#include #include #ifndef macintosh #include #endif #include "putty.h" #ifndef FALSE #define FALSE 0 #endif #ifndef TRUE #define TRUE 1 #endif #include "ssh.h" /* Coroutine mechanics for the sillier bits of the code */ #define crBegin1(l) (l) = 0; #define crBegin2(l) switch(l) { case 0:; #define crBegin(l) crBegin1(l); crBegin2(l); #define crFinish(l,z) } (l) = 0; return (l) #define foolemacs { #define crFinishV(l) } (l) = 0; return #define crReturn(l,z) \ do {\ (l)=__LINE__; return (z); case __LINE__:;\ } while (0) #define crReturnV(l) \ do {\ (l)=__LINE__; return; case __LINE__:;\ } while (0) #define crStop(l,z) do{ (l) = 0; return (z); }while(0) #define crStopV(l) do{ (l) = 0; return; }while(0) #ifndef FALSE #define FALSE 0 #endif #ifndef TRUE #define TRUE 1 #endif struct Packet { long length; int type; unsigned long crc; unsigned char *data; unsigned char *body; long maxlen; }; struct ssh_private { SOCKET s; unsigned char session_key[32]; struct ssh_cipher *cipher; char *savedhost; enum { SSH_STATE_BEFORE_SIZE, SSH_STATE_INTERMED, SSH_STATE_SESSION, SSH_STATE_CLOSED } ssh_state; int size_needed; #ifdef FWHACK char *FWhost; int FWport; #endif struct Packet pktin; struct Packet pktout; /* State for ssh_gotdata coroutine */ int gd_line; long len, biglen, to_read; unsigned char *p; int i, pad; int chunk; char *sversion; size_t sversion_space, sversion_len; /* State for ssh_protocol coroutine */ int pr_line; }; static void s_write (Session *sess, unsigned char *buf, int len) { struct ssh_private *sp = (struct ssh_private*)sess->back_priv; while (len > 0) { int i = net_send (sp->s, buf, len, 0); if (i > 0) len -= i, buf += i; } } static int s_read (Session *sess, unsigned char *buf, int len) { struct ssh_private *sp = (struct ssh_private*)sess->back_priv; int ret = 0; while (len > 0) { int i = net_recv (sp->s, buf, len, 0); if (i > 0) len -= i, buf += i, ret += i; else return i; } return ret; } static void c_write (Session *sess, char *buf, int len) { while (len--) { int new_head = (sess->inbuf_head + 1) & INBUF_MASK; if (new_head != sess->inbuf_reap) { sess->inbuf[sess->inbuf_head] = *buf++; sess->inbuf_head = new_head; } } } static void ssh_protocol(Session *,unsigned char *in, int inlen, int ispkt); static void ssh_size(void); static void ssh_gotdata(Session *sess, unsigned char *data, int datalen) { struct ssh_private *sp = (struct ssh_private *)sess->back_priv; unsigned char *eol; size_t fraglen = datalen; static char vstring[] = "SSH-1.5-PuTTY\n"; crBegin(sp->gd_line); #ifdef FWHACK /* Should wait for "SSH-" */ #endif sp->sversion = smalloc(16); /* enough for "SSH-1.5-1.2.27\n" */ sp->sversion_space = 16; sp->sversion_len = 0; do { while (datalen == 0) crReturnV(sp->gd_line); eol = memchr(data, '\n', datalen); if (eol != NULL) fraglen = eol + 1 - data; /* include \n */ if (sp->sversion_len + fraglen > sp->sversion_space) { /* FIXME Sanity-check length */ srealloc(sp->sversion, sp->sversion_len + fraglen); sp->sversion_space = sp->sversion_len + fraglen; } memcpy(sp->sversion + sp->sversion_len, data, fraglen); data += fraglen; datalen -= fraglen; } while (eol == NULL); sp->sversion[sp->sversion_len - 1] = '\0'; if (sp->sversion_len < 4 || memcmp(sp->sversion, "SSH-", 4) != 0) /* XXX explode! */; /* * We ignore the rest of the banner on the grounds that we only * speak SSH 1.5 anyway. If the server can't, that's its problem. */ s_write(sess, (unsigned char *)vstring, strlen(vstring)); /* End of do_ssh_init */ while (1) { for (sp->i = sp->len = 0; sp->i < 4; sp->i++) { while (datalen == 0) crReturnV(sp->gd_line); sp->len = (sp->len << 8) + *data; data++, datalen--; } #ifdef FWHACK if (sp->len == 0x52656d6f) { /* "Remo"te server has closed ... */ sp->len = 0x300; /* big enough to carry to end */ } #endif sp->pad = 8 - (sp->len%8); sp->biglen = sp->len + sp->pad; sp->len -= 5; /* type and CRC */ sp->pktin.length = sp->len; if (sp->pktin.maxlen < sp->biglen) { sp->pktin.maxlen = sp->biglen; sp->pktin.data = (sp->pktin.data == NULL ? smalloc(sp->biglen) : srealloc(sp->pktin.data, sp->biglen)); } sp->p = sp->pktin.data, sp->to_read = sp->biglen; while (sp->to_read > 0) { sp->chunk = sp->to_read; while (datalen == 0) crReturnV(sp->gd_line); if (sp->chunk > datalen) sp->chunk = datalen; memcpy(sp->p, data, sp->chunk); data += sp->chunk; datalen -= sp->chunk; sp->p += sp->chunk; sp->to_read -= sp->chunk; } if (sp->cipher) sp->cipher->decrypt(sp->pktin.data, sp->biglen); sp->pktin.type = sp->pktin.data[sp->pad]; sp->pktin.body = sp->pktin.data+sp->pad+1; if (sp->pktin.type == 36) { /* SSH_MSG_DEBUG */ /* FIXME: log it */ } else ssh_protocol(sess, NULL, 0, 1); } crFinishV(sp->gd_line); } static void s_wrpkt_start(Session *sess, int type, int len) { struct ssh_private *sp = (struct ssh_private *)sess->back_priv; int pad, biglen; len += 5; /* type and CRC */ pad = 8 - (len%8); biglen = len + pad; sp->pktout.length = len-5; if (sp->pktout.maxlen < biglen) { sp->pktout.maxlen = biglen; sp->pktout.data = (sp->pktout.data == NULL ? smalloc(biglen+4) : srealloc(sp->pktout.data, biglen+4)); } sp->pktout.type = type; sp->pktout.body = sp->pktout.data+4+pad+1; } static void s_wrpkt(Session *sess) { struct ssh_private *sp = (struct ssh_private *)sess->back_priv; int pad, len, biglen, i; unsigned long crc; len = sp->pktout.length + 5; /* type and CRC */ pad = 8 - (len%8); biglen = len + pad; sp->pktout.body[-1] = sp->pktout.type; for (i=0; ipktout.data[i+4] = random_byte(); crc = crc32(sp->pktout.data+4, biglen-4); sp->pktout.data[biglen+0] = (unsigned char) ((crc >> 24) & 0xFF); sp->pktout.data[biglen+1] = (unsigned char) ((crc >> 16) & 0xFF); sp->pktout.data[biglen+2] = (unsigned char) ((crc >> 8) & 0xFF); sp->pktout.data[biglen+3] = (unsigned char) (crc & 0xFF); sp->pktout.data[0] = (len >> 24) & 0xFF; sp->pktout.data[1] = (len >> 16) & 0xFF; sp->pktout.data[2] = (len >> 8) & 0xFF; sp->pktout.data[3] = len & 0xFF; if (sp->cipher) sp->cipher->encrypt(sp->pktout.data+4, biglen); s_write(sess, sp->pktout.data, biglen+4); } static int do_ssh_init(Session *sess) { } static void ssh_protocol(Session *sess, unsigned char *in, int inlen, int ispkt) { struct ssh_private *sp = (struct ssh_private *)sess->back_priv; int i, j, len; unsigned char session_id[16]; unsigned char *rsabuf, *keystr1, *keystr2; unsigned char cookie[8]; struct RSAKey servkey, hostkey; struct MD5Context md5c; unsigned long supported_ciphers_mask; int cipher_type; extern struct ssh_cipher ssh_3des; extern struct ssh_cipher ssh_blowfish; crBegin(sp->pr_line); random_init(); while (!ispkt) crReturnV(sp->pr_line); if (sp->pktin.type != 2) fatalbox("Public key packet not received"); memcpy(cookie, sp->pktin.body, 8); MD5Init(&md5c); i = makekey(sp->pktin.body+8, &servkey, &keystr1); j = makekey(sp->pktin.body+8+i, &hostkey, &keystr2); supported_ciphers_mask = (sp->pktin.body[12+i+j] << 24) | (sp->pktin.body[13+i+j] << 16) | (sp->pktin.body[14+i+j] << 8) | (sp->pktin.body[15+i+j]); MD5Update(&md5c, keystr2, hostkey.bytes); MD5Update(&md5c, keystr1, servkey.bytes); MD5Update(&md5c, sp->pktin.body, 8); MD5Final(session_id, &md5c); for (i=0; i<32; i++) session_key[i] = random_byte(); len = (hostkey.bytes > servkey.bytes ? hostkey.bytes : servkey.bytes); rsabuf = malloc(len); if (!rsabuf) fatalbox("Out of memory"); verify_ssh_host_key(savedhost, &hostkey); for (i=0; i<32; i++) { rsabuf[i] = session_key[i]; if (i < 16) rsabuf[i] ^= session_id[i]; } if (hostkey.bytes > servkey.bytes) { rsaencrypt(rsabuf, 32, &servkey); rsaencrypt(rsabuf, servkey.bytes, &hostkey); } else { rsaencrypt(rsabuf, 32, &hostkey); rsaencrypt(rsabuf, hostkey.bytes, &servkey); } cipher_type = cfg.cipher == CIPHER_BLOWFISH ? SSH_CIPHER_BLOWFISH : SSH_CIPHER_3DES; if ((supported_ciphers_mask & (1 << cipher_type)) == 0) { c_write("Selected cipher not supported, falling back to 3DES\r\n", 53); cipher_type = SSH_CIPHER_3DES; } s_wrpkt_start(3, len+15); sp->pktout.body[0] = cipher_type; memcpy(sp->pktout.body+1, cookie, 8); sp->pktout.body[9] = (len*8) >> 8; sp->pktout.body[10] = (len*8) & 0xFF; memcpy(sp->pktout.body+11, rsabuf, len); sp->pktout.body[len+11] = sp->pktout.body[len+12] = 0; /* protocol flags */ sp->pktout.body[len+13] = sp->pktout.body[len+14] = 0; s_wrpkt(); free(rsabuf); cipher = cipher_type == SSH_CIPHER_BLOWFISH ? &ssh_blowfish : &ssh_3des; cipher->sesskey(session_key); do { crReturnV(sp->pr_line); } while (!ispkt); if (sp->pktin.type != 14) fatalbox("Encryption not successfully enabled"); fflush(stdout); { static char username[100]; static int pos = 0; static char c; if (!*cfg.username) { c_write("login as: ", 10); while (pos >= 0) { do { crReturnV(sp->pr_line); } while (ispkt); while (inlen--) switch (c = *in++) { case 10: case 13: username[pos] = 0; pos = -1; break; case 8: case 127: if (pos > 0) { c_write("\b \b", 3); pos--; } break; case 21: case 27: while (pos > 0) { c_write("\b \b", 3); pos--; } break; case 3: case 4: random_save_seed(); exit(0); break; default: if (c >= ' ' && c <= '~' && pos < 40) { username[pos++] = c; c_write(&c, 1); } break; } } c_write("\r\n", 2); username[strcspn(username, "\n\r")] = '\0'; } else { char stuff[200]; strncpy(username, cfg.username, 99); username[99] = '\0'; sprintf(stuff, "Sent username \"%s\".\r\n", username); c_write(stuff, strlen(stuff)); } s_wrpkt_start(4, 4+strlen(username)); sp->pktout.body[0] = sp->pktout.body[1] = sp->pktout.body[2] = 0; sp->pktout.body[3] = strlen(username); memcpy(sp->pktout.body+4, username, strlen(username)); s_wrpkt(); } do { crReturnV(sp->pr_line); } while (!ispkt); while (sp->pktin.type == 15) { static char password[100]; static int pos; static char c; c_write("password: ", 10); pos = 0; while (pos >= 0) { do { crReturnV(sp->pr_line); } while (ispkt); while (inlen--) switch (c = *in++) { case 10: case 13: password[pos] = 0; pos = -1; break; case 8: case 127: if (pos > 0) pos--; break; case 21: case 27: pos = 0; break; case 3: case 4: random_save_seed(); exit(0); break; default: if (c >= ' ' && c <= '~' && pos < 40) password[pos++] = c; break; } } c_write("\r\n", 2); s_wrpkt_start(9, 4+strlen(password)); sp->pktout.body[0] = sp->pktout.body[1] = sp->pktout.body[2] = 0; sp->pktout.body[3] = strlen(password); memcpy(sp->pktout.body+4, password, strlen(password)); s_wrpkt(); memset(password, 0, strlen(password)); do { crReturnV(sp->pr_line); } while (!ispkt); if (sp->pktin.type == 15) { c_write("Access denied\r\n", 15); } else if (sp->pktin.type != 14) { fatalbox("Strange packet received, type %d", sp->pktin.type); } } if (!cfg.nopty) { i = strlen(cfg.termtype); s_wrpkt_start(10, i+5*4+1); sp->pktout.body[0] = (i >> 24) & 0xFF; sp->pktout.body[1] = (i >> 16) & 0xFF; sp->pktout.body[2] = (i >> 8) & 0xFF; sp->pktout.body[3] = i & 0xFF; memcpy(sp->pktout.body+4, cfg.termtype, i); i += 4; sp->pktout.body[i++] = (rows >> 24) & 0xFF; sp->pktout.body[i++] = (rows >> 16) & 0xFF; sp->pktout.body[i++] = (rows >> 8) & 0xFF; sp->pktout.body[i++] = rows & 0xFF; sp->pktout.body[i++] = (cols >> 24) & 0xFF; sp->pktout.body[i++] = (cols >> 16) & 0xFF; sp->pktout.body[i++] = (cols >> 8) & 0xFF; sp->pktout.body[i++] = cols & 0xFF; memset(sp->pktout.body+i, 0, 9); /* 0 pixwidth, 0 pixheight, 0.b endofopt */ s_wrpkt(); ssh_state = SSH_STATE_INTERMED; do { crReturnV(sp->pr_line); } while (!ispkt); if (sp->pktin.type != 14 && sp->pktin.type != 15) { fatalbox("Protocol confusion"); } else if (sp->pktin.type == 15) { c_write("Server refused to allocate pty\r\n", 32); } } s_wrpkt_start(12, 0); s_wrpkt(); ssh_state = SSH_STATE_SESSION; if (size_needed) ssh_size(); while (1) { crReturnV(sp->pr_line); if (ispkt) { if (sp->pktin.type == 17 || sp->pktin.type == 18) { long len = 0; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) len = (len << 8) + sp->pktin.body[i]; c_write(sp->pktin.body+4, len); } else if (sp->pktin.type == 1) { /* SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT */ ssh_state = SSH_STATE_CLOSED; } else if (sp->pktin.type == 14) { /* SSH_MSG_SUCCESS: may be from EXEC_SHELL on some servers */ } else if (sp->pktin.type == 15) { /* SSH_MSG_FAILURE: may be from EXEC_SHELL on some servers * if no pty is available or in other odd cases. Ignore */ } else if (sp->pktin.type == 20) { /* EXITSTATUS */ s_wrpkt_start(33, 0); s_wrpkt(); } else { fatalbox("Strange packet received: type %d", sp->pktin.type); } } else { s_wrpkt_start(16, 4+inlen); sp->pktout.body[0] = (inlen >> 24) & 0xFF; sp->pktout.body[1] = (inlen >> 16) & 0xFF; sp->pktout.body[2] = (inlen >> 8) & 0xFF; sp->pktout.body[3] = inlen & 0xFF; memcpy(sp->pktout.body+4, in, inlen); s_wrpkt(); } } crFinishV; } /* * Called to set up the connection. Will arrange for WM_NETEVENT * messages to be passed to the specified window, whose window * procedure should then call telnet_msg(). * * Returns an error message, or NULL on success. * * Also places the canonical host name into `realhost'. */ static char *ssh_init(Session *sess) { struct ssh_private *sp; char *host = sess->cfg.host; int port = sess->cfg.port; sess->back_priv = smalloc(sizeof(struct ssh_private)); sp = (struct ssh_private *)sess->back_priv; memset(*sp, 0, sizeof(*sp)); sp->s = INVALID_SOCKET; sp->ssh_state = SSH_STATE_BEFORE_SIZE; sp->savedhost = smalloc(1+strlen(host)); strcpy(sp->savedhost, host); #ifdef FWHACK sp->FWhost = host; sp->FWport = port; host = FWSTR; port = 23; #endif if (port < 0) port = 22; /* default ssh port */ sp->s = net_open(sess, host, port); return NULL; } static void ssh_opened(Session *sess) { struct ssh_private *sp = (struct ssh_private *)sess->back_priv; #ifdef FWHACK send(sp->s, "connect ", 8, 0); send(sp->s, FWhost, strlen(FWhost), 0); { char buf[20]; sprintf(buf, " %d\n", FWport); send (s, buf, strlen(buf), 0); } #endif if (!do_ssh_init()) return "Protocol initialisation error"; if (WSAAsyncSelect (s, hwnd, WM_NETEVENT, FD_READ | FD_CLOSE) == SOCKET_ERROR) switch (WSAGetLastError()) { case WSAENETDOWN: return "Network is down"; default: return "WSAAsyncSelect(): unknown error"; } return NULL; } /* * Process a WM_NETEVENT message. Will return 0 if the connection * has closed, or <0 for a socket error. */ static int ssh_msg (Session *sess, SOCKET sock, Net_Event_Type ne) { struct ssh_private *sp = (struct ssh_provate *)sess->back_priv; int ret; char buf[256]; if (s == INVALID_SOCKET) /* how the hell did we get here?! */ return -5000; switch (ne) { case NE_OPEN: ssh_opened(sess); return 1; case NE_DATA: ret = net_recv(sock, buf, sizeof(buf), 0); if (ret < 0) /* any _other_ error */ return -1; if (ret == 0) { sp->s = INVALID_SOCKET; return 0; /* can't happen, in theory */ } ssh_gotdata(sess, buf, ret); return 1; case NE_CLOSING: sp->s = INVALID_SOCKET; sp->ssh_state = SSH_STATE_CLOSED; return 0; case NE_NOHOST: fatalbox("Host not found"); case NE_REFUSED: fatalbox("Connection refused"); case NE_NOOPEN: fatalbox("Unable to open connection"); case NE_TIMEOUT: fatalbox("Connection timed out"); case NE_ABORT: fatalbox("Connection reset by peer"); case NE_DIED: fatalbox("Connection died"); } return 1; /* shouldn't happen, but WTF */ } /* * Called to send data down the Telnet connection. */ static void ssh_send(Session *sess, char *buf, int len) { if (s == INVALID_SOCKET) return; ssh_protocol(sess, buf, len, 0); } /* * Called to set the size of the window from Telnet's POV. */ static void ssh_size(Session *sess) { struct ssh_private *sp = (struct ssh_private *sp)sess->back_priv; switch (sp->ssh_state) { case SSH_STATE_BEFORE_SIZE: case SSH_STATE_CLOSED: break; /* do nothing */ case SSH_STATE_INTERMED: sp->size_needed = TRUE; /* buffer for later */ break; case SSH_STATE_SESSION: if (!sess->cfg.nopty) { s_wrpkt_start(11, 16); sp->pktout.body[0] = (rows >> 24) & 0xFF; sp->pktout.body[1] = (rows >> 16) & 0xFF; sp->pktout.body[2] = (rows >> 8) & 0xFF; sp->pktout.body[3] = rows & 0xFF; sp->pktout.body[4] = (cols >> 24) & 0xFF; sp->pktout.body[5] = (cols >> 16) & 0xFF; sp->pktout.body[6] = (cols >> 8) & 0xFF; sp->pktout.body[7] = cols & 0xFF; memset(sp->pktout.body+8, 0, 8); s_wrpkt(); } } } /* * (Send Telnet special codes) */ static void ssh_special (Telnet_Special code) { /* do nothing */ } Backend ssh_backend = { ssh_init, ssh_msg, ssh_send, ssh_size, ssh_special };