/* * Telnet backend. */ #include #include #include #include "putty.h" #define IAC 255 /* interpret as command: */ #define DONT 254 /* you are not to use option */ #define DO 253 /* please, you use option */ #define WONT 252 /* I won't use option */ #define WILL 251 /* I will use option */ #define SB 250 /* interpret as subnegotiation */ #define SE 240 /* end sub negotiation */ #define GA 249 /* you may reverse the line */ #define EL 248 /* erase the current line */ #define EC 247 /* erase the current character */ #define AYT 246 /* are you there */ #define AO 245 /* abort output--but let prog finish */ #define IP 244 /* interrupt process--permanently */ #define BREAK 243 /* break */ #define DM 242 /* data mark--for connect. cleaning */ #define NOP 241 /* nop */ #define EOR 239 /* end of record (transparent mode) */ #define ABORT 238 /* Abort process */ #define SUSP 237 /* Suspend process */ #define xEOF 236 /* End of file: EOF is already used... */ #define TELOPTS(X) \ X(BINARY, 0) /* 8-bit data path */ \ X(ECHO, 1) /* echo */ \ X(RCP, 2) /* prepare to reconnect */ \ X(SGA, 3) /* suppress go ahead */ \ X(NAMS, 4) /* approximate message size */ \ X(STATUS, 5) /* give status */ \ X(TM, 6) /* timing mark */ \ X(RCTE, 7) /* remote controlled transmission and echo */ \ X(NAOL, 8) /* negotiate about output line width */ \ X(NAOP, 9) /* negotiate about output page size */ \ X(NAOCRD, 10) /* negotiate about CR disposition */ \ X(NAOHTS, 11) /* negotiate about horizontal tabstops */ \ X(NAOHTD, 12) /* negotiate about horizontal tab disposition */ \ X(NAOFFD, 13) /* negotiate about formfeed disposition */ \ X(NAOVTS, 14) /* negotiate about vertical tab stops */ \ X(NAOVTD, 15) /* negotiate about vertical tab disposition */ \ X(NAOLFD, 16) /* negotiate about output LF disposition */ \ X(XASCII, 17) /* extended ascic character set */ \ X(LOGOUT, 18) /* force logout */ \ X(BM, 19) /* byte macro */ \ X(DET, 20) /* data entry terminal */ \ X(SUPDUP, 21) /* supdup protocol */ \ X(SUPDUPOUTPUT, 22) /* supdup output */ \ X(SNDLOC, 23) /* send location */ \ X(TTYPE, 24) /* terminal type */ \ X(EOR, 25) /* end or record */ \ X(TUID, 26) /* TACACS user identification */ \ X(OUTMRK, 27) /* output marking */ \ X(TTYLOC, 28) /* terminal location number */ \ X(3270REGIME, 29) /* 3270 regime */ \ X(X3PAD, 30) /* X.3 PAD */ \ X(NAWS, 31) /* window size */ \ X(TSPEED, 32) /* terminal speed */ \ X(LFLOW, 33) /* remote flow control */ \ X(LINEMODE, 34) /* Linemode option */ \ X(XDISPLOC, 35) /* X Display Location */ \ X(OLD_ENVIRON, 36) /* Old - Environment variables */ \ X(AUTHENTICATION, 37) /* Authenticate */ \ X(ENCRYPT, 38) /* Encryption option */ \ X(NEW_ENVIRON, 39) /* New - Environment variables */ \ X(TN3270E, 40) /* TN3270 enhancements */ \ X(XAUTH, 41) \ X(CHARSET, 42) /* Character set */ \ X(RSP, 43) /* Remote serial port */ \ X(COM_PORT_OPTION, 44) /* Com port control */ \ X(SLE, 45) /* Suppress local echo */ \ X(STARTTLS, 46) /* Start TLS */ \ X(KERMIT, 47) /* Automatic Kermit file transfer */ \ X(SEND_URL, 48) \ X(FORWARD_X, 49) \ X(PRAGMA_LOGON, 138) \ X(SSPI_LOGON, 139) \ X(PRAGMA_HEARTBEAT, 140) \ X(EXOPL, 255) /* extended-options-list */ #define telnet_enum(x,y) TELOPT_##x = y, enum { TELOPTS(telnet_enum) dummy=0 }; #undef telnet_enum #define TELQUAL_IS 0 /* option is... */ #define TELQUAL_SEND 1 /* send option */ #define TELQUAL_INFO 2 /* ENVIRON: informational version of IS */ #define BSD_VAR 1 #define BSD_VALUE 0 #define RFC_VAR 0 #define RFC_VALUE 1 #define CR 13 #define LF 10 #define NUL 0 #define iswritable(x) \ ( (x) != IAC && \ (telnet->opt_states[o_we_bin.index] == ACTIVE || (x) != CR)) static const char *telopt(int opt) { #define telnet_str(x,y) case TELOPT_##x: return #x; switch (opt) { TELOPTS(telnet_str) default: return ""; } #undef telnet_str } struct Opt { int send; /* what we initially send */ int nsend; /* -ve send if requested to stop it */ int ack, nak; /* +ve and -ve acknowledgements */ int option; /* the option code */ int index; /* index into telnet->opt_states[] */ enum { REQUESTED, ACTIVE, INACTIVE, REALLY_INACTIVE } initial_state; }; enum { OPTINDEX_NAWS, OPTINDEX_TSPEED, OPTINDEX_TTYPE, OPTINDEX_OENV, OPTINDEX_NENV, OPTINDEX_ECHO, OPTINDEX_WE_SGA, OPTINDEX_THEY_SGA, OPTINDEX_WE_BIN, OPTINDEX_THEY_BIN, NUM_OPTS }; static const struct Opt o_naws = { WILL, WONT, DO, DONT, TELOPT_NAWS, OPTINDEX_NAWS, REQUESTED }; static const struct Opt o_tspeed = { WILL, WONT, DO, DONT, TELOPT_TSPEED, OPTINDEX_TSPEED, REQUESTED }; static const struct Opt o_ttype = { WILL, WONT, DO, DONT, TELOPT_TTYPE, OPTINDEX_TTYPE, REQUESTED }; static const struct Opt o_oenv = { WILL, WONT, DO, DONT, TELOPT_OLD_ENVIRON, OPTINDEX_OENV, INACTIVE }; static const struct Opt o_nenv = { WILL, WONT, DO, DONT, TELOPT_NEW_ENVIRON, OPTINDEX_NENV, REQUESTED }; static const struct Opt o_echo = { DO, DONT, WILL, WONT, TELOPT_ECHO, OPTINDEX_ECHO, REQUESTED }; static const struct Opt o_we_sga = { WILL, WONT, DO, DONT, TELOPT_SGA, OPTINDEX_WE_SGA, REQUESTED }; static const struct Opt o_they_sga = { DO, DONT, WILL, WONT, TELOPT_SGA, OPTINDEX_THEY_SGA, REQUESTED }; static const struct Opt o_we_bin = { WILL, WONT, DO, DONT, TELOPT_BINARY, OPTINDEX_WE_BIN, INACTIVE }; static const struct Opt o_they_bin = { DO, DONT, WILL, WONT, TELOPT_BINARY, OPTINDEX_THEY_BIN, INACTIVE }; static const struct Opt *const opts[] = { &o_naws, &o_tspeed, &o_ttype, &o_oenv, &o_nenv, &o_echo, &o_we_sga, &o_they_sga, &o_we_bin, &o_they_bin, NULL }; typedef struct Telnet Telnet; struct Telnet { Socket *s; bool socket_connected; bool closed_on_socket_error; Seat *seat; LogContext *logctx; Ldisc *ldisc; int term_width, term_height; int opt_states[NUM_OPTS]; bool echoing, editing; bool activated; size_t bufsize; bool in_synch; int sb_opt; strbuf *sb_buf; enum { TOP_LEVEL, SEENIAC, SEENWILL, SEENWONT, SEENDO, SEENDONT, SEENSB, SUBNEGOT, SUBNEG_IAC, SEENCR } state; Conf *conf; Pinger *pinger; Plug plug; Backend backend; }; #define TELNET_MAX_BACKLOG 4096 #define SB_DELTA 1024 static void c_write(Telnet *telnet, const void *buf, size_t len) { size_t backlog = seat_stdout(telnet->seat, buf, len); sk_set_frozen(telnet->s, backlog > TELNET_MAX_BACKLOG); } static void log_option(Telnet *telnet, const char *sender, int cmd, int option) { /* * The strange-looking "" below is there to avoid a * trigraph - a double question mark followed by > maps to a * closing brace character! */ logeventf(telnet->logctx, "%s negotiation: %s %s", sender, (cmd == WILL ? "WILL" : cmd == WONT ? "WONT" : cmd == DO ? "DO" : cmd == DONT ? "DONT" : ""), telopt(option)); } static void send_opt(Telnet *telnet, int cmd, int option) { unsigned char b[3]; b[0] = IAC; b[1] = cmd; b[2] = option; telnet->bufsize = sk_write(telnet->s, b, 3); log_option(telnet, "client", cmd, option); } static void deactivate_option(Telnet *telnet, const struct Opt *o) { if (telnet->opt_states[o->index] == REQUESTED || telnet->opt_states[o->index] == ACTIVE) send_opt(telnet, o->nsend, o->option); telnet->opt_states[o->index] = REALLY_INACTIVE; } /* * Generate side effects of enabling or disabling an option. */ static void option_side_effects( Telnet *telnet, const struct Opt *o, bool enabled) { if (o->option == TELOPT_ECHO && o->send == DO) telnet->echoing = !enabled; else if (o->option == TELOPT_SGA && o->send == DO) telnet->editing = !enabled; if (telnet->ldisc) /* cause ldisc to notice the change */ ldisc_echoedit_update(telnet->ldisc); /* Ensure we get the minimum options */ if (!telnet->activated) { if (telnet->opt_states[o_echo.index] == INACTIVE) { telnet->opt_states[o_echo.index] = REQUESTED; send_opt(telnet, o_echo.send, o_echo.option); } if (telnet->opt_states[o_we_sga.index] == INACTIVE) { telnet->opt_states[o_we_sga.index] = REQUESTED; send_opt(telnet, o_we_sga.send, o_we_sga.option); } if (telnet->opt_states[o_they_sga.index] == INACTIVE) { telnet->opt_states[o_they_sga.index] = REQUESTED; send_opt(telnet, o_they_sga.send, o_they_sga.option); } telnet->activated = true; } } static void activate_option(Telnet *telnet, const struct Opt *o) { if (o->send == WILL && o->option == TELOPT_NAWS) backend_size(&telnet->backend, telnet->term_width, telnet->term_height); if (o->send == WILL && (o->option == TELOPT_NEW_ENVIRON || o->option == TELOPT_OLD_ENVIRON)) { /* * We may only have one kind of ENVIRON going at a time. * This is a hack, but who cares. */ deactivate_option(telnet, o->option == TELOPT_NEW_ENVIRON ? &o_oenv : &o_nenv); } option_side_effects(telnet, o, true); } static void refused_option(Telnet *telnet, const struct Opt *o) { if (o->send == WILL && o->option == TELOPT_NEW_ENVIRON && telnet->opt_states[o_oenv.index] == INACTIVE) { send_opt(telnet, WILL, TELOPT_OLD_ENVIRON); telnet->opt_states[o_oenv.index] = REQUESTED; } option_side_effects(telnet, o, false); } static void proc_rec_opt(Telnet *telnet, int cmd, int option) { const struct Opt *const *o; log_option(telnet, "server", cmd, option); for (o = opts; *o; o++) { if ((*o)->option == option && (*o)->ack == cmd) { switch (telnet->opt_states[(*o)->index]) { case REQUESTED: telnet->opt_states[(*o)->index] = ACTIVE; activate_option(telnet, *o); break; case ACTIVE: break; case INACTIVE: telnet->opt_states[(*o)->index] = ACTIVE; send_opt(telnet, (*o)->send, option); activate_option(telnet, *o); break; case REALLY_INACTIVE: send_opt(telnet, (*o)->nsend, option); break; } return; } else if ((*o)->option == option && (*o)->nak == cmd) { switch (telnet->opt_states[(*o)->index]) { case REQUESTED: telnet->opt_states[(*o)->index] = INACTIVE; refused_option(telnet, *o); break; case ACTIVE: telnet->opt_states[(*o)->index] = INACTIVE; send_opt(telnet, (*o)->nsend, option); option_side_effects(telnet, *o, false); break; case INACTIVE: case REALLY_INACTIVE: break; } return; } } /* * If we reach here, the option was one we weren't prepared to * cope with. If the request was positive (WILL or DO), we send * a negative ack to indicate refusal. If the request was * negative (WONT / DONT), we must do nothing. */ if (cmd == WILL || cmd == DO) send_opt(telnet, (cmd == WILL ? DONT : WONT), option); } static void process_subneg(Telnet *telnet) { unsigned char *b, *p, *q; int var, value, n, bsize; char *e, *eval, *ekey, *user; switch (telnet->sb_opt) { case TELOPT_TSPEED: if (telnet->sb_buf->len == 1 && telnet->sb_buf->u[0] == TELQUAL_SEND) { char *termspeed = conf_get_str(telnet->conf, CONF_termspeed); b = snewn(20 + strlen(termspeed), unsigned char); b[0] = IAC; b[1] = SB; b[2] = TELOPT_TSPEED; b[3] = TELQUAL_IS; strcpy((char *)(b + 4), termspeed); n = 4 + strlen(termspeed); b[n] = IAC; b[n + 1] = SE; telnet->bufsize = sk_write(telnet->s, b, n + 2); logevent(telnet->logctx, "server subnegotiation: SB TSPEED SEND"); logeventf(telnet->logctx, "client subnegotiation: SB TSPEED IS %s", termspeed); sfree(b); } else logevent(telnet->logctx, "server subnegotiation: SB TSPEED "); break; case TELOPT_TTYPE: if (telnet->sb_buf->len == 1 && telnet->sb_buf->u[0] == TELQUAL_SEND) { char *termtype = conf_get_str(telnet->conf, CONF_termtype); b = snewn(20 + strlen(termtype), unsigned char); b[0] = IAC; b[1] = SB; b[2] = TELOPT_TTYPE; b[3] = TELQUAL_IS; for (n = 0; termtype[n]; n++) b[n + 4] = (termtype[n] >= 'a' && termtype[n] <= 'z' ? termtype[n] + 'A' - 'a' : termtype[n]); b[n + 4] = IAC; b[n + 5] = SE; telnet->bufsize = sk_write(telnet->s, b, n + 6); b[n + 4] = 0; logevent(telnet->logctx, "server subnegotiation: SB TTYPE SEND"); logeventf(telnet->logctx, "client subnegotiation: SB TTYPE IS %s", b + 4); sfree(b); } else logevent(telnet->logctx, "server subnegotiation: SB TTYPE \r\n"); break; case TELOPT_OLD_ENVIRON: case TELOPT_NEW_ENVIRON: p = telnet->sb_buf->u; q = p + telnet->sb_buf->len; if (p < q && *p == TELQUAL_SEND) { p++; logeventf(telnet->logctx, "server subnegotiation: SB %s SEND", telopt(telnet->sb_opt)); if (telnet->sb_opt == TELOPT_OLD_ENVIRON) { if (conf_get_bool(telnet->conf, CONF_rfc_environ)) { value = RFC_VALUE; var = RFC_VAR; } else { value = BSD_VALUE; var = BSD_VAR; } /* * Try to guess the sense of VAR and VALUE. */ while (p < q) { if (*p == RFC_VAR) { value = RFC_VALUE; var = RFC_VAR; } else if (*p == BSD_VAR) { value = BSD_VALUE; var = BSD_VAR; } p++; } } else { /* * With NEW_ENVIRON, the sense of VAR and VALUE * isn't in doubt. */ value = RFC_VALUE; var = RFC_VAR; } bsize = 20; for (eval = conf_get_str_strs(telnet->conf, CONF_environmt, NULL, &ekey); eval != NULL; eval = conf_get_str_strs(telnet->conf, CONF_environmt, ekey, &ekey)) bsize += strlen(ekey) + strlen(eval) + 2; user = get_remote_username(telnet->conf); if (user) bsize += 6 + strlen(user); b = snewn(bsize, unsigned char); b[0] = IAC; b[1] = SB; b[2] = telnet->sb_opt; b[3] = TELQUAL_IS; n = 4; for (eval = conf_get_str_strs(telnet->conf, CONF_environmt, NULL, &ekey); eval != NULL; eval = conf_get_str_strs(telnet->conf, CONF_environmt, ekey, &ekey)) { b[n++] = var; for (e = ekey; *e; e++) b[n++] = *e; b[n++] = value; for (e = eval; *e; e++) b[n++] = *e; } if (user) { b[n++] = var; b[n++] = 'U'; b[n++] = 'S'; b[n++] = 'E'; b[n++] = 'R'; b[n++] = value; for (e = user; *e; e++) b[n++] = *e; } b[n++] = IAC; b[n++] = SE; telnet->bufsize = sk_write(telnet->s, b, n); if (n == 6) { logeventf(telnet->logctx, "client subnegotiation: SB %s IS ", telopt(telnet->sb_opt)); } else { logeventf(telnet->logctx, "client subnegotiation: SB %s IS:", telopt(telnet->sb_opt)); for (eval = conf_get_str_strs(telnet->conf, CONF_environmt, NULL, &ekey); eval != NULL; eval = conf_get_str_strs(telnet->conf, CONF_environmt, ekey, &ekey)) { logeventf(telnet->logctx, " %s=%s", ekey, eval); } if (user) logeventf(telnet->logctx, " USER=%s", user); } sfree(b); sfree(user); } break; } } static void do_telnet_read(Telnet *telnet, const char *buf, size_t len) { strbuf *outbuf = strbuf_new_nm(); while (len--) { int c = (unsigned char) *buf++; switch (telnet->state) { case TOP_LEVEL: case SEENCR: if (c == NUL && telnet->state == SEENCR) telnet->state = TOP_LEVEL; else if (c == IAC) telnet->state = SEENIAC; else { if (!telnet->in_synch) put_byte(outbuf, c); #if 1 /* I can't get the F***ing winsock to insert the urgent IAC * into the right position! Even with SO_OOBINLINE it gives * it to recv too soon. And of course the DM byte (that * arrives in the same packet!) appears several K later!! * * Oh well, we do get the DM in the right place so I'll * just stop hiding on the next 0xf2 and hope for the best. */ else if (c == DM) telnet->in_synch = false; #endif if (c == CR && telnet->opt_states[o_they_bin.index] != ACTIVE) telnet->state = SEENCR; else telnet->state = TOP_LEVEL; } break; case SEENIAC: if (c == DO) telnet->state = SEENDO; else if (c == DONT) telnet->state = SEENDONT; else if (c == WILL) telnet->state = SEENWILL; else if (c == WONT) telnet->state = SEENWONT; else if (c == SB) telnet->state = SEENSB; else if (c == DM) { telnet->in_synch = false; telnet->state = TOP_LEVEL; } else { /* ignore everything else; print it if it's IAC */ if (c == IAC) { put_byte(outbuf, c); } telnet->state = TOP_LEVEL; } break; case SEENWILL: proc_rec_opt(telnet, WILL, c); telnet->state = TOP_LEVEL; break; case SEENWONT: proc_rec_opt(telnet, WONT, c); telnet->state = TOP_LEVEL; break; case SEENDO: proc_rec_opt(telnet, DO, c); telnet->state = TOP_LEVEL; break; case SEENDONT: proc_rec_opt(telnet, DONT, c); telnet->state = TOP_LEVEL; break; case SEENSB: telnet->sb_opt = c; strbuf_clear(telnet->sb_buf); telnet->state = SUBNEGOT; break; case SUBNEGOT: if (c == IAC) telnet->state = SUBNEG_IAC; else { subneg_addchar: put_byte(telnet->sb_buf, c); telnet->state = SUBNEGOT; /* in case we came here by goto */ } break; case SUBNEG_IAC: if (c != SE) goto subneg_addchar; /* yes, it's a hack, I know, but... */ else { process_subneg(telnet); telnet->state = TOP_LEVEL; } break; } if (outbuf->len >= 4096) { c_write(telnet, outbuf->u, outbuf->len); strbuf_clear(outbuf); } } if (outbuf->len) c_write(telnet, outbuf->u, outbuf->len); strbuf_free(outbuf); } static void telnet_log(Plug *plug, PlugLogType type, SockAddr *addr, int port, const char *error_msg, int error_code) { Telnet *telnet = container_of(plug, Telnet, plug); backend_socket_log(telnet->seat, telnet->logctx, type, addr, port, error_msg, error_code, telnet->conf, telnet->socket_connected); if (type == PLUGLOG_CONNECT_SUCCESS) telnet->socket_connected = true; } static void telnet_closing(Plug *plug, const char *error_msg, int error_code, bool calling_back) { Telnet *telnet = container_of(plug, Telnet, plug); /* * We don't implement independent EOF in each direction for Telnet * connections; as soon as we get word that the remote side has * sent us EOF, we wind up the whole connection. */ if (telnet->s) { sk_close(telnet->s); telnet->s = NULL; if (error_msg) telnet->closed_on_socket_error = true; seat_notify_remote_exit(telnet->seat); seat_notify_remote_disconnect(telnet->seat); } if (error_msg) { logevent(telnet->logctx, error_msg); seat_connection_fatal(telnet->seat, "%s", error_msg); } /* Otherwise, the remote side closed the connection normally. */ } static void telnet_receive( Plug *plug, int urgent, const char *data, size_t len) { Telnet *telnet = container_of(plug, Telnet, plug); if (urgent) telnet->in_synch = true; do_telnet_read(telnet, data, len); } static void telnet_sent(Plug *plug, size_t bufsize) { Telnet *telnet = container_of(plug, Telnet, plug); telnet->bufsize = bufsize; seat_sent(telnet->seat, telnet->bufsize); } static const PlugVtable Telnet_plugvt = { .log = telnet_log, .closing = telnet_closing, .receive = telnet_receive, .sent = telnet_sent, }; /* * Called to set up the Telnet connection. * * Returns an error message, or NULL on success. * * Also places the canonical host name into `realhost'. It must be * freed by the caller. */ static char *telnet_init(const BackendVtable *vt, Seat *seat, Backend **backend_handle, LogContext *logctx, Conf *conf, const char *host, int port, char **realhost, bool nodelay, bool keepalive) { SockAddr *addr; const char *err; Telnet *telnet; char *loghost; int addressfamily; /* No local authentication phase in this protocol */ seat_set_trust_status(seat, false); telnet = snew(Telnet); telnet->plug.vt = &Telnet_plugvt; telnet->backend.vt = vt; telnet->conf = conf_copy(conf); telnet->s = NULL; telnet->socket_connected = false; telnet->closed_on_socket_error = false; telnet->echoing = true; telnet->editing = true; telnet->activated = false; telnet->sb_buf = strbuf_new(); telnet->seat = seat; telnet->logctx = logctx; telnet->term_width = conf_get_int(telnet->conf, CONF_width); telnet->term_height = conf_get_int(telnet->conf, CONF_height); telnet->state = TOP_LEVEL; telnet->ldisc = NULL; telnet->pinger = NULL; *backend_handle = &telnet->backend; /* * Try to find host. */ addressfamily = conf_get_int(telnet->conf, CONF_addressfamily); addr = name_lookup(host, port, realhost, telnet->conf, addressfamily, telnet->logctx, "Telnet connection"); if ((err = sk_addr_error(addr)) != NULL) { sk_addr_free(addr); return dupstr(err); } if (port < 0) port = 23; /* default telnet port */ /* * Open socket. */ telnet->s = new_connection(addr, *realhost, port, false, true, nodelay, keepalive, &telnet->plug, telnet->conf, log_get_policy(logctx)); if ((err = sk_socket_error(telnet->s)) != NULL) return dupstr(err); telnet->pinger = pinger_new(telnet->conf, &telnet->backend); /* * Initialise option states. */ if (conf_get_bool(telnet->conf, CONF_passive_telnet)) { const struct Opt *const *o; for (o = opts; *o; o++) telnet->opt_states[(*o)->index] = INACTIVE; } else { const struct Opt *const *o; for (o = opts; *o; o++) { telnet->opt_states[(*o)->index] = (*o)->initial_state; if (telnet->opt_states[(*o)->index] == REQUESTED) send_opt(telnet, (*o)->send, (*o)->option); } telnet->activated = true; } /* * Set up SYNCH state. */ telnet->in_synch = false; /* * We can send special commands from the start. */ seat_update_specials_menu(telnet->seat); /* * loghost overrides realhost, if specified. */ loghost = conf_get_str(telnet->conf, CONF_loghost); if (*loghost) { char *colon; sfree(*realhost); *realhost = dupstr(loghost); colon = host_strrchr(*realhost, ':'); if (colon) *colon++ = '\0'; } return NULL; } static void telnet_free(Backend *be) { Telnet *telnet = container_of(be, Telnet, backend); strbuf_free(telnet->sb_buf); if (telnet->s) sk_close(telnet->s); if (telnet->pinger) pinger_free(telnet->pinger); conf_free(telnet->conf); sfree(telnet); } /* * Reconfigure the Telnet backend. There's no immediate action * necessary, in this backend: we just save the fresh config for * any subsequent negotiations. */ static void telnet_reconfig(Backend *be, Conf *conf) { Telnet *telnet = container_of(be, Telnet, backend); pinger_reconfig(telnet->pinger, telnet->conf, conf); conf_free(telnet->conf); telnet->conf = conf_copy(conf); } /* * Called to send data down the Telnet connection. */ static void telnet_send(Backend *be, const char *buf, size_t len) { Telnet *telnet = container_of(be, Telnet, backend); unsigned char *p, *end; static const unsigned char iac[2] = { IAC, IAC }; static const unsigned char cr[2] = { CR, NUL }; #if 0 static const unsigned char nl[2] = { CR, LF }; #endif if (telnet->s == NULL) return; p = (unsigned char *)buf; end = (unsigned char *)(buf + len); while (p < end) { unsigned char *q = p; while (p < end && iswritable(*p)) p++; telnet->bufsize = sk_write(telnet->s, q, p - q); while (p < end && !iswritable(*p)) { telnet->bufsize = sk_write(telnet->s, *p == IAC ? iac : cr, 2); p++; } } } /* * Called to query the current socket sendability status. */ static size_t telnet_sendbuffer(Backend *be) { Telnet *telnet = container_of(be, Telnet, backend); return telnet->bufsize; } /* * Called to set the size of the window from Telnet's POV. */ static void telnet_size(Backend *be, int width, int height) { Telnet *telnet = container_of(be, Telnet, backend); unsigned char b[24]; int n; telnet->term_width = width; telnet->term_height = height; if (telnet->s == NULL || telnet->opt_states[o_naws.index] != ACTIVE) return; n = 0; b[n++] = IAC; b[n++] = SB; b[n++] = TELOPT_NAWS; b[n++] = telnet->term_width >> 8; if (b[n-1] == IAC) b[n++] = IAC; /* duplicate any IAC byte occurs */ b[n++] = telnet->term_width & 0xFF; if (b[n-1] == IAC) b[n++] = IAC; /* duplicate any IAC byte occurs */ b[n++] = telnet->term_height >> 8; if (b[n-1] == IAC) b[n++] = IAC; /* duplicate any IAC byte occurs */ b[n++] = telnet->term_height & 0xFF; if (b[n-1] == IAC) b[n++] = IAC; /* duplicate any IAC byte occurs */ b[n++] = IAC; b[n++] = SE; telnet->bufsize = sk_write(telnet->s, b, n); logeventf(telnet->logctx, "client subnegotiation: SB NAWS %d,%d", telnet->term_width, telnet->term_height); } /* * Send Telnet special codes. */ static void telnet_special(Backend *be, SessionSpecialCode code, int arg) { Telnet *telnet = container_of(be, Telnet, backend); unsigned char b[2]; if (telnet->s == NULL) return; b[0] = IAC; switch (code) { case SS_AYT: b[1] = AYT; telnet->bufsize = sk_write(telnet->s, b, 2); break; case SS_BRK: b[1] = BREAK; telnet->bufsize = sk_write(telnet->s, b, 2); break; case SS_EC: b[1] = EC; telnet->bufsize = sk_write(telnet->s, b, 2); break; case SS_EL: b[1] = EL; telnet->bufsize = sk_write(telnet->s, b, 2); break; case SS_GA: b[1] = GA; telnet->bufsize = sk_write(telnet->s, b, 2); break; case SS_NOP: b[1] = NOP; telnet->bufsize = sk_write(telnet->s, b, 2); break; case SS_ABORT: b[1] = ABORT; telnet->bufsize = sk_write(telnet->s, b, 2); break; case SS_AO: b[1] = AO; telnet->bufsize = sk_write(telnet->s, b, 2); break; case SS_IP: b[1] = IP; telnet->bufsize = sk_write(telnet->s, b, 2); break; case SS_SUSP: b[1] = SUSP; telnet->bufsize = sk_write(telnet->s, b, 2); break; case SS_EOR: b[1] = EOR; telnet->bufsize = sk_write(telnet->s, b, 2); break; case SS_EOF: b[1] = xEOF; telnet->bufsize = sk_write(telnet->s, b, 2); break; case SS_EOL: /* In BINARY mode, CR-LF becomes just CR - * and without the NUL suffix too. */ if (telnet->opt_states[o_we_bin.index] == ACTIVE) telnet->bufsize = sk_write(telnet->s, "\r", 1); else telnet->bufsize = sk_write(telnet->s, "\r\n", 2); break; case SS_SYNCH: b[1] = DM; telnet->bufsize = sk_write(telnet->s, b, 1); telnet->bufsize = sk_write_oob(telnet->s, b + 1, 1); break; case SS_PING: if (telnet->opt_states[o_they_sga.index] == ACTIVE) { b[1] = NOP; telnet->bufsize = sk_write(telnet->s, b, 2); } break; default: break; /* never heard of it */ } } static const SessionSpecial *telnet_get_specials(Backend *be) { static const SessionSpecial specials[] = { {"Are You There", SS_AYT}, {"Break", SS_BRK}, {"Synch", SS_SYNCH}, {"Erase Character", SS_EC}, {"Erase Line", SS_EL}, {"Go Ahead", SS_GA}, {"No Operation", SS_NOP}, {NULL, SS_SEP}, {"Abort Process", SS_ABORT}, {"Abort Output", SS_AO}, {"Interrupt Process", SS_IP}, {"Suspend Process", SS_SUSP}, {NULL, SS_SEP}, {"End Of Record", SS_EOR}, {"End Of File", SS_EOF}, {NULL, SS_EXITMENU} }; return specials; } static bool telnet_connected(Backend *be) { Telnet *telnet = container_of(be, Telnet, backend); return telnet->s != NULL; } static bool telnet_sendok(Backend *be) { Telnet *telnet = container_of(be, Telnet, backend); return telnet->socket_connected; } static void telnet_unthrottle(Backend *be, size_t backlog) { Telnet *telnet = container_of(be, Telnet, backend); sk_set_frozen(telnet->s, backlog > TELNET_MAX_BACKLOG); } static bool telnet_ldisc(Backend *be, int option) { Telnet *telnet = container_of(be, Telnet, backend); if (option == LD_ECHO) return telnet->echoing; if (option == LD_EDIT) return telnet->editing; return false; } static void telnet_provide_ldisc(Backend *be, Ldisc *ldisc) { Telnet *telnet = container_of(be, Telnet, backend); telnet->ldisc = ldisc; } static int telnet_exitcode(Backend *be) { Telnet *telnet = container_of(be, Telnet, backend); if (telnet->s != NULL) return -1; /* still connected */ else if (telnet->closed_on_socket_error) return INT_MAX; /* a socket error counts as an unclean exit */ else /* Telnet doesn't transmit exit codes back to the client */ return 0; } /* * cfg_info for Telnet does nothing at all. */ static int telnet_cfg_info(Backend *be) { return 0; } const BackendVtable telnet_backend = { .init = telnet_init, .free = telnet_free, .reconfig = telnet_reconfig, .send = telnet_send, .sendbuffer = telnet_sendbuffer, .size = telnet_size, .special = telnet_special, .get_specials = telnet_get_specials, .connected = telnet_connected, .exitcode = telnet_exitcode, .sendok = telnet_sendok, .ldisc_option_state = telnet_ldisc, .provide_ldisc = telnet_provide_ldisc, .unthrottle = telnet_unthrottle, .cfg_info = telnet_cfg_info, .id = "telnet", .displayname = "Telnet", .protocol = PROT_TELNET, .default_port = 23, };