/* * scp.c - Scp (Secure Copy) client for PuTTY. * Joris van Rantwijk, Simon Tatham * * This is mainly based on ssh-1.2.26/scp.c by Timo Rinne & Tatu Ylonen. * They, in turn, used stuff from BSD rcp. * * Adaptations to enable connecting a GUI by L. Gunnarsson - Sept 2000 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include /* GUI Adaptation - Sept 2000 */ #include #include #define PUTTY_DO_GLOBALS #include "putty.h" #include "scp.h" #define TIME_POSIX_TO_WIN(t, ft) (*(LONGLONG*)&(ft) = \ ((LONGLONG) (t) + (LONGLONG) 11644473600) * (LONGLONG) 10000000) #define TIME_WIN_TO_POSIX(ft, t) ((t) = (unsigned long) \ ((*(LONGLONG*)&(ft)) / (LONGLONG) 10000000 - (LONGLONG) 11644473600)) /* GUI Adaptation - Sept 2000 */ #define WM_APP_BASE 0x8000 #define WM_STD_OUT_CHAR ( WM_APP_BASE+400 ) #define WM_STD_ERR_CHAR ( WM_APP_BASE+401 ) #define WM_STATS_CHAR ( WM_APP_BASE+402 ) #define WM_STATS_SIZE ( WM_APP_BASE+403 ) #define WM_STATS_PERCENT ( WM_APP_BASE+404 ) #define WM_STATS_ELAPSED ( WM_APP_BASE+405 ) #define WM_RET_ERR_CNT ( WM_APP_BASE+406 ) #define WM_LS_RET_ERR_CNT ( WM_APP_BASE+407 ) static int verbose = 0; static int recursive = 0; static int preserve = 0; static int targetshouldbedirectory = 0; static int statistics = 1; static int portnumber = 0; static char *password = NULL; static int errs = 0; static int connection_open = 0; /* GUI Adaptation - Sept 2000 */ #define NAME_STR_MAX 2048 static char statname[NAME_STR_MAX+1]; static unsigned long statsize = 0; static int statperct = 0; static time_t statelapsed = 0; static int gui_mode = 0; static char *gui_hwnd = NULL; static void source(char *src); static void rsource(char *src); static void sink(char *targ); /* GUI Adaptation - Sept 2000 */ static void tell_char(FILE *stream, char c); static void tell_str(FILE *stream, char *str); static void tell_user(FILE *stream, char *fmt, ...); static void send_char_msg(unsigned int msg_id, char c); static void send_str_msg(unsigned int msg_id, char *str); static void gui_update_stats(char *name, unsigned long size, int percentage, time_t elapsed); /* * This function is needed to link with ssh.c, but it never gets called. */ void term_out(void) { abort(); } /* GUI Adaptation - Sept 2000 */ void send_msg(HWND h, UINT message, WPARAM wParam) { while (!PostMessage( h, message, wParam, 0)) SleepEx(1000,TRUE); } void tell_char(FILE *stream, char c) { if (!gui_mode) fputc(c, stream); else { unsigned int msg_id = WM_STD_OUT_CHAR; if (stream = stderr) msg_id = WM_STD_ERR_CHAR; send_msg( (HWND)atoi(gui_hwnd), msg_id, (WPARAM)c ); } } void tell_str(FILE *stream, char *str) { unsigned int i; for( i = 0; i < strlen(str); ++i ) tell_char(stream, str[i]); } void tell_user(FILE *stream, char *fmt, ...) { char str[0x100]; /* Make the size big enough */ va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vsprintf(str, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); strcat(str, "\n"); tell_str(stream, str); } void gui_update_stats(char *name, unsigned long size, int percentage, time_t elapsed) { unsigned int i; if (strcmp(name,statname) != 0) { for( i = 0; i < strlen(name); ++i ) send_msg( (HWND)atoi(gui_hwnd), WM_STATS_CHAR, (WPARAM)name[i]); send_msg( (HWND)atoi(gui_hwnd), WM_STATS_CHAR, (WPARAM)'\n' ); strcpy(statname,name); } if (statsize != size) { send_msg( (HWND)atoi(gui_hwnd), WM_STATS_SIZE, (WPARAM)size ); statsize = size; } if (statelapsed != elapsed) { send_msg( (HWND)atoi(gui_hwnd), WM_STATS_ELAPSED, (WPARAM)elapsed ); statelapsed = elapsed; } if (statperct != percentage) { send_msg( (HWND)atoi(gui_hwnd), WM_STATS_PERCENT, (WPARAM)percentage ); statperct = percentage; } } /* * Print an error message and perform a fatal exit. */ void fatalbox(char *fmt, ...) { char str[0x100]; /* Make the size big enough */ va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); strcpy(str, "Fatal:"); vsprintf(str+strlen(str), fmt, ap); va_end(ap); strcat(str, "\n"); tell_str(stderr, str); exit(1); } void connection_fatal(char *fmt, ...) { char str[0x100]; /* Make the size big enough */ va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); strcpy(str, "Fatal:"); vsprintf(str+strlen(str), fmt, ap); va_end(ap); strcat(str, "\n"); tell_str(stderr, str); exit(1); } /* * Print an error message and exit after closing the SSH link. */ static void bump(char *fmt, ...) { char str[0x100]; /* Make the size big enough */ va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); strcpy(str, "Fatal:"); vsprintf(str+strlen(str), fmt, ap); va_end(ap); strcat(str, "\n"); tell_str(stderr, str); if (connection_open) { char ch; ssh_scp_send_eof(); ssh_scp_recv(&ch, 1); } exit(1); } static int get_password(const char *prompt, char *str, int maxlen) { HANDLE hin, hout; DWORD savemode, i; if (password) { static int tried_once = 0; if (tried_once) { return 0; } else { strncpy(str, password, maxlen); str[maxlen-1] = '\0'; tried_once = 1; return 1; } } /* GUI Adaptation - Sept 2000 */ if (gui_mode) { if (maxlen>0) str[0] = '\0'; } else { hin = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); hout = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); if (hin == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || hout == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) bump("Cannot get standard input/output handles"); GetConsoleMode(hin, &savemode); SetConsoleMode(hin, (savemode & (~ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT)) | ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT | ENABLE_LINE_INPUT); WriteFile(hout, prompt, strlen(prompt), &i, NULL); ReadFile(hin, str, maxlen-1, &i, NULL); SetConsoleMode(hin, savemode); if ((int)i > maxlen) i = maxlen-1; else i = i - 2; str[i] = '\0'; WriteFile(hout, "\r\n", 2, &i, NULL); } return 1; } /* * Open an SSH connection to user@host and execute cmd. */ static void do_cmd(char *host, char *user, char *cmd) { char *err, *realhost; if (host == NULL || host[0] == '\0') bump("Empty host name"); /* Try to load settings for this host */ do_defaults(host); if (cfg.host[0] == '\0') { /* No settings for this host; use defaults */ strncpy(cfg.host, host, sizeof(cfg.host)-1); cfg.host[sizeof(cfg.host)-1] = '\0'; cfg.port = 22; } /* Set username */ if (user != NULL && user[0] != '\0') { strncpy(cfg.username, user, sizeof(cfg.username)-1); cfg.username[sizeof(cfg.username)-1] = '\0'; } else if (cfg.username[0] == '\0') { bump("Empty user name"); } if (cfg.protocol != PROT_SSH) cfg.port = 22; if (portnumber) cfg.port = portnumber; err = ssh_scp_init(cfg.host, cfg.port, cmd, &realhost); if (err != NULL) bump("ssh_init: %s", err); if (verbose && realhost != NULL) tell_user(stderr, "Connected to %s\n", realhost); connection_open = 1; } /* * Update statistic information about current file. */ static void print_stats(char *name, unsigned long size, unsigned long done, time_t start, time_t now) { float ratebs; unsigned long eta; char etastr[10]; int pct; /* GUI Adaptation - Sept 2000 */ if (gui_mode) gui_update_stats(name, size, ((done *100) / size), now-start); else { if (now > start) ratebs = (float) done / (now - start); else ratebs = (float) done; if (ratebs < 1.0) eta = size - done; else eta = (unsigned long) ((size - done) / ratebs); sprintf(etastr, "%02ld:%02ld:%02ld", eta / 3600, (eta % 3600) / 60, eta % 60); pct = (int) (100.0 * (float) done / size); printf("\r%-25.25s | %10ld kB | %5.1f kB/s | ETA: %8s | %3d%%", name, done / 1024, ratebs / 1024.0, etastr, pct); if (done == size) printf("\n"); } } /* * Find a colon in str and return a pointer to the colon. * This is used to separate hostname from filename. */ static char * colon(char *str) { /* We ignore a leading colon, since the hostname cannot be empty. We also ignore a colon as second character because of filenames like f:myfile.txt. */ if (str[0] == '\0' || str[0] == ':' || str[1] == ':') return (NULL); while (*str != '\0' && *str != ':' && *str != '/' && *str != '\\') str++; if (*str == ':') return (str); else return (NULL); } /* * Wait for a response from the other side. * Return 0 if ok, -1 if error. */ static int response(void) { char ch, resp, rbuf[2048]; int p; if (ssh_scp_recv(&resp, 1) <= 0) bump("Lost connection"); p = 0; switch (resp) { case 0: /* ok */ return (0); default: rbuf[p++] = resp; /* fallthrough */ case 1: /* error */ case 2: /* fatal error */ do { if (ssh_scp_recv(&ch, 1) <= 0) bump("Protocol error: Lost connection"); rbuf[p++] = ch; } while (p < sizeof(rbuf) && ch != '\n'); rbuf[p-1] = '\0'; if (resp == 1) tell_user(stderr, "%s\n", rbuf); else bump("%s", rbuf); errs++; return (-1); } } /* * Send an error message to the other side and to the screen. * Increment error counter. */ static void run_err(const char *fmt, ...) { char str[2048]; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); errs++; strcpy(str, "\01scp: "); vsprintf(str+strlen(str), fmt, ap); strcat(str, "\n"); ssh_scp_send(str, strlen(str)); tell_user(stderr, "%s",str); va_end(ap); } /* * Execute the source part of the SCP protocol. */ static void source(char *src) { char buf[2048]; unsigned long size; char *last; HANDLE f; DWORD attr; unsigned long i; unsigned long stat_bytes; time_t stat_starttime, stat_lasttime; attr = GetFileAttributes(src); if (attr == (DWORD)-1) { run_err("%s: No such file or directory", src); return; } if ((attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0) { if (recursive) { /* * Avoid . and .. directories. */ char *p; p = strrchr(src, '/'); if (!p) p = strrchr(src, '\\'); if (!p) p = src; else p++; if (!strcmp(p, ".") || !strcmp(p, "..")) /* skip . and .. */; else rsource(src); } else { run_err("%s: not a regular file", src); } return; } if ((last = strrchr(src, '/')) == NULL) last = src; else last++; if (strrchr(last, '\\') != NULL) last = strrchr(last, '\\') + 1; if (last == src && strchr(src, ':') != NULL) last = strchr(src, ':') + 1; f = CreateFile(src, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0); if (f == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { run_err("%s: Cannot open file", src); return; } if (preserve) { FILETIME actime, wrtime; unsigned long mtime, atime; GetFileTime(f, NULL, &actime, &wrtime); TIME_WIN_TO_POSIX(actime, atime); TIME_WIN_TO_POSIX(wrtime, mtime); sprintf(buf, "T%lu 0 %lu 0\n", mtime, atime); ssh_scp_send(buf, strlen(buf)); if (response()) return; } size = GetFileSize(f, NULL); sprintf(buf, "C0644 %lu %s\n", size, last); if (verbose) tell_user(stderr, "Sending file modes: %s", buf); ssh_scp_send(buf, strlen(buf)); if (response()) return; if (statistics) { stat_bytes = 0; stat_starttime = time(NULL); stat_lasttime = 0; } for (i = 0; i < size; i += 4096) { char transbuf[4096]; DWORD j, k = 4096; if (i + k > size) k = size - i; if (! ReadFile(f, transbuf, k, &j, NULL) || j != k) { if (statistics) printf("\n"); bump("%s: Read error", src); } ssh_scp_send(transbuf, k); if (statistics) { stat_bytes += k; if (time(NULL) != stat_lasttime || i + k == size) { stat_lasttime = time(NULL); print_stats(last, size, stat_bytes, stat_starttime, stat_lasttime); } } } CloseHandle(f); ssh_scp_send("", 1); (void) response(); } /* * Recursively send the contents of a directory. */ static void rsource(char *src) { char buf[2048]; char *last; HANDLE dir; WIN32_FIND_DATA fdat; int ok; if ((last = strrchr(src, '/')) == NULL) last = src; else last++; if (strrchr(last, '\\') != NULL) last = strrchr(last, '\\') + 1; if (last == src && strchr(src, ':') != NULL) last = strchr(src, ':') + 1; /* maybe send filetime */ sprintf(buf, "D0755 0 %s\n", last); if (verbose) tell_user(stderr, "Entering directory: %s", buf); ssh_scp_send(buf, strlen(buf)); if (response()) return; sprintf(buf, "%s/*", src); dir = FindFirstFile(buf, &fdat); ok = (dir != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); while (ok) { if (strcmp(fdat.cFileName, ".") == 0 || strcmp(fdat.cFileName, "..") == 0) { } else if (strlen(src) + 1 + strlen(fdat.cFileName) >= sizeof(buf)) { run_err("%s/%s: Name too long", src, fdat.cFileName); } else { sprintf(buf, "%s/%s", src, fdat.cFileName); source(buf); } ok = FindNextFile(dir, &fdat); } FindClose(dir); sprintf(buf, "E\n"); ssh_scp_send(buf, strlen(buf)); (void) response(); } /* * Execute the sink part of the SCP protocol. */ static void sink(char *targ) { char buf[2048]; char namebuf[2048]; char ch; int targisdir = 0; int settime; int exists; DWORD attr; HANDLE f; unsigned long mtime, atime; unsigned int mode; unsigned long size, i; int wrerror = 0; unsigned long stat_bytes; time_t stat_starttime, stat_lasttime; char *stat_name; attr = GetFileAttributes(targ); if (attr != (DWORD)-1 && (attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0) targisdir = 1; if (targetshouldbedirectory && !targisdir) bump("%s: Not a directory", targ); ssh_scp_send("", 1); while (1) { settime = 0; gottime: if (ssh_scp_recv(&ch, 1) <= 0) return; if (ch == '\n') bump("Protocol error: Unexpected newline"); i = 0; buf[i++] = ch; do { if (ssh_scp_recv(&ch, 1) <= 0) bump("Lost connection"); buf[i++] = ch; } while (i < sizeof(buf) && ch != '\n'); buf[i-1] = '\0'; switch (buf[0]) { case '\01': /* error */ tell_user(stderr, "%s\n", buf+1); errs++; continue; case '\02': /* fatal error */ bump("%s", buf+1); case 'E': ssh_scp_send("", 1); return; case 'T': if (sscanf(buf, "T%ld %*d %ld %*d", &mtime, &atime) == 2) { settime = 1; ssh_scp_send("", 1); goto gottime; } bump("Protocol error: Illegal time format"); case 'C': case 'D': break; default: bump("Protocol error: Expected control record"); } if (sscanf(buf+1, "%u %lu %[^\n]", &mode, &size, namebuf) != 3) bump("Protocol error: Illegal file descriptor format"); if (targisdir) { char t[2048]; strcpy(t, targ); if (targ[0] != '\0') strcat(t, "/"); strcat(t, namebuf); strcpy(namebuf, t); } else { strcpy(namebuf, targ); } attr = GetFileAttributes(namebuf); exists = (attr != (DWORD)-1); if (buf[0] == 'D') { if (exists && (attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0) { run_err("%s: Not a directory", namebuf); continue; } if (!exists) { if (! CreateDirectory(namebuf, NULL)) { run_err("%s: Cannot create directory", namebuf); continue; } } sink(namebuf); /* can we set the timestamp for directories ? */ continue; } f = CreateFile(namebuf, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if (f == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { run_err("%s: Cannot create file", namebuf); continue; } ssh_scp_send("", 1); if (statistics) { stat_bytes = 0; stat_starttime = time(NULL); stat_lasttime = 0; if ((stat_name = strrchr(namebuf, '/')) == NULL) stat_name = namebuf; else stat_name++; if (strrchr(stat_name, '\\') != NULL) stat_name = strrchr(stat_name, '\\') + 1; } for (i = 0; i < size; i += 4096) { char transbuf[4096]; DWORD j, k = 4096; if (i + k > size) k = size - i; if (ssh_scp_recv(transbuf, k) == 0) bump("Lost connection"); if (wrerror) continue; if (! WriteFile(f, transbuf, k, &j, NULL) || j != k) { wrerror = 1; if (statistics) printf("\r%-25.25s | %50s\n", stat_name, "Write error.. waiting for end of file"); continue; } if (statistics) { stat_bytes += k; if (time(NULL) > stat_lasttime || i + k == size) { stat_lasttime = time(NULL); print_stats(stat_name, size, stat_bytes, stat_starttime, stat_lasttime); } } } (void) response(); if (settime) { FILETIME actime, wrtime; TIME_POSIX_TO_WIN(atime, actime); TIME_POSIX_TO_WIN(mtime, wrtime); SetFileTime(f, NULL, &actime, &wrtime); } CloseHandle(f); if (wrerror) { run_err("%s: Write error", namebuf); continue; } ssh_scp_send("", 1); } } /* * We will copy local files to a remote server. */ static void toremote(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *src, *targ, *host, *user; char *cmd; int i; targ = argv[argc-1]; /* Separate host from filename */ host = targ; targ = colon(targ); if (targ == NULL) bump("targ == NULL in toremote()"); *targ++ = '\0'; if (*targ == '\0') targ = "."; /* Substitute "." for emtpy target */ /* Separate host and username */ user = host; host = strrchr(host, '@'); if (host == NULL) { host = user; user = NULL; } else { *host++ = '\0'; if (*user == '\0') user = NULL; } if (argc == 2) { /* Find out if the source filespec covers multiple files if so, we should set the targetshouldbedirectory flag */ HANDLE fh; WIN32_FIND_DATA fdat; if (colon(argv[0]) != NULL) bump("%s: Remote to remote not supported", argv[0]); fh = FindFirstFile(argv[0], &fdat); if (fh == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) bump("%s: No such file or directory\n", argv[0]); if (FindNextFile(fh, &fdat)) targetshouldbedirectory = 1; FindClose(fh); } cmd = smalloc(strlen(targ) + 100); sprintf(cmd, "scp%s%s%s%s -t %s", verbose ? " -v" : "", recursive ? " -r" : "", preserve ? " -p" : "", targetshouldbedirectory ? " -d" : "", targ); do_cmd(host, user, cmd); sfree(cmd); (void) response(); for (i = 0; i < argc - 1; i++) { HANDLE dir; WIN32_FIND_DATA fdat; src = argv[i]; if (colon(src) != NULL) { tell_user(stderr, "%s: Remote to remote not supported\n", src); errs++; continue; } dir = FindFirstFile(src, &fdat); if (dir == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { run_err("%s: No such file or directory", src); continue; } do { char *last; char namebuf[2048]; if (strlen(src) + strlen(fdat.cFileName) >= sizeof(namebuf)) { tell_user(stderr, "%s: Name too long", src); continue; } strcpy(namebuf, src); if ((last = strrchr(namebuf, '/')) == NULL) last = namebuf; else last++; if (strrchr(last, '\\') != NULL) last = strrchr(last, '\\') + 1; if (last == namebuf && strrchr(namebuf, ':') != NULL) last = strchr(namebuf, ':') + 1; strcpy(last, fdat.cFileName); source(namebuf); } while (FindNextFile(dir, &fdat)); FindClose(dir); } } /* * We will copy files from a remote server to the local machine. */ static void tolocal(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *src, *targ, *host, *user; char *cmd; if (argc != 2) bump("More than one remote source not supported"); src = argv[0]; targ = argv[1]; /* Separate host from filename */ host = src; src = colon(src); if (src == NULL) bump("Local to local copy not supported"); *src++ = '\0'; if (*src == '\0') src = "."; /* Substitute "." for empty filename */ /* Separate username and hostname */ user = host; host = strrchr(host, '@'); if (host == NULL) { host = user; user = NULL; } else { *host++ = '\0'; if (*user == '\0') user = NULL; } cmd = smalloc(strlen(src) + 100); sprintf(cmd, "scp%s%s%s%s -f %s", verbose ? " -v" : "", recursive ? " -r" : "", preserve ? " -p" : "", targetshouldbedirectory ? " -d" : "", src); do_cmd(host, user, cmd); sfree(cmd); sink(targ); } /* * We will issue a list command to get a remote directory. */ static void get_dir_list(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *src, *host, *user; char *cmd, *p, *q; char c; src = argv[0]; /* Separate host from filename */ host = src; src = colon(src); if (src == NULL) bump("Local to local copy not supported"); *src++ = '\0'; if (*src == '\0') src = "."; /* Substitute "." for empty filename */ /* Separate username and hostname */ user = host; host = strrchr(host, '@'); if (host == NULL) { host = user; user = NULL; } else { *host++ = '\0'; if (*user == '\0') user = NULL; } cmd = smalloc(4*strlen(src) + 100); strcpy(cmd, "ls -la '"); p = cmd + strlen(cmd); for (q = src; *q; q++) { if (*q == '\'') { *p++ = '\''; *p++ = '\\'; *p++ = '\''; *p++ = '\''; } else { *p++ = *q; } } *p++ = '\''; *p = '\0'; do_cmd(host, user, cmd); sfree(cmd); while (ssh_scp_recv(&c, 1) > 0) tell_char(stdout, c); } /* * Initialize the Win$ock driver. */ static void init_winsock(void) { WORD winsock_ver; WSADATA wsadata; winsock_ver = MAKEWORD(1, 1); if (WSAStartup(winsock_ver, &wsadata)) bump("Unable to initialise WinSock"); if (LOBYTE(wsadata.wVersion) != 1 || HIBYTE(wsadata.wVersion) != 1) bump("WinSock version is incompatible with 1.1"); } /* * Short description of parameters. */ static void usage(void) { printf("PuTTY Secure Copy client\n"); printf("%s\n", ver); printf("Usage: pscp [options] [user@]host:source target\n"); printf(" pscp [options] source [source...] [user@]host:target\n"); printf(" pscp [options] -ls user@host:filespec\n"); printf("Options:\n"); printf(" -p preserve file attributes\n"); printf(" -q quiet, don't show statistics\n"); printf(" -r copy directories recursively\n"); printf(" -v show verbose messages\n"); printf(" -P port connect to specified port\n"); printf(" -pw passw login with specified password\n"); /* GUI Adaptation - Sept 2000 */ printf(" -gui hWnd GUI mode with the windows handle for receiving messages\n"); exit(1); } /* * Main program (no, really?) */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; int list = 0; default_protocol = PROT_TELNET; flags = FLAG_STDERR; ssh_get_password = &get_password; init_winsock(); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (argv[i][0] != '-') break; if (strcmp(argv[i], "-v") == 0) verbose = 1, flags |= FLAG_VERBOSE; else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-r") == 0) recursive = 1; else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-p") == 0) preserve = 1; else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-q") == 0) statistics = 0; else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "-?") == 0) usage(); else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-P") == 0 && i+1 < argc) portnumber = atoi(argv[++i]); else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-pw") == 0 && i+1 < argc) password = argv[++i]; else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-gui") == 0 && i+1 < argc) { gui_hwnd = argv[++i]; gui_mode = 1; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-ls") == 0) list = 1; else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--") == 0) { i++; break; } else usage(); } argc -= i; argv += i; if (list) { if (argc != 1) usage(); get_dir_list(argc, argv); } else { if (argc < 2) usage(); if (argc > 2) targetshouldbedirectory = 1; if (colon(argv[argc-1]) != NULL) toremote(argc, argv); else tolocal(argc, argv); } if (connection_open) { char ch; ssh_scp_send_eof(); ssh_scp_recv(&ch, 1); } WSACleanup(); random_save_seed(); /* GUI Adaptation - August 2000 */ if (gui_mode) { unsigned int msg_id = WM_RET_ERR_CNT; if (list) msg_id = WM_LS_RET_ERR_CNT; while (!PostMessage( (HWND)atoi(gui_hwnd), msg_id, (WPARAM)errs, 0/*lParam*/ ) ) SleepEx(1000,TRUE); } return (errs == 0 ? 0 : 1); } /* end */