#include <stddef.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #define PUTTY_DO_GLOBALS #include "putty.h" #include "terminal.h" /* For Unix in particular, but harmless if this main() is reused elsewhere */ const bool buildinfo_gtk_relevant = false; static const TermWinVtable fuzz_termwin_vt; int main(int argc, char **argv) { char blk[512]; size_t len; Terminal *term; Conf *conf; struct unicode_data ucsdata; TermWin termwin; termwin.vt = &fuzz_termwin_vt; conf = conf_new(); do_defaults(NULL, conf); init_ucs(&ucsdata, conf_get_str(conf, CONF_line_codepage), conf_get_bool(conf, CONF_utf8_override), CS_NONE, conf_get_int(conf, CONF_vtmode)); term = term_init(conf, &ucsdata, &termwin); term_size(term, 24, 80, 10000); term->ldisc = NULL; /* Tell american fuzzy lop that this is a good place to fork. */ #ifdef __AFL_HAVE_MANUAL_CONTROL __AFL_INIT(); #endif while (!feof(stdin)) { len = fread(blk, 1, sizeof(blk), stdin); term_data(term, false, blk, len); } term_update(term); return 0; } /* functions required by terminal.c */ static bool fuzz_setup_draw_ctx(TermWin *tw) { return true; } static void fuzz_draw_text( TermWin *tw, int x, int y, wchar_t *text, int len, unsigned long attr, int lattr, truecolour tc) { int i; printf("TEXT[attr=%08lx,lattr=%02x]@(%d,%d):", attr, lattr, x, y); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { printf(" %x", (unsigned)text[i]); } printf("\n"); } static void fuzz_draw_cursor( TermWin *tw, int x, int y, wchar_t *text, int len, unsigned long attr, int lattr, truecolour tc) { int i; printf("CURS[attr=%08lx,lattr=%02x]@(%d,%d):", attr, lattr, x, y); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { printf(" %x", (unsigned)text[i]); } printf("\n"); } static void fuzz_draw_trust_sigil(TermWin *tw, int x, int y) { printf("TRUST@(%d,%d)\n", x, y); } static int fuzz_char_width(TermWin *tw, int uc) { return 1; } static void fuzz_free_draw_ctx(TermWin *tw) {} static void fuzz_set_cursor_pos(TermWin *tw, int x, int y) {} static void fuzz_set_raw_mouse_mode(TermWin *tw, bool enable) {} static void fuzz_set_scrollbar(TermWin *tw, int total, int start, int page) {} static void fuzz_bell(TermWin *tw, int mode) {} static void fuzz_clip_write( TermWin *tw, int clipboard, wchar_t *text, int *attrs, truecolour *colours, int len, bool must_deselect) {} static void fuzz_clip_request_paste(TermWin *tw, int clipboard) {} static void fuzz_refresh(TermWin *tw) {} static void fuzz_request_resize(TermWin *tw, int w, int h) {} static void fuzz_set_title(TermWin *tw, const char *title) {} static void fuzz_set_icon_title(TermWin *tw, const char *icontitle) {} static void fuzz_set_minimised(TermWin *tw, bool minimised) {} static bool fuzz_is_minimised(TermWin *tw) { return false; } static void fuzz_set_maximised(TermWin *tw, bool maximised) {} static void fuzz_move(TermWin *tw, int x, int y) {} static void fuzz_set_zorder(TermWin *tw, bool top) {} static bool fuzz_palette_get(TermWin *tw, int n, int *r, int *g, int *b) { return false; } static void fuzz_palette_set(TermWin *tw, int n, int r, int g, int b) {} static void fuzz_palette_reset(TermWin *tw) {} static void fuzz_get_pos(TermWin *tw, int *x, int *y) { *x = *y = 0; } static void fuzz_get_pixels(TermWin *tw, int *x, int *y) { *x = *y = 0; } static const char *fuzz_get_title(TermWin *tw, bool icon) { return "moo"; } static bool fuzz_is_utf8(TermWin *tw) { return true; } static const TermWinVtable fuzz_termwin_vt = { fuzz_setup_draw_ctx, fuzz_draw_text, fuzz_draw_cursor, fuzz_draw_trust_sigil, fuzz_char_width, fuzz_free_draw_ctx, fuzz_set_cursor_pos, fuzz_set_raw_mouse_mode, fuzz_set_scrollbar, fuzz_bell, fuzz_clip_write, fuzz_clip_request_paste, fuzz_refresh, fuzz_request_resize, fuzz_set_title, fuzz_set_icon_title, fuzz_set_minimised, fuzz_is_minimised, fuzz_set_maximised, fuzz_move, fuzz_set_zorder, fuzz_palette_get, fuzz_palette_set, fuzz_palette_reset, fuzz_get_pos, fuzz_get_pixels, fuzz_get_title, fuzz_is_utf8, }; void ldisc_send(Ldisc *ldisc, const void *buf, int len, bool interactive) {} void ldisc_echoedit_update(Ldisc *ldisc) {} void modalfatalbox(const char *fmt, ...) { exit(0); } void nonfatal(const char *fmt, ...) { } /* needed by timing.c */ void timer_change_notify(unsigned long next) { } /* needed by config.c and sercfg.c */ void dlg_radiobutton_set(union control *ctrl, void *dlg, int whichbutton) { } int dlg_radiobutton_get(union control *ctrl, void *dlg) { return 0; } void dlg_checkbox_set(union control *ctrl, void *dlg, int checked) { } int dlg_checkbox_get(union control *ctrl, void *dlg) { return 0; } void dlg_editbox_set(union control *ctrl, void *dlg, char const *text) { } char *dlg_editbox_get(union control *ctrl, void *dlg) { return dupstr("moo"); } void dlg_listbox_clear(union control *ctrl, void *dlg) { } void dlg_listbox_del(union control *ctrl, void *dlg, int index) { } void dlg_listbox_add(union control *ctrl, void *dlg, char const *text) { } void dlg_listbox_addwithid(union control *ctrl, void *dlg, char const *text, int id) { } int dlg_listbox_getid(union control *ctrl, void *dlg, int index) { return 0; } int dlg_listbox_index(union control *ctrl, void *dlg) { return -1; } int dlg_listbox_issel(union control *ctrl, void *dlg, int index) { return 0; } void dlg_listbox_select(union control *ctrl, void *dlg, int index) { } void dlg_text_set(union control *ctrl, void *dlg, char const *text) { } void dlg_filesel_set(union control *ctrl, void *dlg, Filename *fn) { } Filename *dlg_filesel_get(union control *ctrl, void *dlg) { return NULL; } void dlg_fontsel_set(union control *ctrl, void *dlg, FontSpec *fn) { } FontSpec *dlg_fontsel_get(union control *ctrl, void *dlg) { return NULL; } void dlg_update_start(union control *ctrl, void *dlg) { } void dlg_update_done(union control *ctrl, void *dlg) { } void dlg_set_focus(union control *ctrl, void *dlg) { } void dlg_label_change(union control *ctrl, void *dlg, char const *text) { } union control *dlg_last_focused(union control *ctrl, void *dlg) { return NULL; } void dlg_beep(void *dlg) { } void dlg_error_msg(void *dlg, const char *msg) { } void dlg_end(void *dlg, int value) { } void dlg_coloursel_start(union control *ctrl, void *dlg, int r, int g, int b) { } bool dlg_coloursel_results(union control *ctrl, void *dlg, int *r, int *g, int *b) { return false; } void dlg_refresh(union control *ctrl, void *dlg) { } bool dlg_is_visible(union control *ctrl, dlgparam *dp) { return false; } const char *const appname = "FuZZterm"; const int ngsslibs = 0; const char *const gsslibnames[0] = { }; const struct keyvalwhere gsslibkeywords[0] = { }; /* * Default settings that are specific to Unix plink. */ char *platform_default_s(const char *name) { if (!strcmp(name, "TermType")) return dupstr(getenv("TERM")); if (!strcmp(name, "SerialLine")) return dupstr("/dev/ttyS0"); return NULL; } bool platform_default_b(const char *name, bool def) { return def; } int platform_default_i(const char *name, int def) { return def; } FontSpec *platform_default_fontspec(const char *name) { return fontspec_new(""); } Filename *platform_default_filename(const char *name) { if (!strcmp(name, "LogFileName")) return filename_from_str("putty.log"); else return filename_from_str(""); } char *x_get_default(const char *key) { return NULL; /* this is a stub */ }