/* * scp.c - Scp (Secure Copy) client for PuTTY. * Joris van Rantwijk, Simon Tatham * * This is mainly based on ssh-1.2.26/scp.c by Timo Rinne & Tatu Ylonen. * They, in turn, used stuff from BSD rcp. * * (SGT, 2001-09-10: Joris van Rantwijk assures me that although * this file as originally submitted was inspired by, and * _structurally_ based on, ssh-1.2.26's scp.c, there wasn't any * actual code duplicated, so the above comment shouldn't give rise * to licensing issues.) */ #include <windows.h> #ifndef AUTO_WINSOCK #ifdef WINSOCK_TWO #include <winsock2.h> #else #include <winsock.h> #endif #endif #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <limits.h> #include <time.h> #include <assert.h> #define PUTTY_DO_GLOBALS #include "putty.h" #include "ssh.h" #include "sftp.h" #include "winstuff.h" #include "storage.h" #define TIME_POSIX_TO_WIN(t, ft) (*(LONGLONG*)&(ft) = \ ((LONGLONG) (t) + (LONGLONG) 11644473600) * (LONGLONG) 10000000) #define TIME_WIN_TO_POSIX(ft, t) ((t) = (unsigned long) \ ((*(LONGLONG*)&(ft)) / (LONGLONG) 10000000 - (LONGLONG) 11644473600)) /* GUI Adaptation - Sept 2000 */ /* This is just a base value from which the main message numbers are * derived. */ #define WM_APP_BASE 0x8000 /* These two pass a single character value in wParam. They represent * the visible output from PSCP. */ #define WM_STD_OUT_CHAR ( WM_APP_BASE+400 ) #define WM_STD_ERR_CHAR ( WM_APP_BASE+401 ) /* These pass a transfer status update. WM_STATS_CHAR passes a single * character in wParam, and is called repeatedly to pass the name of * the file, terminated with "\n". WM_STATS_SIZE passes the size of * the file being transferred in wParam. WM_STATS_ELAPSED is called * to pass the elapsed time (in seconds) in wParam, and * WM_STATS_PERCENT passes the percentage of the transfer which is * complete, also in wParam. */ #define WM_STATS_CHAR ( WM_APP_BASE+402 ) #define WM_STATS_SIZE ( WM_APP_BASE+403 ) #define WM_STATS_PERCENT ( WM_APP_BASE+404 ) #define WM_STATS_ELAPSED ( WM_APP_BASE+405 ) /* These are used at the end of a run to pass an error code in * wParam: zero means success, nonzero means failure. WM_RET_ERR_CNT * is used after a copy, and WM_LS_RET_ERR_CNT is used after a file * list operation. */ #define WM_RET_ERR_CNT ( WM_APP_BASE+406 ) #define WM_LS_RET_ERR_CNT ( WM_APP_BASE+407 ) /* More transfer status update messages. WM_STATS_DONE passes the * number of bytes sent so far in wParam. WM_STATS_ETA passes the * estimated time to completion (in seconds). WM_STATS_RATEBS passes * the average transfer rate (in bytes per second). */ #define WM_STATS_DONE ( WM_APP_BASE+408 ) #define WM_STATS_ETA ( WM_APP_BASE+409 ) #define WM_STATS_RATEBS ( WM_APP_BASE+410 ) static int list = 0; static int verbose = 0; static int recursive = 0; static int preserve = 0; static int targetshouldbedirectory = 0; static int statistics = 1; static int prev_stats_len = 0; static int scp_unsafe_mode = 0; static int errs = 0; /* GUI Adaptation - Sept 2000 */ #define NAME_STR_MAX 2048 static char statname[NAME_STR_MAX + 1]; static unsigned long statsize = 0; static unsigned long statdone = 0; static unsigned long stateta = 0; static unsigned long statratebs = 0; static int statperct = 0; static unsigned long statelapsed = 0; static int gui_mode = 0; static char *gui_hwnd = NULL; static int using_sftp = 0; static Backend *back; static void *backhandle; static Config cfg; static void source(char *src); static void rsource(char *src); static void sink(char *targ, char *src); /* GUI Adaptation - Sept 2000 */ static void tell_char(FILE * stream, char c); static void tell_str(FILE * stream, char *str); static void tell_user(FILE * stream, char *fmt, ...); static void gui_update_stats(char *name, unsigned long size, int percentage, unsigned long elapsed, unsigned long done, unsigned long eta, unsigned long ratebs); /* * The maximum amount of queued data we accept before we stop and * wait for the server to process some. */ #define MAX_SCP_BUFSIZE 16384 void ldisc_send(void *handle, char *buf, int len, int interactive) { /* * This is only here because of the calls to ldisc_send(NULL, * 0) in ssh.c. Nothing in PSCP actually needs to use the ldisc * as an ldisc. So if we get called with any real data, I want * to know about it. */ assert(len == 0); } /* GUI Adaptation - Sept 2000 */ static void send_msg(HWND h, UINT message, WPARAM wParam) { while (!PostMessage(h, message, wParam, 0)) SleepEx(1000, TRUE); } static void tell_char(FILE * stream, char c) { if (!gui_mode) fputc(c, stream); else { unsigned int msg_id = WM_STD_OUT_CHAR; if (stream == stderr) msg_id = WM_STD_ERR_CHAR; send_msg((HWND) atoi(gui_hwnd), msg_id, (WPARAM) c); } } static void tell_str(FILE * stream, char *str) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < strlen(str); ++i) tell_char(stream, str[i]); } static void tell_user(FILE * stream, char *fmt, ...) { char *str, *str2; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); str = dupvprintf(fmt, ap); va_end(ap); str2 = dupcat(str, "\n", NULL); sfree(str); tell_str(stream, str2); sfree(str2); } static void gui_update_stats(char *name, unsigned long size, int percentage, unsigned long elapsed, unsigned long done, unsigned long eta, unsigned long ratebs) { unsigned int i; if (strcmp(name, statname) != 0) { for (i = 0; i < strlen(name); ++i) send_msg((HWND) atoi(gui_hwnd), WM_STATS_CHAR, (WPARAM) name[i]); send_msg((HWND) atoi(gui_hwnd), WM_STATS_CHAR, (WPARAM) '\n'); strcpy(statname, name); } if (statsize != size) { send_msg((HWND) atoi(gui_hwnd), WM_STATS_SIZE, (WPARAM) size); statsize = size; } if (statdone != done) { send_msg((HWND) atoi(gui_hwnd), WM_STATS_DONE, (WPARAM) done); statdone = done; } if (stateta != eta) { send_msg((HWND) atoi(gui_hwnd), WM_STATS_ETA, (WPARAM) eta); stateta = eta; } if (statratebs != ratebs) { send_msg((HWND) atoi(gui_hwnd), WM_STATS_RATEBS, (WPARAM) ratebs); statratebs = ratebs; } if (statelapsed != elapsed) { send_msg((HWND) atoi(gui_hwnd), WM_STATS_ELAPSED, (WPARAM) elapsed); statelapsed = elapsed; } if (statperct != percentage) { send_msg((HWND) atoi(gui_hwnd), WM_STATS_PERCENT, (WPARAM) percentage); statperct = percentage; } } /* * Print an error message and perform a fatal exit. */ void fatalbox(char *fmt, ...) { char *str, *str2; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); str = dupvprintf(fmt, ap); str2 = dupcat("Fatal: ", str, "\n", NULL); sfree(str); va_end(ap); tell_str(stderr, str2); sfree(str2); errs++; if (gui_mode) { unsigned int msg_id = WM_RET_ERR_CNT; if (list) msg_id = WM_LS_RET_ERR_CNT; while (!PostMessage ((HWND) atoi(gui_hwnd), msg_id, (WPARAM) errs, 0 /*lParam */ ))SleepEx(1000, TRUE); } cleanup_exit(1); } void modalfatalbox(char *fmt, ...) { char *str, *str2; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); str = dupvprintf(fmt, ap); str2 = dupcat("Fatal: ", str, "\n", NULL); sfree(str); va_end(ap); tell_str(stderr, str2); sfree(str2); errs++; if (gui_mode) { unsigned int msg_id = WM_RET_ERR_CNT; if (list) msg_id = WM_LS_RET_ERR_CNT; while (!PostMessage ((HWND) atoi(gui_hwnd), msg_id, (WPARAM) errs, 0 /*lParam */ ))SleepEx(1000, TRUE); } cleanup_exit(1); } void connection_fatal(void *frontend, char *fmt, ...) { char *str, *str2; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); str = dupvprintf(fmt, ap); str2 = dupcat("Fatal: ", str, "\n", NULL); sfree(str); va_end(ap); tell_str(stderr, str2); sfree(str2); errs++; if (gui_mode) { unsigned int msg_id = WM_RET_ERR_CNT; if (list) msg_id = WM_LS_RET_ERR_CNT; while (!PostMessage ((HWND) atoi(gui_hwnd), msg_id, (WPARAM) errs, 0 /*lParam */ ))SleepEx(1000, TRUE); } cleanup_exit(1); } /* * Be told what socket we're supposed to be using. */ static SOCKET scp_ssh_socket; char *do_select(SOCKET skt, int startup) { if (startup) scp_ssh_socket = skt; else scp_ssh_socket = INVALID_SOCKET; return NULL; } extern int select_result(WPARAM, LPARAM); /* * Receive a block of data from the SSH link. Block until all data * is available. * * To do this, we repeatedly call the SSH protocol module, with our * own trap in from_backend() to catch the data that comes back. We * do this until we have enough data. */ static unsigned char *outptr; /* where to put the data */ static unsigned outlen; /* how much data required */ static unsigned char *pending = NULL; /* any spare data */ static unsigned pendlen = 0, pendsize = 0; /* length and phys. size of buffer */ int from_backend(void *frontend, int is_stderr, char *data, int datalen) { unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *) data; unsigned len = (unsigned) datalen; assert(len > 0); /* * stderr data is just spouted to local stderr and otherwise * ignored. */ if (is_stderr) { fwrite(data, 1, len, stderr); return 0; } /* * If this is before the real session begins, just return. */ if (!outptr) return 0; if (outlen > 0) { unsigned used = outlen; if (used > len) used = len; memcpy(outptr, p, used); outptr += used; outlen -= used; p += used; len -= used; } if (len > 0) { if (pendsize < pendlen + len) { pendsize = pendlen + len + 4096; pending = (pending ? srealloc(pending, pendsize) : smalloc(pendsize)); if (!pending) fatalbox("Out of memory"); } memcpy(pending + pendlen, p, len); pendlen += len; } return 0; } static int scp_process_network_event(void) { fd_set readfds; FD_ZERO(&readfds); FD_SET(scp_ssh_socket, &readfds); if (select(1, &readfds, NULL, NULL, NULL) < 0) return 0; /* doom */ select_result((WPARAM) scp_ssh_socket, (LPARAM) FD_READ); return 1; } static int ssh_scp_recv(unsigned char *buf, int len) { outptr = buf; outlen = len; /* * See if the pending-input block contains some of what we * need. */ if (pendlen > 0) { unsigned pendused = pendlen; if (pendused > outlen) pendused = outlen; memcpy(outptr, pending, pendused); memmove(pending, pending + pendused, pendlen - pendused); outptr += pendused; outlen -= pendused; pendlen -= pendused; if (pendlen == 0) { pendsize = 0; sfree(pending); pending = NULL; } if (outlen == 0) return len; } while (outlen > 0) { if (!scp_process_network_event()) return 0; /* doom */ } return len; } /* * Loop through the ssh connection and authentication process. */ static void ssh_scp_init(void) { if (scp_ssh_socket == INVALID_SOCKET) return; while (!back->sendok(backhandle)) { fd_set readfds; FD_ZERO(&readfds); FD_SET(scp_ssh_socket, &readfds); if (select(1, &readfds, NULL, NULL, NULL) < 0) return; /* doom */ select_result((WPARAM) scp_ssh_socket, (LPARAM) FD_READ); } using_sftp = !ssh_fallback_cmd(backhandle); } /* * Print an error message and exit after closing the SSH link. */ static void bump(char *fmt, ...) { char *str, *str2; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); str = dupvprintf(fmt, ap); va_end(ap); str2 = dupcat(str, "\n", NULL); sfree(str); tell_str(stderr, str2); sfree(str2); errs++; if (back != NULL && back->socket(backhandle) != NULL) { char ch; back->special(backhandle, TS_EOF); ssh_scp_recv(&ch, 1); } if (gui_mode) { unsigned int msg_id = WM_RET_ERR_CNT; if (list) msg_id = WM_LS_RET_ERR_CNT; while (!PostMessage ((HWND) atoi(gui_hwnd), msg_id, (WPARAM) errs, 0 /*lParam */ ))SleepEx(1000, TRUE); } cleanup_exit(1); } /* * Open an SSH connection to user@host and execute cmd. */ static void do_cmd(char *host, char *user, char *cmd) { char *err, *realhost; DWORD namelen; if (host == NULL || host[0] == '\0') bump("Empty host name"); /* Try to load settings for this host */ do_defaults(host, &cfg); if (cfg.host[0] == '\0') { /* No settings for this host; use defaults */ do_defaults(NULL, &cfg); strncpy(cfg.host, host, sizeof(cfg.host) - 1); cfg.host[sizeof(cfg.host) - 1] = '\0'; } /* * Force use of SSH. (If they got the protocol wrong we assume the * port is useless too.) */ if (cfg.protocol != PROT_SSH) { cfg.protocol = PROT_SSH; cfg.port = 22; } /* * Enact command-line overrides. */ cmdline_run_saved(&cfg); /* * Trim leading whitespace off the hostname if it's there. */ { int space = strspn(cfg.host, " \t"); memmove(cfg.host, cfg.host+space, 1+strlen(cfg.host)-space); } /* See if host is of the form user@host */ if (cfg.host[0] != '\0') { char *atsign = strchr(cfg.host, '@'); /* Make sure we're not overflowing the user field */ if (atsign) { if (atsign - cfg.host < sizeof cfg.username) { strncpy(cfg.username, cfg.host, atsign - cfg.host); cfg.username[atsign - cfg.host] = '\0'; } memmove(cfg.host, atsign + 1, 1 + strlen(atsign + 1)); } } /* * Trim a colon suffix off the hostname if it's there. */ cfg.host[strcspn(cfg.host, ":")] = '\0'; /* * Remove any remaining whitespace from the hostname. */ { int p1 = 0, p2 = 0; while (cfg.host[p2] != '\0') { if (cfg.host[p2] != ' ' && cfg.host[p2] != '\t') { cfg.host[p1] = cfg.host[p2]; p1++; } p2++; } cfg.host[p1] = '\0'; } /* Set username */ if (user != NULL && user[0] != '\0') { strncpy(cfg.username, user, sizeof(cfg.username) - 1); cfg.username[sizeof(cfg.username) - 1] = '\0'; } else if (cfg.username[0] == '\0') { namelen = 0; if (GetUserName(user, &namelen) == FALSE) bump("Empty user name"); user = smalloc(namelen * sizeof(char)); GetUserName(user, &namelen); if (verbose) tell_user(stderr, "Guessing user name: %s", user); strncpy(cfg.username, user, sizeof(cfg.username) - 1); cfg.username[sizeof(cfg.username) - 1] = '\0'; free(user); } /* * Disable scary things which shouldn't be enabled for simple * things like SCP and SFTP: agent forwarding, port forwarding, * X forwarding. */ cfg.x11_forward = 0; cfg.agentfwd = 0; cfg.portfwd[0] = cfg.portfwd[1] = '\0'; /* * Attempt to start the SFTP subsystem as a first choice, * falling back to the provided scp command if that fails. */ strcpy(cfg.remote_cmd, "sftp"); cfg.ssh_subsys = TRUE; cfg.remote_cmd_ptr2 = cmd; cfg.ssh_subsys2 = FALSE; cfg.nopty = TRUE; back = &ssh_backend; err = back->init(NULL, &backhandle, &cfg, cfg.host, cfg.port, &realhost,0); if (err != NULL) bump("ssh_init: %s", err); logctx = log_init(NULL, &cfg); back->provide_logctx(backhandle, logctx); console_provide_logctx(logctx); ssh_scp_init(); if (verbose && realhost != NULL) tell_user(stderr, "Connected to %s\n", realhost); sfree(realhost); } /* * Update statistic information about current file. */ static void print_stats(char *name, unsigned long size, unsigned long done, time_t start, time_t now) { float ratebs; unsigned long eta; char etastr[10]; int pct; int len; int elap; elap = (unsigned long) difftime(now, start); if (now > start) ratebs = (float) done / elap; else ratebs = (float) done; if (ratebs < 1.0) eta = size - done; else eta = (unsigned long) ((size - done) / ratebs); sprintf(etastr, "%02ld:%02ld:%02ld", eta / 3600, (eta % 3600) / 60, eta % 60); pct = (int) (100 * (done * 1.0 / size)); if (gui_mode) /* GUI Adaptation - Sept 2000 */ gui_update_stats(name, size, pct, elap, done, eta, (unsigned long) ratebs); else { len = printf("\r%-25.25s | %10ld kB | %5.1f kB/s | ETA: %8s | %3d%%", name, done / 1024, ratebs / 1024.0, etastr, pct); if (len < prev_stats_len) printf("%*s", prev_stats_len - len, ""); prev_stats_len = len; if (done == size) printf("\n"); } } /* * Find a colon in str and return a pointer to the colon. * This is used to separate hostname from filename. */ static char *colon(char *str) { /* We ignore a leading colon, since the hostname cannot be empty. We also ignore a colon as second character because of filenames like f:myfile.txt. */ if (str[0] == '\0' || str[0] == ':' || str[1] == ':') return (NULL); while (*str != '\0' && *str != ':' && *str != '/' && *str != '\\') str++; if (*str == ':') return (str); else return (NULL); } /* * Return a pointer to the portion of str that comes after the last * slash (or backslash or colon, if `local' is TRUE). */ static char *stripslashes(char *str, int local) { char *p; if (local) { p = strchr(str, ':'); if (p) str = p+1; } p = strrchr(str, '/'); if (p) str = p+1; if (local) { p = strrchr(str, '\\'); if (p) str = p+1; } return str; } /* * Determine whether a string is entirely composed of dots. */ static int is_dots(char *str) { return str[strspn(str, ".")] == '\0'; } /* * Wait for a response from the other side. * Return 0 if ok, -1 if error. */ static int response(void) { char ch, resp, rbuf[2048]; int p; if (ssh_scp_recv(&resp, 1) <= 0) bump("Lost connection"); p = 0; switch (resp) { case 0: /* ok */ return (0); default: rbuf[p++] = resp; /* fallthrough */ case 1: /* error */ case 2: /* fatal error */ do { if (ssh_scp_recv(&ch, 1) <= 0) bump("Protocol error: Lost connection"); rbuf[p++] = ch; } while (p < sizeof(rbuf) && ch != '\n'); rbuf[p - 1] = '\0'; if (resp == 1) tell_user(stderr, "%s\n", rbuf); else bump("%s", rbuf); errs++; return (-1); } } int sftp_recvdata(char *buf, int len) { return ssh_scp_recv(buf, len); } int sftp_senddata(char *buf, int len) { back->send(backhandle, (unsigned char *) buf, len); return 1; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * sftp-based replacement for the hacky `pscp -ls'. */ static int sftp_ls_compare(const void *av, const void *bv) { const struct fxp_name *a = (const struct fxp_name *) av; const struct fxp_name *b = (const struct fxp_name *) bv; return strcmp(a->filename, b->filename); } void scp_sftp_listdir(char *dirname) { struct fxp_handle *dirh; struct fxp_names *names; struct fxp_name *ournames; int nnames, namesize; int i; if (!fxp_init()) { tell_user(stderr, "unable to initialise SFTP: %s", fxp_error()); errs++; return; } printf("Listing directory %s\n", dirname); dirh = fxp_opendir(dirname); if (dirh == NULL) { printf("Unable to open %s: %s\n", dirname, fxp_error()); } else { nnames = namesize = 0; ournames = NULL; while (1) { names = fxp_readdir(dirh); if (names == NULL) { if (fxp_error_type() == SSH_FX_EOF) break; printf("Reading directory %s: %s\n", dirname, fxp_error()); break; } if (names->nnames == 0) { fxp_free_names(names); break; } if (nnames + names->nnames >= namesize) { namesize += names->nnames + 128; ournames = srealloc(ournames, namesize * sizeof(*ournames)); } for (i = 0; i < names->nnames; i++) ournames[nnames++] = names->names[i]; names->nnames = 0; /* prevent free_names */ fxp_free_names(names); } fxp_close(dirh); /* * Now we have our filenames. Sort them by actual file * name, and then output the longname parts. */ qsort(ournames, nnames, sizeof(*ournames), sftp_ls_compare); /* * And print them. */ for (i = 0; i < nnames; i++) printf("%s\n", ournames[i].longname); } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Helper routines that contain the actual SCP protocol elements, * implemented both as SCP1 and SFTP. */ static struct scp_sftp_dirstack { struct scp_sftp_dirstack *next; struct fxp_name *names; int namepos, namelen; char *dirpath; char *wildcard; int matched_something; /* wildcard match set was non-empty */ } *scp_sftp_dirstack_head; static char *scp_sftp_remotepath, *scp_sftp_currentname; static char *scp_sftp_wildcard; static int scp_sftp_targetisdir, scp_sftp_donethistarget; static int scp_sftp_preserve, scp_sftp_recursive; static unsigned long scp_sftp_mtime, scp_sftp_atime; static int scp_has_times; static struct fxp_handle *scp_sftp_filehandle; static uint64 scp_sftp_fileoffset; void scp_source_setup(char *target, int shouldbedir) { if (using_sftp) { /* * Find out whether the target filespec is in fact a * directory. */ struct fxp_attrs attrs; if (!fxp_init()) { tell_user(stderr, "unable to initialise SFTP: %s", fxp_error()); errs++; return; } if (!fxp_stat(target, &attrs) || !(attrs.flags & SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_PERMISSIONS)) scp_sftp_targetisdir = 0; else scp_sftp_targetisdir = (attrs.permissions & 0040000) != 0; if (shouldbedir && !scp_sftp_targetisdir) { bump("pscp: remote filespec %s: not a directory\n", target); } scp_sftp_remotepath = dupstr(target); scp_has_times = 0; } else { (void) response(); } } int scp_send_errmsg(char *str) { if (using_sftp) { /* do nothing; we never need to send our errors to the server */ } else { back->send(backhandle, "\001", 1);/* scp protocol error prefix */ back->send(backhandle, str, strlen(str)); } return 0; /* can't fail */ } int scp_send_filetimes(unsigned long mtime, unsigned long atime) { if (using_sftp) { scp_sftp_mtime = mtime; scp_sftp_atime = atime; scp_has_times = 1; return 0; } else { char buf[80]; sprintf(buf, "T%lu 0 %lu 0\n", mtime, atime); back->send(backhandle, buf, strlen(buf)); return response(); } } int scp_send_filename(char *name, unsigned long size, int modes) { if (using_sftp) { char *fullname; if (scp_sftp_targetisdir) { fullname = dupcat(scp_sftp_remotepath, "/", name, NULL); } else { fullname = dupstr(scp_sftp_remotepath); } scp_sftp_filehandle = fxp_open(fullname, SSH_FXF_WRITE | SSH_FXF_CREAT | SSH_FXF_TRUNC); if (!scp_sftp_filehandle) { tell_user(stderr, "pscp: unable to open %s: %s", fullname, fxp_error()); errs++; return 1; } scp_sftp_fileoffset = uint64_make(0, 0); sfree(fullname); return 0; } else { char buf[40]; sprintf(buf, "C%04o %lu ", modes, size); back->send(backhandle, buf, strlen(buf)); back->send(backhandle, name, strlen(name)); back->send(backhandle, "\n", 1); return response(); } } int scp_send_filedata(char *data, int len) { if (using_sftp) { if (!scp_sftp_filehandle) { return 1; } if (!fxp_write(scp_sftp_filehandle, data, scp_sftp_fileoffset, len)) { tell_user(stderr, "error while writing: %s\n", fxp_error()); errs++; return 1; } scp_sftp_fileoffset = uint64_add32(scp_sftp_fileoffset, len); return 0; } else { int bufsize = back->send(backhandle, data, len); /* * If the network transfer is backing up - that is, the * remote site is not accepting data as fast as we can * produce it - then we must loop on network events until * we have space in the buffer again. */ while (bufsize > MAX_SCP_BUFSIZE) { if (!scp_process_network_event()) return 1; bufsize = back->sendbuffer(backhandle); } return 0; } } int scp_send_finish(void) { if (using_sftp) { struct fxp_attrs attrs; if (!scp_sftp_filehandle) { return 1; } if (scp_has_times) { attrs.flags = SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_ACMODTIME; attrs.atime = scp_sftp_atime; attrs.mtime = scp_sftp_mtime; if (!fxp_fsetstat(scp_sftp_filehandle, attrs)) { tell_user(stderr, "unable to set file times: %s\n", fxp_error()); errs++; } } fxp_close(scp_sftp_filehandle); scp_has_times = 0; return 0; } else { back->send(backhandle, "", 1); return response(); } } char *scp_save_remotepath(void) { if (using_sftp) return scp_sftp_remotepath; else return NULL; } void scp_restore_remotepath(char *data) { if (using_sftp) scp_sftp_remotepath = data; } int scp_send_dirname(char *name, int modes) { if (using_sftp) { char *fullname; char const *err; struct fxp_attrs attrs; if (scp_sftp_targetisdir) { fullname = dupcat(scp_sftp_remotepath, "/", name, NULL); } else { fullname = dupstr(scp_sftp_remotepath); } /* * We don't worry about whether we managed to create the * directory, because if it exists already it's OK just to * use it. Instead, we will stat it afterwards, and if it * exists and is a directory we will assume we were either * successful or it didn't matter. */ if (!fxp_mkdir(fullname)) err = fxp_error(); else err = "server reported no error"; if (!fxp_stat(fullname, &attrs) || !(attrs.flags & SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_PERMISSIONS) || !(attrs.permissions & 0040000)) { tell_user(stderr, "unable to create directory %s: %s", fullname, err); errs++; return 1; } scp_sftp_remotepath = fullname; return 0; } else { char buf[40]; sprintf(buf, "D%04o 0 ", modes); back->send(backhandle, buf, strlen(buf)); back->send(backhandle, name, strlen(name)); back->send(backhandle, "\n", 1); return response(); } } int scp_send_enddir(void) { if (using_sftp) { sfree(scp_sftp_remotepath); return 0; } else { back->send(backhandle, "E\n", 2); return response(); } } /* * Yes, I know; I have an scp_sink_setup _and_ an scp_sink_init. * That's bad. The difference is that scp_sink_setup is called once * right at the start, whereas scp_sink_init is called to * initialise every level of recursion in the protocol. */ int scp_sink_setup(char *source, int preserve, int recursive) { if (using_sftp) { char *newsource; if (!fxp_init()) { tell_user(stderr, "unable to initialise SFTP: %s", fxp_error()); errs++; return 1; } /* * It's possible that the source string we've been given * contains a wildcard. If so, we must split the directory * away from the wildcard itself (throwing an error if any * wildcardness comes before the final slash) and arrange * things so that a dirstack entry will be set up. */ newsource = smalloc(1+strlen(source)); if (!wc_unescape(newsource, source)) { /* Yes, here we go; it's a wildcard. Bah. */ char *dupsource, *lastpart, *dirpart, *wildcard; dupsource = dupstr(source); lastpart = stripslashes(dupsource, 0); wildcard = dupstr(lastpart); *lastpart = '\0'; if (*dupsource && dupsource[1]) { /* * The remains of dupsource are at least two * characters long, meaning the pathname wasn't * empty or just `/'. Hence, we remove the trailing * slash. */ lastpart[-1] = '\0'; } else if (!*dupsource) { /* * The remains of dupsource are _empty_ - the whole * pathname was a wildcard. Hence we need to * replace it with ".". */ sfree(dupsource); dupsource = dupstr("."); } /* * Now we have separated our string into dupsource (the * directory part) and wildcard. Both of these will * need freeing at some point. Next step is to remove * wildcard escapes from the directory part, throwing * an error if it contains a real wildcard. */ dirpart = smalloc(1+strlen(dupsource)); if (!wc_unescape(dirpart, dupsource)) { tell_user(stderr, "%s: multiple-level wildcards unsupported", source); errs++; sfree(dirpart); sfree(wildcard); sfree(dupsource); return 1; } /* * Now we have dirpart (unescaped, ie a valid remote * path), and wildcard (a wildcard). This will be * sufficient to arrange a dirstack entry. */ scp_sftp_remotepath = dirpart; scp_sftp_wildcard = wildcard; sfree(dupsource); } else { scp_sftp_remotepath = newsource; scp_sftp_wildcard = NULL; } scp_sftp_preserve = preserve; scp_sftp_recursive = recursive; scp_sftp_donethistarget = 0; scp_sftp_dirstack_head = NULL; } return 0; } int scp_sink_init(void) { if (!using_sftp) { back->send(backhandle, "", 1); } return 0; } #define SCP_SINK_FILE 1 #define SCP_SINK_DIR 2 #define SCP_SINK_ENDDIR 3 #define SCP_SINK_RETRY 4 /* not an action; just try again */ struct scp_sink_action { int action; /* FILE, DIR, ENDDIR */ char *buf; /* will need freeing after use */ char *name; /* filename or dirname (not ENDDIR) */ int mode; /* access mode (not ENDDIR) */ unsigned long size; /* file size (not ENDDIR) */ int settime; /* 1 if atime and mtime are filled */ unsigned long atime, mtime; /* access times for the file */ }; int scp_get_sink_action(struct scp_sink_action *act) { if (using_sftp) { char *fname; int must_free_fname; struct fxp_attrs attrs; int ret; if (!scp_sftp_dirstack_head) { if (!scp_sftp_donethistarget) { /* * Simple case: we are only dealing with one file. */ fname = scp_sftp_remotepath; must_free_fname = 0; scp_sftp_donethistarget = 1; } else { /* * Even simpler case: one file _which we've done_. * Return 1 (finished). */ return 1; } } else { /* * We're now in the middle of stepping through a list * of names returned from fxp_readdir(); so let's carry * on. */ struct scp_sftp_dirstack *head = scp_sftp_dirstack_head; while (head->namepos < head->namelen && (is_dots(head->names[head->namepos].filename) || (head->wildcard && !wc_match(head->wildcard, head->names[head->namepos].filename)))) head->namepos++; /* skip . and .. */ if (head->namepos < head->namelen) { head->matched_something = 1; fname = dupcat(head->dirpath, "/", head->names[head->namepos++].filename, NULL); must_free_fname = 1; } else { /* * We've come to the end of the list; pop it off * the stack and return an ENDDIR action (or RETRY * if this was a wildcard match). */ if (head->wildcard) { act->action = SCP_SINK_RETRY; if (!head->matched_something) { tell_user(stderr, "pscp: wildcard '%s' matched " "no files", head->wildcard); errs++; } sfree(head->wildcard); } else { act->action = SCP_SINK_ENDDIR; } sfree(head->dirpath); sfree(head->names); scp_sftp_dirstack_head = head->next; sfree(head); return 0; } } /* * Now we have a filename. Stat it, and see if it's a file * or a directory. */ ret = fxp_stat(fname, &attrs); if (!ret || !(attrs.flags & SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_PERMISSIONS)) { tell_user(stderr, "unable to identify %s: %s", fname, ret ? "file type not supplied" : fxp_error()); errs++; return 1; } if (attrs.permissions & 0040000) { struct scp_sftp_dirstack *newitem; struct fxp_handle *dirhandle; int nnames, namesize; struct fxp_name *ournames; struct fxp_names *names; /* * It's a directory. If we're not in recursive mode, * this merits a complaint (which is fatal if the name * was specified directly, but not if it was matched by * a wildcard). * * We skip this complaint completely if * scp_sftp_wildcard is set, because that's an * indication that we're not actually supposed to * _recursively_ transfer the dir, just scan it for * things matching the wildcard. */ if (!scp_sftp_recursive && !scp_sftp_wildcard) { tell_user(stderr, "pscp: %s: is a directory", fname); errs++; if (must_free_fname) sfree(fname); if (scp_sftp_dirstack_head) { act->action = SCP_SINK_RETRY; return 0; } else { return 1; } } /* * Otherwise, the fun begins. We must fxp_opendir() the * directory, slurp the filenames into memory, return * SCP_SINK_DIR (unless this is a wildcard match), and * set targetisdir. The next time we're called, we will * run through the list of filenames one by one, * matching them against a wildcard if present. * * If targetisdir is _already_ set (meaning we're * already in the middle of going through another such * list), we must push the other (target,namelist) pair * on a stack. */ dirhandle = fxp_opendir(fname); if (!dirhandle) { tell_user(stderr, "scp: unable to open directory %s: %s", fname, fxp_error()); if (must_free_fname) sfree(fname); errs++; return 1; } nnames = namesize = 0; ournames = NULL; while (1) { int i; names = fxp_readdir(dirhandle); if (names == NULL) { if (fxp_error_type() == SSH_FX_EOF) break; tell_user(stderr, "scp: reading directory %s: %s\n", fname, fxp_error()); if (must_free_fname) sfree(fname); sfree(ournames); errs++; return 1; } if (names->nnames == 0) { fxp_free_names(names); break; } if (nnames + names->nnames >= namesize) { namesize += names->nnames + 128; ournames = srealloc(ournames, namesize * sizeof(*ournames)); } for (i = 0; i < names->nnames; i++) ournames[nnames++] = names->names[i]; names->nnames = 0; /* prevent free_names */ fxp_free_names(names); } fxp_close(dirhandle); newitem = smalloc(sizeof(struct scp_sftp_dirstack)); newitem->next = scp_sftp_dirstack_head; newitem->names = ournames; newitem->namepos = 0; newitem->namelen = nnames; if (must_free_fname) newitem->dirpath = fname; else newitem->dirpath = dupstr(fname); if (scp_sftp_wildcard) { newitem->wildcard = scp_sftp_wildcard; newitem->matched_something = 0; scp_sftp_wildcard = NULL; } else { newitem->wildcard = NULL; } scp_sftp_dirstack_head = newitem; if (newitem->wildcard) { act->action = SCP_SINK_RETRY; } else { act->action = SCP_SINK_DIR; act->buf = dupstr(stripslashes(fname, 0)); act->name = act->buf; act->size = 0; /* duhh, it's a directory */ act->mode = 07777 & attrs.permissions; if (scp_sftp_preserve && (attrs.flags & SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_ACMODTIME)) { act->atime = attrs.atime; act->mtime = attrs.mtime; act->settime = 1; } else act->settime = 0; } return 0; } else { /* * It's a file. Return SCP_SINK_FILE. */ act->action = SCP_SINK_FILE; act->buf = dupstr(stripslashes(fname, 0)); act->name = act->buf; if (attrs.flags & SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_SIZE) { if (uint64_compare(attrs.size, uint64_make(0, ULONG_MAX)) > 0) { act->size = ULONG_MAX; /* *boggle* */ } else act->size = attrs.size.lo; } else act->size = ULONG_MAX; /* no idea */ act->mode = 07777 & attrs.permissions; if (scp_sftp_preserve && (attrs.flags & SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_ACMODTIME)) { act->atime = attrs.atime; act->mtime = attrs.mtime; act->settime = 1; } else act->settime = 0; if (must_free_fname) scp_sftp_currentname = fname; else scp_sftp_currentname = dupstr(fname); return 0; } } else { int done = 0; int i, bufsize; int action; char ch; act->settime = 0; act->buf = NULL; bufsize = 0; while (!done) { if (ssh_scp_recv(&ch, 1) <= 0) return 1; if (ch == '\n') bump("Protocol error: Unexpected newline"); i = 0; action = ch; do { if (ssh_scp_recv(&ch, 1) <= 0) bump("Lost connection"); if (i >= bufsize) { bufsize = i + 128; act->buf = srealloc(act->buf, bufsize); } act->buf[i++] = ch; } while (ch != '\n'); act->buf[i - 1] = '\0'; switch (action) { case '\01': /* error */ tell_user(stderr, "%s\n", act->buf); errs++; continue; /* go round again */ case '\02': /* fatal error */ bump("%s", act->buf); case 'E': back->send(backhandle, "", 1); act->action = SCP_SINK_ENDDIR; return 0; case 'T': if (sscanf(act->buf, "%ld %*d %ld %*d", &act->mtime, &act->atime) == 2) { act->settime = 1; back->send(backhandle, "", 1); continue; /* go round again */ } bump("Protocol error: Illegal time format"); case 'C': case 'D': act->action = (action == 'C' ? SCP_SINK_FILE : SCP_SINK_DIR); break; default: bump("Protocol error: Expected control record"); } /* * We will go round this loop only once, unless we hit * `continue' above. */ done = 1; } /* * If we get here, we must have seen SCP_SINK_FILE or * SCP_SINK_DIR. */ if (sscanf(act->buf, "%o %lu %n", &act->mode, &act->size, &i) != 2) bump("Protocol error: Illegal file descriptor format"); act->name = act->buf + i; return 0; } } int scp_accept_filexfer(void) { if (using_sftp) { scp_sftp_filehandle = fxp_open(scp_sftp_currentname, SSH_FXF_READ); if (!scp_sftp_filehandle) { tell_user(stderr, "pscp: unable to open %s: %s", scp_sftp_currentname, fxp_error()); errs++; return 1; } scp_sftp_fileoffset = uint64_make(0, 0); sfree(scp_sftp_currentname); return 0; } else { back->send(backhandle, "", 1); return 0; /* can't fail */ } } int scp_recv_filedata(char *data, int len) { if (using_sftp) { int actuallen = fxp_read(scp_sftp_filehandle, data, scp_sftp_fileoffset, len); if (actuallen == -1 && fxp_error_type() != SSH_FX_EOF) { tell_user(stderr, "pscp: error while reading: %s", fxp_error()); errs++; return -1; } if (actuallen < 0) actuallen = 0; scp_sftp_fileoffset = uint64_add32(scp_sftp_fileoffset, actuallen); return actuallen; } else { return ssh_scp_recv(data, len); } } int scp_finish_filerecv(void) { if (using_sftp) { fxp_close(scp_sftp_filehandle); return 0; } else { back->send(backhandle, "", 1); return response(); } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Send an error message to the other side and to the screen. * Increment error counter. */ static void run_err(const char *fmt, ...) { char *str, *str2; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); errs++; str = dupvprintf(fmt, ap); str2 = dupcat("scp: ", str, "\n", NULL); sfree(str); scp_send_errmsg(str2); tell_user(stderr, "%s", str2); va_end(ap); sfree(str2); } /* * Execute the source part of the SCP protocol. */ static void source(char *src) { unsigned long size; char *last; HANDLE f; DWORD attr; unsigned long i; unsigned long stat_bytes; time_t stat_starttime, stat_lasttime; attr = GetFileAttributes(src); if (attr == (DWORD) - 1) { run_err("%s: No such file or directory", src); return; } if ((attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0) { if (recursive) { /* * Avoid . and .. directories. */ char *p; p = strrchr(src, '/'); if (!p) p = strrchr(src, '\\'); if (!p) p = src; else p++; if (!strcmp(p, ".") || !strcmp(p, "..")) /* skip . and .. */ ; else rsource(src); } else { run_err("%s: not a regular file", src); } return; } if ((last = strrchr(src, '/')) == NULL) last = src; else last++; if (strrchr(last, '\\') != NULL) last = strrchr(last, '\\') + 1; if (last == src && strchr(src, ':') != NULL) last = strchr(src, ':') + 1; f = CreateFile(src, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0); if (f == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { run_err("%s: Cannot open file", src); return; } if (preserve) { FILETIME actime, wrtime; unsigned long mtime, atime; GetFileTime(f, NULL, &actime, &wrtime); TIME_WIN_TO_POSIX(actime, atime); TIME_WIN_TO_POSIX(wrtime, mtime); if (scp_send_filetimes(mtime, atime)) return; } size = GetFileSize(f, NULL); if (verbose) tell_user(stderr, "Sending file %s, size=%lu", last, size); if (scp_send_filename(last, size, 0644)) return; stat_bytes = 0; stat_starttime = time(NULL); stat_lasttime = 0; for (i = 0; i < size; i += 4096) { char transbuf[4096]; DWORD j, k = 4096; if (i + k > size) k = size - i; if (!ReadFile(f, transbuf, k, &j, NULL) || j != k) { if (statistics) printf("\n"); bump("%s: Read error", src); } if (scp_send_filedata(transbuf, k)) bump("%s: Network error occurred", src); if (statistics) { stat_bytes += k; if (time(NULL) != stat_lasttime || i + k == size) { stat_lasttime = time(NULL); print_stats(last, size, stat_bytes, stat_starttime, stat_lasttime); } } } CloseHandle(f); (void) scp_send_finish(); } /* * Recursively send the contents of a directory. */ static void rsource(char *src) { char *last, *findfile; char *save_target; HANDLE dir; WIN32_FIND_DATA fdat; int ok; if ((last = strrchr(src, '/')) == NULL) last = src; else last++; if (strrchr(last, '\\') != NULL) last = strrchr(last, '\\') + 1; if (last == src && strchr(src, ':') != NULL) last = strchr(src, ':') + 1; /* maybe send filetime */ save_target = scp_save_remotepath(); if (verbose) tell_user(stderr, "Entering directory: %s", last); if (scp_send_dirname(last, 0755)) return; findfile = dupcat(src, "/*", NULL); dir = FindFirstFile(findfile, &fdat); ok = (dir != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); while (ok) { if (strcmp(fdat.cFileName, ".") == 0 || strcmp(fdat.cFileName, "..") == 0) { /* ignore . and .. */ } else { char *foundfile = dupcat(src, "/", fdat.cFileName, NULL); source(foundfile); sfree(foundfile); } ok = FindNextFile(dir, &fdat); } FindClose(dir); sfree(findfile); (void) scp_send_enddir(); scp_restore_remotepath(save_target); } /* * Execute the sink part of the SCP protocol. */ static void sink(char *targ, char *src) { char *destfname; int targisdir = 0; int exists; DWORD attr; HANDLE f; unsigned long received; int wrerror = 0; unsigned long stat_bytes; time_t stat_starttime, stat_lasttime; char *stat_name; attr = GetFileAttributes(targ); if (attr != (DWORD) - 1 && (attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0) targisdir = 1; if (targetshouldbedirectory && !targisdir) bump("%s: Not a directory", targ); scp_sink_init(); while (1) { struct scp_sink_action act; if (scp_get_sink_action(&act)) return; if (act.action == SCP_SINK_ENDDIR) return; if (act.action == SCP_SINK_RETRY) continue; if (targisdir) { /* * Prevent the remote side from maliciously writing to * files outside the target area by sending a filename * containing `../'. In fact, it shouldn't be sending * filenames with any slashes or colons in at all; so * we'll find the last slash, backslash or colon in the * filename and use only the part after that. (And * warn!) * * In addition, we also ensure here that if we're * copying a single file and the target is a directory * (common usage: `pscp host:filename .') the remote * can't send us a _different_ file name. We can * distinguish this case because `src' will be non-NULL * and the last component of that will fail to match * (the last component of) the name sent. * * Well, not always; if `src' is a wildcard, we do * expect to get back filenames that don't correspond * exactly to it. Ideally in this case, we would like * to ensure that the returned filename actually * matches the wildcard pattern - but one of SCP's * protocol infelicities is that wildcard matching is * done at the server end _by the server's rules_ and * so in general this is infeasible. Hence, we only * accept filenames that don't correspond to `src' if * unsafe mode is enabled or we are using SFTP (which * resolves remote wildcards on the client side and can * be trusted). */ char *striptarget, *stripsrc; striptarget = stripslashes(act.name, 1); if (striptarget != act.name) { tell_user(stderr, "warning: remote host sent a compound" " pathname '%s'", act.name); tell_user(stderr, " renaming local file to '%s'", striptarget); } /* * Also check to see if the target filename is '.' or * '..', or indeed '...' and so on because Windows * appears to interpret those like '..'. */ if (is_dots(striptarget)) { bump("security violation: remote host attempted to write to" " a '.' or '..' path!"); } if (src) { stripsrc = stripslashes(src, 1); if (strcmp(striptarget, stripsrc) && !using_sftp && !scp_unsafe_mode) { tell_user(stderr, "warning: remote host tried to write " "to a file called '%s'", striptarget); tell_user(stderr, " when we requested a file " "called '%s'.", stripsrc); tell_user(stderr, " If this is a wildcard, " "consider upgrading to SSH 2 or using"); tell_user(stderr, " the '-unsafe' option. Renaming" " of this file has been disallowed."); /* Override the name the server provided with our own. */ striptarget = stripsrc; } } if (targ[0] != '\0') destfname = dupcat(targ, "\\", striptarget, NULL); else destfname = dupstr(striptarget); } else { /* * In this branch of the if, the target area is a * single file with an explicitly specified name in any * case, so there's no danger. */ destfname = dupstr(targ); } attr = GetFileAttributes(destfname); exists = (attr != (DWORD) - 1); if (act.action == SCP_SINK_DIR) { if (exists && (attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0) { run_err("%s: Not a directory", destfname); continue; } if (!exists) { if (!CreateDirectory(destfname, NULL)) { run_err("%s: Cannot create directory", destfname); continue; } } sink(destfname, NULL); /* can we set the timestamp for directories ? */ continue; } f = CreateFile(destfname, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if (f == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { run_err("%s: Cannot create file", destfname); continue; } if (scp_accept_filexfer()) return; stat_bytes = 0; stat_starttime = time(NULL); stat_lasttime = 0; stat_name = stripslashes(destfname, 1); received = 0; while (received < act.size) { char transbuf[4096]; DWORD blksize, read, written; blksize = 4096; if (blksize > act.size - received) blksize = act.size - received; read = scp_recv_filedata(transbuf, blksize); if (read <= 0) bump("Lost connection"); if (wrerror) continue; if (!WriteFile(f, transbuf, read, &written, NULL) || written != read) { wrerror = 1; /* FIXME: in sftp we can actually abort the transfer */ if (statistics) printf("\r%-25.25s | %50s\n", stat_name, "Write error.. waiting for end of file"); continue; } if (statistics) { stat_bytes += read; if (time(NULL) > stat_lasttime || received + read == act.size) { stat_lasttime = time(NULL); print_stats(stat_name, act.size, stat_bytes, stat_starttime, stat_lasttime); } } received += read; } if (act.settime) { FILETIME actime, wrtime; TIME_POSIX_TO_WIN(act.atime, actime); TIME_POSIX_TO_WIN(act.mtime, wrtime); SetFileTime(f, NULL, &actime, &wrtime); } CloseHandle(f); if (wrerror) { run_err("%s: Write error", destfname); continue; } (void) scp_finish_filerecv(); sfree(destfname); sfree(act.buf); } } /* * We will copy local files to a remote server. */ static void toremote(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *src, *targ, *host, *user; char *cmd; int i; targ = argv[argc - 1]; /* Separate host from filename */ host = targ; targ = colon(targ); if (targ == NULL) bump("targ == NULL in toremote()"); *targ++ = '\0'; if (*targ == '\0') targ = "."; /* Substitute "." for emtpy target */ /* Separate host and username */ user = host; host = strrchr(host, '@'); if (host == NULL) { host = user; user = NULL; } else { *host++ = '\0'; if (*user == '\0') user = NULL; } if (argc == 2) { /* Find out if the source filespec covers multiple files if so, we should set the targetshouldbedirectory flag */ HANDLE fh; WIN32_FIND_DATA fdat; if (colon(argv[0]) != NULL) bump("%s: Remote to remote not supported", argv[0]); fh = FindFirstFile(argv[0], &fdat); if (fh == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) bump("%s: No such file or directory\n", argv[0]); if (FindNextFile(fh, &fdat)) targetshouldbedirectory = 1; FindClose(fh); } cmd = dupprintf("scp%s%s%s%s -t %s", verbose ? " -v" : "", recursive ? " -r" : "", preserve ? " -p" : "", targetshouldbedirectory ? " -d" : "", targ); do_cmd(host, user, cmd); sfree(cmd); scp_source_setup(targ, targetshouldbedirectory); for (i = 0; i < argc - 1; i++) { char *srcpath, *last; HANDLE dir; WIN32_FIND_DATA fdat; src = argv[i]; if (colon(src) != NULL) { tell_user(stderr, "%s: Remote to remote not supported\n", src); errs++; continue; } /* * Trim off the last pathname component of `src', to * provide the base pathname which will be prepended to * filenames returned from Find{First,Next}File. */ srcpath = dupstr(src); last = stripslashes(srcpath, 1); *last = '\0'; dir = FindFirstFile(src, &fdat); if (dir == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { run_err("%s: No such file or directory", src); continue; } do { char *filename; /* * Ensure that . and .. are never matched by wildcards, * but only by deliberate action. */ if (!strcmp(fdat.cFileName, ".") || !strcmp(fdat.cFileName, "..")) { /* * Find*File has returned a special dir. We require * that _either_ `src' ends in a backslash followed * by that string, _or_ `src' is precisely that * string. */ int len = strlen(src), dlen = strlen(fdat.cFileName); if (len == dlen && !strcmp(src, fdat.cFileName)) { /* ok */ ; } else if (len > dlen + 1 && src[len - dlen - 1] == '\\' && !strcmp(src + len - dlen, fdat.cFileName)) { /* ok */ ; } else continue; /* ignore this one */ } filename = dupcat(srcpath, fdat.cFileName, NULL); source(filename); sfree(filename); } while (FindNextFile(dir, &fdat)); FindClose(dir); sfree(srcpath); } } /* * We will copy files from a remote server to the local machine. */ static void tolocal(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *src, *targ, *host, *user; char *cmd; if (argc != 2) bump("More than one remote source not supported"); src = argv[0]; targ = argv[1]; /* Separate host from filename */ host = src; src = colon(src); if (src == NULL) bump("Local to local copy not supported"); *src++ = '\0'; if (*src == '\0') src = "."; /* Substitute "." for empty filename */ /* Separate username and hostname */ user = host; host = strrchr(host, '@'); if (host == NULL) { host = user; user = NULL; } else { *host++ = '\0'; if (*user == '\0') user = NULL; } cmd = dupprintf("scp%s%s%s%s -f %s", verbose ? " -v" : "", recursive ? " -r" : "", preserve ? " -p" : "", targetshouldbedirectory ? " -d" : "", src); do_cmd(host, user, cmd); sfree(cmd); if (scp_sink_setup(src, preserve, recursive)) return; sink(targ, src); } /* * We will issue a list command to get a remote directory. */ static void get_dir_list(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *src, *host, *user; char *cmd, *p, *q; char c; src = argv[0]; /* Separate host from filename */ host = src; src = colon(src); if (src == NULL) bump("Local to local copy not supported"); *src++ = '\0'; if (*src == '\0') src = "."; /* Substitute "." for empty filename */ /* Separate username and hostname */ user = host; host = strrchr(host, '@'); if (host == NULL) { host = user; user = NULL; } else { *host++ = '\0'; if (*user == '\0') user = NULL; } cmd = smalloc(4 * strlen(src) + 100); strcpy(cmd, "ls -la '"); p = cmd + strlen(cmd); for (q = src; *q; q++) { if (*q == '\'') { *p++ = '\''; *p++ = '\\'; *p++ = '\''; *p++ = '\''; } else { *p++ = *q; } } *p++ = '\''; *p = '\0'; do_cmd(host, user, cmd); sfree(cmd); if (using_sftp) { scp_sftp_listdir(src); } else { while (ssh_scp_recv(&c, 1) > 0) tell_char(stdout, c); } } /* * Initialize the Win$ock driver. */ static void init_winsock(void) { WORD winsock_ver; WSADATA wsadata; winsock_ver = MAKEWORD(1, 1); if (WSAStartup(winsock_ver, &wsadata)) bump("Unable to initialise WinSock"); if (LOBYTE(wsadata.wVersion) != 1 || HIBYTE(wsadata.wVersion) != 1) bump("WinSock version is incompatible with 1.1"); } /* * Short description of parameters. */ static void usage(void) { printf("PuTTY Secure Copy client\n"); printf("%s\n", ver); printf("Usage: pscp [options] [user@]host:source target\n"); printf (" pscp [options] source [source...] [user@]host:target\n"); printf(" pscp [options] -ls user@host:filespec\n"); printf("Options:\n"); printf(" -p preserve file attributes\n"); printf(" -q quiet, don't show statistics\n"); printf(" -r copy directories recursively\n"); printf(" -v show verbose messages\n"); printf(" -load sessname Load settings from saved session\n"); printf(" -P port connect to specified port\n"); printf(" -l user connect with specified username\n"); printf(" -pw passw login with specified password\n"); printf(" -1 -2 force use of particular SSH protocol version\n"); printf(" -C enable compression\n"); printf(" -i key private key file for authentication\n"); printf(" -batch disable all interactive prompts\n"); printf(" -unsafe allow server-side wildcards (DANGEROUS)\n"); #if 0 /* * -gui is an internal option, used by GUI front ends to get * pscp to pass progress reports back to them. It's not an * ordinary user-accessible option, so it shouldn't be part of * the command-line help. The only people who need to know * about it are programmers, and they can read the source. */ printf (" -gui hWnd GUI mode with the windows handle for receiving messages\n"); #endif cleanup_exit(1); } void cmdline_error(char *p, ...) { va_list ap; fprintf(stderr, "pscp: "); va_start(ap, p); vfprintf(stderr, p, ap); va_end(ap); fprintf(stderr, "\n try typing just \"pscp\" for help\n"); exit(1); } /* * Main program (no, really?) */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; default_protocol = PROT_TELNET; flags = FLAG_STDERR; cmdline_tooltype = TOOLTYPE_FILETRANSFER; ssh_get_line = &console_get_line; init_winsock(); sk_init(); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { int ret; if (argv[i][0] != '-') break; ret = cmdline_process_param(argv[i], i+1<argc?argv[i+1]:NULL, 1, &cfg); if (ret == -2) { cmdline_error("option \"%s\" requires an argument", argv[i]); } else if (ret == 2) { i++; /* skip next argument */ } else if (ret == 1) { /* We have our own verbosity in addition to `flags'. */ if (flags & FLAG_VERBOSE) verbose = 1; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-r") == 0) { recursive = 1; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-p") == 0) { preserve = 1; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-q") == 0) { statistics = 0; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "-?") == 0) { usage(); } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-gui") == 0 && i + 1 < argc) { gui_hwnd = argv[++i]; gui_mode = 1; console_batch_mode = TRUE; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-ls") == 0) { list = 1; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-batch") == 0) { console_batch_mode = 1; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-unsafe") == 0) { scp_unsafe_mode = 1; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--") == 0) { i++; break; } else { cmdline_error("unknown option \"%s\"", argv[i]); } } argc -= i; argv += i; back = NULL; if (list) { if (argc != 1) usage(); get_dir_list(argc, argv); } else { if (argc < 2) usage(); if (argc > 2) targetshouldbedirectory = 1; if (colon(argv[argc - 1]) != NULL) toremote(argc, argv); else tolocal(argc, argv); } if (back != NULL && back->socket(backhandle) != NULL) { char ch; back->special(backhandle, TS_EOF); ssh_scp_recv(&ch, 1); } WSACleanup(); random_save_seed(); /* GUI Adaptation - August 2000 */ if (gui_mode) { unsigned int msg_id = WM_RET_ERR_CNT; if (list) msg_id = WM_LS_RET_ERR_CNT; while (!PostMessage ((HWND) atoi(gui_hwnd), msg_id, (WPARAM) errs, 0 /*lParam */ ))SleepEx(1000, TRUE); } return (errs == 0 ? 0 : 1); } /* end */