/* * Server side of key exchange for the SSH-2 transport protocol (RFC 4253). */ #include <assert.h> #include "putty.h" #include "ssh.h" #include "bpp.h" #include "ppl.h" #include "sshcr.h" #include "server.h" #include "sshkeygen.h" #include "storage.h" #include "transport2.h" #include "mpint.h" void ssh2_transport_provide_hostkeys(PacketProtocolLayer *ppl, ssh_key *const *hostkeys, int nhostkeys) { struct ssh2_transport_state *s = container_of(ppl, struct ssh2_transport_state, ppl); s->hostkeys = hostkeys; s->nhostkeys = nhostkeys; } static strbuf *finalise_and_sign_exhash(struct ssh2_transport_state *s) { strbuf *sb; ssh2transport_finalise_exhash(s); sb = strbuf_new(); ssh_key_sign( s->hkey, make_ptrlen(s->exchange_hash, s->kex_alg->hash->hlen), s->hkflags, BinarySink_UPCAST(sb)); return sb; } void ssh2kex_coroutine(struct ssh2_transport_state *s, bool *aborted) { PacketProtocolLayer *ppl = &s->ppl; /* for ppl_logevent */ PktIn *pktin; PktOut *pktout; crBegin(s->crStateKex); { int i; for (i = 0; i < s->nhostkeys; i++) if (ssh_key_alg(s->hostkeys[i]) == s->hostkey_alg) { s->hkey = s->hostkeys[i]; break; } assert(s->hkey); } strbuf_clear(s->hostkeyblob); ssh_key_public_blob(s->hkey, BinarySink_UPCAST(s->hostkeyblob)); s->hostkeydata = ptrlen_from_strbuf(s->hostkeyblob); put_stringpl(s->exhash, s->hostkeydata); if (s->kex_alg->main_type == KEXTYPE_DH) { /* * If we're doing Diffie-Hellman group exchange, start by * waiting for the group request. */ if (dh_is_gex(s->kex_alg)) { ppl_logevent("Doing Diffie-Hellman group exchange"); s->ppl.bpp->pls->kctx = SSH2_PKTCTX_DHGEX; crMaybeWaitUntilV((pktin = ssh2_transport_pop(s)) != NULL); if (pktin->type != SSH2_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST && pktin->type != SSH2_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST_OLD) { ssh_proto_error(s->ppl.ssh, "Received unexpected packet when " "expecting Diffie-Hellman group exchange " "request, type %d (%s)", pktin->type, ssh2_pkt_type(s->ppl.bpp->pls->kctx, s->ppl.bpp->pls->actx, pktin->type)); *aborted = true; return; } if (pktin->type != SSH2_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST_OLD) { s->dh_got_size_bounds = true; s->dh_min_size = get_uint32(pktin); s->pbits = get_uint32(pktin); s->dh_max_size = get_uint32(pktin); } else { s->dh_got_size_bounds = false; s->pbits = get_uint32(pktin); } /* * This is a hopeless strategy for making a secure DH * group! It's good enough for testing a client against, * but not for serious use. */ PrimeGenerationContext *pgc = primegen_new_context( &primegen_probabilistic); ProgressReceiver null_progress; null_progress.vt = &null_progress_vt; s->p = primegen_generate(pgc, pcs_new(s->pbits), &null_progress); primegen_free_context(pgc); s->g = mp_from_integer(2); s->dh_ctx = dh_setup_gex(s->p, s->g); s->kex_init_value = SSH2_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_INIT; s->kex_reply_value = SSH2_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_REPLY; pktout = ssh_bpp_new_pktout(s->ppl.bpp, SSH2_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_GROUP); put_mp_ssh2(pktout, s->p); put_mp_ssh2(pktout, s->g); pq_push(s->ppl.out_pq, pktout); } else { s->ppl.bpp->pls->kctx = SSH2_PKTCTX_DHGROUP; s->dh_ctx = dh_setup_group(s->kex_alg); s->kex_init_value = SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_INIT; s->kex_reply_value = SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_REPLY; ppl_logevent("Using Diffie-Hellman with standard group \"%s\"", s->kex_alg->groupname); } ppl_logevent("Doing Diffie-Hellman key exchange with hash %s", ssh_hash_alg(s->exhash)->text_name); /* * Generate e for Diffie-Hellman. */ s->e = dh_create_e(s->dh_ctx); /* * Wait to receive f. */ crMaybeWaitUntilV((pktin = ssh2_transport_pop(s)) != NULL); if (pktin->type != s->kex_init_value) { ssh_proto_error(s->ppl.ssh, "Received unexpected packet when " "expecting Diffie-Hellman initial packet, " "type %d (%s)", pktin->type, ssh2_pkt_type(s->ppl.bpp->pls->kctx, s->ppl.bpp->pls->actx, pktin->type)); *aborted = true; return; } s->f = get_mp_ssh2(pktin); if (get_err(pktin)) { ssh_proto_error(s->ppl.ssh, "Unable to parse Diffie-Hellman initial packet"); *aborted = true; return; } { const char *err = dh_validate_f(s->dh_ctx, s->f); if (err) { ssh_proto_error(s->ppl.ssh, "Diffie-Hellman initial packet " "failed validation: %s", err); *aborted = true; return; } } s->K = dh_find_K(s->dh_ctx, s->f); if (dh_is_gex(s->kex_alg)) { if (s->dh_got_size_bounds) put_uint32(s->exhash, s->dh_min_size); put_uint32(s->exhash, s->pbits); if (s->dh_got_size_bounds) put_uint32(s->exhash, s->dh_max_size); put_mp_ssh2(s->exhash, s->p); put_mp_ssh2(s->exhash, s->g); } put_mp_ssh2(s->exhash, s->f); put_mp_ssh2(s->exhash, s->e); pktout = ssh_bpp_new_pktout(s->ppl.bpp, s->kex_reply_value); put_stringpl(pktout, s->hostkeydata); put_mp_ssh2(pktout, s->e); put_stringsb(pktout, finalise_and_sign_exhash(s)); pq_push(s->ppl.out_pq, pktout); dh_cleanup(s->dh_ctx); s->dh_ctx = NULL; mp_free(s->f); s->f = NULL; if (dh_is_gex(s->kex_alg)) { mp_free(s->g); s->g = NULL; mp_free(s->p); s->p = NULL; } } else if (s->kex_alg->main_type == KEXTYPE_ECDH) { ppl_logevent("Doing ECDH key exchange with curve %s and hash %s", ssh_ecdhkex_curve_textname(s->kex_alg), ssh_hash_alg(s->exhash)->text_name); s->ppl.bpp->pls->kctx = SSH2_PKTCTX_ECDHKEX; s->ecdh_key = ssh_ecdhkex_newkey(s->kex_alg); if (!s->ecdh_key) { ssh_sw_abort(s->ppl.ssh, "Unable to generate key for ECDH"); *aborted = true; return; } crMaybeWaitUntilV((pktin = ssh2_transport_pop(s)) != NULL); if (pktin->type != SSH2_MSG_KEX_ECDH_INIT) { ssh_proto_error(s->ppl.ssh, "Received unexpected packet when " "expecting ECDH initial packet, type %d (%s)", pktin->type, ssh2_pkt_type(s->ppl.bpp->pls->kctx, s->ppl.bpp->pls->actx, pktin->type)); *aborted = true; return; } { ptrlen keydata = get_string(pktin); put_stringpl(s->exhash, keydata); s->K = ssh_ecdhkex_getkey(s->ecdh_key, keydata); if (!get_err(pktin) && !s->K) { ssh_proto_error(s->ppl.ssh, "Received invalid elliptic curve " "point in ECDH initial packet"); *aborted = true; return; } } pktout = ssh_bpp_new_pktout(s->ppl.bpp, SSH2_MSG_KEX_ECDH_REPLY); put_stringpl(pktout, s->hostkeydata); { strbuf *pubpoint = strbuf_new(); ssh_ecdhkex_getpublic(s->ecdh_key, BinarySink_UPCAST(pubpoint)); put_string(s->exhash, pubpoint->u, pubpoint->len); put_stringsb(pktout, pubpoint); } put_stringsb(pktout, finalise_and_sign_exhash(s)); pq_push(s->ppl.out_pq, pktout); ssh_ecdhkex_freekey(s->ecdh_key); s->ecdh_key = NULL; } else if (s->kex_alg->main_type == KEXTYPE_GSS) { ssh_sw_abort(s->ppl.ssh, "GSS key exchange not supported in server"); } else { assert(s->kex_alg->main_type == KEXTYPE_RSA); ppl_logevent("Doing RSA key exchange with hash %s", ssh_hash_alg(s->exhash)->text_name); s->ppl.bpp->pls->kctx = SSH2_PKTCTX_RSAKEX; const struct ssh_rsa_kex_extra *extra = (const struct ssh_rsa_kex_extra *)s->kex_alg->extra; if (s->ssc && s->ssc->rsa_kex_key) { int klen = ssh_rsakex_klen(s->ssc->rsa_kex_key); if (klen >= extra->minklen) { ppl_logevent("Using configured %d-bit RSA key", klen); s->rsa_kex_key = s->ssc->rsa_kex_key; } else { ppl_logevent("Configured %d-bit RSA key is too short (min %d)", klen, extra->minklen); } } if (!s->rsa_kex_key) { ppl_logevent("Generating a %d-bit RSA key", extra->minklen); s->rsa_kex_key = snew(RSAKey); PrimeGenerationContext *pgc = primegen_new_context( &primegen_probabilistic); ProgressReceiver null_progress; null_progress.vt = &null_progress_vt; rsa_generate(s->rsa_kex_key, extra->minklen, false, pgc, &null_progress); primegen_free_context(pgc); s->rsa_kex_key->comment = NULL; s->rsa_kex_key_needs_freeing = true; } pktout = ssh_bpp_new_pktout(s->ppl.bpp, SSH2_MSG_KEXRSA_PUBKEY); put_stringpl(pktout, s->hostkeydata); { strbuf *pubblob = strbuf_new(); ssh_key_public_blob(&s->rsa_kex_key->sshk, BinarySink_UPCAST(pubblob)); put_string(s->exhash, pubblob->u, pubblob->len); put_stringsb(pktout, pubblob); } pq_push(s->ppl.out_pq, pktout); crMaybeWaitUntilV((pktin = ssh2_transport_pop(s)) != NULL); if (pktin->type != SSH2_MSG_KEXRSA_SECRET) { ssh_proto_error(s->ppl.ssh, "Received unexpected packet when " "expecting RSA kex secret, type %d (%s)", pktin->type, ssh2_pkt_type(s->ppl.bpp->pls->kctx, s->ppl.bpp->pls->actx, pktin->type)); *aborted = true; return; } { ptrlen encrypted_secret = get_string(pktin); put_stringpl(s->exhash, encrypted_secret); s->K = ssh_rsakex_decrypt( s->rsa_kex_key, s->kex_alg->hash, encrypted_secret); } if (!s->K) { ssh_proto_error(s->ppl.ssh, "Unable to decrypt RSA kex secret"); *aborted = true; return; } if (s->rsa_kex_key_needs_freeing) { ssh_rsakex_freekey(s->rsa_kex_key); sfree(s->rsa_kex_key); } s->rsa_kex_key = NULL; s->rsa_kex_key_needs_freeing = false; pktout = ssh_bpp_new_pktout(s->ppl.bpp, SSH2_MSG_KEXRSA_DONE); put_stringsb(pktout, finalise_and_sign_exhash(s)); pq_push(s->ppl.out_pq, pktout); } crFinishV; }