/* * controls.c: routines to self-manage the controls in a dialog * box. */ /* * Possible TODO in new cross-platform config box stuff: * * - When lining up two controls alongside each other, I wonder if * we could conveniently arrange to centre them vertically? * Particularly ugly in the current setup is the `Add new * forwarded port:' static next to the rather taller `Remove' * button. */ #include #include #include "putty.h" #include "misc.h" #include "dialog.h" #include #define GAPBETWEEN 3 #define GAPWITHIN 1 #define GAPXBOX 7 #define GAPYBOX 4 #define DLGWIDTH 168 #define STATICHEIGHT 8 #define TITLEHEIGHT 12 #define CHECKBOXHEIGHT 8 #define RADIOHEIGHT 8 #define EDITHEIGHT 12 #define LISTHEIGHT 11 #define LISTINCREMENT 8 #define COMBOHEIGHT 12 #define PUSHBTNHEIGHT 14 #define PROGBARHEIGHT 14 DECL_WINDOWS_FUNCTION(static, void, InitCommonControls, (void)); DECL_WINDOWS_FUNCTION(static, BOOL, MakeDragList, (HWND)); DECL_WINDOWS_FUNCTION(static, int, LBItemFromPt, (HWND, POINT, BOOL)); DECL_WINDOWS_FUNCTION(static, void, DrawInsert, (HWND, HWND, int)); void init_common_controls(void) { HMODULE comctl32_module = load_system32_dll("comctl32.dll"); GET_WINDOWS_FUNCTION(comctl32_module, InitCommonControls); GET_WINDOWS_FUNCTION(comctl32_module, MakeDragList); GET_WINDOWS_FUNCTION(comctl32_module, LBItemFromPt); GET_WINDOWS_FUNCTION(comctl32_module, DrawInsert); p_InitCommonControls(); } void ctlposinit(struct ctlpos *cp, HWND hwnd, int leftborder, int rightborder, int topborder) { RECT r, r2; cp->hwnd = hwnd; cp->font = SendMessage(hwnd, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0); cp->ypos = topborder; GetClientRect(hwnd, &r); r2.left = r2.top = 0; r2.right = 4; r2.bottom = 8; MapDialogRect(hwnd, &r2); cp->dlu4inpix = r2.right; cp->width = (r.right * 4) / (r2.right) - 2 * GAPBETWEEN; cp->xoff = leftborder; cp->width -= leftborder + rightborder; } HWND doctl(struct ctlpos *cp, RECT r, const char *wclass, int wstyle, int exstyle, const char *wtext, int wid) { HWND ctl; /* * Note nonstandard use of RECT. This is deliberate: by * transforming the width and height directly we arrange to * have all supposedly same-sized controls really same-sized. */ r.left += cp->xoff; MapDialogRect(cp->hwnd, &r); /* * We can pass in cp->hwnd == NULL, to indicate a dry run * without creating any actual controls. */ if (cp->hwnd) { ctl = CreateWindowEx(exstyle, wclass, wtext, wstyle, r.left, r.top, r.right, r.bottom, cp->hwnd, (HMENU)(ULONG_PTR)wid, hinst, NULL); SendMessage(ctl, WM_SETFONT, cp->font, MAKELPARAM(true, 0)); if (!strcmp(wclass, "LISTBOX")) { /* * Bizarre Windows bug: the list box calculates its * number of lines based on the font it has at creation * time, but sending it WM_SETFONT doesn't cause it to * recalculate. So now, _after_ we've sent it * WM_SETFONT, we explicitly resize it (to the same * size it was already!) to force it to reconsider. */ SetWindowPos(ctl, NULL, 0, 0, r.right, r.bottom, SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOCOPYBITS | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER); } } else ctl = NULL; return ctl; } /* * A title bar across the top of a sub-dialog. */ void bartitle(struct ctlpos *cp, const char *name, int id) { RECT r; r.left = GAPBETWEEN; r.right = cp->width; r.top = cp->ypos; r.bottom = STATICHEIGHT; cp->ypos += r.bottom + GAPBETWEEN; doctl(cp, r, "STATIC", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 0, name, id); } /* * Begin a grouping box, with or without a group title. */ void beginbox(struct ctlpos *cp, const char *name, int idbox) { cp->boxystart = cp->ypos; if (!name) cp->boxystart -= STATICHEIGHT / 2; if (name) cp->ypos += STATICHEIGHT; cp->ypos += GAPYBOX; cp->width -= 2 * GAPXBOX; cp->xoff += GAPXBOX; cp->boxid = idbox; cp->boxtext = name; } /* * End a grouping box. */ void endbox(struct ctlpos *cp) { RECT r; cp->xoff -= GAPXBOX; cp->width += 2 * GAPXBOX; cp->ypos += GAPYBOX - GAPBETWEEN; r.left = GAPBETWEEN; r.right = cp->width; r.top = cp->boxystart; r.bottom = cp->ypos - cp->boxystart; doctl(cp, r, "BUTTON", BS_GROUPBOX | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 0, cp->boxtext ? cp->boxtext : "", cp->boxid); cp->ypos += GAPYBOX; } /* * A static line, followed by a full-width edit box. */ void editboxfw(struct ctlpos *cp, bool password, bool readonly, const char *text, int staticid, int editid) { RECT r; r.left = GAPBETWEEN; r.right = cp->width; if (text) { r.top = cp->ypos; r.bottom = STATICHEIGHT; doctl(cp, r, "STATIC", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 0, text, staticid); cp->ypos += STATICHEIGHT + GAPWITHIN; } r.top = cp->ypos; r.bottom = EDITHEIGHT; doctl(cp, r, "EDIT", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | ES_AUTOHSCROLL | (password ? ES_PASSWORD : 0) | (readonly ? ES_READONLY : 0), WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "", editid); cp->ypos += EDITHEIGHT + GAPBETWEEN; } /* * A static line, followed by a full-width combo box. */ void combobox(struct ctlpos *cp, const char *text, int staticid, int listid) { RECT r; r.left = GAPBETWEEN; r.right = cp->width; if (text) { r.top = cp->ypos; r.bottom = STATICHEIGHT; doctl(cp, r, "STATIC", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 0, text, staticid); cp->ypos += STATICHEIGHT + GAPWITHIN; } r.top = cp->ypos; r.bottom = COMBOHEIGHT * 10; doctl(cp, r, "COMBOBOX", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | WS_VSCROLL | CBS_DROPDOWN | CBS_HASSTRINGS, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "", listid); cp->ypos += COMBOHEIGHT + GAPBETWEEN; } struct radio { const char *text; int id; }; static void radioline_common(struct ctlpos *cp, const char *text, int id, int nacross, struct radio *buttons, int nbuttons) { RECT r; int group; int i; int j; r.left = GAPBETWEEN; r.top = cp->ypos; if (text) { r.right = cp->width; r.bottom = STATICHEIGHT; cp->ypos += r.bottom + GAPWITHIN; doctl(cp, r, "STATIC", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 0, text, id); } else { r.right = r.bottom = 0; } group = WS_GROUP; i = 0; for (j = 0; j < nbuttons; j++) { const char *btext = buttons[j].text; int bid = buttons[j].id; if (i == nacross) { cp->ypos += r.bottom + (nacross > 1 ? GAPBETWEEN : GAPWITHIN); i = 0; } r.left = GAPBETWEEN + i * (cp->width + GAPBETWEEN) / nacross; if (j < nbuttons-1) r.right = (i + 1) * (cp->width + GAPBETWEEN) / nacross - r.left; else r.right = cp->width - r.left; r.top = cp->ypos; r.bottom = RADIOHEIGHT; doctl(cp, r, "BUTTON", BS_NOTIFY | BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | group, 0, btext, bid); group = 0; i++; } cp->ypos += r.bottom + GAPBETWEEN; } /* * A set of radio buttons on the same line, with a static above * them. `nacross' dictates how many parts the line is divided into * (you might want this not to equal the number of buttons if you * needed to line up some 2s and some 3s to look good in the same * panel). * * There's a bit of a hack in here to ensure that if nacross * exceeds the actual number of buttons, the rightmost button * really does get all the space right to the edge of the line, so * you can do things like * * (*) Button1 (*) Button2 (*) ButtonWithReallyLongTitle */ void radioline(struct ctlpos *cp, const char *text, int id, int nacross, ...) { va_list ap; struct radio *buttons; int i, nbuttons; va_start(ap, nacross); nbuttons = 0; while (1) { const char *btext = va_arg(ap, const char *); if (!btext) break; (void) va_arg(ap, int); /* id */ nbuttons++; } va_end(ap); buttons = snewn(nbuttons, struct radio); va_start(ap, nacross); for (i = 0; i < nbuttons; i++) { buttons[i].text = va_arg(ap, const char *); buttons[i].id = va_arg(ap, int); } va_end(ap); radioline_common(cp, text, id, nacross, buttons, nbuttons); sfree(buttons); } /* * A set of radio buttons on the same line, without a static above * them. Otherwise just like radioline. */ void bareradioline(struct ctlpos *cp, int nacross, ...) { va_list ap; struct radio *buttons; int i, nbuttons; va_start(ap, nacross); nbuttons = 0; while (1) { const char *btext = va_arg(ap, const char *); if (!btext) break; (void) va_arg(ap, int); /* id */ nbuttons++; } va_end(ap); buttons = snewn(nbuttons, struct radio); va_start(ap, nacross); for (i = 0; i < nbuttons; i++) { buttons[i].text = va_arg(ap, const char *); buttons[i].id = va_arg(ap, int); } va_end(ap); radioline_common(cp, NULL, 0, nacross, buttons, nbuttons); sfree(buttons); } /* * A set of radio buttons on multiple lines, with a static above * them. */ void radiobig(struct ctlpos *cp, const char *text, int id, ...) { va_list ap; struct radio *buttons; int i, nbuttons; va_start(ap, id); nbuttons = 0; while (1) { const char *btext = va_arg(ap, const char *); if (!btext) break; (void) va_arg(ap, int); /* id */ nbuttons++; } va_end(ap); buttons = snewn(nbuttons, struct radio); va_start(ap, id); for (i = 0; i < nbuttons; i++) { buttons[i].text = va_arg(ap, const char *); buttons[i].id = va_arg(ap, int); } va_end(ap); radioline_common(cp, text, id, 1, buttons, nbuttons); sfree(buttons); } /* * A single standalone checkbox. */ void checkbox(struct ctlpos *cp, const char *text, int id) { RECT r; r.left = GAPBETWEEN; r.top = cp->ypos; r.right = cp->width; r.bottom = CHECKBOXHEIGHT; cp->ypos += r.bottom + GAPBETWEEN; doctl(cp, r, "BUTTON", BS_NOTIFY | BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP, 0, text, id); } /* * Wrap a piece of text for a static text control. Returns the * wrapped text (a malloc'ed string containing \ns), and also * returns the number of lines required. */ char *staticwrap(struct ctlpos *cp, HWND hwnd, const char *text, int *lines) { HDC hdc = GetDC(hwnd); int width, nlines, j; INT *pwidths, nfit; SIZE size; const char *p; RECT r; HFONT oldfont, newfont; strbuf *sb = strbuf_new(); p = text; pwidths = snewn(1+strlen(text), INT); /* * Work out the width the text will need to fit in, by doing * the same adjustment that the `statictext' function itself * will perform. */ SetMapMode(hdc, MM_TEXT); /* ensure logical units == pixels */ r.left = r.top = r.bottom = 0; r.right = cp->width; MapDialogRect(hwnd, &r); width = r.right; nlines = 1; /* * We must select the correct font into the HDC before calling * GetTextExtent*, or silly things will happen. */ newfont = (HFONT)SendMessage(hwnd, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0); oldfont = SelectObject(hdc, newfont); while (*p) { if (!GetTextExtentExPoint(hdc, p, strlen(p), width, &nfit, pwidths, &size) || (size_t)nfit >= strlen(p)) { /* * Either GetTextExtentExPoint returned failure, or the * whole of the rest of the text fits on this line. * Either way, we stop wrapping, copy the remainder of * the input string unchanged to the output, and leave. */ put_datapl(sb, ptrlen_from_asciz(p)); break; } /* * Now we search backwards along the string from `nfit', * looking for a space at which to break the line. If we * don't find one at all, that's fine - we'll just break * the line at `nfit'. */ for (j = nfit; j > 0; j--) { if (isspace((unsigned char)p[j])) { nfit = j; break; } } put_data(sb, p, nfit); put_byte(sb, '\n'); p += nfit; while (*p && isspace((unsigned char)*p)) p++; nlines++; } SelectObject(hdc, oldfont); ReleaseDC(cp->hwnd, hdc); if (lines) *lines = nlines; sfree(pwidths); return strbuf_to_str(sb); } /* * A single standalone static text control. */ void statictext(struct ctlpos *cp, const char *text, int lines, int id) { RECT r; r.left = GAPBETWEEN; r.top = cp->ypos; r.right = cp->width; r.bottom = STATICHEIGHT * lines; cp->ypos += r.bottom + GAPBETWEEN; doctl(cp, r, "STATIC", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP, 0, text, id); } /* * An owner-drawn static text control for a panel title. */ void paneltitle(struct ctlpos *cp, int id) { RECT r; r.left = GAPBETWEEN; r.top = cp->ypos; r.right = cp->width; r.bottom = TITLEHEIGHT; cp->ypos += r.bottom + GAPBETWEEN; doctl(cp, r, "STATIC", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | SS_OWNERDRAW, 0, NULL, id); } /* * A button on the right hand side, with a static to its left. */ void staticbtn(struct ctlpos *cp, const char *stext, int sid, const char *btext, int bid) { const int height = (PUSHBTNHEIGHT > STATICHEIGHT ? PUSHBTNHEIGHT : STATICHEIGHT); RECT r; int lwid, rwid, rpos; rpos = GAPBETWEEN + 3 * (cp->width + GAPBETWEEN) / 4; lwid = rpos - 2 * GAPBETWEEN; rwid = cp->width + GAPBETWEEN - rpos; r.left = GAPBETWEEN; r.top = cp->ypos + (height - STATICHEIGHT) / 2; r.right = lwid; r.bottom = STATICHEIGHT; doctl(cp, r, "STATIC", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 0, stext, sid); r.left = rpos; r.top = cp->ypos + (height - PUSHBTNHEIGHT) / 2; r.right = rwid; r.bottom = PUSHBTNHEIGHT; doctl(cp, r, "BUTTON", BS_NOTIFY | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | BS_PUSHBUTTON, 0, btext, bid); cp->ypos += height + GAPBETWEEN; } /* * A simple push button. */ void button(struct ctlpos *cp, const char *btext, int bid, bool defbtn) { RECT r; r.left = GAPBETWEEN; r.top = cp->ypos; r.right = cp->width; r.bottom = PUSHBTNHEIGHT; /* Q67655: the _dialog box_ must know which button is default * as well as the button itself knowing */ if (defbtn && cp->hwnd) SendMessage(cp->hwnd, DM_SETDEFID, bid, 0); doctl(cp, r, "BUTTON", BS_NOTIFY | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | (defbtn ? BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON : 0) | BS_PUSHBUTTON, 0, btext, bid); cp->ypos += PUSHBTNHEIGHT + GAPBETWEEN; } /* * Like staticbtn, but two buttons. */ void static2btn(struct ctlpos *cp, const char *stext, int sid, const char *btext1, int bid1, const char *btext2, int bid2) { const int height = (PUSHBTNHEIGHT > STATICHEIGHT ? PUSHBTNHEIGHT : STATICHEIGHT); RECT r; int lwid, rwid1, rwid2, rpos1, rpos2; rpos1 = GAPBETWEEN + (cp->width + GAPBETWEEN) / 2; rpos2 = GAPBETWEEN + 3 * (cp->width + GAPBETWEEN) / 4; lwid = rpos1 - 2 * GAPBETWEEN; rwid1 = rpos2 - rpos1 - GAPBETWEEN; rwid2 = cp->width + GAPBETWEEN - rpos2; r.left = GAPBETWEEN; r.top = cp->ypos + (height - STATICHEIGHT) / 2; r.right = lwid; r.bottom = STATICHEIGHT; doctl(cp, r, "STATIC", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 0, stext, sid); r.left = rpos1; r.top = cp->ypos + (height - PUSHBTNHEIGHT) / 2; r.right = rwid1; r.bottom = PUSHBTNHEIGHT; doctl(cp, r, "BUTTON", BS_NOTIFY | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | BS_PUSHBUTTON, 0, btext1, bid1); r.left = rpos2; r.top = cp->ypos + (height - PUSHBTNHEIGHT) / 2; r.right = rwid2; r.bottom = PUSHBTNHEIGHT; doctl(cp, r, "BUTTON", BS_NOTIFY | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | BS_PUSHBUTTON, 0, btext2, bid2); cp->ypos += height + GAPBETWEEN; } /* * An edit control on the right hand side, with a static to its left. */ static void staticedit_internal(struct ctlpos *cp, const char *stext, int sid, int eid, int percentedit, int style) { const int height = (EDITHEIGHT > STATICHEIGHT ? EDITHEIGHT : STATICHEIGHT); RECT r; int lwid, rwid, rpos; rpos = GAPBETWEEN + (100 - percentedit) * (cp->width + GAPBETWEEN) / 100; lwid = rpos - 2 * GAPBETWEEN; rwid = cp->width + GAPBETWEEN - rpos; r.left = GAPBETWEEN; r.top = cp->ypos + (height - STATICHEIGHT) / 2; r.right = lwid; r.bottom = STATICHEIGHT; doctl(cp, r, "STATIC", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 0, stext, sid); r.left = rpos; r.top = cp->ypos + (height - EDITHEIGHT) / 2; r.right = rwid; r.bottom = EDITHEIGHT; doctl(cp, r, "EDIT", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | ES_AUTOHSCROLL | style, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "", eid); cp->ypos += height + GAPBETWEEN; } void staticedit(struct ctlpos *cp, const char *stext, int sid, int eid, int percentedit) { staticedit_internal(cp, stext, sid, eid, percentedit, 0); } void staticpassedit(struct ctlpos *cp, const char *stext, int sid, int eid, int percentedit) { staticedit_internal(cp, stext, sid, eid, percentedit, ES_PASSWORD); } /* * A drop-down list box on the right hand side, with a static to * its left. */ void staticddl(struct ctlpos *cp, const char *stext, int sid, int lid, int percentlist) { const int height = (COMBOHEIGHT > STATICHEIGHT ? COMBOHEIGHT : STATICHEIGHT); RECT r; int lwid, rwid, rpos; rpos = GAPBETWEEN + (100 - percentlist) * (cp->width + GAPBETWEEN) / 100; lwid = rpos - 2 * GAPBETWEEN; rwid = cp->width + GAPBETWEEN - rpos; r.left = GAPBETWEEN; r.top = cp->ypos + (height - STATICHEIGHT) / 2; r.right = lwid; r.bottom = STATICHEIGHT; doctl(cp, r, "STATIC", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 0, stext, sid); r.left = rpos; r.top = cp->ypos + (height - EDITHEIGHT) / 2; r.right = rwid; r.bottom = COMBOHEIGHT*4; doctl(cp, r, "COMBOBOX", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | WS_VSCROLL | CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | CBS_HASSTRINGS, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "", lid); cp->ypos += height + GAPBETWEEN; } /* * A combo box on the right hand side, with a static to its left. */ void staticcombo(struct ctlpos *cp, const char *stext, int sid, int lid, int percentlist) { const int height = (COMBOHEIGHT > STATICHEIGHT ? COMBOHEIGHT : STATICHEIGHT); RECT r; int lwid, rwid, rpos; rpos = GAPBETWEEN + (100 - percentlist) * (cp->width + GAPBETWEEN) / 100; lwid = rpos - 2 * GAPBETWEEN; rwid = cp->width + GAPBETWEEN - rpos; r.left = GAPBETWEEN; r.top = cp->ypos + (height - STATICHEIGHT) / 2; r.right = lwid; r.bottom = STATICHEIGHT; doctl(cp, r, "STATIC", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 0, stext, sid); r.left = rpos; r.top = cp->ypos + (height - EDITHEIGHT) / 2; r.right = rwid; r.bottom = COMBOHEIGHT*10; doctl(cp, r, "COMBOBOX", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | WS_VSCROLL | CBS_DROPDOWN | CBS_HASSTRINGS, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "", lid); cp->ypos += height + GAPBETWEEN; } /* * A static, with a full-width drop-down list box below it. */ void staticddlbig(struct ctlpos *cp, const char *stext, int sid, int lid) { RECT r; if (stext) { r.left = GAPBETWEEN; r.top = cp->ypos; r.right = cp->width; r.bottom = STATICHEIGHT; doctl(cp, r, "STATIC", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 0, stext, sid); cp->ypos += STATICHEIGHT; } r.left = GAPBETWEEN; r.top = cp->ypos; r.right = cp->width; r.bottom = COMBOHEIGHT*4; doctl(cp, r, "COMBOBOX", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | WS_VSCROLL | CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | CBS_HASSTRINGS, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "", lid); cp->ypos += COMBOHEIGHT + GAPBETWEEN; } /* * A big multiline edit control with a static labelling it. */ void bigeditctrl(struct ctlpos *cp, const char *stext, int sid, int eid, int lines) { RECT r; if (stext) { r.left = GAPBETWEEN; r.top = cp->ypos; r.right = cp->width; r.bottom = STATICHEIGHT; cp->ypos += r.bottom + GAPWITHIN; doctl(cp, r, "STATIC", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 0, stext, sid); } r.left = GAPBETWEEN; r.top = cp->ypos; r.right = cp->width; r.bottom = EDITHEIGHT + (lines - 1) * STATICHEIGHT; cp->ypos += r.bottom + GAPBETWEEN; doctl(cp, r, "EDIT", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | WS_VSCROLL | ES_MULTILINE, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "", eid); } /* * A list box with a static labelling it. */ void listbox(struct ctlpos *cp, const char *stext, int sid, int lid, int lines, bool multi) { RECT r; if (stext != NULL) { r.left = GAPBETWEEN; r.top = cp->ypos; r.right = cp->width; r.bottom = STATICHEIGHT; cp->ypos += r.bottom + GAPWITHIN; doctl(cp, r, "STATIC", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 0, stext, sid); } r.left = GAPBETWEEN; r.top = cp->ypos; r.right = cp->width; r.bottom = LISTHEIGHT + (lines - 1) * LISTINCREMENT; cp->ypos += r.bottom + GAPBETWEEN; doctl(cp, r, "LISTBOX", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | WS_VSCROLL | LBS_NOTIFY | LBS_HASSTRINGS | LBS_USETABSTOPS | (multi ? LBS_MULTIPLESEL : 0), WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "", lid); } /* * A tab-control substitute when a real tab control is unavailable. */ void ersatztab(struct ctlpos *cp, const char *stext, int sid, int lid, int s2id) { const int height = (COMBOHEIGHT > STATICHEIGHT ? COMBOHEIGHT : STATICHEIGHT); RECT r; int bigwid, lwid, rwid, rpos; static const int BIGGAP = 15; static const int MEDGAP = 3; bigwid = cp->width + 2 * GAPBETWEEN - 2 * BIGGAP; cp->ypos += MEDGAP; rpos = BIGGAP + (bigwid + BIGGAP) / 2; lwid = rpos - 2 * BIGGAP; rwid = bigwid + BIGGAP - rpos; r.left = BIGGAP; r.top = cp->ypos + (height - STATICHEIGHT) / 2; r.right = lwid; r.bottom = STATICHEIGHT; doctl(cp, r, "STATIC", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 0, stext, sid); r.left = rpos; r.top = cp->ypos + (height - COMBOHEIGHT) / 2; r.right = rwid; r.bottom = COMBOHEIGHT * 10; doctl(cp, r, "COMBOBOX", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | CBS_HASSTRINGS, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "", lid); cp->ypos += height + MEDGAP + GAPBETWEEN; r.left = GAPBETWEEN; r.top = cp->ypos; r.right = cp->width; r.bottom = 2; doctl(cp, r, "STATIC", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | SS_ETCHEDHORZ, 0, "", s2id); } /* * A static line, followed by an edit control on the left hand side * and a button on the right. */ void editbutton(struct ctlpos *cp, const char *stext, int sid, int eid, const char *btext, int bid) { const int height = (EDITHEIGHT > PUSHBTNHEIGHT ? EDITHEIGHT : PUSHBTNHEIGHT); RECT r; int lwid, rwid, rpos; r.left = GAPBETWEEN; r.top = cp->ypos; r.right = cp->width; r.bottom = STATICHEIGHT; cp->ypos += r.bottom + GAPWITHIN; doctl(cp, r, "STATIC", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 0, stext, sid); rpos = GAPBETWEEN + 3 * (cp->width + GAPBETWEEN) / 4; lwid = rpos - 2 * GAPBETWEEN; rwid = cp->width + GAPBETWEEN - rpos; r.left = GAPBETWEEN; r.top = cp->ypos + (height - EDITHEIGHT) / 2; r.right = lwid; r.bottom = EDITHEIGHT; doctl(cp, r, "EDIT", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | ES_AUTOHSCROLL, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "", eid); r.left = rpos; r.top = cp->ypos + (height - PUSHBTNHEIGHT) / 2; r.right = rwid; r.bottom = PUSHBTNHEIGHT; doctl(cp, r, "BUTTON", BS_NOTIFY | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | BS_PUSHBUTTON, 0, btext, bid); cp->ypos += height + GAPBETWEEN; } /* * A special control for manipulating an ordered preference list * (eg. for cipher selection). * XXX: this is a rough hack and could be improved. */ void prefslist(struct prefslist *hdl, struct ctlpos *cp, int lines, const char *stext, int sid, int listid, int upbid, int dnbid) { const static int percents[] = { 5, 75, 20 }; RECT r; int xpos, percent = 0, i; int listheight = LISTHEIGHT + (lines - 1) * LISTINCREMENT; const int BTNSHEIGHT = 2*PUSHBTNHEIGHT + GAPBETWEEN; int totalheight, buttonpos; /* Squirrel away IDs. */ hdl->listid = listid; hdl->upbid = upbid; hdl->dnbid = dnbid; /* The static label. */ if (stext != NULL) { r.left = GAPBETWEEN; r.top = cp->ypos; r.right = cp->width; r.bottom = STATICHEIGHT; cp->ypos += r.bottom + GAPWITHIN; doctl(cp, r, "STATIC", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 0, stext, sid); } if (listheight > BTNSHEIGHT) { totalheight = listheight; buttonpos = (listheight - BTNSHEIGHT) / 2; } else { totalheight = BTNSHEIGHT; buttonpos = 0; } for (i=0; i<3; i++) { int left, wid; xpos = (cp->width + GAPBETWEEN) * percent / 100; left = xpos + GAPBETWEEN; percent += percents[i]; xpos = (cp->width + GAPBETWEEN) * percent / 100; wid = xpos - left; switch (i) { case 1: { /* The drag list box. */ r.left = left; r.right = wid; r.top = cp->ypos; r.bottom = listheight; HWND ctl = doctl(cp, r, "LISTBOX", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | WS_VSCROLL | LBS_HASSTRINGS | LBS_USETABSTOPS, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "", listid); p_MakeDragList(ctl); break; } case 2: /* The "Up" and "Down" buttons. */ /* XXX worry about accelerators if we have more than one * prefslist on a panel */ r.left = left; r.right = wid; r.top = cp->ypos + buttonpos; r.bottom = PUSHBTNHEIGHT; doctl(cp, r, "BUTTON", BS_NOTIFY | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | BS_PUSHBUTTON, 0, "&Up", upbid); r.left = left; r.right = wid; r.top = cp->ypos + buttonpos + PUSHBTNHEIGHT + GAPBETWEEN; r.bottom = PUSHBTNHEIGHT; doctl(cp, r, "BUTTON", BS_NOTIFY | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | BS_PUSHBUTTON, 0, "&Down", dnbid); break; } } cp->ypos += totalheight + GAPBETWEEN; } /* * Helper function for prefslist: move item in list box. */ static void pl_moveitem(HWND hwnd, int listid, int src, int dst) { int tlen, val; char *txt; /* Get the item's data. */ tlen = SendDlgItemMessage (hwnd, listid, LB_GETTEXTLEN, src, 0); txt = snewn(tlen+1, char); SendDlgItemMessage (hwnd, listid, LB_GETTEXT, src, (LPARAM) txt); val = SendDlgItemMessage (hwnd, listid, LB_GETITEMDATA, src, 0); /* Deselect old location. */ SendDlgItemMessage (hwnd, listid, LB_SETSEL, false, src); /* Delete it at the old location. */ SendDlgItemMessage (hwnd, listid, LB_DELETESTRING, src, 0); /* Insert it at new location. */ SendDlgItemMessage (hwnd, listid, LB_INSERTSTRING, dst, (LPARAM) txt); SendDlgItemMessage (hwnd, listid, LB_SETITEMDATA, dst, (LPARAM) val); /* Set selection. */ SendDlgItemMessage (hwnd, listid, LB_SETCURSEL, dst, 0); sfree (txt); } int pl_itemfrompt(HWND hwnd, POINT cursor, bool scroll) { int ret; POINT uppoint, downpoint; int updist, downdist, upitem, downitem, i; /* * Ghastly hackery to try to figure out not which * _item_, but which _gap between items_, the user * is pointing at. We do this by first working out * which list item is under the cursor, and then * working out how far the cursor would have to * move up or down before the answer was different. * Then we put the insertion point _above_ the * current item if the upper edge is closer than * the lower edge, or _below_ it if vice versa. */ ret = p_LBItemFromPt(hwnd, cursor, scroll); if (ret == -1) return ret; ret = p_LBItemFromPt(hwnd, cursor, false); updist = downdist = 0; for (i = 1; i < 4096 && (!updist || !downdist); i++) { uppoint = downpoint = cursor; uppoint.y -= i; downpoint.y += i; upitem = p_LBItemFromPt(hwnd, uppoint, false); downitem = p_LBItemFromPt(hwnd, downpoint, false); if (!updist && upitem != ret) updist = i; if (!downdist && downitem != ret) downdist = i; } if (downdist < updist) ret++; return ret; } /* * Handler for prefslist above. * * Return value has bit 0 set if the dialog box procedure needs to * return true from handling this message; it has bit 1 set if a * change may have been made in the contents of the list. */ int handle_prefslist(struct prefslist *hdl, int *array, int maxmemb, bool is_dlmsg, HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { int i; int ret = 0; if (is_dlmsg) { if ((int)wParam == hdl->listid) { DRAGLISTINFO *dlm = (DRAGLISTINFO *)lParam; int dest = 0; /* initialise to placate gcc */ switch (dlm->uNotification) { case DL_BEGINDRAG: /* Add a dummy item to make pl_itemfrompt() work * better. * FIXME: this causes scrollbar glitches if the count of * listbox contains >= its height. */ hdl->dummyitem = SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, hdl->listid, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) ""); hdl->srcitem = p_LBItemFromPt(dlm->hWnd, dlm->ptCursor, true); hdl->dragging = false; /* XXX hack Q183115 */ SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, DWLP_MSGRESULT, true); ret |= 1; break; case DL_CANCELDRAG: p_DrawInsert(hwnd, dlm->hWnd, -1); /* Clear arrow */ SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, hdl->listid, LB_DELETESTRING, hdl->dummyitem, 0); hdl->dragging = false; ret |= 1; break; case DL_DRAGGING: hdl->dragging = true; dest = pl_itemfrompt(dlm->hWnd, dlm->ptCursor, true); if (dest > hdl->dummyitem) dest = hdl->dummyitem; p_DrawInsert (hwnd, dlm->hWnd, dest); if (dest >= 0) SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, DWLP_MSGRESULT, DL_MOVECURSOR); else SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, DWLP_MSGRESULT, DL_STOPCURSOR); ret |= 1; break; case DL_DROPPED: if (hdl->dragging) { dest = pl_itemfrompt(dlm->hWnd, dlm->ptCursor, true); if (dest > hdl->dummyitem) dest = hdl->dummyitem; p_DrawInsert (hwnd, dlm->hWnd, -1); } SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, hdl->listid, LB_DELETESTRING, hdl->dummyitem, 0); if (hdl->dragging) { hdl->dragging = false; if (dest >= 0) { /* Correct for "missing" item. */ if (dest > hdl->srcitem) dest--; pl_moveitem(hwnd, hdl->listid, hdl->srcitem, dest); } ret |= 2; } ret |= 1; break; } } } else { if (((LOWORD(wParam) == hdl->upbid) || (LOWORD(wParam) == hdl->dnbid)) && ((HIWORD(wParam) == BN_CLICKED) || (HIWORD(wParam) == BN_DOUBLECLICKED))) { /* Move an item up or down the list. */ /* Get the current selection, if any. */ int selection = SendDlgItemMessage (hwnd, hdl->listid, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); if (selection == LB_ERR) { MessageBeep(0); } else { int nitems; /* Get the total number of items. */ nitems = SendDlgItemMessage (hwnd, hdl->listid, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0); /* Should we do anything? */ if (LOWORD(wParam) == hdl->upbid && (selection > 0)) pl_moveitem(hwnd, hdl->listid, selection, selection - 1); else if (LOWORD(wParam) == hdl->dnbid && (selection < nitems - 1)) pl_moveitem(hwnd, hdl->listid, selection, selection + 1); ret |= 2; } } } if (array) { /* Update array to match the list box. */ for (i=0; i < maxmemb; i++) array[i] = SendDlgItemMessage (hwnd, hdl->listid, LB_GETITEMDATA, i, 0); } return ret; } /* * A progress bar (from Common Controls). We like our progress bars * to be smooth and unbroken, without those ugly divisions; some * older compilers may not support that, but that's life. */ void progressbar(struct ctlpos *cp, int id) { RECT r; r.left = GAPBETWEEN; r.top = cp->ypos; r.right = cp->width; r.bottom = PROGBARHEIGHT; cp->ypos += r.bottom + GAPBETWEEN; doctl(cp, r, PROGRESS_CLASS, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE #ifdef PBS_SMOOTH | PBS_SMOOTH #endif , WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "", id); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Platform-specific side of portable dialog-box mechanism. */ /* * This function takes a string, escapes all the ampersands, and * places a single (unescaped) ampersand in front of the first * occurrence of the given shortcut character (which may be * NO_SHORTCUT). * * Return value is a malloc'ed copy of the processed version of the * string. */ static char *shortcut_escape(const char *text, char shortcut) { if (!text) return NULL; /* sfree won't choke on this */ strbuf *sb = strbuf_new(); shortcut = tolower((unsigned char)shortcut); const char *p = text; while (*p) { if (shortcut != NO_SHORTCUT && tolower((unsigned char)*p) == shortcut) { put_byte(sb, '&'); shortcut = NO_SHORTCUT; /* stop it happening twice */ } else if (*p == '&') { put_byte(sb, '&'); } put_byte(sb, *p++); } return strbuf_to_str(sb); } void winctrl_add_shortcuts(struct dlgparam *dp, struct winctrl *c) { int i; for (i = 0; i < lenof(c->shortcuts); i++) if (c->shortcuts[i] != NO_SHORTCUT) { unsigned char s = tolower((unsigned char)c->shortcuts[i]); assert(!dp->shortcuts[s]); dp->shortcuts[s] = true; } } void winctrl_rem_shortcuts(struct dlgparam *dp, struct winctrl *c) { int i; for (i = 0; i < lenof(c->shortcuts); i++) if (c->shortcuts[i] != NO_SHORTCUT) { unsigned char s = tolower((unsigned char)c->shortcuts[i]); assert(dp->shortcuts[s]); dp->shortcuts[s] = false; } } static int winctrl_cmp_byctrl(void *av, void *bv) { struct winctrl *a = (struct winctrl *)av; struct winctrl *b = (struct winctrl *)bv; if (a->ctrl < b->ctrl) return -1; else if (a->ctrl > b->ctrl) return +1; else return 0; } static int winctrl_cmp_byid(void *av, void *bv) { struct winctrl *a = (struct winctrl *)av; struct winctrl *b = (struct winctrl *)bv; if (a->base_id < b->base_id) return -1; else if (a->base_id > b->base_id) return +1; else return 0; } static int winctrl_cmp_byctrl_find(void *av, void *bv) { dlgcontrol *a = (dlgcontrol *)av; struct winctrl *b = (struct winctrl *)bv; if (a < b->ctrl) return -1; else if (a > b->ctrl) return +1; else return 0; } static int winctrl_cmp_byid_find(void *av, void *bv) { int *a = (int *)av; struct winctrl *b = (struct winctrl *)bv; if (*a < b->base_id) return -1; else if (*a >= b->base_id + b->num_ids) return +1; else return 0; } void winctrl_init(struct winctrls *wc) { wc->byctrl = newtree234(winctrl_cmp_byctrl); wc->byid = newtree234(winctrl_cmp_byid); } void winctrl_cleanup(struct winctrls *wc) { struct winctrl *c; while ((c = index234(wc->byid, 0)) != NULL) { winctrl_remove(wc, c); sfree(c->data); sfree(c); } freetree234(wc->byctrl); freetree234(wc->byid); wc->byctrl = wc->byid = NULL; } void winctrl_add(struct winctrls *wc, struct winctrl *c) { struct winctrl *ret; if (c->ctrl) { ret = add234(wc->byctrl, c); assert(ret == c); } ret = add234(wc->byid, c); assert(ret == c); } void winctrl_remove(struct winctrls *wc, struct winctrl *c) { struct winctrl *ret; ret = del234(wc->byctrl, c); ret = del234(wc->byid, c); assert(ret == c); } struct winctrl *winctrl_findbyctrl(struct winctrls *wc, dlgcontrol *ctrl) { return find234(wc->byctrl, ctrl, winctrl_cmp_byctrl_find); } struct winctrl *winctrl_findbyid(struct winctrls *wc, int id) { return find234(wc->byid, &id, winctrl_cmp_byid_find); } struct winctrl *winctrl_findbyindex(struct winctrls *wc, int index) { return index234(wc->byid, index); } static void move_windows(HWND hwnd, int base_id, int num_ids, LONG dy) { if (!dy) return; for (int i = 0; i < num_ids; i++) { HWND win = GetDlgItem(hwnd, base_id + i); RECT rect; if (!GetWindowRect(win, &rect)) continue; POINT p; p.x = rect.left; p.y = rect.top + dy; if (!ScreenToClient(hwnd, &p)) continue; SetWindowPos(win, NULL, p.x, p.y, 0, 0, SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER); } } void winctrl_layout(struct dlgparam *dp, struct winctrls *wc, struct ctlpos *cp, struct controlset *s, int *id) { struct ctlpos columns[16]; int ncols, colstart, colspan; struct ctlpos tabdelays[16]; dlgcontrol *tabdelayed[16]; int ntabdelays; struct ctlpos pos; char shortcuts[MAX_SHORTCUTS_PER_CTRL]; int nshortcuts; char *escaped; int i, actual_base_id, base_id, num_ids, align_id_relative; void *data; base_id = *id; ctrlset_normalise_aligns(s); /* Start a containing box, if we have a boxname. */ if (s->boxname && *s->boxname) { struct winctrl *c = snew(struct winctrl); c->ctrl = NULL; c->base_id = c->align_id = base_id; c->num_ids = 1; c->data = NULL; memset(c->shortcuts, NO_SHORTCUT, lenof(c->shortcuts)); winctrl_add(wc, c); beginbox(cp, s->boxtitle, base_id); base_id++; } /* Draw a title, if we have one. */ if (!s->boxname && s->boxtitle) { struct winctrl *c = snew(struct winctrl); c->ctrl = NULL; c->base_id = c->align_id = base_id; c->num_ids = 1; c->data = dupstr(s->boxtitle); memset(c->shortcuts, NO_SHORTCUT, lenof(c->shortcuts)); winctrl_add(wc, c); paneltitle(cp, base_id); base_id++; } /* Initially we have just one column. */ ncols = 1; columns[0] = *cp; /* structure copy */ /* And initially, there are no pending tab-delayed controls. */ ntabdelays = 0; /* Loop over each control in the controlset. */ for (i = 0; i < s->ncontrols; i++) { dlgcontrol *ctrl = s->ctrls[i]; /* * Generic processing that pertains to all control types. * At the end of this if statement, we'll have produced * `ctrl' (a pointer to the control we have to create, or * think about creating, in this iteration of the loop), * `pos' (a suitable ctlpos with which to position it), and * `c' (a winctrl structure to receive details of the * dialog IDs). Or we'll have done a `continue', if it was * CTRL_COLUMNS and doesn't require any control creation at * all. */ if (ctrl->type == CTRL_COLUMNS) { assert((ctrl->columns.ncols == 1) ^ (ncols == 1)); if (ncols == 1) { /* * We're splitting into multiple columns. */ int lpercent, rpercent, lx, rx, i; ncols = ctrl->columns.ncols; assert(ncols <= lenof(columns)); for (i = 1; i < ncols; i++) columns[i] = columns[0]; /* structure copy */ lpercent = 0; for (i = 0; i < ncols; i++) { rpercent = lpercent + ctrl->columns.percentages[i]; lx = columns[i].xoff + lpercent * (columns[i].width + GAPBETWEEN) / 100; rx = columns[i].xoff + rpercent * (columns[i].width + GAPBETWEEN) / 100; columns[i].xoff = lx; columns[i].width = rx - lx - GAPBETWEEN; lpercent = rpercent; } } else { /* * We're recombining the various columns into one. */ int maxy = columns[0].ypos; int i; for (i = 1; i < ncols; i++) if (maxy < columns[i].ypos) maxy = columns[i].ypos; ncols = 1; columns[0] = *cp; /* structure copy */ columns[0].ypos = maxy; } continue; } else if (ctrl->type == CTRL_TABDELAY) { int i; assert(!ctrl->delay_taborder); ctrl = ctrl->tabdelay.ctrl; for (i = 0; i < ntabdelays; i++) if (tabdelayed[i] == ctrl) break; assert(i < ntabdelays); /* we have to have found it */ pos = tabdelays[i]; /* structure copy */ colstart = colspan = -1; /* indicate this was tab-delayed */ } else { /* * If it wasn't one of those, it's a genuine control; * so we'll have to compute a position for it now, by * checking its column span. */ int col; colstart = COLUMN_START(ctrl->column); colspan = COLUMN_SPAN(ctrl->column); pos = columns[colstart]; /* structure copy */ pos.width = columns[colstart+colspan-1].width + (columns[colstart+colspan-1].xoff - columns[colstart].xoff); for (col = colstart; col < colstart+colspan; col++) if (pos.ypos < columns[col].ypos) pos.ypos = columns[col].ypos; /* * If this control is to be tabdelayed, add it to the * tabdelay list, and unset pos.hwnd to inhibit actual * control creation. */ if (ctrl->delay_taborder) { assert(ntabdelays < lenof(tabdelays)); tabdelays[ntabdelays] = pos; /* structure copy */ tabdelayed[ntabdelays] = ctrl; ntabdelays++; pos.hwnd = NULL; } } /* Most controls don't need anything in c->data. */ data = NULL; /* And they all start off with no shortcuts registered. */ memset(shortcuts, NO_SHORTCUT, lenof(shortcuts)); nshortcuts = 0; /* Almost all controls start at base_id. */ actual_base_id = base_id; /* For vertical alignment purposes, the most relevant control * in a group is usually the last one. But that can be * overridden occasionally. */ align_id_relative = -1; /* * Now we're ready to actually create the control, by * switching on its type. */ switch (ctrl->type) { case CTRL_TEXT: if (ctrl->text.wrap) { char *wrapped, *escaped; int lines; num_ids = 1; wrapped = staticwrap(&pos, cp->hwnd, ctrl->label, &lines); escaped = shortcut_escape(wrapped, NO_SHORTCUT); statictext(&pos, escaped, lines, base_id); sfree(escaped); sfree(wrapped); } else { num_ids = 1; editboxfw(&pos, false, true, NULL, 0, base_id); SetDlgItemText(pos.hwnd, base_id, ctrl->label); MakeDlgItemBorderless(pos.hwnd, base_id); } break; case CTRL_EDITBOX: num_ids = 2; /* static, edit */ escaped = shortcut_escape(ctrl->label, ctrl->editbox.shortcut); shortcuts[nshortcuts++] = ctrl->editbox.shortcut; if (ctrl->editbox.percentwidth == 100) { if (ctrl->editbox.has_list) combobox(&pos, escaped, base_id, base_id+1); else editboxfw(&pos, ctrl->editbox.password, false, escaped, base_id, base_id+1); } else { if (ctrl->editbox.has_list) { staticcombo(&pos, escaped, base_id, base_id+1, ctrl->editbox.percentwidth); } else { (ctrl->editbox.password ? staticpassedit : staticedit) (&pos, escaped, base_id, base_id+1, ctrl->editbox.percentwidth); } } sfree(escaped); break; case CTRL_RADIO: { num_ids = ctrl->radio.nbuttons + 1; /* label as well */ struct radio *buttons; int i; escaped = shortcut_escape(ctrl->label, ctrl->radio.shortcut); shortcuts[nshortcuts++] = ctrl->radio.shortcut; buttons = snewn(ctrl->radio.nbuttons, struct radio); for (i = 0; i < ctrl->radio.nbuttons; i++) { buttons[i].text = shortcut_escape(ctrl->radio.buttons[i], (char)(ctrl->radio.shortcuts ? ctrl->radio.shortcuts[i] : NO_SHORTCUT)); buttons[i].id = base_id + 1 + i; if (ctrl->radio.shortcuts) { assert(nshortcuts < MAX_SHORTCUTS_PER_CTRL); shortcuts[nshortcuts++] = ctrl->radio.shortcuts[i]; } } radioline_common(&pos, escaped, base_id, ctrl->radio.ncolumns, buttons, ctrl->radio.nbuttons); for (i = 0; i < ctrl->radio.nbuttons; i++) { sfree((char *)buttons[i].text); } sfree(buttons); sfree(escaped); break; } case CTRL_CHECKBOX: num_ids = 1; escaped = shortcut_escape(ctrl->label, ctrl->checkbox.shortcut); shortcuts[nshortcuts++] = ctrl->checkbox.shortcut; checkbox(&pos, escaped, base_id); sfree(escaped); break; case CTRL_BUTTON: escaped = shortcut_escape(ctrl->label, ctrl->button.shortcut); shortcuts[nshortcuts++] = ctrl->button.shortcut; if (ctrl->button.iscancel) actual_base_id = IDCANCEL; num_ids = 1; button(&pos, escaped, actual_base_id, ctrl->button.isdefault); sfree(escaped); break; case CTRL_LISTBOX: num_ids = 2; escaped = shortcut_escape(ctrl->label, ctrl->listbox.shortcut); shortcuts[nshortcuts++] = ctrl->listbox.shortcut; if (ctrl->listbox.draglist) { data = snew(struct prefslist); num_ids = 4; prefslist(data, &pos, ctrl->listbox.height, escaped, base_id, base_id+1, base_id+2, base_id+3); shortcuts[nshortcuts++] = 'u'; /* Up */ shortcuts[nshortcuts++] = 'd'; /* Down */ } else if (ctrl->listbox.height == 0) { /* Drop-down list. */ if (ctrl->listbox.percentwidth == 100) { staticddlbig(&pos, escaped, base_id, base_id+1); } else { staticddl(&pos, escaped, base_id, base_id+1, ctrl->listbox.percentwidth); } } else { /* Ordinary list. */ listbox(&pos, escaped, base_id, base_id+1, ctrl->listbox.height, ctrl->listbox.multisel); } if (ctrl->listbox.ncols) { /* * This method of getting the box width is a bit of * a hack; we'd do better to try to retrieve the * actual width in dialog units from doctl() just * before MapDialogRect. But that's going to be no * fun, and this should be good enough accuracy. */ int width = cp->width * ctrl->listbox.percentwidth; int *tabarray; int i, percent; tabarray = snewn(ctrl->listbox.ncols-1, int); percent = 0; for (i = 0; i < ctrl->listbox.ncols-1; i++) { percent += ctrl->listbox.percentages[i]; tabarray[i] = width * percent / 10000; } SendDlgItemMessage(cp->hwnd, base_id+1, LB_SETTABSTOPS, ctrl->listbox.ncols-1, (LPARAM)tabarray); sfree(tabarray); } sfree(escaped); break; case CTRL_FILESELECT: escaped = shortcut_escape(ctrl->label, ctrl->fileselect.shortcut); shortcuts[nshortcuts++] = ctrl->fileselect.shortcut; num_ids = 3; if (!ctrl->fileselect.just_button) { editbutton(&pos, escaped, base_id, base_id+1, "Browse...", base_id+2); } else { button(&pos, escaped, base_id+2, false); } sfree(escaped); break; case CTRL_FONTSELECT: num_ids = 3; escaped = shortcut_escape(ctrl->label, ctrl->fontselect.shortcut); shortcuts[nshortcuts++] = ctrl->fontselect.shortcut; statictext(&pos, escaped, 1, base_id); staticbtn(&pos, "", base_id+1, "Change...", base_id+2); data = fontspec_new_default(); sfree(escaped); break; default: unreachable("bad control type in winctrl_layout"); } /* Translate the original align_id_relative of -1 into n-1 */ if (align_id_relative < 0) align_id_relative += num_ids; /* * Create a `struct winctrl' for this control, and advance * the dialog ID counter, if it's actually been created * (and isn't tabdelayed). */ if (pos.hwnd) { struct winctrl *c = snew(struct winctrl); c->ctrl = ctrl; c->base_id = actual_base_id; c->align_id = c->base_id + align_id_relative; c->num_ids = num_ids; c->data = data; memcpy(c->shortcuts, shortcuts, sizeof(shortcuts)); winctrl_add(wc, c); winctrl_add_shortcuts(dp, c); if (actual_base_id == base_id) base_id += num_ids; if (ctrl->align_next_to) { /* * Implement align_next_to by looking at the y extents * of the two controls now that both are created, and * moving one or the other downwards so that they're * centred on a common horizontal line. */ LONG mid2 = 0; for (dlgcontrol *thisctrl = ctrl; thisctrl; thisctrl = thisctrl->align_next_to) { struct winctrl *thisc = winctrl_findbyctrl(wc, thisctrl); assert(thisc); HWND win = GetDlgItem(pos.hwnd, thisc->align_id); assert(win); RECT rect; if (!GetWindowRect(win, &rect)) continue; if (mid2 < rect.top + rect.bottom) mid2 = rect.top + rect.bottom; } for (dlgcontrol *thisctrl = ctrl; thisctrl; thisctrl = thisctrl->align_next_to) { struct winctrl *thisc = winctrl_findbyctrl(wc, thisctrl); assert(thisc); HWND win = GetDlgItem(pos.hwnd, thisc->align_id); assert(win); RECT rect; if (!GetWindowRect(win, &rect)) continue; LONG dy = (mid2 - (rect.top + rect.bottom)) / 2; move_windows(pos.hwnd, thisc->base_id, thisc->num_ids, dy); } } } else { sfree(data); } if (colstart >= 0) { /* * Update the ypos in all columns crossed by this * control. */ int i; for (i = colstart; i < colstart+colspan; i++) columns[i].ypos = pos.ypos; } } /* * We've now finished laying out the controls; so now update * the ctlpos and control ID that were passed in, terminate * any containing box, and return. */ for (i = 0; i < ncols; i++) if (cp->ypos < columns[i].ypos) cp->ypos = columns[i].ypos; *id = base_id; if (s->boxname && *s->boxname) endbox(cp); } static void winctrl_set_focus(dlgcontrol *ctrl, struct dlgparam *dp, bool has_focus) { if (has_focus) { if (dp->focused) dp->lastfocused = dp->focused; dp->focused = ctrl; } else if (!has_focus && dp->focused == ctrl) { dp->lastfocused = dp->focused; dp->focused = NULL; } } dlgcontrol *dlg_last_focused(dlgcontrol *ctrl, dlgparam *dp) { return dp->focused == ctrl ? dp->lastfocused : dp->focused; } /* * The dialog-box procedure calls this function to handle Windows * messages on a control we manage. */ bool winctrl_handle_command(struct dlgparam *dp, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { struct winctrl *c; dlgcontrol *ctrl; int i, id; bool ret; static UINT draglistmsg = WM_NULL; /* * Filter out pointless window messages. Our interest is in * WM_COMMAND and the drag list message, and nothing else. */ if (draglistmsg == WM_NULL) draglistmsg = RegisterWindowMessage (DRAGLISTMSGSTRING); if (msg != draglistmsg && msg != WM_COMMAND && msg != WM_DRAWITEM) return false; /* * Look up the control ID in our data. */ c = NULL; for (i = 0; i < dp->nctrltrees; i++) { c = winctrl_findbyid(dp->controltrees[i], LOWORD(wParam)); if (c) break; } if (!c) return false; /* we have nothing to do */ if (msg == WM_DRAWITEM) { /* * Owner-draw request for a panel title. */ LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT di = (LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT) lParam; HDC hdc = di->hDC; RECT r = di->rcItem; SIZE s; SetMapMode(hdc, MM_TEXT); /* ensure logical units == pixels */ GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, (char *)c->data, strlen((char *)c->data), &s); DrawEdge(hdc, &r, EDGE_ETCHED, BF_ADJUST | BF_RECT); TextOut(hdc, r.left + (r.right-r.left-s.cx)/2, r.top + (r.bottom-r.top-s.cy)/2, (char *)c->data, strlen((char *)c->data)); return true; } ctrl = c->ctrl; id = LOWORD(wParam) - c->base_id; if (!ctrl || !ctrl->handler) return false; /* nothing we can do here */ /* * From here on we do not issue `return' statements until the * very end of the dialog box: any event handler is entitled to * ask for a colour selector, so we _must_ always allow control * to reach the end of this switch statement so that the * subsequent code can test dp->coloursel_wanted(). */ ret = false; dp->coloursel_wanted = false; /* * Now switch on the control type and the message. */ switch (ctrl->type) { case CTRL_EDITBOX: if (msg == WM_COMMAND && !ctrl->editbox.has_list && (HIWORD(wParam) == EN_SETFOCUS || HIWORD(wParam) == EN_KILLFOCUS)) winctrl_set_focus(ctrl, dp, HIWORD(wParam) == EN_SETFOCUS); if (msg == WM_COMMAND && ctrl->editbox.has_list && (HIWORD(wParam)==CBN_SETFOCUS || HIWORD(wParam)==CBN_KILLFOCUS)) winctrl_set_focus(ctrl, dp, HIWORD(wParam) == CBN_SETFOCUS); if (msg == WM_COMMAND && !ctrl->editbox.has_list && HIWORD(wParam) == EN_CHANGE) ctrl->handler(ctrl, dp, dp->data, EVENT_VALCHANGE); if (msg == WM_COMMAND && ctrl->editbox.has_list) { if (HIWORD(wParam) == CBN_SELCHANGE) { int index, len; char *text; index = SendDlgItemMessage(dp->hwnd, c->base_id+1, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); len = SendDlgItemMessage(dp->hwnd, c->base_id+1, CB_GETLBTEXTLEN, index, 0); text = snewn(len+1, char); SendDlgItemMessage(dp->hwnd, c->base_id+1, CB_GETLBTEXT, index, (LPARAM)text); SetDlgItemText(dp->hwnd, c->base_id+1, text); sfree(text); ctrl->handler(ctrl, dp, dp->data, EVENT_VALCHANGE); } else if (HIWORD(wParam) == CBN_EDITCHANGE) { ctrl->handler(ctrl, dp, dp->data, EVENT_VALCHANGE); } else if (HIWORD(wParam) == CBN_KILLFOCUS) { ctrl->handler(ctrl, dp, dp->data, EVENT_REFRESH); } } break; case CTRL_RADIO: if (msg == WM_COMMAND && (HIWORD(wParam) == BN_SETFOCUS || HIWORD(wParam) == BN_KILLFOCUS)) winctrl_set_focus(ctrl, dp, HIWORD(wParam) == BN_SETFOCUS); /* * We sometimes get spurious BN_CLICKED messages for the * radio button that is just about to _lose_ selection, if * we're switching using the arrow keys. Therefore we * double-check that the button in wParam is actually * checked before generating an event. */ if (msg == WM_COMMAND && (HIWORD(wParam) == BN_CLICKED || HIWORD(wParam) == BN_DOUBLECLICKED) && IsDlgButtonChecked(dp->hwnd, LOWORD(wParam))) { ctrl->handler(ctrl, dp, dp->data, EVENT_VALCHANGE); } break; case CTRL_CHECKBOX: if (msg == WM_COMMAND && (HIWORD(wParam) == BN_SETFOCUS || HIWORD(wParam) == BN_KILLFOCUS)) winctrl_set_focus(ctrl, dp, HIWORD(wParam) == BN_SETFOCUS); if (msg == WM_COMMAND && (HIWORD(wParam) == BN_CLICKED || HIWORD(wParam) == BN_DOUBLECLICKED)) { ctrl->handler(ctrl, dp, dp->data, EVENT_VALCHANGE); } break; case CTRL_BUTTON: if (msg == WM_COMMAND && (HIWORD(wParam) == BN_SETFOCUS || HIWORD(wParam) == BN_KILLFOCUS)) winctrl_set_focus(ctrl, dp, HIWORD(wParam) == BN_SETFOCUS); if (msg == WM_COMMAND && (HIWORD(wParam) == BN_CLICKED || HIWORD(wParam) == BN_DOUBLECLICKED)) { ctrl->handler(ctrl, dp, dp->data, EVENT_ACTION); } break; case CTRL_LISTBOX: if (msg == WM_COMMAND && ctrl->listbox.height != 0 && (HIWORD(wParam)==LBN_SETFOCUS || HIWORD(wParam)==LBN_KILLFOCUS)) winctrl_set_focus(ctrl, dp, HIWORD(wParam) == LBN_SETFOCUS); if (msg == WM_COMMAND && ctrl->listbox.height == 0 && (HIWORD(wParam)==CBN_SETFOCUS || HIWORD(wParam)==CBN_KILLFOCUS)) winctrl_set_focus(ctrl, dp, HIWORD(wParam) == CBN_SETFOCUS); if (msg == WM_COMMAND && id >= 2 && (HIWORD(wParam) == BN_SETFOCUS || HIWORD(wParam) == BN_KILLFOCUS)) winctrl_set_focus(ctrl, dp, HIWORD(wParam) == BN_SETFOCUS); if (ctrl->listbox.draglist) { int pret; pret = handle_prefslist(c->data, NULL, 0, (msg != WM_COMMAND), dp->hwnd, wParam, lParam); if (pret & 2) ctrl->handler(ctrl, dp, dp->data, EVENT_VALCHANGE); ret = pret & 1; } else { if (msg == WM_COMMAND && HIWORD(wParam) == LBN_DBLCLK) { SetCapture(dp->hwnd); ctrl->handler(ctrl, dp, dp->data, EVENT_ACTION); } else if (msg == WM_COMMAND && HIWORD(wParam) == LBN_SELCHANGE) { ctrl->handler(ctrl, dp, dp->data, EVENT_SELCHANGE); } } break; case CTRL_FILESELECT: if (msg == WM_COMMAND && id == 1 && (HIWORD(wParam) == EN_SETFOCUS || HIWORD(wParam) == EN_KILLFOCUS)) winctrl_set_focus(ctrl, dp, HIWORD(wParam) == EN_SETFOCUS); if (msg == WM_COMMAND && id == 2 && (HIWORD(wParam) == BN_SETFOCUS || HIWORD(wParam) == BN_KILLFOCUS)) winctrl_set_focus(ctrl, dp, HIWORD(wParam) == BN_SETFOCUS); if (msg == WM_COMMAND && id == 1 && HIWORD(wParam) == EN_CHANGE) ctrl->handler(ctrl, dp, dp->data, EVENT_VALCHANGE); if (id == 2 && (msg == WM_COMMAND && (HIWORD(wParam) == BN_CLICKED || HIWORD(wParam) == BN_DOUBLECLICKED))) { OPENFILENAMEW of; wchar_t filename[FILENAME_MAX]; wchar_t *title_to_free = NULL; memset(&of, 0, sizeof(of)); of.hwndOwner = dp->hwnd; if (ctrl->fileselect.filter) of.lpstrFilter = ctrl->fileselect.filter; else of.lpstrFilter = L"All Files (*.*)\0*\0\0\0"; of.lpstrCustomFilter = NULL; of.nFilterIndex = 1; of.lpstrFile = filename; if (!ctrl->fileselect.just_button) { GetDlgItemTextW(dp->hwnd, c->base_id+1, filename, lenof(filename)); filename[lenof(filename)-1] = L'\0'; } else { *filename = L'\0'; } of.nMaxFile = lenof(filename); of.lpstrFileTitle = NULL; of.lpstrTitle = title_to_free = dup_mb_to_wc( DEFAULT_CODEPAGE, ctrl->fileselect.title); of.Flags = 0; if (request_file_w(NULL, &of, false, ctrl->fileselect.for_writing)) { if (!ctrl->fileselect.just_button) { SetDlgItemTextW(dp->hwnd, c->base_id + 1, filename); ctrl->handler(ctrl, dp, dp->data, EVENT_VALCHANGE); } else { assert(!c->data); c->data = filename; ctrl->handler(ctrl, dp, dp->data, EVENT_ACTION); c->data = NULL; } } sfree(title_to_free); } break; case CTRL_FONTSELECT: if (msg == WM_COMMAND && id == 2 && (HIWORD(wParam) == BN_SETFOCUS || HIWORD(wParam) == BN_KILLFOCUS)) winctrl_set_focus(ctrl, dp, HIWORD(wParam) == BN_SETFOCUS); if (id == 2 && (msg == WM_COMMAND && (HIWORD(wParam) == BN_CLICKED || HIWORD(wParam) == BN_DOUBLECLICKED))) { CHOOSEFONT cf; LOGFONT lf; HDC hdc; FontSpec *fs = (FontSpec *)c->data; hdc = GetDC(0); lf.lfHeight = -MulDiv(fs->height, GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY), 72); ReleaseDC(0, hdc); lf.lfWidth = lf.lfEscapement = lf.lfOrientation = 0; lf.lfItalic = lf.lfUnderline = lf.lfStrikeOut = 0; lf.lfWeight = (fs->isbold ? FW_BOLD : 0); lf.lfCharSet = fs->charset; lf.lfOutPrecision = OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS; lf.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS; lf.lfQuality = DEFAULT_QUALITY; lf.lfPitchAndFamily = FIXED_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE; strncpy(lf.lfFaceName, fs->name, sizeof(lf.lfFaceName) - 1); lf.lfFaceName[sizeof(lf.lfFaceName) - 1] = '\0'; cf.lStructSize = sizeof(cf); cf.hwndOwner = dp->hwnd; cf.lpLogFont = &lf; cf.Flags = (dp->fixed_pitch_fonts ? CF_FIXEDPITCHONLY : 0) | CF_FORCEFONTEXIST | CF_INITTOLOGFONTSTRUCT | CF_SCREENFONTS; if (ChooseFont(&cf)) { fs = fontspec_new(lf.lfFaceName, (lf.lfWeight == FW_BOLD), cf.iPointSize / 10, lf.lfCharSet); dlg_fontsel_set(ctrl, dp, fs); fontspec_free(fs); ctrl->handler(ctrl, dp, dp->data, EVENT_VALCHANGE); } } break; } /* * If the above event handler has asked for a colour selector, * now is the time to generate one. */ if (dp->coloursel_wanted) { static CHOOSECOLOR cc; static DWORD custom[16] = { 0 }; /* zero initialisers */ cc.lStructSize = sizeof(cc); cc.hwndOwner = dp->hwnd; cc.hInstance = (HWND) hinst; cc.lpCustColors = custom; cc.rgbResult = RGB(dp->coloursel_result.r, dp->coloursel_result.g, dp->coloursel_result.b); cc.Flags = CC_FULLOPEN | CC_RGBINIT; if (ChooseColor(&cc)) { dp->coloursel_result.r = (unsigned char) (cc.rgbResult & 0xFF); dp->coloursel_result.g = (unsigned char) (cc.rgbResult >> 8) & 0xFF; dp->coloursel_result.b = (unsigned char) (cc.rgbResult >> 16) & 0xFF; dp->coloursel_result.ok = true; } else dp->coloursel_result.ok = false; ctrl->handler(ctrl, dp, dp->data, EVENT_CALLBACK); } return ret; } /* * This function can be called to produce context help on a * control. Returns true if it has actually launched some help. */ bool winctrl_context_help(struct dlgparam *dp, HWND hwnd, int id) { int i; struct winctrl *c; /* * Look up the control ID in our data. */ c = NULL; for (i = 0; i < dp->nctrltrees; i++) { c = winctrl_findbyid(dp->controltrees[i], id); if (c) break; } if (!c) return false; /* we have nothing to do */ /* * This is the Windows front end, so we're allowed to assume * `helpctx' is a context string. */ if (!c->ctrl || !c->ctrl->helpctx) return false; /* no help available for this ctrl */ launch_help(hwnd, c->ctrl->helpctx); return true; } /* * Now the various functions that the platform-independent * mechanism can call to access the dialog box entries. */ static struct winctrl *dlg_findbyctrl(struct dlgparam *dp, dlgcontrol *ctrl) { int i; for (i = 0; i < dp->nctrltrees; i++) { struct winctrl *c = winctrl_findbyctrl(dp->controltrees[i], ctrl); if (c) return c; } return NULL; } bool dlg_is_visible(dlgcontrol *ctrl, dlgparam *dp) { /* * In this implementation of the dialog box, we physically * uncreate controls that aren't in a visible panel of the config * box. So we can tell if a control is visible just by checking if * it _exists_. */ return dlg_findbyctrl(dp, ctrl) != NULL; } void dlg_radiobutton_set(dlgcontrol *ctrl, dlgparam *dp, int whichbutton) { struct winctrl *c = dlg_findbyctrl(dp, ctrl); assert(c && c->ctrl->type == CTRL_RADIO); CheckRadioButton(dp->hwnd, c->base_id + 1, c->base_id + c->ctrl->radio.nbuttons, c->base_id + 1 + whichbutton); } int dlg_radiobutton_get(dlgcontrol *ctrl, dlgparam *dp) { struct winctrl *c = dlg_findbyctrl(dp, ctrl); int i; assert(c && c->ctrl->type == CTRL_RADIO); for (i = 0; i < c->ctrl->radio.nbuttons; i++) if (IsDlgButtonChecked(dp->hwnd, c->base_id + 1 + i)) return i; unreachable("no radio button was checked"); } void dlg_checkbox_set(dlgcontrol *ctrl, dlgparam *dp, bool checked) { struct winctrl *c = dlg_findbyctrl(dp, ctrl); assert(c && c->ctrl->type == CTRL_CHECKBOX); CheckDlgButton(dp->hwnd, c->base_id, checked); } bool dlg_checkbox_get(dlgcontrol *ctrl, dlgparam *dp) { struct winctrl *c = dlg_findbyctrl(dp, ctrl); assert(c && c->ctrl->type == CTRL_CHECKBOX); return 0 != IsDlgButtonChecked(dp->hwnd, c->base_id); } void dlg_editbox_set(dlgcontrol *ctrl, dlgparam *dp, char const *text) { struct winctrl *c = dlg_findbyctrl(dp, ctrl); assert(c && c->ctrl->type == CTRL_EDITBOX); SetDlgItemText(dp->hwnd, c->base_id+1, text); } char *dlg_editbox_get(dlgcontrol *ctrl, dlgparam *dp) { struct winctrl *c = dlg_findbyctrl(dp, ctrl); assert(c && c->ctrl->type == CTRL_EDITBOX); return GetDlgItemText_alloc(dp->hwnd, c->base_id+1); } void dlg_editbox_select_range(dlgcontrol *ctrl, dlgparam *dp, size_t start, size_t len) { struct winctrl *c = dlg_findbyctrl(dp, ctrl); assert(c && c->ctrl->type == CTRL_EDITBOX); SendDlgItemMessage(dp->hwnd, c->base_id+1, EM_SETSEL, start, start+len); } /* The `listbox' functions can also apply to combo boxes. */ void dlg_listbox_clear(dlgcontrol *ctrl, dlgparam *dp) { struct winctrl *c = dlg_findbyctrl(dp, ctrl); int msg; assert(c && (c->ctrl->type == CTRL_LISTBOX || (c->ctrl->type == CTRL_EDITBOX && c->ctrl->editbox.has_list))); msg = (c->ctrl->type==CTRL_LISTBOX && c->ctrl->listbox.height!=0 ? LB_RESETCONTENT : CB_RESETCONTENT); SendDlgItemMessage(dp->hwnd, c->base_id+1, msg, 0, 0); } void dlg_listbox_del(dlgcontrol *ctrl, dlgparam *dp, int index) { struct winctrl *c = dlg_findbyctrl(dp, ctrl); int msg; assert(c && (c->ctrl->type == CTRL_LISTBOX || (c->ctrl->type == CTRL_EDITBOX && c->ctrl->editbox.has_list))); msg = (c->ctrl->type==CTRL_LISTBOX && c->ctrl->listbox.height!=0 ? LB_DELETESTRING : CB_DELETESTRING); SendDlgItemMessage(dp->hwnd, c->base_id+1, msg, index, 0); } void dlg_listbox_add(dlgcontrol *ctrl, dlgparam *dp, char const *text) { struct winctrl *c = dlg_findbyctrl(dp, ctrl); int msg; assert(c && (c->ctrl->type == CTRL_LISTBOX || (c->ctrl->type == CTRL_EDITBOX && c->ctrl->editbox.has_list))); msg = (c->ctrl->type==CTRL_LISTBOX && c->ctrl->listbox.height!=0 ? LB_ADDSTRING : CB_ADDSTRING); SendDlgItemMessage(dp->hwnd, c->base_id+1, msg, 0, (LPARAM)text); } /* * Each listbox entry may have a numeric id associated with it. * Note that some front ends only permit a string to be stored at * each position, which means that _if_ you put two identical * strings in any listbox then you MUST not assign them different * IDs and expect to get meaningful results back. */ void dlg_listbox_addwithid(dlgcontrol *ctrl, dlgparam *dp, char const *text, int id) { struct winctrl *c = dlg_findbyctrl(dp, ctrl); int msg, msg2, index; assert(c && (c->ctrl->type == CTRL_LISTBOX || (c->ctrl->type == CTRL_EDITBOX && c->ctrl->editbox.has_list))); msg = (c->ctrl->type==CTRL_LISTBOX && c->ctrl->listbox.height!=0 ? LB_ADDSTRING : CB_ADDSTRING); msg2 = (c->ctrl->type==CTRL_LISTBOX && c->ctrl->listbox.height!=0 ? LB_SETITEMDATA : CB_SETITEMDATA); index = SendDlgItemMessage(dp->hwnd, c->base_id+1, msg, 0, (LPARAM)text); SendDlgItemMessage(dp->hwnd, c->base_id+1, msg2, index, (LPARAM)id); } int dlg_listbox_getid(dlgcontrol *ctrl, dlgparam *dp, int index) { struct winctrl *c = dlg_findbyctrl(dp, ctrl); int msg; assert(c && c->ctrl->type == CTRL_LISTBOX); msg = (c->ctrl->listbox.height != 0 ? LB_GETITEMDATA : CB_GETITEMDATA); return SendDlgItemMessage(dp->hwnd, c->base_id+1, msg, index, 0); } /* dlg_listbox_index returns <0 if no single element is selected. */ int dlg_listbox_index(dlgcontrol *ctrl, dlgparam *dp) { struct winctrl *c = dlg_findbyctrl(dp, ctrl); int msg, ret; assert(c && c->ctrl->type == CTRL_LISTBOX); if (c->ctrl->listbox.multisel) { assert(c->ctrl->listbox.height != 0); /* not combo box */ ret = SendDlgItemMessage(dp->hwnd, c->base_id+1, LB_GETSELCOUNT, 0, 0); if (ret == LB_ERR || ret > 1) return -1; } msg = (c->ctrl->listbox.height != 0 ? LB_GETCURSEL : CB_GETCURSEL); ret = SendDlgItemMessage(dp->hwnd, c->base_id+1, msg, 0, 0); if (ret == LB_ERR) return -1; else return ret; } bool dlg_listbox_issel(dlgcontrol *ctrl, dlgparam *dp, int index) { struct winctrl *c = dlg_findbyctrl(dp, ctrl); assert(c && c->ctrl->type == CTRL_LISTBOX && c->ctrl->listbox.multisel && c->ctrl->listbox.height != 0); return SendDlgItemMessage(dp->hwnd, c->base_id+1, LB_GETSEL, index, 0); } void dlg_listbox_select(dlgcontrol *ctrl, dlgparam *dp, int index) { struct winctrl *c = dlg_findbyctrl(dp, ctrl); int msg; assert(c && c->ctrl->type == CTRL_LISTBOX && !c->ctrl->listbox.multisel); msg = (c->ctrl->listbox.height != 0 ? LB_SETCURSEL : CB_SETCURSEL); SendDlgItemMessage(dp->hwnd, c->base_id+1, msg, index, 0); } void dlg_text_set(dlgcontrol *ctrl, dlgparam *dp, char const *text) { struct winctrl *c = dlg_findbyctrl(dp, ctrl); assert(c && c->ctrl->type == CTRL_TEXT); SetDlgItemText(dp->hwnd, c->base_id, text); } void dlg_label_change(dlgcontrol *ctrl, dlgparam *dp, char const *text) { struct winctrl *c = dlg_findbyctrl(dp, ctrl); char *escaped = NULL; int id = -1; assert(c); switch (c->ctrl->type) { case CTRL_EDITBOX: escaped = shortcut_escape(text, c->ctrl->editbox.shortcut); id = c->base_id; break; case CTRL_RADIO: escaped = shortcut_escape(text, c->ctrl->radio.shortcut); id = c->base_id; break; case CTRL_CHECKBOX: escaped = shortcut_escape(text, ctrl->checkbox.shortcut); id = c->base_id; break; case CTRL_BUTTON: escaped = shortcut_escape(text, ctrl->button.shortcut); id = c->base_id; break; case CTRL_LISTBOX: escaped = shortcut_escape(text, ctrl->listbox.shortcut); id = c->base_id; break; case CTRL_FILESELECT: escaped = shortcut_escape(text, ctrl->fileselect.shortcut); if (ctrl->fileselect.just_button) id = c->base_id + 2; /* the button */ else id = c->base_id; /* the label */ break; case CTRL_FONTSELECT: escaped = shortcut_escape(text, ctrl->fontselect.shortcut); id = c->base_id; break; default: unreachable("bad control type in label_change"); } if (escaped) { SetDlgItemText(dp->hwnd, id, escaped); sfree(escaped); } } void dlg_filesel_set(dlgcontrol *ctrl, dlgparam *dp, Filename *fn) { struct winctrl *c = dlg_findbyctrl(dp, ctrl); assert(c); assert(c->ctrl->type == CTRL_FILESELECT); assert(!c->ctrl->fileselect.just_button); SetDlgItemTextW(dp->hwnd, c->base_id+1, fn->wpath); } Filename *dlg_filesel_get(dlgcontrol *ctrl, dlgparam *dp) { struct winctrl *c = dlg_findbyctrl(dp, ctrl); assert(c); assert(c->ctrl->type == CTRL_FILESELECT); if (!c->ctrl->fileselect.just_button) { wchar_t *tmp = GetDlgItemTextW_alloc(dp->hwnd, c->base_id+1); Filename *ret = filename_from_wstr(tmp); sfree(tmp); return ret; } else { return filename_from_str(c->data); } } void dlg_fontsel_set(dlgcontrol *ctrl, dlgparam *dp, FontSpec *fs) { char *buf, *boldstr; struct winctrl *c = dlg_findbyctrl(dp, ctrl); assert(c && c->ctrl->type == CTRL_FONTSELECT); fontspec_free((FontSpec *)c->data); c->data = fontspec_copy(fs); boldstr = (fs->isbold ? "bold, " : ""); if (fs->height == 0) buf = dupprintf("Font: %s, %sdefault height", fs->name, boldstr); else buf = dupprintf("Font: %s, %s%d-%s", fs->name, boldstr, (fs->height < 0 ? -fs->height : fs->height), (fs->height < 0 ? "pixel" : "point")); SetDlgItemText(dp->hwnd, c->base_id+1, buf); sfree(buf); dlg_auto_set_fixed_pitch_flag(dp); } FontSpec *dlg_fontsel_get(dlgcontrol *ctrl, dlgparam *dp) { struct winctrl *c = dlg_findbyctrl(dp, ctrl); assert(c && c->ctrl->type == CTRL_FONTSELECT); return fontspec_copy((FontSpec *)c->data); } /* * Bracketing a large set of updates in these two functions will * cause the front end (if possible) to delay updating the screen * until it's all complete, thus avoiding flicker. */ void dlg_update_start(dlgcontrol *ctrl, dlgparam *dp) { struct winctrl *c = dlg_findbyctrl(dp, ctrl); if (c && c->ctrl->type == CTRL_LISTBOX) { SendDlgItemMessage(dp->hwnd, c->base_id+1, WM_SETREDRAW, false, 0); } } void dlg_update_done(dlgcontrol *ctrl, dlgparam *dp) { struct winctrl *c = dlg_findbyctrl(dp, ctrl); if (c && c->ctrl->type == CTRL_LISTBOX) { HWND hw = GetDlgItem(dp->hwnd, c->base_id+1); SendMessage(hw, WM_SETREDRAW, true, 0); InvalidateRect(hw, NULL, true); } } void dlg_set_focus(dlgcontrol *ctrl, dlgparam *dp) { struct winctrl *c = dlg_findbyctrl(dp, ctrl); int id; HWND ctl; if (!c) return; switch (ctrl->type) { case CTRL_EDITBOX: id = c->base_id + 1; break; case CTRL_RADIO: for (id = c->base_id + ctrl->radio.nbuttons; id > 1; id--) if (IsDlgButtonChecked(dp->hwnd, id)) break; /* * In the theoretically-unlikely case that no button was * selected, id should come out of this as 1, which is a * reasonable enough choice. */ break; case CTRL_CHECKBOX: id = c->base_id; break; case CTRL_BUTTON: id = c->base_id; break; case CTRL_LISTBOX: id = c->base_id + 1; break; case CTRL_FILESELECT: id = c->base_id + 1; break; case CTRL_FONTSELECT: id = c->base_id + 2; break; default: id = c->base_id; break; } ctl = GetDlgItem(dp->hwnd, id); SetFocus(ctl); } /* * During event processing, you might well want to give an error * indication to the user. dlg_beep() is a quick and easy generic * error; dlg_error() puts up a message-box or equivalent. */ void dlg_beep(dlgparam *dp) { MessageBeep(0); } void dlg_error_msg(dlgparam *dp, const char *msg) { MessageBox(dp->hwnd, msg, dp->errtitle ? dp->errtitle : NULL, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); } /* * This function signals to the front end that the dialog's * processing is completed, and passes an integer value (typically * a success status). */ void dlg_end(dlgparam *dp, int value) { dp->ended = true; dp->endresult = value; } void dlg_refresh(dlgcontrol *ctrl, dlgparam *dp) { int i, j; struct winctrl *c; if (!ctrl) { /* * Send EVENT_REFRESH to absolutely everything. */ for (j = 0; j < dp->nctrltrees; j++) { for (i = 0; (c = winctrl_findbyindex(dp->controltrees[j], i)) != NULL; i++) { if (c->ctrl && c->ctrl->handler != NULL) c->ctrl->handler(c->ctrl, dp, dp->data, EVENT_REFRESH); } } } else { /* * Send EVENT_REFRESH to a specific control. */ if (ctrl->handler != NULL) ctrl->handler(ctrl, dp, dp->data, EVENT_REFRESH); } } void dlg_coloursel_start(dlgcontrol *ctrl, dlgparam *dp, int r, int g, int b) { dp->coloursel_wanted = true; dp->coloursel_result.r = r; dp->coloursel_result.g = g; dp->coloursel_result.b = b; } bool dlg_coloursel_results(dlgcontrol *ctrl, dlgparam *dp, int *r, int *g, int *b) { if (dp->coloursel_result.ok) { *r = dp->coloursel_result.r; *g = dp->coloursel_result.g; *b = dp->coloursel_result.b; return true; } else return false; } void dlg_auto_set_fixed_pitch_flag(dlgparam *dp) { Conf *conf = (Conf *)dp->data; FontSpec *fs; int quality; HFONT hfont; HDC hdc; TEXTMETRIC tm; bool is_var; /* * Attempt to load the current font, and see if it's * variable-pitch. If so, start off the fixed-pitch flag for the * dialog box as false. * * We assume here that any client of the dlg_* mechanism which is * using font selectors at all is also using a normal 'Conf *' * as dp->data. */ quality = conf_get_int(conf, CONF_font_quality); fs = conf_get_fontspec(conf, CONF_font); hfont = CreateFont(0, 0, 0, 0, FW_DONTCARE, false, false, false, DEFAULT_CHARSET, OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, FONT_QUALITY(quality), FIXED_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE, fs->name); hdc = GetDC(NULL); if (hdc && SelectObject(hdc, hfont) && GetTextMetrics(hdc, &tm)) { /* Note that the TMPF_FIXED_PITCH bit is defined upside down :-( */ is_var = (tm.tmPitchAndFamily & TMPF_FIXED_PITCH); } else { is_var = false; /* assume it's basically normal */ } if (hdc) ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc); if (hfont) DeleteObject(hfont); if (is_var) dp->fixed_pitch_fonts = false; } bool dlg_get_fixed_pitch_flag(dlgparam *dp) { return dp->fixed_pitch_fonts; } void dlg_set_fixed_pitch_flag(dlgparam *dp, bool flag) { dp->fixed_pitch_fonts = flag; } void dp_init(struct dlgparam *dp) { dp->nctrltrees = 0; dp->data = NULL; dp->ended = false; dp->focused = dp->lastfocused = NULL; memset(dp->shortcuts, 0, sizeof(dp->shortcuts)); dp->hwnd = NULL; dp->wintitle = dp->errtitle = NULL; dp->fixed_pitch_fonts = true; } void dp_add_tree(struct dlgparam *dp, struct winctrls *wc) { assert(dp->nctrltrees < lenof(dp->controltrees)); dp->controltrees[dp->nctrltrees++] = wc; } void dp_cleanup(struct dlgparam *dp) { sfree(dp->wintitle); sfree(dp->errtitle); }