\cfg{man-identity}{puttytel}{1}{2004-03-24}{PuTTY tool suite}{PuTTY tool suite} \H{puttytel-manpage} Man page for PuTTYtel \S{puttytel-manpage-name} NAME \cw{puttytel} \- GUI Telnet, Rlogin, and SUPDUP client for X \S{puttytel-manpage-synopsis} SYNOPSIS \c puttytel [ options ] [ host ] \e bbbbbbbb iiiiiii iiii \S{puttytel-manpage-description} DESCRIPTION \cw{puttytel} is a graphical Telnet, Rlogin, and SUPDUP client for X. It is a direct port of the Windows Telnet, Rlogin, and SUPDUP client of the same name, and a cut-down cryptography-free version of PuTTY. \S{puttytel-manpage-options} OPTIONS The command-line options supported by \cw{puttytel} are: \dt \cw{\-\-display} \e{display\-name} \dd Specify the X display on which to open \cw{puttytel}. (Note this option has a double minus sign, even though none of the others do. This is because this option is supplied automatically by GTK. Sorry.) \dt \cw{\-fn} \e{font-name} \dd Specify the font to use for normal text displayed in the terminal. For example, \cw{\-fn\_fixed}, \cw{\-fn\_"Monospace\_12"}. \dt \cw{\-fb} \e{font-name} \dd Specify the font to use for bold text displayed in the terminal. If the \cw{BoldAsColour} resource is set to 1 (the default), bold text will be displayed in different colours instead of a different font, so this option will be ignored. If \cw{BoldAsColour} is set to 0 or 2 and you do not specify a bold font, \cw{puttytel} will overprint the normal font to make it look bolder. \dt \cw{\-fw} \e{font-name} \dd Specify the font to use for double-width characters (typically Chinese, Japanese and Korean text) displayed in the terminal. \dt \cw{\-fwb} \e{font-name} \dd Specify the font to use for bold double-width characters (typically Chinese, Japanese and Korean text). Like \cw{-fb}, this will be ignored unless the \cw{BoldAsColour} resource is set to 0 or 2. \dt \cw{\-geometry} \e{geometry} \dd Specify the size of the terminal, in rows and columns of text. See \e{X(7)} for more information on the syntax of geometry specifications. \dt \cw{\-sl} \e{lines} \dd Specify the number of lines of scrollback to save off the top of the terminal. \dt \cw{\-fg} \e{colour} \dd Specify the foreground colour to use for normal text. \dt \cw{\-bg} \e{colour} \dd Specify the background colour to use for normal text. \dt \cw{\-bfg} \e{colour} \dd Specify the foreground colour to use for bold text, if the \cw{BoldAsColour} resource is set to 1 (the default) or 2. \dt \cw{\-bbg} \e{colour} \dd Specify the foreground colour to use for bold reverse-video text, if the \cw{BoldAsColour} resource is set to 1 (the default) or 2. (This colour is best thought of as the bold version of the background colour; so it only appears when text is displayed \e{in} the background colour.) \dt \cw{\-cfg} \e{colour} \dd Specify the foreground colour to use for text covered by the cursor. \dt \cw{\-cbg} \e{colour} \dd Specify the background colour to use for text covered by the cursor. In other words, this is the main colour of the cursor. \dt \cw{\-title} \e{title} \dd Specify the initial title of the terminal window. (This can be changed under control of the server.) \dt \cw{\-sb\-} or \cw{+sb} \dd Tells \cw{puttytel} not to display a scroll bar. \dt \cw{\-sb} \dd Tells \cw{puttytel} to display a scroll bar: this is the opposite of \cw{\-sb\-}. This is the default option: you will probably only need to specify it explicitly if you have changed the default using the \cw{ScrollBar} resource. \dt \cw{\-log} \e{logfile}, \cw{\-sessionlog} \e{logfile} \dd This option makes \cw{puttytel} log all the terminal output to a file as well as displaying it in the terminal. \dt \cw{\-cs} \e{charset} \dd This option specifies the character set in which \cw{puttytel} should assume the session is operating. This character set will be used to interpret all the data received from the session, and all input you type or paste into \cw{puttytel} will be converted into this character set before being sent to the session. \lcont{ Any character set name which is valid in a MIME header (and supported by \cw{puttytel}) should be valid here (examples are \q{\cw{ISO-8859-1}}, \q{\cw{windows-1252}} or \q{\cw{UTF-8}}). Also, any character encoding which is valid in an X logical font description should be valid (\q{\cw{ibm-cp437}}, for example). \cw{puttytel}'s default behaviour is to use the same character encoding as its primary font. If you supply a Unicode (\cw{iso10646-1}) font, it will default to the UTF-8 character set. Character set names are case-insensitive. } \dt \cw{\-nethack} \dd Tells \cw{puttytel} to enable NetHack keypad mode, in which the numeric keypad generates the NetHack \c{hjklyubn} direction keys. This enables you to play NetHack with the numeric keypad without having to use the NetHack \c{number_pad} option (which requires you to press \q{\cw{n}} before any repeat count). So you can move with the numeric keypad, and enter repeat counts with the normal number keys. \dt \cw{\-help}, \cw{\-\-help} \dd Display a message summarizing the available options. \dt \cw{\-pgpfp} \dd Display the fingerprints of the PuTTY PGP Master Keys, to aid in verifying new files released by the PuTTY team. \dt \cw{\-load} \e{session} \dd Load a saved session by name. This allows you to run a saved session straight from the command line without having to go through the configuration box first. \dt \cw{\-telnet}, \cw{\-rlogin}, \cw{\-raw} \dd Select the protocol \cw{puttytel} will use to make the connection. \dt \cw{\-proxycmd} \e{command} \dd Instead of making a TCP connection, use \e{command} as a proxy; network traffic will be redirected to the standard input and output of \e{command}. \e{command} must be a single word, so is likely to need quoting by the shell. \lcont{ The special strings \cw{%host} and \cw{%port} in \e{command} will be replaced by the hostname and port number you want to connect to; to get a literal \c{%} sign, enter \c{%%}. Backslash escapes are also supported, such as sequences like \c{\\n} being replaced by a literal newline; to get a literal backslash, enter \c{\\\\}. (Further escaping may be required by the shell.) (See the main PuTTY manual for full details of the supported \cw{%}- and backslash-delimited tokens, although most of them are probably not very useful in this context.) } \dt \cw{\-l} \e{username} \dd Specify the username to use when logging in to the server. \dt \cw{\-P} \e{port} \dd Specify the port to connect to the server on. \dt \cw{-4}, \cw{-6} \dd Force use of IPv4 or IPv6 for network connections. \S{puttytel-manpage-saved-sessions} SAVED SESSIONS Saved sessions are stored in a \cw{.putty/sessions} subdirectory in your home directory. \S{puttytel-manpage-more-information} MORE INFORMATION For more information on PuTTY and PuTTYtel, it's probably best to go and look at the manual on the web page: \W{https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/}\cw{https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/} \S{puttytel-manpage-bugs} BUGS This man page isn't terribly complete.