/* * Routines to do cryptographic interaction with proxies in PuTTY. * This is in a separate module from proxy.c, so that it can be * conveniently removed in PuTTYtel by replacing this module with * the stub version nocproxy.c. */ #include <assert.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> #include "putty.h" #include "ssh.h" /* For MD5 support */ #include "network.h" #include "proxy.h" #include "marshal.h" const bool socks5_chap_available = true; const bool http_digest_available = true; strbuf *chap_response(ptrlen challenge, ptrlen password) { strbuf *sb = strbuf_new_nm(); const ssh2_macalg *alg = &ssh_hmac_md5; mac_simple(alg, password, challenge, strbuf_append(sb, alg->len)); return sb; } void BinarySink_put_hex_data(BinarySink *bs, const void *vptr, size_t len) { const unsigned char *p = (const unsigned char *)vptr; const char *hexdigits = "0123456789abcdef"; while (len-- > 0) { unsigned c = *p++; put_byte(bs, hexdigits[0xF & (c >> 4)]); put_byte(bs, hexdigits[0xF & (c )]); } } #define put_hex_data(bs, p, len) \ BinarySink_put_hex_data(BinarySink_UPCAST(bs), p, len) const char *const httphashnames[] = { #define DECL_ARRAY(id, str, alg, bits, accepted) str, HTTP_DIGEST_HASHES(DECL_ARRAY) #undef DECL_ARRAY }; const bool httphashaccepted[] = { #define DECL_ARRAY(id, str, alg, bits, accepted) accepted, HTTP_DIGEST_HASHES(DECL_ARRAY) #undef DECL_ARRAY }; static const ssh_hashalg *const httphashalgs[] = { #define DECL_ARRAY(id, str, alg, bits, accepted) alg, HTTP_DIGEST_HASHES(DECL_ARRAY) #undef DECL_ARRAY }; static const size_t httphashlengths[] = { #define DECL_ARRAY(id, str, alg, bits, accepted) bits/8, HTTP_DIGEST_HASHES(DECL_ARRAY) #undef DECL_ARRAY }; void http_digest_response(BinarySink *bs, ptrlen username, ptrlen password, ptrlen realm, ptrlen method, ptrlen uri, ptrlen qop, ptrlen nonce, ptrlen opaque, uint32_t nonce_count, HttpDigestHash hash, bool hash_username) { unsigned char a1hash[MAX_HASH_LEN]; unsigned char a2hash[MAX_HASH_LEN]; unsigned char rsphash[MAX_HASH_LEN]; const ssh_hashalg *alg = httphashalgs[hash]; size_t hashlen = httphashlengths[hash]; unsigned char ncbuf[4]; PUT_32BIT_MSB_FIRST(ncbuf, nonce_count); unsigned char client_nonce_raw[33]; random_read(client_nonce_raw, lenof(client_nonce_raw)); char client_nonce_base64[lenof(client_nonce_raw) / 3 * 4]; for (unsigned i = 0; i < lenof(client_nonce_raw)/3; i++) base64_encode_atom(client_nonce_raw + 3*i, 3, client_nonce_base64 + 4*i); /* * RFC 7616 section 3.4.2: the hash "A1" is a hash of * username:realm:password (in the absence of hash names like * "MD5-sess" which as far as I know don't sensibly apply to * proxies and HTTP CONNECT). */ ssh_hash *h = ssh_hash_new(alg); put_datapl(h, username); put_byte(h, ':'); put_datapl(h, realm); put_byte(h, ':'); put_datapl(h, password); ssh_hash_digest_nondestructive(h, a1hash); /* * RFC 7616 section 3.4.3: the hash "A2" is a hash of method:uri * (in the absence of more interesting quality-of-protection * schemes than plain "auth" - e.g. "auth-int" hashes the entire * document as well - which again I don't think make sense in the * context of proxies and CONNECT). */ ssh_hash_reset(h); put_datapl(h, method); put_byte(h, ':'); put_datapl(h, uri); ssh_hash_digest_nondestructive(h, a2hash); /* * RFC 7616 section 3.4.1: the overall output hash in the * "response" parameter of the authorization header is a hash of * A1:nonce:nonce-count:client-nonce:qop:A2, where A1 and A2 are * the hashes computed above. */ ssh_hash_reset(h); put_hex_data(h, a1hash, hashlen); put_byte(h, ':'); put_datapl(h, nonce); put_byte(h, ':'); put_hex_data(h, ncbuf, 4); put_byte(h, ':'); put_data(h, client_nonce_base64, lenof(client_nonce_base64)); put_byte(h, ':'); put_datapl(h, qop); put_byte(h, ':'); put_hex_data(h, a2hash, hashlen); ssh_hash_final(h, rsphash); /* * Now construct the output header (everything after the initial * "Proxy-Authorization: Digest ") and write it to the provided * BinarySink. */ put_datalit(bs, "username=\""); if (hash_username) { /* * RFC 7616 section 3.4.4: if we're hashing the username, we * actually hash username:realm (like a truncated version of * A1 above). */ ssh_hash *h = ssh_hash_new(alg); put_datapl(h, username); put_byte(h, ':'); put_datapl(h, realm); ssh_hash_final(h, a1hash); put_hex_data(bs, a1hash, hashlen); } else { put_datapl(bs, username); } put_datalit(bs, "\", realm=\""); put_datapl(bs, realm); put_datalit(bs, "\", uri=\""); put_datapl(bs, uri); put_datalit(bs, "\", algorithm="); put_dataz(bs, httphashnames[hash]); put_datalit(bs, ", nonce=\""); put_datapl(bs, nonce); put_datalit(bs, "\", nc="); put_hex_data(bs, ncbuf, 4); put_datalit(bs, ", cnonce=\""); put_data(bs, client_nonce_base64, lenof(client_nonce_base64)); put_datalit(bs, "\", qop="); put_datapl(bs, qop); put_datalit(bs, ", response=\""); put_hex_data(bs, rsphash, hashlen); put_datalit(bs, "\""); if (opaque.ptr) { put_datalit(bs, ", opaque=\""); put_datapl(bs, opaque); put_datalit(bs, "\""); } if (hash_username) { put_datalit(bs, ", userhash=true"); } smemclr(a1hash, lenof(a1hash)); smemclr(a2hash, lenof(a2hash)); smemclr(rsphash, lenof(rsphash)); smemclr(client_nonce_raw, lenof(client_nonce_raw)); smemclr(client_nonce_base64, lenof(client_nonce_base64)); }