/* * RSA implementation just sufficient for ssh client-side * initialisation step * * Rewritten for more speed by Joris van Rantwijk, Jun 1999. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include "ssh.h" #include "misc.h" #define GET_32BIT(cp) \ (((unsigned long)(unsigned char)(cp)[0] << 24) | \ ((unsigned long)(unsigned char)(cp)[1] << 16) | \ ((unsigned long)(unsigned char)(cp)[2] << 8) | \ ((unsigned long)(unsigned char)(cp)[3])) #define PUT_32BIT(cp, value) { \ (cp)[0] = (unsigned char)((value) >> 24); \ (cp)[1] = (unsigned char)((value) >> 16); \ (cp)[2] = (unsigned char)((value) >> 8); \ (cp)[3] = (unsigned char)(value); } int makekey(unsigned char *data, struct RSAKey *result, unsigned char **keystr, int order) { unsigned char *p = data; int i; if (result) { result->bits = 0; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) result->bits = (result->bits << 8) + *p++; } else p += 4; /* * order=0 means exponent then modulus (the keys sent by the * server). order=1 means modulus then exponent (the keys * stored in a keyfile). */ if (order == 0) p += ssh1_read_bignum(p, result ? &result->exponent : NULL); if (result) result->bytes = (((p[0] << 8) + p[1]) + 7) / 8; if (keystr) *keystr = p + 2; p += ssh1_read_bignum(p, result ? &result->modulus : NULL); if (order == 1) p += ssh1_read_bignum(p, result ? &result->exponent : NULL); return p - data; } int makeprivate(unsigned char *data, struct RSAKey *result) { return ssh1_read_bignum(data, &result->private_exponent); } void rsaencrypt(unsigned char *data, int length, struct RSAKey *key) { Bignum b1, b2; int i; unsigned char *p; memmove(data + key->bytes - length, data, length); data[0] = 0; data[1] = 2; for (i = 2; i < key->bytes - length - 1; i++) { do { data[i] = random_byte(); } while (data[i] == 0); } data[key->bytes - length - 1] = 0; b1 = bignum_from_bytes(data, key->bytes); b2 = modpow(b1, key->exponent, key->modulus); p = data; for (i = key->bytes; i--;) { *p++ = bignum_byte(b2, i); } freebn(b1); freebn(b2); } Bignum rsadecrypt(Bignum input, struct RSAKey *key) { Bignum ret; ret = modpow(input, key->private_exponent, key->modulus); return ret; } int rsastr_len(struct RSAKey *key) { Bignum md, ex; int mdlen, exlen; md = key->modulus; ex = key->exponent; mdlen = (bignum_bitcount(md) + 15) / 16; exlen = (bignum_bitcount(ex) + 15) / 16; return 4 * (mdlen + exlen) + 20; } void rsastr_fmt(char *str, struct RSAKey *key) { Bignum md, ex; int len = 0, i, nibbles; static const char hex[] = "0123456789abcdef"; md = key->modulus; ex = key->exponent; len += sprintf(str + len, "0x"); nibbles = (3 + bignum_bitcount(ex)) / 4; if (nibbles < 1) nibbles = 1; for (i = nibbles; i--;) str[len++] = hex[(bignum_byte(ex, i / 2) >> (4 * (i % 2))) & 0xF]; len += sprintf(str + len, ",0x"); nibbles = (3 + bignum_bitcount(md)) / 4; if (nibbles < 1) nibbles = 1; for (i = nibbles; i--;) str[len++] = hex[(bignum_byte(md, i / 2) >> (4 * (i % 2))) & 0xF]; str[len] = '\0'; } /* * Generate a fingerprint string for the key. Compatible with the * OpenSSH fingerprint code. */ void rsa_fingerprint(char *str, int len, struct RSAKey *key) { struct MD5Context md5c; unsigned char digest[16]; char buffer[16 * 3 + 40]; int numlen, slen, i; MD5Init(&md5c); numlen = ssh1_bignum_length(key->modulus) - 2; for (i = numlen; i--;) { unsigned char c = bignum_byte(key->modulus, i); MD5Update(&md5c, &c, 1); } numlen = ssh1_bignum_length(key->exponent) - 2; for (i = numlen; i--;) { unsigned char c = bignum_byte(key->exponent, i); MD5Update(&md5c, &c, 1); } MD5Final(digest, &md5c); sprintf(buffer, "%d ", bignum_bitcount(key->modulus)); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) sprintf(buffer + strlen(buffer), "%s%02x", i ? ":" : "", digest[i]); strncpy(str, buffer, len); str[len - 1] = '\0'; slen = strlen(str); if (key->comment && slen < len - 1) { str[slen] = ' '; strncpy(str + slen + 1, key->comment, len - slen - 1); str[len - 1] = '\0'; } } /* * Verify that the public data in an RSA key matches the private * data. We also check the private data itself: we ensure that p > * q and that iqmp really is the inverse of q mod p. */ int rsa_verify(struct RSAKey *key) { Bignum n, ed, pm1, qm1; int cmp; /* n must equal pq. */ n = bigmul(key->p, key->q); cmp = bignum_cmp(n, key->modulus); freebn(n); if (cmp != 0) return 0; /* e * d must be congruent to 1, modulo (p-1) and modulo (q-1). */ pm1 = copybn(key->p); decbn(pm1); ed = modmul(key->exponent, key->private_exponent, pm1); cmp = bignum_cmp(ed, One); sfree(ed); if (cmp != 0) return 0; qm1 = copybn(key->q); decbn(qm1); ed = modmul(key->exponent, key->private_exponent, qm1); cmp = bignum_cmp(ed, One); sfree(ed); if (cmp != 0) return 0; /* * Ensure p > q. */ if (bignum_cmp(key->p, key->q) <= 0) return 0; /* * Ensure iqmp * q is congruent to 1, modulo p. */ n = modmul(key->iqmp, key->q, key->p); cmp = bignum_cmp(n, One); sfree(n); if (cmp != 0) return 0; return 1; } /* Public key blob as used by Pageant: exponent before modulus. */ unsigned char *rsa_public_blob(struct RSAKey *key, int *len) { int length, pos; unsigned char *ret; length = (ssh1_bignum_length(key->modulus) + ssh1_bignum_length(key->exponent) + 4); ret = smalloc(length); PUT_32BIT(ret, bignum_bitcount(key->modulus)); pos = 4; pos += ssh1_write_bignum(ret + pos, key->exponent); pos += ssh1_write_bignum(ret + pos, key->modulus); *len = length; return ret; } /* Given a public blob, determine its length. */ int rsa_public_blob_len(void *data) { unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)data; int ret; p += 4; /* length word */ p += ssh1_read_bignum(p, NULL); /* exponent */ p += ssh1_read_bignum(p, NULL); /* modulus */ return p - (unsigned char *)data; } void freersakey(struct RSAKey *key) { if (key->modulus) freebn(key->modulus); if (key->exponent) freebn(key->exponent); if (key->private_exponent) freebn(key->private_exponent); if (key->comment) sfree(key->comment); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Implementation of the ssh-rsa signing key type. */ static void getstring(char **data, int *datalen, char **p, int *length) { *p = NULL; if (*datalen < 4) return; *length = GET_32BIT(*data); *datalen -= 4; *data += 4; if (*datalen < *length) return; *p = *data; *data += *length; *datalen -= *length; } static Bignum getmp(char **data, int *datalen) { char *p; int length; Bignum b; getstring(data, datalen, &p, &length); if (!p) return NULL; b = bignum_from_bytes(p, length); return b; } static void *rsa2_newkey(char *data, int len) { char *p; int slen; struct RSAKey *rsa; rsa = smalloc(sizeof(struct RSAKey)); if (!rsa) return NULL; getstring(&data, &len, &p, &slen); if (!p || slen != 7 || memcmp(p, "ssh-rsa", 7)) { sfree(rsa); return NULL; } rsa->exponent = getmp(&data, &len); rsa->modulus = getmp(&data, &len); rsa->private_exponent = NULL; rsa->comment = NULL; return rsa; } static void rsa2_freekey(void *key) { struct RSAKey *rsa = (struct RSAKey *) key; freersakey(rsa); sfree(rsa); } static char *rsa2_fmtkey(void *key) { struct RSAKey *rsa = (struct RSAKey *) key; char *p; int len; len = rsastr_len(rsa); p = smalloc(len); rsastr_fmt(p, rsa); return p; } static unsigned char *rsa2_public_blob(void *key, int *len) { struct RSAKey *rsa = (struct RSAKey *) key; int elen, mlen, bloblen; int i; unsigned char *blob, *p; elen = (bignum_bitcount(rsa->exponent) + 8) / 8; mlen = (bignum_bitcount(rsa->modulus) + 8) / 8; /* * string "ssh-rsa", mpint exp, mpint mod. Total 19+elen+mlen. * (three length fields, 12+7=19). */ bloblen = 19 + elen + mlen; blob = smalloc(bloblen); p = blob; PUT_32BIT(p, 7); p += 4; memcpy(p, "ssh-rsa", 7); p += 7; PUT_32BIT(p, elen); p += 4; for (i = elen; i--;) *p++ = bignum_byte(rsa->exponent, i); PUT_32BIT(p, mlen); p += 4; for (i = mlen; i--;) *p++ = bignum_byte(rsa->modulus, i); assert(p == blob + bloblen); *len = bloblen; return blob; } static unsigned char *rsa2_private_blob(void *key, int *len) { struct RSAKey *rsa = (struct RSAKey *) key; int dlen, plen, qlen, ulen, bloblen; int i; unsigned char *blob, *p; dlen = (bignum_bitcount(rsa->private_exponent) + 8) / 8; plen = (bignum_bitcount(rsa->p) + 8) / 8; qlen = (bignum_bitcount(rsa->q) + 8) / 8; ulen = (bignum_bitcount(rsa->iqmp) + 8) / 8; /* * mpint private_exp, mpint p, mpint q, mpint iqmp. Total 16 + * sum of lengths. */ bloblen = 16 + dlen + plen + qlen + ulen; blob = smalloc(bloblen); p = blob; PUT_32BIT(p, dlen); p += 4; for (i = dlen; i--;) *p++ = bignum_byte(rsa->private_exponent, i); PUT_32BIT(p, plen); p += 4; for (i = plen; i--;) *p++ = bignum_byte(rsa->p, i); PUT_32BIT(p, qlen); p += 4; for (i = qlen; i--;) *p++ = bignum_byte(rsa->q, i); PUT_32BIT(p, ulen); p += 4; for (i = ulen; i--;) *p++ = bignum_byte(rsa->iqmp, i); assert(p == blob + bloblen); *len = bloblen; return blob; } static void *rsa2_createkey(unsigned char *pub_blob, int pub_len, unsigned char *priv_blob, int priv_len) { struct RSAKey *rsa; char *pb = (char *) priv_blob; rsa = rsa2_newkey((char *) pub_blob, pub_len); rsa->private_exponent = getmp(&pb, &priv_len); rsa->p = getmp(&pb, &priv_len); rsa->q = getmp(&pb, &priv_len); rsa->iqmp = getmp(&pb, &priv_len); if (!rsa_verify(rsa)) { rsa2_freekey(rsa); return NULL; } return rsa; } static void *rsa2_openssh_createkey(unsigned char **blob, int *len) { char **b = (char **) blob; struct RSAKey *rsa; rsa = smalloc(sizeof(struct RSAKey)); if (!rsa) return NULL; rsa->comment = NULL; rsa->modulus = getmp(b, len); rsa->exponent = getmp(b, len); rsa->private_exponent = getmp(b, len); rsa->iqmp = getmp(b, len); rsa->p = getmp(b, len); rsa->q = getmp(b, len); if (!rsa->modulus || !rsa->exponent || !rsa->private_exponent || !rsa->iqmp || !rsa->p || !rsa->q) { sfree(rsa->modulus); sfree(rsa->exponent); sfree(rsa->private_exponent); sfree(rsa->iqmp); sfree(rsa->p); sfree(rsa->q); sfree(rsa); return NULL; } return rsa; } static int rsa2_openssh_fmtkey(void *key, unsigned char *blob, int len) { struct RSAKey *rsa = (struct RSAKey *) key; int bloblen, i; bloblen = ssh2_bignum_length(rsa->modulus) + ssh2_bignum_length(rsa->exponent) + ssh2_bignum_length(rsa->private_exponent) + ssh2_bignum_length(rsa->iqmp) + ssh2_bignum_length(rsa->p) + ssh2_bignum_length(rsa->q); if (bloblen > len) return bloblen; bloblen = 0; #define ENC(x) \ PUT_32BIT(blob+bloblen, ssh2_bignum_length((x))-4); bloblen += 4; \ for (i = ssh2_bignum_length((x))-4; i-- ;) blob[bloblen++]=bignum_byte((x),i); ENC(rsa->modulus); ENC(rsa->exponent); ENC(rsa->private_exponent); ENC(rsa->iqmp); ENC(rsa->p); ENC(rsa->q); return bloblen; } static char *rsa2_fingerprint(void *key) { struct RSAKey *rsa = (struct RSAKey *) key; struct MD5Context md5c; unsigned char digest[16], lenbuf[4]; char buffer[16 * 3 + 40]; char *ret; int numlen, i; MD5Init(&md5c); MD5Update(&md5c, "\0\0\0\7ssh-rsa", 11); #define ADD_BIGNUM(bignum) \ numlen = (bignum_bitcount(bignum)+8)/8; \ PUT_32BIT(lenbuf, numlen); MD5Update(&md5c, lenbuf, 4); \ for (i = numlen; i-- ;) { \ unsigned char c = bignum_byte(bignum, i); \ MD5Update(&md5c, &c, 1); \ } ADD_BIGNUM(rsa->exponent); ADD_BIGNUM(rsa->modulus); #undef ADD_BIGNUM MD5Final(digest, &md5c); sprintf(buffer, "ssh-rsa %d ", bignum_bitcount(rsa->modulus)); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) sprintf(buffer + strlen(buffer), "%s%02x", i ? ":" : "", digest[i]); ret = smalloc(strlen(buffer) + 1); if (ret) strcpy(ret, buffer); return ret; } /* * This is the magic ASN.1/DER prefix that goes in the decoded * signature, between the string of FFs and the actual SHA hash * value. The meaning of it is: * * 00 -- this marks the end of the FFs; not part of the ASN.1 bit itself * * 30 21 -- a constructed SEQUENCE of length 0x21 * 30 09 -- a constructed sub-SEQUENCE of length 9 * 06 05 -- an object identifier, length 5 * 2B 0E 03 02 1A -- object id { 1 3 14 3 2 26 } * (the 1,3 comes from 0x2B = 43 = 40*1+3) * 05 00 -- NULL * 04 14 -- a primitive OCTET STRING of length 0x14 * [0x14 bytes of hash data follows] * * The object id in the middle there is listed as `id-sha1' in * ftp://ftp.rsasecurity.com/pub/pkcs/pkcs-1/pkcs-1v2-1d2.asn (the * ASN module for PKCS #1) and its expanded form is as follows: * * id-sha1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { * iso(1) identified-organization(3) oiw(14) secsig(3) * algorithms(2) 26 } */ static unsigned char asn1_weird_stuff[] = { 0x00, 0x30, 0x21, 0x30, 0x09, 0x06, 0x05, 0x2B, 0x0E, 0x03, 0x02, 0x1A, 0x05, 0x00, 0x04, 0x14, }; #define ASN1_LEN ( (int) sizeof(asn1_weird_stuff) ) static int rsa2_verifysig(void *key, char *sig, int siglen, char *data, int datalen) { struct RSAKey *rsa = (struct RSAKey *) key; Bignum in, out; char *p; int slen; int bytes, i, j, ret; unsigned char hash[20]; getstring(&sig, &siglen, &p, &slen); if (!p || slen != 7 || memcmp(p, "ssh-rsa", 7)) { return 0; } in = getmp(&sig, &siglen); out = modpow(in, rsa->exponent, rsa->modulus); freebn(in); ret = 1; bytes = bignum_bitcount(rsa->modulus) / 8; /* Top (partial) byte should be zero. */ if (bignum_byte(out, bytes - 1) != 0) ret = 0; /* First whole byte should be 1. */ if (bignum_byte(out, bytes - 2) != 1) ret = 0; /* Most of the rest should be FF. */ for (i = bytes - 3; i >= 20 + ASN1_LEN; i--) { if (bignum_byte(out, i) != 0xFF) ret = 0; } /* Then we expect to see the asn1_weird_stuff. */ for (i = 20 + ASN1_LEN - 1, j = 0; i >= 20; i--, j++) { if (bignum_byte(out, i) != asn1_weird_stuff[j]) ret = 0; } /* Finally, we expect to see the SHA-1 hash of the signed data. */ SHA_Simple(data, datalen, hash); for (i = 19, j = 0; i >= 0; i--, j++) { if (bignum_byte(out, i) != hash[j]) ret = 0; } return ret; } unsigned char *rsa2_sign(void *key, char *data, int datalen, int *siglen) { struct RSAKey *rsa = (struct RSAKey *) key; unsigned char *bytes; int nbytes; unsigned char hash[20]; Bignum in, out; int i, j; SHA_Simple(data, datalen, hash); nbytes = (bignum_bitcount(rsa->modulus) - 1) / 8; bytes = smalloc(nbytes); bytes[0] = 1; for (i = 1; i < nbytes - 20 - ASN1_LEN; i++) bytes[i] = 0xFF; for (i = nbytes - 20 - ASN1_LEN, j = 0; i < nbytes - 20; i++, j++) bytes[i] = asn1_weird_stuff[j]; for (i = nbytes - 20, j = 0; i < nbytes; i++, j++) bytes[i] = hash[j]; in = bignum_from_bytes(bytes, nbytes); sfree(bytes); out = modpow(in, rsa->private_exponent, rsa->modulus); freebn(in); nbytes = (bignum_bitcount(out) + 7) / 8; bytes = smalloc(4 + 7 + 4 + nbytes); PUT_32BIT(bytes, 7); memcpy(bytes + 4, "ssh-rsa", 7); PUT_32BIT(bytes + 4 + 7, nbytes); for (i = 0; i < nbytes; i++) bytes[4 + 7 + 4 + i] = bignum_byte(out, nbytes - 1 - i); freebn(out); *siglen = 4 + 7 + 4 + nbytes; return bytes; } const struct ssh_signkey ssh_rsa = { rsa2_newkey, rsa2_freekey, rsa2_fmtkey, rsa2_public_blob, rsa2_private_blob, rsa2_createkey, rsa2_openssh_createkey, rsa2_openssh_fmtkey, rsa2_fingerprint, rsa2_verifysig, rsa2_sign, "ssh-rsa", "rsa2" };