/* $Id: macterm.c,v 1.44 2003/01/12 16:11:27 ben Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1999 Simon Tatham * Copyright (c) 1999, 2002 Ben Harris * All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following * conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF * CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ /* * macterm.c -- Macintosh terminal front-end */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "macresid.h" #include "putty.h" #include "charset.h" #include "mac.h" #include "storage.h" #include "terminal.h" #define NCOLOURS (lenof(((Config *)0)->colours)) #define DEFAULT_FG 16 #define DEFAULT_FG_BOLD 17 #define DEFAULT_BG 18 #define DEFAULT_BG_BOLD 19 #define CURSOR_FG 20 #define CURSOR_BG 21 #define PTOCC(x) ((x) < 0 ? -(-(x - s->font_width - 1) / s->font_width) : \ (x) / s->font_width) #define PTOCR(y) ((y) < 0 ? -(-(y - s->font_height - 1) / s->font_height) : \ (y) / s->font_height) static void mac_initfont(Session *); static pascal OSStatus uni_to_font_fallback(UniChar *, ByteCount, ByteCount *, TextPtr, ByteCount, ByteCount *, LogicalAddress *, ConstUnicodeMappingPtr); static void mac_initpalette(Session *); static void mac_adjustwinbg(Session *); static void mac_adjustsize(Session *, int, int); static void mac_drawgrowicon(Session *s); static pascal void mac_growtermdraghook(void); static pascal void mac_scrolltracker(ControlHandle, short); static pascal void do_text_for_device(short, short, GDHandle, long); static int mac_keytrans(Session *, EventRecord *, unsigned char *); static void text_click(Session *, EventRecord *); void pre_paint(Session *s); void post_paint(Session *s); #if TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM static RoutineDescriptor mac_scrolltracker_upp = BUILD_ROUTINE_DESCRIPTOR(uppControlActionProcInfo, (ProcPtr)mac_scrolltracker); static RoutineDescriptor do_text_for_device_upp = BUILD_ROUTINE_DESCRIPTOR(uppDeviceLoopDrawingProcInfo, (ProcPtr)do_text_for_device); #else /* not TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM */ #define mac_scrolltracker_upp mac_scrolltracker #define do_text_for_device_upp do_text_for_device #endif /* not TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM */ void mac_opensession(void) { Session *s; StandardFileReply sfr; static const OSType sftypes[] = { 'Sess', 0, 0, 0 }; void *sesshandle; int i; s = smalloc(sizeof(*s)); memset(s, 0, sizeof(*s)); StandardGetFile(NULL, 1, sftypes, &sfr); if (!sfr.sfGood) goto fail; sesshandle = open_settings_r_fsp(&sfr.sfFile); if (sesshandle == NULL) goto fail; load_open_settings(sesshandle, TRUE, &s->cfg); close_settings_r(sesshandle); /* * Select protocol. This is farmed out into a table in a * separate file to enable an ssh-free variant. */ s->back = NULL; for (i = 0; backends[i].backend != NULL; i++) if (backends[i].protocol == s->cfg.protocol) { s->back = backends[i].backend; break; } if (s->back == NULL) { fatalbox("Unsupported protocol number found"); } mac_startsession(s); return; fail: sfree(s); return; } void mac_startsession(Session *s) { char *errmsg; /* XXX: Own storage management? */ if (HAVE_COLOR_QD()) s->window = GetNewCWindow(wTerminal, NULL, (WindowPtr)-1); else s->window = GetNewWindow(wTerminal, NULL, (WindowPtr)-1); SetWRefCon(s->window, (long)s); s->scrollbar = GetNewControl(cVScroll, s->window); s->term = term_init(&s->cfg, s); mac_initfont(s); mac_initpalette(s); if (HAVE_COLOR_QD()) { /* Set to FALSE to not get palette updates in the background. */ SetPalette(s->window, s->palette, TRUE); ActivatePalette(s->window); } s->logctx = log_init(s, &s->cfg); term_provide_logctx(s->term, s->logctx); errmsg = s->back->init(s->term, &s->backhandle, &s->cfg, s->cfg.host, s->cfg.port, &s->realhost, s->cfg.tcp_nodelay); if (errmsg != NULL) fatalbox("%s", errmsg); s->back->provide_logctx(s->backhandle, s->logctx); term_provide_resize_fn(s->term, s->back->size, s->backhandle); mac_adjustsize(s, s->cfg.height, s->cfg.width); term_size(s->term, s->cfg.height, s->cfg.width, s->cfg.savelines); s->ldisc = ldisc_create(&s->cfg, s->term, s->back, s->backhandle, s); ldisc_send(s->ldisc, NULL, 0, 0);/* cause ldisc to notice changes */ ShowWindow(s->window); s->next = sesslist; s->prev = s->next->prev; if (s->next != NULL) s->next->prev = &s->next; sesslist = s; } static UnicodeToTextFallbackUPP uni_to_font_fallback_upp; static void mac_initfont(Session *s) { Str255 macfont; FontInfo fi; TextEncoding enc; OptionBits fbflags; SetPort(s->window); c2pstrcpy(macfont, s->cfg.font); GetFNum(macfont, &s->fontnum); TextFont(s->fontnum); TextFace(s->cfg.fontisbold ? bold : 0); TextSize(s->cfg.fontheight); GetFontInfo(&fi); s->font_width = CharWidth('W'); /* Well, it's what NCSA uses. */ s->font_ascent = fi.ascent; s->font_leading = fi.leading; s->font_height = s->font_ascent + fi.descent + s->font_leading; if (!s->cfg.bold_colour) { TextFace(bold); s->font_boldadjust = s->font_width - CharWidth('W'); } else s->font_boldadjust = 0; if (s->uni_to_font != NULL) DisposeUnicodeToTextInfo(&s->uni_to_font); if (mac_gestalts.encvvers != 0 && UpgradeScriptInfoToTextEncoding(kTextScriptDontCare, kTextLanguageDontCare, kTextRegionDontCare, macfont, &enc) == noErr && CreateUnicodeToTextInfoByEncoding(enc, &s->uni_to_font) == noErr) { if (uni_to_font_fallback_upp == NULL) uni_to_font_fallback_upp = NewUnicodeToTextFallbackProc(&uni_to_font_fallback); fbflags = kUnicodeFallbackCustomOnly; if (mac_gestalts.uncvattr & kTECAddFallbackInterruptMask) fbflags |= kUnicodeFallbackInterruptSafeMask; if (SetFallbackUnicodeToText(s->uni_to_font, uni_to_font_fallback_upp, fbflags, NULL) != noErr) { DisposeUnicodeToTextInfo(&s->uni_to_font); goto no_encv; } } else { no_encv: s->uni_to_font = NULL; s->font_charset = charset_from_macenc(FontToScript(s->fontnum), GetScriptManagerVariable(smRegionCode), mac_gestalts.sysvers, s->cfg.font); } mac_adjustsize(s, s->term->rows, s->term->cols); } static pascal OSStatus uni_to_font_fallback(UniChar *ucp, ByteCount ilen, ByteCount *iusedp, TextPtr obuf, ByteCount olen, ByteCount *ousedp, LogicalAddress *cookie, ConstUnicodeMappingPtr mapping) { if (olen < 1) return kTECOutputBufferFullStatus; /* * What I'd _like_ to do here is to somehow generate the * missing-character glyph that every font is required to have. * Unfortunately (and somewhat surprisingly), I can't find any way * to actually ask for it explicitly. Bah. */ *obuf = '.'; *iusedp = ilen; *ousedp = 1; return noErr; } /* * Called every time round the event loop. */ void mac_pollterm(void) { Session *s; for (s = sesslist; s != NULL; s = s->next) { term_out(s->term); term_update(s->term); } } /* * To be called whenever the window size changes. * rows and cols should be desired values. * It's assumed the terminal emulator will be informed, and will set rows * and cols for us. */ static void mac_adjustsize(Session *s, int newrows, int newcols) { int winwidth, winheight; winwidth = newcols * s->font_width + 15; winheight = newrows * s->font_height; SizeWindow(s->window, winwidth, winheight, true); HideControl(s->scrollbar); MoveControl(s->scrollbar, winwidth - 15, -1); SizeControl(s->scrollbar, 16, winheight - 13); ShowControl(s->scrollbar); mac_drawgrowicon(s); } static void mac_initpalette(Session *s) { if (!HAVE_COLOR_QD()) return; /* * Most colours should be inhibited on 2bpp displays. * Palette manager documentation suggests inhibiting all tolerant colours * on greyscale displays. */ #define PM_NORMAL ( pmTolerant | pmInhibitC2 | \ pmInhibitG2 | pmInhibitG4 | pmInhibitG8 ) #define PM_TOLERANCE 0x2000 s->palette = NewPalette(22, NULL, PM_NORMAL, PM_TOLERANCE); if (s->palette == NULL) fatalbox("Unable to create palette"); /* In 2bpp, these are the colours we want most. */ SetEntryUsage(s->palette, DEFAULT_BG, PM_NORMAL &~ pmInhibitC2, PM_TOLERANCE); SetEntryUsage(s->palette, DEFAULT_FG, PM_NORMAL &~ pmInhibitC2, PM_TOLERANCE); SetEntryUsage(s->palette, DEFAULT_FG_BOLD, PM_NORMAL &~ pmInhibitC2, PM_TOLERANCE); SetEntryUsage(s->palette, CURSOR_BG, PM_NORMAL &~ pmInhibitC2, PM_TOLERANCE); palette_reset(s); } /* * Set the background colour of the window correctly. Should be * called whenever the default background changes. */ static void mac_adjustwinbg(Session *s) { if (!HAVE_COLOR_QD()) return; #if !TARGET_CPU_68K if (mac_gestalts.windattr & gestaltWindowMgrPresent) SetWindowContentColor(s->window, &(*s->palette)->pmInfo[DEFAULT_BG].ciRGB); else #endif { if (s->wctab == NULL) s->wctab = (WCTabHandle)NewHandle(sizeof(**s->wctab)); if (s->wctab == NULL) return; /* do without */ (*s->wctab)->wCSeed = 0; (*s->wctab)->wCReserved = 0; (*s->wctab)->ctSize = 0; (*s->wctab)->ctTable[0].value = wContentColor; (*s->wctab)->ctTable[0].rgb = (*s->palette)->pmInfo[DEFAULT_BG].ciRGB; SetWinColor(s->window, s->wctab); } } /* * Set the cursor shape correctly */ void mac_adjusttermcursor(WindowPtr window, Point mouse, RgnHandle cursrgn) { Session *s; ControlHandle control; short part; int x, y; SetPort(window); s = (Session *)GetWRefCon(window); GlobalToLocal(&mouse); part = FindControl(mouse, window, &control); if (control == s->scrollbar) { SetCursor(&qd.arrow); RectRgn(cursrgn, &(*s->scrollbar)->contrlRect); SectRgn(cursrgn, window->visRgn, cursrgn); } else { x = mouse.h / s->font_width; y = mouse.v / s->font_height; if (s->raw_mouse) SetCursor(&qd.arrow); else SetCursor(*GetCursor(iBeamCursor)); /* Ask for shape changes if we leave this character cell. */ SetRectRgn(cursrgn, x * s->font_width, y * s->font_height, (x + 1) * s->font_width, (y + 1) * s->font_height); SectRgn(cursrgn, window->visRgn, cursrgn); } } /* * Enable/disable menu items based on the active terminal window. */ void mac_adjusttermmenus(WindowPtr window) { Session *s; MenuHandle menu; long offset; s = (Session *)GetWRefCon(window); menu = GetMenuHandle(mEdit); EnableItem(menu, 0); DisableItem(menu, iUndo); DisableItem(menu, iCut); if (1/*s->term->selstate == SELECTED*/) EnableItem(menu, iCopy); else DisableItem(menu, iCopy); if (GetScrap(NULL, 'TEXT', &offset) == noTypeErr) DisableItem(menu, iPaste); else EnableItem(menu, iPaste); DisableItem(menu, iClear); EnableItem(menu, iSelectAll); } void mac_menuterm(WindowPtr window, short menu, short item) { Session *s; s = (Session *)GetWRefCon(window); switch (menu) { case mEdit: switch (item) { case iCopy: /* term_copy(s); */ break; case iPaste: term_do_paste(s->term); break; } } } void mac_clickterm(WindowPtr window, EventRecord *event) { Session *s; Point mouse; ControlHandle control; int part; s = (Session *)GetWRefCon(window); SetPort(window); mouse = event->where; GlobalToLocal(&mouse); part = FindControl(mouse, window, &control); if (control == s->scrollbar) { switch (part) { case kControlIndicatorPart: if (TrackControl(control, mouse, NULL) == kControlIndicatorPart) term_scroll(s->term, +1, GetControlValue(control)); break; case kControlUpButtonPart: case kControlDownButtonPart: case kControlPageUpPart: case kControlPageDownPart: TrackControl(control, mouse, &mac_scrolltracker_upp); break; } } else { text_click(s, event); } } static void text_click(Session *s, EventRecord *event) { Point localwhere; int row, col; static UInt32 lastwhen = 0; static Session *lastsess = NULL; static int lastrow = -1, lastcol = -1; static Mouse_Action lastact = MA_NOTHING; SetPort(s->window); localwhere = event->where; GlobalToLocal(&localwhere); col = PTOCC(localwhere.h); row = PTOCR(localwhere.v); if (event->when - lastwhen < GetDblTime() && row == lastrow && col == lastcol && s == lastsess) lastact = (lastact == MA_CLICK ? MA_2CLK : lastact == MA_2CLK ? MA_3CLK : lastact == MA_3CLK ? MA_CLICK : MA_NOTHING); else lastact = MA_CLICK; /* Fake right button with shift key */ term_mouse(s->term, event->modifiers & shiftKey ? MBT_RIGHT : MBT_LEFT, lastact, col, row, event->modifiers & shiftKey, event->modifiers & controlKey, event->modifiers & optionKey); lastsess = s; lastrow = row; lastcol = col; while (StillDown()) { GetMouse(&localwhere); col = PTOCC(localwhere.h); row = PTOCR(localwhere.v); term_mouse(s->term, event->modifiers & shiftKey ? MBT_RIGHT : MBT_LEFT, MA_DRAG, col, row, event->modifiers & shiftKey, event->modifiers & controlKey, event->modifiers & optionKey); if (row > s->term->rows - 1) term_scroll(s->term, 0, row - (s->term->rows - 1)); else if (row < 0) term_scroll(s->term, 0, row); } term_mouse(s->term, event->modifiers & shiftKey ? MBT_RIGHT : MBT_LEFT, MA_RELEASE, col, row, event->modifiers & shiftKey, event->modifiers & controlKey, event->modifiers & optionKey); lastwhen = TickCount(); } Mouse_Button translate_button(void *frontend, Mouse_Button button) { switch (button) { case MBT_LEFT: return MBT_SELECT; case MBT_RIGHT: return MBT_EXTEND; default: return 0; } } void write_clip(void *cookie, wchar_t *data, int len, int must_deselect) { /* * See "Programming with the Text Encoding Conversion Manager" * Appendix E for Unicode scrap conventions. * * XXX Need to support TEXT/styl scrap as well. * See STScrpRec in TextEdit (Inside Macintosh: Text) for styl details. * XXX Maybe PICT scrap too. */ if (ZeroScrap() != noErr) return; PutScrap(len * sizeof(*data), 'utxt', data); } void get_clip(void *frontend, wchar_t **p, int *lenp) { Session *s = frontend; static Handle h = NULL; long offset; if (p == NULL) { /* release memory */ if (h != NULL) DisposeHandle(h); h = NULL; } else /* XXX Support TEXT-format scrap as well. */ if (GetScrap(NULL, 'utxt', &offset) > 0) { h = NewHandle(0); *lenp = GetScrap(h, 'utxt', &offset) / sizeof(**p); HLock(h); *p = (wchar_t *)*h; if (*p == NULL || *lenp <= 0) fatalbox("Empty scrap"); } else { *p = NULL; *lenp = 0; } } static pascal void mac_scrolltracker(ControlHandle control, short part) { Session *s; s = (Session *)GetWRefCon((*control)->contrlOwner); switch (part) { case kControlUpButtonPart: term_scroll(s->term, 0, -1); break; case kControlDownButtonPart: term_scroll(s->term, 0, +1); break; case kControlPageUpPart: term_scroll(s->term, 0, -(s->term->rows - 1)); break; case kControlPageDownPart: term_scroll(s->term, 0, +(s->term->rows - 1)); break; } } #define K_BS 0x3300 #define K_F1 0x7a00 #define K_F2 0x7800 #define K_F3 0x6300 #define K_F4 0x7600 #define K_F5 0x6000 #define K_F6 0x6100 #define K_F7 0x6200 #define K_F8 0x6400 #define K_F9 0x6500 #define K_F10 0x6d00 #define K_F11 0x6700 #define K_F12 0x6f00 #define K_F13 0x6900 #define K_F14 0x6b00 #define K_F15 0x7100 #define K_INSERT 0x7200 #define K_HOME 0x7300 #define K_PRIOR 0x7400 #define K_DELETE 0x7500 #define K_END 0x7700 #define K_NEXT 0x7900 #define K_LEFT 0x7b00 #define K_RIGHT 0x7c00 #define K_DOWN 0x7d00 #define K_UP 0x7e00 #define KP_0 0x5200 #define KP_1 0x5300 #define KP_2 0x5400 #define KP_3 0x5500 #define KP_4 0x5600 #define KP_5 0x5700 #define KP_6 0x5800 #define KP_7 0x5900 #define KP_8 0x5b00 #define KP_9 0x5c00 #define KP_CLEAR 0x4700 #define KP_EQUAL 0x5100 #define KP_SLASH 0x4b00 #define KP_STAR 0x4300 #define KP_PLUS 0x4500 #define KP_MINUS 0x4e00 #define KP_DOT 0x4100 #define KP_ENTER 0x4c00 void mac_keyterm(WindowPtr window, EventRecord *event) { unsigned char buf[20]; int len; Session *s; s = (Session *)GetWRefCon(window); len = mac_keytrans(s, event, buf); ldisc_send(s->ldisc, (char *)buf, len, 1); ObscureCursor(); term_seen_key_event(s->term); term_out(s->term); term_update(s->term); } static int mac_keytrans(Session *s, EventRecord *event, unsigned char *output) { unsigned char *p = output; int code; /* No meta key yet -- that'll be rather fun. */ /* Keys that we handle locally */ if (event->modifiers & shiftKey) { switch (event->message & keyCodeMask) { case K_PRIOR: /* shift-pageup */ term_scroll(s->term, 0, -(s->term->rows - 1)); return 0; case K_NEXT: /* shift-pagedown */ term_scroll(s->term, 0, +(s->term->rows - 1)); return 0; } } /* * Control-2 should return ^@ (0x00), Control-6 should return * ^^ (0x1E), and Control-Minus should return ^_ (0x1F). Since * the DOS keyboard handling did it, and we have nothing better * to do with the key combo in question, we'll also map * Control-Backquote to ^\ (0x1C). */ if (event->modifiers & controlKey) { switch (event->message & charCodeMask) { case ' ': case '2': *p++ = 0x00; return p - output; case '`': *p++ = 0x1c; return p - output; case '6': *p++ = 0x1e; return p - output; case '/': *p++ = 0x1f; return p - output; } } /* * First, all the keys that do tilde codes. (ESC '[' nn '~', * for integer decimal nn.) * * We also deal with the weird ones here. Linux VCs replace F1 * to F5 by ESC [ [ A to ESC [ [ E. rxvt doesn't do _that_, but * does replace Home and End (1~ and 4~) by ESC [ H and ESC O w * respectively. */ code = 0; switch (event->message & keyCodeMask) { case K_F1: code = (event->modifiers & shiftKey ? 23 : 11); break; case K_F2: code = (event->modifiers & shiftKey ? 24 : 12); break; case K_F3: code = (event->modifiers & shiftKey ? 25 : 13); break; case K_F4: code = (event->modifiers & shiftKey ? 26 : 14); break; case K_F5: code = (event->modifiers & shiftKey ? 28 : 15); break; case K_F6: code = (event->modifiers & shiftKey ? 29 : 17); break; case K_F7: code = (event->modifiers & shiftKey ? 31 : 18); break; case K_F8: code = (event->modifiers & shiftKey ? 32 : 19); break; case K_F9: code = (event->modifiers & shiftKey ? 33 : 20); break; case K_F10: code = (event->modifiers & shiftKey ? 34 : 21); break; case K_F11: code = 23; break; case K_F12: code = 24; break; case K_HOME: code = 1; break; case K_INSERT: code = 2; break; case K_DELETE: code = 3; break; case K_END: code = 4; break; case K_PRIOR: code = 5; break; case K_NEXT: code = 6; break; } if (s->cfg.funky_type == 1 && code >= 11 && code <= 15) { p += sprintf((char *)p, "\x1B[[%c", code + 'A' - 11); return p - output; } if (s->cfg.rxvt_homeend && (code == 1 || code == 4)) { p += sprintf((char *)p, code == 1 ? "\x1B[H" : "\x1BOw"); return p - output; } if (code) { p += sprintf((char *)p, "\x1B[%d~", code); return p - output; } if (s->term->app_keypad_keys) { switch (event->message & keyCodeMask) { case KP_ENTER: p += sprintf((char *)p, "\x1BOM"); return p - output; case KP_CLEAR: p += sprintf((char *)p, "\x1BOP"); return p - output; case KP_EQUAL: p += sprintf((char *)p, "\x1BOQ"); return p - output; case KP_SLASH: p += sprintf((char *)p, "\x1BOR"); return p - output; case KP_STAR: p += sprintf((char *)p, "\x1BOS"); return p - output; case KP_PLUS: p += sprintf((char *)p, "\x1BOl"); return p - output; case KP_MINUS: p += sprintf((char *)p, "\x1BOm"); return p - output; case KP_DOT: p += sprintf((char *)p, "\x1BOn"); return p - output; case KP_0: p += sprintf((char *)p, "\x1BOp"); return p - output; case KP_1: p += sprintf((char *)p, "\x1BOq"); return p - output; case KP_2: p += sprintf((char *)p, "\x1BOr"); return p - output; case KP_3: p += sprintf((char *)p, "\x1BOs"); return p - output; case KP_4: p += sprintf((char *)p, "\x1BOt"); return p - output; case KP_5: p += sprintf((char *)p, "\x1BOu"); return p - output; case KP_6: p += sprintf((char *)p, "\x1BOv"); return p - output; case KP_7: p += sprintf((char *)p, "\x1BOw"); return p - output; case KP_8: p += sprintf((char *)p, "\x1BOx"); return p - output; case KP_9: p += sprintf((char *)p, "\x1BOy"); return p - output; } } switch (event->message & keyCodeMask) { case K_UP: p += sprintf((char *)p, s->term->app_cursor_keys ? "\x1BOA" : "\x1B[A"); return p - output; case K_DOWN: p += sprintf((char *)p, s->term->app_cursor_keys ? "\x1BOB" : "\x1B[B"); return p - output; case K_RIGHT: p += sprintf((char *)p, s->term->app_cursor_keys ? "\x1BOC" : "\x1B[C"); return p - output; case K_LEFT: p += sprintf((char *)p, s->term->app_cursor_keys ? "\x1BOD" : "\x1B[D"); return p - output; case KP_ENTER: *p++ = 0x0d; return p - output; case K_BS: *p++ = (s->cfg.bksp_is_delete ? 0x7f : 0x08); return p - output; default: *p++ = event->message & charCodeMask; return p - output; } } void request_paste(void *frontend) { Session *s = frontend; /* * In the Mac OS, pasting is synchronous: we can read the * clipboard with no difficulty, so request_paste() can just go * ahead and paste. */ term_do_paste(s->term); } static struct { Rect msgrect; Point msgorigin; Point zeromouse; Session *s; char oldmsg[20]; } growterm_state; void mac_growterm(WindowPtr window, EventRecord *event) { Rect limits; long grow_result; int newrows, newcols; Session *s; DragGrayRgnUPP draghooksave; GrafPtr portsave; FontInfo fi; s = (Session *)GetWRefCon(window); draghooksave = LMGetDragHook(); growterm_state.oldmsg[0] = '\0'; growterm_state.zeromouse = event->where; growterm_state.zeromouse.h -= s->term->cols * s->font_width; growterm_state.zeromouse.v -= s->term->rows * s->font_height; growterm_state.s = s; GetPort(&portsave); SetPort(s->window); BackColor(whiteColor); ForeColor(blackColor); TextFont(systemFont); TextFace(0); TextSize(12); GetFontInfo(&fi); SetRect(&growterm_state.msgrect, 0, 0, StringWidth("\p99999x99999") + 4, fi.ascent + fi.descent + 4); SetPt(&growterm_state.msgorigin, 2, fi.ascent + 2); LMSetDragHook(NewDragGrayRgnUPP(mac_growtermdraghook)); SetRect(&limits, s->font_width + 15, s->font_height, SHRT_MAX, SHRT_MAX); grow_result = GrowWindow(window, event->where, &limits); DisposeDragGrayRgnUPP(LMGetDragHook()); LMSetDragHook(draghooksave); InvalRect(&growterm_state.msgrect); SetPort(portsave); if (grow_result != 0) { newrows = HiWord(grow_result) / s->font_height; newcols = (LoWord(grow_result) - 15) / s->font_width; mac_adjustsize(s, newrows, newcols); term_size(s->term, newrows, newcols, s->cfg.savelines); } } static pascal void mac_growtermdraghook(void) { Session *s = growterm_state.s; GrafPtr portsave; Point mouse; char buf[20]; unsigned char pbuf[20]; int newrows, newcols; GetMouse(&mouse); newrows = (mouse.v - growterm_state.zeromouse.v) / s->font_height; if (newrows < 1) newrows = 1; newcols = (mouse.h - growterm_state.zeromouse.h) / s->font_width; if (newcols < 1) newcols = 1; sprintf(buf, "%dx%d", newcols, newrows); if (strcmp(buf, growterm_state.oldmsg) == 0) return; strcpy(growterm_state.oldmsg, buf); c2pstrcpy(pbuf, buf); GetPort(&portsave); SetPort(growterm_state.s->window); EraseRect(&growterm_state.msgrect); MoveTo(growterm_state.msgorigin.h, growterm_state.msgorigin.v); DrawString(pbuf); SetPort(portsave); } void mac_activateterm(WindowPtr window, Boolean active) { Session *s; s = (Session *)GetWRefCon(window); s->term->has_focus = active; term_update(s->term); if (active) ShowControl(s->scrollbar); else { if (HAVE_COLOR_QD()) PmBackColor(DEFAULT_BG);/* HideControl clears behind the control */ else BackColor(blackColor); HideControl(s->scrollbar); } mac_drawgrowicon(s); } void mac_updateterm(WindowPtr window) { Session *s; s = (Session *)GetWRefCon(window); SetPort(window); BeginUpdate(window); pre_paint(s); term_paint(s->term, s, PTOCC((*window->visRgn)->rgnBBox.left), PTOCR((*window->visRgn)->rgnBBox.top), PTOCC((*window->visRgn)->rgnBBox.right), PTOCR((*window->visRgn)->rgnBBox.bottom), 1); /* Restore default colours in case the Window Manager uses them */ if (HAVE_COLOR_QD()) { PmForeColor(DEFAULT_FG); PmBackColor(DEFAULT_BG); } else { ForeColor(whiteColor); BackColor(blackColor); } if (FrontWindow() != window) EraseRect(&(*s->scrollbar)->contrlRect); UpdateControls(window, window->visRgn); mac_drawgrowicon(s); post_paint(s); EndUpdate(window); } static void mac_drawgrowicon(Session *s) { Rect clip; RgnHandle savergn; SetPort(s->window); /* * Stop DrawGrowIcon giving us space for a horizontal scrollbar * See Tech Note TB575 for details. */ clip = s->window->portRect; clip.left = clip.right - 15; savergn = NewRgn(); GetClip(savergn); ClipRect(&clip); DrawGrowIcon(s->window); SetClip(savergn); DisposeRgn(savergn); } struct do_text_args { Session *s; Rect textrect; char *text; int len; unsigned long attr; int lattr; Point numer, denom; }; /* * Call from the terminal emulator to draw a bit of text * * x and y are text row and column (zero-based) */ void do_text(Context ctx, int x, int y, char *text, int len, unsigned long attr, int lattr) { Session *s = ctx; int style = 0; struct do_text_args a; RgnHandle textrgn; char mactextbuf[1024]; UniChar unitextbuf[1024]; wchar_t *unitextptr; int i; ByteCount iread, olen; OSStatus err; assert(len <= 1024); SetPort(s->window); /* First check this text is relevant */ a.textrect.top = y * s->font_height; a.textrect.bottom = (y + 1) * s->font_height; a.textrect.left = x * s->font_width; a.textrect.right = (x + len) * s->font_width; if (!RectInRgn(&a.textrect, s->window->visRgn)) return; /* Unpack Unicode from the mad format we get passed */ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) unitextbuf[i] = (unsigned char)text[i] | (attr & CSET_MASK); if (s->uni_to_font != NULL) { err = ConvertFromUnicodeToText(s->uni_to_font, len * sizeof(UniChar), unitextbuf, kUnicodeUseFallbacksMask, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1024, &iread, &olen, mactextbuf); if (err != noErr && err != kTECUsedFallbacksStatus) olen = 0; } else if (s->font_charset != CS_NONE) { /* XXX this is bogus if wchar_t and UniChar are different sizes. */ unitextptr = (wchar_t *)unitextbuf; olen = charset_from_unicode(&unitextptr, &len, mactextbuf, 1024, s->font_charset, NULL, ".", 1); } else olen = 0; a.s = s; a.text = mactextbuf; a.len = olen; a.attr = attr; a.lattr = lattr; a.numer.h = a.numer.v = a.denom.h = a.denom.v = 1; SetPort(s->window); TextFont(s->fontnum); if (s->cfg.fontisbold || (attr & ATTR_BOLD) && !s->cfg.bold_colour) style |= bold; if (attr & ATTR_UNDER) style |= underline; TextFace(style); TextSize(s->cfg.fontheight); TextMode(srcOr); if (HAVE_COLOR_QD()) if (style & bold) { SpaceExtra(s->font_boldadjust << 16); CharExtra(s->font_boldadjust << 16); } else { SpaceExtra(0); CharExtra(0); } textrgn = NewRgn(); RectRgn(textrgn, &a.textrect); if (HAVE_COLOR_QD()) DeviceLoop(textrgn, &do_text_for_device_upp, (long)&a, 0); else do_text_for_device(1, 0, NULL, (long)&a); DisposeRgn(textrgn); /* Tell the window manager about it in case this isn't an update */ ValidRect(&a.textrect); } static pascal void do_text_for_device(short depth, short devflags, GDHandle device, long cookie) { struct do_text_args *a; int bgcolour, fgcolour, bright, reverse, tmp; a = (struct do_text_args *)cookie; bright = (a->attr & ATTR_BOLD) && a->s->cfg.bold_colour; reverse = a->attr & ATTR_REVERSE; if (depth == 1 && (a->attr & TATTR_ACTCURS)) reverse = !reverse; if (HAVE_COLOR_QD()) { if (depth > 2) { fgcolour = ((a->attr & ATTR_FGMASK) >> ATTR_FGSHIFT) * 2; bgcolour = ((a->attr & ATTR_BGMASK) >> ATTR_BGSHIFT) * 2; } else { /* * NB: bold reverse in 2bpp breaks with the usual PuTTY model and * boldens the background, because that's all we can do. */ fgcolour = bright ? DEFAULT_FG_BOLD : DEFAULT_FG; bgcolour = DEFAULT_BG; } if (reverse) { tmp = fgcolour; fgcolour = bgcolour; bgcolour = tmp; } if (bright && depth > 2) fgcolour++; if ((a->attr & TATTR_ACTCURS) && depth > 1) { fgcolour = CURSOR_FG; bgcolour = CURSOR_BG; } PmForeColor(fgcolour); PmBackColor(bgcolour); } else { /* No Color Quickdraw */ /* XXX This should be done with a _little_ more configurability */ if (reverse) { ForeColor(blackColor); BackColor(whiteColor); } else { ForeColor(whiteColor); BackColor(blackColor); } } EraseRect(&a->textrect); MoveTo(a->textrect.left, a->textrect.top + a->s->font_ascent); /* FIXME: Sort out bold width adjustments on Original QuickDraw. */ if (a->s->window->grafProcs != NULL) InvokeQDTextUPP(a->len, a->text, a->numer, a->denom, a->s->window->grafProcs->textProc); else StdText(a->len, a->text, a->numer, a->denom); if (a->attr & TATTR_PASCURS) { PenNormal(); switch (depth) { case 1: PenMode(patXor); break; default: PmForeColor(CURSOR_BG); break; } FrameRect(&a->textrect); } } void do_cursor(Context ctx, int x, int y, char *text, int len, unsigned long attr, int lattr) { do_text(ctx, x, y, text, len, attr, lattr); } /* * Call from the terminal emulator to get its graphics context. * Should probably be called start_redraw or something. */ void pre_paint(Session *s) { GDHandle gdh; Rect myrect, tmprect; if (HAVE_COLOR_QD()) { s->term->attr_mask = 0; SetPort(s->window); myrect = (*s->window->visRgn)->rgnBBox; LocalToGlobal((Point *)&myrect.top); LocalToGlobal((Point *)&myrect.bottom); for (gdh = GetDeviceList(); gdh != NULL; gdh = GetNextDevice(gdh)) { if (TestDeviceAttribute(gdh, screenDevice) && TestDeviceAttribute(gdh, screenActive) && SectRect(&(*gdh)->gdRect, &myrect, &tmprect)) { switch ((*(*gdh)->gdPMap)->pixelSize) { case 1: if (s->cfg.bold_colour) s->term->attr_mask |= ~(ATTR_COLOURS | (s->cfg.bold_colour ? ATTR_BOLD : 0)); break; case 2: s->term->attr_mask |= ~ATTR_COLOURS; break; default: s->term->attr_mask = ~0; return; /* No point checking more screens. */ } } } } else s->term->attr_mask = ~(ATTR_COLOURS | (s->cfg.bold_colour ? ATTR_BOLD : 0)); } Context get_ctx(void *frontend) { Session *s = frontend; pre_paint(s); return s; } void free_ctx(Context ctx) { } /* * Presumably this does something in Windows */ void post_paint(Session *s) { } /* * Set the scroll bar position * * total is the line number of the bottom of the working screen * start is the line number of the top of the display * page is the length of the displayed page */ void set_sbar(void *frontend, int total, int start, int page) { Session *s = frontend; /* We don't redraw until we've set everything up, to avoid glitches */ (*s->scrollbar)->contrlMin = 0; (*s->scrollbar)->contrlMax = total - page; SetControlValue(s->scrollbar, start); #if !TARGET_CPU_68K if (mac_gestalts.cntlattr & gestaltControlMgrPresent) SetControlViewSize(s->scrollbar, page); #endif } void sys_cursor(void *frontend, int x, int y) { /* * I think his is meaningless under Mac OS. */ } /* * This is still called when mode==BELL_VISUAL, even though the * visual bell is handled entirely within terminal.c, because we * may want to perform additional actions on any kind of bell (for * example, taskbar flashing in Windows). */ void beep(void *frontend, int mode) { if (mode != BELL_VISUAL) SysBeep(30); /* * XXX We should indicate the relevant window and/or use the * Notification Manager */ } int char_width(Context ctx, int uc) { /* * Until we support exciting character-set stuff, assume all chars are * single-width. */ return 1; } /* * Set icon string -- a no-op here (Windowshade?) */ void set_icon(void *frontend, char *icon) { Session *s = frontend; } /* * Set the window title */ void set_title(void *frontend, char *title) { Session *s = frontend; Str255 mactitle; c2pstrcpy(mactitle, title); SetWTitle(s->window, mactitle); } /* * set or clear the "raw mouse message" mode */ void set_raw_mouse_mode(void *frontend, int activate) { Session *s = frontend; s->raw_mouse = activate; /* FIXME: Should call mac_updatetermcursor as appropriate. */ } /* * Resize the window at the emulator's request */ void request_resize(void *frontend, int w, int h) { Session *s = frontend; s->term->cols = w; s->term->rows = h; mac_initfont(s); } /* * Iconify (actually collapse) the window at the emulator's request. */ void set_iconic(void *frontend, int iconic) { Session *s = frontend; UInt32 features; if (mac_gestalts.apprvers >= 0x0100 && GetWindowFeatures(s->window, &features) == noErr && (features & kWindowCanCollapse)) CollapseWindow(s->window, iconic); } /* * Move the window in response to a server-side request. */ void move_window(void *frontend, int x, int y) { Session *s = frontend; MoveWindow(s->window, x, y, FALSE); } /* * Move the window to the top or bottom of the z-order in response * to a server-side request. */ void set_zorder(void *frontend, int top) { Session *s = frontend; /* * We also change the input focus to point to the topmost window, * since that's probably what the Human Interface Guidelines would * like us to do. */ if (top) SelectWindow(s->window); else SendBehind(s->window, NULL); } /* * Refresh the window in response to a server-side request. */ void refresh_window(void *frontend) { Session *s = frontend; term_invalidate(s->term); } /* * Maximise or restore the window in response to a server-side * request. */ void set_zoomed(void *frontend, int zoomed) { Session *s = frontend; ZoomWindow(s->window, zoomed ? inZoomOut : inZoomIn, FALSE); } /* * Report whether the window is iconic, for terminal reports. */ int is_iconic(void *frontend) { Session *s = frontend; UInt32 features; if (mac_gestalts.apprvers >= 0x0100 && GetWindowFeatures(s->window, &features) == noErr && (features & kWindowCanCollapse)) return IsWindowCollapsed(s->window); return FALSE; } /* * Report the window's position, for terminal reports. */ void get_window_pos(void *frontend, int *x, int *y) { Session *s = frontend; *x = s->window->portRect.left; *y = s->window->portRect.top; } /* * Report the window's pixel size, for terminal reports. */ void get_window_pixels(void *frontend, int *x, int *y) { Session *s = frontend; *x = s->window->portRect.right - s->window->portRect.left; *y = s->window->portRect.bottom - s->window->portRect.top; } /* * Return the window or icon title. */ char *get_window_title(void *frontend, int icon) { Session *s = frontend; Str255 ptitle; static char title[256]; GetWTitle(s->window, ptitle); p2cstrcpy(title, ptitle); return title; } /* * real_palette_set(): This does the actual palette-changing work on behalf * of palette_set(). Does _not_ call ActivatePalette() in case the caller * is doing a batch of updates. */ static void real_palette_set(Session *s, int n, int r, int g, int b) { RGBColor col; if (!HAVE_COLOR_QD()) return; col.red = r * 0x0101; col.green = g * 0x0101; col.blue = b * 0x0101; SetEntryColor(s->palette, n, &col); } /* * Set the logical palette. Called by the terminal emulator. */ void palette_set(void *frontend, int n, int r, int g, int b) { Session *s = frontend; static const int first[21] = { 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21 }; if (!HAVE_COLOR_QD()) return; real_palette_set(s, first[n], r, g, b); if (first[n] == 18) real_palette_set(s, first[n]+1, r, g, b); if (first[n] == DEFAULT_BG) mac_adjustwinbg(s); ActivatePalette(s->window); } /* * Reset to the default palette */ void palette_reset(void *frontend) { Session *s = frontend; /* This maps colour indices in cfg to those used in our palette. */ static const int ww[] = { 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; int i; if (!HAVE_COLOR_QD()) return; assert(lenof(ww) == NCOLOURS); for (i = 0; i < NCOLOURS; i++) { real_palette_set(s, i, s->cfg.colours[ww[i]][0], s->cfg.colours[ww[i]][1], s->cfg.colours[ww[i]][2]); } mac_adjustwinbg(s); ActivatePalette(s->window); /* Palette Manager will generate update events as required. */ } /* * Scroll the screen. (`lines' is +ve for scrolling forward, -ve * for backward.) */ void do_scroll(void *frontend, int topline, int botline, int lines) { Session *s = frontend; Rect r; RgnHandle scrollrgn = NewRgn(); RgnHandle movedupdate = NewRgn(); RgnHandle update = NewRgn(); Point g2l = { 0, 0 }; SetPort(s->window); /* * Work out the part of the update region that will scrolled by * this operation. */ if (lines > 0) SetRectRgn(scrollrgn, 0, (topline + lines) * s->font_height, s->term->cols * s->font_width, (botline + 1) * s->font_height); else SetRectRgn(scrollrgn, 0, topline * s->font_height, s->term->cols * s->font_width, (botline - lines + 1) * s->font_height); CopyRgn(((WindowPeek)s->window)->updateRgn, movedupdate); GlobalToLocal(&g2l); OffsetRgn(movedupdate, g2l.h, g2l.v); /* Convert to local co-ords. */ SectRgn(scrollrgn, movedupdate, movedupdate); /* Clip scrolled section. */ ValidRgn(movedupdate); OffsetRgn(movedupdate, 0, -lines * s->font_height); /* Scroll it. */ PenNormal(); if (HAVE_COLOR_QD()) PmBackColor(DEFAULT_BG); else BackColor(blackColor); /* XXX make configurable */ SetRect(&r, 0, topline * s->font_height, s->term->cols * s->font_width, (botline + 1) * s->font_height); ScrollRect(&r, 0, - lines * s->font_height, update); InvalRgn(update); InvalRgn(movedupdate); DisposeRgn(scrollrgn); DisposeRgn(movedupdate); DisposeRgn(update); } void logevent(void *frontend, char *str) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", str); } /* Dummy routine, only required in plink. */ void ldisc_update(void *frontend, int echo, int edit) { } /* * Mac PuTTY doesn't support printing yet. */ printer_job *printer_start_job(char *printer) { return NULL; } void printer_job_data(printer_job *pj, void *data, int len) { } void printer_finish_job(printer_job *pj) { } void frontend_keypress(void *handle) { /* * Keypress termination in non-Close-On-Exit mode is not * currently supported in PuTTY proper, because the window * always has a perfectly good Close button anyway. So we do * nothing here. */ return; } /* * Ask whether to wipe a session log file before writing to it. * Returns 2 for wipe, 1 for append, 0 for cancel (don't log). */ int askappend(void *frontend, char *filename) { /* FIXME: not implemented yet. */ return 2; } /* * Emacs magic: * Local Variables: * c-file-style: "simon" * End: */