/* * Server-specific parts of the SSH-1 connection layer. */ #include <assert.h> #include "putty.h" #include "ssh.h" #include "sshbpp.h" #include "sshppl.h" #include "sshchan.h" #include "sshcr.h" #include "ssh1connection.h" #include "sshserver.h" static size_t ssh1sesschan_write(SshChannel *c, bool is_stderr, const void *, size_t); static void ssh1sesschan_write_eof(SshChannel *c); static void ssh1sesschan_initiate_close(SshChannel *c, const char *err); static void ssh1sesschan_send_exit_status(SshChannel *c, int status); static void ssh1sesschan_send_exit_signal( SshChannel *c, ptrlen signame, bool core_dumped, ptrlen msg); static const struct SshChannelVtable ssh1sesschan_vtable = { ssh1sesschan_write, ssh1sesschan_write_eof, ssh1sesschan_initiate_close, NULL /* unthrottle */, NULL /* get_conf */, NULL /* window_override_removed is only used by SSH-2 sharing */, NULL /* x11_sharing_handover, likewise */, ssh1sesschan_send_exit_status, ssh1sesschan_send_exit_signal, NULL /* send_exit_signal_numeric */, NULL /* request_x11_forwarding */, NULL /* request_agent_forwarding */, NULL /* request_pty */, NULL /* send_env_var */, NULL /* start_shell */, NULL /* start_command */, NULL /* start_subsystem */, NULL /* send_serial_break */, NULL /* send_signal */, NULL /* send_terminal_size_change */, NULL /* hint_channel_is_simple */, }; void ssh1connection_server_configure( PacketProtocolLayer *ppl, const SshServerConfig *ssc) { struct ssh1_connection_state *s = container_of(ppl, struct ssh1_connection_state, ppl); s->ssc = ssc; } void ssh1_connection_direction_specific_setup( struct ssh1_connection_state *s) { if (!s->mainchan_chan) { s->mainchan_sc.vt = &ssh1sesschan_vtable; s->mainchan_sc.cl = &s->cl; s->mainchan_chan = sesschan_new( &s->mainchan_sc, s->ppl.logctx, NULL, s->ssc); } } bool ssh1_handle_direction_specific_packet( struct ssh1_connection_state *s, PktIn *pktin) { PacketProtocolLayer *ppl = &s->ppl; /* for ppl_logevent */ PktOut *pktout; struct ssh1_channel *c; unsigned remid; ptrlen host, cmd, data; char *host_str, *err; int port, listenport; bool success; switch (pktin->type) { case SSH1_CMSG_EXEC_SHELL: if (s->finished_setup) goto unexpected_setup_packet; ppl_logevent("Client requested a shell"); chan_run_shell(s->mainchan_chan); s->finished_setup = true; return true; case SSH1_CMSG_EXEC_CMD: if (s->finished_setup) goto unexpected_setup_packet; cmd = get_string(pktin); ppl_logevent("Client sent command '%.*s'", PTRLEN_PRINTF(cmd)); chan_run_command(s->mainchan_chan, cmd); s->finished_setup = true; return true; case SSH1_CMSG_REQUEST_COMPRESSION: if (s->compressing || !s->ssc->ssh1_allow_compression) { pktout = ssh_bpp_new_pktout(s->ppl.bpp, SSH1_SMSG_FAILURE); pq_push(s->ppl.out_pq, pktout); } else { pktout = ssh_bpp_new_pktout(s->ppl.bpp, SSH1_SMSG_SUCCESS); pq_push(s->ppl.out_pq, pktout); /* Synchronous run of output formatting, to ensure that * success packet is converted into wire format before we * start compressing */ ssh_bpp_handle_output(s->ppl.bpp); /* And now ensure that the _next_ packet will be the first * compressed one. */ ssh1_bpp_start_compression(s->ppl.bpp); s->compressing = true; } return true; case SSH1_CMSG_REQUEST_PTY: if (s->finished_setup) goto unexpected_setup_packet; { ptrlen termtype = get_string(pktin); unsigned height = get_uint32(pktin); unsigned width = get_uint32(pktin); unsigned pixwidth = get_uint32(pktin); unsigned pixheight = get_uint32(pktin); struct ssh_ttymodes modes = read_ttymodes_from_packet( BinarySource_UPCAST(pktin), 1); if (get_err(pktin)) { ppl_logevent("Unable to decode pty request packet"); success = false; } else if (!chan_allocate_pty( s->mainchan_chan, termtype, width, height, pixwidth, pixheight, modes)) { ppl_logevent("Unable to allocate a pty"); success = false; } else { success = true; } } pktout = ssh_bpp_new_pktout( s->ppl.bpp, (success ? SSH1_SMSG_SUCCESS : SSH1_SMSG_FAILURE)); pq_push(s->ppl.out_pq, pktout); return true; case SSH1_CMSG_PORT_FORWARD_REQUEST: if (s->finished_setup) goto unexpected_setup_packet; listenport = toint(get_uint32(pktin)); host = get_string(pktin); port = toint(get_uint32(pktin)); ppl_logevent("Client requested port %d forward to %.*s:%d", listenport, PTRLEN_PRINTF(host), port); host_str = mkstr(host); success = portfwdmgr_listen( s->portfwdmgr, NULL, listenport, host_str, port, s->conf); sfree(host_str); pktout = ssh_bpp_new_pktout( s->ppl.bpp, (success ? SSH1_SMSG_SUCCESS : SSH1_SMSG_FAILURE)); pq_push(s->ppl.out_pq, pktout); return true; case SSH1_CMSG_X11_REQUEST_FORWARDING: if (s->finished_setup) goto unexpected_setup_packet; { ptrlen authproto = get_string(pktin); ptrlen authdata = get_string(pktin); unsigned screen_number = 0; if (s->remote_protoflags & SSH1_PROTOFLAG_SCREEN_NUMBER) screen_number = get_uint32(pktin); success = chan_enable_x11_forwarding( s->mainchan_chan, false, authproto, authdata, screen_number); } pktout = ssh_bpp_new_pktout( s->ppl.bpp, (success ? SSH1_SMSG_SUCCESS : SSH1_SMSG_FAILURE)); pq_push(s->ppl.out_pq, pktout); return true; case SSH1_CMSG_AGENT_REQUEST_FORWARDING: if (s->finished_setup) goto unexpected_setup_packet; success = chan_enable_agent_forwarding(s->mainchan_chan); pktout = ssh_bpp_new_pktout( s->ppl.bpp, (success ? SSH1_SMSG_SUCCESS : SSH1_SMSG_FAILURE)); pq_push(s->ppl.out_pq, pktout); return true; case SSH1_CMSG_STDIN_DATA: data = get_string(pktin); chan_send(s->mainchan_chan, false, data.ptr, data.len); return true; case SSH1_CMSG_EOF: chan_send_eof(s->mainchan_chan); return true; case SSH1_CMSG_WINDOW_SIZE: return true; case SSH1_MSG_PORT_OPEN: remid = get_uint32(pktin); host = get_string(pktin); port = toint(get_uint32(pktin)); host_str = mkstr(host); ppl_logevent("Received request to connect to port %s:%d", host_str, port); c = snew(struct ssh1_channel); c->connlayer = s; err = portfwdmgr_connect( s->portfwdmgr, &c->chan, host_str, port, &c->sc, ADDRTYPE_UNSPEC); sfree(host_str); if (err) { ppl_logevent("Port open failed: %s", err); sfree(err); ssh1_channel_free(c); pktout = ssh_bpp_new_pktout( s->ppl.bpp, SSH1_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE); put_uint32(pktout, remid); pq_push(s->ppl.out_pq, pktout); } else { ssh1_channel_init(c); c->remoteid = remid; c->halfopen = false; pktout = ssh_bpp_new_pktout( s->ppl.bpp, SSH1_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION); put_uint32(pktout, c->remoteid); put_uint32(pktout, c->localid); pq_push(s->ppl.out_pq, pktout); ppl_logevent("Forwarded port opened successfully"); } return true; case SSH1_CMSG_EXIT_CONFIRMATION: if (!s->sent_exit_status) { ssh_proto_error(s->ppl.ssh, "Received SSH1_CMSG_EXIT_CONFIRMATION" " without having sent SSH1_SMSG_EXIT_STATUS"); return true; } ppl_logevent("Client sent exit confirmation"); return true; default: return false; } unexpected_setup_packet: ssh_proto_error(s->ppl.ssh, "Received unexpected setup packet after the " "setup phase, type %d (%s)", pktin->type, ssh1_pkt_type(pktin->type)); /* FIXME: ensure caller copes with us just having freed the whole layer */ return true; } SshChannel *ssh1_session_open(ConnectionLayer *cl, Channel *chan) { unreachable("Should never be called in the server"); } struct ssh_rportfwd *ssh1_rportfwd_alloc( ConnectionLayer *cl, const char *shost, int sport, const char *dhost, int dport, int addressfamily, const char *log_description, PortFwdRecord *pfr, ssh_sharing_connstate *share_ctx) { unreachable("Should never be called in the server"); } static size_t ssh1sesschan_write(SshChannel *sc, bool is_stderr, const void *data, size_t len) { struct ssh1_connection_state *s = container_of(sc, struct ssh1_connection_state, mainchan_sc); PktOut *pktout; pktout = ssh_bpp_new_pktout( s->ppl.bpp, (is_stderr ? SSH1_SMSG_STDERR_DATA : SSH1_SMSG_STDOUT_DATA)); put_string(pktout, data, len); pq_push(s->ppl.out_pq, pktout); return 0; } static void ssh1sesschan_write_eof(SshChannel *sc) { /* SSH-1 can't represent server-side EOF */ /* FIXME: some kind of check-termination system, whereby once this has been called _and_ we've had an exit status _and_ we've got no other channels open, we send the actual EXIT_STATUS message */ } static void ssh1sesschan_initiate_close(SshChannel *sc, const char *err) { /* SSH-1 relies on the client to close the connection in the end */ } static void ssh1sesschan_send_exit_status(SshChannel *sc, int status) { struct ssh1_connection_state *s = container_of(sc, struct ssh1_connection_state, mainchan_sc); PktOut *pktout; pktout = ssh_bpp_new_pktout(s->ppl.bpp, SSH1_SMSG_EXIT_STATUS); put_uint32(pktout, status); pq_push(s->ppl.out_pq, pktout); s->sent_exit_status = true; } static void ssh1sesschan_send_exit_signal( SshChannel *sc, ptrlen signame, bool core_dumped, ptrlen msg) { /* SSH-1 has no separate representation for signals */ ssh1sesschan_send_exit_status(sc, 128); } SshChannel *ssh1_serverside_x11_open( ConnectionLayer *cl, Channel *chan, const SocketPeerInfo *pi) { struct ssh1_connection_state *s = container_of(cl, struct ssh1_connection_state, cl); PacketProtocolLayer *ppl = &s->ppl; /* for ppl_logevent */ struct ssh1_channel *c = snew(struct ssh1_channel); PktOut *pktout; c->connlayer = s; ssh1_channel_init(c); c->halfopen = true; c->chan = chan; ppl_logevent("Forwarding X11 connection to client"); pktout = ssh_bpp_new_pktout(s->ppl.bpp, SSH1_SMSG_X11_OPEN); put_uint32(pktout, c->localid); pq_push(s->ppl.out_pq, pktout); return &c->sc; } SshChannel *ssh1_serverside_agent_open(ConnectionLayer *cl, Channel *chan) { struct ssh1_connection_state *s = container_of(cl, struct ssh1_connection_state, cl); PacketProtocolLayer *ppl = &s->ppl; /* for ppl_logevent */ struct ssh1_channel *c = snew(struct ssh1_channel); PktOut *pktout; c->connlayer = s; ssh1_channel_init(c); c->halfopen = true; c->chan = chan; ppl_logevent("Forwarding agent connection to client"); pktout = ssh_bpp_new_pktout(s->ppl.bpp, SSH1_SMSG_AGENT_OPEN); put_uint32(pktout, c->localid); pq_push(s->ppl.out_pq, pktout); return &c->sc; }