/* * Serial back end (Windows-specific). */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <limits.h> #include "putty.h" #define SERIAL_MAX_BACKLOG 4096 typedef struct Serial Serial; struct Serial { HANDLE port; struct handle *out, *in; Seat *seat; LogContext *logctx; int bufsize; long clearbreak_time; bool break_in_progress; Backend backend; }; static void serial_terminate(Serial *serial) { if (serial->out) { handle_free(serial->out); serial->out = NULL; } if (serial->in) { handle_free(serial->in); serial->in = NULL; } if (serial->port != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (serial->break_in_progress) ClearCommBreak(serial->port); CloseHandle(serial->port); serial->port = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } } static size_t serial_gotdata( struct handle *h, const void *data, size_t len, int err) { Serial *serial = (Serial *)handle_get_privdata(h); if (err || len == 0) { const char *error_msg; /* * Currently, len==0 should never happen because we're * ignoring EOFs. However, it seems not totally impossible * that this same back end might be usable to talk to named * pipes or some other non-serial device, in which case EOF * may become meaningful here. */ if (!err) error_msg = "End of file reading from serial device"; else error_msg = "Error reading from serial device"; serial_terminate(serial); seat_notify_remote_exit(serial->seat); logevent(serial->logctx, error_msg); seat_connection_fatal(serial->seat, "%s", error_msg); return 0; } else { return seat_stdout(serial->seat, data, len); } } static void serial_sentdata(struct handle *h, size_t new_backlog, int err) { Serial *serial = (Serial *)handle_get_privdata(h); if (err) { const char *error_msg = "Error writing to serial device"; serial_terminate(serial); seat_notify_remote_exit(serial->seat); logevent(serial->logctx, error_msg); seat_connection_fatal(serial->seat, "%s", error_msg); } else { serial->bufsize = new_backlog; } } static const char *serial_configure(Serial *serial, HANDLE serport, Conf *conf) { DCB dcb; COMMTIMEOUTS timeouts; /* * Set up the serial port parameters. If we can't even * GetCommState, we ignore the problem on the grounds that the * user might have pointed us at some other type of two-way * device instead of a serial port. */ if (GetCommState(serport, &dcb)) { const char *str; /* * Boilerplate. */ dcb.fBinary = true; dcb.fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_ENABLE; dcb.fDsrSensitivity = false; dcb.fTXContinueOnXoff = false; dcb.fOutX = false; dcb.fInX = false; dcb.fErrorChar = false; dcb.fNull = false; dcb.fRtsControl = RTS_CONTROL_ENABLE; dcb.fAbortOnError = false; dcb.fOutxCtsFlow = false; dcb.fOutxDsrFlow = false; /* * Configurable parameters. */ dcb.BaudRate = conf_get_int(conf, CONF_serspeed); logeventf(serial->logctx, "Configuring baud rate %lu", dcb.BaudRate); dcb.ByteSize = conf_get_int(conf, CONF_serdatabits); logeventf(serial->logctx, "Configuring %u data bits", dcb.ByteSize); switch (conf_get_int(conf, CONF_serstopbits)) { case 2: dcb.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT; str = "1"; break; case 3: dcb.StopBits = ONE5STOPBITS; str = "1.5"; break; case 4: dcb.StopBits = TWOSTOPBITS; str = "2"; break; default: return "Invalid number of stop bits (need 1, 1.5 or 2)"; } logeventf(serial->logctx, "Configuring %s data bits", str); switch (conf_get_int(conf, CONF_serparity)) { case SER_PAR_NONE: dcb.Parity = NOPARITY; str = "no"; break; case SER_PAR_ODD: dcb.Parity = ODDPARITY; str = "odd"; break; case SER_PAR_EVEN: dcb.Parity = EVENPARITY; str = "even"; break; case SER_PAR_MARK: dcb.Parity = MARKPARITY; str = "mark"; break; case SER_PAR_SPACE: dcb.Parity = SPACEPARITY; str = "space"; break; } logeventf(serial->logctx, "Configuring %s parity", str); switch (conf_get_int(conf, CONF_serflow)) { case SER_FLOW_NONE: str = "no"; break; case SER_FLOW_XONXOFF: dcb.fOutX = dcb.fInX = true; str = "XON/XOFF"; break; case SER_FLOW_RTSCTS: dcb.fRtsControl = RTS_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE; dcb.fOutxCtsFlow = true; str = "RTS/CTS"; break; case SER_FLOW_DSRDTR: dcb.fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE; dcb.fOutxDsrFlow = true; str = "DSR/DTR"; break; } logeventf(serial->logctx, "Configuring %s flow control", str); if (!SetCommState(serport, &dcb)) return "Unable to configure serial port"; timeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = 1; timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0; timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 0; timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0; timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 0; if (!SetCommTimeouts(serport, &timeouts)) return "Unable to configure serial timeouts"; } return NULL; } /* * Called to set up the serial connection. * * Returns an error message, or NULL on success. * * Also places the canonical host name into `realhost'. It must be * freed by the caller. */ static const char *serial_init(Seat *seat, Backend **backend_handle, LogContext *logctx, Conf *conf, const char *host, int port, char **realhost, bool nodelay, bool keepalive) { Serial *serial; HANDLE serport; const char *err; char *serline; serial = snew(Serial); serial->port = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; serial->out = serial->in = NULL; serial->bufsize = 0; serial->break_in_progress = false; serial->backend.vt = &serial_backend; *backend_handle = &serial->backend; serial->seat = seat; serial->logctx = logctx; serline = conf_get_str(conf, CONF_serline); logeventf(serial->logctx, "Opening serial device %s", serline); { /* * Munge the string supplied by the user into a Windows filename. * * Windows supports opening a few "legacy" devices (including * COM1-9) by specifying their names verbatim as a filename to * open. (Thus, no files can ever have these names. See * <http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa365247.aspx> * ("Naming a File") for the complete list of reserved names.) * * However, this doesn't let you get at devices COM10 and above. * For that, you need to specify a filename like "\\.\COM10". * This is also necessary for special serial and serial-like * devices such as \\.\WCEUSBSH001. It also works for the "legacy" * names, so you can do \\.\COM1 (verified as far back as Win95). * See <http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa363858.aspx> * (CreateFile() docs). * * So, we believe that prepending "\\.\" should always be the * Right Thing. However, just in case someone finds something to * talk to that doesn't exist under there, if the serial line * contains a backslash, we use it verbatim. (This also lets * existing configurations using \\.\ continue working.) */ char *serfilename = dupprintf("%s%s", strchr(serline, '\\') ? "" : "\\\\.\\", serline); serport = CreateFile(serfilename, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, NULL); sfree(serfilename); } if (serport == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return "Unable to open serial port"; err = serial_configure(serial, serport, conf); if (err) return err; serial->port = serport; serial->out = handle_output_new(serport, serial_sentdata, serial, HANDLE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED); serial->in = handle_input_new(serport, serial_gotdata, serial, HANDLE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED | HANDLE_FLAG_IGNOREEOF | HANDLE_FLAG_UNITBUFFER); *realhost = dupstr(serline); /* * Specials are always available. */ seat_update_specials_menu(serial->seat); return NULL; } static void serial_free(Backend *be) { Serial *serial = container_of(be, Serial, backend); serial_terminate(serial); expire_timer_context(serial); sfree(serial); } static void serial_reconfig(Backend *be, Conf *conf) { Serial *serial = container_of(be, Serial, backend); serial_configure(serial, serial->port, conf); /* * FIXME: what should we do if that call returned a non-NULL error * message? */ } /* * Called to send data down the serial connection. */ static size_t serial_send(Backend *be, const char *buf, size_t len) { Serial *serial = container_of(be, Serial, backend); if (serial->out == NULL) return 0; serial->bufsize = handle_write(serial->out, buf, len); return serial->bufsize; } /* * Called to query the current sendability status. */ static size_t serial_sendbuffer(Backend *be) { Serial *serial = container_of(be, Serial, backend); return serial->bufsize; } /* * Called to set the size of the window */ static void serial_size(Backend *be, int width, int height) { /* Do nothing! */ return; } static void serbreak_timer(void *ctx, unsigned long now) { Serial *serial = (Serial *)ctx; if (now == serial->clearbreak_time && serial->port) { ClearCommBreak(serial->port); serial->break_in_progress = false; logevent(serial->logctx, "Finished serial break"); } } /* * Send serial special codes. */ static void serial_special(Backend *be, SessionSpecialCode code, int arg) { Serial *serial = container_of(be, Serial, backend); if (serial->port && code == SS_BRK) { logevent(serial->logctx, "Starting serial break at user request"); SetCommBreak(serial->port); /* * To send a serial break on Windows, we call SetCommBreak * to begin the break, then wait a bit, and then call * ClearCommBreak to finish it. Hence, I must use timing.c * to arrange a callback when it's time to do the latter. * * SUS says that a default break length must be between 1/4 * and 1/2 second. FreeBSD apparently goes with 2/5 second, * and so will I. */ serial->clearbreak_time = schedule_timer(TICKSPERSEC * 2 / 5, serbreak_timer, serial); serial->break_in_progress = true; } return; } /* * Return a list of the special codes that make sense in this * protocol. */ static const SessionSpecial *serial_get_specials(Backend *be) { static const SessionSpecial specials[] = { {"Break", SS_BRK}, {NULL, SS_EXITMENU} }; return specials; } static bool serial_connected(Backend *be) { return true; /* always connected */ } static bool serial_sendok(Backend *be) { return true; } static void serial_unthrottle(Backend *be, size_t backlog) { Serial *serial = container_of(be, Serial, backend); if (serial->in) handle_unthrottle(serial->in, backlog); } static bool serial_ldisc(Backend *be, int option) { /* * Local editing and local echo are off by default. */ return false; } static void serial_provide_ldisc(Backend *be, Ldisc *ldisc) { /* This is a stub. */ } static int serial_exitcode(Backend *be) { Serial *serial = container_of(be, Serial, backend); if (serial->port != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return -1; /* still connected */ else /* Exit codes are a meaningless concept with serial ports */ return INT_MAX; } /* * cfg_info for Serial does nothing at all. */ static int serial_cfg_info(Backend *be) { return 0; } const struct BackendVtable serial_backend = { serial_init, serial_free, serial_reconfig, serial_send, serial_sendbuffer, serial_size, serial_special, serial_get_specials, serial_connected, serial_exitcode, serial_sendok, serial_ldisc, serial_provide_ldisc, serial_unthrottle, serial_cfg_info, NULL /* test_for_upstream */, "serial", PROT_SERIAL, 0 };