/* * Platform-independent routines shared between all PuTTY programs. * * This file contains functions that use the kind of infrastructure * like conf.c that tends to only live in the main applications, or * that do things that only something like a main PuTTY application * would need. So standalone test programs should generally be able to * avoid linking against it. * * More standalone functions that depend on nothing but the C library * live in utils.c. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <limits.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <assert.h> #include "defs.h" #include "putty.h" #include "misc.h" void seat_connection_fatal(Seat *seat, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; char *msg; va_start(ap, fmt); msg = dupvprintf(fmt, ap); va_end(ap); seat->vt->connection_fatal(seat, msg); sfree(msg); /* if we return */ } prompts_t *new_prompts(void) { prompts_t *p = snew(prompts_t); p->prompts = NULL; p->n_prompts = 0; p->data = NULL; p->to_server = true; /* to be on the safe side */ p->name = p->instruction = NULL; p->name_reqd = p->instr_reqd = false; return p; } void add_prompt(prompts_t *p, char *promptstr, bool echo) { prompt_t *pr = snew(prompt_t); pr->prompt = promptstr; pr->echo = echo; pr->result = NULL; pr->resultsize = 0; p->n_prompts++; p->prompts = sresize(p->prompts, p->n_prompts, prompt_t *); p->prompts[p->n_prompts-1] = pr; } void prompt_ensure_result_size(prompt_t *pr, int newlen) { if ((int)pr->resultsize < newlen) { char *newbuf; newlen = newlen * 5 / 4 + 512; /* avoid too many small allocs */ /* * We don't use sresize / realloc here, because we will be * storing sensitive stuff like passwords in here, and we want * to make sure that the data doesn't get copied around in * memory without the old copy being destroyed. */ newbuf = snewn(newlen, char); memcpy(newbuf, pr->result, pr->resultsize); smemclr(pr->result, pr->resultsize); sfree(pr->result); pr->result = newbuf; pr->resultsize = newlen; } } void prompt_set_result(prompt_t *pr, const char *newstr) { prompt_ensure_result_size(pr, strlen(newstr) + 1); strcpy(pr->result, newstr); } void free_prompts(prompts_t *p) { size_t i; for (i=0; i < p->n_prompts; i++) { prompt_t *pr = p->prompts[i]; smemclr(pr->result, pr->resultsize); /* burn the evidence */ sfree(pr->result); sfree(pr->prompt); sfree(pr); } sfree(p->prompts); sfree(p->name); sfree(p->instruction); sfree(p); } /* * Determine whether or not a Conf represents a session which can * sensibly be launched right now. */ bool conf_launchable(Conf *conf) { if (conf_get_int(conf, CONF_protocol) == PROT_SERIAL) return conf_get_str(conf, CONF_serline)[0] != 0; else return conf_get_str(conf, CONF_host)[0] != 0; } char const *conf_dest(Conf *conf) { if (conf_get_int(conf, CONF_protocol) == PROT_SERIAL) return conf_get_str(conf, CONF_serline); else return conf_get_str(conf, CONF_host); } /* * Validate a manual host key specification (either entered in the * GUI, or via -hostkey). If valid, we return true, and update 'key' * to contain a canonicalised version of the key string in 'key' * (which is guaranteed to take up at most as much space as the * original version), suitable for putting into the Conf. If not * valid, we return false. */ bool validate_manual_hostkey(char *key) { char *p, *q, *r, *s; /* * Step through the string word by word, looking for a word that's * in one of the formats we like. */ p = key; while ((p += strspn(p, " \t"))[0]) { q = p; p += strcspn(p, " \t"); if (*p) *p++ = '\0'; /* * Now q is our word. */ if (strlen(q) == 16*3 - 1 && q[strspn(q, "0123456789abcdefABCDEF:")] == 0) { /* * Might be a key fingerprint. Check the colons are in the * right places, and if so, return the same fingerprint * canonicalised into lowercase. */ int i; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) if (q[3*i] == ':' || q[3*i+1] == ':') goto not_fingerprint; /* sorry */ for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) if (q[3*i+2] != ':') goto not_fingerprint; /* sorry */ for (i = 0; i < 16*3 - 1; i++) key[i] = tolower(q[i]); key[16*3 - 1] = '\0'; return true; } not_fingerprint:; /* * Before we check for a public-key blob, trim newlines out of * the middle of the word, in case someone's managed to paste * in a public-key blob _with_ them. */ for (r = s = q; *r; r++) if (*r != '\n' && *r != '\r') *s++ = *r; *s = '\0'; if (strlen(q) % 4 == 0 && strlen(q) > 2*4 && q[strspn(q, "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz+/=")] == 0) { /* * Might be a base64-encoded SSH-2 public key blob. Check * that it starts with a sensible algorithm string. No * canonicalisation is necessary for this string type. * * The algorithm string must be at most 64 characters long * (RFC 4251 section 6). */ unsigned char decoded[6]; unsigned alglen; int minlen; int len = 0; len += base64_decode_atom(q, decoded+len); if (len < 3) goto not_ssh2_blob; /* sorry */ len += base64_decode_atom(q+4, decoded+len); if (len < 4) goto not_ssh2_blob; /* sorry */ alglen = GET_32BIT_MSB_FIRST(decoded); if (alglen > 64) goto not_ssh2_blob; /* sorry */ minlen = ((alglen + 4) + 2) / 3; if (strlen(q) < minlen) goto not_ssh2_blob; /* sorry */ strcpy(key, q); return true; } not_ssh2_blob:; } return false; } char *buildinfo(const char *newline) { strbuf *buf = strbuf_new(); strbuf_catf(buf, "Build platform: %d-bit %s", (int)(CHAR_BIT * sizeof(void *)), BUILDINFO_PLATFORM); #ifdef __clang_version__ #define FOUND_COMPILER strbuf_catf(buf, "%sCompiler: clang %s", newline, __clang_version__); #elif defined __GNUC__ && defined __VERSION__ #define FOUND_COMPILER strbuf_catf(buf, "%sCompiler: gcc %s", newline, __VERSION__); #endif #if defined _MSC_VER #ifndef FOUND_COMPILER #define FOUND_COMPILER strbuf_catf(buf, "%sCompiler: ", newline); #else strbuf_catf(buf, ", emulating "); #endif strbuf_catf(buf, "Visual Studio", newline); #if _MSC_VER == 1900 strbuf_catf(buf, " 2015 / MSVC++ 14.0"); #elif _MSC_VER == 1912 strbuf_catf(buf, " 2017 / MSVC++ 14.12"); #elif _MSC_VER == 1800 strbuf_catf(buf, " 2013 / MSVC++ 12.0"); #elif _MSC_VER == 1700 strbuf_catf(buf, " 2012 / MSVC++ 11.0"); #elif _MSC_VER == 1600 strbuf_catf(buf, " 2010 / MSVC++ 10.0"); #elif _MSC_VER == 1500 strbuf_catf(buf, " 2008 / MSVC++ 9.0"); #elif _MSC_VER == 1400 strbuf_catf(buf, " 2005 / MSVC++ 8.0"); #elif _MSC_VER == 1310 strbuf_catf(buf, " 2003 / MSVC++ 7.1"); #elif _MSC_VER == 1300 strbuf_catf(buf, " 2003 / MSVC++ 7.0"); #else strbuf_catf(buf, ", unrecognised version"); #endif strbuf_catf(buf, " (_MSC_VER=%d)", (int)_MSC_VER); #endif #ifdef BUILDINFO_GTK { char *gtk_buildinfo = buildinfo_gtk_version(); if (gtk_buildinfo) { strbuf_catf(buf, "%sCompiled against GTK version %s", newline, gtk_buildinfo); sfree(gtk_buildinfo); } } #endif #if defined _WINDOWS && defined MINEFIELD strbuf_catf(buf, "%sBuild option: MINEFIELD", newline); #endif #ifdef NO_SECURITY strbuf_catf(buf, "%sBuild option: NO_SECURITY", newline); #endif #ifdef NO_SECUREZEROMEMORY strbuf_catf(buf, "%sBuild option: NO_SECUREZEROMEMORY", newline); #endif #ifdef NO_IPV6 strbuf_catf(buf, "%sBuild option: NO_IPV6", newline); #endif #ifdef NO_GSSAPI strbuf_catf(buf, "%sBuild option: NO_GSSAPI", newline); #endif #ifdef STATIC_GSSAPI strbuf_catf(buf, "%sBuild option: STATIC_GSSAPI", newline); #endif #ifdef UNPROTECT strbuf_catf(buf, "%sBuild option: UNPROTECT", newline); #endif #ifdef FUZZING strbuf_catf(buf, "%sBuild option: FUZZING", newline); #endif #ifdef DEBUG strbuf_catf(buf, "%sBuild option: DEBUG", newline); #endif strbuf_catf(buf, "%sSource commit: %s", newline, commitid); return strbuf_to_str(buf); } int nullseat_output( Seat *seat, bool is_stderr, const void *data, int len) { return 0; } bool nullseat_eof(Seat *seat) { return true; } int nullseat_get_userpass_input( Seat *seat, prompts_t *p, bufchain *input) { return 0; } void nullseat_notify_remote_exit(Seat *seat) {} void nullseat_connection_fatal(Seat *seat, const char *message) {} void nullseat_update_specials_menu(Seat *seat) {} char *nullseat_get_ttymode(Seat *seat, const char *mode) { return NULL; } void nullseat_set_busy_status(Seat *seat, BusyStatus status) {} int nullseat_verify_ssh_host_key( Seat *seat, const char *host, int port, const char *keytype, char *keystr, char *key_fingerprint, void (*callback)(void *ctx, int result), void *ctx) { return 0; } int nullseat_confirm_weak_crypto_primitive( Seat *seat, const char *algtype, const char *algname, void (*callback)(void *ctx, int result), void *ctx) { return 0; } int nullseat_confirm_weak_cached_hostkey( Seat *seat, const char *algname, const char *betteralgs, void (*callback)(void *ctx, int result), void *ctx) { return 0; } bool nullseat_is_never_utf8(Seat *seat) { return false; } bool nullseat_is_always_utf8(Seat *seat) { return true; } void nullseat_echoedit_update(Seat *seat, bool echoing, bool editing) {} const char *nullseat_get_x_display(Seat *seat) { return NULL; } bool nullseat_get_windowid(Seat *seat, long *id_out) { return false; } bool nullseat_get_window_pixel_size( Seat *seat, int *width, int *height) { return false; } void sk_free_peer_info(SocketPeerInfo *pi) { if (pi) { sfree((char *)pi->addr_text); sfree((char *)pi->log_text); sfree(pi); } } void out_of_memory(void) { modalfatalbox("Out of memory"); }