { p.x = 0; p.y++; ldata = ldata2; } else break; } else break; } } } else { while (1) { if (p.x > 0) { if (wordtype(ldata[p.x - 1]) == wvalue) p.x--; else break; } else { unsigned long *ldata2; if (p.y <= topy) break; ldata2 = lineptr(p.y-1); if ((ldata2[cols] & LATTR_WRAPPED) && wordtype(ldata2[cols-1]) == wvalue) { p.x = cols-1; p.y--; ldata = ldata2; } else break; } } } break; case SM_LINE: /* * In this mode, every line is a unit. */ p.x = (dir == -1 ? 0 : cols - 1); break; } return p; } static void sel_spread(void) { if (seltype == LEXICOGRAPHIC) { selstart = sel_spread_half(selstart, -1); decpos(selend); selend = sel_spread_half(selend, +1); incpos(selend); } } void term_do_paste(void) { wchar_t *data; int len; get_clip(&data, &len); if (data) { wchar_t *p, *q; if (paste_buffer) sfree(paste_buffer); paste_pos = paste_hold = paste_len = 0; paste_buffer = smalloc(len * sizeof(wchar_t)); p = q = data; while (p < data + len) { while (p < data + len && !(p <= data + len - sel_nl_sz && !memcmp(p, sel_nl, sizeof(sel_nl)))) p++; { int i; for (i = 0; i < p - q; i++) { paste_buffer[paste_len++] = q[i]; } } if (p <= data + len - sel_nl_sz && !memcmp(p, sel_nl, sizeof(sel_nl))) { paste_buffer[paste_len++] = '\r'; p += sel_nl_sz; } q = p; } /* Assume a small paste will be OK in one go. */ if (paste_len < 256) { luni_send(paste_buffer, paste_len, 0); if (paste_buffer) sfree(paste_buffer); paste_buffer = 0; paste_pos = paste_hold = paste_len = 0; } } get_clip(NULL, NULL); } void term_mouse(Mouse_Button b, Mouse_Action a, int x, int y, int shift, int ctrl, int alt) { pos selpoint; unsigned long *ldata; int raw_mouse = xterm_mouse && !(cfg.mouse_override && shift); int default_seltype; if (y < 0) { y = 0; if (a == MA_DRAG && !raw_mouse) term_scroll(0, -1); } if (y >= rows) { y = rows - 1; if (a == MA_DRAG && !raw_mouse) term_scroll(0, +1); } if (x < 0) { if (y > 0) { x = cols - 1; y--; } else x = 0; } if (x >= cols) x = cols - 1; selpoint.y = y + disptop; selpoint.x = x; ldata = lineptr(selpoint.y); if ((ldata[cols] & LATTR_MODE) != LATTR_NORM) selpoint.x /= 2; if (raw_mouse) { int encstate = 0, r, c; char abuf[16]; static int is_down = 0; switch (b) { case MBT_LEFT: encstate = 0x20; /* left button down */ break; case MBT_MIDDLE: encstate = 0x21; break; case MBT_RIGHT: encstate = 0x22; break; case MBT_WHEEL_UP: encstate = 0x60; break; case MBT_WHEEL_DOWN: encstate = 0x61; break; default: break; /* placate gcc warning about enum use */ } switch (a) { case MA_DRAG: if (xterm_mouse == 1) return; encstate += 0x20; break; case MA_RELEASE: encstate = 0x23; is_down = 0; break; case MA_CLICK: if (is_down == b) return; is_down = b; break; default: break; /* placate gcc warning about enum use */ } if (shift) encstate += 0x04; if (ctrl) encstate += 0x10; r = y + 33; c = x + 33; sprintf(abuf, "\033[M%c%c%c", encstate, c, r); ldisc_send(abuf, 6, 0); return; } b = translate_button(b); /* * Set the selection type (rectangular or normal) at the start * of a selection attempt, from the state of Alt. */ if (!alt ^ !cfg.rect_select) default_seltype = RECTANGULAR; else default_seltype = LEXICOGRAPHIC; if (selstate == NO_SELECTION) { seltype = default_seltype; } if (b == MBT_SELECT && a == MA_CLICK) { deselect(); selstate = ABOUT_TO; seltype = default_seltype; selanchor = selpoint; selmode = SM_CHAR; } else if (b == MBT_SELECT && (a == MA_2CLK || a == MA_3CLK)) { deselect(); selmode = (a == MA_2CLK ? SM_WORD : SM_LINE); selstate = DRAGGING; selstart = selanchor = selpoint; selend = selstart; incpos(selend); sel_spread(); } else if ((b == MBT_SELECT && a == MA_DRAG) || (b == MBT_EXTEND && a != MA_RELEASE)) { if (selstate == ABOUT_TO && poseq(selanchor, selpoint)) return; if (b == MBT_EXTEND && a != MA_DRAG && selstate == SELECTED) { if (seltype == LEXICOGRAPHIC) { /* * For normal selection, we extend by moving * whichever end of the current selection is closer * to the mouse. */ if (posdiff(selpoint, selstart) < posdiff(selend, selstart) / 2) { selanchor = selend; decpos(selanchor); } else { selanchor = selstart; } } else { /* * For rectangular selection, we have a choice of * _four_ places to put selanchor and selpoint: the * four corners of the selection. */ if (2*selpoint.x < selstart.x + selend.x) selanchor.x = selend.x-1; else selanchor.x = selstart.x; if (2*selpoint.y < selstart.y + selend.y) selanchor.y = selend.y; else selanchor.y = selstart.y; } selstate = DRAGGING; } if (selstate != ABOUT_TO && selstate != DRAGGING) selanchor = selpoint; selstate = DRAGGING; if (seltype == LEXICOGRAPHIC) { /* * For normal selection, we set (selstart,selend) to * (selpoint,selanchor) in some order. */ if (poslt(selpoint, selanchor)) { selstart = selpoint; selend = selanchor; incpos(selend); } else { selstart = selanchor; selend = selpoint; incpos(selend); } } else { /* * For rectangular selection, we may need to * interchange x and y coordinates (if the user has * dragged in the -x and +y directions, or vice versa). */ selstart.x = min(selanchor.x, selpoint.x); selend.x = 1+max(selanchor.x, selpoint.x); selstart.y = min(selanchor.y, selpoint.y); selend.y = max(selanchor.y, selpoint.y); } sel_spread(); } else if ((b == MBT_SELECT || b == MBT_EXTEND) && a == MA_RELEASE) { if (selstate == DRAGGING) { /* * We've completed a selection. We now transfer the * data to the clipboard. */ clipme(selstart, selend, (seltype == RECTANGULAR)); selstate = SELECTED; } else selstate = NO_SELECTION; } else if (b == MBT_PASTE && (a == MA_CLICK || a == MA_2CLK || a == MA_3CLK)) { term_do_paste(); } term_update(); } void term_nopaste() { if (paste_len == 0) return; sfree(paste_buffer); paste_buffer = 0; paste_len = 0; } void term_paste() { static long last_paste = 0; long now, paste_diff; if (paste_len == 0) return; /* Don't wait forever to paste */ if (paste_hold) { now = GetTickCount(); paste_diff = now - last_paste; if (paste_diff >= 0 && paste_diff < 450) return; } paste_hold = 0; while (paste_pos < paste_len) { int n = 0; while (n + paste_pos < paste_len) { if (paste_buffer[paste_pos + n++] == '\r') break; } luni_send(paste_buffer + paste_pos, n, 0); paste_pos += n; if (paste_pos < paste_len) { paste_hold = 1; return; } } sfree(paste_buffer); paste_buffer = 0; paste_len = 0; } static void deselect(void) { selstate = NO_SELECTION; selstart.x = selstart.y = selend.x = selend.y = 0; } void term_deselect(void) { deselect(); term_update(); } int term_ldisc(int option) { if (option == LD_ECHO) return term_echoing; if (option == LD_EDIT) return term_editing; return FALSE; } /* * from_backend(), to get data from the backend for the terminal. */ int from_backend(int is_stderr, char *data, int len) { bufchain_add(&inbuf, data, len); /* * term_out() always completely empties inbuf. Therefore, * there's no reason at all to return anything other than zero * from this function, because there _can't_ be a question of * the remote side needing to wait until term_out() has cleared * a backlog. * * This is a slightly suboptimal way to deal with SSH2 - in * principle, the window mechanism would allow us to continue * to accept data on forwarded ports and X connections even * while the terminal processing was going slowly - but we * can't do the 100% right thing without moving the terminal * processing into a separate thread, and that might hurt * portability. So we manage stdout buffering the old SSH1 way: * if the terminal processing goes slowly, the whole SSH * connection stops accepting data until it's ready. * * In practice, I can't imagine this causing serious trouble. */ return 0; }