#!/usr/bin/env perl # # Cross-platform Makefile generator. # # Reads the file `Recipe' to determine the list of generated # executables and their component objects. Then reads the source # files to compute #include dependencies. Finally, writes out the # various target Makefiles. # PuTTY specifics which could still do with removing: # - Mac makefile is not portabilised at all. Include directories # are hardwired, and also the libraries are fixed. This is # mainly because I was too scared to go anywhere near it. # - sbcsgen.pl is still run at startup. # # FIXME: no attempt made to handle !forceobj in the project files. use warnings; use FileHandle; use File::Basename; use Cwd; use Digest::SHA qw(sha512_hex); if ($#ARGV >= 0 and ($ARGV[0] eq "-u" or $ARGV[0] eq "-U")) { # Convenience for Unix users: -u means that after we finish what # we're doing here, we also run mkauto.sh and then 'configure' in # the Unix subdirectory. So it's a one-stop shop for regenerating # the actual end-product Unix makefile. # # Arguments supplied after -u go to configure. # # -U is identical, but runs 'configure' at the _top_ level, for # people who habitually do that. $do_unix = ($ARGV[0] eq "-U" ? 2 : 1); shift @ARGV; @confargs = @ARGV; } open IN, "Recipe" or do { # We want to deal correctly with being run from one of the # subdirs in the source tree. So if we can't find Recipe here, # try one level up. chdir ".."; open IN, "Recipe" or die "unable to open Recipe file\n"; }; # HACK: One of the source files in `charset' is auto-generated by # sbcsgen.pl, and licence.h is likewise generated by licence.pl. We # need to generate those _now_, before attempting dependency analysis. eval 'chdir "charset"; require "./sbcsgen.pl"; chdir ".."; select STDOUT;'; eval 'require "./licence.pl"; select STDOUT;'; @srcdirs = ("./"); $divert = undef; # ref to scalar in which text is currently being put $help = ""; # list of newline-free lines of help text $project_name = "project"; # this is a good enough default %makefiles = (); # maps makefile types to output makefile pathnames %makefile_extra = (); # maps makefile types to extra Makefile text %programs = (); # maps prog name + type letter to listref of objects/resources %groups = (); # maps group name to listref of objects/resources while (<IN>) { chomp; @_ = split; # If we're gathering help text, keep doing so. if (defined $divert) { if ((defined $_[0]) && $_[0] eq "!end") { $divert = undef; } else { ${$divert} .= "$_\n"; } next; } # Skip comments and blank lines. next if /^\s*#/ or scalar @_ == 0; if ($_[0] eq "!begin" and $_[1] eq "help") { $divert = \$help; next; } if ($_[0] eq "!end") { $divert = undef; next; } if ($_[0] eq "!name") { $project_name = $_[1]; next; } if ($_[0] eq "!srcdir") { push @srcdirs, $_[1]; next; } if ($_[0] eq "!makefile" and &mfval($_[1])) { $makefiles{$_[1]}=$_[2]; next;} if ($_[0] eq "!specialobj" and &mfval($_[1])) { $specialobj{$_[1]}->{$_[2]} = 1; next;} if ($_[0] eq "!cflags" and &mfval($_[1])) { ($rest = $_) =~ s/^\s*\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s*//; # find rest of input line if ($rest eq "") { # Make sure this file doesn't get lumped together with any # other file's cflags. $rest = "F" . $_[2]; } else { # Give this file a specific set of cflags, but permit it to # go together with other files using the same set. $rest = "C" . $rest; } $cflags{$_[1]}->{$_[2]} = $rest; next; } if ($_[0] eq "!forceobj") { $forceobj{$_[1]} = 1; next; } if ($_[0] eq "!begin") { if ($_[1] =~ /^>(.*)/) { $divert = \$auxfiles{$1}; } elsif (&mfval($_[1])) { $sect = $_[2] ? $_[2] : "end"; $divert = \($makefile_extra{$_[1]}->{$sect}); } else { $dummy = ''; $divert = \$dummy; } next; } # If we're gathering help/verbatim text, keep doing so. if (defined $divert) { ${$divert} .= "$_\n"; next; } # Ignore blank lines. next if scalar @_ == 0; # Now we have an ordinary line. See if it's an = line, a : line # or a + line. @objs = @_; if ($_[0] eq "+") { $listref = $lastlistref; $prog = undef; die "$.: unexpected + line\n" if !defined $lastlistref; } elsif ($#_ >= 1 && $_[1] eq "=") { $groups{$_[0]} = [] if !defined $groups{$_[0]}; $listref = $groups{$_[0]}; $prog = undef; shift @objs; # eat the group name } elsif ($#_ >= 1 && $_[1] eq ":") { $listref = []; $prog = $_[0]; shift @objs; # eat the program name } else { die "$.: unrecognised line type\n"; } shift @objs; # eat the +, the = or the : while (scalar @objs > 0) { $i = shift @objs; if ($groups{$i}) { foreach $j (@{$groups{$i}}) { unshift @objs, $j; } } elsif (($i =~ /^\[([A-Z]*)\]$/) and defined $prog) { $type = substr($i,1,(length $i)-2); die "unrecognised program type for $prog [$type]\n" if ! grep { $type eq $_ } qw(G C X U MX XT UT); } else { push @$listref, $i; } } if ($prog and $type) { die "multiple program entries for $prog [$type]\n" if defined $programs{$prog . "," . $type}; $programs{$prog . "," . $type} = $listref; } $lastlistref = $listref; } close IN; foreach $aux (sort keys %auxfiles) { open AUX, ">$aux"; print AUX $auxfiles{$aux}; close AUX; } # Now retrieve the complete list of objects and resource files, and # construct dependency data for them. While we're here, expand the # object list for each program, and complain if its type isn't set. @prognames = sort keys %programs; %depends = (); @scanlist = (); foreach $i (@prognames) { ($prog, $type) = split ",", $i; # Strip duplicate object names. $prev = ''; @list = grep { $status = ($prev ne $_); $prev=$_; $status } sort @{$programs{$i}}; $programs{$i} = [@list]; foreach $j (@list) { # Dependencies for "x" start with "x.c" or "x.m" (depending on # which one exists). # Dependencies for "x.res" start with "x.rc". # Dependencies for "x.rsrc" start with "x.r". # Both types of file are pushed on the list of files to scan. # Libraries (.lib) don't have dependencies at all. if ($j =~ /^(.*)\.res$/) { $file = "$1.rc"; $depends{$j} = [$file]; push @scanlist, $file; } elsif ($j =~ /^(.*)\.rsrc$/) { $file = "$1.r"; $depends{$j} = [$file]; push @scanlist, $file; } elsif ($j !~ /\./) { $file = "$j.c"; $file = "$j.m" unless &findfile($file); $depends{$j} = [$file]; push @scanlist, $file; } } } # Scan each file on @scanlist and find further inclusions. # Inclusions are given by lines of the form `#include "otherfile"' # (system headers are automatically ignored by this because they'll # be given in angle brackets). Files included by this method are # added back on to @scanlist to be scanned in turn (if not already # done). # # Resource scripts (.rc) can also include a file by means of: # - a line # ending `ICON "filename"'; # - a line ending `RT_MANIFEST "filename"'. # Files included by this method are not added to @scanlist because # they can never include further files. # # In this pass we write out a hash %further which maps a source # file name into a listref containing further source file names. %further = (); %allsourcefiles = (); # this is wanted by some makefiles while (scalar @scanlist > 0) { $file = shift @scanlist; next if defined $further{$file}; # skip if we've already done it $further{$file} = []; $dirfile = &findfile($file); $allsourcefiles{$dirfile} = 1; open IN, "$dirfile" or die "unable to open source file $file\n"; while (<IN>) { chomp; /^\s*#include\s+\"([^\"]+)\"/ and do { push @{$further{$file}}, $1; push @scanlist, $1; next; }; /(RT_MANIFEST|ICON)\s+\"([^\"]+)\"\s*$/ and do { push @{$further{$file}}, $2; next; } } close IN; } # Now we're ready to generate the final dependencies section. For # each key in %depends, we must expand the dependencies list by # iteratively adding entries from %further. foreach $i (keys %depends) { %dep = (); @scanlist = @{$depends{$i}}; foreach $i (@scanlist) { $dep{$i} = 1; } while (scalar @scanlist > 0) { $file = shift @scanlist; foreach $j (@{$further{$file}}) { if (!$dep{$j}) { $dep{$j} = 1; push @{$depends{$i}}, $j; push @scanlist, $j; } } } # printf "%s: %s\n", $i, join ' ',@{$depends{$i}}; } # Validation of input. sub mfval($) { my ($type) = @_; # Returns true if the argument is a known makefile type. Otherwise, # prints a warning and returns false; if (grep { $type eq $_ } ("vc","vcproj","cygwin","lcc","devcppproj","gtk","unix", "am","osx","vstudio10","vstudio12","clangcl")) { return 1; } warn "$.:unknown makefile type '$type'\n"; return 0; } # Utility routines while writing out the Makefiles. sub def { my ($x) = shift @_; return (defined $x) ? $x : ""; } sub dirpfx { my ($path) = shift @_; my ($sep) = shift @_; my $ret = ""; my $i; while (($i = index $path, $sep) >= 0 || ($j = index $path, "/") >= 0) { if ($i >= 0 and ($j < 0 or $i < $j)) { $path = substr $path, ($i + length $sep); } else { $path = substr $path, ($j + 1); } $ret .= "..$sep"; } return $ret; } sub findfile { my ($name) = @_; my $dir = ''; my $i; my $outdir = undef; unless (defined $findfilecache{$name}) { $i = 0; foreach $dir (@srcdirs) { if (-f "$dir$name") { $outdir = $dir; $i++; $outdir =~ s/^\.\///; } } die "multiple instances of source file $name\n" if $i > 1; $findfilecache{$name} = (defined $outdir ? $outdir . $name : undef); } return $findfilecache{$name}; } sub objects { my ($prog, $otmpl, $rtmpl, $ltmpl, $prefix, $dirsep) = @_; my @ret; my ($i, $x, $y); ($otmpl, $rtmpl, $ltmpl) = map { defined $_ ? $_ : "" } ($otmpl, $rtmpl, $ltmpl); @ret = (); foreach $i (@{$programs{$prog}}) { $x = ""; if ($i =~ /^(.*)\.(res|rsrc)/) { $y = $1; ($x = $rtmpl) =~ s/X/$y/; } elsif ($i =~ /^(.*)\.lib/) { $y = $1; ($x = $ltmpl) =~ s/X/$y/; } elsif ($i !~ /\./) { ($x = $otmpl) =~ s/X/$i/; } push @ret, $x if $x ne ""; } return join " ", @ret; } sub special { my ($prog, $suffix) = @_; my @ret; my ($i, $x, $y); ($otmpl, $rtmpl, $ltmpl) = map { defined $_ ? $_ : "" } ($otmpl, $rtmpl, $ltmpl); @ret = (); foreach $i (@{$programs{$prog}}) { if (substr($i, (length $i) - (length $suffix)) eq $suffix) { push @ret, $i; } } return (scalar @ret) ? (join " ", @ret) : undef; } sub splitline { my ($line, $width, $splitchar) = @_; my $result = ""; my $len; $len = (defined $width ? $width : 76); $splitchar = (defined $splitchar ? $splitchar : '\\'); while (length $line > $len) { $line =~ /^(.{0,$len})\s(.*)$/ or $line =~ /^(.{$len,})?\s(.*)$/; $result .= $1; $result .= " ${splitchar}\n\t\t" if $2 ne ''; $line = $2; $len = 60; } return $result . $line; } sub deps { my ($otmpl, $rtmpl, $prefix, $dirsep, $mftyp, $depchar, $splitchar) = @_; my ($i, $x, $y); my @deps; my @ret; @ret = (); $depchar ||= ':'; foreach $i (sort keys %depends) { next if $specialobj{$mftyp}->{$i}; if ($i =~ /^(.*)\.(res|rsrc)/) { next if !defined $rtmpl; $y = $1; ($x = $rtmpl) =~ s/X/$y/; } else { ($x = $otmpl) =~ s/X/$i/; } @deps = @{$depends{$i}}; @deps = map { $_ = &findfile($_); s/\//$dirsep/g; $_ = $prefix . $_; } @deps; push @ret, {obj => $x, obj_orig => $i, deps => [@deps]}; } return @ret; } sub prognames { my ($types) = @_; my ($n, $prog, $type); my @ret; @ret = (); foreach $n (@prognames) { ($prog, $type) = split ",", $n; push @ret, $n if index(":$types:", ":$type:") >= 0; } return @ret; } sub progrealnames { my ($types) = @_; my ($n, $prog, $type); my @ret; @ret = (); foreach $n (@prognames) { ($prog, $type) = split ",", $n; push @ret, $prog if index(":$types:", ":$type:") >= 0; } return @ret; } sub manpages { my ($types,$suffix) = @_; # assume that all UNIX programs have a man page if($suffix eq "1" && $types =~ /:X:/) { return map("$_.1", &progrealnames($types)); } return (); } $orig_dir = cwd; # Now we're ready to output the actual Makefiles. if (defined $makefiles{'clangcl'}) { $dirpfx = &dirpfx($makefiles{'clangcl'}, "/"); ##-- Makefile for cross-compiling using clang-cl, lld-link, and ## MinGW's windres for resource compilation. # # This makefile allows a complete Linux-based cross-compile, but # using the real Visual Studio header files and libraries. In # order to run it, you will need: # # - clang-cl, llvm-rc and lld-link on your PATH. # * I built these from the up-to-date LLVM project trunk git # repositories, as of 2018-05-29. # - case-mashed copies of the Visual Studio include directories. # * On a real VS installation, run vcvars32.bat and look at # the resulting value of %INCLUDE%. Take a full copy of each # of those directories, and inside the copy, for each # include file that has an uppercase letter in its name, # make a lowercased symlink to it. Additionally, one of the # directories will contain files called driverspecs.h and # specstrings.h, and those will need symlinks called # DriverSpecs.h and SpecStrings.h. # * Now, on Linux, define the environment variable INCLUDE to # be a list, separated by *semicolons* (in the Windows # style), of those directories, but before all of them you # must also include lib/clang/5.0.0/include from the clang # installation area (which contains in particular a # clang-compatible stdarg.h overriding the Visual Studio # one). # - similarly case-mashed copies of the library directories. # * Again, on a real VS installation, run vcvars32 or # vcvarsx86_amd64 (as appropriate), look at %LIB%, make a # copy of each directory, and provide symlinks within that # directory so that all the files can be opened as # lowercase. # * Then set LIB to be a semicolon-separated list of those # directories (but you'll need to change which set of # directories depending on whether you want to do a 32-bit # or 64-bit build). # - for a 64-bit build, set 'Platform=x64' in the environment as # well, or else on the make command line. # * This is a variable understood only by this makefile - none # of the tools we invoke will know it - but it's consistent # with the way the VS scripts like vcvarsx86_amd64.bat set # things up, and since the environment has to change # _anyway_ between 32- and 64-bit builds (different set of # paths in $LIB) it's reasonable to have the choice of # compilation target driven by another environment variable # set in parallel with that one. # - for older versions of the VS libraries you may also have to # set EXTRA_console and/or EXTRA_windows to the name of an # object file manually extracted from one of those libraries. # * This is because old VS seems to manage its startup code by # having libcmt.lib contain lots of *crt0.obj objects, one # for each possible user entry point (main, WinMain and the # wide-char versions of both), of which the linker arranges # to include the right one by special-case code. But lld # only seems to mimic half of that code - it does include # the right crt0 object, but it doesn't also deliberately # _avoid_ including the _wrong_ ones, and since all those # objects define a common set of global symbols for other # parts of the library to use, lld may well select an # arbitrary one of them the first time it sees a reference # to one of those global symbols, and then later also select # the _right_ one for the application's entry point, causing # a multiple-definitions crash. # * So the workaround is to explicitly include the right # *crt0.obj file on the linker command line before lld even # begins searching libraries. Hence, for a console # application, you might extract crt0.obj from the library # in question and set EXTRA_console=crt0.obj, and for a GUI # application, do the same with wincrt0.obj. Then this # makefile will include the right one of those objects # alongside the matching /subsystem linker option. # - also for older versions of the VS libraries, you may also # have to set EXTRA_libs to include extra library files. open OUT, ">$makefiles{'clangcl'}"; select OUT; print "# Makefile for cross-compiling $project_name using clang-cl, lld-link,\n". "# and llvm-rc, using GNU make on Linux.\n". "#\n# This file was created by `mkfiles.pl' from the `Recipe' file.\n". "# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY; edit Recipe or mkfiles.pl instead.\n"; print $help; print "\n". "CCCMD = clang-cl\n". "RCCMD = llvm-rc\n". "ifeq (\$(Platform),x64)\n". "CCTARGET = x86_64-pc-windows-msvc18.0.0\n". "PLATFORMCFLAGS =\n". "else ifeq (\$(Platform),arm)\n". "CCTARGET = arm-pc-windows-msvc18.0.0\n". "PLATFORMCFLAGS = /D_ARM_WINAPI_PARTITION_DESKTOP_SDK_AVAILABLE /GS-\n". "else ifeq (\$(Platform),arm64)\n". "CCTARGET = arm64-pc-windows-msvc18.0.0\n". "PLATFORMCFLAGS = /D_ARM_WINAPI_PARTITION_DESKTOP_SDK_AVAILABLE /GS-\n". "else\n". "CCTARGET = i386-pc-windows-msvc18.0.0\n". "PLATFORMCFLAGS =\n". "endif\n". "CC = \$(CCCMD)\n". "RC = \$(RCCMD) /c 1252 \n". "RCPREPROC = \$(CCCMD) /P /TC\n". "LD = lld-link\n". "\n". "# C compilation flags\n". &splitline("CFLAGS = --target=\$(CCTARGET) /nologo /W3 /O1 -Wvla " . (join " ", map {"-I$dirpfx$_"} @srcdirs) . " /D_WINDOWS /D_WIN32_WINDOWS=0x500 /DWINVER=0x500 ". "/D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /D_WINSOCK_DEPRECATED_NO_WARNINGS"). " \$(PLATFORMCFLAGS)\n". "LFLAGS = /incremental:no /dynamicbase /nxcompat\n". &splitline("RCPPFLAGS = ".(join " ", map {"-I$dirpfx$_"} @srcdirs). " -DWIN32 -D_WIN32 -DWINVER=0x0400")." \$(RCFL)\n". "\n". &def($makefile_extra{'clangcl'}->{'vars'}) . "\n". "\n"; print &splitline("all:" . join "", map { " \$(BUILDDIR)$_.exe" } &progrealnames("G:C")); print "\n\n"; foreach $p (&prognames("G:C")) { ($prog, $type) = split ",", $p; $objstr = &objects($p, "\$(BUILDDIR)X.obj", "\$(BUILDDIR)X.res", undef); print &splitline("\$(BUILDDIR)$prog.exe: " . $objstr), "\n"; $objstr = &objects($p, "\$(BUILDDIR)X.obj", "\$(BUILDDIR)X.res", "X.lib"); $subsys = ($type eq "G") ? "windows" : "console"; print &splitline("\t\$(LD) \$(LFLAGS) \$(XLFLAGS) ". "/out:\$(BUILDDIR)$prog.exe ". "/lldmap:\$(BUILDDIR)$prog.map ". "/subsystem:$subsys\$(SUBSYSVER) ". "\$(EXTRA_$subsys) $objstr \$(EXTRA_libs)")."\n\n"; } my $rc_pp_rules = ""; foreach $d (&deps("\$(BUILDDIR)X.obj", "\$(BUILDDIR)X.res", $dirpfx, "/", "vc")) { $extradeps = $forceobj{$d->{obj_orig}} ? ["*.c","*.h","*.rc"] : []; my $rule; my @deps = @{$d->{deps}}; my @incdeps = grep { m!\.rc2?$! } @deps; my @rcdeps = grep { ! m!\.rc2$! } @deps; if ($d->{obj} =~ /\.res$/) { my $rc = $deps[0]; my $rcpp = $rc; $rcpp =~ s!.*/!!; $rcpp =~ s/\.rc$/.rcpp/; $rcpp = "\$(BUILDDIR)" . $rcpp; $rule = "\$(RC) ".$rcpp." /FO ".$d->{obj}; $rc_pp_rules .= &splitline( sprintf("%s: %s", $rcpp, join " ", @incdeps)) ."\n" . "\t\$(RCPREPROC) \$(RCPPFLAGS) /Fi\$\@ \$<\n\n"; $rcdeps[0] = $rcpp; } else { $rule = "\$(CC) /Fo\$(BUILDDIR) \$(COMPAT) \$(CFLAGS) \$(XFLAGS) /c \$<"; } print &splitline(sprintf("%s: %s", $d->{obj}, join " ", @$extradeps, @rcdeps)), "\n"; print "\t" . $rule . "\n\n"; } print "\n" . $rc_pp_rules; print &def($makefile_extra{'clangcl'}->{'end'}); print "\nclean:\n". &splitline("\trm -f \$(BUILDDIR)*.obj \$(BUILDDIR)*.exe ". "\$(BUILDDIR)*.rcpp \$(BUILDDIR)*.res \$(BUILDDIR)*.map ". "\$(BUILDDIR)*.exe.manifest")."\n"; select STDOUT; close OUT; } if (defined $makefiles{'cygwin'}) { $dirpfx = &dirpfx($makefiles{'cygwin'}, "/"); ##-- MinGW/CygWin makefile (called 'cygwin' for historical reasons) open OUT, ">$makefiles{'cygwin'}"; select OUT; print "# Makefile for $project_name under MinGW, Cygwin, or Winelib.\n". "#\n# This file was created by `mkfiles.pl' from the `Recipe' file.\n". "# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY; edit Recipe or mkfiles.pl instead.\n"; # gcc command line option is -D not /D ($_ = $help) =~ s/([=" ])\/D/$1-D/gs; print $_; print "\n". "# You can define this path to point at your tools if you need to\n". "# TOOLPATH = c:\\cygwin\\bin\\ # or similar, if you're running Windows\n". "# TOOLPATH = /pkg/mingw32msvc/i386-mingw32msvc/bin/\n". "# TOOLPATH = i686-w64-mingw32-\n". "CC = \$(TOOLPATH)gcc\n". "RC = \$(TOOLPATH)windres\n". "# Uncomment the following two lines to compile under Winelib\n". "# CC = winegcc\n". "# RC = wrc\n". "# You may also need to tell windres where to find include files:\n". "# RCINC = --include-dir c:\\cygwin\\include\\\n". "\n". &splitline("CFLAGS = -Wall -O2 -std=gnu99 -Wvla -D_WINDOWS". " -DWIN32S_COMPAT -D_NO_OLDNAMES -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=1 " . (join " ", map {"-I$dirpfx$_"} @srcdirs)) . "\n". "LDFLAGS = -s\n". &splitline("RCFLAGS = \$(RCINC) --define WIN32=1 --define _WIN32=1 ". "--define WINVER=0x0400 ".(join " ", map {"-I$dirpfx$_"} @srcdirs))."\n". "\n". &def($makefile_extra{'cygwin'}->{'vars'}) . "\n". ".SUFFIXES:\n". "\n"; print &splitline("all:" . join "", map { " $_.exe" } &progrealnames("G:C")); print "\n\n"; foreach $p (&prognames("G:C")) { ($prog, $type) = split ",", $p; $objstr = &objects($p, "X.o", "X.res.o", undef); print &splitline($prog . ".exe: " . $objstr), "\n"; my $mw = $type eq "G" ? " -mwindows" : ""; $libstr = &objects($p, undef, undef, "-lX"); print &splitline("\t\$(CC)" . $mw . " \$(LDFLAGS) -o \$@ " . "-Wl,-Map,$prog.map " . $objstr . " $libstr", 69), "\n\n"; } foreach $d (&deps("X.o", "X.res.o", $dirpfx, "/", "cygwin")) { if ($forceobj{$d->{obj_orig}}) { printf ("%s: FORCE\n", $d->{obj}); } else { print &splitline(sprintf("%s: %s", $d->{obj}, join " ", @{$d->{deps}})), "\n"; } if ($d->{obj} =~ /\.res\.o$/) { print "\t\$(RC) \$(RCFL) \$(RCFLAGS) ".$d->{deps}->[0]." -o ".$d->{obj}."\n\n"; } else { print "\t\$(CC) \$(COMPAT) \$(CFLAGS) \$(XFLAGS) -c ".$d->{deps}->[0]."\n\n"; } } print "\n"; print &def($makefile_extra{'cygwin'}->{'end'}); print "\nclean:\n". "\trm -f *.o *.exe *.res.o *.so *.map\n". "\n". "FORCE:\n"; select STDOUT; close OUT; } if (defined $makefiles{'vc'}) { $dirpfx = &dirpfx($makefiles{'vc'}, "\\"); ##-- Visual C++ makefile open OUT, ">$makefiles{'vc'}"; select OUT; print "# Makefile for $project_name under Visual C.\n". "#\n# This file was created by `mkfiles.pl' from the `Recipe' file.\n". "# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY; edit Recipe or mkfiles.pl instead.\n"; print $help; print "\n". "# If you rename this file to `Makefile', you should change this line,\n". "# so that the .rsp files still depend on the correct makefile.\n". "MAKEFILE = Makefile.vc\n". "\n". "# C compilation flags\n". "CFLAGS = /nologo /W3 /O1 " . (join " ", map {"-I$dirpfx$_"} @srcdirs) . " /D_WINDOWS /D_WIN32_WINDOWS=0x500 /DWINVER=0x500 /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /D_ARM_WINAPI_PARTITION_DESKTOP_SDK_AVAILABLE\n". "LFLAGS = /incremental:no /dynamicbase /nxcompat\n". "RCFLAGS = ".(join " ", map {"-I$dirpfx$_"} @srcdirs). " -DWIN32 -D_WIN32 -DWINVER=0x0400\n". "\n". &def($makefile_extra{'vc'}->{'vars'}) . "\n". "\n"; print &splitline("all:" . join "", map { " \$(BUILDDIR)$_.exe" } &progrealnames("G:C")); print "\n\n"; foreach $p (&prognames("G:C")) { ($prog, $type) = split ",", $p; $objstr = &objects($p, "\$(BUILDDIR)X.obj", "\$(BUILDDIR)X.res", undef); print &splitline("\$(BUILDDIR)$prog.exe: " . $objstr), "\n"; $objstr = &objects($p, "\$(BUILDDIR)X.obj", "\$(BUILDDIR)X.res", "X.lib"); $subsys = ($type eq "G") ? "windows" : "console"; $inlinefilename = "link_$prog"; print "\ttype <<$inlinefilename\n"; @objlist = split " ", $objstr; @objlines = (""); foreach $i (@objlist) { if (length($objlines[$#objlines] . " $i") > 72) { push @objlines, ""; } $objlines[$#objlines] .= " $i"; } for ($i=0; $i<=$#objlines; $i++) { print "$objlines[$i]\n"; } print "<<\n"; print "\tlink \$(LFLAGS) \$(XLFLAGS) -out:\$(BUILDDIR)$prog.exe -map:\$(BUILDDIR)$prog.map -nologo -subsystem:$subsys\$(SUBSYSVER) \@$inlinefilename\n\n"; } foreach $d (&deps("\$(BUILDDIR)X.obj", "\$(BUILDDIR)X.res", $dirpfx, "\\", "vc")) { $extradeps = $forceobj{$d->{obj_orig}} ? ["*.c","*.h","*.rc"] : []; print &splitline(sprintf("%s: %s", $d->{obj}, join " ", @$extradeps, @{$d->{deps}})), "\n"; if ($d->{obj} =~ /.res$/) { print "\trc /Fo@{[$d->{obj}]} \$(RCFL) -r \$(RCFLAGS) ".$d->{deps}->[0],"\n\n"; } } print "\n"; foreach $real_srcdir ("", @srcdirs) { $srcdir = $real_srcdir; if ($srcdir ne "") { $srcdir =~ s!/!\\!g; $srcdir = $dirpfx . $srcdir; $srcdir =~ s!\\\.\\!\\!; $srcdir = "{$srcdir}"; } # The double colon at the end of the line makes this a # 'batch-mode inference rule', which means that nmake will # aggregate multiple invocations of the rule and issue just # one cl command with multiple source-file arguments. That # noticeably speeds up builds, since starting up the cl # process is a noticeable overhead and now has to be done far # fewer times. print "${srcdir}.c.obj::\n\tcl /Fo\$(BUILDDIR) \$(COMPAT) \$(CFLAGS) \$(XFLAGS) /c \$<\n\n"; } print &def($makefile_extra{'vc'}->{'end'}); print "\nclean: tidy\n". "\t-del \$(BUILDDIR)*.exe\n\n". "tidy:\n". "\t-del \$(BUILDDIR)*.obj\n". "\t-del \$(BUILDDIR)*.res\n". "\t-del \$(BUILDDIR)*.pch\n". "\t-del \$(BUILDDIR)*.aps\n". "\t-del \$(BUILDDIR)*.ilk\n". "\t-del \$(BUILDDIR)*.pdb\n". "\t-del \$(BUILDDIR)*.rsp\n". "\t-del \$(BUILDDIR)*.dsp\n". "\t-del \$(BUILDDIR)*.dsw\n". "\t-del \$(BUILDDIR)*.ncb\n". "\t-del \$(BUILDDIR)*.opt\n". "\t-del \$(BUILDDIR)*.plg\n". "\t-del \$(BUILDDIR)*.map\n". "\t-del \$(BUILDDIR)*.idb\n". "\t-del \$(BUILDDIR)debug.log\n"; select STDOUT; close OUT; } if (defined $makefiles{'vcproj'}) { $dirpfx = &dirpfx($makefiles{'vcproj'}, "\\"); ##-- MSVC 6 Workspace and projects # # Note: All files created in this section are written in binary # mode, because although MSVC's command-line make can deal with # LF-only line endings, MSVC project files really _need_ to be # CRLF. Hence, in order for mkfiles.pl to generate usable project # files even when run from Unix, I make sure all files are binary # and explicitly write the CRLFs. # # Create directories if necessary mkdir $makefiles{'vcproj'} if(! -d $makefiles{'vcproj'}); chdir $makefiles{'vcproj'}; @deps = &deps("X.obj", "X.res", $dirpfx, "\\", "vcproj"); %all_object_deps = map {$_->{obj} => $_->{deps}} @deps; # Create the project files # Get names of all Windows projects (GUI and console) my @prognames = &prognames("G:C"); foreach $progname (@prognames) { create_vc_project(\%all_object_deps, $progname); } # Create the workspace file open OUT, ">$project_name.dsw"; binmode OUT; select OUT; print "Microsoft Developer Studio Workspace File, Format Version 6.00\r\n". "# WARNING: DO NOT EDIT OR DELETE THIS WORKSPACE FILE!\r\n". "\r\n". "###############################################################################\r\n". "\r\n"; # List projects foreach $progname (@prognames) { ($windows_project, $type) = split ",", $progname; print "Project: \"$windows_project\"=\".\\$windows_project\\$windows_project.dsp\" - Package Owner=<4>\r\n"; } print "\r\n". "Package=<5>\r\n". "{{{\r\n". "}}}\r\n". "\r\n". "Package=<4>\r\n". "{{{\r\n". "}}}\r\n". "\r\n". "###############################################################################\r\n". "\r\n". "Global:\r\n". "\r\n". "Package=<5>\r\n". "{{{\r\n". "}}}\r\n". "\r\n". "Package=<3>\r\n". "{{{\r\n". "}}}\r\n". "\r\n". "###############################################################################\r\n". "\r\n"; select STDOUT; close OUT; chdir $orig_dir; sub create_vc_project { my ($all_object_deps, $progname) = @_; # Construct program's dependency info %seen_objects = (); %lib_files = (); %source_files = (); %header_files = (); %resource_files = (); @object_files = split " ", &objects($progname, "X.obj", "X.res", "X.lib"); foreach $object_file (@object_files) { next if defined $seen_objects{$object_file}; $seen_objects{$object_file} = 1; if($object_file =~ /\.lib$/io) { $lib_files{$object_file} = 1; next; } $object_deps = $all_object_deps{$object_file}; foreach $object_dep (@$object_deps) { if($object_dep =~ /\.c$/io) { $source_files{$object_dep} = 1; next; } if($object_dep =~ /\.h$/io) { $header_files{$object_dep} = 1; next; } if($object_dep =~ /\.(rc|ico)$/io) { $resource_files{$object_dep} = 1; next; } } } $libs = join " ", sort keys %lib_files; @source_files = sort keys %source_files; @header_files = sort keys %header_files; @resources = sort keys %resource_files; ($windows_project, $type) = split ",", $progname; mkdir $windows_project if(! -d $windows_project); chdir $windows_project; $subsys = ($type eq "G") ? "windows" : "console"; open OUT, ">$windows_project.dsp"; binmode OUT; select OUT; print "# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name=\"$windows_project\" - Package Owner=<4>\r\n". "# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00\r\n". "# ** DO NOT EDIT **\r\n". "\r\n". "# TARGTYPE \"Win32 (x86) Application\" 0x0101\r\n". "\r\n". "CFG=$windows_project - Win32 Debug\r\n". "!MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE,\r\n". "!MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run\r\n". "!MESSAGE \r\n". "!MESSAGE NMAKE /f \"$windows_project.mak\".\r\n". "!MESSAGE \r\n". "!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE\r\n". "!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example:\r\n". "!MESSAGE \r\n". "!MESSAGE NMAKE /f \"$windows_project.mak\" CFG=\"$windows_project - Win32 Debug\"\r\n". "!MESSAGE \r\n". "!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are:\r\n". "!MESSAGE \r\n". "!MESSAGE \"$windows_project - Win32 Release\" (based on \"Win32 (x86) Application\")\r\n". "!MESSAGE \"$windows_project - Win32 Debug\" (based on \"Win32 (x86) Application\")\r\n". "!MESSAGE \r\n". "\r\n". "# Begin Project\r\n". "# PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies 0\r\n". "# PROP Scc_ProjName \"\"\r\n". "# PROP Scc_LocalPath \"\"\r\n". "CPP=cl.exe\r\n". "MTL=midl.exe\r\n". "RSC=rc.exe\r\n". "\r\n". "!IF \"\$(CFG)\" == \"$windows_project - Win32 Release\"\r\n". "\r\n". "# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0\r\n". "# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0\r\n". "# PROP BASE Output_Dir \"Release\"\r\n". "# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir \"Release\"\r\n". "# PROP BASE Target_Dir \"\"\r\n". "# PROP Use_MFC 0\r\n". "# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0\r\n". "# PROP Output_Dir \"Release\"\r\n". "# PROP Intermediate_Dir \"Release\"\r\n". "# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0\r\n". "# PROP Target_Dir \"\"\r\n". "# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /O2 ". (join " ", map {"/I \"..\\..\\$dirpfx$_\""} @srcdirs) . " /D \"WIN32\" /D \"NDEBUG\" /D \"_WINDOWS\" /D \"_MBCS\" /YX /FD /c\r\n". "# ADD CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /O2 ". (join " ", map {"/I \"..\\..\\$dirpfx$_\""} @srcdirs) . " /D \"WIN32\" /D \"NDEBUG\" /D \"_WINDOWS\" /D \"_MBCS\" /YX /FD /c\r\n". "# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D \"NDEBUG\" /mktyplib203 /win32\r\n". "# ADD MTL /nologo /D \"NDEBUG\" /mktyplib203 /win32\r\n". "# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x809 /d \"NDEBUG\"\r\n". "# ADD RSC /l 0x809 /d \"NDEBUG\"\r\n". "BSC32=bscmake.exe\r\n". "# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo\r\n". "# ADD BSC32 /nologo\r\n". "LINK32=link.exe\r\n". "# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:$subsys /machine:I386\r\n". "# ADD LINK32 $libs /nologo /subsystem:$subsys /machine:I386\r\n". "# SUBTRACT LINK32 /pdb:none\r\n". "\r\n". "!ELSEIF \"\$(CFG)\" == \"$windows_project - Win32 Debug\"\r\n". "\r\n". "# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0\r\n". "# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1\r\n". "# PROP BASE Output_Dir \"Debug\"\r\n". "# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir \"Debug\"\r\n". "# PROP BASE Target_Dir \"\"\r\n". "# PROP Use_MFC 0\r\n". "# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1\r\n". "# PROP Output_Dir \"Debug\"\r\n". "# PROP Intermediate_Dir \"Debug\"\r\n". "# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0\r\n". "# PROP Target_Dir \"\"\r\n". "# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od ". (join " ", map {"/I \"..\\..\\$dirpfx$_\""} @srcdirs) . " /D \"WIN32\" /D \"_DEBUG\" /D \"_WINDOWS\" /D \"_MBCS\" /YX /FD /GZ /c\r\n". "# ADD CPP /nologo /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od ". (join " ", map {"/I \"..\\..\\$dirpfx$_\""} @srcdirs) . " /D \"WIN32\" /D \"_DEBUG\" /D \"_WINDOWS\" /D \"_MBCS\" /YX /FD /GZ /c\r\n". "# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D \"_DEBUG\" /mktyplib203 /win32\r\n". "# ADD MTL /nologo /D \"_DEBUG\" /mktyplib203 /win32\r\n". "# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x809 /d \"_DEBUG\"\r\n". "# ADD RSC /l 0x809 /d \"_DEBUG\"\r\n". "BSC32=bscmake.exe\r\n". "# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo\r\n". "# ADD BSC32 /nologo\r\n". "LINK32=link.exe\r\n". "# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:$subsys /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept\r\n". "# ADD LINK32 $libs /nologo /subsystem:$subsys /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept\r\n". "# SUBTRACT LINK32 /pdb:none\r\n". "\r\n". "!ENDIF \r\n". "\r\n". "# Begin Target\r\n". "\r\n". "# Name \"$windows_project - Win32 Release\"\r\n". "# Name \"$windows_project - Win32 Debug\"\r\n". "# Begin Group \"Source Files\"\r\n". "\r\n". "# PROP Default_Filter \"cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;idl;hpj;bat\"\r\n"; foreach $source_file (@source_files) { print "# Begin Source File\r\n". "\r\n". "SOURCE=..\\..\\$source_file\r\n"; if($source_file =~ /ssh\.c/io) { # Disable 'Edit and continue' as Visual Studio can't handle the macros print "\r\n". "!IF \"\$(CFG)\" == \"$windows_project - Win32 Release\"\r\n". "\r\n". "!ELSEIF \"\$(CFG)\" == \"$windows_project - Win32 Debug\"\r\n". "\r\n". "# ADD CPP /Zi\r\n". "\r\n". "!ENDIF \r\n". "\r\n"; } print "# End Source File\r\n"; } print "# End Group\r\n". "# Begin Group \"Header Files\"\r\n". "\r\n". "# PROP Default_Filter \"h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl\"\r\n"; foreach $header_file (@header_files) { print "# Begin Source File\r\n". "\r\n". "SOURCE=..\\..\\$header_file\r\n". "# End Source File\r\n"; } print "# End Group\r\n". "# Begin Group \"Resource Files\"\r\n". "\r\n". "# PROP Default_Filter \"ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe\"\r\n"; foreach $resource_file (@resources) { print "# Begin Source File\r\n". "\r\n". "SOURCE=..\\..\\$resource_file\r\n". "# End Source File\r\n"; } print "# End Group\r\n". "# End Target\r\n". "# End Project\r\n"; select STDOUT; close OUT; chdir ".."; } } if (defined $makefiles{'vstudio10'} || defined $makefiles{'vstudio12'}) { ##-- Visual Studio 2010+ Solution and Projects if (defined $makefiles{'vstudio10'}) { create_vs_solution('vstudio10', "2010", "11.00", "v100"); } if (defined $makefiles{'vstudio12'}) { create_vs_solution('vstudio12', "2012", "12.00", "v110"); } sub create_vs_solution { my ($makefilename, $name, $version, $toolsver) = @_; $dirpfx = &dirpfx($makefiles{$makefilename}, "\\"); @deps = &deps("X.obj", "X.res", $dirpfx, "\\", $makefilename); %all_object_deps = map {$_->{obj} => $_->{deps}} @deps; my @prognames = &prognames("G:C"); # Create the solution file. mkdir $makefiles{$makefilename} if(! -f $makefiles{$makefilename}); chdir $makefiles{$makefilename}; open OUT, ">$project_name.sln"; select OUT; print "Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version $version\n" . "# Visual Studio $name\n"; my %projguids = (); foreach $progname (@prognames) { ($windows_project, $type) = split ",", $progname; $projguids{$windows_project} = $guid = &invent_guid("project:$progname"); print "Project(\"{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}\") = \"$windows_project\", \"$windows_project\\$windows_project.vcxproj\", \"{$guid}\"\n" . "EndProject\n"; } print "Global\n" . " GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution\n" . " Debug|Win32 = Debug|Win32\n" . " Release|Win32 = Release|Win32\n" . " EndGlobalSection\n" . " GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution\n" ; foreach my $projguid (values %projguids) { print " {$projguid}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\n" . " {$projguid}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\n" . " {$projguid}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\n" . " {$projguid}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\n"; } print " EndGlobalSection\n" . " GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution\n" . " HideSolutionNode = FALSE\n" . " EndGlobalSection\n" . "EndGlobal\n"; select STDOUT; close OUT; foreach $progname (@prognames) { ($windows_project, $type) = split ",", $progname; create_vs_project(\%all_object_deps, $windows_project, $type, $projguids{$windows_project}, $toolsver); } chdir $orig_dir; } sub create_vs_project { my ($all_object_deps, $windows_project, $type, $projguid, $toolsver) = @_; # Break down the project's dependency information into the appropriate # groups. %seen_objects = (); %lib_files = (); %source_files = (); %header_files = (); %resource_files = (); %icon_files = (); @object_files = split " ", &objects($progname, "X.obj", "X.res", "X.lib"); foreach $object_file (@object_files) { next if defined $seen_objects{$object_file}; $seen_objects{$object_file} = 1; if($object_file =~ /\.lib$/io) { $lib_files{$object_file} = 1; next; } $object_deps = $all_object_deps{$object_file}; foreach $object_dep (@$object_deps) { if($object_dep eq $object_deps->[0]) { if($object_dep =~ /\.c$/io) { $source_files{$object_dep} = 1; } elsif($object_dep =~ /\.rc$/io) { $resource_files{$object_dep} = 1; } } elsif ($object_dep =~ /\.[ch]$/io) { $header_files{$object_dep} = 1; } elsif ($object_dep =~ /\.ico$/io) { $icon_files{$object_dep} = 1; } } } $libs = join ";", sort keys %lib_files; @source_files = sort keys %source_files; @header_files = sort keys %header_files; @resources = sort keys %resource_files; @icons = sort keys %icon_files; $subsystem = ($type eq "G") ? "Windows" : "Console"; mkdir $windows_project if(! -d $windows_project); chdir $windows_project; open OUT, ">$windows_project.vcxproj"; select OUT; open FILTERS, ">$windows_project.vcxproj.filters"; # The bulk of the project file is just boilerplate stuff, so we # can mostly just dump it out here. Note, buried in the ClCompile # item definition, that we use a debug information format of # ProgramDatabase, which disables the edit-and-continue support # that breaks most of the project builds. print "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" . "<Project DefaultTargets=\"Build\" ToolsVersion=\"4.0\" xmlns=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003\">\n" . " <ItemGroup Label=\"ProjectConfigurations\">\n" . " <ProjectConfiguration Include=\"Debug|Win32\">\n" . " <Configuration>Debug</Configuration>\n" . " <Platform>Win32</Platform>\n" . " </ProjectConfiguration>\n" . " <ProjectConfiguration Include=\"Release|Win32\">\n" . " <Configuration>Release</Configuration>\n" . " <Platform>Win32</Platform>\n" . " </ProjectConfiguration>\n" . " </ItemGroup>\n" . " <PropertyGroup Label=\"Globals\">\n" . " <SccProjectName />\n" . " <SccLocalPath />\n" . " <ProjectGuid>{$projguid}</ProjectGuid>\n" . " </PropertyGroup>\n" . " <Import Project=\"\$(VCTargetsPath)\\Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props\" />\n" . " <PropertyGroup Condition=\"'\$(Configuration)|\$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'\" Label=\"Configuration\">\n" . " <ConfigurationType>Application</ConfigurationType>\n" . " <UseOfMfc>false</UseOfMfc>\n" . " <CharacterSet>MultiByte</CharacterSet>\n" . " <PlatformToolset>$toolsver</PlatformToolset>\n" . " </PropertyGroup>\n" . " <PropertyGroup Condition=\"'\$(Configuration)|\$(Platform)'=='Release|Win32'\" Label=\"Configuration\">\n" . " <ConfigurationType>Application</ConfigurationType>\n" . " <UseOfMfc>false</UseOfMfc>\n" . " <CharacterSet>MultiByte</CharacterSet>\n" . " <PlatformToolset>$toolsver</PlatformToolset>\n" . " </PropertyGroup>\n" . " <Import Project=\"\$(VCTargetsPath)\\Microsoft.Cpp.props\" />\n" . " <ImportGroup Label=\"ExtensionTargets\">\n" . " </ImportGroup>\n" . " <ImportGroup Condition=\"'\$(Configuration)|\$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'\" Label=\"PropertySheets\">\n" . " <Import Project=\"\$(UserRootDir)\\Microsoft.Cpp.\$(Platform).user.props\" Condition=\"exists('\$(UserRootDir)\\Microsoft.Cpp.\$(Platform).user.props')\" Label=\"LocalAppDataPlatform\" />\n" . " </ImportGroup>\n" . " <ImportGroup Condition=\"'\$(Configuration)|\$(Platform)'=='Release|Win32'\" Label=\"PropertySheets\">\n" . " <Import Project=\"\$(UserRootDir)\\Microsoft.Cpp.\$(Platform).user.props\" Condition=\"exists('\$(UserRootDir)\\Microsoft.Cpp.\$(Platform).user.props')\" Label=\"LocalAppDataPlatform\" />\n" . " </ImportGroup>\n" . " <PropertyGroup Label=\"UserMacros\" />\n" . " <PropertyGroup Condition=\"'\$(Configuration)|\$(Platform)'=='Release|Win32'\">\n" . " <OutDir>.\\Release\\</OutDir>\n" . " <IntDir>.\\Release\\</IntDir>\n" . " <LinkIncremental>false</LinkIncremental>\n" . " </PropertyGroup>\n" . " <PropertyGroup Condition=\"'\$(Configuration)|\$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'\">\n" . " <OutDir>.\\Debug\\</OutDir>\n" . " <IntDir>.\\Debug\\</IntDir>\n" . " <LinkIncremental>true</LinkIncremental>\n" . " </PropertyGroup>\n" . " <ItemDefinitionGroup Condition=\"'\$(Configuration)|\$(Platform)'=='Release|Win32'\">\n" . " <ClCompile>\n" . " <RuntimeLibrary>MultiThreaded</RuntimeLibrary>\n" . " <InlineFunctionExpansion>OnlyExplicitInline</InlineFunctionExpansion>\n" . " <StringPooling>true</StringPooling>\n" . " <FunctionLevelLinking>true</FunctionLevelLinking>\n" . " <Optimization>MaxSpeed</Optimization>\n" . " <SuppressStartupBanner>true</SuppressStartupBanner>\n" . " <WarningLevel>Level3</WarningLevel>\n" . " <AdditionalIncludeDirectories>" . (join ";", map {"..\\..\\$dirpfx$_"} @srcdirs) . ";%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)</AdditionalIncludeDirectories>\n" . " <PreprocessorDefinitions>WIN32;NDEBUG;_WINDOWS;POSIX;_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS;_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions>\n" . " <AssemblerListingLocation>.\\Release\\</AssemblerListingLocation>\n" . " <PrecompiledHeaderOutputFile>.\\Release\\$windows_project.pch</PrecompiledHeaderOutputFile>\n" . " <ObjectFileName>.\\Release\\</ObjectFileName>\n" . " <ProgramDataBaseFileName>.\\Release\\</ProgramDataBaseFileName>\n" . " </ClCompile>\n" . " <Midl>\n" . " <SuppressStartupBanner>true</SuppressStartupBanner>\n" . " <PreprocessorDefinitions>NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions>\n" . " <TypeLibraryName>.\\Release\\$windows_project.tlb</TypeLibraryName>\n" . " <MkTypLibCompatible>true</MkTypLibCompatible>\n" . " <TargetEnvironment>Win32</TargetEnvironment>\n" . " </Midl>\n" . " <ResourceCompile>\n" . " <Culture>0x0809</Culture>\n" . " <PreprocessorDefinitions>NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions>\n" . " </ResourceCompile>\n" . " <Bscmake>\n" . " <SuppressStartupBanner>true</SuppressStartupBanner>\n" . " <OutputFile>.\\Release\\$windows_project.bsc</OutputFile>\n" . " </Bscmake>\n" . " <Link>\n" . " <SuppressStartupBanner>true</SuppressStartupBanner>\n" . " <SubSystem>$subsystem</SubSystem>\n" . " <OutputFile>.\\Release\\$windows_project.exe</OutputFile>\n" . " <AdditionalDependencies>$libs;%(AdditionalDependencies)</AdditionalDependencies>\n" . " </Link>\n" . " </ItemDefinitionGroup>\n" . " <ItemDefinitionGroup Condition=\"'\$(Configuration)|\$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'\">\n" . " <ClCompile>\n" . " <RuntimeLibrary>MultiThreadedDebug</RuntimeLibrary>\n" . " <InlineFunctionExpansion>Default</InlineFunctionExpansion>\n" . " <FunctionLevelLinking>false</FunctionLevelLinking>\n" . " <Optimization>Disabled</Optimization>\n" . " <SuppressStartupBanner>true</SuppressStartupBanner>\n" . " <WarningLevel>Level3</WarningLevel>\n" . " <MinimalRebuild>true</MinimalRebuild>\n" . " <DebugInformationFormat>ProgramDatabase</DebugInformationFormat>\n" . " <AdditionalIncludeDirectories>" . (join ";", map {"..\\..\\$dirpfx$_"} @srcdirs) . ";%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)</AdditionalIncludeDirectories>\n" . " <PreprocessorDefinitions>WIN32;_DEBUG;_WINDOWS;POSIX;_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS;_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions>\n" . " <AssemblerListingLocation>.\\Debug\\</AssemblerListingLocation>\n" . " <PrecompiledHeaderOutputFile>.\\Debug\\$windows_project.pch</PrecompiledHeaderOutputFile>\n" . " <ObjectFileName>.\\Debug\\</ObjectFileName>\n" . " <ProgramDataBaseFileName>.\\Debug\\</ProgramDataBaseFileName>\n" . " <BasicRuntimeChecks>EnableFastChecks</BasicRuntimeChecks>\n" . " </ClCompile>\n" . " <Midl>\n" . " <SuppressStartupBanner>true</SuppressStartupBanner>\n" . " <PreprocessorDefinitions>_DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions>\n" . " <TypeLibraryName>.\\Debug\\$windows_project.tlb</TypeLibraryName>\n" . " <MkTypLibCompatible>true</MkTypLibCompatible>\n" . " <TargetEnvironment>Win32</TargetEnvironment>\n" . " </Midl>\n" . " <ResourceCompile>\n" . " <Culture>0x0809</Culture>\n" . " <PreprocessorDefinitions>_DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions>\n" . " </ResourceCompile>\n" . " <Bscmake>\n" . " <SuppressStartupBanner>true</SuppressStartupBanner>\n" . " <OutputFile>.\\Debug\\$windows_project.bsc</OutputFile>\n" . " </Bscmake>\n" . " <Link>\n" . " <SuppressStartupBanner>true</SuppressStartupBanner>\n" . " <GenerateDebugInformation>true</GenerateDebugInformation>\n" . " <SubSystem>$subsystem</SubSystem>\n" . " <OutputFile>\$(TargetPath)</OutputFile>\n" . " <AdditionalDependencies>$libs;%(AdditionalDependencies)</AdditionalDependencies>\n" . " </Link>\n" . " </ItemDefinitionGroup>\n"; # The VC++ projects don't have physical structure to them, instead # the files are organized by logical "filters" that are stored in # a separate file, so different users can organize things differently. # The filters file contains a copy of the ItemGroup elements from # the main project file that list the included items, but tack # on a filter name where needed. print FILTERS "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" . "<Project ToolsVersion=\"4.0\" xmlns=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003\">\n"; print " <ItemGroup>\n"; print FILTERS " <ItemGroup>\n"; foreach $icon_file (@icons) { $icon_file =~ s/..\\windows\\//; print " <CustomBuild Include=\"..\\..\\$icon_file\" />\n"; print FILTERS " <CustomBuild Include=\"..\\..\\$icon_file\">\n" . " <Filter>Resource Files</Filter>\n" . " </CustomBuild>\n"; } print FILTERS " </ItemGroup>\n"; print " </ItemGroup>\n"; print " <ItemGroup>\n"; print FILTERS " <ItemGroup>\n"; foreach $resource_file (@resources) { $resource_file =~ s/..\\windows\\//; print " <ResourceCompile Include=\"..\\..\\$resource_file\">\n" . " <AdditionalIncludeDirectories Condition=\"'\$(Configuration)|\$(Platform)'=='Release|Win32'\">..\\..;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)</AdditionalIncludeDirectories>\n" . " <AdditionalIncludeDirectories Condition=\"'\$(Configuration)|\$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'\">..\\..;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)</AdditionalIncludeDirectories>\n" . " </ResourceCompile>\n"; print FILTERS " <ResourceCompile Include=\"..\\..\\$resource_file\">\n" . " <Filter>Resource Files</Filter>\n" . " </ResourceCompile>\n"; } print FILTERS " </ItemGroup>\n"; print " </ItemGroup>\n"; print " <ItemGroup>\n"; print FILTERS " <ItemGroup>\n"; foreach $source_file (@source_files) { $source_file =~ s/..\\windows\\//; print " <ClCompile Include=\"..\\..\\$source_file\" />\n"; print FILTERS " <ClCompile Include=\"..\\..\\$source_file\">\n" . " <Filter>Source Files</Filter>\n" . " </ClCompile>"; } print FILTERS " </ItemGroup>\n"; print " </ItemGroup>\n"; print " <ItemGroup>\n"; print FILTERS " <ItemGroup>\n"; foreach $header_file (@header_files) { $header_file =~ s/..\\windows\\//; print " <ClInclude Include=\"..\\..\\$header_file\" />\n"; print FILTERS " <ClInclude Include=\"..\\..\\$header_file\">\n" . " <Filter>Header Files</Filter>\n" . " </ClInclude>"; } print FILTERS " </ItemGroup>\n"; print " </ItemGroup>\n"; print " <Import Project=\"\$(VCTargetsPath)\\Microsoft.Cpp.targets\" />\n" . "</Project>"; print FILTERS " <ItemGroup>\n" . " <Filter Include=\"Source Files\">\n" . " <UniqueIdentifier>{" . &invent_guid("sources:$windows_project") . "}</UniqueIdentifier>\n" . " </Filter>\n" . " <Filter Include=\"Header Files\">\n" . " <UniqueIdentifier>{" . &invent_guid("headers:$windows_project") . "}</UniqueIdentifier>\n" . " </Filter>\n" . " <Filter Include=\"Resource Files\">\n" . " <UniqueIdentifier>{" . &invent_guid("resources:$windows_project") . "}</UniqueIdentifier>\n" . " </Filter>\n" . " </ItemGroup>\n" . "</Project>"; select STDOUT; close OUT; close FILTERS; chdir ".."; } } if (defined $makefiles{'gtk'}) { $dirpfx = &dirpfx($makefiles{'gtk'}, "/"); ##-- X/GTK/Unix makefile open OUT, ">$makefiles{'gtk'}"; select OUT; print "# Makefile for $project_name under X/GTK and Unix.\n". "#\n# This file was created by `mkfiles.pl' from the `Recipe' file.\n". "# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY; edit Recipe or mkfiles.pl instead.\n"; # gcc command line option is -D not /D ($_ = $help) =~ s/([=" ])\/D/$1-D/gs; print $_; print "\n". "# You can define this path to point at your tools if you need to\n". "# TOOLPATH = /opt/gcc/bin\n". "CC = \$(TOOLPATH)cc\n". "# If necessary set the path to krb5-config here\n". "KRB5CONFIG=krb5-config\n". "# You can manually set this to `gtk-config' or `pkg-config gtk+-1.2'\n". "# (depending on what works on your system) if you want to enforce\n". "# building with GTK 1.2, or you can set it to `pkg-config gtk+-2.0 x11'\n". "# if you want to enforce 2.0. The default is to try 2.0 and fall back\n". "# to 1.2 if it isn't found.\n". "GTK_CONFIG = sh -c 'pkg-config gtk+-3.0 x11 \$\$0 2>/dev/null || pkg-config gtk+-2.0 x11 \$\$0 2>/dev/null || gtk-config \$\$0'\n". "\n". "-include Makefile.local\n". "\n". "unexport CFLAGS # work around a weird issue with krb5-config\n". "\n". &splitline("CFLAGS = -O2 -Wall -Werror -std=gnu99 -Wvla -g " . (join " ", map {"-I$dirpfx$_"} @srcdirs) . " \$(shell \$(GTK_CONFIG) --cflags)"). " -D _FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64\n". "XLDFLAGS = \$(LDFLAGS) \$(shell \$(GTK_CONFIG) --libs)\n". "ULDFLAGS = \$(LDFLAGS)\n". "ifeq (,\$(findstring NO_GSSAPI,\$(COMPAT)))\n". "ifeq (,\$(findstring STATIC_GSSAPI,\$(COMPAT)))\n". "XLDFLAGS+= -ldl\n". "ULDFLAGS+= -ldl\n". "else\n". "CFLAGS+= -DNO_LIBDL \$(shell \$(KRB5CONFIG) --cflags gssapi)\n". "XLDFLAGS+= \$(shell \$(KRB5CONFIG) --libs gssapi)\n". "ULDFLAGS+= \$(shell \$(KRB5CONFIG) --libs gssapi)\n". "endif\n". "endif\n". "INSTALL=install\n". "INSTALL_PROGRAM=\$(INSTALL)\n". "INSTALL_DATA=\$(INSTALL)\n". "prefix=/usr/local\n". "exec_prefix=\$(prefix)\n". "bindir=\$(exec_prefix)/bin\n". "mandir=\$(prefix)/man\n". "man1dir=\$(mandir)/man1\n". "\n". &def($makefile_extra{'gtk'}->{'vars'}) . "\n". ".SUFFIXES:\n". "\n". "\n"; print &splitline("all:" . join "", map { " $_" } &progrealnames("X:XT:U:UT")); print "\n\n"; foreach $p (&prognames("X:XT:U:UT")) { ($prog, $type) = split ",", $p; ($ldflags = $type) =~ s/T$//; $objstr = &objects($p, "X.o", undef, undef); print &splitline($prog . ": " . $objstr), "\n"; $libstr = &objects($p, undef, undef, "-lX"); print &splitline("\t\$(CC) -o \$@ " . $objstr . " \$(${ldflags}LDFLAGS) $libstr", 69), "\n\n"; } foreach $d (&deps("X.o", undef, $dirpfx, "/", "gtk")) { if ($forceobj{$d->{obj_orig}}) { printf("%s: FORCE\n", $d->{obj}); } else { print &splitline(sprintf("%s: %s", $d->{obj}, join " ", @{$d->{deps}})), "\n"; } print &splitline("\t\$(CC) \$(COMPAT) \$(CFLAGS) \$(XFLAGS) -c $d->{deps}->[0]\n"); } print "\n"; print &def($makefile_extra{'gtk'}->{'end'}); print "\nclean:\n". "\trm -f *.o". (join "", map { " $_" } &progrealnames("X:XT:U:UT")) . "\n"; print "\nFORCE:\n"; select STDOUT; close OUT; } if (defined $makefiles{'unix'}) { $dirpfx = &dirpfx($makefiles{'unix'}, "/"); ##-- GTK-free pure-Unix makefile for non-GUI apps only open OUT, ">$makefiles{'unix'}"; select OUT; print "# Makefile for $project_name under Unix.\n". "#\n# This file was created by `mkfiles.pl' from the `Recipe' file.\n". "# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY; edit Recipe or mkfiles.pl instead.\n"; # gcc command line option is -D not /D ($_ = $help) =~ s/([=" ])\/D/$1-D/gs; print $_; print "\n". "# You can define this path to point at your tools if you need to\n". "# TOOLPATH = /opt/gcc/bin\n". "CC = \$(TOOLPATH)cc\n". "\n". "-include Makefile.local\n". "\n". "unexport CFLAGS # work around a weird issue with krb5-config\n". "\n". &splitline("CFLAGS = -O2 -Wall -Werror -std=gnu99 -Wvla -g " . (join " ", map {"-I$dirpfx$_"} @srcdirs)). " -D _FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64\n". "ULDFLAGS = \$(LDFLAGS)\n". "INSTALL=install\n". "INSTALL_PROGRAM=\$(INSTALL)\n". "INSTALL_DATA=\$(INSTALL)\n". "prefix=/usr/local\n". "exec_prefix=\$(prefix)\n". "bindir=\$(exec_prefix)/bin\n". "mandir=\$(prefix)/man\n". "man1dir=\$(mandir)/man1\n". "\n". &def($makefile_extra{'unix'}->{'vars'}) . "\n". ".SUFFIXES:\n". "\n". "\n"; print &splitline("all:" . join "", map { " $_" } &progrealnames("U:UT")); print "\n\n"; foreach $p (&prognames("U:UT")) { ($prog, $type) = split ",", $p; ($ldflags = $type) =~ s/T$//; $objstr = &objects($p, "X.o", undef, undef); print &splitline($prog . ": " . $objstr), "\n"; $libstr = &objects($p, undef, undef, "-lX"); print &splitline("\t\$(CC) -o \$@ " . $objstr . " \$(${ldflags}LDFLAGS) $libstr", 69), "\n\n"; } foreach $d (&deps("X.o", undef, $dirpfx, "/", "unix")) { if ($forceobj{$d->{obj_orig}}) { printf("%s: FORCE\n", $d->{obj}); } else { print &splitline(sprintf("%s: %s", $d->{obj}, join " ", @{$d->{deps}})), "\n"; } print &splitline("\t\$(CC) \$(COMPAT) \$(CFLAGS) \$(XFLAGS) -c $d->{deps}->[0]\n"); } print "\n"; print &def($makefile_extra{'unix'}->{'end'}); print "\nclean:\n". "\trm -f *.o". (join "", map { " $_" } &progrealnames("U:UT")) . "\n"; print "\nFORCE:\n"; select STDOUT; close OUT; } if (defined $makefiles{'am'}) { die "Makefile.am in a subdirectory is not supported\n" if &dirpfx($makefiles{'am'}, "/") ne ""; ##-- Unix/autoconf Makefile.am open OUT, ">$makefiles{'am'}"; select OUT; print "# Makefile.am for $project_name under Unix with Autoconf/Automake.\n". "#\n# This file was created by `mkfiles.pl' from the `Recipe' file.\n". "# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY; edit Recipe or mkfiles.pl instead.\n\n"; # 2014-02-22: as of automake-1.14 we begin to get complained at if # we don't use this option print "AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = subdir-objects\n\n"; # Complete list of source and header files. Not used by the # auto-generated parts of this makefile, but Recipe might like to # have it available as a variable so that mandatory-rebuild things # (version.o) can conveniently be made to depend on it. @sources = ("allsources", "=", sort grep {$_ ne "empty.h"} keys %allsourcefiles); print &splitline(join " ", @sources), "\n\n"; @cliprogs = ("bin_PROGRAMS", "="); foreach $p (&prognames("U")) { ($prog, $type) = split ",", $p; push @cliprogs, $prog; } @allprogs = @cliprogs; foreach $p (&prognames("X")) { ($prog, $type) = split ",", $p; push @allprogs, $prog; } print "if HAVE_GTK\n"; print &splitline(join " ", @allprogs), "\n"; print "else\n"; print &splitline(join " ", @cliprogs), "\n"; print "endif\n\n"; @noinstcliprogs = ("noinst_PROGRAMS", "="); foreach $p (&prognames("UT")) { ($prog, $type) = split ",", $p; push @noinstcliprogs, $prog; } @noinstallprogs = @noinstcliprogs; foreach $p (&prognames("XT")) { ($prog, $type) = split ",", $p; push @noinstallprogs, $prog; } print "if HAVE_GTK\n"; print &splitline(join " ", @noinstallprogs), "\n"; print "else\n"; print &splitline(join " ", @noinstcliprogs), "\n"; print "endif\n\n"; %objtosrc = (); foreach $d (&deps("X", undef, "", "/", "am")) { $objtosrc{$d->{obj}} = $d->{deps}->[0]; } print &splitline(join " ", "AM_CPPFLAGS", "=", map {"-I\$(srcdir)/$_"} @srcdirs), "\n"; @amcflags = ("\$(COMPAT)", "\$(XFLAGS)", "\$(WARNINGOPTS)"); print "if HAVE_GTK\n"; print &splitline(join " ", "AM_CFLAGS", "=", "\$(GTK_CFLAGS)", @amcflags), "\n"; print "else\n"; print &splitline(join " ", "AM_CFLAGS", "=", @amcflags), "\n"; print "endif\n\n"; %amspeciallibs = (); foreach $obj (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %{$cflags{'am'}}) { my $flags = $cflags{'am'}->{$obj}; $flags = "" if $flags !~ s/^C//; print "lib${obj}_a_SOURCES = ", $objtosrc{$obj}, "\n"; print &splitline(join " ", "lib${obj}_a_CFLAGS", "=", @amcflags, $flags), "\n"; $amspeciallibs{$obj} = "lib${obj}.a"; } print &splitline(join " ", "noinst_LIBRARIES", "=", sort { $a cmp $b } values %amspeciallibs), "\n\n"; foreach $p (&prognames("X:XT:U:UT")) { ($prog, $type) = split ",", $p; print "if HAVE_GTK\n" if $type eq "X" || $type eq "XT"; @progsources = ("${prog}_SOURCES", "="); %sourcefiles = (); @ldadd = (); $objstr = &objects($p, "X", undef, undef); foreach $obj (split / /,$objstr) { if ($amspeciallibs{$obj}) { push @ldadd, $amspeciallibs{$obj}; } else { $sourcefiles{$objtosrc{$obj}} = 1; } } push @progsources, sort { $a cmp $b } keys %sourcefiles; print &splitline(join " ", @progsources), "\n"; if ($type eq "X" || $type eq "XT") { push @ldadd, "\$(GTK_LIBS)"; } if (@ldadd) { print &splitline(join " ", "${prog}_LDADD", "=", @ldadd), "\n"; } print "endif\n" if $type eq "X" || $type eq "XT"; print "\n"; } print &def($makefile_extra{'am'}->{'end'}); select STDOUT; close OUT; } if (defined $makefiles{'lcc'}) { $dirpfx = &dirpfx($makefiles{'lcc'}, "\\"); ##-- lcc makefile open OUT, ">$makefiles{'lcc'}"; select OUT; print "# Makefile for $project_name under lcc.\n". "#\n# This file was created by `mkfiles.pl' from the `Recipe' file.\n". "# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY; edit Recipe or mkfiles.pl instead.\n"; # lcc command line option is -D not /D ($_ = $help) =~ s/([=" ])\/D/$1-D/gs; print $_; print "\n". "# If you rename this file to `Makefile', you should change this line,\n". "# so that the .rsp files still depend on the correct makefile.\n". "MAKEFILE = Makefile.lcc\n". "\n". "# C compilation flags\n". "CFLAGS = -D_WINDOWS " . (join " ", map {"-I$dirpfx$_"} @srcdirs) . "\n". "# Resource compilation flags\n". "RCFLAGS = ".(join " ", map {"-I$dirpfx$_"} @srcdirs)."\n". "\n". "# Get include directory for resource compiler\n". "\n". &def($makefile_extra{'lcc'}->{'vars'}) . "\n"; print &splitline("all:" . join "", map { " $_.exe" } &progrealnames("G:C")); print "\n\n"; foreach $p (&prognames("G:C")) { ($prog, $type) = split ",", $p; $objstr = &objects($p, "X.obj", "X.res", undef); print &splitline("$prog.exe: " . $objstr ), "\n"; $subsystemtype = ''; if ($type eq "G") { $subsystemtype = "-subsystem windows"; } my $libss = "shell32.lib wsock32.lib ws2_32.lib winspool.lib winmm.lib imm32.lib"; print &splitline("\tlcclnk $subsystemtype -o $prog.exe $objstr $libss"); print "\n\n"; } foreach $d (&deps("X.obj", "X.res", $dirpfx, "\\", "lcc")) { if ($forceobj{$d->{obj_orig}}) { printf("%s: FORCE\n", $d->{obj}); } else { print &splitline(sprintf("%s: %s", $d->{obj}, join " ", @{$d->{deps}})), "\n"; } if ($d->{obj} =~ /\.obj$/) { print &splitline("\tlcc -O -p6 \$(COMPAT)". " \$(CFLAGS) \$(XFLAGS) ".$d->{deps}->[0],69)."\n"; } else { print &splitline("\tlrc \$(RCFL) -r \$(RCFLAGS) ". $d->{deps}->[0],69)."\n"; } } print "\n"; print &def($makefile_extra{'lcc'}->{'end'}); print "\nclean:\n". "\t-del *.obj\n". "\t-del *.exe\n". "\t-del *.res\n". "\n". "FORCE:\n"; select STDOUT; close OUT; } if (defined $makefiles{'osx'}) { $dirpfx = &dirpfx($makefiles{'osx'}, "/"); ##-- Mac OS X makefile open OUT, ">$makefiles{'osx'}"; select OUT; print "# Makefile for $project_name under Mac OS X.\n". "#\n# This file was created by `mkfiles.pl' from the `Recipe' file.\n". "# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY; edit Recipe or mkfiles.pl instead.\n"; # gcc command line option is -D not /D ($_ = $help) =~ s/([=" ])\/D/$1-D/gs; print $_; print "CC = \$(TOOLPATH)gcc\n". "\n". &splitline("CFLAGS = -O2 -Wall -Werror -std=gnu99 -Wvla -g " . (join " ", map {"-I$dirpfx$_"} @srcdirs))."\n". "MLDFLAGS = -framework Cocoa\n". "ULDFLAGS =\n". "\n" . &def($makefile_extra{'osx'}->{'vars'}) . "\n" . &splitline("all:" . join "", map { " $_" } &progrealnames("MX:U:UT")) . "\n"; foreach $p (&prognames("MX")) { ($prog, $type) = split ",", $p; $objstr = &objects($p, "X.o", undef, undef); $icon = &special($p, ".icns"); $infoplist = &special($p, "info.plist"); print "${prog}.app:\n\tmkdir -p \$\@\n"; print "${prog}.app/Contents: ${prog}.app\n\tmkdir -p \$\@\n"; print "${prog}.app/Contents/MacOS: ${prog}.app/Contents\n\tmkdir -p \$\@\n"; $targets = "${prog}.app/Contents/MacOS/$prog"; if (defined $icon) { print "${prog}.app/Contents/Resources: ${prog}.app/Contents\n\tmkdir -p \$\@\n"; print "${prog}.app/Contents/Resources/${prog}.icns: ${prog}.app/Contents/Resources $icon\n\tcp $icon \$\@\n"; $targets .= " ${prog}.app/Contents/Resources/${prog}.icns"; } if (defined $infoplist) { print "${prog}.app/Contents/Info.plist: ${prog}.app/Contents/Resources $infoplist\n\tcp $infoplist \$\@\n"; $targets .= " ${prog}.app/Contents/Info.plist"; } $targets .= " \$(${prog}_extra)"; print &splitline("${prog}: $targets", 69) . "\n\n"; print &splitline("${prog}.app/Contents/MacOS/$prog: ". "${prog}.app/Contents/MacOS " . $objstr), "\n"; $libstr = &objects($p, undef, undef, "-lX"); print &splitline("\t\$(CC) \$(MLDFLAGS) -o \$@ " . $objstr . " $libstr", 69), "\n\n"; } foreach $p (&prognames("U:UT")) { ($prog, $type) = split ",", $p; $objstr = &objects($p, "X.o", undef, undef); print &splitline($prog . ": " . $objstr), "\n"; $libstr = &objects($p, undef, undef, "-lX"); print &splitline("\t\$(CC) \$(ULDFLAGS) -o \$@ " . $objstr . " $libstr", 69), "\n\n"; } foreach $d (&deps("X.o", undef, $dirpfx, "/", "osx")) { if ($forceobj{$d->{obj_orig}}) { printf("%s: FORCE\n", $d->{obj}); } else { print &splitline(sprintf("%s: %s", $d->{obj}, join " ", @{$d->{deps}})), "\n"; } $firstdep = $d->{deps}->[0]; if ($firstdep =~ /\.c$/) { print "\t\$(CC) \$(COMPAT) \$(FWHACK) \$(CFLAGS) \$(XFLAGS) -c \$<\n"; } elsif ($firstdep =~ /\.m$/) { print "\t\$(CC) -x objective-c \$(COMPAT) \$(FWHACK) \$(CFLAGS) \$(XFLAGS) -c \$<\n"; } } print "\n".&def($makefile_extra{'osx'}->{'end'}); print "\nclean:\n". "\trm -f *.o *.dmg". (join "", map { " $_" } &progrealnames("U:UT")) . "\n". "\trm -rf *.app\n". "\n". "FORCE:\n"; select STDOUT; close OUT; } if (defined $makefiles{'devcppproj'}) { $dirpfx = &dirpfx($makefiles{'devcppproj'}, "\\"); $orig_dir = cwd; ##-- Dev-C++ 5 projects # # Note: All files created in this section are written in binary # mode to prevent any posibility of misinterpreted line endings. # I don't know if Dev-C++ is as touchy as MSVC with LF-only line # endings. But however, CRLF line endings are the common way on # Win32 machines where Dev-C++ is running. # Hence, in order for mkfiles.pl to generate CRLF project files # even when run from Unix, I make sure all files are binary and # explicitly write the CRLFs. # # Create directories if necessary mkdir $makefiles{'devcppproj'} if(! -d $makefiles{'devcppproj'}); chdir $makefiles{'devcppproj'}; @deps = &deps("X.obj", "X.res", $dirpfx, "\\", "devcppproj"); %all_object_deps = map {$_->{obj} => $_->{deps}} @deps; # Make dir names FAT/NTFS compatible my @srcdirs = @srcdirs; for ($i=0; $i<@srcdirs; $i++) { $srcdirs[$i] =~ s/\//\\/g; $srcdirs[$i] =~ s/\\$//; } # Create the project files # Get names of all Windows projects (GUI and console) my @prognames = &prognames("G:C"); foreach $progname (@prognames) { create_devcpp_project(\%all_object_deps, $progname); } chdir $orig_dir; sub create_devcpp_project { my ($all_object_deps, $progname) = @_; # Construct program's dependency info (Taken from 'vcproj', seems to work right here, too.) %seen_objects = (); %lib_files = (); %source_files = (); %header_files = (); %resource_files = (); @object_files = split " ", &objects($progname, "X.obj", "X.res", "X.lib"); foreach $object_file (@object_files) { next if defined $seen_objects{$object_file}; $seen_objects{$object_file} = 1; if($object_file =~ /\.lib$/io) { $lib_files{$object_file} = 1; next; } $object_deps = $all_object_deps{$object_file}; foreach $object_dep (@$object_deps) { if($object_dep =~ /\.c$/io) { $source_files{$object_dep} = 1; next; } if($object_dep =~ /\.h$/io) { $header_files{$object_dep} = 1; next; } if($object_dep =~ /\.(rc|ico)$/io) { $resource_files{$object_dep} = 1; next; } } } $libs = join " ", sort keys %lib_files; @source_files = sort keys %source_files; @header_files = sort keys %header_files; @resources = sort keys %resource_files; ($windows_project, $type) = split ",", $progname; mkdir $windows_project if(! -d $windows_project); chdir $windows_project; $subsys = ($type eq "G") ? "0" : "1"; # 0 = Win32 GUI, 1 = Win32 Console open OUT, ">$windows_project.dev"; binmode OUT; select OUT; print "# DEV-C++ 5 Project File - $windows_project.dev\r\n". "# ** DO NOT EDIT **\r\n". "\r\n". # No difference between DEBUG and RELEASE here as in 'vcproj', because # Dev-C++ does not support multiple compilation profiles in one single project. # (At least I can say this for Dev-C++ 5 Beta) "[Project]\r\n". "FileName=$windows_project.dev\r\n". "Name=$windows_project\r\n". "Ver=1\r\n". "IsCpp=1\r\n". "Type=$subsys\r\n". # Multimon is disabled here, as Dev-C++ (Version 5 Beta) does not have multimon.h "Compiler=-W -D__GNUWIN32__ -DWIN32 -DNDEBUG -D_WINDOWS -DNO_MULTIMON -D_MBCS_\@\@_\r\n". "CppCompiler=-W -D__GNUWIN32__ -DWIN32 -DNDEBUG -D_WINDOWS -DNO_MULTIMON -D_MBCS_\@\@_\r\n". "Includes=" . (join ";", map {"..\\..\\$dirpfx$_"} @srcdirs) . "\r\n". "Linker=-ladvapi32 -lcomctl32 -lcomdlg32 -lgdi32 -limm32 -lshell32 -luser32 -lwinmm -lwinspool_\@\@_\r\n". "Libs=\r\n". "UnitCount=" . (@source_files + @header_files + @resources) . "\r\n". "Folders=\"Header Files\",\"Resource Files\",\"Source Files\"\r\n". "ObjFiles=\r\n". "PrivateResource=${windows_project}_private.rc\r\n". "ResourceIncludes=..\\..\\..\\WINDOWS\r\n". "MakeIncludes=\r\n". "Icon=\r\n". # It's ok to leave this blank. "ExeOutput=\r\n". "ObjectOutput=\r\n". "OverrideOutput=0\r\n". "OverrideOutputName=$windows_project.exe\r\n". "HostApplication=\r\n". "CommandLine=\r\n". "UseCustomMakefile=0\r\n". "CustomMakefile=\r\n". "IncludeVersionInfo=0\r\n". "SupportXPThemes=0\r\n". "CompilerSet=0\r\n". "CompilerSettings=0000000000000000000000\r\n". "\r\n"; $unit_count = 1; foreach $source_file (@source_files) { print "[Unit$unit_count]\r\n". "FileName=..\\..\\$source_file\r\n". "Folder=Source Files\r\n". "Compile=1\r\n". "CompileCpp=0\r\n". "Link=1\r\n". "Priority=1000\r\n". "OverrideBuildCmd=0\r\n". "BuildCmd=\r\n". "\r\n"; $unit_count++; } foreach $header_file (@header_files) { print "[Unit$unit_count]\r\n". "FileName=..\\..\\$header_file\r\n". "Folder=Header Files\r\n". "Compile=1\r\n". "CompileCpp=1\r\n". # Dev-C++ want's to compile all header files with both compilers C and C++. It does not hurt. "Link=1\r\n". "Priority=1000\r\n". "OverrideBuildCmd=0\r\n". "BuildCmd=\r\n". "\r\n"; $unit_count++; } foreach $resource_file (@resources) { if ($resource_file =~ /.*\.(ico|cur|bmp|dlg|rc2|rct|bin|rgs|gif|jpg|jpeg|jpe)/io) { # Default filter as in 'vcproj' $Compile = "0"; # Don't compile images and other binary resource files $CompileCpp = "0"; } else { $Compile = "1"; $CompileCpp = "1"; # Dev-C++ want's to compile all .rc files with both compilers C and C++. It does not hurt. } print "[Unit$unit_count]\r\n". "FileName=..\\..\\$resource_file\r\n". "Folder=Resource Files\r\n". "Compile=$Compile\r\n". "CompileCpp=$CompileCpp\r\n". "Link=0\r\n". "Priority=1000\r\n". "OverrideBuildCmd=0\r\n". "BuildCmd=\r\n". "\r\n"; $unit_count++; } #Note: By default, [VersionInfo] is not used. print "[VersionInfo]\r\n". "Major=0\r\n". "Minor=0\r\n". "Release=1\r\n". "Build=1\r\n". "LanguageID=1033\r\n". "CharsetID=1252\r\n". "CompanyName=\r\n". "FileVersion=0.1\r\n". "FileDescription=\r\n". "InternalName=\r\n". "LegalCopyright=\r\n". "LegalTrademarks=\r\n". "OriginalFilename=$windows_project.exe\r\n". "ProductName=$windows_project\r\n". "ProductVersion=0.1\r\n". "AutoIncBuildNr=0\r\n"; select STDOUT; close OUT; chdir ".."; } } # All done, so do the Unix postprocessing if asked to. if ($do_unix) { chdir $orig_dir; system "./mkauto.sh"; die "mkfiles.pl: mkauto.sh returned $?\n" if $? > 0; if ($do_unix == 1) { chdir ($targetdir = "unix") or die "$targetdir: chdir: $!\n"; } system "./configure", @confargs; die "mkfiles.pl: configure returned $?\n" if $? > 0; } sub invent_guid($) { my ($name) = @_; # Invent a GUID for use in Visual Studio project files. We need # a few of these for every executable file we build. # # In order to avoid having to use the non-core Perl module # Data::GUID, and also arrange for GUIDs to be stable, we generate # our GUIDs by hashing a pile of fixed (but originally randomly # generated) data with the filename for which we need an id. # # Hashing _just_ the filenames would clearly be cheating (it's # quite conceivable that someone might hash the same string for # another reason and so generate a colliding GUID), but hashing a # whole SHA-512 data block of random gibberish as well should make # these GUIDs pseudo-random enough to not collide with anyone # else's. my $randdata = pack "N*", 0xD4AB035F,0x76998BA0,0x2DCCB0BD,0x6D3FA320,0x53638051,0xFE312F35, 0xDE1CECC0,0x784DF852,0x6C9F4589,0x54B7AC23,0x14E7A1C4,0xF9BF04DF, 0x19C08B6D,0x3FB69EF1,0xB2DA9043,0xDB5362F3,0x25718DB6,0x733560DA, 0xFEF871B0,0xFECF7A0C,0x67D19C95,0xB492E911,0xF5D562A3,0xFCE1D478, 0x02C50434,0xF7326B7E,0x93D39872,0xCF0D0269,0x9EF24C0F,0x827689AD, 0x88BD20BC,0x74EA6AFE,0x29223682,0xB9AB9287,0x7EA7CE4F,0xCF81B379, 0x9AE4A954,0x81C7AD97,0x2FF2F031,0xC51DA3C2,0xD311CCE7,0x0A31EB8B, 0x1AB04242,0xAF53B714,0xFC574D40,0x8CB4ED01,0x29FEB16F,0x4904D7ED, 0xF5C5F5E1,0xF138A4C2,0xA9D881CE,0xCEA65187,0x4421BA97,0x0EE8428E, 0x9556E384,0x6D0484C9,0x561BD84B,0xD9516A40,0x6B4FD33F,0xDDFFE4C8, 0x3D5DF8A5,0xFE6B7D99,0x3443371B,0xF4E30A3E,0xE62B9FDA,0x6BAA75DB, 0x9EF3C2C7,0x6815CA42,0xE6536076,0xF851E6E2,0x39D16E69,0xBCDF3BB6, 0x50EFFA41,0x378CDF2A,0xB5EC0D0C,0x1E94C433,0xE818241A,0x2689EB1F, 0xB649CEF9,0xD7344D46,0x59C1BB13,0x27511FDF,0x7DAD1768,0xB355E29E, 0xDFAE550C,0x2433005B,0x09DE10B0,0xAA00BA6B,0xC144ED2D,0x8513D007, 0xB0315232,0x7A10DAB6,0x1D97654E,0xF048214D,0xE3059E75,0x83C225D1, 0xFC7AB177,0x83F2B553,0x79F7A0AF,0x1C94582C,0xF5E4AF4B,0xFB39C865, 0x58ABEB27,0xAAB28058,0x52C15A89,0x0EBE9741,0x343F4D26,0xF941202A, 0xA32FD32F,0xDCC055B8,0x64281BF3,0x468BD7BA,0x0CEE09D3,0xBB5FD2B6, 0xA528D412,0xA6A6967E,0xEAAF5DAE,0xDE7B2FAE,0xCA36887B,0x0DE196EB, 0x74B95EF0,0x9EB8B7C2,0x020BFC83,0x1445086F,0xBF4B61B2,0x89AFACEC, 0x80A5CD69,0xC790F744,0x435A6998,0x8DE7AC48,0x32F31BC9,0x8F760D3D, 0xF02A74CB,0xD7B47E20,0x9EC91035,0x70FDE74D,0x9B531362,0x9D81739A, 0x59ADC2EB,0x511555B5,0xCA84B8D5,0x3EC325FF,0x2E442A4C,0x82AF30D9, 0xBFD3EC87,0x90C59E07,0x1C6DC991,0x2D16B822,0x7EA44EB5,0x3A655A39, 0xAB640886,0x09311821,0x777801D9,0x489DBE61,0xA1FFEC65,0x978B49B1, 0x7DB700CD,0x263CF3D6,0xF977E89F,0xBA0B3D01,0x6C6CED19,0x1BE6F23A, 0x19E0ED98,0x8E71A499,0x70BA3271,0x3FB7EE98,0xABA46848,0x2B797959, 0x72C6DE59,0xE08B795C,0x02936C39,0x02185CCB,0xD6F3CE18,0xD0157A40, 0x833DEC3F,0x319B00C4,0x97B59513,0x900B81FD,0x9A022379,0x16E44E1A, 0x0C4CC540,0xCA98E7F9,0xF9431A26,0x290BCFAC,0x406B82C0,0xBC1C4585, 0x55C54528,0x811EBB77,0xD4EDD4F3,0xA70DC02E,0x8AD5C0D1,0x28D64EF4, 0xBEFF5C69,0x99852C4A,0xB4BBFF7B,0x069230AC,0xA3E141FA,0x4E99FB0E, 0xBC154DAA,0x323C7F15,0x86E0247E,0x2EEA3054,0xC9CA1D32,0x8964A006, 0xC93978AC,0xF9B2C159,0x03F2079E,0xB051D284,0x4A7EA9A9,0xF001DA1F, 0xD47A0DAA,0xCF7B6B73,0xF18293B2,0x84303E34,0xF8BC76C4,0xAFBEE24F, 0xB589CA80,0x77B5BF86,0x21B9FD5B,0x1A5071DF,0xA3863110,0x0E50CA61, 0x939151A5,0xD2A59021,0x83A9CDCE,0xCEC69767,0xC906BB16,0x3EE1FF4D, 0x1321EAE4,0x0BF940D6,0x52471E61,0x8A087056,0x66E54293,0xF84AAB9B, 0x08835EF1,0x8F12B77A,0xD86935A5,0x200281D7,0xCD3C37C9,0x30ABEC05, 0x7067E8A0,0x608C4838,0xC9F51CDE,0xA6D318DE,0x41C05B2A,0x694CCE0E, 0xC7842451,0xA3194393,0xFBDC2C84,0xA6D2B577,0xC91E7924,0x01EDA708, 0x22FBB61E,0x662F9B7B,0xDE3150C3,0x2397058C; my $digest = sha512_hex($name . "\0" . $randdata); return sprintf("%s-%s-%04x-%04x-%s", substr($digest,0,8), substr($digest,8,4), 0x4000 | (0xFFF & hex(substr($digest,12,4))), 0x8000 | (0x3FFF & hex(substr($digest,16,4))), substr($digest,20,12)); }