/* * Implementation of do_select() for winnet.c to use, that uses * WSAAsyncSelect to convert network activity into window messages, * for integration into a GUI event loop. */ #include "putty.h" static HWND winsel_hwnd = NULL; void winselgui_set_hwnd(HWND hwnd) { winsel_hwnd = hwnd; } void winselgui_clear_hwnd(void) { winsel_hwnd = NULL; } char *do_select(SOCKET skt, bool enable) { int msg, events; if (enable) { msg = WM_NETEVENT; events = (FD_CONNECT | FD_READ | FD_WRITE | FD_OOB | FD_CLOSE | FD_ACCEPT); } else { msg = events = 0; } assert(winsel_hwnd); if (p_WSAAsyncSelect(skt, winsel_hwnd, msg, events) == SOCKET_ERROR) return winsock_error_string(p_WSAGetLastError()); return NULL; }