/* $Id: macnet.c,v 1999/04/06 23:18:49 ben Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1999 Ben Harris * All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following * conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF * CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ /* * macnet.c -- PuTTY-to-MacTCP glue */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "putty.h" /* * The theory behind this stuff: * * net_recv attempts to deliver any incoming data waiting on the * queue. Since MacTCP maintains a buffer for incoming data, there's * no need for us to run asynchronous TCPRcvs, and we just do a * synchronous one if we detect some data waiting. Since TCPRcv can't * be given a timeout of zero, we use TCPStatus to work out if there's * anything waiting first. * * Sending data is trickier. TCPSend reserves the right to block * until everything we've sent is ACKed, which means we have to use it * asynchronously. In order to make life easier for backends, and to * save a proliferation of circular buffers, we guarantee to take data * off the hands of the backend as soon as it gives it to us. This is * reasonable because currently there's no way for the backend to say * it can't take data, and once it's got them, it may as well give * them to us. * * Anyway, in order to avoid a fixed-size buffer overflowing, the send * buffer is kept as a queue of blocks. When net_send is called, we * malloc a new block and stick it on the queue. If the queue was * empty, we kick off a new asynchronous TCPSend to handle our block. * */ typedef struct Socket { TCPiopb iopb; /* current MacTCP operation */ TCPiopb spareiopb; /* for closing etc */ hostInfo hostinfo; int port; ProcessSerialNumber psn; Session *s; #if TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_CFM long a5; #endif QHdr sendq; /* Blocks waiting to be sent */ } Socket; typedef struct { QElem qelem; int flags; wdsEntry wds; short wdsterm; } Send_Buffer; /* * Yes, I know the struct QElem has a short[1] to represent the user * data. I'm ignoring it because it makes my code prettier and * improves the alignment. */ typedef struct { QElem qelem; Socket *sock; Net_Event_Type type; } NetEvent; #define TCPBUF_SIZE 8192 static QHdr macnet_eventq; static QHdr macnet_freeq; static short mtcp_refnum; static int mtcp_initted = FALSE; static OSErr macnet_init(void); static pascal void macnet_resolved(hostInfo *, char *); static void macnet_completed_open(TCPiopb*); static void macnet_completed_send(TCPiopb*); static void macnet_sent(Socket *); static void macnet_startsend(Socket *); static void macnet_completed_close(TCPiopb*); static pascal void macnet_asr(StreamPtr, unsigned short, Ptr, unsigned short, ICMPReport *); static void macnet_sendevent(Socket *, Net_Event_Type); #if TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM static RoutineDescriptor macnet_resolved_upp = BUILD_ROUTINE_DESCRIPTOR(uppResultProcInfo, (ProcPtr)macnet_resolved); static RoutineDescriptor macnet_completed_open_upp = BUILD_ROUTINE_DESCRIPTOR(uppTCPIOCompletionProcInfo, (ProcPtr)macnet_completed_open); static RoutineDescriptor macnet_complete_send_upp = BUILD_ROUTINE_DESCRIPTOR(uppTCPIOCompletionProcInfo, (ProcPtr)macnet_completed_send); static RoutineDescriptor macnet_completed_close_upp = BUILD_ROUTINE_DESCRIPTOR(uppTCPIOCompletionProcInfo, (ProcPtr)macnet_completed_close); static RoutineDescriptor macnet_asr_upp = BUILD_ROUTINE_DESCRIPTOR(uppTCPNotifyProcInfo, (ProcPtr)macnet_asr); #else /* These handle A5 switching to thwart the optimiser. */ static pascal void macnet_resolved_upp(hostInfo *, char *); static void macnet_completed_open_upp(TCPiopb *); static void macnet_completed_send_upp(TCPiopb *); static void macnet_completed_close_upp(TCPiopb *); static pascal void macnet_asr_upp(StreamPtr, unsigned short, Ptr, unsigned short, ICMPReport *); #endif /* * Number of outstanding network events allowed. */ #define NUM_EVENTS 16 /* * Initialise networking. Set mtcp_initted if it goes OK. */ static OSErr macnet_init(void) { OSErr err; NetEvent *eventblock; int i; /* * FIXME: This is hideously broken, in that we're meant to faff * with unit numbers and stuff, and we blatantly don't. * On the other hand, neither does NCSA Telnet. Hmm. */ err = opendriver(".IPP", &mtcp_refnum); if (err != noErr) return err; err = OpenResolver(NULL); if (err != noErr) return err; /* Set up the event queues, and fill the free queue with events */ macnet_eventq.qFlags = 0; macnet_eventq.qHead = macnet_eventq.qTail = NULL; macnet_freeq.qFlags = 0; macnet_freeq.qHead = macnet_eventq.qTail = NULL; eventblock = smalloc(NUM_EVENTS * sizeof(NetEvent)); for (i = 0; i < NUM_EVENTS; i++) Enqueue(&eventblock[i].qelem, &macnet_freeq); mtcp_initted = TRUE; return 0; } Socket *net_open(Session *s, char *host, int port) { ip_addr a; OSErr err = noErr; Socket *sock; void *tcpbuf; /* * First, get hold of all the memory we'll need (a lot of the * later stuff happens at interrupt time) */ sock = smalloc(sizeof(struct Socket)); memset(sock, 0, sizeof(*sock)); tcpbuf = smalloc(TCPBUF_SIZE); /* Make a note of anything we don't want to forget */ sock->port = port; GetCurrentProcess(&sock->psn); #if TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_CFM sock->a5 = SetCurrentA5(); #endif /* Get MacTCP running if it's not already */ if (!mtcp_initted) if ((err = macnet_init()) != noErr) fatalbox("Couldn't init network (%d)", err); /* Get ourselves a TCP stream to play with */ sock->iopb.ioCRefNum = mtcp_refnum; sock->iopb.ioCompletion = NULL; sock->iopb.csCode = TCPCreate; sock->iopb.csParam.create.rcvBuff = tcpbuf; sock->iopb.csParam.create.rcvBuffLen = TCPBUF_SIZE; sock->iopb.csParam.create.notifyProc = macnet_asr_upp; sock->iopb.csParam.create.userDataPtr = (Ptr)sock; /* This could be done asynchronously, but I doubt it'll take long. */ err = PBControlSync((ParmBlkPtr)&sock->iopb); if (err != noErr) fatalbox("TCP stream create failed (%d)", err); err = StrToAddr(host, &sock->hostinfo, &macnet_resolved_upp, (char *)sock); /* * A cache fault indicates that the DNR will call us back when * it's found the host for us. */ if (err != cacheFault) macnet_resolved(&sock->hostinfo, (char *)sock); return sock; } #if TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_CFM static pascal void macnet_resolved_upp(hostInfo *hi, char *cookie) { Socket *sock = (Socket *)cookie; long olda5; olda5 = SetA5(sock->a5); macnet_resolved(hi, cookie); SetA5(olda5); } #endif static pascal void macnet_resolved(hostInfo *hi, char *cookie) { Socket *sock = (Socket *)cookie; OSErr err; /* * We've resolved a name, so now we'd like to connect to it (or * report an error). */ switch (sock->hostinfo.rtnCode) { case noErr: /* Open a connection */ sock->iopb.ioCompletion = macnet_completed_open_upp; sock->iopb.csCode = TCPActiveOpen; memset(&sock->iopb.csParam, 0, sizeof(sock->iopb.csParam)); sock->iopb.csParam.open.validityFlags = typeOfService; sock->iopb.csParam.open.remoteHost = sock->hostinfo.addr[0]; /*XXX*/ sock->iopb.csParam.open.remotePort = sock->port; sock->iopb.csParam.open.tosFlags = lowDelay; sock->iopb.csParam.open.dontFrag = 0; sock->iopb.csParam.open.timeToLive = 0; /* default */ sock->iopb.csParam.open.security = 0; sock->iopb.csParam.open.optionCnt = 0; sock->iopb.csParam.open.userDataPtr = (char *)sock; err = PBControlAsync((ParmBlkPtr)&sock->iopb); if (err != noErr) macnet_sendevent(sock, NE_NOOPEN); break; default: /* Something went wrong */ macnet_sendevent(sock, NE_NOHOST); break; } } #if TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_CFM static void macnet_completed_open_upp(TCPiopb *iopb) { Socket *sock = (Socket *)iopb->csParam.open.userDataPtr; long olda5; olda5 = SetA5(sock->a5); macnet_completed_open(iopb); SetA5(olda5); } #endif static void macnet_completed_open(TCPiopb *iopb) { Socket *sock = (Socket *)iopb->csParam.open.userDataPtr; switch (iopb->ioResult) { case noErr: macnet_sendevent(sock, NE_OPEN); break; default: macnet_sendevent(sock, NE_NOOPEN); break; } } #if TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_CFM static pascal void macnet_asr_upp(StreamPtr tcpstream, unsigned short eventcode, Ptr cookie, unsigned short terminreason, ICMPReport *icmpmsg) { Socket *sock = (Socket *)cookie; long olda5; olda5 = SetA5(sock->a5); macnet_asr(tcpstream, eventcode, cookie, terminreason, icmpmsg); SetA5(olda5); } #endif static pascal void macnet_asr(StreamPtr tcpstream, unsigned short eventcode, Ptr cookie, unsigned short terminreason, ICMPReport *icmpmsg) { Socket *sock = (Socket *)cookie; switch (eventcode) { case TCPClosing: macnet_sendevent(sock, NE_CLOSING); break; case TCPULPTimeout: macnet_sendevent(sock, NE_TIMEOUT); break; case TCPTerminate: switch (terminreason) { case TCPRemoteAbort: macnet_sendevent(sock, NE_ABORT); break; default: macnet_sendevent(sock, NE_DIED); break; } break; case TCPDataArrival: macnet_sendevent(sock, NE_DATA); break; case TCPUrgent: macnet_sendevent(sock, NE_URGENT); break; case TCPICMPReceived: switch (icmpmsg->reportType) { case portUnreach: macnet_sendevent(sock, NE_REFUSED); break; } break; } } /* * Send a block of data. */ int net_send(Socket *sock, void *buf, int buflen, int flags) { OSErr err; Send_Buffer *buff; buff = smalloc(sizeof(Send_Buffer) + buflen); buff->flags = flags; buff->wds.length = buflen; buff->wds.ptr = (Ptr)&buff[1]; /* after the end of the struct */ buff->wdsterm = 0; memcpy(&buff[1], buf, buflen); Enqueue(&buff->qelem, &sock->sendq); /* Kick off the transmit if the queue was empty */ if (sock->sendq.qHead == &buff->qelem) macnet_startsend(sock); } /* * This is called once every time round the event loop to check for * network events and handle them. */ void macnet_eventcheck() { NetEvent *ne; if (!mtcp_initted) return; ne = (NetEvent *)macnet_eventq.qHead; if (ne == NULL) return; Dequeue(&ne->qelem, &macnet_eventq); switch (ne->type) { case NE_SENT: macnet_sent(ne->sock); break; default: (ne->sock->s->back->msg)(ne->sock->s, ne->sock, ne->type); break; } Enqueue(&ne->qelem, &macnet_freeq); } /* * The block at the head of the send queue has finished sending, so we * can free it. Kick off the next transmission if there is one. */ static void macnet_sent(Socket *sock) { Send_Buffer *buff; assert(sock->sendq.qHead != NULL); buff = (Send_Buffer *)sock->sendq.qHead; Dequeue(&buff->qelem, &sock->sendq); sfree(buff); if (sock->sendq.qHead != NULL) macnet_startsend(sock); } /* * There's a block on the head of the send queue which needs to be * sent. */ static void macnet_startsend(Socket *sock) { Send_Buffer *buff; OSErr err; buff = (Send_Buffer *)sock->sendq.qHead; sock->iopb.ioCompletion = macnet_completed_send_upp; sock->iopb.csCode = TCPSend; memset(&sock->iopb.csParam, 0, sizeof(sock->iopb.csParam)); sock->iopb.csParam.send.validityFlags = 0; sock->iopb.csParam.send.pushFlag = buff->flags & SEND_PUSH ? true : false; sock->iopb.csParam.send.urgentFlag = buff->flags & SEND_URG ? true : false; sock->iopb.csParam.send.wdsPtr = (Ptr)&buff->wds; sock->iopb.csParam.send.userDataPtr = (char *)sock; err = PBControlAsync((ParmBlkPtr)&sock->iopb); } #if TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_CFM static void macnet_completed_send_upp(TCPiopb *iopb) { Socket *sock = (Socket *)iopb->csParam.send.userDataPtr; long olda5; olda5 = SetA5(sock->a5); macnet_completed_send(iopb); SetA5(olda5); } #endif static void macnet_completed_send(TCPiopb *iopb) { Socket *sock = (Socket *)iopb->csParam.send.userDataPtr; switch (iopb->ioResult) { case noErr: macnet_sendevent(sock, NE_SENT); break; case connectionClosing: case connectionTerminated: /* We'll get an ASR, so ignore it here. */ break; default: macnet_sendevent(sock, NE_DIED); break; } } int net_recv(Socket *sock, void *buf, int buflen, int flags) { TCPiopb iopb; OSErr err; int avail, want, got; memcpy(&iopb, &sock->iopb, sizeof(TCPiopb)); /* Work out if there's anything to recieve (we don't want to block) */ iopb.ioCompletion = NULL; iopb.csCode = TCPStatus; memset(&sock->iopb.csParam, 0, sizeof(sock->iopb.csParam)); err = PBControlSync((ParmBlkPtr)&iopb); if (err != noErr) return 0; /* macnet_asr should catch it anyway */ avail = iopb.csParam.status.amtUnreadData; if (avail == 0) return 0; want = avail < buflen ? avail : buflen; iopb.ioCompletion = NULL; iopb.csCode = TCPRcv; memset(&sock->iopb.csParam, 0, sizeof(sock->iopb.csParam)); iopb.csParam.receive.rcvBuff = buf; iopb.csParam.receive.rcvBuffLen = want; err = PBControlSync((ParmBlkPtr)&iopb); if (err != noErr) return 0; return iopb.csParam.receive.rcvBuffLen; } void net_close(Socket *sock) { OSErr err; /* * This might get called in the middle of processing another * request on the socket, so we have a spare parameter block for * this purpose (allocating one dynamically would mean having to * free it, which we can't do at interrupt time). */ memcpy(&sock->spareiopb, &sock->iopb, sizeof(TCPiopb)); memset(&sock->spareiopb.csParam, 0, sizeof(sock->spareiopb.csParam)); sock->spareiopb.ioCompletion = macnet_completed_close_upp; sock->spareiopb.csCode = TCPClose; sock->spareiopb.csParam.close.validityFlags = 0; sock->spareiopb.csParam.close.userDataPtr = (char *)sock; err = PBControlAsync((ParmBlkPtr)&sock->spareiopb); switch (err) { case noErr: case connectionClosing: case connectionTerminated: /* We'll get an ASR */ break; default: macnet_sendevent(sock, NE_DIED); break; } } #if TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_CFM static void macnet_completed_close_upp(TCPiopb* iopb) { Socket *sock = (Socket *)iopb->csParam.close.userDataPtr; long olda5; olda5 = SetA5(sock->a5); macnet_completed_close(iopb); SetA5(olda5); } #endif static void macnet_completed_close(TCPiopb* iopb) { Socket *sock = (Socket *)iopb->csParam.close.userDataPtr; switch (iopb->ioResult) { case noErr: macnet_sendevent(sock, NE_CLOSED); break; case connectionClosing: case connectionTerminated: break; default: macnet_sendevent(sock, NE_DIED); break; } } /* * Free all the data structures associated with a socket and tear down * any connection through it. */ void net_destroy(Socket *sock) { TCPiopb iopb; OSErr err; /* * Yes, we need _another_ iopb, as there may be a send _and_ a * close outstanding. Luckily, destroying a socket is * synchronous, so we can allocate this one dynamically. */ memcpy(&iopb, &sock->iopb, sizeof(TCPiopb)); iopb.ioCompletion = NULL; iopb.csCode = TCPRelease; memset(&iopb.csParam, 0, sizeof(iopb.csParam)); err = PBControlSync((ParmBlkPtr)&iopb); sfree(iopb.csParam.create.rcvBuff); sfree(sock); } static void macnet_sendevent(Socket *sock, Net_Event_Type type) { NetEvent *ne; ne = (NetEvent *)macnet_freeq.qHead; if (ne == NULL) return; /* It's a disaster, but how do we tell anyone? */ Dequeue(&ne->qelem, &macnet_freeq); ne->sock = sock; ne->type = type; Enqueue(&ne->qelem, &macnet_eventq); WakeUpProcess(&sock->psn); } /* * Local Variables: * c-file-style: "simon" * End: */