/* * osxsel.m: OS X implementation of the front end interface to uxsel. */ #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "putty.h" #include "osxclass.h" /* * The unofficial Cocoa FAQ at * * http://www.alastairs-place.net/cocoa/faq.txt * * says that Cocoa has the native ability to be given an fd and * tell you when it becomes readable, but cannot tell you when it * becomes _writable_. This is unacceptable to PuTTY, which depends * for correct functioning on being told both. Therefore, I can't * use the Cocoa native mechanism. * * Instead, I'm going to resort to threads. I start a second thread * whose job is to do selects. At the termination of every select, * it posts a Cocoa event into the main thread's event queue, so * that the main thread gets select results interleaved with other * GUI operations. Communication from the main thread _to_ the * select thread is performed by writing to a pipe whose other end * is one of the file descriptors being selected on. (This is the * only sensible way, because we have to be able to interrupt a * select in order to provide a new fd list.) */ /* * In more detail, the select thread must: * * - start off by listening to _just_ the pipe, waiting to be told * to begin a select. * * - when it receives the `start' command, it should read the * shared uxsel data (which is protected by a mutex), set up its * select, and begin it. * * - when the select terminates, it should write the results * (perhaps minus the inter-thread pipe if it's there) into * shared memory and dispatch a GUI event to let the main thread * know. * * - the main thread will then think about it, do some processing, * and _then_ send a command saying `now restart select'. Before * sending that command it might easily have tinkered with the * uxsel structures, which is why it waited before sending it. * * - EOF on the inter-thread pipe, of course, means the process * has finished completely, so the select thread terminates. * * - The main thread may wish to adjust the uxsel settings in the * middle of a select. In this situation it first writes the new * data to the shared memory area, then notifies the select * thread by writing to the inter-thread pipe. * * So the upshot is that the sequence of operations performed in * the select thread must be: * * - read a byte from the pipe (which may block) * * - read the shared uxsel data and perform a select * * - notify the main thread of interesting select results (if any) * * - loop round again from the top. * * This is sufficient. Notifying the select thread asynchronously * by writing to the pipe will cause its select to terminate and * another to begin immediately without blocking. If the select * thread's select terminates due to network data, its subsequent * pipe read will block until the main thread is ready to let it * loose again. */ static int osxsel_pipe[2]; static NSLock *osxsel_inlock; static fd_set osxsel_rfds_in; static fd_set osxsel_wfds_in; static fd_set osxsel_xfds_in; static int osxsel_inmax; static NSLock *osxsel_outlock; static fd_set osxsel_rfds_out; static fd_set osxsel_wfds_out; static fd_set osxsel_xfds_out; static int osxsel_outmax; static int inhibit_start_select; /* * NSThread requires an object method as its thread procedure, so * here I define a trivial holding class. */ @class OSXSel; @interface OSXSel : NSObject { } - (void)runThread:(id)arg; @end @implementation OSXSel - (void)runThread:(id)arg { char c; fd_set r, w, x; int n, ret; NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; while (1) { /* * Read one byte from the pipe. */ ret = read(osxsel_pipe[0], &c, 1); if (ret <= 0) return; /* terminate the thread */ /* * Now set up the select data. */ [osxsel_inlock lock]; memcpy(&r, &osxsel_rfds_in, sizeof(fd_set)); memcpy(&w, &osxsel_wfds_in, sizeof(fd_set)); memcpy(&x, &osxsel_xfds_in, sizeof(fd_set)); n = osxsel_inmax; [osxsel_inlock unlock]; FD_SET(osxsel_pipe[0], &r); if (n < osxsel_pipe[0]+1) n = osxsel_pipe[0]+1; /* * Perform the select. */ ret = select(n, &r, &w, &x, NULL); /* * Detect the one special case in which the only * interesting fd was the inter-thread pipe. In that * situation only we are interested - the main thread will * not be! */ if (ret == 1 && FD_ISSET(osxsel_pipe[0], &r)) continue; /* just loop round again */ /* * Write the select results to shared data. * * I _think_ we don't need this data to be lock-protected: * it won't be read by the main thread until after we send * a message indicating that we've finished writing it, and * we won't start another select (hence potentially writing * it again) until the main thread notifies us in return. * * However, I'm scared of multithreading and not totally * convinced of my reasoning, so I'm going to lock it * anyway. */ [osxsel_outlock lock]; memcpy(&osxsel_rfds_out, &r, sizeof(fd_set)); memcpy(&osxsel_wfds_out, &w, sizeof(fd_set)); memcpy(&osxsel_xfds_out, &x, sizeof(fd_set)); osxsel_outmax = n; [osxsel_outlock unlock]; /* * Post a message to the main thread's message queue * telling it that select data is available. */ [NSApp postEvent:[NSEvent otherEventWithType:NSApplicationDefined location:NSMakePoint(0,0) modifierFlags:0 timestamp:0 windowNumber:0 context:nil subtype:0 data1:0 data2:0] atStart:NO]; } [pool release]; } @end void osxsel_init(void) { uxsel_init(); if (pipe(osxsel_pipe) < 0) { fatalbox("Unable to set up inter-thread pipe for select"); } [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(runThread:) toTarget:[[[OSXSel alloc] init] retain] withObject:nil]; /* * Also initialise (i.e. clear) the input fd_sets. Need not * start a select just yet - the select thread will block until * we have at least one fd for it! */ FD_ZERO(&osxsel_rfds_in); FD_ZERO(&osxsel_wfds_in); FD_ZERO(&osxsel_xfds_in); osxsel_inmax = 0; /* * Initialise the mutex locks used to protect the data passed * between threads. */ osxsel_inlock = [[[NSLock alloc] init] retain]; osxsel_outlock = [[[NSLock alloc] init] retain]; } static void osxsel_start_select(void) { char c = 'g'; /* for `Go!' :-) but it's never used */ if (!inhibit_start_select) write(osxsel_pipe[1], &c, 1); } int uxsel_input_add(int fd, int rwx) { /* * Add the new fd to the appropriate input fd_sets, then write * to the inter-thread pipe. */ [osxsel_inlock lock]; if (rwx & 1) FD_SET(fd, &osxsel_rfds_in); else FD_CLR(fd, &osxsel_rfds_in); if (rwx & 2) FD_SET(fd, &osxsel_wfds_in); else FD_CLR(fd, &osxsel_wfds_in); if (rwx & 4) FD_SET(fd, &osxsel_xfds_in); else FD_CLR(fd, &osxsel_xfds_in); if (osxsel_inmax < fd+1) osxsel_inmax = fd+1; [osxsel_inlock unlock]; osxsel_start_select(); /* * We must return an `id' which will be passed back to us at * the time of uxsel_input_remove. Since we have no need to * store ids in that sense, we might as well go with the fd * itself. */ return fd; } void uxsel_input_remove(int id) { /* * Remove the fd from all the input fd_sets. In this * implementation, the simplest way to do that is to call * uxsel_input_add with rwx==0! */ uxsel_input_add(id, 0); } /* * Function called in the main thread to process results. It will * have to read the output fd_sets, go through them, call back to * uxsel with the results, and then write to the inter-thread pipe. * * This function will have to be called from an event handler in * osxmain.m, which will therefore necessarily contain a small part * of this mechanism (along with calling osxsel_init). */ void osxsel_process_results(void) { int i; /* * We must write to the pipe to start a fresh select _even if_ * there were no changes. So for efficiency, we set a flag here * which inhibits uxsel_input_{add,remove} from writing to the * pipe; then once we finish processing, we clear the flag * again and write a single byte ourselves. It's cleaner, * because it wakes up the select thread fewer times. */ inhibit_start_select = TRUE; [osxsel_outlock lock]; for (i = 0; i < osxsel_outmax; i++) { if (FD_ISSET(i, &osxsel_xfds_out)) select_result(i, 4); } for (i = 0; i < osxsel_outmax; i++) { if (FD_ISSET(i, &osxsel_rfds_out)) select_result(i, 1); } for (i = 0; i < osxsel_outmax; i++) { if (FD_ISSET(i, &osxsel_wfds_out)) select_result(i, 2); } [osxsel_outlock unlock]; inhibit_start_select = FALSE; osxsel_start_select(); }