/* * winsftp.c: the Windows-specific parts of PSFTP and PSCP. */ #include #ifndef AUTO_WINSOCK #ifdef WINSOCK_TWO #include #else #include #endif #endif #include "putty.h" #include "psftp.h" /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Interface to GUI driver program. */ /* This is just a base value from which the main message numbers are * derived. */ #define WM_APP_BASE 0x8000 /* These two pass a single character value in wParam. They represent * the visible output from PSCP. */ #define WM_STD_OUT_CHAR ( WM_APP_BASE+400 ) #define WM_STD_ERR_CHAR ( WM_APP_BASE+401 ) /* These pass a transfer status update. WM_STATS_CHAR passes a single * character in wParam, and is called repeatedly to pass the name of * the file, terminated with "\n". WM_STATS_SIZE passes the size of * the file being transferred in wParam. WM_STATS_ELAPSED is called * to pass the elapsed time (in seconds) in wParam, and * WM_STATS_PERCENT passes the percentage of the transfer which is * complete, also in wParam. */ #define WM_STATS_CHAR ( WM_APP_BASE+402 ) #define WM_STATS_SIZE ( WM_APP_BASE+403 ) #define WM_STATS_PERCENT ( WM_APP_BASE+404 ) #define WM_STATS_ELAPSED ( WM_APP_BASE+405 ) /* These are used at the end of a run to pass an error code in * wParam: zero means success, nonzero means failure. WM_RET_ERR_CNT * is used after a copy, and WM_LS_RET_ERR_CNT is used after a file * list operation. */ #define WM_RET_ERR_CNT ( WM_APP_BASE+406 ) #define WM_LS_RET_ERR_CNT ( WM_APP_BASE+407 ) /* More transfer status update messages. WM_STATS_DONE passes the * number of bytes sent so far in wParam. WM_STATS_ETA passes the * estimated time to completion (in seconds). WM_STATS_RATEBS passes * the average transfer rate (in bytes per second). */ #define WM_STATS_DONE ( WM_APP_BASE+408 ) #define WM_STATS_ETA ( WM_APP_BASE+409 ) #define WM_STATS_RATEBS ( WM_APP_BASE+410 ) #define NAME_STR_MAX 2048 static char statname[NAME_STR_MAX + 1]; static unsigned long statsize = 0; static unsigned long statdone = 0; static unsigned long stateta = 0; static unsigned long statratebs = 0; static int statperct = 0; static unsigned long statelapsed = 0; static HWND gui_hwnd = NULL; static void send_msg(HWND h, UINT message, WPARAM wParam) { while (!PostMessage(h, message, wParam, 0)) SleepEx(1000, TRUE); } void gui_send_char(int is_stderr, int c) { unsigned int msg_id = WM_STD_OUT_CHAR; if (is_stderr) msg_id = WM_STD_ERR_CHAR; send_msg(gui_hwnd, msg_id, (WPARAM) c); } void gui_send_errcount(int list, int errs) { unsigned int msg_id = WM_RET_ERR_CNT; if (list) msg_id = WM_LS_RET_ERR_CNT; while (!PostMessage(gui_hwnd, msg_id, (WPARAM) errs, 0)) SleepEx(1000, TRUE); } void gui_update_stats(char *name, unsigned long size, int percentage, unsigned long elapsed, unsigned long done, unsigned long eta, unsigned long ratebs) { unsigned int i; if (strcmp(name, statname) != 0) { for (i = 0; i < strlen(name); ++i) send_msg(gui_hwnd, WM_STATS_CHAR, (WPARAM) name[i]); send_msg(gui_hwnd, WM_STATS_CHAR, (WPARAM) '\n'); strcpy(statname, name); } if (statsize != size) { send_msg(gui_hwnd, WM_STATS_SIZE, (WPARAM) size); statsize = size; } if (statdone != done) { send_msg(gui_hwnd, WM_STATS_DONE, (WPARAM) done); statdone = done; } if (stateta != eta) { send_msg(gui_hwnd, WM_STATS_ETA, (WPARAM) eta); stateta = eta; } if (statratebs != ratebs) { send_msg(gui_hwnd, WM_STATS_RATEBS, (WPARAM) ratebs); statratebs = ratebs; } if (statelapsed != elapsed) { send_msg(gui_hwnd, WM_STATS_ELAPSED, (WPARAM) elapsed); statelapsed = elapsed; } if (statperct != percentage) { send_msg(gui_hwnd, WM_STATS_PERCENT, (WPARAM) percentage); statperct = percentage; } } void gui_enable(char *arg) { gui_hwnd = (HWND) atoi(arg); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * File access abstraction. */ /* * Set local current directory. Returns NULL on success, or else an * error message which must be freed after printing. */ char *psftp_lcd(char *dir) { char *ret = NULL; if (!SetCurrentDirectory(dir)) { LPVOID message; int i; FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, GetLastError(), MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPTSTR)&message, 0, NULL); i = strcspn((char *)message, "\n"); ret = dupprintf("%.*s", i, (LPCTSTR)message); LocalFree(message); } return ret; } /* * Get local current directory. Returns a string which must be * freed. */ char *psftp_getcwd(void) { char *ret = snewn(256, char); int len = GetCurrentDirectory(256, ret); if (len > 256) ret = sresize(ret, len, char); GetCurrentDirectory(len, ret); return ret; } #define TIME_POSIX_TO_WIN(t, ft) (*(LONGLONG*)&(ft) = \ ((LONGLONG) (t) + (LONGLONG) 11644473600) * (LONGLONG) 10000000) #define TIME_WIN_TO_POSIX(ft, t) ((t) = (unsigned long) \ ((*(LONGLONG*)&(ft)) / (LONGLONG) 10000000 - (LONGLONG) 11644473600)) struct RFile { HANDLE h; }; RFile *open_existing_file(char *name, unsigned long *size, unsigned long *mtime, unsigned long *atime) { HANDLE h; RFile *ret; h = CreateFile(name, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0); if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return NULL; ret = snew(RFile); ret->h = h; if (size) *size = GetFileSize(h, NULL); if (mtime || atime) { FILETIME actime, wrtime; GetFileTime(h, NULL, &actime, &wrtime); if (atime) TIME_WIN_TO_POSIX(actime, *atime); if (mtime) TIME_WIN_TO_POSIX(wrtime, *mtime); } return ret; } int read_from_file(RFile *f, void *buffer, int length) { int ret, read; ret = ReadFile(f->h, buffer, length, &read, NULL); if (!ret) return -1; /* error */ else return read; } void close_rfile(RFile *f) { CloseHandle(f->h); sfree(f); } struct WFile { HANDLE h; }; WFile *open_new_file(char *name) { HANDLE h; WFile *ret; h = CreateFile(name, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return NULL; ret = snew(WFile); ret->h = h; return ret; } int write_to_file(WFile *f, void *buffer, int length) { int ret, written; ret = WriteFile(f->h, buffer, length, &written, NULL); if (!ret) return -1; /* error */ else return written; } void set_file_times(WFile *f, unsigned long mtime, unsigned long atime) { FILETIME actime, wrtime; TIME_POSIX_TO_WIN(atime, actime); TIME_POSIX_TO_WIN(mtime, wrtime); SetFileTime(f->h, NULL, &actime, &wrtime); } void close_wfile(WFile *f) { CloseHandle(f->h); sfree(f); } int file_type(char *name) { DWORD attr; attr = GetFileAttributes(name); /* We know of no `weird' files under Windows. */ if (attr == (DWORD)-1) return FILE_TYPE_NONEXISTENT; else if (attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) return FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY; else return FILE_TYPE_FILE; } struct DirHandle { HANDLE h; char *name; }; DirHandle *open_directory(char *name) { HANDLE h; WIN32_FIND_DATA fdat; char *findfile; DirHandle *ret; /* To enumerate files in dir `foo', we search for `foo/*'. */ findfile = dupcat(name, "/*", NULL); h = FindFirstFile(findfile, &fdat); if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return NULL; ret = snew(DirHandle); ret->h = h; ret->name = dupstr(fdat.cFileName); return ret; } char *read_filename(DirHandle *dir) { if (!dir->name) { WIN32_FIND_DATA fdat; int ok = FindNextFile(dir->h, &fdat); if (ok) dir->name = dupstr(fdat.cFileName); } if (dir->name) { char *ret = dir->name; dir->name = NULL; return ret; } else return NULL; } void close_directory(DirHandle *dir) { FindClose(dir->h); if (dir->name) sfree(dir->name); sfree(dir); } int test_wildcard(char *name, int cmdline) { HANDLE fh; WIN32_FIND_DATA fdat; /* First see if the exact name exists. */ if (GetFileAttributes(name) != (DWORD)-1) return WCTYPE_FILENAME; /* Otherwise see if a wildcard match finds anything. */ fh = FindFirstFile(name, &fdat); if (fh == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return WCTYPE_NONEXISTENT; FindClose(fh); return WCTYPE_WILDCARD; } struct WildcardMatcher { HANDLE h; char *name; char *srcpath; }; /* * Return a pointer to the portion of str that comes after the last * slash (or backslash or colon, if `local' is TRUE). */ static char *stripslashes(char *str, int local) { char *p; if (local) { p = strchr(str, ':'); if (p) str = p+1; } p = strrchr(str, '/'); if (p) str = p+1; if (local) { p = strrchr(str, '\\'); if (p) str = p+1; } return str; } WildcardMatcher *begin_wildcard_matching(char *name) { HANDLE h; WIN32_FIND_DATA fdat; WildcardMatcher *ret; char *last; h = FindFirstFile(name, &fdat); if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return NULL; ret = snew(WildcardMatcher); ret->h = h; ret->srcpath = dupstr(name); last = stripslashes(ret->srcpath, 1); *last = '\0'; if (fdat.cFileName[0] == '.' && (fdat.cFileName[1] == '\0' || (fdat.cFileName[1] == '.' && fdat.cFileName[2] == '\0'))) ret->name = NULL; else ret->name = dupcat(ret->srcpath, fdat.cFileName, NULL); return ret; } char *wildcard_get_filename(WildcardMatcher *dir) { while (!dir->name) { WIN32_FIND_DATA fdat; int ok = FindNextFile(dir->h, &fdat); if (!ok) return NULL; if (fdat.cFileName[0] == '.' && (fdat.cFileName[1] == '\0' || (fdat.cFileName[1] == '.' && fdat.cFileName[2] == '\0'))) dir->name = NULL; else dir->name = dupcat(dir->srcpath, fdat.cFileName, NULL); } if (dir->name) { char *ret = dir->name; dir->name = NULL; return ret; } else return NULL; } void finish_wildcard_matching(WildcardMatcher *dir) { FindClose(dir->h); if (dir->name) sfree(dir->name); sfree(dir->srcpath); sfree(dir); } int create_directory(char *name) { return CreateDirectory(name, NULL) != 0; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Platform-specific network handling. */ /* * Be told what socket we're supposed to be using. */ static SOCKET sftp_ssh_socket; char *do_select(SOCKET skt, int startup) { if (startup) sftp_ssh_socket = skt; else sftp_ssh_socket = INVALID_SOCKET; return NULL; } extern int select_result(WPARAM, LPARAM); /* * Initialize the WinSock driver. */ static void init_winsock(void) { WORD winsock_ver; WSADATA wsadata; winsock_ver = MAKEWORD(1, 1); if (WSAStartup(winsock_ver, &wsadata)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to initialise WinSock"); cleanup_exit(1); } if (LOBYTE(wsadata.wVersion) != 1 || HIBYTE(wsadata.wVersion) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "WinSock version is incompatible with 1.1"); cleanup_exit(1); } } /* * Wait for some network data and process it. */ int ssh_sftp_loop_iteration(void) { fd_set readfds; if (sftp_ssh_socket == INVALID_SOCKET) return -1; /* doom */ FD_ZERO(&readfds); FD_SET(sftp_ssh_socket, &readfds); if (select(1, &readfds, NULL, NULL, NULL) < 0) return -1; /* doom */ select_result((WPARAM) sftp_ssh_socket, (LPARAM) FD_READ); return 0; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Main program. Parse arguments etc. */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ret; init_winsock(); ret = psftp_main(argc, argv); WSACleanup(); return ret; }