/* * sftp.c: SFTP generic client code. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include "misc.h" #include "int64.h" #include "sftp.h" #define GET_32BIT(cp) \ (((unsigned long)(unsigned char)(cp)[0] << 24) | \ ((unsigned long)(unsigned char)(cp)[1] << 16) | \ ((unsigned long)(unsigned char)(cp)[2] << 8) | \ ((unsigned long)(unsigned char)(cp)[3])) #define PUT_32BIT(cp, value) { \ (cp)[0] = (unsigned char)((value) >> 24); \ (cp)[1] = (unsigned char)((value) >> 16); \ (cp)[2] = (unsigned char)((value) >> 8); \ (cp)[3] = (unsigned char)(value); } struct sftp_packet { char *data; int length, maxlen; int savedpos; int type; }; static const char *fxp_error_message; static int fxp_errtype; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * SFTP packet construction functions. */ static void sftp_pkt_ensure(struct sftp_packet *pkt, int length) { if (pkt->maxlen < length) { pkt->maxlen = length + 256; pkt->data = srealloc(pkt->data, pkt->maxlen); } } static void sftp_pkt_adddata(struct sftp_packet *pkt, void *data, int len) { pkt->length += len; sftp_pkt_ensure(pkt, pkt->length); memcpy(pkt->data + pkt->length - len, data, len); } static void sftp_pkt_addbyte(struct sftp_packet *pkt, unsigned char byte) { sftp_pkt_adddata(pkt, &byte, 1); } static struct sftp_packet *sftp_pkt_init(int pkt_type) { struct sftp_packet *pkt; pkt = smalloc(sizeof(struct sftp_packet)); pkt->data = NULL; pkt->savedpos = -1; pkt->length = 0; pkt->maxlen = 0; sftp_pkt_addbyte(pkt, (unsigned char) pkt_type); fxp_error_message = NULL; return pkt; } static void sftp_pkt_addbool(struct sftp_packet *pkt, unsigned char value) { sftp_pkt_adddata(pkt, &value, 1); } static void sftp_pkt_adduint32(struct sftp_packet *pkt, unsigned long value) { unsigned char x[4]; PUT_32BIT(x, value); sftp_pkt_adddata(pkt, x, 4); } static void sftp_pkt_adduint64(struct sftp_packet *pkt, uint64 value) { unsigned char x[8]; PUT_32BIT(x, value.hi); PUT_32BIT(x + 4, value.lo); sftp_pkt_adddata(pkt, x, 8); } static void sftp_pkt_addstring_start(struct sftp_packet *pkt) { sftp_pkt_adduint32(pkt, 0); pkt->savedpos = pkt->length; } static void sftp_pkt_addstring_str(struct sftp_packet *pkt, char *data) { sftp_pkt_adddata(pkt, data, strlen(data)); PUT_32BIT(pkt->data + pkt->savedpos - 4, pkt->length - pkt->savedpos); } static void sftp_pkt_addstring_data(struct sftp_packet *pkt, char *data, int len) { sftp_pkt_adddata(pkt, data, len); PUT_32BIT(pkt->data + pkt->savedpos - 4, pkt->length - pkt->savedpos); } static void sftp_pkt_addstring(struct sftp_packet *pkt, char *data) { sftp_pkt_addstring_start(pkt); sftp_pkt_addstring_str(pkt, data); } static void sftp_pkt_addattrs(struct sftp_packet *pkt, struct fxp_attrs attrs) { sftp_pkt_adduint32(pkt, attrs.flags); if (attrs.flags & SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_SIZE) { sftp_pkt_adduint32(pkt, attrs.size.hi); sftp_pkt_adduint32(pkt, attrs.size.lo); } if (attrs.flags & SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_UIDGID) { sftp_pkt_adduint32(pkt, attrs.uid); sftp_pkt_adduint32(pkt, attrs.gid); } if (attrs.flags & SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_PERMISSIONS) { sftp_pkt_adduint32(pkt, attrs.permissions); } if (attrs.flags & SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_ACMODTIME) { sftp_pkt_adduint32(pkt, attrs.atime); sftp_pkt_adduint32(pkt, attrs.mtime); } if (attrs.flags & SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_EXTENDED) { /* * We currently don't support sending any extended * attributes. */ } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * SFTP packet decode functions. */ static unsigned char sftp_pkt_getbyte(struct sftp_packet *pkt) { unsigned char value; if (pkt->length - pkt->savedpos < 1) return 0; /* arrgh, no way to decline (FIXME?) */ value = (unsigned char) pkt->data[pkt->savedpos]; pkt->savedpos++; return value; } static unsigned long sftp_pkt_getuint32(struct sftp_packet *pkt) { unsigned long value; if (pkt->length - pkt->savedpos < 4) return 0; /* arrgh, no way to decline (FIXME?) */ value = GET_32BIT(pkt->data + pkt->savedpos); pkt->savedpos += 4; return value; } static void sftp_pkt_getstring(struct sftp_packet *pkt, char **p, int *length) { *p = NULL; if (pkt->length - pkt->savedpos < 4) return; *length = GET_32BIT(pkt->data + pkt->savedpos); pkt->savedpos += 4; if (pkt->length - pkt->savedpos < *length) return; *p = pkt->data + pkt->savedpos; pkt->savedpos += *length; } static struct fxp_attrs sftp_pkt_getattrs(struct sftp_packet *pkt) { struct fxp_attrs ret; ret.flags = sftp_pkt_getuint32(pkt); if (ret.flags & SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_SIZE) { unsigned long hi, lo; hi = sftp_pkt_getuint32(pkt); lo = sftp_pkt_getuint32(pkt); ret.size = uint64_make(hi, lo); } if (ret.flags & SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_UIDGID) { ret.uid = sftp_pkt_getuint32(pkt); ret.gid = sftp_pkt_getuint32(pkt); } if (ret.flags & SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_PERMISSIONS) { ret.permissions = sftp_pkt_getuint32(pkt); } if (ret.flags & SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_ACMODTIME) { ret.atime = sftp_pkt_getuint32(pkt); ret.mtime = sftp_pkt_getuint32(pkt); } if (ret.flags & SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_EXTENDED) { int count; count = sftp_pkt_getuint32(pkt); while (count--) { char *str; int len; /* * We should try to analyse these, if we ever find one * we recognise. */ sftp_pkt_getstring(pkt, &str, &len); sftp_pkt_getstring(pkt, &str, &len); } } return ret; } static void sftp_pkt_free(struct sftp_packet *pkt) { if (pkt->data) sfree(pkt->data); sfree(pkt); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Send and receive packet functions. */ int sftp_send(struct sftp_packet *pkt) { int ret; char x[4]; PUT_32BIT(x, pkt->length); ret = (sftp_senddata(x, 4) && sftp_senddata(pkt->data, pkt->length)); sftp_pkt_free(pkt); return ret; } struct sftp_packet *sftp_recv(void) { struct sftp_packet *pkt; char x[4]; if (!sftp_recvdata(x, 4)) return NULL; pkt = smalloc(sizeof(struct sftp_packet)); pkt->savedpos = 0; pkt->length = pkt->maxlen = GET_32BIT(x); pkt->data = smalloc(pkt->length); if (!sftp_recvdata(pkt->data, pkt->length)) { sftp_pkt_free(pkt); return NULL; } pkt->type = sftp_pkt_getbyte(pkt); return pkt; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * String handling routines. */ static char *mkstr(char *s, int len) { char *p = smalloc(len + 1); memcpy(p, s, len); p[len] = '\0'; return p; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * SFTP primitives. */ /* * Deal with (and free) an FXP_STATUS packet. Return 1 if * SSH_FX_OK, 0 if SSH_FX_EOF, and -1 for anything else (error). * Also place the status into fxp_errtype. */ static int fxp_got_status(struct sftp_packet *pktin) { static const char *const messages[] = { /* SSH_FX_OK. The only time we will display a _message_ for this * is if we were expecting something other than FXP_STATUS on * success, so this is actually an error message! */ "unexpected OK response", "end of file", "no such file or directory", "permission denied", "failure", "bad message", "no connection", "connection lost", "operation unsupported", }; if (pktin->type != SSH_FXP_STATUS) { fxp_error_message = "expected FXP_STATUS packet"; fxp_errtype = -1; } else { fxp_errtype = sftp_pkt_getuint32(pktin); if (fxp_errtype < 0 || fxp_errtype >= sizeof(messages) / sizeof(*messages)) fxp_error_message = "unknown error code"; else fxp_error_message = messages[fxp_errtype]; } if (fxp_errtype == SSH_FX_OK) return 1; else if (fxp_errtype == SSH_FX_EOF) return 0; else return -1; } static void fxp_internal_error(char *msg) { fxp_error_message = msg; fxp_errtype = -1; } const char *fxp_error(void) { return fxp_error_message; } int fxp_error_type(void) { return fxp_errtype; } /* * Perform exchange of init/version packets. Return 0 on failure. */ int fxp_init(void) { struct sftp_packet *pktout, *pktin; int remotever; pktout = sftp_pkt_init(SSH_FXP_INIT); sftp_pkt_adduint32(pktout, SFTP_PROTO_VERSION); sftp_send(pktout); pktin = sftp_recv(); if (!pktin) { fxp_internal_error("could not connect"); return 0; } if (pktin->type != SSH_FXP_VERSION) { fxp_internal_error("did not receive FXP_VERSION"); return 0; } remotever = sftp_pkt_getuint32(pktin); if (remotever > SFTP_PROTO_VERSION) { fxp_internal_error ("remote protocol is more advanced than we support"); return 0; } /* * In principle, this packet might also contain extension- * string pairs. We should work through them and look for any * we recognise. In practice we don't currently do so because * we know we don't recognise _any_. */ sftp_pkt_free(pktin); return 1; } /* * Canonify a pathname. */ char *fxp_realpath(char *path) { struct sftp_packet *pktin, *pktout; int id; pktout = sftp_pkt_init(SSH_FXP_REALPATH); sftp_pkt_adduint32(pktout, 0x123); /* request id */ sftp_pkt_addstring_start(pktout); sftp_pkt_addstring_str(pktout, path); sftp_send(pktout); pktin = sftp_recv(); id = sftp_pkt_getuint32(pktin); if (id != 0x123) { fxp_internal_error("request ID mismatch\n"); return NULL; } if (pktin->type == SSH_FXP_NAME) { int count; char *path; int len; count = sftp_pkt_getuint32(pktin); if (count != 1) { fxp_internal_error("REALPATH returned name count != 1\n"); return NULL; } sftp_pkt_getstring(pktin, &path, &len); if (!path) { fxp_internal_error("REALPATH returned malformed FXP_NAME\n"); return NULL; } path = mkstr(path, len); sftp_pkt_free(pktin); return path; } else { fxp_got_status(pktin); return NULL; } } /* * Open a file. */ struct fxp_handle *fxp_open(char *path, int type) { struct sftp_packet *pktin, *pktout; int id; pktout = sftp_pkt_init(SSH_FXP_OPEN); sftp_pkt_adduint32(pktout, 0x567); /* request id */ sftp_pkt_addstring(pktout, path); sftp_pkt_adduint32(pktout, type); sftp_pkt_adduint32(pktout, 0); /* (FIXME) empty ATTRS structure */ sftp_send(pktout); pktin = sftp_recv(); id = sftp_pkt_getuint32(pktin); if (id != 0x567) { fxp_internal_error("request ID mismatch\n"); return NULL; } if (pktin->type == SSH_FXP_HANDLE) { char *hstring; struct fxp_handle *handle; int len; sftp_pkt_getstring(pktin, &hstring, &len); if (!hstring) { fxp_internal_error("OPEN returned malformed FXP_HANDLE\n"); return NULL; } handle = smalloc(sizeof(struct fxp_handle)); handle->hstring = mkstr(hstring, len); handle->hlen = len; sftp_pkt_free(pktin); return handle; } else { fxp_got_status(pktin); return NULL; } } /* * Open a directory. */ struct fxp_handle *fxp_opendir(char *path) { struct sftp_packet *pktin, *pktout; int id; pktout = sftp_pkt_init(SSH_FXP_OPENDIR); sftp_pkt_adduint32(pktout, 0x456); /* request id */ sftp_pkt_addstring(pktout, path); sftp_send(pktout); pktin = sftp_recv(); id = sftp_pkt_getuint32(pktin); if (id != 0x456) { fxp_internal_error("request ID mismatch\n"); return NULL; } if (pktin->type == SSH_FXP_HANDLE) { char *hstring; struct fxp_handle *handle; int len; sftp_pkt_getstring(pktin, &hstring, &len); if (!hstring) { fxp_internal_error("OPENDIR returned malformed FXP_HANDLE\n"); return NULL; } handle = smalloc(sizeof(struct fxp_handle)); handle->hstring = mkstr(hstring, len); handle->hlen = len; sftp_pkt_free(pktin); return handle; } else { fxp_got_status(pktin); return NULL; } } /* * Close a file/dir. */ void fxp_close(struct fxp_handle *handle) { struct sftp_packet *pktin, *pktout; int id; pktout = sftp_pkt_init(SSH_FXP_CLOSE); sftp_pkt_adduint32(pktout, 0x789); /* request id */ sftp_pkt_addstring_start(pktout); sftp_pkt_addstring_data(pktout, handle->hstring, handle->hlen); sftp_send(pktout); pktin = sftp_recv(); id = sftp_pkt_getuint32(pktin); if (id != 0x789) { fxp_internal_error("request ID mismatch\n"); return; } fxp_got_status(pktin); sfree(handle->hstring); sfree(handle); } int fxp_mkdir(char *path) { struct sftp_packet *pktin, *pktout; int id; pktout = sftp_pkt_init(SSH_FXP_MKDIR); sftp_pkt_adduint32(pktout, 0x234); /* request id */ sftp_pkt_addstring(pktout, path); sftp_pkt_adduint32(pktout, 0); /* (FIXME) empty ATTRS structure */ sftp_send(pktout); pktin = sftp_recv(); id = sftp_pkt_getuint32(pktin); if (id != 0x234) { fxp_internal_error("request ID mismatch\n"); return 0; } id = fxp_got_status(pktin); if (id != 1) { return 0; } return 1; } int fxp_rmdir(char *path) { struct sftp_packet *pktin, *pktout; int id; pktout = sftp_pkt_init(SSH_FXP_RMDIR); sftp_pkt_adduint32(pktout, 0x345); /* request id */ sftp_pkt_addstring(pktout, path); sftp_send(pktout); pktin = sftp_recv(); id = sftp_pkt_getuint32(pktin); if (id != 0x345) { fxp_internal_error("request ID mismatch\n"); return 0; } id = fxp_got_status(pktin); if (id != 1) { return 0; } return 1; } int fxp_remove(char *fname) { struct sftp_packet *pktin, *pktout; int id; pktout = sftp_pkt_init(SSH_FXP_REMOVE); sftp_pkt_adduint32(pktout, 0x678); /* request id */ sftp_pkt_addstring(pktout, fname); sftp_send(pktout); pktin = sftp_recv(); id = sftp_pkt_getuint32(pktin); if (id != 0x678) { fxp_internal_error("request ID mismatch\n"); return 0; } id = fxp_got_status(pktin); if (id != 1) { return 0; } return 1; } int fxp_rename(char *srcfname, char *dstfname) { struct sftp_packet *pktin, *pktout; int id; pktout = sftp_pkt_init(SSH_FXP_RENAME); sftp_pkt_adduint32(pktout, 0x678); /* request id */ sftp_pkt_addstring(pktout, srcfname); sftp_pkt_addstring(pktout, dstfname); sftp_send(pktout); pktin = sftp_recv(); id = sftp_pkt_getuint32(pktin); if (id != 0x678) { fxp_internal_error("request ID mismatch\n"); return 0; } id = fxp_got_status(pktin); if (id != 1) { return 0; } return 1; } /* * Retrieve the attributes of a file. We have fxp_stat which works * on filenames, and fxp_fstat which works on open file handles. */ int fxp_stat(char *fname, struct fxp_attrs *attrs) { struct sftp_packet *pktin, *pktout; int id; pktout = sftp_pkt_init(SSH_FXP_STAT); sftp_pkt_adduint32(pktout, 0x678); /* request id */ sftp_pkt_addstring(pktout, fname); sftp_send(pktout); pktin = sftp_recv(); id = sftp_pkt_getuint32(pktin); if (id != 0x678) { fxp_internal_error("request ID mismatch\n"); return 0; } if (pktin->type == SSH_FXP_ATTRS) { *attrs = sftp_pkt_getattrs(pktin); return 1; } else { fxp_got_status(pktin); return 0; } } int fxp_fstat(struct fxp_handle *handle, struct fxp_attrs *attrs) { struct sftp_packet *pktin, *pktout; int id; pktout = sftp_pkt_init(SSH_FXP_FSTAT); sftp_pkt_adduint32(pktout, 0x678); /* request id */ sftp_pkt_addstring_start(pktout); sftp_pkt_addstring_data(pktout, handle->hstring, handle->hlen); sftp_send(pktout); pktin = sftp_recv(); id = sftp_pkt_getuint32(pktin); if (id != 0x678) { fxp_internal_error("request ID mismatch\n"); return 0; } if (pktin->type == SSH_FXP_ATTRS) { *attrs = sftp_pkt_getattrs(pktin); return 1; } else { fxp_got_status(pktin); return 0; } } /* * Set the attributes of a file. */ int fxp_setstat(char *fname, struct fxp_attrs attrs) { struct sftp_packet *pktin, *pktout; int id; pktout = sftp_pkt_init(SSH_FXP_SETSTAT); sftp_pkt_adduint32(pktout, 0x678); /* request id */ sftp_pkt_addstring(pktout, fname); sftp_pkt_addattrs(pktout, attrs); sftp_send(pktout); pktin = sftp_recv(); id = sftp_pkt_getuint32(pktin); if (id != 0x678) { fxp_internal_error("request ID mismatch\n"); return 0; } id = fxp_got_status(pktin); if (id != 1) { return 0; } return 1; } int fxp_fsetstat(struct fxp_handle *handle, struct fxp_attrs attrs) { struct sftp_packet *pktin, *pktout; int id; pktout = sftp_pkt_init(SSH_FXP_FSETSTAT); sftp_pkt_adduint32(pktout, 0x678); /* request id */ sftp_pkt_addstring_start(pktout); sftp_pkt_addstring_data(pktout, handle->hstring, handle->hlen); sftp_pkt_addattrs(pktout, attrs); sftp_send(pktout); pktin = sftp_recv(); id = sftp_pkt_getuint32(pktin); if (id != 0x678) { fxp_internal_error("request ID mismatch\n"); return 0; } id = fxp_got_status(pktin); if (id != 1) { return 0; } return 1; } /* * Read from a file. Returns the number of bytes read, or -1 on an * error, or possibly 0 if EOF. (I'm not entirely sure whether it * will return 0 on EOF, or return -1 and store SSH_FX_EOF in the * error indicator. It might even depend on the SFTP server.) */ int fxp_read(struct fxp_handle *handle, char *buffer, uint64 offset, int len) { struct sftp_packet *pktin, *pktout; int id; pktout = sftp_pkt_init(SSH_FXP_READ); sftp_pkt_adduint32(pktout, 0xBCD); /* request id */ sftp_pkt_addstring_start(pktout); sftp_pkt_addstring_data(pktout, handle->hstring, handle->hlen); sftp_pkt_adduint64(pktout, offset); sftp_pkt_adduint32(pktout, len); sftp_send(pktout); pktin = sftp_recv(); id = sftp_pkt_getuint32(pktin); if (id != 0xBCD) { fxp_internal_error("request ID mismatch"); return -1; } if (pktin->type == SSH_FXP_DATA) { char *str; int rlen; sftp_pkt_getstring(pktin, &str, &rlen); if (rlen > len || rlen < 0) { fxp_internal_error("READ returned more bytes than requested"); return -1; } memcpy(buffer, str, rlen); sfree(pktin); return rlen; } else { fxp_got_status(pktin); return -1; } } /* * Read from a directory. */ struct fxp_names *fxp_readdir(struct fxp_handle *handle) { struct sftp_packet *pktin, *pktout; int id; pktout = sftp_pkt_init(SSH_FXP_READDIR); sftp_pkt_adduint32(pktout, 0xABC); /* request id */ sftp_pkt_addstring_start(pktout); sftp_pkt_addstring_data(pktout, handle->hstring, handle->hlen); sftp_send(pktout); pktin = sftp_recv(); id = sftp_pkt_getuint32(pktin); if (id != 0xABC) { fxp_internal_error("request ID mismatch\n"); return NULL; } if (pktin->type == SSH_FXP_NAME) { struct fxp_names *ret; int i; ret = smalloc(sizeof(struct fxp_names)); ret->nnames = sftp_pkt_getuint32(pktin); ret->names = smalloc(ret->nnames * sizeof(struct fxp_name)); for (i = 0; i < ret->nnames; i++) { char *str; int len; sftp_pkt_getstring(pktin, &str, &len); ret->names[i].filename = mkstr(str, len); sftp_pkt_getstring(pktin, &str, &len); ret->names[i].longname = mkstr(str, len); ret->names[i].attrs = sftp_pkt_getattrs(pktin); } return ret; } else { fxp_got_status(pktin); return NULL; } } /* * Write to a file. Returns 0 on error, 1 on OK. */ int fxp_write(struct fxp_handle *handle, char *buffer, uint64 offset, int len) { struct sftp_packet *pktin, *pktout; int id; pktout = sftp_pkt_init(SSH_FXP_WRITE); sftp_pkt_adduint32(pktout, 0xDCB); /* request id */ sftp_pkt_addstring_start(pktout); sftp_pkt_addstring_data(pktout, handle->hstring, handle->hlen); sftp_pkt_adduint64(pktout, offset); sftp_pkt_addstring_start(pktout); sftp_pkt_addstring_data(pktout, buffer, len); sftp_send(pktout); pktin = sftp_recv(); id = sftp_pkt_getuint32(pktin); if (id != 0xDCB) { fxp_internal_error("request ID mismatch\n"); return 0; } fxp_got_status(pktin); return fxp_errtype == SSH_FX_OK; } /* * Free up an fxp_names structure. */ void fxp_free_names(struct fxp_names *names) { int i; for (i = 0; i < names->nnames; i++) { sfree(names->names[i].filename); sfree(names->names[i].longname); } sfree(names->names); sfree(names); }