 * PuTTY memory-handling header.


#include <stddef.h>		       /* for size_t */
#include <string.h>		       /* for memcpy() */

/* #define MALLOC_LOG  do this if you suspect putty of leaking memory */
#define smalloc(z) (mlog(__FILE__,__LINE__), safemalloc(z))
#define srealloc(y,z) (mlog(__FILE__,__LINE__), saferealloc(y,z))
#define sfree(z) (mlog(__FILE__,__LINE__), safefree(z))
void mlog(char *, int);
#define smalloc safemalloc
#define srealloc saferealloc
#define sfree safefree

void *safemalloc(size_t);
void *saferealloc(void *, size_t);
void safefree(void *);

 * Direct use of smalloc within the code should be avoided where
 * possible, in favour of these type-casting macros which ensure
 * you don't mistakenly allocate enough space for one sort of
 * structure and assign it to a different sort of pointer.
#define snew(type) ((type *)smalloc(sizeof(type)))
#define snewn(n, type) ((type *)smalloc((n)*sizeof(type)))
#define sresize(ptr, n, type) ((type *)srealloc(ptr, (n)*sizeof(type)))
