/* * Platform-independent routines shared between all PuTTY programs. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <limits.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <assert.h> #include "putty.h" /* * Parse a string block size specification. This is approximately a * subset of the block size specs supported by GNU fileutils: * "nk" = n kilobytes * "nM" = n megabytes * "nG" = n gigabytes * All numbers are decimal, and suffixes refer to powers of two. * Case-insensitive. */ unsigned long parse_blocksize(const char *bs) { char *suf; unsigned long r = strtoul(bs, &suf, 10); if (*suf != '\0') { while (*suf && isspace((unsigned char)*suf)) suf++; switch (*suf) { case 'k': case 'K': r *= 1024ul; break; case 'm': case 'M': r *= 1024ul * 1024ul; break; case 'g': case 'G': r *= 1024ul * 1024ul * 1024ul; break; case '\0': default: break; } } return r; } /* * Parse a ^C style character specification. * Returns NULL in `next' if we didn't recognise it as a control character, * in which case `c' should be ignored. * The precise current parsing is an oddity inherited from the terminal * answerback-string parsing code. All sequences start with ^; all except * ^<123> are two characters. The ones that are worth keeping are probably: * ^? 127 * ^@A-Z[\]^_ 0-31 * a-z 1-26 * <num> specified by number (decimal, 0octal, 0xHEX) * ~ ^ escape */ char ctrlparse(char *s, char **next) { char c = 0; if (*s != '^') { *next = NULL; } else { s++; if (*s == '\0') { *next = NULL; } else if (*s == '<') { s++; c = (char)strtol(s, next, 0); if ((*next == s) || (**next != '>')) { c = 0; *next = NULL; } else (*next)++; } else if (*s >= 'a' && *s <= 'z') { c = (*s - ('a' - 1)); *next = s+1; } else if ((*s >= '@' && *s <= '_') || *s == '?' || (*s & 0x80)) { c = ('@' ^ *s); *next = s+1; } else if (*s == '~') { c = '^'; *next = s+1; } } return c; } /* * Find a character in a string, unless it's a colon contained within * square brackets. Used for untangling strings of the form * 'host:port', where host can be an IPv6 literal. * * We provide several variants of this function, with semantics like * various standard string.h functions. */ static const char *host_strchr_internal(const char *s, const char *set, int first) { int brackets = 0; const char *ret = NULL; while (1) { if (!*s) return ret; if (*s == '[') brackets++; else if (*s == ']' && brackets > 0) brackets--; else if (brackets && *s == ':') /* never match */ ; else if (strchr(set, *s)) { ret = s; if (first) return ret; } s++; } } size_t host_strcspn(const char *s, const char *set) { const char *answer = host_strchr_internal(s, set, TRUE); if (answer) return answer - s; else return strlen(s); } char *host_strchr(const char *s, int c) { char set[2]; set[0] = c; set[1] = '\0'; return (char *) host_strchr_internal(s, set, TRUE); } char *host_strrchr(const char *s, int c) { char set[2]; set[0] = c; set[1] = '\0'; return (char *) host_strchr_internal(s, set, FALSE); } #ifdef TEST_HOST_STRFOO int main(void) { int passes = 0, fails = 0; #define TEST1(func, string, arg2, suffix, result) do \ { \ const char *str = string; \ unsigned ret = func(string, arg2) suffix; \ if (ret == result) { \ passes++; \ } else { \ printf("fail: %s(%s,%s)%s = %u, expected %u\n", \ #func, #string, #arg2, #suffix, ret, result); \ fails++; \ } \ } while (0) TEST1(host_strchr, "[1:2:3]:4:5", ':', -str, 7); TEST1(host_strrchr, "[1:2:3]:4:5", ':', -str, 9); TEST1(host_strcspn, "[1:2:3]:4:5", "/:",, 7); TEST1(host_strchr, "[1:2:3]", ':', == NULL, 1); TEST1(host_strrchr, "[1:2:3]", ':', == NULL, 1); TEST1(host_strcspn, "[1:2:3]", "/:",, 7); TEST1(host_strcspn, "[1:2/3]", "/:",, 4); TEST1(host_strcspn, "[1:2:3]/", "/:",, 7); printf("passed %d failed %d total %d\n", passes, fails, passes+fails); return fails != 0 ? 1 : 0; } /* Stubs to stop the rest of this module causing compile failures. */ void modalfatalbox(char *fmt, ...) {} int conf_get_int(Conf *conf, int primary) { return 0; } char *conf_get_str(Conf *conf, int primary) { return NULL; } #endif /* TEST_HOST_STRFOO */ /* * Trim square brackets off the outside of an IPv6 address literal. * Leave all other strings unchanged. Returns a fresh dynamically * allocated string. */ char *host_strduptrim(const char *s) { if (s[0] == '[') { const char *p = s+1; int colons = 0; while (*p && *p != ']') { if (isxdigit((unsigned char)*p)) /* OK */; else if (*p == ':') colons++; else break; p++; } if (*p == ']' && !p[1] && colons > 1) { /* * This looks like an IPv6 address literal (hex digits and * at least two colons, contained in square brackets). * Trim off the brackets. */ return dupprintf("%.*s", (int)(p - (s+1)), s+1); } } /* * Any other shape of string is simply duplicated. */ return dupstr(s); } prompts_t *new_prompts(void *frontend) { prompts_t *p = snew(prompts_t); p->prompts = NULL; p->n_prompts = 0; p->frontend = frontend; p->data = NULL; p->to_server = TRUE; /* to be on the safe side */ p->name = p->instruction = NULL; p->name_reqd = p->instr_reqd = FALSE; return p; } void add_prompt(prompts_t *p, char *promptstr, int echo) { prompt_t *pr = snew(prompt_t); pr->prompt = promptstr; pr->echo = echo; pr->result = NULL; pr->resultsize = 0; p->n_prompts++; p->prompts = sresize(p->prompts, p->n_prompts, prompt_t *); p->prompts[p->n_prompts-1] = pr; } void prompt_ensure_result_size(prompt_t *pr, int newlen) { if ((int)pr->resultsize < newlen) { char *newbuf; newlen = newlen * 5 / 4 + 512; /* avoid too many small allocs */ /* * We don't use sresize / realloc here, because we will be * storing sensitive stuff like passwords in here, and we want * to make sure that the data doesn't get copied around in * memory without the old copy being destroyed. */ newbuf = snewn(newlen, char); memcpy(newbuf, pr->result, pr->resultsize); smemclr(pr->result, pr->resultsize); sfree(pr->result); pr->result = newbuf; pr->resultsize = newlen; } } void prompt_set_result(prompt_t *pr, const char *newstr) { prompt_ensure_result_size(pr, strlen(newstr) + 1); strcpy(pr->result, newstr); } void free_prompts(prompts_t *p) { size_t i; for (i=0; i < p->n_prompts; i++) { prompt_t *pr = p->prompts[i]; smemclr(pr->result, pr->resultsize); /* burn the evidence */ sfree(pr->result); sfree(pr->prompt); sfree(pr); } sfree(p->prompts); sfree(p->name); sfree(p->instruction); sfree(p); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * String handling routines. */ char *dupstr(const char *s) { char *p = NULL; if (s) { int len = strlen(s); p = snewn(len + 1, char); strcpy(p, s); } return p; } /* Allocate the concatenation of N strings. Terminate arg list with NULL. */ char *dupcat(const char *s1, ...) { int len; char *p, *q, *sn; va_list ap; len = strlen(s1); va_start(ap, s1); while (1) { sn = va_arg(ap, char *); if (!sn) break; len += strlen(sn); } va_end(ap); p = snewn(len + 1, char); strcpy(p, s1); q = p + strlen(p); va_start(ap, s1); while (1) { sn = va_arg(ap, char *); if (!sn) break; strcpy(q, sn); q += strlen(q); } va_end(ap); return p; } void burnstr(char *string) /* sfree(str), only clear it first */ { if (string) { smemclr(string, strlen(string)); sfree(string); } } int toint(unsigned u) { /* * Convert an unsigned to an int, without running into the * undefined behaviour which happens by the strict C standard if * the value overflows. You'd hope that sensible compilers would * do the sensible thing in response to a cast, but actually I * don't trust modern compilers not to do silly things like * assuming that _obviously_ you wouldn't have caused an overflow * and so they can elide an 'if (i < 0)' test immediately after * the cast. * * Sensible compilers ought of course to optimise this entire * function into 'just return the input value'! */ if (u <= (unsigned)INT_MAX) return (int)u; else if (u >= (unsigned)INT_MIN) /* wrap in cast _to_ unsigned is OK */ return INT_MIN + (int)(u - (unsigned)INT_MIN); else return INT_MIN; /* fallback; should never occur on binary machines */ } /* * Do an sprintf(), but into a custom-allocated buffer. * * Currently I'm doing this via vsnprintf. This has worked so far, * but it's not good, because vsnprintf is not available on all * platforms. There's an ifdef to use `_vsnprintf', which seems * to be the local name for it on Windows. Other platforms may * lack it completely, in which case it'll be time to rewrite * this function in a totally different way. * * The only `properly' portable solution I can think of is to * implement my own format string scanner, which figures out an * upper bound for the length of each formatting directive, * allocates the buffer as it goes along, and calls sprintf() to * actually process each directive. If I ever need to actually do * this, some caveats: * * - It's very hard to find a reliable upper bound for * floating-point values. %f, in particular, when supplied with * a number near to the upper or lower limit of representable * numbers, could easily take several hundred characters. It's * probably feasible to predict this statically using the * constants in <float.h>, or even to predict it dynamically by * looking at the exponent of the specific float provided, but * it won't be fun. * * - Don't forget to _check_, after calling sprintf, that it's * used at most the amount of space we had available. * * - Fault any formatting directive we don't fully understand. The * aim here is to _guarantee_ that we never overflow the buffer, * because this is a security-critical function. If we see a * directive we don't know about, we should panic and die rather * than run any risk. */ char *dupprintf(const char *fmt, ...) { char *ret; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); ret = dupvprintf(fmt, ap); va_end(ap); return ret; } char *dupvprintf(const char *fmt, va_list ap) { char *buf; int len, size; buf = snewn(512, char); size = 512; while (1) { #ifdef _WINDOWS #define vsnprintf _vsnprintf #endif #ifdef va_copy /* Use the `va_copy' macro mandated by C99, if present. * XXX some environments may have this as __va_copy() */ va_list aq; va_copy(aq, ap); len = vsnprintf(buf, size, fmt, aq); va_end(aq); #else /* Ugh. No va_copy macro, so do something nasty. * Technically, you can't reuse a va_list like this: it is left * unspecified whether advancing a va_list pointer modifies its * value or something it points to, so on some platforms calling * vsnprintf twice on the same va_list might fail hideously * (indeed, it has been observed to). * XXX the autoconf manual suggests that using memcpy() will give * "maximum portability". */ len = vsnprintf(buf, size, fmt, ap); #endif if (len >= 0 && len < size) { /* This is the C99-specified criterion for snprintf to have * been completely successful. */ return buf; } else if (len > 0) { /* This is the C99 error condition: the returned length is * the required buffer size not counting the NUL. */ size = len + 1; } else { /* This is the pre-C99 glibc error condition: <0 means the * buffer wasn't big enough, so we enlarge it a bit and hope. */ size += 512; } buf = sresize(buf, size, char); } } /* * Read an entire line of text from a file. Return a buffer * malloced to be as big as necessary (caller must free). */ char *fgetline(FILE *fp) { char *ret = snewn(512, char); int size = 512, len = 0; while (fgets(ret + len, size - len, fp)) { len += strlen(ret + len); if (ret[len-1] == '\n') break; /* got a newline, we're done */ size = len + 512; ret = sresize(ret, size, char); } if (len == 0) { /* first fgets returned NULL */ sfree(ret); return NULL; } ret[len] = '\0'; return ret; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Base64 encoding routine. This is required in public-key writing * but also in HTTP proxy handling, so it's centralised here. */ void base64_encode_atom(unsigned char *data, int n, char *out) { static const char base64_chars[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; unsigned word; word = data[0] << 16; if (n > 1) word |= data[1] << 8; if (n > 2) word |= data[2]; out[0] = base64_chars[(word >> 18) & 0x3F]; out[1] = base64_chars[(word >> 12) & 0x3F]; if (n > 1) out[2] = base64_chars[(word >> 6) & 0x3F]; else out[2] = '='; if (n > 2) out[3] = base64_chars[word & 0x3F]; else out[3] = '='; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Generic routines to deal with send buffers: a linked list of * smallish blocks, with the operations * * - add an arbitrary amount of data to the end of the list * - remove the first N bytes from the list * - return a (pointer,length) pair giving some initial data in * the list, suitable for passing to a send or write system * call * - retrieve a larger amount of initial data from the list * - return the current size of the buffer chain in bytes */ #define BUFFER_MIN_GRANULE 512 struct bufchain_granule { struct bufchain_granule *next; char *bufpos, *bufend, *bufmax; }; void bufchain_init(bufchain *ch) { ch->head = ch->tail = NULL; ch->buffersize = 0; } void bufchain_clear(bufchain *ch) { struct bufchain_granule *b; while (ch->head) { b = ch->head; ch->head = ch->head->next; sfree(b); } ch->tail = NULL; ch->buffersize = 0; } int bufchain_size(bufchain *ch) { return ch->buffersize; } void bufchain_add(bufchain *ch, const void *data, int len) { const char *buf = (const char *)data; if (len == 0) return; ch->buffersize += len; while (len > 0) { if (ch->tail && ch->tail->bufend < ch->tail->bufmax) { int copylen = min(len, ch->tail->bufmax - ch->tail->bufend); memcpy(ch->tail->bufend, buf, copylen); buf += copylen; len -= copylen; ch->tail->bufend += copylen; } if (len > 0) { int grainlen = max(sizeof(struct bufchain_granule) + len, BUFFER_MIN_GRANULE); struct bufchain_granule *newbuf; newbuf = smalloc(grainlen); newbuf->bufpos = newbuf->bufend = (char *)newbuf + sizeof(struct bufchain_granule); newbuf->bufmax = (char *)newbuf + grainlen; newbuf->next = NULL; if (ch->tail) ch->tail->next = newbuf; else ch->head = newbuf; ch->tail = newbuf; } } } void bufchain_consume(bufchain *ch, int len) { struct bufchain_granule *tmp; assert(ch->buffersize >= len); while (len > 0) { int remlen = len; assert(ch->head != NULL); if (remlen >= ch->head->bufend - ch->head->bufpos) { remlen = ch->head->bufend - ch->head->bufpos; tmp = ch->head; ch->head = tmp->next; if (!ch->head) ch->tail = NULL; sfree(tmp); } else ch->head->bufpos += remlen; ch->buffersize -= remlen; len -= remlen; } } void bufchain_prefix(bufchain *ch, void **data, int *len) { *len = ch->head->bufend - ch->head->bufpos; *data = ch->head->bufpos; } void bufchain_fetch(bufchain *ch, void *data, int len) { struct bufchain_granule *tmp; char *data_c = (char *)data; tmp = ch->head; assert(ch->buffersize >= len); while (len > 0) { int remlen = len; assert(tmp != NULL); if (remlen >= tmp->bufend - tmp->bufpos) remlen = tmp->bufend - tmp->bufpos; memcpy(data_c, tmp->bufpos, remlen); tmp = tmp->next; len -= remlen; data_c += remlen; } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * My own versions of malloc, realloc and free. Because I want * malloc and realloc to bomb out and exit the program if they run * out of memory, realloc to reliably call malloc if passed a NULL * pointer, and free to reliably do nothing if passed a NULL * pointer. We can also put trace printouts in, if we need to; and * we can also replace the allocator with an ElectricFence-like * one. */ #ifdef MINEFIELD void *minefield_c_malloc(size_t size); void minefield_c_free(void *p); void *minefield_c_realloc(void *p, size_t size); #endif #ifdef MALLOC_LOG static FILE *fp = NULL; static char *mlog_file = NULL; static int mlog_line = 0; void mlog(char *file, int line) { mlog_file = file; mlog_line = line; if (!fp) { fp = fopen("putty_mem.log", "w"); setvbuf(fp, NULL, _IONBF, BUFSIZ); } if (fp) fprintf(fp, "%s:%d: ", file, line); } #endif void *safemalloc(size_t n, size_t size) { void *p; if (n > INT_MAX / size) { p = NULL; } else { size *= n; if (size == 0) size = 1; #ifdef MINEFIELD p = minefield_c_malloc(size); #else p = malloc(size); #endif } if (!p) { char str[200]; #ifdef MALLOC_LOG sprintf(str, "Out of memory! (%s:%d, size=%d)", mlog_file, mlog_line, size); fprintf(fp, "*** %s\n", str); fclose(fp); #else strcpy(str, "Out of memory!"); #endif modalfatalbox(str); } #ifdef MALLOC_LOG if (fp) fprintf(fp, "malloc(%d) returns %p\n", size, p); #endif return p; } void *saferealloc(void *ptr, size_t n, size_t size) { void *p; if (n > INT_MAX / size) { p = NULL; } else { size *= n; if (!ptr) { #ifdef MINEFIELD p = minefield_c_malloc(size); #else p = malloc(size); #endif } else { #ifdef MINEFIELD p = minefield_c_realloc(ptr, size); #else p = realloc(ptr, size); #endif } } if (!p) { char str[200]; #ifdef MALLOC_LOG sprintf(str, "Out of memory! (%s:%d, size=%d)", mlog_file, mlog_line, size); fprintf(fp, "*** %s\n", str); fclose(fp); #else strcpy(str, "Out of memory!"); #endif modalfatalbox(str); } #ifdef MALLOC_LOG if (fp) fprintf(fp, "realloc(%p,%d) returns %p\n", ptr, size, p); #endif return p; } void safefree(void *ptr) { if (ptr) { #ifdef MALLOC_LOG if (fp) fprintf(fp, "free(%p)\n", ptr); #endif #ifdef MINEFIELD minefield_c_free(ptr); #else free(ptr); #endif } #ifdef MALLOC_LOG else if (fp) fprintf(fp, "freeing null pointer - no action taken\n"); #endif } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Debugging routines. */ #ifdef DEBUG extern void dputs(char *); /* defined in per-platform *misc.c */ void debug_printf(char *fmt, ...) { char *buf; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); buf = dupvprintf(fmt, ap); dputs(buf); sfree(buf); va_end(ap); } void debug_memdump(void *buf, int len, int L) { int i; unsigned char *p = buf; char foo[17]; if (L) { int delta; debug_printf("\t%d (0x%x) bytes:\n", len, len); delta = 15 & (unsigned long int) p; p -= delta; len += delta; } for (; 0 < len; p += 16, len -= 16) { dputs(" "); if (L) debug_printf("%p: ", p); strcpy(foo, "................"); /* sixteen dots */ for (i = 0; i < 16 && i < len; ++i) { if (&p[i] < (unsigned char *) buf) { dputs(" "); /* 3 spaces */ foo[i] = ' '; } else { debug_printf("%c%02.2x", &p[i] != (unsigned char *) buf && i % 4 ? '.' : ' ', p[i] ); if (p[i] >= ' ' && p[i] <= '~') foo[i] = (char) p[i]; } } foo[i] = '\0'; debug_printf("%*s%s\n", (16 - i) * 3 + 2, "", foo); } } #endif /* def DEBUG */ /* * Determine whether or not a Conf represents a session which can * sensibly be launched right now. */ int conf_launchable(Conf *conf) { if (conf_get_int(conf, CONF_protocol) == PROT_SERIAL) return conf_get_str(conf, CONF_serline)[0] != 0; else return conf_get_str(conf, CONF_host)[0] != 0; } char const *conf_dest(Conf *conf) { if (conf_get_int(conf, CONF_protocol) == PROT_SERIAL) return conf_get_str(conf, CONF_serline); else return conf_get_str(conf, CONF_host); } #ifndef PLATFORM_HAS_SMEMCLR /* * Securely wipe memory. * * The actual wiping is no different from what memset would do: the * point of 'securely' is to try to be sure over-clever compilers * won't optimise away memsets on variables that are about to be freed * or go out of scope. See * https://buildsecurityin.us-cert.gov/bsi-rules/home/g1/771-BSI.html * * Some platforms (e.g. Windows) may provide their own version of this * function. */ void smemclr(void *b, size_t n) { volatile char *vp; if (b && n > 0) { /* * Zero out the memory. */ memset(b, 0, n); /* * Perform a volatile access to the object, forcing the * compiler to admit that the previous memset was important. * * This while loop should in practice run for zero iterations * (since we know we just zeroed the object out), but in * theory (as far as the compiler knows) it might range over * the whole object. (If we had just written, say, '*vp = * *vp;', a compiler could in principle have 'helpfully' * optimised the memset into only zeroing out the first byte. * This should be robust.) */ vp = b; while (*vp) vp++; } } #endif