#!/usr/bin/perl # Script to automate some easy-to-mess-up parts of the PuTTY release # procedure. use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use File::Find; use File::Temp qw/tempdir/; use LWP::UserAgent; my $version = undef; my $setver = 0; my $upload = 0; my $precheck = 0; my $postcheck = 0; my $skip_ftp = 0; GetOptions("version=s" => \$version, "setver" => \$setver, "upload" => \$upload, "precheck" => \$precheck, "postcheck" => \$postcheck, "no-ftp" => \$skip_ftp) or &usage(); # --set-version: construct a local commit which updates the version # number, and the command-line help transcripts in the docs. if ($setver) { defined $version or die "use --version"; 0 == system "git", "diff-index", "--quiet", "--cached", "HEAD" or die "index is dirty"; 0 == system "git", "diff-files", "--quiet" or die "working tree is dirty"; my $builddir = tempdir(DIR => ".", CLEANUP => 1); 0 == system "git archive --format=tar HEAD | ( cd $builddir && tar xf - )" or die; 0 == system "cd $builddir && ./mkfiles.pl" or die; 0 == system "cd $builddir && ./mkauto.sh" or die; 0 == system "cd $builddir && ./configure" or die; 0 == system "cd $builddir && make pscp plink RELEASE=${version}" or die; our $pscp_transcript = `cd $builddir && ./pscp --help`; $pscp_transcript =~ s/^Unidentified build/Release ${version}/m or die; $pscp_transcript =~ s/^/\\c /mg; our $plink_transcript = `cd $builddir && ./plink --help`; $plink_transcript =~ s/^Unidentified build/Release ${version}/m or die; $plink_transcript =~ s/^/\\c /mg; &transform("LATEST.VER", sub { s/^\d+\.\d+$/$version/ }); &transform("windows/putty.iss", sub { s/^(AppVerName=PuTTY version |VersionInfoTextVersion=Release |AppVersion=|VersionInfoVersion=)\d+\.\d+/$1$version/ }); our $transforming = 0; &transform("doc/pscp.but", sub { if (/^\\c.*>pscp$/) { $transforming = 1; $_ .= $pscp_transcript; } elsif (!/^\\c/) { $transforming = 0; } elsif ($transforming) { $_=""; } }); $transforming = 0; &transform("doc/plink.but", sub { if (/^\\c.*>plink$/) { $transforming = 1; $_ .= $plink_transcript; } elsif (!/^\\c/) { $transforming = 0; } elsif ($transforming) { $_=""; } }); &transform("Buildscr", sub { s!^(set Epoch )\d+!$1 . sprintf "%d", time/86400 - 1000!e }); 0 == system ("git", "commit", "-a", "-m", "Update version number for ${version} release.") or die; exit 0; } # --upload: upload the release to all the places it should live, and # check all signatures and md5sums once it arrives there. if ($upload) { defined $version or die "use --version"; # Run this inside the build.out directory. -d "maps" or die "no maps directory in cwd"; -d "putty" or die "no putty directory in cwd"; 0 == system("rsync", "-av", "maps/", "thyestes:src/putty-local/maps-$version") or die "could not upload link maps"; for my $location (["thyestes", "www/putty/$version"], ["the", "www/putty/$version"], ["chiark", "ftp/putty-$version"]) { my ($host, $path) = @$location; 0 == system("rsync", "-av", "putty/", "$host:$path") or die "could not upload release to $host"; open my $pipe, "|-", "ssh", $host, "cd $path && sh"; print $pipe "set -e\n"; print $pipe "pwd\n"; find({ wanted => sub { if (m!^putty/(.*).gpg!) { my $file = $1; print $pipe "echo verifying $file\n"; if ($file =~ /sums$/) { print $pipe "gpg --verify $file.gpg\n"; } else { print $pipe "gpg --verify $file.gpg $file\n"; } } elsif (m!^putty/(.*sum)s!) { print $pipe "echo checking ${1}s\n"; print $pipe "grep -vF ' (installer version)' ${1}s | grep . | $1 -c\n"; } }, no_chdir => 1}, "putty"); print $pipe "echo all verified ok\n"; close $pipe; die "VERIFICATION FAILED on $host" if $? != 0; } print "Uploaded $version OK!\n"; exit 0; } # --precheck and --postcheck: attempt to download the release from its # various web and FTP locations. if ($precheck || $postcheck) { defined $version or die "use --version"; # Run this inside the build.out directory, so we can check the # downloaded files against the exact contents they should have. -d "putty" or die "no putty directory in cwd"; my $httpprefix = "https://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/"; my $ftpprefix = "ftp://ftp.chiark.greenend.org.uk/users/sgtatham/putty-"; # Go through all the files in build.out. find({ wanted => sub { if (-f $_) { die unless (m!^putty/(.*)$!); my $path = $1; # Don't try to check .htaccess - web servers will # treat it weirdly. return if $path =~ m!^(.*/)?.htaccess$!; print "Checking $path\n"; my $real_content = ""; open my $fh, "<", $_ or die "$_: open local file: $!"; $real_content .= $_ while <$fh>; close $fh; my $http_numbered = "${httpprefix}$version/$path"; my $http_latest = "${httpprefix}latest/$path"; my $ftp_numbered = "${ftpprefix}$version/$path"; my $ftp_latest = "${ftpprefix}latest/$path"; my ($http_uri, $ftp_uri); if ($precheck) { # Before the 'latest' links/redirects update, # we just download from explicitly version- # numbered URLs. $http_uri = $http_numbered; $ftp_uri = $ftp_numbered; } if ($postcheck) { # After 'latest' is updated, we're testing that # the redirects work, so we download from the # URLs with 'latest' in them. $http_uri = $http_latest; $ftp_uri = $ftp_latest; } # Now test-download the files themselves. unless ($skip_ftp) { my $ftpdata = `curl -s $ftp_uri`; printf " got %d bytes via FTP", length $ftpdata; die "FTP download for $ftp_uri did not match" if $ftpdata ne $real_content; print ", ok\n"; } my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; my $httpresponse = $ua->get($http_uri); my $httpdata = $httpresponse->{_content}; printf " got %d bytes via HTTP", length $httpdata; die "HTTP download for $http_uri did not match" if $httpdata ne $real_content; print ", ok\n"; # Check content types on any files likely to go # wrong. my $ct = $httpresponse->{_headers}->{"content-type"}; if (defined $ct) { printf " got content-type %s", $ct; } else { printf " got no content-type"; } my $right_ct = undef; if ($path =~ m/\.(hlp|cnt|chm)$/) { $right_ct = "application/octet-stream"; } elsif ($path =~ /\.gpg$/) { $right_ct = "application/pgp-signature"; } if (defined $right_ct) { if ($ct ne $right_ct) { die "content-type $ct should be $right_ct"; } else { print ", ok\n"; } } else { print "\n"; } if ($postcheck) { # Finally, if we're testing the 'latest' URL, # also check that the HTTP redirect header was # present and correct. my $redirected = $httpresponse->{_request}->{_uri}; printf " redirect -> %s\n", $redirected; die "redirect header wrong for $http_uri" if $redirected ne $http_numbered; } } }, no_chdir => 1}, "putty"); print "Check OK\n"; exit 0; } &usage(); sub transform { my ($filename, $proc) = @_; my $file; open $file, "<", $filename or die "$file: open for read: $!\n"; my $data = ""; while (<$file>) { $proc->(); $data .= $_; } close $file; open $file, ">", $filename or die "$file: open for write: $!\n"; print $file $data; close $file or die "$file: close after write: $!\n";; } sub usage { die "usage: release.pl --set-version=X.YZ\n"; }