\title PuTTY User Manual \cfg{xhtml-leaf-level}{1} \cfg{xhtml-leaf-smallest-contents}{2} \cfg{xhtml-leaf-contains-contents}{true} \cfg{xhtml-body-end}{<p>If you want to provide feedback on this manual or on the PuTTY tools themselves, see the <a href="http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/feedback.html">Feedback page</a>.</p>} \cfg{xhtml-contents-filename}{index.html} \cfg{text-filename}{puttydoc.txt} \cfg{winhelp-filename}{putty.hlp} \preamble PuTTY is a free (MIT-licensed) Win32 Telnet and SSH client. This manual documents PuTTY, and its companion utilities PSCP, Plink, Pageant and PuTTYgen. \copyright This manual is copyright 2001-2004 Simon Tatham. All rights reserved. You may distribute this documentation under the MIT licence. See \k{licence} for the licence text in full. \versionid $Id: blurb.but,v 1.11 2004/08/10 17:12:31 simon Exp $