/* * gtkdlg.c - GTK implementation of the PuTTY configuration box. */ #include #include #include "gtkcols.h" #include "gtkpanel.h" #ifdef TESTMODE #define PUTTY_DO_GLOBALS /* actually _define_ globals */ #endif #include "putty.h" #include "dialog.h" void *dlg_get_privdata(union control *ctrl, void *dlg) { return NULL; /* FIXME */ } void dlg_set_privdata(union control *ctrl, void *dlg, void *ptr) { /* FIXME */ } void *dlg_alloc_privdata(union control *ctrl, void *dlg, size_t size) { return NULL; /* FIXME */ } union control *dlg_last_focused(void *dlg) { return NULL; /* FIXME */ } void dlg_radiobutton_set(union control *ctrl, void *dlg, int whichbutton) { /* FIXME */ } int dlg_radiobutton_get(union control *ctrl, void *dlg) { return 0; /* FIXME */ } void dlg_checkbox_set(union control *ctrl, void *dlg, int checked) { /* FIXME */ } int dlg_checkbox_get(union control *ctrl, void *dlg) { return 0; /* FIXME */ } void dlg_editbox_set(union control *ctrl, void *dlg, char const *text) { /* FIXME */ } void dlg_editbox_get(union control *ctrl, void *dlg, char *buffer, int length) { /* FIXME */ } /* The `listbox' functions can also apply to combo boxes. */ void dlg_listbox_clear(union control *ctrl, void *dlg) { /* FIXME */ } void dlg_listbox_del(union control *ctrl, void *dlg, int index) { /* FIXME */ } void dlg_listbox_add(union control *ctrl, void *dlg, char const *text) { /* FIXME */ } /* * Each listbox entry may have a numeric id associated with it. * Note that some front ends only permit a string to be stored at * each position, which means that _if_ you put two identical * strings in any listbox then you MUST not assign them different * IDs and expect to get meaningful results back. */ void dlg_listbox_addwithindex(union control *ctrl, void *dlg, char const *text, int id) { /* FIXME */ } int dlg_listbox_getid(union control *ctrl, void *dlg, int index) { return -1; /* FIXME */ } /* dlg_listbox_index returns <0 if no single element is selected. */ int dlg_listbox_index(union control *ctrl, void *dlg) { return -1; /* FIXME */ } int dlg_listbox_issel(union control *ctrl, void *dlg, int index) { return 0; /* FIXME */ } void dlg_listbox_select(union control *ctrl, void *dlg, int index) { /* FIXME */ } void dlg_text_set(union control *ctrl, void *dlg, char const *text) { /* FIXME */ } void dlg_filesel_set(union control *ctrl, void *dlg, Filename fn) { /* FIXME */ } void dlg_filesel_get(union control *ctrl, void *dlg, Filename *fn) { /* FIXME */ } void dlg_fontsel_set(union control *ctrl, void *dlg, FontSpec fs) { /* FIXME */ } void dlg_fontsel_get(union control *ctrl, void *dlg, FontSpec *fs) { /* FIXME */ } /* * Bracketing a large set of updates in these two functions will * cause the front end (if possible) to delay updating the screen * until it's all complete, thus avoiding flicker. */ void dlg_update_start(union control *ctrl, void *dlg) { /* FIXME */ } void dlg_update_done(union control *ctrl, void *dlg) { /* FIXME */ } void dlg_set_focus(union control *ctrl, void *dlg) { /* FIXME */ } /* * During event processing, you might well want to give an error * indication to the user. dlg_beep() is a quick and easy generic * error; dlg_error() puts up a message-box or equivalent. */ void dlg_beep(void *dlg) { /* FIXME */ } void dlg_error_msg(void *dlg, char *msg) { /* FIXME */ } /* * This function signals to the front end that the dialog's * processing is completed, and passes an integer value (typically * a success status). */ void dlg_end(void *dlg, int value) { /* FIXME */ } void dlg_refresh(union control *ctrl, void *dlg) { /* FIXME */ } void dlg_coloursel_start(union control *ctrl, void *dlg, int r, int g, int b) { /* FIXME */ } int dlg_coloursel_results(union control *ctrl, void *dlg, int *r, int *g, int *b) { return 0; /* FIXME */ } /* * This function does the main layout work: it reads a controlset, * it creates the relevant GTK controls, and returns a GtkWidget * containing the result. (This widget might be a title of some * sort, it might be a Columns containing many controls, or it * might be a GtkFrame containing a Columns; whatever it is, it's * definitely a GtkWidget and should probably be added to a * GtkVbox.) */ GtkWidget *layout_ctrls(struct controlset *s) { Columns *cols; GtkWidget *ret; int i; if (!s->boxname && s->boxtitle) { /* This controlset is a panel title. */ return gtk_label_new(s->boxtitle); } /* * Otherwise, we expect to be laying out actual controls, so * we'll start by creating a Columns for the purpose. */ cols = COLUMNS(columns_new(4)); ret = GTK_WIDGET(cols); gtk_widget_show(ret); /* * Create a containing frame if we have a box name. */ if (*s->boxname) { ret = gtk_frame_new(s->boxtitle); /* NULL is valid here */ gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(cols), 4); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(ret), GTK_WIDGET(cols)); gtk_widget_show(ret); } /* * Now iterate through the controls themselves, create them, * and add them to the Columns. */ for (i = 0; i < s->ncontrols; i++) { union control *ctrl = s->ctrls[i]; GtkWidget *w = NULL; switch (ctrl->generic.type) { case CTRL_COLUMNS: { static const int simplecols[1] = { 100 }; columns_set_cols(cols, ctrl->columns.ncols, (ctrl->columns.percentages ? ctrl->columns.percentages : simplecols)); } continue; /* no actual control created */ case CTRL_TABDELAY: /* FIXME: we can do columns_taborder_last easily enough, but * we need to be able to remember which GtkWidget(s) correspond * to ctrl->tabdelay.ctrl. */ continue; /* no actual control created */ case CTRL_BUTTON: w = gtk_button_new_with_label(ctrl->generic.label); break; case CTRL_CHECKBOX: w = gtk_check_button_new_with_label(ctrl->generic.label); break; case CTRL_RADIO: /* * Radio buttons get to go inside their own Columns, no * matter what. */ { gint i, *percentages; GSList *group; w = columns_new(1); if (ctrl->generic.label) { GtkWidget *label = gtk_label_new(ctrl->generic.label); columns_add(COLUMNS(w), label, 0, 1); columns_force_left_align(COLUMNS(w), label); gtk_widget_show(label); } percentages = g_new(gint, ctrl->radio.ncolumns); for (i = 0; i < ctrl->radio.ncolumns; i++) { percentages[i] = ((100 * (i+1) / ctrl->radio.ncolumns) - 100 * i / ctrl->radio.ncolumns); } columns_set_cols(COLUMNS(w), ctrl->radio.ncolumns, percentages); g_free(percentages); group = NULL; for (i = 0; i < ctrl->radio.nbuttons; i++) { GtkWidget *b; gint colstart; b = (gtk_radio_button_new_with_label (group, ctrl->radio.buttons[i])); group = gtk_radio_button_group(GTK_RADIO_BUTTON(b)); colstart = i % ctrl->radio.ncolumns; columns_add(COLUMNS(w), b, colstart, (i == ctrl->radio.nbuttons-1 ? ctrl->radio.ncolumns - colstart : 1)); gtk_widget_show(b); } } break; case CTRL_EDITBOX: if (ctrl->editbox.has_list) { w = gtk_combo_new(); } else { w = gtk_entry_new(); if (ctrl->editbox.password) gtk_entry_set_visibility(GTK_ENTRY(w), FALSE); } /* * Edit boxes, for some strange reason, have a minimum * width of 150 in GTK 1.2. We don't want this - we'd * rather the edit boxes acquired their natural width * from the column layout of the rest of the box. */ { GtkRequisition req; gtk_widget_size_request(w, &req); gtk_widget_set_usize(w, 10, req.height); } if (ctrl->generic.label) { GtkWidget *label, *container; label = gtk_label_new(ctrl->generic.label); container = columns_new(4); if (ctrl->editbox.percentwidth == 100) { columns_add(COLUMNS(container), label, 0, 1); columns_force_left_align(COLUMNS(container), label); columns_add(COLUMNS(container), w, 0, 1); } else { gint percentages[2]; percentages[1] = ctrl->editbox.percentwidth; percentages[0] = 100 - ctrl->editbox.percentwidth; columns_set_cols(COLUMNS(container), 2, percentages); columns_add(COLUMNS(container), label, 0, 1); columns_force_left_align(COLUMNS(container), label); columns_add(COLUMNS(container), w, 1, 1); } gtk_widget_show(label); gtk_widget_show(w); w = container; } break; case CTRL_TEXT: w = gtk_label_new(ctrl->generic.label); gtk_label_set_line_wrap(GTK_LABEL(w), TRUE); gtk_label_set_justify(GTK_LABEL(w), GTK_JUSTIFY_FILL); break; } if (w) { columns_add(cols, w, COLUMN_START(ctrl->generic.column), COLUMN_SPAN(ctrl->generic.column)); gtk_widget_show(w); } } return ret; } struct selparam { Panels *panels; GtkWidget *panel, *treeitem; }; static void treeitem_sel(GtkItem *item, gpointer data) { struct selparam *sp = (struct selparam *)data; panels_switch_to(sp->panels, sp->panel); } void destroy(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data) { gtk_main_quit(); } void do_config_box(void) { GtkWidget *window, *hbox, *vbox, *cols, *label, *tree, *treescroll, *panels, *panelvbox; int index, level; struct controlbox *ctrlbox; char *path; GtkTreeItem *treeitemlevels[8]; GtkTree *treelevels[8]; Config cfg; struct selparam *selparams = NULL; int nselparams = 0, selparamsize = 0; do_defaults(NULL, &cfg); ctrlbox = ctrl_new_box(); setup_config_box(ctrlbox, NULL, FALSE, 0); window = gtk_dialog_new(); gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(GTK_DIALOG(window)->vbox), 4); hbox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 4); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(GTK_DIALOG(window)->vbox), hbox, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_widget_show(hbox); vbox = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 4); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), vbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_widget_show(vbox); cols = columns_new(4); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), cols, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_widget_show(cols); label = gtk_label_new("Category:"); columns_add(COLUMNS(cols), label, 0, 1); columns_force_left_align(COLUMNS(cols), label); gtk_widget_show(label); treescroll = gtk_scrolled_window_new(NULL, NULL); tree = gtk_tree_new(); gtk_tree_set_view_mode(GTK_TREE(tree), GTK_TREE_VIEW_ITEM); gtk_scrolled_window_add_with_viewport(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(treescroll), tree); gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(treescroll), GTK_POLICY_NEVER, GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); gtk_widget_show(tree); gtk_widget_show(treescroll); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), treescroll, TRUE, TRUE, 0); panels = panels_new(); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), panels, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_widget_show(panels); panelvbox = NULL; path = NULL; level = 0; for (index = 0; index < ctrlbox->nctrlsets; index++) { struct controlset *s = ctrlbox->ctrlsets[index]; GtkWidget *w = layout_ctrls(s); if (!*s->pathname) { gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(GTK_DIALOG(window)->action_area), w, TRUE, TRUE, 0); } else { int j = path ? ctrl_path_compare(s->pathname, path) : 0; if (j != INT_MAX) { /* add to treeview, start new panel */ char *c; GtkWidget *treeitem; int first; /* * We expect never to find an implicit path * component. For example, we expect never to see * A/B/C followed by A/D/E, because that would * _implicitly_ create A/D. All our path prefixes * are expected to contain actual controls and be * selectable in the treeview; so we would expect * to see A/D _explicitly_ before encountering * A/D/E. */ assert(j == ctrl_path_elements(s->pathname) - 1); c = strrchr(s->pathname, '/'); if (!c) c = s->pathname; else c++; treeitem = gtk_tree_item_new_with_label(c); assert(j-1 < level); if (j > 0) { if (!treelevels[j-1]) { treelevels[j-1] = GTK_TREE(gtk_tree_new()); gtk_tree_item_set_subtree (treeitemlevels[j-1], GTK_WIDGET(treelevels[j-1])); gtk_tree_item_expand(treeitemlevels[j-1]); } gtk_tree_append(treelevels[j-1], treeitem); } else { gtk_tree_append(GTK_TREE(tree), treeitem); } treeitemlevels[j] = GTK_TREE_ITEM(treeitem); treelevels[j] = NULL; level = j+1; gtk_widget_show(treeitem); path = s->pathname; first = (panelvbox == NULL); panelvbox = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 4); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(panels), panelvbox); if (first) { panels_switch_to(PANELS(panels), panelvbox); gtk_tree_select_child(GTK_TREE(tree), treeitem); } if (nselparams >= selparamsize) { selparamsize += 16; selparams = srealloc(selparams, selparamsize * sizeof(*selparams)); } selparams[nselparams].panels = PANELS(panels); selparams[nselparams].panel = panelvbox; selparams[nselparams].treeitem = treeitem; nselparams++; } gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(panelvbox), w, FALSE, FALSE, 0); } } for (index = 0; index < nselparams; index++) { gtk_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(selparams[index].treeitem), "select", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(treeitem_sel), &selparams[index]); } gtk_widget_show(window); gtk_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(window), "destroy", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(destroy), NULL); gtk_main(); sfree(selparams); } /* ====================================================================== * Below here is a stub main program which allows the dialog box * code to be compiled and tested with a minimal amount of the rest * of PuTTY. */ #ifdef TESTMODE /* Compile command for testing: gcc -o gtkdlg gtk{dlg,cols,panel}.c ../{config,dialog,settings}.c \ ../{misc,tree234,be_none}.c ux{store,misc,print}.c \ -I. -I.. -I../charset -DTESTMODE `gtk-config --cflags --libs` */ void modalfatalbox(char *p, ...) { va_list ap; fprintf(stderr, "FATAL ERROR: "); va_start(ap, p); vfprintf(stderr, p, ap); va_end(ap); fputc('\n', stderr); exit(1); } char *cp_name(int codepage) { return (codepage == 123 ? "testing123" : codepage == 234 ? "testing234" : codepage == 345 ? "testing345" : "unknown"); } char *cp_enumerate(int index) { return (index == 0 ? "testing123" : index == 1 ? "testing234" : NULL); } int decode_codepage(char *cp_name) { return (!strcmp(cp_name, "testing123") ? 123 : !strcmp(cp_name, "testing234") ? 234 : !strcmp(cp_name, "testing345") ? 345 : -2); } struct printer_enum_tag { int dummy; } printer_test; printer_enum *printer_start_enum(int *nprinters_ptr) { *nprinters_ptr = 2; return &printer_test; } char *printer_get_name(printer_enum *pe, int i) { return (i==0 ? "lpr" : i==1 ? "lpr -Pfoobar" : NULL); } void printer_finish_enum(printer_enum *pe) { } char *platform_default_s(const char *name) { return NULL; } int platform_default_i(const char *name, int def) { return def; } FontSpec platform_default_fontspec(const char *name) { FontSpec ret; *ret.name = '\0'; return ret; } Filename platform_default_filename(const char *name) { Filename ret; *ret.path = '\0'; return ret; } char *x_get_default(const char *key) { return NULL; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { gtk_init(&argc, &argv); do_config_box(); return 0; } #endif