/* * Macintosh OpenTransport networking abstraction */ #if TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON #define OTCARBONAPPLICATION 1 #endif #include <Files.h> /* Needed by OpenTransportInternet.h */ #include <OpenTransport.h> #include <OpenTptInternet.h> #include <string.h> #define DEFINE_PLUG_METHOD_MACROS #include "putty.h" #include "network.h" #include "mac.h" struct Socket_tag { struct socket_function_table *fn; /* other stuff... */ OSStatus error; EndpointRef ep; Plug plug; void *private_ptr; bufchain output_data; int connected; int writable; int frozen; /* this causes readability notifications to be ignored */ int frozen_readable; /* this means we missed at least one readability * notification while we were frozen */ int localhost_only; /* for listening sockets */ char oobdata[1]; int sending_oob; int oobpending; /* is there OOB data available to read?*/ int oobinline; int pending_error; /* in case send() returns error */ int listener; struct Socket_tag *next; struct Socket_tag **prev; }; typedef struct Socket_tag *Actual_Socket; struct SockAddr_tag { int resolved; OSStatus error; InetHostInfo hostinfo; char hostname[512]; }; /* Globals */ static struct { Actual_Socket socklist; InetSvcRef inetsvc; } ot; OSErr ot_init(void) { OSStatus err; err = InitOpenTransport(); if (err != kOTNoError) return err; ot.inetsvc = OTOpenInternetServices(kDefaultInternetServicesPath, 0, &err); return err; } void ot_cleanup(void) { Actual_Socket s; for (s = ot.socklist; s !=NULL; s = s->next) { OTUnbind(s->ep); OTCloseProvider(s->ep); } CloseOpenTransport(); } SockAddr ot_namelookup(char const *host, char **canonicalname) { SockAddr ret = snew(struct SockAddr_tag); char *realhost; /* Casting away const -- hope OTInetStringToAddress is sensible */ ret->error = OTInetStringToAddress(ot.inetsvc, (char *)host, &ret->hostinfo); ret->resolved = TRUE; if (ret->error == kOTNoError) realhost = ret->hostinfo.name; else realhost = ""; *canonicalname = snewn(1+strlen(realhost), char); strcpy(*canonicalname, realhost); return ret; } SockAddr ot_nonamelookup(char const *host) { SockAddr ret = snew(struct SockAddr_tag); ret->resolved = FALSE; ret->error = kOTNoError; ret->hostname[0] = '\0'; strncat(ret->hostname, host, lenof(ret->hostname) - 1); return ret; } void ot_getaddr(SockAddr addr, char *buf, int buflen) { char mybuf[16]; buf[0] = '\0'; if (addr->resolved) { /* XXX only return first address */ OTInetHostToString(addr->hostinfo.addrs[0], mybuf); strncat(buf, mybuf, buflen - 1); } else strncat(buf, addr->hostname, buflen - 1); } /* I think "local" here really means "loopback" */ int ot_hostname_is_local(char *name) { return !strcmp(name, "localhost"); } int ot_address_is_local(SockAddr addr) { int i; if (addr->resolved) for (i = 0; i < kMaxHostAddrs; i++) if (addr->hostinfo.addrs[i] & 0xff000000 == 0x7f000000) return TRUE; return FALSE; } int ot_addrtype(SockAddr addr) { if (addr->resolved) return ADDRTYPE_IPV4; return ADDRTYPE_NAME; } void ot_addrcopy(SockAddr addr, char *buf) { /* XXX only return first address */ memcpy(buf, &addr->hostinfo.addrs[0], 4); } void ot_addr_free(SockAddr addr) { sfree(addr); } static Plug ot_tcp_plug(Socket sock, Plug p) { Actual_Socket s = (Actual_Socket) sock; Plug ret = s->plug; if (p) s->plug = p; return ret; } static void ot_tcp_flush(Socket s) { /* * We send data to the socket as soon as we can anyway, * so we don't need to do anything here. :-) */ } static void ot_tcp_close(Socket s); static int ot_tcp_write(Socket s, char const *data, int len); static int ot_tcp_write_oob(Socket s, char const *data, int len); static void ot_tcp_set_private_ptr(Socket s, void *ptr); static void *ot_tcp_get_private_ptr(Socket s); static void ot_tcp_set_frozen(Socket s, int is_frozen); static const char *ot_tcp_socket_error(Socket s); static void ot_recv(Actual_Socket s); void ot_poll(void); Socket ot_register(void *sock, Plug plug) { static struct socket_function_table fn_table = { ot_tcp_plug, ot_tcp_close, ot_tcp_write, ot_tcp_write_oob, ot_tcp_flush, ot_tcp_set_private_ptr, ot_tcp_get_private_ptr, ot_tcp_set_frozen, ot_tcp_socket_error }; Actual_Socket ret; ret = snew(struct Socket_tag); ret->fn = &fn_table; ret->error = kOTNoError; ret->plug = plug; bufchain_init(&ret->output_data); ret->writable = 1; /* to start with */ ret->sending_oob = 0; ret->frozen = 1; ret->frozen_readable = 0; ret->localhost_only = 0; /* unused, but best init anyway */ ret->pending_error = 0; ret->oobpending = FALSE; ret->listener = 0; ret->ep = (EndpointRef)sock; /* some sort of error checking */ ret->oobinline = 0; /* Add this to the list of all sockets */ ret->next = ot.socklist; ret->prev = &ot.socklist; ot.socklist = ret; return (Socket) ret; } Socket ot_new(SockAddr addr, int port, int privport, int oobinline, int nodelay, int keepalive, Plug plug) { static struct socket_function_table fn_table = { ot_tcp_plug, ot_tcp_close, ot_tcp_write, ot_tcp_write_oob, ot_tcp_flush, ot_tcp_set_private_ptr, ot_tcp_get_private_ptr, ot_tcp_set_frozen, ot_tcp_socket_error }; Actual_Socket ret; EndpointRef ep; OSStatus err; InetAddress dest; TCall connectCall; ret = snew(struct Socket_tag); ret->fn = &fn_table; ret->error = kOTNoError; ret->plug = plug; bufchain_init(&ret->output_data); ret->connected = 0; /* to start with */ ret->writable = 0; /* to start with */ ret->sending_oob = 0; ret->frozen = 0; ret->frozen_readable = 0; ret->localhost_only = 0; /* unused, but best init anyway */ ret->pending_error = 0; ret->oobinline = oobinline; ret->oobpending = FALSE; ret->listener = 0; /* Open Endpoint, configure it for TCP over anything */ ep = OTOpenEndpoint(OTCreateConfiguration("tcp"), 0, NULL, &err); ret->ep = ep; if (err) { ret->error = err; return (Socket) ret; } /* TODO: oobinline, nodelay, keepalive */ /* * Bind to local address. */ /* FIXME: pay attention to privport */ err = OTBind(ep, NULL, NULL); /* OpenTransport always picks our address */ if (err) { ret->error = err; return (Socket) ret; } /* * Connect to remote address. */ /* XXX Try non-primary addresses */ OTInitInetAddress(&dest, port, addr->hostinfo.addrs[0]); memset(&connectCall, 0, sizeof(TCall)); connectCall.addr.buf = (UInt8 *) &dest; connectCall.addr.len = sizeof(dest); err = OTConnect(ep, &connectCall, nil); if (err) { ret->error = err; return (Socket) ret; } else { ret->connected = 1; ret->writable = 1; } /* Add this to the list of all sockets */ ret->next = ot.socklist; ret->prev = &ot.socklist; if (ret->next != NULL) ret->next->prev = &ret->next; ot.socklist = ret; /* XXX: don't know whether we can sk_addr_free(addr); */ return (Socket) ret; } Socket ot_newlistener(char *foobar, int port, Plug plug, int local_host_only) { Actual_Socket s; return (Socket) s; } static void ot_tcp_close(Socket sock) { Actual_Socket s = (Actual_Socket) sock; OTCloseProvider(s->ep); /* Unhitch from list of sockets */ *s->prev = s->next; if (s->next != NULL) s->next->prev = s->prev; sfree(s); } static void try_send(Actual_Socket s) { while (bufchain_size(&s->output_data) > 0) { int nsent; void *data; int len; /* Don't care about oob right now */ bufchain_prefix(&s->output_data, &data, &len); nsent = OTSnd(s->ep, data, len, 0); noise_ultralight(nsent); if (nsent <= 0) { /* something bad happened, hey ho */ } else { /* still don't care about oob */ bufchain_consume(&s->output_data, nsent); } } } static int ot_tcp_write(Socket sock, char const *buf, int len) { Actual_Socket s = (Actual_Socket) sock; bufchain_add(&s->output_data, buf, len); if (s->writable) try_send(s); return bufchain_size(&s->output_data); } static int ot_tcp_write_oob(Socket sock, char const *buf, int len) { /* Don't care about oob */ return 0; } /* * Each socket abstraction contains a `void *' private field in * which the client can keep state. */ static void ot_tcp_set_private_ptr(Socket sock, void *ptr) { Actual_Socket s = (Actual_Socket) sock; s->private_ptr = ptr; } static void *ot_tcp_get_private_ptr(Socket sock) { Actual_Socket s = (Actual_Socket) sock; return s->private_ptr; } /* * Special error values are returned from ot_namelookup and ot_new * if there's a problem. These functions extract an error message, * or return NULL if there's no problem. */ char *ot_addr_error(SockAddr addr) { static char buf[128]; if (addr->error == kOTNoError) return NULL; sprintf(buf, "error %d", addr->error); return buf; } static const char *ot_tcp_socket_error(Socket sock) { Actual_Socket s = (Actual_Socket) sock; static char buf[128]; if (s->error == kOTNoError) return NULL; sprintf(buf, "error %d", s->error); return buf; } static void ot_tcp_set_frozen(Socket sock, int is_frozen) { Actual_Socket s = (Actual_Socket) sock; if (s->frozen == is_frozen) return; s->frozen = is_frozen; } /* * Poll all our sockets from an event loop */ void ot_poll(void) { Actual_Socket s; OTResult o; for (s = ot.socklist; s != NULL; s = s->next) { o = OTLook(s->ep); switch(o) { case T_DATA: /* Normal Data */ ot_recv(s); break; case T_EXDATA: /* Expedited Data (urgent?) */ ot_recv(s); break; } } } void ot_recv(Actual_Socket s) { OTResult o; char buf[20480]; OTFlags flags; if (s->frozen) return; do { o = OTRcv(s->ep, buf, sizeof(buf), &flags); if (o > 0) plug_receive(s->plug, 0, buf, o); if (o < 0 && o != kOTNoDataErr) plug_closing(s->plug, NULL, 0, 0); /* XXX Error msg */ } while (o > 0); } /* * Local Variables: * c-file-style: "simon" * End: */