/* * Serial back end (Unix-specific). */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <assert.h> #include <limits.h> #include <errno.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <termios.h> #include "putty.h" #include "tree234.h" #define SERIAL_MAX_BACKLOG 4096 typedef struct Serial Serial; struct Serial { Seat *seat; LogContext *logctx; int fd; bool finished; size_t inbufsize; bufchain output_data; Backend backend; }; /* * We store our serial backends in a tree sorted by fd, so that * when we get an uxsel notification we know which backend instance * is the owner of the serial port that caused it. */ static int serial_compare_by_fd(void *av, void *bv) { Serial *a = (Serial *)av; Serial *b = (Serial *)bv; if (a->fd < b->fd) return -1; else if (a->fd > b->fd) return +1; return 0; } static int serial_find_by_fd(void *av, void *bv) { int a = *(int *)av; Serial *b = (Serial *)bv; if (a < b->fd) return -1; else if (a > b->fd) return +1; return 0; } static tree234 *serial_by_fd = NULL; static void serial_select_result(int fd, int event); static void serial_uxsel_setup(Serial *serial); static void serial_try_write(Serial *serial); static char *serial_configure(Serial *serial, Conf *conf) { struct termios options; int bflag, bval, speed, flow, parity; const char *str; if (serial->fd < 0) return dupstr("Unable to reconfigure already-closed " "serial connection"); tcgetattr(serial->fd, &options); /* * Find the appropriate baud rate flag. */ speed = conf_get_int(conf, CONF_serspeed); #define SETBAUD(x) (bflag = B ## x, bval = x) #define CHECKBAUD(x) do { if (speed >= x) SETBAUD(x); } while (0) SETBAUD(50); #ifdef B75 CHECKBAUD(75); #endif #ifdef B110 CHECKBAUD(110); #endif #ifdef B134 CHECKBAUD(134); #endif #ifdef B150 CHECKBAUD(150); #endif #ifdef B200 CHECKBAUD(200); #endif #ifdef B300 CHECKBAUD(300); #endif #ifdef B600 CHECKBAUD(600); #endif #ifdef B1200 CHECKBAUD(1200); #endif #ifdef B1800 CHECKBAUD(1800); #endif #ifdef B2400 CHECKBAUD(2400); #endif #ifdef B4800 CHECKBAUD(4800); #endif #ifdef B9600 CHECKBAUD(9600); #endif #ifdef B19200 CHECKBAUD(19200); #endif #ifdef B38400 CHECKBAUD(38400); #endif #ifdef B57600 CHECKBAUD(57600); #endif #ifdef B76800 CHECKBAUD(76800); #endif #ifdef B115200 CHECKBAUD(115200); #endif #ifdef B153600 CHECKBAUD(153600); #endif #ifdef B230400 CHECKBAUD(230400); #endif #ifdef B307200 CHECKBAUD(307200); #endif #ifdef B460800 CHECKBAUD(460800); #endif #ifdef B500000 CHECKBAUD(500000); #endif #ifdef B576000 CHECKBAUD(576000); #endif #ifdef B921600 CHECKBAUD(921600); #endif #ifdef B1000000 CHECKBAUD(1000000); #endif #ifdef B1152000 CHECKBAUD(1152000); #endif #ifdef B1500000 CHECKBAUD(1500000); #endif #ifdef B2000000 CHECKBAUD(2000000); #endif #ifdef B2500000 CHECKBAUD(2500000); #endif #ifdef B3000000 CHECKBAUD(3000000); #endif #ifdef B3500000 CHECKBAUD(3500000); #endif #ifdef B4000000 CHECKBAUD(4000000); #endif #undef CHECKBAUD #undef SETBAUD cfsetispeed(&options, bflag); cfsetospeed(&options, bflag); logeventf(serial->logctx, "Configuring baud rate %d", bval); options.c_cflag &= ~CSIZE; switch (conf_get_int(conf, CONF_serdatabits)) { case 5: options.c_cflag |= CS5; break; case 6: options.c_cflag |= CS6; break; case 7: options.c_cflag |= CS7; break; case 8: options.c_cflag |= CS8; break; default: return dupstr("Invalid number of data bits " "(need 5, 6, 7 or 8)"); } logeventf(serial->logctx, "Configuring %d data bits", conf_get_int(conf, CONF_serdatabits)); if (conf_get_int(conf, CONF_serstopbits) >= 4) { options.c_cflag |= CSTOPB; } else { options.c_cflag &= ~CSTOPB; } logeventf(serial->logctx, "Configuring %s", (options.c_cflag & CSTOPB ? "2 stop bits" : "1 stop bit")); options.c_iflag &= ~(IXON|IXOFF); #ifdef CRTSCTS options.c_cflag &= ~CRTSCTS; #endif #ifdef CNEW_RTSCTS options.c_cflag &= ~CNEW_RTSCTS; #endif flow = conf_get_int(conf, CONF_serflow); if (flow == SER_FLOW_XONXOFF) { options.c_iflag |= IXON | IXOFF; str = "XON/XOFF"; } else if (flow == SER_FLOW_RTSCTS) { #ifdef CRTSCTS options.c_cflag |= CRTSCTS; #endif #ifdef CNEW_RTSCTS options.c_cflag |= CNEW_RTSCTS; #endif str = "RTS/CTS"; } else str = "no"; logeventf(serial->logctx, "Configuring %s flow control", str); /* Parity */ parity = conf_get_int(conf, CONF_serparity); if (parity == SER_PAR_ODD) { options.c_cflag |= PARENB; options.c_cflag |= PARODD; str = "odd"; } else if (parity == SER_PAR_EVEN) { options.c_cflag |= PARENB; options.c_cflag &= ~PARODD; str = "even"; } else { options.c_cflag &= ~PARENB; str = "no"; } logeventf(serial->logctx, "Configuring %s parity", str); options.c_cflag |= CLOCAL | CREAD; options.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO | ECHOE | ISIG); options.c_iflag &= ~(ISTRIP | IGNCR | INLCR | ICRNL #ifdef IUCLC | IUCLC #endif ); options.c_oflag &= ~(OPOST #ifdef ONLCR | ONLCR #endif #ifdef OCRNL | OCRNL #endif #ifdef ONOCR | ONOCR #endif #ifdef ONLRET | ONLRET #endif ); options.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; options.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; if (tcsetattr(serial->fd, TCSANOW, &options) < 0) return dupprintf("Configuring serial port: %s", strerror(errno)); return NULL; } /* * Called to set up the serial connection. * * Returns an error message, or NULL on success. * * Also places the canonical host name into `realhost'. It must be * freed by the caller. */ static char *serial_init(const BackendVtable *vt, Seat *seat, Backend **backend_handle, LogContext *logctx, Conf *conf, const char *host, int port, char **realhost, bool nodelay, bool keepalive) { Serial *serial; char *err; char *line; /* No local authentication phase in this protocol */ seat_set_trust_status(seat, false); serial = snew(Serial); memset(serial, 0, sizeof(Serial)); serial->backend.vt = vt; *backend_handle = &serial->backend; serial->seat = seat; serial->logctx = logctx; serial->finished = false; serial->inbufsize = 0; bufchain_init(&serial->output_data); line = conf_get_str(conf, CONF_serline); logeventf(serial->logctx, "Opening serial device %s", line); serial->fd = open(line, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY | O_NONBLOCK); if (serial->fd < 0) return dupprintf("Opening serial port '%s': %s", line, strerror(errno)); cloexec(serial->fd); err = serial_configure(serial, conf); if (err) return err; *realhost = dupstr(line); if (!serial_by_fd) serial_by_fd = newtree234(serial_compare_by_fd); add234(serial_by_fd, serial); serial_uxsel_setup(serial); /* * Specials are always available. */ seat_update_specials_menu(serial->seat); return NULL; } static void serial_close(Serial *serial) { if (serial->fd >= 0) { uxsel_del(serial->fd); close(serial->fd); serial->fd = -1; } } static void serial_free(Backend *be) { Serial *serial = container_of(be, Serial, backend); serial_close(serial); bufchain_clear(&serial->output_data); sfree(serial); } static void serial_reconfig(Backend *be, Conf *conf) { Serial *serial = container_of(be, Serial, backend); char *err = serial_configure(serial, conf); if (err) { /* * FIXME: apart from freeing the dynamically allocated * message, what should we do if this returns an error? */ sfree(err); } } static void serial_select_result(int fd, int event) { Serial *serial; char buf[4096]; int ret; bool finished = false; serial = find234(serial_by_fd, &fd, serial_find_by_fd); if (!serial) return; /* spurious event; keep going */ if (event == 1) { ret = read(serial->fd, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (ret == 0) { /* * Shouldn't happen on a real serial port, but I'm open * to the idea that there might be two-way devices we * can treat _like_ serial ports which can return EOF. */ finished = true; } else if (ret < 0) { #ifdef EAGAIN if (errno == EAGAIN) return; /* spurious */ #endif #ifdef EWOULDBLOCK if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK) return; /* spurious */ #endif perror("read serial port"); exit(1); } else if (ret > 0) { serial->inbufsize = seat_stdout(serial->seat, buf, ret); serial_uxsel_setup(serial); /* might acquire backlog and freeze */ } } else if (event == 2) { /* * Attempt to send data down the pty. */ serial_try_write(serial); } if (finished) { serial_close(serial); serial->finished = true; seat_notify_remote_exit(serial->seat); } } static void serial_uxsel_setup(Serial *serial) { int rwx = 0; if (serial->inbufsize <= SERIAL_MAX_BACKLOG) rwx |= SELECT_R; if (bufchain_size(&serial->output_data)) rwx |= SELECT_W; /* might also want to write to it */ uxsel_set(serial->fd, rwx, serial_select_result); } static void serial_try_write(Serial *serial) { ssize_t ret; assert(serial->fd >= 0); while (bufchain_size(&serial->output_data) > 0) { ptrlen data = bufchain_prefix(&serial->output_data); ret = write(serial->fd, data.ptr, data.len); if (ret < 0 && (errno == EWOULDBLOCK)) { /* * We've sent all we can for the moment. */ break; } if (ret < 0) { perror("write serial port"); exit(1); } bufchain_consume(&serial->output_data, ret); } seat_sent(serial->seat, bufchain_size(&serial->output_data)); serial_uxsel_setup(serial); } /* * Called to send data down the serial connection. */ static void serial_send(Backend *be, const char *buf, size_t len) { Serial *serial = container_of(be, Serial, backend); if (serial->fd < 0) return; bufchain_add(&serial->output_data, buf, len); serial_try_write(serial); } /* * Called to query the current sendability status. */ static size_t serial_sendbuffer(Backend *be) { Serial *serial = container_of(be, Serial, backend); return bufchain_size(&serial->output_data); } /* * Called to set the size of the window */ static void serial_size(Backend *be, int width, int height) { /* Do nothing! */ return; } /* * Send serial special codes. */ static void serial_special(Backend *be, SessionSpecialCode code, int arg) { Serial *serial = container_of(be, Serial, backend); if (serial->fd >= 0 && code == SS_BRK) { tcsendbreak(serial->fd, 0); logevent(serial->logctx, "Sending serial break at user request"); } return; } /* * Return a list of the special codes that make sense in this * protocol. */ static const SessionSpecial *serial_get_specials(Backend *be) { static const struct SessionSpecial specials[] = { {"Break", SS_BRK}, {NULL, SS_EXITMENU} }; return specials; } static bool serial_connected(Backend *be) { return true; /* always connected */ } static bool serial_sendok(Backend *be) { return true; } static void serial_unthrottle(Backend *be, size_t backlog) { Serial *serial = container_of(be, Serial, backend); serial->inbufsize = backlog; serial_uxsel_setup(serial); } static bool serial_ldisc(Backend *be, int option) { /* * Local editing and local echo are off by default. */ return false; } static void serial_provide_ldisc(Backend *be, Ldisc *ldisc) { /* This is a stub. */ } static int serial_exitcode(Backend *be) { Serial *serial = container_of(be, Serial, backend); if (serial->fd >= 0) return -1; /* still connected */ else /* Exit codes are a meaningless concept with serial ports */ return INT_MAX; } /* * cfg_info for Serial does nothing at all. */ static int serial_cfg_info(Backend *be) { return 0; } const BackendVtable serial_backend = { .init = serial_init, .free = serial_free, .reconfig = serial_reconfig, .send = serial_send, .sendbuffer = serial_sendbuffer, .size = serial_size, .special = serial_special, .get_specials = serial_get_specials, .connected = serial_connected, .exitcode = serial_exitcode, .sendok = serial_sendok, .ldisc_option_state = serial_ldisc, .provide_ldisc = serial_provide_ldisc, .unthrottle = serial_unthrottle, .cfg_info = serial_cfg_info, .id = "serial", .displayname_tc = "Serial", .displayname_lc = "serial", .protocol = PROT_SERIAL, .serial_parity_mask = ((1 << SER_PAR_NONE) | (1 << SER_PAR_ODD) | (1 << SER_PAR_EVEN)), .serial_flow_mask = ((1 << SER_FLOW_NONE) | (1 << SER_FLOW_XONXOFF) | (1 << SER_FLOW_RTSCTS)), };