/* * winmisc.c: miscellaneous Windows-specific things */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <limits.h> #include "putty.h" #ifndef SECURITY_WIN32 #define SECURITY_WIN32 #endif #include <security.h> DWORD osMajorVersion, osMinorVersion, osPlatformId; char *platform_get_x_display(void) { /* We may as well check for DISPLAY in case it's useful. */ return dupstr(getenv("DISPLAY")); } Filename *filename_from_str(const char *str) { Filename *ret = snew(Filename); ret->path = dupstr(str); return ret; } Filename *filename_copy(const Filename *fn) { return filename_from_str(fn->path); } const char *filename_to_str(const Filename *fn) { return fn->path; } bool filename_equal(const Filename *f1, const Filename *f2) { return !strcmp(f1->path, f2->path); } bool filename_is_null(const Filename *fn) { return !*fn->path; } void filename_free(Filename *fn) { sfree(fn->path); sfree(fn); } void filename_serialise(BinarySink *bs, const Filename *f) { put_asciz(bs, f->path); } Filename *filename_deserialise(BinarySource *src) { return filename_from_str(get_asciz(src)); } char filename_char_sanitise(char c) { if (strchr("<>:\"/\\|?*", c)) return '.'; return c; } char *get_username(void) { DWORD namelen; char *user; bool got_username = false; DECL_WINDOWS_FUNCTION(static, BOOLEAN, GetUserNameExA, (EXTENDED_NAME_FORMAT, LPSTR, PULONG)); { static bool tried_usernameex = false; if (!tried_usernameex) { /* Not available on Win9x, so load dynamically */ HMODULE secur32 = load_system32_dll("secur32.dll"); /* If MIT Kerberos is installed, the following call to GET_WINDOWS_FUNCTION makes Windows implicitly load sspicli.dll WITHOUT proper path sanitizing, so better load it properly before */ HMODULE sspicli = load_system32_dll("sspicli.dll"); (void)sspicli; /* squash compiler warning about unused variable */ GET_WINDOWS_FUNCTION(secur32, GetUserNameExA); tried_usernameex = true; } } if (p_GetUserNameExA) { /* * If available, use the principal -- this avoids the problem * that the local username is case-insensitive but Kerberos * usernames are case-sensitive. */ /* Get the length */ namelen = 0; (void) p_GetUserNameExA(NameUserPrincipal, NULL, &namelen); user = snewn(namelen, char); got_username = p_GetUserNameExA(NameUserPrincipal, user, &namelen); if (got_username) { char *p = strchr(user, '@'); if (p) *p = 0; } else { sfree(user); } } if (!got_username) { /* Fall back to local user name */ namelen = 0; if (!GetUserName(NULL, &namelen)) { /* * Apparently this doesn't work at least on Windows XP SP2. * Thus assume a maximum of 256. It will fail again if it * doesn't fit. */ namelen = 256; } user = snewn(namelen, char); got_username = GetUserName(user, &namelen); if (!got_username) { sfree(user); } } return got_username ? user : NULL; } void dll_hijacking_protection(void) { /* * If the OS provides it, call SetDefaultDllDirectories() to * prevent DLLs from being loaded from the directory containing * our own binary, and instead only load from system32. * * This is a protection against hijacking attacks, if someone runs * PuTTY directly from their web browser's download directory * having previously been enticed into clicking on an unwise link * that downloaded a malicious DLL to the same directory under one * of various magic names that seem to be things that standard * Windows DLLs delegate to. * * It shouldn't break deliberate loading of user-provided DLLs * such as GSSAPI providers, because those are specified by their * full pathname by the user-provided configuration. */ static HMODULE kernel32_module; DECL_WINDOWS_FUNCTION(static, BOOL, SetDefaultDllDirectories, (DWORD)); if (!kernel32_module) { kernel32_module = load_system32_dll("kernel32.dll"); #if (defined _MSC_VER && _MSC_VER < 1900) || defined COVERITY /* For older Visual Studio, and also for the system I * currently use for Coveritying the Windows code, this * function isn't available in the header files to * type-check */ GET_WINDOWS_FUNCTION_NO_TYPECHECK( kernel32_module, SetDefaultDllDirectories); #else GET_WINDOWS_FUNCTION(kernel32_module, SetDefaultDllDirectories); #endif } if (p_SetDefaultDllDirectories) { /* LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_SYSTEM32 and explicitly specified * directories only */ p_SetDefaultDllDirectories(LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_SYSTEM32 | LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_USER_DIRS); } } void init_winver(void) { OSVERSIONINFO osVersion; static HMODULE kernel32_module; DECL_WINDOWS_FUNCTION(static, BOOL, GetVersionExA, (LPOSVERSIONINFO)); if (!kernel32_module) { kernel32_module = load_system32_dll("kernel32.dll"); /* Deliberately don't type-check this function, because that * would involve using its declaration in a header file which * triggers a deprecation warning. I know it's deprecated (see * below) and don't need telling. */ GET_WINDOWS_FUNCTION_NO_TYPECHECK(kernel32_module, GetVersionExA); } ZeroMemory(&osVersion, sizeof(osVersion)); osVersion.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof (OSVERSIONINFO); if (p_GetVersionExA && p_GetVersionExA(&osVersion)) { osMajorVersion = osVersion.dwMajorVersion; osMinorVersion = osVersion.dwMinorVersion; osPlatformId = osVersion.dwPlatformId; } else { /* * GetVersionEx is deprecated, so allow for it perhaps going * away in future API versions. If it's not there, simply * assume that's because Windows is too _new_, so fill in the * variables we care about to a value that will always compare * higher than any given test threshold. * * Normally we should be checking against the presence of a * specific function if possible in any case. */ osMajorVersion = osMinorVersion = UINT_MAX; /* a very high number */ osPlatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT; /* not Win32s or Win95-like */ } } HMODULE load_system32_dll(const char *libname) { /* * Wrapper function to load a DLL out of c:\windows\system32 * without going through the full DLL search path. (Hence no * attack is possible by placing a substitute DLL earlier on that * path.) */ static char *sysdir = NULL; static size_t sysdirsize = 0; char *fullpath; HMODULE ret; if (!sysdir) { size_t len; while ((len = GetSystemDirectory(sysdir, sysdirsize)) >= sysdirsize) sgrowarray(sysdir, sysdirsize, len); } fullpath = dupcat(sysdir, "\\", libname, NULL); ret = LoadLibrary(fullpath); sfree(fullpath); return ret; } /* * A tree234 containing mappings from system error codes to strings. */ struct errstring { int error; char *text; }; static int errstring_find(void *av, void *bv) { int *a = (int *)av; struct errstring *b = (struct errstring *)bv; if (*a < b->error) return -1; if (*a > b->error) return +1; return 0; } static int errstring_compare(void *av, void *bv) { struct errstring *a = (struct errstring *)av; return errstring_find(&a->error, bv); } static tree234 *errstrings = NULL; const char *win_strerror(int error) { struct errstring *es; if (!errstrings) errstrings = newtree234(errstring_compare); es = find234(errstrings, &error, errstring_find); if (!es) { char msgtext[65536]; /* maximum size for FormatMessage is 64K */ es = snew(struct errstring); es->error = error; if (!FormatMessage((FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS), NULL, error, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), msgtext, lenof(msgtext)-1, NULL)) { sprintf(msgtext, "(unable to format: FormatMessage returned %u)", (unsigned int)GetLastError()); } else { int len = strlen(msgtext); if (len > 0 && msgtext[len-1] == '\n') msgtext[len-1] = '\0'; } es->text = dupprintf("Error %d: %s", error, msgtext); add234(errstrings, es); } return es->text; } FontSpec *fontspec_new(const char *name, bool bold, int height, int charset) { FontSpec *f = snew(FontSpec); f->name = dupstr(name); f->isbold = bold; f->height = height; f->charset = charset; return f; } FontSpec *fontspec_copy(const FontSpec *f) { return fontspec_new(f->name, f->isbold, f->height, f->charset); } void fontspec_free(FontSpec *f) { sfree(f->name); sfree(f); } void fontspec_serialise(BinarySink *bs, FontSpec *f) { put_asciz(bs, f->name); put_uint32(bs, f->isbold); put_uint32(bs, f->height); put_uint32(bs, f->charset); } FontSpec *fontspec_deserialise(BinarySource *src) { const char *name = get_asciz(src); unsigned isbold = get_uint32(src); unsigned height = get_uint32(src); unsigned charset = get_uint32(src); return fontspec_new(name, isbold, height, charset); } bool open_for_write_would_lose_data(const Filename *fn) { WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA attrs; if (!GetFileAttributesEx(fn->path, GetFileExInfoStandard, &attrs)) { /* * Generally, if we don't identify a specific reason why we * should return true from this function, we return false, and * let the subsequent attempt to open the file for real give a * more useful error message. */ return false; } if (attrs.dwFileAttributes & (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DEVICE | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { /* * File is something other than an ordinary disk file, so * opening it for writing will not cause truncation. (It may * not _succeed_ either, but that's not our problem here!) */ return false; } if (attrs.nFileSizeHigh == 0 && attrs.nFileSizeLow == 0) { /* * File is zero-length (or may be a named pipe, which * dwFileAttributes can't tell apart from a regular file), so * opening it for writing won't truncate any data away because * there's nothing to truncate anyway. */ return false; } return true; } void escape_registry_key(const char *in, strbuf *out) { bool candot = false; static const char hex[16] = "0123456789ABCDEF"; while (*in) { if (*in == ' ' || *in == '\\' || *in == '*' || *in == '?' || *in == '%' || *in < ' ' || *in > '~' || (*in == '.' && !candot)) { put_byte(out, '%'); put_byte(out, hex[((unsigned char) *in) >> 4]); put_byte(out, hex[((unsigned char) *in) & 15]); } else put_byte(out, *in); in++; candot = true; } } void unescape_registry_key(const char *in, strbuf *out) { while (*in) { if (*in == '%' && in[1] && in[2]) { int i, j; i = in[1] - '0'; i -= (i > 9 ? 7 : 0); j = in[2] - '0'; j -= (j > 9 ? 7 : 0); put_byte(out, (i << 4) + j); in += 3; } else { put_byte(out, *in++); } } } #ifdef DEBUG static FILE *debug_fp = NULL; static HANDLE debug_hdl = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; static int debug_got_console = 0; void dputs(const char *buf) { DWORD dw; if (!debug_got_console) { if (AllocConsole()) { debug_got_console = 1; debug_hdl = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); } } if (!debug_fp) { debug_fp = fopen("debug.log", "w"); } if (debug_hdl != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { WriteFile(debug_hdl, buf, strlen(buf), &dw, NULL); } fputs(buf, debug_fp); fflush(debug_fp); } #endif