/* * HTTP CONNECT proxy negotiation. */ #include "putty.h" #include "network.h" #include "proxy.h" #include "sshcr.h" static bool read_line(bufchain *input, strbuf *output, bool is_header) { char c; while (bufchain_try_fetch(input, &c, 1)) { if (is_header && output->len > 0 && output->s[output->len - 1] == '\n') { /* * A newline terminates the header, provided we're sure it * is _not_ followed by a space or a tab. */ if (c != ' ' && c != '\t') goto done; /* we have a complete header line */ } else { put_byte(output, c); bufchain_consume(input, 1); if (!is_header && output->len > 0 && output->s[output->len - 1] == '\n') { /* If we're looking for just a line, not an HTTP * header, then any newline terminates it. */ goto done; } } } return false; done: strbuf_chomp(output, '\n'); strbuf_chomp(output, '\r'); return true; } /* Types of HTTP authentication, in preference order. */ typedef enum HttpAuthType { AUTH_ERROR, /* if an HttpAuthDetails was never satisfactorily filled in */ AUTH_NONE, /* if no auth header is seen, assume no auth required */ AUTH_BASIC, /* username + password sent in clear (only keyless base64) */ AUTH_DIGEST, /* cryptographic hash, most preferred if available */ } HttpAuthType; typedef struct HttpAuthDetails { HttpAuthType auth_type; bool digest_nonce_was_stale; HttpDigestHash digest_hash; strbuf *realm, *nonce, *opaque, *error; bool got_opaque; bool hash_username; } HttpAuthDetails; typedef struct HttpProxyNegotiator { int crLine; strbuf *response, *header, *token; int http_status_pos; size_t header_pos; strbuf *username, *password; int http_status; bool connection_close; HttpAuthDetails *next_auth; bool try_auth_from_conf; strbuf *uri; uint32_t nonce_count; prompts_t *prompts; int username_prompt_index, password_prompt_index; size_t content_length, chunk_length; bool chunked_transfer; ProxyNegotiator pn; } HttpProxyNegotiator; static inline HttpAuthDetails *auth_error(HttpAuthDetails *d, const char *fmt, ...) { d->auth_type = AUTH_ERROR; put_fmt(d->error, "Unable to parse auth header from HTTP proxy"); if (fmt) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); put_datalit(d->error, ": "); put_fmtv(d->error, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } return d; } static HttpAuthDetails *http_auth_details_new(void) { HttpAuthDetails *d = snew(HttpAuthDetails); memset(d, 0, sizeof(*d)); d->realm = strbuf_new(); d->nonce = strbuf_new(); d->opaque = strbuf_new(); d->error = strbuf_new(); return d; } static void http_auth_details_free(HttpAuthDetails *d) { strbuf_free(d->realm); strbuf_free(d->nonce); strbuf_free(d->opaque); strbuf_free(d->error); sfree(d); } static ProxyNegotiator *proxy_http_new(const ProxyNegotiatorVT *vt) { HttpProxyNegotiator *s = snew(HttpProxyNegotiator); memset(s, 0, sizeof(*s)); s->pn.vt = vt; s->response = strbuf_new(); s->header = strbuf_new(); s->token = strbuf_new(); s->username = strbuf_new(); s->password = strbuf_new_nm(); s->uri = strbuf_new(); s->nonce_count = 0; /* * Always start with a CONNECT request containing no auth. If the * proxy rejects that, it will tell us what kind of auth it would * prefer. */ s->next_auth = http_auth_details_new(); s->next_auth->auth_type = AUTH_NONE; return &s->pn; } static void proxy_http_free(ProxyNegotiator *pn) { HttpProxyNegotiator *s = container_of(pn, HttpProxyNegotiator, pn); strbuf_free(s->response); strbuf_free(s->header); strbuf_free(s->token); strbuf_free(s->username); strbuf_free(s->password); strbuf_free(s->uri); http_auth_details_free(s->next_auth); if (s->prompts) free_prompts(s->prompts); sfree(s); } #define HTTP_HEADER_LIST(X) \ X(HDR_CONNECTION, "Connection") \ X(HDR_CONTENT_LENGTH, "Content-Length") \ X(HDR_TRANSFER_ENCODING, "Transfer-Encoding") \ X(HDR_PROXY_AUTHENTICATE, "Proxy-Authenticate") \ /* end of list */ typedef enum HttpHeader { #define ENUM_DEF(id, string) id, HTTP_HEADER_LIST(ENUM_DEF) #undef ENUM_DEF HDR_UNKNOWN } HttpHeader; static inline bool is_whitespace(char c) { return (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n'); } static inline bool is_separator(char c) { return (c == '(' || c == ')' || c == '<' || c == '>' || c == '@' || c == ',' || c == ';' || c == ':' || c == '\\' || c == '"' || c == '/' || c == '[' || c == ']' || c == '?' || c == '=' || c == '{' || c == '}'); } #define HTTP_SEPARATORS static bool get_end_of_header(HttpProxyNegotiator *s) { size_t pos = s->header_pos; while (pos < s->header->len && is_whitespace(s->header->s[pos])) pos++; if (pos == s->header->len) { s->header_pos = pos; return true; } return false; } static bool get_token(HttpProxyNegotiator *s) { size_t pos = s->header_pos; while (pos < s->header->len && is_whitespace(s->header->s[pos])) pos++; if (pos == s->header->len) return false; /* end of string */ if (is_separator(s->header->s[pos])) return false; strbuf_clear(s->token); while (pos < s->header->len && !is_whitespace(s->header->s[pos]) && !is_separator(s->header->s[pos])) put_byte(s->token, s->header->s[pos++]); s->header_pos = pos; return true; } static bool get_separator(HttpProxyNegotiator *s, char sep) { size_t pos = s->header_pos; while (pos < s->header->len && is_whitespace(s->header->s[pos])) pos++; if (pos == s->header->len) return false; /* end of string */ if (s->header->s[pos] != sep) return false; s->header_pos = ++pos; return true; } static bool get_quoted_string(HttpProxyNegotiator *s) { size_t pos = s->header_pos; while (pos < s->header->len && is_whitespace(s->header->s[pos])) pos++; if (pos == s->header->len) return false; /* end of string */ if (s->header->s[pos] != '"') return false; pos++; strbuf_clear(s->token); while (pos < s->header->len && s->header->s[pos] != '"') { if (s->header->s[pos] == '\\') { /* Backslash makes the next char literal, even if it's " or \ */ pos++; if (pos == s->header->len) return false; /* unexpected end of string */ } put_byte(s->token, s->header->s[pos++]); } if (pos == s->header->len) return false; /* no closing quote */ pos++; s->header_pos = pos; return true; } static HttpAuthDetails *parse_http_auth_header(HttpProxyNegotiator *s) { HttpAuthDetails *d = http_auth_details_new(); /* Default hash for HTTP Digest is MD5, if none specified explicitly */ d->digest_hash = HTTP_DIGEST_MD5; if (!get_token(s)) return auth_error(d, "parse error"); if (!stricmp(s->token->s, "Basic")) { /* For Basic authentication, we don't need anything else. The * realm string is not required for the protocol. */ d->auth_type = AUTH_BASIC; return d; } if (!stricmp(s->token->s, "Digest")) { /* Parse all the additional parts of the Digest header. */ if (!http_digest_available) return auth_error(d, "Digest authentication not supported"); /* Parse the rest of the Digest header */ while (true) { if (!get_token(s)) return auth_error(d, "parse error in Digest header"); if (!stricmp(s->token->s, "realm")) { if (!get_separator(s, '=') || !get_quoted_string(s)) return auth_error(d, "parse error in Digest realm field"); put_datapl(d->realm, ptrlen_from_strbuf(s->token)); } else if (!stricmp(s->token->s, "nonce")) { if (!get_separator(s, '=') || !get_quoted_string(s)) return auth_error(d, "parse error in Digest nonce field"); put_datapl(d->nonce, ptrlen_from_strbuf(s->token)); } else if (!stricmp(s->token->s, "opaque")) { if (!get_separator(s, '=') || !get_quoted_string(s)) return auth_error(d, "parse error in Digest opaque field"); put_datapl(d->opaque, ptrlen_from_strbuf(s->token)); d->got_opaque = true; } else if (!stricmp(s->token->s, "stale")) { if (!get_separator(s, '=') || !get_token(s)) return auth_error(d, "parse error in Digest stale field"); d->digest_nonce_was_stale = !stricmp( s->token->s, "true"); } else if (!stricmp(s->token->s, "userhash")) { if (!get_separator(s, '=') || !get_token(s)) return auth_error(d, "parse error in Digest userhash " "field"); d->hash_username = !stricmp(s->token->s, "true"); } else if (!stricmp(s->token->s, "algorithm")) { if (!get_separator(s, '=') || !get_token(s)) return auth_error(d, "parse error in Digest algorithm " "field"); bool found = false; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < N_HTTP_DIGEST_HASHES; i++) { if (!stricmp(s->token->s, httphashnames[i])) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { /* We don't even recognise the name */ return auth_error(d, "Digest hash algorithm '%s' not " "recognised", s->token->s); } if (!httphashaccepted[i]) { /* We do recognise the name but we * don't like it (see comment in cproxy.h) */ return auth_error(d, "Digest hash algorithm '%s' not " "supported", s->token->s); } d->digest_hash = i; } else if (!stricmp(s->token->s, "qop")) { if (!get_separator(s, '=') || !get_quoted_string(s)) return auth_error(d, "parse error in Digest qop field"); if (stricmp(s->token->s, "auth")) return auth_error(d, "quality-of-protection type '%s' not " "supported", s->token->s); } else { /* Ignore any other auth-param */ if (!get_separator(s, '=') || (!get_quoted_string(s) && !get_token(s))) return auth_error(d, "parse error in Digest header"); } if (get_end_of_header(s)) break; if (!get_separator(s, ',')) return auth_error(d, "parse error in Digest header"); } d->auth_type = AUTH_DIGEST; return d; } return auth_error(d, "authentication type '%s' not supported", s->token->s); } static void proxy_http_process_queue(ProxyNegotiator *pn) { HttpProxyNegotiator *s = container_of(pn, HttpProxyNegotiator, pn); crBegin(s->crLine); /* * Initialise our username and password strbufs from the Conf. */ put_dataz(s->username, conf_get_str(pn->ps->conf, CONF_proxy_username)); put_dataz(s->password, conf_get_str(pn->ps->conf, CONF_proxy_password)); if (s->username->len || s->password->len) s->try_auth_from_conf = true; /* * Set up the host:port string we're trying to connect to, also * used as the URI string in HTTP Digest auth. */ { char dest[512]; sk_getaddr(pn->ps->remote_addr, dest, lenof(dest)); put_fmt(s->uri, "%s:%d", dest, pn->ps->remote_port); } while (true) { /* * Standard prefix for the HTTP CONNECT request. */ put_fmt(pn->output, "CONNECT %s HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host: %s\r\n", s->uri->s, s->uri->s); /* * Add an auth header, if we're planning to this time round. */ if (s->next_auth->auth_type == AUTH_BASIC) { put_datalit(pn->output, "Proxy-Authorization: Basic "); strbuf *base64_input = strbuf_new_nm(); put_datapl(base64_input, ptrlen_from_strbuf(s->username)); put_byte(base64_input, ':'); put_datapl(base64_input, ptrlen_from_strbuf(s->password)); char base64_output[4]; for (size_t i = 0, e = base64_input->len; i < e; i += 3) { base64_encode_atom(base64_input->u + i, e-i > 3 ? 3 : e-i, base64_output); put_data(pn->output, base64_output, 4); } strbuf_free(base64_input); smemclr(base64_output, sizeof(base64_output)); put_datalit(pn->output, "\r\n"); } else if (s->next_auth->auth_type == AUTH_DIGEST) { put_datalit(pn->output, "Proxy-Authorization: Digest "); /* If we have a fresh nonce, reset the * nonce count. Otherwise, keep incrementing it. */ if (!ptrlen_eq_ptrlen(ptrlen_from_strbuf(s->token), ptrlen_from_strbuf(s->next_auth->nonce))) s->nonce_count = 0; http_digest_response(BinarySink_UPCAST(pn->output), ptrlen_from_strbuf(s->username), ptrlen_from_strbuf(s->password), ptrlen_from_strbuf(s->next_auth->realm), PTRLEN_LITERAL("CONNECT"), ptrlen_from_strbuf(s->uri), PTRLEN_LITERAL("auth"), ptrlen_from_strbuf(s->next_auth->nonce), (s->next_auth->got_opaque ? ptrlen_from_strbuf(s->next_auth->opaque) : make_ptrlen(NULL, 0)), ++s->nonce_count, s->next_auth->digest_hash, s->next_auth->hash_username); put_datalit(pn->output, "\r\n"); } /* * Blank line to terminate the HTTP request. */ put_datalit(pn->output, "\r\n"); crReturnV; s->content_length = 0; s->chunked_transfer = false; s->connection_close = false; /* * Read and parse the HTTP status line, and check if it's a 2xx * for success. */ strbuf_clear(s->response); crMaybeWaitUntilV(read_line(pn->input, s->response, false)); { int maj_ver, min_ver, n_scanned; n_scanned = sscanf( s->response->s, "HTTP/%d.%d %n%d", &maj_ver, &min_ver, &s->http_status_pos, &s->http_status); if (n_scanned < 3) { pn->error = dupstr("HTTP response was absent or malformed"); crStopV; } if (maj_ver < 1 || (maj_ver == 1 && min_ver < 1)) { /* Before HTTP/1.1, connections close by default */ s->connection_close = true; } } if (s->http_status == 407) { /* * If this is going to be an auth request, we expect to * see at least one Proxy-Authorization header offering us * auth options. Start by preloading s->next_auth with a * fallback error message, which will be used if nothing * better is available. */ http_auth_details_free(s->next_auth); s->next_auth = http_auth_details_new(); auth_error(s->next_auth, "no Proxy-Authorization header seen in " "HTTP 407 Proxy Authentication Required response"); } /* * Read the HTTP response header section. */ do { strbuf_clear(s->header); crMaybeWaitUntilV(read_line(pn->input, s->header, true)); s->header_pos = 0; if (!get_token(s)) { /* Possibly we ought to panic if we see an HTTP header * we can't make any sense of at all? But whatever, * ignore it and hope the next one makes more sense */ continue; } /* Parse the header name */ HttpHeader hdr = HDR_UNKNOWN; { #define CHECK_HEADER(id, string) \ if (!stricmp(s->token->s, string)) hdr = id; HTTP_HEADER_LIST(CHECK_HEADER); #undef CHECK_HEADER } if (!get_separator(s, ':')) continue; if (hdr == HDR_CONTENT_LENGTH) { if (!get_token(s)) continue; s->content_length = strtoumax(s->token->s, NULL, 10); } else if (hdr == HDR_TRANSFER_ENCODING) { /* * The Transfer-Encoding header value should be a * comma-separated list of keywords including * "chunked", "deflate" and "gzip". We parse it in the * most superficial way, by just looking for "chunked" * and ignoring everything else. * * It's OK to do that because we're not actually * _using_ the error document - we only have to skip * over it to find the end of the HTTP response. So we * don't care if it's gzipped or not. */ while (get_token(s)) { if (!stricmp(s->token->s, "chunked")) s->chunked_transfer = true; } } else if (hdr == HDR_CONNECTION) { if (!get_token(s)) continue; if (!stricmp(s->token->s, "close")) s->connection_close = true; else if (!stricmp(s->token->s, "keep-alive")) s->connection_close = false; } else if (hdr == HDR_PROXY_AUTHENTICATE) { HttpAuthDetails *auth = parse_http_auth_header(s); /* * See if we prefer this set of auth details to the * previous one we had (either from a previous auth * header, or the fallback when no auth header is * provided at all). */ bool change; if (auth->auth_type != s->next_auth->auth_type) { /* Use the preference order implied by the enum */ change = auth->auth_type > s->next_auth->auth_type; } else if (auth->auth_type == AUTH_DIGEST && auth->digest_hash != s->next_auth->digest_hash) { /* Choose based on the hash functions */ change = auth->digest_hash > s->next_auth->digest_hash; } else { /* * If in doubt, go with the later one of the * headers. * * The main reason for this is so that an error in * interpreting an auth header will supersede the * default error we preload saying 'no header * found', because that would be a particularly * bad error to report if there _was_ one. * * But we're in a tie-breaking situation by now, * so there's no other reason to choose - we might * as well apply the same policy everywhere else * too. */ change = true; } if (change) { http_auth_details_free(s->next_auth); s->next_auth = auth; } else { http_auth_details_free(auth); } } } while (s->header->len > 0); /* Read and ignore the entire response document */ if (!s->chunked_transfer) { /* Simple approach: read exactly Content-Length bytes */ crMaybeWaitUntilV(bufchain_try_consume( pn->input, s->content_length)); } else { /* Chunked transfer: read a sequence of * \r\n\r\n chunks, terminating in one with * zero length */ do { /* * Expect a chunk length */ s->chunk_length = 0; while (true) { char c; crMaybeWaitUntilV(bufchain_try_fetch_consume( pn->input, &c, 1)); if (c == '\r') { continue; } else if (c == '\n') { break; } else if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') { s->chunk_length = s->chunk_length*16 + (c-'0'); } else if ('A' <= c && c <= 'F') { s->chunk_length = s->chunk_length*16 + (c-'A'+10); } else if ('a' <= c && c <= 'f') { s->chunk_length = s->chunk_length*16 + (c-'a'+10); } else { pn->error = dupprintf( "Received bad character 0x%02X in chunk length " "during HTTP chunked transfer encoding", (unsigned)(unsigned char)c); crStopV; } } /* * Expect that many bytes of chunked data */ crMaybeWaitUntilV(bufchain_try_consume( pn->input, s->chunk_length)); /* Now expect \r\n */ { char buf[2]; crMaybeWaitUntilV(bufchain_try_fetch_consume( pn->input, buf, 2)); if (memcmp(buf, "\r\n", 2)) { pn->error = dupprintf( "Missing CRLF after chunk " "during HTTP chunked transfer encoding"); crStopV; } } } while (s->chunk_length); } if (200 <= s->http_status && s->http_status < 300) { /* Any 2xx HTTP response means we're done */ goto authenticated; } else if (s->http_status == 407) { /* 407 is Proxy Authentication Required, which we may be * able to do something about. */ if (s->connection_close) { pn->error = dupprintf("HTTP proxy closed connection after " "asking for authentication"); crStopV; } /* If the best we can do is report some kind of error from * a Proxy-Auth header (or an error saying there wasn't * one at all), and no successful parsing of an auth * header superseded that, then just throw that error and * die. */ if (s->next_auth->auth_type == AUTH_ERROR) { pn->error = dupstr(s->next_auth->error->s); crStopV; } /* If we have auth details from the Conf and haven't tried * them yet, that's our first step. */ if (s->try_auth_from_conf) { s->try_auth_from_conf = false; continue; } /* If the server sent us stale="true" in a Digest auth * header, that means we _don't_ need to request a new * password yet; just try again with the existing details * and the fresh nonce it sent us. */ if (s->next_auth->digest_nonce_was_stale) continue; /* Either we never had a password in the first place, or * the one we already presented was rejected. We can only * proceed from here if we have a way to ask the user * questions. */ if (!pn->itr) { pn->error = dupprintf("HTTP proxy requested authentication " "which we do not have"); crStopV; } /* * Send some prompts to the user. We'll assume the * password is always required (since it's just been * rejected, even if we did send one before), and we'll * prompt for the username only if we don't have one from * the Conf. */ s->prompts = proxy_new_prompts(pn->ps); s->prompts->to_server = true; s->prompts->from_server = false; s->prompts->name = dupstr("HTTP proxy authentication"); if (!s->username->len) { s->username_prompt_index = s->prompts->n_prompts; add_prompt(s->prompts, dupstr("Proxy username: "), true); } else { s->username_prompt_index = -1; } s->password_prompt_index = s->prompts->n_prompts; add_prompt(s->prompts, dupstr("Proxy password: "), false); while (true) { SeatPromptResult spr = seat_get_userpass_input( interactor_announce(pn->itr), s->prompts); if (spr.kind == SPRK_OK) { break; } else if (spr_is_abort(spr)) { proxy_spr_abort(pn, spr); crStopV; } crReturnV; } if (s->username_prompt_index != -1) { strbuf_clear(s->username); put_dataz(s->username, prompt_get_result_ref( s->prompts->prompts[s->username_prompt_index])); } strbuf_clear(s->password); put_dataz(s->password, prompt_get_result_ref( s->prompts->prompts[s->password_prompt_index])); free_prompts(s->prompts); s->prompts = NULL; } else { /* Any other HTTP response is treated as permanent failure */ pn->error = dupprintf("HTTP response %s", s->response->s + s->http_status_pos); crStopV; } } authenticated: /* * Success! Hand over to the main connection. */ pn->done = true; crFinishV; } const struct ProxyNegotiatorVT http_proxy_negotiator_vt = { .new = proxy_http_new, .free = proxy_http_free, .process_queue = proxy_http_process_queue, .type = "HTTP", };