/* * Standard Windows version information. * (For inclusion in other .rc files with appropriate macro definitions.) * * This file has the more or less arbitrary extension '.rc2' to avoid * IDEs taking it to be a top-level resource script in its own right * (which has been known to happen if the extension was '.rc'), and * also to avoid the resource compiler ignoring everything included * from it (which happens if the extension is '.h'). */ #include "version.h" #include "licence.h" /* * The actual VERSIONINFO resource. */ VS_VERSION_INFO VERSIONINFO /* (None of this "fixed" info appears to be trivially user-visible on * Win98SE. The binary version does show up on Win2K.) */ FILEVERSION BINARY_VERSION PRODUCTVERSION BINARY_VERSION /* version of whole suite */ FILEFLAGSMASK VS_FF_DEBUG | VS_FF_PRERELEASE | VS_FF_PRIVATEBUILD FILEFLAGS 0x0L #if defined DEBUG | VS_FF_DEBUG #endif #if defined SNAPSHOT || defined PRERELEASE | VS_FF_PRERELEASE #elif !defined RELEASE | VS_FF_PRIVATEBUILD #endif FILEOS VOS__WINDOWS32 FILETYPE VFT_APP FILESUBTYPE 0x0L /* n/a for VFT_APP */ BEGIN /* (On Win98SE and Win2K, we can see most of this on the Version tab * in the file properties in Explorer.) */ BLOCK "StringFileInfo" BEGIN /* "lang-charset" LLLLCCCC = (UK English, Unicode) */ BLOCK "080904B0" BEGIN VALUE "CompanyName", "Simon Tatham" /* required :/ */ VALUE "ProductName", "PuTTY suite" VALUE "FileDescription", APPDESC VALUE "InternalName", APPNAME VALUE "OriginalFilename", APPNAME VALUE "FileVersion", TEXTVER VALUE "ProductVersion", TEXTVER VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright \251 " SHORT_COPYRIGHT_DETAILS "." #if (!defined SNAPSHOT) && (!defined RELEASE) && (!defined PRERELEASE) /* Only if VS_FF_PRIVATEBUILD. */ VALUE "PrivateBuild", TEXTVER /* NBI */ #endif END END BLOCK "VarFileInfo" BEGIN /* Once again -- same meanings -- apparently necessary */ VALUE "Translation", 0x809, 1200 END END